The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 27, 1889, Image 1

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NO. I.
The Oregon Scout,
An Independent weekly Journal, issued ev
ery Thursday morntni by
Publishers nnd Proprietors.
A. K. Junks, I 1 15. Chaxct.y,
Editor, f l Foreman.
One copy, one year $1.50
" " Six inontlis 1.00
" Three inontos ""
Invariably Cnsb In Advance.
If by chance subscriptions arc not paid till
end of year, two dollars will be charged.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. UStTOorrespondencc from nil parts of the
country solicited.
Adrcss all communications to the Onr.uox
Scout, Union Oregon.
R. Eakin,
J. A. Eakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
JSTPrompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
tics. Otlice, two doors south of post-otlicc,
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Oflice. one door outh of J. 1J. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
p II. DAY, 21. D
Physician and Surgeon.
Otlice adjoining Jones I?ro's store. Can
be found nights at residence in South
west I'nion.
J. AV. Siir.LTO.v. J. M. CAitnoi.L.
Attorneys at Law.
Oflice : Two doors south of post-oilice, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Otlice, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. L. DANFOUTII, M.D.,
Physician ami Surg1 n
North Powder, Oregon.
I) I 8 K A R K K O V W O M i: X A K V 11 0 I A L T V.
Calls attended to at all hours.
A. L. SAYLOR, M. D.,
. Physician and Surgeon,
North Powder, Oregon.
Has permanently located and will attend
all professional calls day or niglit.
Oflice: Drug store building: residence,
one door west ot uougcrs' noiei.
W. KIM 11 U ELL,
County Surveyor,
And Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor,
North Powder, Oregon
U. F. Wilson.
Notary Public.
A. J. Hackett,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law.
Collections and all other business entrus
ted tons will receive prompt attention.
A complete abstract of tho land of Uliion
countv in our otlice,
Managers of the UNION I IE A L ESTATE
Attorney at Law,
Cornucopia. Oregon.
T rind Kudnpcc Prnmntlv Attfln.
ded to More the U. b. unices.
gjMlnlng cluims bought and sold on
commission. Mines examined and repor
ted upon.
17 -s t tv t mmm
La Grande, Oregon.
iWill visit Union regularly on tho
first Monday of each month.
gJdiGuiis, Ammuntiion, Field Glasses, F
Homo's KpRtilnr MtulKi't of Interesting
I.oi nl s'tr.
Mcrritt Wilkinson is hauling lumber
, to build a now house.
J Mr. Alfred Minnick caught a huge
' b'.nck lear in one of his steel traps,
i lie gave up a splendid pelt.
Some of our fanners are cutting
their grain for hay. The dry weather
made it a failure to utilize for any
thing else.
A single state of tho American un
ion is live times larger than England.
Tho little island gets our commerce.
Put on some more tariff.
Should you meet a person whose
shoes are worn on tho toes you may put
it down as a certainty that he spends ns
he goes. And by the same authority it is
said that a girl that has her shoes worn
on tho side is surely fated to be a rich
man's bride.
It goes indispulcd that all men have
to die. It is the natural consequence
of being bom. We arc thrown into
this world of sin without being con
sulted, or having tho least chance to
select our parents, and when the -rim
King of Terrors gathers us into tho
final round-up wo are allowed no lib
erty in selecting the time and place, or
tho disease that ;shall carry us off.
True, a man is allowed to shorten his
career by the use of cigarettes or the
slower means of liquor, but the ordi
nary citizen has no more to say about
giving up his life than ho had in tak
ing it up. Many a philosopher with
a large bump of self-esteem, who felt
called upon to do tho thinking of tho
world, has figured it out that life is
not worth living: under any possible
circumstances. Yet they, in common
with us, all have hated to give it up.
For six thousand years death, the king
of kings, has reigned supreme and his
grip is as firm as ever, despite the re
markable cures effected by patent
medicines and faith euro doctors.
Many are the devices that have been
suggested to rob him of his terrors.
