The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 20, 1889, Image 8

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    l.iri'i.ui.o.'A rfc;-t
A Mining Camp that Gives Ex- j
cellent Promise.
Mention of the Principal Mines
Cracker Citv.
NoitTH Powiiijii, June 20, 188!).
EniToit Stout:
Jn ooinpany with ti friend ye corres
pondent left this place for u visit to
tho mines on Tuesday lust, via tho
North J'owder road over the moun
tains. Wo found a comparatively
goo 1 road for a mountain country us
fur a tho summit, for vehicles, hut it
could ho greatlv improved hy another
outlay of -$S00 or $100!). Tho con
tractor, .Mr. JJohier, surely earned the
amount paid him as is plainly obvi
ous in traveling over tho road. At tho
summit tho road divides, a trail only
leading down tho canyon to Cracker
City following hig Cr.ickcr creek all
tho way down some three mjlos. Tho
wagon road hero is continuous with a
partly gravel road to the Cahlo Covo
Komo' live miles. Wo followed this
grade and camo out at a mine called
Tin: ix'ii'uhoi.u
Little work has hocn done hero, yet J
prospects well, and tho owners aio I
sanguine of gold in paying quantities.
Wo were shown samples of oro taken
from this mino which wo were in
formed would pay $200 to tho ton,
besides some freo gold extracted from
the same that would almost confirm j by 1 1 iu finest fanning lands of any in
tho assertion. Just over tho divide j tho State, no valley or location exeept
aud adjoining on tho west sido is lo-1
catcd tho
(lltKY kaci.i:
Owned by Messrs. Young it Co., of
linker City. They have worked this
mine some six months and have tun
neled into tho mountain sido somo 220
feet. Have about -100 tons of ore on
tho dump which thoy estimate would
go .fiO to tho ton. Somo samples
rango as high as !f l00. Work is now
suspended, but preparations are being
made to rcsumo operations again tho
coming week.
cahm: covi:
Lies still further west near the head
waters of tho Powder rivor. No work
is being dono hero at present. From
this place a wagon road leads down
tho river and intersects with tho Baker
road at tho mouth of Cracker creek
where wo found a collection of a half
dozen houses all for rout or sale, with
tho exception of a hoarding houso tho
proprietor of which owns u mine in the
vicinity. IJourno City is tho cogno
men of this deserted village. Ono
niilo and a half up Cracker crook is
It contains a population of probably
300 or J00. 11ns threo business
houses of general merchandise, threo
good hotels, one chop liouso, yno com
pany boarding liouso, five snloona, 6no
barber, ono laundry, ono livery stable,
ouo lodging houso, a public hall and a
school liouso. Cracker City is a lively
thriving business place, a supply point
for the various mines in tho vicinity,
anil will eventually become a second
Leadillo should tho mines prove a
grand bucccsp.
Is loe.ited about half a niilo from tho
town above. Tho ledgo is some twelve
foot in width and tho initio lies on both
sides of tho creek, whil'J tho tunnel
penetrates tho mountains on each sido
on a level with tho creek bottom so
that the cars used in bringing ore to
tlte surface can bo utilized in either
drift, bL'ing on a continuous track.
Tho unfiling works will bo erected a
few hundred yards holow tho mine.
The Bunerintendeut now bus a force of
125 men in his employ engaged in ox-J
eavating for tho foundation which cov
ers a largo extent of ground. Tho mill
machinery is being hauled in from
linker and tho roads nro lined with
teams. It will require five or six
mouths time yet before tho mill will
bo ready to operate. In tho mean
time oio is being taken out and at this
time it is estimated enough is on the
dump for six mouths continuous work.
Altogether Cracker Creek mines is a
lively place at present and prospects
fair for a continuation of tho same.
Several parties from this placo design
emigrating to that region in tho near
future and it is hoped that fair fortune
may await them in tho undertaking,
Intereslliij,- Happi'iilng of tlio Wcvk
, T11I1I lu Spicy rni'HKI'niN.
Kiwashes in town with horses to
John Whitemoro, of Wallowa coun
ty, is visiting friends and relatives in
this locality,
ltoml work is all the go in this local
ity and well it should be, as the roads
1110 not in first-class condition.
Married. Somewhere in Idaho dur
ing the past week, Mr. W. II. llerry
and Miss Mnggio Williams, all of Hum
nieivillo. (Jeorgo Wior, traveling man for,
Stavcr it Walker, is in tho vicinity 1
looking after the interests of the house.
