The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 20, 1889, Image 5

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Amos' k. jon ks. - - editor.
The Oregon Scout has as larnen rtrett
lation as any two jmpers in this me
lton of the Slate, combined, and is eor
rcspondimjhj valuable as an adverlitiug
Thursday, Juno 20, JS8!).
I.OCAl. INroitMATIO?;.
Gathered up by The Scout and lirnught
to Ilc.-idqitnrUirs.
A innle or female cook wanted. Appe
al tlic Psn Ton restaurant.
J. M. Phy it Co. will iny goodririces fa
vour wheat at the Union mill.
Strawberries and ice cream at the Hon
Ton restaurant next Sunday. '
. Pcv. fi. M. Irwin will deliver the Fourth
of July oration at Enterprise.
Osborn at baseball gaino "Why I
got money to throw at tho birds." I
Palnes Celery Compound and Electrle
Hitters for sale at the Covo drug store.
A license to wod wai issued lastSaturdnr
to John J). Casey and Miss Jennie Scot;,
both of Hilgurd.
An endless variety of jersey waists wil
be sold for the next thirty days at redueel
rates at Mrs. Pinohart's millinery store.
Large numbers of salmon lire now as
ccndlng Catherine creek. It is said that
mountain trout are also numerous in tin
stream", and fishing is unusually good.
One hundred pairs of ladles' and chil
droit's shoes for sale at Mrs. llinehart's at
$1 per pair. Also a nice line of ladies' tine
French kid shoes. The very best quality.
The Gazette says that La Grande is now
considered the "genii city" of tho Inland
Empire. (ircit Scott! What are they try
ing to spring on us now? What is a "genii
city" supposed to bo like, anyway?
A horse race between Holmes' horse, of
the Cove, and Sam Uenson's llyor, will
take place in this city on Saturday the 29th
of J line. A dispute as to which is the
fleetest animal is tho direct cause of the
race being made:
It is understood, says the Yakima Farm
er, that (J. W. Hunt is calculating to build
a road from North Yakima up the Natchez
river, across the head of Cowlitz to the
head of Paget Found at Olyinpia, there to
connect with tho road to Port Townsond.
George G ignite has been engaged during
the past week in putting a new coat of
paint on the residence of John Dobbins in
North Union. He is aIo kalsomining the
interior in a manner becoming the work
of an artist. The hou-e now presents a
vey tasty and attractive appearance from
the road. .
Mr. Taylor Green states in a letter writ
ten to Us a few days ago from Pendleton,
that he had an interview with .Mr. Hunt,
who told him that Mr. Villard nor any
other railroad man had anything to do
with his business, and if the Union county
people raised the subsidy the road woulil
be built.
Guy Deeker, Joseph Hill and Mark How
ard returned last Monday from a two
weeks' prospecting tour in the vicinity of
Anthony creek. They bring no informa
tion of a definite character regarding the
mineral deposits of that section, but are not
satisfied as yet and intend to return in
July and continue their explorations after
the precious metal.
A foot race between one of our local
sprints and a professional by the name of
It. G. Caldwell, who is traveling through
the country, not for his health entirely, has
been arranged to take place in this city on
the 22nd hist. Our local man is being
backed by the porting fraternity of this
city generally, while the traveling man
furnishes his own money.
Wc are informed that the county com
missioners of Union and Wallowa counties
arc worried over the mulishness of one F.
S. Ladd who owns tho land where the
Wallowa road crones the river, and re
fuses to lot thoin build 'the new bridge
nnywhero except where the old one now
stands, when about 130 yards bolow would
be much tho best place for. it, and would
not inconvenience or daningo him in the
least. -
In the notice to bridgo builders, by tho
county courts of Union and Wallowa coun
ties, as printod 'n our last issue, it read:
"Each proposal to bo accompanied with a
certified check in the amount of tho bid ns
a guaranty that the bidder will enter into
contract if tho award is made to him.'' It
should havo road: "to the amount of 5 per
cent, of his bid." The attention of bridge
buildors is directed to tho ad. which ap
pears elsewhere in our columns.