Tho soldier on the field of glory, the
man who has been appointed judge at
a baby show, tho woman who can't
have a new bonnet every six months,
the citizen who is called upon to be
come the father of triplets, men who
take their meals at a restaurant, all
these do not look upon death as such
a calamity. The disappointed lover
and tho defeated candidate also look
upon death as a boon. Hut perhaps
tho most subtle scheme to rob tho told
tyrant of his terrors is to join a anutual
life insurance society. Hero you liavo
death as a source, of pleasure and prof
it combined. A tender solicitudo for
his family and the thought of what a
figure his wife would cut as a ricli wid
ow, with all the dudes in town run
ning after her, will make most men at
sonio period in their lives join one or
more of theso benevolent institutions,
A hog could not ask for more.
Eusin, Oregon, Juno 12, 1889.
EmTOKOiiKaoN Scout:
I wish to correct u little misunder
standing with most of. the citizens and
taxpayers of Union county in regard to
tho subsidy now being raised in Walla
Walla. Most of our citizens think that
if Hunt gets tfSSO.OOO from Walla Walla
county tho road will bo built to Union.
Hut they are mistaken. Hunt only
agrees to make Walla Walla a center
of all tho roads built by him in Eastern
Oregon or Washington. That does
not say that ho will build tho Union
county branch. So if our citizens and
taxpayers want.tho Hunt railroad they
had hotter get in and dig.
Yours trulv,
A Safit InveKtiiiuiit.
Is ono which in guaranteed 'to bring you
satisfactory results, or in case of failure a
return of purchase price. On this safe plan
you can buy from our advertised druggists
a bottle of Dr. King's Now Discovery for
Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring
relief in every case, when used for any af
fection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as
Consumption, In amntion of iingi, Iirou-
chltts, Asthma. Whooping Cough, Croup,
etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to taste,
perfectly safe, unit can always be depended
upon. Trial bottles free at It. II. Ilrowu'
drug itoro. Union, Oregon,
Thk Scout is just tho pujxjr to send
oabt to your frionds. Try it.
A Visit to the Placers in the
"Blue Bucket" Region.
Shipment of Sulphurets Mention of Var
ious Mines -Xcw Arrivals.
Juno 30, 1SS1).
EniTou Oi:i:ciox Scout:
Mr. Sullivan came in Thursday
from East Eagle and gives encouraging
word both from the ledges nnd placers.
There has been quito an influx of
miners during the past week, several of
whom came from Sparta. Mr. Sulli
van's mines still continue to look en
couraging, Mr. McCiee is at work on
assessments, and Aldersly is also being
represented on his property The dis
trict, or that portion of old Cornucopia
district, may yet develop into a second
Last Saturday Jesse Osborne, Clint.
Duffy and George Holies left for an ex
ploration around and beyond Han nor
Lake. Tho region is particularly des
ignated as the Hlue Hucket, which had
been previously visited and reported
to bo rich in placer. Tho point to
which the report directed them ends
on a small branch of tho lmnaha, but
after several days search they failed to
light on the place which answered tho
previously given description. The re
port upon which Mr. Osborne justified
the taking of the present trip, was
given by men who formerly worked
with success the old diggings on Tine
creek. It lies northeast from Cornu
copia. Failing to find tho promisee
land of gold, they turned their atten
tion to tho mines of fish located in tho
lmnaha, and Banner Lake. In tho
former Holies hooked a small trout
weighing, as it was guessed, by all
hands, seven or eight pounds, i say
guessed because he did not get near
enough to place his hands on it, for
with one frisk of its tail it left tho
surface for deep water, carrying hook
and lino and piseator Nimrod pros
pector into a cooling bath. Clint, did
a little better for ho landed two weigh
ing five pounds each. At the lake
they found the fish plenty and gamer,
but smaller and more gentle in their
habits. There is a project now in con
teniplation to raise tho water of Han
nor Lako by a four footjdam, by which
its waters will bo utilized for tho valley
below. Thus it goes. Oh, Utility, how
many crimes against nature aro com
mitted in thy name! Pleasure and
recreation must always yield to thee
The party struck tho Imnana about
fifty miles from its entranco to tho
Snake, and about twenty-five miles
from the Wallowa. Mr. Duify thinks
tho lmnaha is at about tho elevation
of Eagle or Pino valleys and is from
one-half to a milo wide, forming a
park for five miles up and down the
river. The soil is excellent and offers
homes for numerous families. Hero
is a field for tho countyyfathors to do
a littlo road building. Tho Wallowa
people already have a road to tho up
per lmnaha some distance above
where our party reached it. Thoy
wero all delighted with tho trip, the
county, and the prospects. Oregon is
scarcely prospected hardly explored,
nnd as yet is unsettled. As each new
valley is penetrated, new beauties aro
disclosed and the golden soil seems
begging and saying to man, "cemo
and plant me, dig mo, and I will givo
you of my wealth in abundance."