(Icorgo is a good salesman. j
Ed. EckUiy, of the Gazette, was in i
'own dining tho week. Ed. is one of I
rnj,0.v" w,u' 1't!'' 'dl feel happy 1
'.ho comes, Conie again.
cry "'l,rVl,v0f8 "f" l,ow camped
-ituru-r an,i wijl soon be in
comes og Oi. ,m m lmhl (;omo
to iU fi?.f tjjjynill which will give
Judge Goodnll pivo us :i pleiiGiuit ,
cnll miring tlio past week. Miy wnsu
you please of tho Judge, but one tiling
is certain, ho in looking after tlio inter-
"J; "f itthtJ ,ax-m-V0,B ,l,ul (lo,1,t you
Tho authorities nro on to tho young
mini who mutilated tho fresh painted
school house mm unless ho conies for
ward and iinikes iiniendH ho will ho
put, through at tho next hitting of
grand jury.
(icoico 'Pa Hon has bought, of 1)
Summer, and moved into tho house
occupied hy Air. rugate. CoiiFidnn-j
tion not known. H i a lino property
and (Icorgo has done well in buying it
at any price.
Jimmy Cutter and J. O. Smith, of
Island City, weio in town, Sunday,
and whilod away several happy hours.
J. (). is agent for the celebrated Me
Itue stacker and is finding quite .i
good sale for his goods.
Justus Wude will sell at public auc
tion in Sunimerville, Saturday, June
2!Hh, twenty-live head of good Ameri
can horses of all classes and fifteen
head of good cattle, some graded stock.
Terms of sale one year's time.
Our school will eloso in a few days
when the little ones can have a rest
and tho teacher, Miss Thornton, can
while away a month or so before she
commences our Fall school. Tho lady
has given entire satisfaction and has
the icspcct of all her patrons.
Mr. W. W. White, representing the
Pacific Express of Portland, is now in
our town, writing up the country. It
is to be hojied that it may ho shown
that there is more than one town in
our county and wo can establish tho
fact that Sunimerville is surrounded
Mr. Crcgo met with an accident at
Oliver's saw mill tho other day. lie
was running tho edger and by acci
dent ono of his hands camo in contact
with tho saw and was lascerated in a
fearful manner which necessitated tho
amputation of ono linger, which was
skillfully dono by Dr. KirehoH'er. a
rising young physician of this place.
At present the patient is doing (inc.
It is to ho hoped that the young man
may soon recover the uso of his hand
as ho is a very hard working and up
right boy.
Messrs. Dovino and Ilud'ninn, of
Enterprise, will, in a short time, begin
tho publication of a newspaper in our
burg. We hope that tho gentlemen
may meet with the encouragement
j thev deserve from our business men
and tho surrounding country. As wo
have said before there is no hotter field
for a .country newspaper than Sum
nierville, and should tho boys give tho
people a Jivo journal thoy will, instead
of receiving rtttubuggas for their pay,
as has been intimated by ono of this
place, make money and plenty of it.
Welcome gentlomon,
Jhvh of the 'i);lt r. Niitcit by
Iti'Kiilar (.'ori'UNiioiiilent.
Juno 20, 1881).
Mr. McICuno, contractor 011 stago
route from linker City to Cracker
creek, is in town.
Cupt. Jarvis, of "(V company, Cen
terville, is hero in tho interests of a
Life Insuianeo Company.
Wobt. Lloyd will move to tho mines
about the first of next mouth, where
ho goes as a carpenter.
Pom. Wednesday, Juno 12th, lo
tho wife of Henry (lorhain, of North
Powder, a daughter.
E. Whitehead, who shot himself last
week, goes to La Grande to-day to
place himself in tho bauds of a physi
cian and surgeon.
A CASG of malignant diphtheria i
reported near town. Jtigid quarantine
should bo enforced,
Ed. (Minnies bus about recovered
from his enforced ride of a few days
since and is at work again.
"1C" company, us well as all other
companies in tho regiment, will soon
receive now guns.
Mr. Pearson and family are prepar
ing to move hack to Morrow county.
Thoy leave tho latter part of the week.
It is reported that Mr. Vonablo will
take a position, soon, as clerk for
Messrs. (Sorham it Kothehild. A wiso
Mr.'Traey Davidson is agitating tho
erection of a creamery at this place.
A good inovo lor farmers.
It only costs one dollar to have a
first-class lie published about ono's-self
in mushroom journals.
"Iv" company has been assigned a
place in the parade at linker 011 tho
Ith, but have not accepted it yet.