A. L. Hansom, who has so acceptably
tilled tho position of agent at Union for
sonic time past, leaves to-morrow for Mos
cow, I. T., where ho goes to accept a sim
ilar position. It is to be regretted tliat
the company has seen tit to make this
chango as Mr. Hansom was a great favor
ite among the young folks of this city.
Ho is to be succeeded by Mr J. W. Sneed
who takes charge of the olncc to-day. Mr.
Ranfom takes with him tho best wishes
of "this entire community.
The committee having charge of the ball
to be given in this city on theuvouing of
July tth, should not let a few dollars Inllu
once thoin in tho selection of musicians for
the occasion. Poor music is dear at aiiy
price. We understand that the comioltteo
rcfusos to pay Mr. James the price he asks,
for which rciunn ho declines to furnish tho
music. A reconsideration of this matter
by the committee would please nine-tenths
of the lovers of Terpslehorean pleasure.
It I absurd toeui Intimate that Prof.
Smith, pitcher of the Covo-Union team,
'threw oil1' the game tost Friday. Mr.
Smith is a gentleman in overy sense at the
won) and is blessed with too much of that
quajv in human beings called uotiesty to
cvjftliiiik oi such a thing. His arm was
iurimo condition for tliiouiug and it l
tWliis fact that wc attribute Um- imHict
ivcuess of his pitching, far he threw a
swift ball but it lackod the usvut " 1 "t
of curve, 4 Vfts nut decivm i t .t-.tor.
Tho .Scout's Weekly In. "Paction nml lie
port of FnrtitU ."'r I)U,J'
Wilbur Davis returned this weok tl Cor
I nucopia.
Mrs.J.C. Clark, of Island CIt-, visit-
ing in this city.
! Mark IJcn-on, of Powder river, vnB . in
i town Inst Monday.
J. W. Shciton visited ltukcr City last
Monday on legal business.
Prof. Smith and II. II. French, of the
Cove, were in town yesterday.
Thomas J. Chandler, of Elgin, was in j
union on business last Tuesday
.1. A. Myers and wife, of Sanger, were !
in union this week visiting friends.
Turner Oliver made a business trip to La
Grande last Saturday, returning Monday.
It. M. Washburn, of La Grande, was over
from that burg last Monday, bent on busi
ness. Mr. V. W. Pluinmer, of North Powder,
has been sojourning at the Hot Lake for
several weeks past.
Capt. r. II. Jnrvis, of Athena, Uma
til la county, is in the city, representing a
life. insurance company.
Lorenzo Stewart, of John Day, Grant
county, a cousin of A. N. Gardner, was vis
iting in this city this week.
Dr. A. L. Saylor, one of the leading
physicians of North Powder, was in our
town the fore part of the week.
Mrs C. C. Crawford, of Grand llapids,
Michigan, is visiting her brothers, Chas.
and Corwin Cotllnberry of this city.
W. T. Wright returned to tills city from
Portland yesterday, where he has been to
attend a meeting of the Grand Lodge of
Marion F. Davis returned from Eugene
last Monday, where he had "r.ecn to witness
the commencement exercises of the State
E. W. Davis returned from Portland,
Monday. It is reported that he pur
chased while there, a new nickle plated
Victor bicycle.
Miss Elva Iticlicy, of Portland, came up
a few days ago, on a visit to her sisters,
Irs. J. E. Tuttle of Union and Mrs. .1. T.
Jewell of the Cove.
J Lou llemillard arrived here from Monta
na last week, lie is looking after his stock
ntcrests and his intention was to remain
it .the valley but a very short time.
J Win. Wilson returned from a trip to
Portland, Tuesday. While below be pur
chased a large stock of the most desirable
brands of wines, liquors and cigars.
Miss Mollie Shaw, who is at present
engaged in teaching a term of school on
plover creek, was visiting among her ma
ny friends in Union last Saturday.
Messrs. J. E. Devineand 15. T. Huffman,
if Wallowa county, are making prepara
tions to start a newspaper at Sumnierville.