The party will make another effort to
find tho Hlue Bucket placers, as tho
evidenco of their existence is indisput
able. In fact, as I have before stated
in other letters to Tin: Scout, this is
tho center of a vast auriferous region,
and somo day n new Florence will ho
struck. Should the diggings prove
remunerative tho men can run tho
hi ice box, keeping time to tho tune of
"Patsy mind tho baby,
Patsy mind tho child,"
and "Tho green grass growH all
'round." From Mr. Osborne I have a
still more flattering account of the
lmnaha at tho point whero they
camped. He is anxious to repent tho
trip. Mr. Osborne's story of tho fertil
ity of the soil, and the general sur
roundings, given with all tho particu
fishing Tackle etc., at
larity of an old mountaineer, was so
attractive to ono of our citizens that
another visit with a view to permanent
settlement is fixed for tho near future.
This morning Morgan's six nnilo
team started for linker City with seventy-five
hundred pounds of sulphu
rets, for shipment to San Francisco for
reduction. The value of the sulphu
rets is variously estimated from one to
two hundred dollars per ton. This is
in addition to tho free gold caught on
the plates.
I'NION mini:.
Mr. Burdette was down from the
Union nnd reports that mine looking
better than ever. This mine lies west
of the Companion, and like that initio
! shows much free gold.
This is the property of a Portland
gentleman, Mr. Cohen, wholosnlo
liquor dealer in that city. Ho spent a
fow days in town last week and in
company with Robert Kelley visited
tho mine. Tho mine will bo thorough
ly explored this summer. It was ex
amined by Mr. Kollov, who, in addi
tion to being an old practical "pick
and shovel" miner, is highly educated,
and much of his life has been spent in
studying the phenomena of nature,
both of land and water.
N'I'W AltltlVALS.
Last Wednesday's stage brought us
an expert from Colorado Mr. John
Ruderborg, who has been looking
around tho hills, with what particular
object I do not know. 1 think from
his associations he is in the interest of
Portland capitalists. Ho likes the
outlook, and if loft to his own judg
ment he may induce somo ono to im
prove somo of tho properties which
have been called to his notice.
Mr. Lacousior, who was in town
about a month since, is reported to be
on his return. When ho left ho ex
pressed himself highly pleased with
tho district, and certainly every
chango which ho finds will bo for tho
better. Ho will find the various dis
trict groups improving under tho pick
and shovel, and tho people in general
moro hopeful. Mr. Davis is at work
on the Last Chance mill, but at what
timo it will bo running is still indef
inite. BAUDIN.
June 21, 1SS1).
Sunday school on Clover crook al
most every Sunday.
Georgo Ashby was visiting in this
vicinity last week.
Ed. Ashby has commonced tho sink
ing of a well on his premises.
The school still runs along smoothly
in this district, with an attendance of
ten pupils.
Grain, grass and hay havo suffered
from tilts dry weather and will not be
as good as last year.
Horn To tho wifo of W. H. Brad
ford on tho 20th of Juno, a daughter,
weight ton pounds.
A. Prescott was in North Powder on
tho 20th and reports things ail right
in Antelope valley.
Miss Libbio Ashby was visiting at S.
P. Cusick's on tho 20th and at Ed.
Ashby's on the 21st.
Clark Newman expects to connnonco
haying in a few days. Ho secured somo
of his help from here.
It goes against tho grain, a good hit
of the timo, for "Coyote" to como out
of tho rocks and crags this warm and
dry weather.