Mrs. I''arsoy, wifo of tho well known
butcher here, is dangerously ill at hor
homo in Seattle, W. T.
Tlio North Powder baseball club
havo improved their grounds of late
and moot for practice now.
Thv Vnritlrt Uliniiliiiuim.
V. 1). Suit, druggist, Blppus, lnd., tosti
lies; "1 can recommend Electrlo Bitters n
lliuvery best remedy. Every bottle sold
has given relief in every case. man
took six bottles and was cured of lthuuma
tlsni of 10 years' stainllng." "Tho bust
selling nicdichio I havo ever handled in my
20 years' experience, Is Electric Bitters."
Thousands of others have added their testi
mony, so that thy verdict Is unanimous
that Electric Bitters tin cure all diseases of
tho Liver. Kldnev or Blood, vjnlv 11 half '
dollar a bottle at Brown's ih ttif store.
Tut: Scour is just tho paper to send
oast to your friends, Try it.
Tr'at lli Xouroiuer JtiRlit.
Several . of our cotpmporarim 1
throughout tho stale nre Hi'.-nr si imhi-
..i.i ..Tt ,.:.. t ,.,.,t.,. i i
nblc advice to their render., k lul . to,
llieir social treatment ot new-comcn
seeking hoines iiinong us. Wo lier
fte-tptont complainte, from persons who
Inivo proven thenistlvew worthy of
1 ia-'f1iafwtri 1 1 inannn(llfHL'niti i rit
j ((J iMb VftoV jn rCM'nt vcai!of ,ho
j ultl.r iI1(ifrm.nco am nj,atl.y mani
fested hy a grout many of tin- old set
tlers (o those who were so unfortunate
as no
to ho pionecis f hi'niselvos.
Surlv or contentious conduct we rare
ly hear of among the pioncra toward
recent arrivals, and when chnnco
thiows tlio hitler directly upon the
hospitality of the old Oregoniun hois
never lacking in the art of entertain
niont; but many have found to their
soriow that tho whI"-sou!ed Jiost or
hostess can ho as cold, rcp.'lluut, dis
tant and indifferent a neighbor as over
went through the form of exchanging
greetings. A due amount of care and
-caution in receiving ft ranger into a
neighborhood is not only expedient
but commendable, but it is unchris
tian and inhuman to live within a
a stone's-throuaf the stranger, who in
nine cases outpf ten boasts of being
descended fdPm pioneers of the older
states, uiirMuil to show interest enough
in the wwfuro of himself or family to
even impure his 11111110 for months
and oven years after his arrival.
Such a courio would breed discontent
and dissatisfaction even in paradise.
To a high-spirited American who fools
the pride of his nativity, this kind of
treatment is more galling than posi
tive suspicion or repulsion, anil yet
there are some neighborhoods in tho
country where this course is systemat
ically pursued. Fortunately there are
othor sections where the considerate
pioneers extend the right hand of fel
lowship to worthy immigrants, and
cordially weleotuo them to a sharo in
their rhurch, school and social privi
leges, and it is in such neighborhoods
we shall sec tho highest development
in material progics and happiness.
There was a time when our own pio
reers would have been glad to receive
such kindlv attentions, and the bos- 1 piers, abutments and approaches; or of one
tilitvof tho savage Indians was not 1 -"Pa" ,,f, tlV() hundred feet, with tho neecs
more discouraging to then, than is I &ifttM .ffl.
their own nidillerence to the ilium- lieations and strain sheet, furnished by the
irrunt of the niescnt day when estab- biihier. and with a .certified check in the
lisbiiif bis fiit.iiro home. Evorv immi- I
c -
grant who locates among us becomes
an integral part of our society; and
society is good or bad as contentment
or disaffection prevails among its
members. Ex.
A J'erslitenl Spllcltntlon.
If you advertise at all, advertise in
somo newspaper. You may get out
all the circulars you please, and dis
tribute them as you will, but people
won't read them ; you can find them
scattered under foot everywhere, but if
you advertfso in a newspaper it does
work in places you le:'.t thought of.