They expect to have it in running order
about the 10th of July.
Dr. F. M. Mason, of Lost Prairio, Wal
lowa county, visited Union this week. Ho
had witii him soino very lino horses for
sale. He thinks his section of the county
h the garden spot of the state.
Miss Maggie Smith returned from Pen
dleton last Monday, where she has been
spending scvoral weeks visiting relatives
uid friends. She will remain in Union
until after the Fourth, when she will take
her departure for her new homo in Lemhi
county, Idaho.
Pev. D. P.. Gray, superintendent of the
state school for the blind at Salem, and
wife arrived in this city last week on a
vhit to their nieces, Mrs. Itobt. Eakin and
Mrs. I.'N. Cromwell. We acknowledge a
pleasant call from Mr. Gray. Ho expresses
himself as very favorably impressed with
our country.
Two Of Tlimn Captured.
Last Wednesday afternoon, Chas. Urook
ins and Isaac llagcman, two of tho three
prisoners wlio escaped from the county jail
ontho 8th'inst,,by Rawing- in twain onc of
the iron bars of the jail window, were cap
tured in Umatilla county between Alba and
Pilot Pock, by Madison Jones and W. G.
Stiinson of Pendleton. Sheriff Hamilton
and his ctllcient deputy, .lames Lowell,
were close on their track when the capture
was made, and had it not been for a mis
understanding between Hamilton and
Lowell, who were traveling separately,
they would have had tho honor of effecting
the capture tho night previous. They are
now safoly behind the bars and in order to
prevent a similar occurrence Sherilf Ham
ilton has taken the precaution to encumber
one of llrookins' legs with an eighteen
poimd weight, which ho now gracefully
earrcsin his parades through the corridors
of ti e jail.
Claries Picks,, the third of the escaped
jail birds, is still at liberty, no definite in
formation having been obtained as to his
llaYikins, when captured, statod that
they yerv assisted in making their escape
by out Sirs. Mattio Elder. asUtorof Picks,
who lives in this city. This woman doos
not carry a very enviable reputation and it
does not seem out of reason that his state
ment t, correct, for she mado frequent vis
its to the jail, presumably to sec her broth
er. She was arrested upon this luorma
tion and is now confined in the county jail.
Til a Horse Knee.
Ht Hunday was a gain day for tho lovers
of equiaul sports of this city. Two horse
races took place In the afternoon in tho
laxie opposite the residence of John Dob
lmwln'wtli Union and were witnessed by
ifjasje um) euthmdastic as well as moneyed
CTOiML Tue first was between Cotipor'a
sorrel ) r find Irwin's mare, and resulted
in the iiner being distanced. A race was
then i ranged between Irwin's maro and
l'kkfi brown horse In which, contrary to
the ' k' rcutfcm of a larger jtortion of tho
sptiia' r. the brywn hore ouiuo out vie
tori. ti-.. The judges of hurst-Mesh present
dccUr 'hat Irwin's mare is the fleetest
annual. Iiowtver, ai.-l uc. urdlngly a rw-e
has i rram;el th- m last
uajiiid Hiatal to r.m ;i;mui in-xt "-unday.
! i nracniirc mil
j - j
io i m v c r
Wc Guiirantcu our .1.1. Case "AG1TATOK" opiirator, Shown Above, to lo the
Gvain-saviny: 3Iaeliine in the World.
Over four humlred of these celebrated machine were in operation last season in
Oregon and Washington, all of which gave tho verv highest satisfaction. There are
twice as many "Agitators" sold each year throughout tho United States as any other
make of thresher. This lifgi- sale, double lliutof ary other thresher, is the very strong
est proof their superiority.
We unhesitatingly guarantee the J. 1. Case "Agitator" Thresher to thresh as much
and thresh better iii bundles and beaded grain, long and short straw and llax; to bo
more durable and run with loss expense for repairs than any other thresher ever trade.