Tho place to find outside stock is
around tho watering places in tho heat
of tho day. About .'100 head visit tho
Jinimio creek spring daily.
Tho following-named persons wore
visiting at J. Bradford's residence on
tho 10th inst.: Mrs. B. Ashby and
daughter, Mrs. Thomuslorman, Mrs.
Ed. Ashbv and Mrs. S. F. Cusick.
A party consisting of A. T. Hewitt,
C. Hewitt, Ed. Ashby, Win. Ashby and
A. Clemens left on the 20th of this
month on u fishing and hunting excur
sion in tho vicinity of the North Pow
der lakes.
C. L. Caylor, tho llorist, living on
Clover crook, has improved his ilower
garden by putting up a ilug pole mid n
swing. Tho beautiful rosos and tho
magnificent shade trees attract tho at
tention of quite a number of all glauses
of visitors. COYOTE.
Greatly Reduced Pri
Interesting and Spicy Letter
From K. S. McComas.
Mac. Develops Extraordinary Ability as a
Spring Poet.
The fiattoring reception that my re
cent rambling correspondence elicited
at tho hands of your Summervillo
itemixer, induces nio this roasting, red
hot, "IordVday" afternoon, while all
, mound is still snvo an occasional snore,
! to spill some more pencil in order to
"draw feelingly nigh" and bring nio in
"close communion" with many old
time friends of the good "Auld lang
Hot. hotter, hottest, "hottcrn-L," is
j just about how hot it is at this time.
This is a hard cliinato to analyze, any-
way. 1 heard a follow say, a few mo
ments ago, in praising somo exploit of
of tho Cincinnati club, that one of tho
players "just froze to a red-hot ball."
This remnrk, properly interpreted,
shows up about what kind of n climate
Cincinnati has anyway.
I have been quite an admirer of tho
many really able poetio eiforts that 1
have from timo to timo read in Tin-:
Scout. Huffman has more poetry to
tho square inch than Joaquin Miller
had when 1 first knew him many
years ago. Minnick shows up well,
and 1 havo often imagined that T
could find traces of tho genuine stuff
after panning out somo of the tailings
that I havo supposed canio from the
Scout's editorial Fabcr. I propose
that the Scout hang a sort of a free for
all purse for the best poem on somo
grand theme that of itself should in
spire oven tho "soul of things." Take
somothing like "Spring." Havo you,
in all your editorial oxperionco, over
had any lines or odes on "Spring"
I'm in, and although I'm getting a lit
tlo old ami know that young blood
will tell, hero is my lay:
Nature's hallelujah 1
Robins, blue birds sing,
Had blood and bkin eruptions,
Et cetera spring.
Nature's resurrection,
All that sort of thing;
Kidneys out of order,
Dyspepsia spring.
Nature's now creation !
Songsters on the wing;
Doctors' bills darnution,
liflbter bonnets, etc. spring.
Nature's jubilation !
Let tho joy-bolls ring;
Use "Totom of Health" remedies,
From Medical lake spring.
Tinkle, tinkle, ting,
Tin tho supper bell's welcomo
Strawberries, cream and chicken
Betchcrlife 1 spring.
Well, I did not write you concerning
the Johnstown horror for tho reason
that it required volumes and tho pa
llors weie full of this awful calamity.
This wholesale devastation of property
and slaughter of innocent pcoplo I seo
has hud ono common tendency, and
that is to cause pooplo who harbor tho
theory of a personal, all-wise, omnipo
tent, omnipresent being, who "docth
his will among the armies of heaven
and Die inhabitants of tho earth" to
ask, like tlio old darkoy, "what foah?"
Last Sunday this "visitation of tho
awful power of divine providonco" was
made the especial theme of hundreds
of pulpits, and as many drummers, do
ing Inuiiicss for tho Father, Son & Co.,
oxpiesncd as many yaguo and nonsen
sical conclusions, none of which to my
clouded mental vision, wore entitled to
any more candid respect than is tho
beating of gongs and tho firing of
crackers indulged in by the mongol
ians to scare away tho "dcbblo." It is
fast becoming a woll-grotuidcd boliof
in the minds of thinking pcoplo that if
it bo true that the individual porsouul
ruler preside over tho destination and
things terrestial that it is a great cal
amity to tho people that tho term
could not be shortened to four years
and the choice bo left to tho pcoplo.