A newspaper may bo glanced over and
thrown aside, hut someone else picks
it up and there your "ad'' looks at the
remit r straight in the face. It is con
tinually "bobbing up serenely" in the
oucerest out-of-tho-VM-v 1 daces itmini- !
liable; the housewife puts hor hus
band's lunch in it, and he reads whilo
he eats, and perhaps your "ad" will
interest him for some particular
reason. Newspapers are used for vari
ous purposes, packages arc wrapped in
them and they travel from ono houso
lo another, each time being more
critically scanned ; they nro utilized
on pantry shelves, and even the walls
of the house arc lined with them and
tlk'y nro used in a hundred and one
different ways and forever staring at
ono is tlio persistent advertisement;
you must read it, it commands your
earnest attention ; you seo the forma
tion of tho words, the letters, the Jiian
nor of spelling, ifco., until at last you
have it, like a school lesson. And
when anything is needed in tho line,
yom thoughts immediately follow
your well known "ad." and you can
go and see tho man who oilers you
rare inducements. Itomo was not
built in a day, neithor do business men
get rich from the profits of ono week
or one month's advertising. It is tlio
constant dropping of water that wears
away the hardest stone; and it is the
persistent advertiser that reaps the
golden harvest. Portland C01nmorci.1l
. . . tJ t
l-ANii Oinci; at Li (iuAXni:, Or.naox.l
Juno 11, ls8!l. 1
Notice U hereby idven that the following
named settler has llleil notice of his inten
tion to make limd proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tho register and receiver at ha Orande,
Oregon, on July 21, ISM), viz:'
lid. No, :i77i, for thoNH SEJ, SF.! SEW
Sec. iM and SVK SWW See. .15, Tp, 7S, It.
4 1 13.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said laud, viz:
F. M. Dean, ti. V. Mathls, Ilnner Leo
and Dunham Wright, all of Medical
, Springs, Oregon.
Any person ho desires to protest against
tho allowance of Mich proof, or who knows
! of any substantial reason, under tho law
j and regulations of the Interior Depart mem,
why such proof should not bo allowed, will
bo given an opportunity at the above men-
uoueii nine nun limeo to cross examine tnu
wit missus of said claimant, and to offer
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by
HllNKV Itl.NKIlAlir,
O-SO-wU Uegi-tsr.
Notice of I'lnnl SKttlpiiiKiit.
In tho County Court of Union County,
State of Oregon.
1 the undersigned hat tiled hi thud re
port an Administrator of the e.tatw of J . N.
Doiiliell, tlceotiseil, in the above entiled
I'ourt. unil that Tncduv. the Mml ilav of
July, llsS!), has been appointed for hearing
oiuueiioiw 10 1110 t no. Ait ponwn iiuvuig
I iiuj iMijm nun" 111 1110 uiiutii ill auui iif-
! port nro rpiird to pront tho anuie 011 or
! imforo snid day.
Administrator of the estntc of J. N. Don
nell, din cased.
In tho Circuit court of the .State of Oregon.
ft'rl,,l,,t'" '"oii'ity. . . , ., ,
t he Hoard of Commissioner for the sale
of .,10),, ., im. vmslt v Lands ami for
i the Investment of tin- funds arising there
front, of tlic State of Oregon, Plaintiffs,
S. A. Mahuffey. Mnrtlin 13. Mnliaffey and
.loliu S. l!ny. Defendant.
To Jt'ti.v 8. Bay. Tiin Anovr. Xmi:i Dn-
FX Tin; n'ajik or the state or
1. Oregon, von are herehv required to in-
lioarano n ii'.ver t'te i"iu:i;'i:ii men avaiu-i
you if. the ciM'i it court mid stilt
on or bfto'-e the 2 !1 ''tiv o: Seiitcnilior. A
1). 18-", the mimic lc 'ii? the lir-t day of a
reL'iiliir term of the i- entitled court.
uummenciiiK next niter the expiration of
six weeks fr.nn tin (lulu oi tlic nuuli- 1
cation of this atimmon,. al.d it you fail so
siiin of each, and interest thereon
fiom April I'-Jnil, A. 1). l.VTSatthc rate of
t'ii percent, ptr aiiiiuin., and for a sale of
said premise, to satisfy the suins due on
said notes, and co-its and' disbursements of
this- suit, said notes and mortgage being
now owned bv the plaintiff herein, and
to also ascertain anil determine your in
terest unit rights in said premises as judg
ment creditor of the defendant S. A. Ma
hnfFev. and that you may be forever barred
of all right, title and interest in or to said
premises and every part thereof, and tor
trenor-il relief
1 Ills summons is published by order of
the Hon.. Initios A. Fee, judge of the above
entitled circuit emirt. made at chambers
and dated April tub A. I). 18.!l.
t-2."i-w" Attorney for Plaintiffs.
J3otieo to Bvidjre Builders.