Hcnicmbcr that the best machines command the largo and payimr jobs. If you
want a thresher, buy the J. 1. Case "Agitator." which is guaranteed to ho the best, and
which has proven itself to be so by years of trial in tho hands of the leading fanners and
thrcshermeii of the Northwest, and is known to be a perfect success. Is it not much
safer and better for you to purchase a machluo which has been thoroughly tested for
years in Oregon aiid'Wiishiiigton, and Is known to bo a perfect success, than to purchase
a new and untried machine?
Write to us for special pamphlet, containing numerous testimonials from the leading
farmers of the Northwest, as to tho superiority of the .1. I. Case machinery. It will pay
von to write to us for prices and terms before
representations are made nor What inducement) tiro held out to you by others
sell tho genuine
We arc exclusive agents Tor the celebrated Jackson's Self Feeders, Derrick Forks, Derrick Fork Hoisters and
Steam Trreshing Machinery. Send for Special Catalogue of this Celebrated Machinery. .
All tliu Coinmlttcos urn at AVorli.A
Grand Time Assured.
The committees appointed to make ar
rangements for the coining eolebration have
been busy at work and every effort is be
ing made to mako the celebration one of
unusual interest. The following program
has been prepared and will bo carried out
under tho direction of tho committees:
Sunrise salute V2 guns. Tho. procession
will form and inarch from tho court house
at 10 o'clock sharp, under command of Gon.
O. F. Pell tho grand marshal of the day,
who will bo assisted by a half dozen com
petent aids, and will meet tho procession
from the Cove at the northern city limits.
The Covo procession will then bo given the
right of the column and the procession will
then march to the grounds. The exact
lino of march has not yet been settled but
will bo published next week.
At the grounds the exercises will consist
of music, by tho band; national anthem,
by tho choir; prayer, Iter. W. It. Powell,
of the Cove; music, by the band; remarks
by Uncle Geo. Wright, piusldciit of tho
day; national ode, by the choir; reading
Declaration of Independence, by Prof,
Win. Smith, of Cove; music, by the baud;
singing, by the choir; oration, by Hon. T.
C. Hyde, of IJakor City; tnuic, by tho
band; dinner.
Tho afternoon program will consist of.
iirt, target shooting, 20) yards, oil hand,
opou sights, first prize $20, second $10;
ring tournament, first pili!C$2ii, second )10;
foot race, $50; egg race, $10; sack race, iTi;
baseball game, $.'.0. The plug-ugly or hug
gumuggcr parado will then follow, anil as
this has been placed under tho manage
ment of J. C. Siinimors, Sam. llonson, Al.
DIxou and Leo Lovy, everybody may ex
pect a treat.
Millinery unit Fancy (.noils nt Cost.
For the noxt sixty day Musdamo Hldwell
&. llonson will sell their ontlru stock of
millinery goods, ladles underwear, child reus
olothiiig.ecc. etc. etc., at actual ooat. Ladies
are invited to nail and examine goods which
are all now and of the latest designs. A
better opportunity for securing good bar
gains, will never bo presented. Improve tho
opportunity. May 1st, 180.
Tliu I.iulli- JlullgliUil.
The pleasant "lf- ' and i!.-p. i-:. . t . nVty
with which ladies may use the liquid fruit
laxative, Kyrup of Fig.-, under all condi
tions make It their f.nortto n medy It is
pleasing i' the nod l i ii' la-ic, gcinlc
yet etle. l .al ill ii' iio' mi the ki.lnev -. Its. t
und bow Is
iron IJMPJiM
purchasing a thresher, no matter
r wnat
Ileal ICstnto Association.
The Union Peal Estate Association has
recently been organized in this eitv, its ob
jects being to buy, sell and lease real estate
In Union county on commissions.
As experience has shown that a real es
tate agency is the best medium through
whh;h to bring together tliu intending
biiyejr and seller, by menus of judicious
and extensive advertising, it may bo ex
pected that ere long a large number of per
sona desiring to sell real estate will list
their property Willi them.