If such were the ousu the present occu
pant would get beautifully black
balled by the Johnstown survivors mid
would not run up with his ticket in
Si'iillb .
ces at A. Gardner '
That Seattle disaster, I am afraid,
will be a great damage to my old and
dear friends in Grande Hondo, for it
will cripple their ability to aid Mr.
Hunt; and on the effort of Mr. Hunt
depends the future prosperity of the
pcoplo east of the Blue mountains.
Seattle will soon recover, but her lib
eral, broad-minded, unconquerable
people will bo compelled to bo charit
able to themselves for a time at least,
but I shall hope for tho best, for George
Hunt is not a man that will bo put
down by anything but positive impos
sibilities. MAC.
An Iiiten-xtiiiK I.dttcr I'rom Our Uorh
Inr Ciirrioiultiit.
Juno 20, 1SS0.
Tho query on everybody's lips:
"When will it rain?"
Dr. Mason, of Wallowa county, was
in town a few days since with somo
fine horses for sale.
Tho kid band, composed of children
boys and girls, will probably play in
Union on the Fourth.
K. T. Poster is spending tho week
on the Sound, looking over tho finan
cial prospects of that country.
I Our accommodating butcher, Ed.
Robinson, now' disposes of two beeves
I weekly. Ho runs u wagon on tho Sand
! Kidge.
Tho summer term of select school
j taught by Miss Nellie Stevens closes
this week. Tho attendance has boon
about thirty.
James Crane received a painful cut
on tho wrist, last Monday, while chop
ping. Tho wound was sown up nnd is
doing well.
It is expected that the Cove-Union
and North Powder nines will contest
for tho baseball prize offered by Union
on tho Fourth.
Adam Crossnian, with workmen, is
repairing tho water power at tho tan
nory. A supply of bark is being con
veyed from the mountains.
Mooro's specialty company showed
to a small audieneo at Posters' hall on
Monday night. The Covo kid band
furnished tho street music for tho
Dr. Hardingo performed u neat op
eration last week in removing three
wens from Mr. Win. Hootho's head.
Thoy had been gradually increasing in
size for years.
Prank Nowcll is doing a good busi
enss in Whitewater, Wisconsin. Tho
factory, of which ho is superintendent
and part owner, receives over 12,000
pounds of milk daily.
Two coaches of gypsies remained
two nights with us this week. Thoy
dispensed lace and opened tho book of
the futuro for those who had doubts as
to their ultimate fate.
Tho moderatoly cool weather of tho
past fow days has been of great ben
efit to grain, but a drenching rain is
badly needed at onco. Unless it comes
tho crop will bo very short in many
A meeting of citizens has been
called for this eveniug, when it will bo
endeavored to make tho necessary ar
rangements for a liberty car, etc., to
join tho Union procession on tho
H. J. Baker and family, of Pino val
ley, visited at Mr. Phy's this week.
Mr. Baker is a brother-in-law of Mrs.
Phy. He reports that crops in Pino
valley are not suffering for tho want of
rain, a heavy shower having fallen
The strawherry season is about over.
Tho crop has been a largo ono nnd no
difficulty has been met with in dispos
ing of it. Cherries are ripo this week
and aro of fino flavor. Anyono want
ing a supply of tho fruit can obtain it
in any quantity.
Jako DoIIass and Geo. McDannell,
who havo been at work on tho Pendle
ton branch railroad, returned homo last
week. Thoy say tho road will bo com
pleted into Pendleton in a short time.
Judging from their description of tho
toil they havo undorgono in being un
der overbearing bosses, in dust kneo
deep and with u defective culinary de
partment, pitching liny is n Moonlight
ramble with a beautiful girl in a fairy
bower, with frco ico cream nnd straw
borrics under every bush, compared
with work on a railroad extension.
& Co's Jewelry Store.