1 IS the county courts of Union and Wal
1 Iowa counties, state of Oregon, will, up to
! 1 o'clock p. m. on July t!(), IH'.t, at the coun
i tv clerk's oflico in Union, Union county,
I Oregon, icceive sealed proposals for the
I construction of a bridge across the "Wnl
I Iowa river at or near tlio present bridge
I aeross said stream, on the countv road
! leading from Elgin, in Union county, to
i i'.nterprie, 111 .wniiowa county, sain
I bridge will consist of two spansof about one
. liumhed feet eneh. with the neeessarv
amount of live per eciit.of Ids bid,
guaranty that tho bidder will enter into
contract if the award is made to him.
The county courts reserve the right to re
ject any and all bids.
County Judge of Union countv, State of
Oregon. T. 11. VEASY,
County Judge of. Wallowa county, State of
Oregon. (Mu
In the circuit court of tho State of Oregon,
for Union countv.
Thomas 15. Hart, Plaintill-,
Sarah E. Hart, Defendant.,
To Sauaii E. ILwrr, Tin: Anovr. Namud
.1. Oregon, yon are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled against
vou In tlic above entitled suitand court, on
or before the first day of tho next regular
On the i'h-d day of September A. D". 1SH),
lerin 01 1110 uuove ciiiuieu uuiiii, in mi.
ami if you fail so to answer, tlio p ain tift
.fill urn. i ti tlm nnurf Ijll' Mm rtllnt lln-
liiandcd in the complaint, which Is for n
dissolution of the marriage contract now
existing between you and tlio plaintiff
and for general relief. And you will take
notice that this summons is published by
order of the lion. James A. Fee, judge of
said above circuit court, niado and dated
at chambers op the Mtlt dav of March A.
1-25-w" Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tintbur T.nml
Act, Juno II, 187B,- 3fo
for I'uMli'Utltm.
United States' band Otllce, I
La (irando, Oregon, June 10, 1SS0.1
1 in compliance with tho provisions of
the act of congress of .Milled, 187rf, entitled,
"Aa act for the sale of timber lands in the
states of California, Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington territory,1'
Mi:ui:irr E. Wilkinson,
ot Union, countv of Union, Stnto of Ore
gon, lias this day tiled In this oflico his
sworn statement No. Ill), for tlio purchase
of the SE1,' of Section (i. in Township No.
t S, Kange No, 11 East, and will offer proof
to show- that thohind sought is more valua
ble for its timber or stone than for agricul
tural purposes, and to establish bis claim
to said laud before the register and recei
ver of tills otllce at La O-aiide. Oregon, on
Saturday, the 7th day of September. 18S!.
Ho niinu s as witnesses: Bernard Logs
don. J. W. Minnick. It. V. Davis and U.
W. Bates, all of I'nlon, Oregon.
Anv and all persons claiming adversely
tho above-described lands are requested to
lllo their claims in this otllce on or before
said 7th day of September, ls'S).
O-Bl-wlO ltegister.
Notice 11 f l'lnnl Sultlement.
In the County Court within and for Union
county, Oregon
In the matter of tho Es
tato of W. It. Martin
1 niwiit.nil
1 Lucy J. Martin, tho Administratrix
of the Estate of W. H. Martin, Deceased,
I has rendered and presented for settlement
! and llled in said Courtlier Until account of
I her administration of snid Estate, and that
I TUESDAY, tho second day of JULY, 1SS9,
has been duly appointed by said court ior
tlte settlement of said account, at which
time and place any person interested in
said Estate may appear and tile exceptions
and objections thereto, and contest tho
This notice is inailo and published by or
der of the Countv Court aforesaid, made
and dated the lltl't day of March, A. D. lSSJ).
Administratrix of tho Estate of W. H.
Martin, deceased. fi-fW
Notice of l'tnal Suttlcincnt.
In tho County Court of the State of Oregon
for the County ot Union.
1 the undersigned has llled her final re
port asadiniiiislr.itrix of the estate of Peter
Brugger, deceased, in tlic above entitled
court, and that TUESDAY, the 2d day of
JULY. ISM), has been appointed forbearing
objections to the aine. All person, b.iving
any objections to tho approval ot suid re
port are requirod to present tho same on or
before wild day.
Adiniuistratrntrlx of the Estate of Peter
Brugger, Dectxiscd.