The advertisement of tbu association will
appear i i a short tinio in this paper, which
will contain at least three columns of read
ing matter descriptive of Union county,
accurately setting forth tho resources of
the same and opportunities offered for in
vestments; following which will be adver
tised each particular tract of laud placed in
the hands of tliu association for sale, giv
ing a brief but comprehensive description
of it, with prices and terms, llesidos this
advertisement, descriptive circulars and
other advertising matter will bo distributed
where It will do tho most good. Every per
sou having real estate to joII should con
sult their interests by listing their property
with tho association.
It. F, Wilson and A. J. Ilacltelt are the
authorized agonUf of the association and
corresponding socrotarles of same, to
whom all eonimuiiluatious should le ad
dressed. l,n (iramle" I.oys l!in Cluiiiipluiis,
Tho third game uf the seiies for thu
championship of Grande Hondo valley, be
tween the Covo Union and "La Grande"
teams was played on the Union grounds
Inst Friday, and resiilluu In an overwhel
ming victory for tliu "La Grande" club,
thu sum e standing '20 to loin their favor.
I'iio playing of both sides wa a succession
uf errors from beginning to end and the
game proved to be quite uninteresting to
the large crowd of ladles and gentloniQii
that hud assembled on the grounds, ex
pecting to witness some good hall-pluylii!,'.
Minim's pitching was anything hut cII'bc
tive, he being batted all over the Held.
Most of our hoys have ootno to the conclu
sion that they do not understand tho game
called ba-icball, and have declared their in
tention to abandon the Idea of ever lieing
able to gnu disiliK tlon in the-diamond
,ii"nu .ifput iln ir talent to unit; in some
Otli. , iiic lion .v III I e l!i( . Is ,1 puSailiility
of success.
Scu ,.,; at Mr I. I!. Kim-hurt'- this
i lit..' I'.. i i-v ! I iyle al-'i a
... ' .. '.1 I rl:. I , 1 ii i '. .
linvee Woodbury lIorsorPQWci,
manufactured only by tho J. I Caso Threshing Machine Company, and warrant it tho
strongest and best in use. Our .1 . 1. Caso. Engines are guaranteed the most powerful,
most durable and most economical Engines in uso.-s-STAVKIt it WALK 101.
G ray's one and two-horse Tread powers and Threshers.
We guarantee oi.r'Thrcsheas.and Tread Powers to be tho most perfect working and
successful machinery of their class In the United States. Send for our Special Cata
logues and Price Lists of this machinery STAVEU A WALKEII.
Our Randolph Improved Steel Frame Header
has the Pest Frame, the Pest Wheels, the Pest Axle, the Hest Pitman, tho Host Peel,
the Itest General and the llest Harvesting Machine on earth.
We guarantee the ltaiidolph Improved Steel Frame I leader to ho. tho simplest, tho
lightest draft and the easiest managed Header in use, and are perfectly willing for any
responsible man who wishes to buy u Header to take ours and any otl'ier, or all others,
be may wish, and give them an equal chance, and If our Header does not do the work as
well as, or better than any or all orhers, wo will be at the expense of removing ours with
oiit expense to him in any way. This broad guarantee is the strongest proof of real merit
and should induce every man who wants a Header to buy tho Iiiindolph Improved Steel
Frame. Sold only by us ml our authorized agents. -S'i'AVElt .t WALICEH
A New Kclieiiui to DnfenL thu Hunt
Kullinail Project.
There were forwarded to tho ofllco of
County Clerk Neill for record last Monday
seven deeds of conveyance for a right of
way through tho lands of thu following In
dividuals, situated in tho northern part of
the valley, viz: E. P. Moreloek, Charh)?'
Hallgarth, John Koss. J. K. P. -llairls,
Sieliert Hallgarth, Thos. J. Chandler and
Ahio S. Watt. The deeds specify that a
strip of laud through thu premises of said
parties, one hundred feet wide, being fifty
feet on either side of tho lino of survey
made through that section of country a
short tinio ago, shall bo conveyed and
warranted to the O. It. Sit Co, to be used in
a right of way for thuir projected branch
to Ivgln.