1 10 answer. ior w.1111 incrcoi t 0 minimus 1
will ai.plv to thecourt for Mio relief deman- latnctte mem .ail, nun o mimy u
led in sa d eomi.liiint. to-wit: For a dc- . gage hereon in fnvor of the t 'Otcam
1 cren foivelMsh.;,' a certain mortgage given ! or date May 1, is, for the Mun of 0 1 J.I.
t, . . . 4 1 n . n . 1 . tvltfnli mrirtrrnfri tvtw Hvn fill IllO WflOlt! OI
State of Oregon, covering the SEK of tho ! the following described tract, 'j5 E;uk4 S!oC')iiv-Cars 1!
.... . i.r ....... . i.iintliii'1'st iniiirOir mill Mm sollt hwest niliir : " '"'''I' ' i"" ' "
-n.'k 'w.Wuidon thesomlleasupnirterof secUon J, 'and j . Trams
of Oregon, given to secure two certain "rth lwilf oft he mirthcast c uai ter o c- , 3 A
j.rotn s iry notes given by said S. A. JIa- ! " . 1 1 ' fi of Oit HPsVKH
mffev to the sii.l State of Orciion for the ! tllt! Willamette meridian, and the sum of MD Ij G I iL.
In the County Court for the County ot Un
ion, State of Oregon.
In the matter of the 13s-1 , ,
tuto of Thomas Cul- Citation.
ver, Deceased. )
To .Mary A. Culver and lierthn Culver,
heirs at law of Thomas Culver, deceased,
.1 Olefin, You are hereby cited and re
quired to appear in tlic Comity Court : if
the Stnto ol Orerun. for tin dainty of I li
imi, at tin" conit room thereof, a: I ninii m
. v V , . ..A.,. . , i i7,i. n... fn....
! day of Jitiy, 1HMI, at t V.1.0 aiV.w
t I in i i in ii r v i ii i ii li til mi .11 1 im in I . i hi; m -'-
noim of tlmt. ilnv then and there to sli'iv."
euuse. if uiiv von have, why nn ordj-r
should not bo trr.inted to D. b. Carroll,
Administrator of snid et.ite, to redeem the
lands describee" as follows: Tnc north half
voi uie iioriiionqiinrioroi mcuuii ..,
rii 1 ji t nuiuiit k t' t'j - . - . .
lnonov now due Krcil iodine, on aC'
count of the payment of said mort
gage by said Nodinc, Amounting
to the sum oflO'i OS. Hit shall then ap
pear that such redemption would be for
the interest of said estate and not preju
dicial to the creditors thereof, or that if
such redemption be deemed not proper, or
inexpedient, why this court should not
order said lands sold in the manner and
with like effect as is provided in other cas
es of sale of real estate.
.. ""cs? tlio ilon. 0.1 on'V"8?'
Witness the Hon. O. P.Ooodall, Judge of
tne i ouiity l ourt. ot ine Mate 01 ureon.
for the Countv of Union, witlt the seal of
said Court ntllxcd, this 2!)th day of May,
18M). Atti:st: A. T. NEILL,
By Omvbii, Clerk,
o-:;0 Deputy. fsr..i,.l
Land Oi i ici: at La Giiamih. OitF.oox,!
May 7. 1889. )'
Notice is liereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of
their claims, and that said proof will be
made before the register and receiver at La
Grande, Oregon, on June 2j, 1SSU, viz: F. Buchanan,
Hd. No. :
and -1 See.
17 E.
2710, for the NEqr SWqr. Lots .1
7 and Lot 1 Sec. IS, Tp. S S, R
Ansox R. CmtUY
lid. No. 2.-M7. for the NE qr 'E qr Sec. 9,
Tp. 8 S, R 10 E, W. M.
Join. Hkwitt.
Hd. No 3252, for
the SWqr SEqr, SEqr
NWqr Nl'lqr and NEqr
HWnrSoc. I and rWur M'.oi
iN V(r bee. u, ip. a b. k Hi 1;, v. ai., atut
Louis out,
Hd. No. 2."(i, for the EJ4 SEqr and SK
NEqr Sec. !). Tp. 8 S. R Hi 13, W. M.
They name the following witnesses to
prove "their continuous residence upon and
cultivation of. said land, viz:
W. K Buchanan, Anson R. Curry, Joel
Hewitt, Charles L. Fee. Charles Stewart
and J. C. Brooks, all of Tine valley, Union
county, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the lay,'
and regulations of ilie Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not bo al
lowed, will he given nn opportunity,
at the above mentioned time and place to
cross-examine the witnesses of said claini
ant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
5-2C-W0 Register.
Land Orncn at La Graxdi:, Ottnoox.)
May 8, 180.
Notice is liereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will bo niado be
fore tlio register and receiver at Ln Grande,
Oregon, on June 20, 18S9, viz:
Hunjamix F. Fr.WKL,
D. S. No. 7811, for the NEK NWJ4 and W'y.
NEK Sec. 2-i and SE SWK Sec. 21, Tp. 7
S, R45E, W. M.
He names tlte following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
AVolloco Boyles, of Medical Springs; G.
T. Perry of New Bridge; N. Holey of Cor
nucopia; Thomas Carson of Half "Way;
Union county, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest ngninst
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and tho regulations of the Interior Depart
ment why such proof should not be allowed
will be given an opportunity at the above
mentioned time and placo to ctos-e.-aniiuo
tlio witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
IlKXltY Rixint.vitT,
.r)-l(i-wO Register.
Lanii Okfick at L.v Gkanue, Ounoox,)
May 15, 18s-!). f
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settler has tiled notico of his intcn
tion to make thud proof in support of his
.1..1 1 .I.... : 1 f ...111 1' ;
ei.uiMi ami nun. sani iioui win lie mane nu
fore tlio register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on July 11, 188!). viz.: II. PouTint,
D. S. No. SOW, for the lots 1 and 2. and EJS
NW ipiarter Section .11, Tp, 4 S, R 41 13.
Ho names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: G. V. Sim
mons, Alex Cockral, G. W. Ames and M. I'.
Ames, all of Union, Oregon.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under tho law
and regulations of the interior department,
why such proof should not bo allowed, will
bo given an opportunity nt the above men
tioned time and placo to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. HENRY KIN EH ART,
5-2J-ilw Register.
Land Ofiici: at La Guaxdi: OitEfiox,)
Mav 7. lssil. 1
Notice Is liereby given that the following
niiincd settler has tiled notico of his lt-Ji
tenuous to make final proof in support "l
his claims, and that said proof will li
made before the register and receiver at H
Grande, Oregon, 011 June 21. lsoO. viz: I
i 1
Gnokiii: N. Uachiiek, ' I
H. 1). No. .1900. for tho lots 1, 2 and 3 ol
SEW NW'W Sec. 18. Tp. I S, R 41 E.
He names the following witnesses
prove bis continuous residence upon an
cultivation ot said land, viz:
Nathan Swiger. Wado Shelton. O. L.Sap
anil William MviKor, nil of Union, Urecoi
AllV tiersilll Willi lllwtriiu tutirnr.iyl llf.'lltl-
the allowance of such proof, or who know under the law an
the regulations of tho Interior Dunarttnentl
w hy such proof should not be allowed, willj
oc given an opportunity nt the above incnj
iiiiiu'u uiiiu aim tnuoe to croas-oxaintne in
witnesses of sntil olalinunts, nnd to ottt
uviiteuco 111 ronuuai 01 tttnt submlttCMl
HnxitY UiNHiiAirr,
fidd-wO Ijcgutor,
:J .mvc tnd (li'p.irt fn
J d. iilv, a follows:
in Union
wi - l r ifM).
Pas' erorer. No. 3, L've
at 1 :;S'jp. in.
Freight No. 7, L'vo
at 11:20 p. 111.
ni a. 1 1.
Freight, s'li. 8, Ive
at a. m.
TTrJvlrQto and Iroin principal pouiU
1 iivil o in tl)J ITnit0(1 ailltli!ji Canada.
mid Europe.
Elednt PST Cars.
im Tlirough
and ST. PAUL
Frceflrlmrge nnd Without Change.
Close codections at Portland for San Fran-
cmi and Puget Sound points.
The Ore n Railway ifcXavisntion Co.. and
1'aeiti I'oast Steamship Co. will dis
pat'i Steamers between San Fran
en: ) and Portland, as follows:
Lcnviin t 12Midn'i, L'v'ng Spear st.wli'
ud illows: follows:
Orcgoi June 1 State, June .'t
State, " 8 Columbia, " 7
Columh , " 12 Oregon, " It
Orcgoi " Bi State, " 15
State, " 20 Columbia, " IS)
Colttini , " 24 Oregon. " 't
Oregoi 2S State, ' 27
Tlio cfi pany reserves the right to change
j stoniners or sailing dnvs.
- $10.00 Steerage
- - 8.00
- if.'JO.OO
Half Fare
- Freo
Roiinririi) Tickets. Unlimited
Chlldnf, under 12 years - -
ctttilinri MeuU ami llrrtlm,
C. J.
U. P. iff. A,
n'l Manager
L. RANSOM, Asent. Union
Ccjliucopia Saloon,
f AV.m. Wilson, Puop.