Now, It is our candid opinion that it is
not now, nor never was, the intention of
the O. II. it N. Co. to build tho proposed
branch at this time, ami this latest movu
on their part is simply a monstrous scheme
to lead tho people of that vicinity, espe
cially that part of tho population who' uru
liable to Niibseilbe to the Hunt subsidy,
into the belief that the La Grande branch
will be immediately bulll, and that the
aforesaid poople will receive the benefits of
a railroad without having to go down into
their pockets ami pay for the incoming of
a road.
The aggregate amount of tho considera
tions named in the aforesaid deeds Is
$1 ID, ami it is undoubtedly the belief of the
company that if a few dollars spent In
this way will divert the attention of the
people of that community from the Hunt
proposition and lead them to believe that
thu La Grande branch will be in operation
In a short time, it is money well spent.
The grantors named in thu above men
tioned deeds all reside In thu Immediate
vicinity of Humiucrville, ami are neighbors
to a largo number of Influential citizens of
that community who have not as yet sub
scribed to thu Hunt subsidy, hut intend to
do so if they seo there U mi other show to
get tho road. Thus it is plain for the peo
ple to see tho reason of the O. It. it N, Co.
making this small outlay of money in buy
ing right of way lands if it will stop these
people from assisting In the Hunt propo
sition until it Is too late.
It is our opinion, however, that the citi
zens of that vicinity are not so ohtuso as to
bo gulled into bt-lievlng any such lli,
and that they will not look upon thu mure
recording uf those deeds us any evidence
that the La Grande bran. Il will be built,
but on the cuiitiaiy. that it is a ;ri at bluff,
n .m i cb d by some of thu Imwd railroad
Dill. i. il- t '! al th. Hunt ri'.id.
mmmu m umnm
Fastest Threshing and Best
' HicycIcH Arrived.
There arrived In this city, last Wednes
day, seven new bicycles, mado by tho Nich
olson Manufacturing Company, of Chicago,
which were ordered by duTcrcnt hoya
around town. Illcyeles. may now bo seen
t upon our streets at any tinio, and many
amusing Nights arc the direct result of the
beginners trying to -make "flowery plays"
before the .spectators who coinrrcjrate on
tho corners anxious to seo the fun, Wo
predicted that our streets, In a few daya
after the arrival of tho machines, would re
semble tho exorcise corridor of a railroad
hospital, but our prediction has not uh vet
b'eeii fullllled. as no serious casualties have
occurred so far.
A M omnii's Dinuovory.
, "Another wonderful discovery Iiiim been
made and that too by a lady In this county
Disease fastened its rlutchcH upon her and
for seven years hhiHvitlistood Its severest
tests, but her vital organs were undermined
anjl death seemed Imminent. For three
months. she coughed Incessantly and could
not deep, She bought of its a bottle of I)r.
King's New J)iscovcry for Consumption
a;id was .so, much relieved on taking tlrst
dose that she slept all night and with one
bottlo iJias heen miraculously cured. Her
name is Mrs Lutliur Lutz-" Thus write
W. C lliiiiflck it Co,, of Shelby, N, ('.
Oct a free trial bottle at Hrowu's drug
store, Union, Oregon.
They KiinCk tltti rcrnlminon.
The record maiju by the various shcep
sheailng crews still continues to grow.
Las week on Win. lloothu's place in thu
Cove, '"-The Slonohreakers'' mado tho fol
lowing record of ten hours work: Thos.
Johnson, PW; C. F. Miller, 1.V5; G. W.
Joliiiton, 1211; John Lawrence, 110; Fay
Yowell, 10.J: Geo. Thomson. ,",
A WliiteiiHiiit.
Ami llalaain's ass spoke, so has tho son-in-law
of thu Oreguulau in his comments on
the article published In the Paclllc Express
with regard t.o Union county and Union
city. To tho cltiens of Union will bo left
the Judgment of who lias prevaricated,
W. W.
1 .(i tit ltd lit i t'litf lid Im ii ml linn lint 4 tn m1n trt
order m short notice at Mrs. L. II. ltli
hart's millinery store.
hotel. Wednesday, June i2 1
L. J. llimtho, Mr. Win. II
Miss Maggie William , hu