Tlijl-incst of Wines, Liquors-
nd Cigars always in stock.
J Drop in and be sociable '
CiaMnhi and I Sts. - - Union. Oregon,.
SUI'ltMAX & i:AT.KY, 1'i ops.
Iiinufactttrcrs and dealers in Soda Wn-
bSSar.-aparillu, Ginger Ale, Cream Soda
ill Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
iti promptlv filled.
Thomson & Pursel arc. asrents for
celebrated Cyclone WimlAlill, and
gtlio prices 011 them have been 'reat
lreduccd they arc. now within the
"ich of all. Sample mill to bo seen
I their phiiicrin North Union. Call
ud examine it.
Sold lor IsUilO.untll lately.lj I
i!ett walcn In tu worui. i i
Prrfucl timekerm-r. Mur-J
ranted, maty suiid uoia
tluntinrr L't'l. llcth lldirl
Vl .,, j.,,,.' aii... ..Ith work.
CIIU coir. 111 V4U.1 t.iu..
OiiGlcrnitilQ each lo-
rjlnv can cecute ono free.
toprtUi'r 1IU our larr" andal.
uiblo lino of IIoillThoId
Stimpli s. Thfio tamplei,
wi'll at Ilia wat'li, a icnil
and afler yn have kept
T. I , n mnnth. mill lllOlMl lllim tO tllOlO
taho in . v'lavo called, they become vour o n l.VVW.7?SlI
kho write at onco can bo .uro of rtcelrins tlio V"
'and SnmltlCH. Wo imy all eipre.i, frcUlit.ftc. Addrtu
8tln"Vi Tco.. Jtox ia,lortlanU,Kulne.
f '
Ko v;ronff way to run tt: It sews
tlio Buuie running furwuitl ur
?." ennis, cogs, or loose Joints.
Nil holes to tli ri'iul la niucliliio
Vo eiioil point In any other ma-
chlnu it does not jiossess.
For Salo by
R II. I1ROWN, l .tion, Or.
Onlv CJrntilno Sratcia o" Hi-mnr.v Trr-.tnlntr.
In ur Itnotitt LiitiiH',1 In olt.i l-eudlotf.
JIIIikI wanUciiiit; cure!.
Kvrry rlillil ami uiluU crotitly tipnrfltf eil.
Ij.-ojt luduwumaU to CjmMpviadoricu UIuki.
Pr i rwot'is. Wtth Onlnton of 111. W'-n. A. llrim.
UIIIU I.I'm W'i l-IR'll"! M-i
ll.itii. 1 ; il-af'iV't. -ii.itKt.
I, .i. !! 10:. ' v.
Ho- v' . v. A 'or,.!
l iu .'.
1 J)M,
.t lSiyclu.!-
.!, I . i
1 . ! :lntl',
j -t Jail 1:
11 1 1. . 1 1
h .1
1 I.!iA-.-.,N. Y
SOU Kcrvlnc-.THnclilnrTl
1 trade In all pan., tjrpl
1 Diatinr our matbineiL 1
a ai tmt "i.i"l
lllull I
and t oodl w bcra tbe roile ran M
mem, w mil itsu rr f-10 db
'pttum in racn locauiy.ioe vary
Ixat aawlnr.machlDe made la.
i Iha world. with all the atuthnxate.
ii wuialw i.rdrrrr a compitta
i Una cf our co.llr and riloitlaait
rtamplta. In return e ttat jom
.now wnai we mom wum
.tuajr rau al yoor bome.aad after M
moniniaiienau pwomi jour owm
pnrertr. Inle rrend roachlai I
made after tee Si in err pattale.
I bicn tar a run out tTore ratnia)
, runouilteoiaioroiiii.wiib IM
re lacrinieati, and now aella tar
iUII. Uiu.uninnil.nuuliiu.
fful rtachina in the norld. A la
lUfiee. No ranital reaulred. rials.
1 i-m: uairuclMwi rivru I ih vrhu anti to ueat oucaraaae.
. ua (Veo th bt Mwiiut-mainine in tae world, and la.a
hm i urn f wwkjof biatiarloirr ih.h tee-4nrta Arnerka.
I'lCtXi'CCO., Ita. Au;, Muloc.
KintiiGky Liquor Store
l2 f.- !-w. rHr.!ir.llii Ootil Wttch.TTnnTI
cmii'tn i-rs;.