The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 20, 1889, Image 3

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t'oltlun or the Ciitholic Church on the
3tiirrlucp (JiiFtluu.
Cardinal Gibbons lias been inter
flowed regarding the position of the
Cntholie chureh to the question of
divorco mid remarriage, and lie said:
"Tho ehtireh hold that under cer
tain circumstances se)arntion may bo
necessary, but in no ease does it sune
tioif a divorce implying the right to
'"The church holds marriage to bo
irrevocable. There is no absolute re
lease allowed a vinculo. The Gospel
forbids a man to have more than one
wife or a wife to have more than one
husband, and we follow the Gospel
"Marriage is the most aviolnble of
all contracts. Adultery alone may
justify a divorce, in the cases of a sep
aration. But not in any case does it
justify a remarriiige during the life
time, of the two partners to the wod
Jing contract. Moses, we know, per
mitted separation in principle, but in
this tolorafhtn the great law-giver had
regard to the violent passions of the
Jewish people for whom he legislated,
md to their liability to fall into great
er excess if their desire for a divorco
wero altogether refused.
"Then, you know, our Lord Himsolf
says: 'Whosoever shall put away his
wife, and shall lnurry another, eom
mitteth adultery,' while, though an in
jured consort may be justified by the
Gospel in obtaining a 'divorce from
bed and board,' tho church firmly
maintains that this does not imply the
privilegoof remarrying, whatever Pro
testant commentators may assert to the
"When the Pharisees tempted Christ,
you may remember, the Saviour an
swered: 'And I say to you that who
soever shall put away his wife, except
it bo for fornication, and shall marry
another, coinmittuth adultery; and ho
that shall marry her that is put away
committcth adultery.1 Hence no man
and no legislation can validly dissolve
tho contract.
"Mark, Luke and Paul all flatly for
bid divorco a vinculo. The law of the
Catholic church is inflexible. Pope
i'lomont VII. refused to sanction Hnry
XIII. 's divorce from Catherine of
Aragon. and England was lost to tho
"Tho ease with which releases from
matrimonial contracts aro obtained in
some of our States is fraught with
dangorous consequences. Some of tho
pretonded causes evoked are so trivial
that they would raiso a smile if tha
matter were not so terribly serious.
"You may shrink from the rigor of
tlio Catholic teaching, but surely it is
merciful beside the cruel consequoncos
of indiscriminate divorces we see nowa
days. "Yes, the marriage of a divorced
Catholic during his partner's lifetime
necessarily involves his being put with
out tho palo of tho chureh. In such
cases it is not only the right, but tho
duty, of our priests to refuse tho of
fender absolution or tho sacraments.
But 1 should hesitate to go so far as to
refuse tho sacraments to a Catholic
who had meroly obtained a divorce."
Baltimore American.
Iiiritrnctlvi- Sjicciilutlcnis on 11 Tht-inu of
Never-CViiPtliiff IntcriMl.
Tho present ago of tho earth has
beon placed by Sir William Thomson
at 100,000,000 years, while the specula
tions of others have given much largor
ligures. M. Adolpho d' Assier, who
believes such estimates to bo greatly
exaggerated, considers tho life of tno
earth in three periods, which he terms,
tho igneous or nobulo-sfollar stadium,
tho stadium of solar illumination or of
organic life, and tho stadium of dark
ness, cold and denth. The first
which bogan with tho detachment of
tho terrestrial nebula from tho solar,
and onded in tho formation of tho
crystallino crust of tho globe ho cal
culates from physical laws to havo
beon 500,000 years in duration. Tho
second (roniprising tho presont epoch,
and to close with extinction of tho sun,
embracing the entire cycle of geological
formations Ls found by geological and
physical ovidonco as likoly to have a
total length of 25,000,000 years, of
which more that half has passed. Tho
third stadium starting from tho end
of coLir illumination, and closing in
tho terrible and inevitable catastrophe
of tho fall of tho envtli to tho sun, and
momentarily brightened by tho in
candosconco of tho oarth as tho moon
crashes into it will havo a length
that can not bo calculated until tho
preclso rate of acceleration of tho mo
tion oS tho earth around tho conter of
attraction is known, but will probably
bo, at the lowest estimate, 100,000,000
years or more. Upon tho whole, tho
present ago of tho earth appears to bo
about 10,000.000 years. This is but a
small part of its oxistonco, and ovory
thing leads to tho belief that its total
evolution through tho immonsity of
space will exceed a million centuries.
Arkunaw Traveler. ,
An Editorial Victim.
"How do you mako such beautiful
vorsos, llerbort," sho nskod, as she
gazed admiringly into his faoe.
"Oh, it's easy onough after you onco
got started," said Horbort, modontly.
Vlt must be delightful to bo ablo to
oxpross your pootio thoughts. I soino
timos havo them, but I can not put
thorn Into words. Thero is pootry
ovory whoro if vou only know whore to
iook for it"
Yob; it's surprising 'nv muoh tharo
le," said Horbert, who had called on
sn editor thnt day. "I ki.wr wli. ro
there's n whole bask.-t f ol U rtfkt.
now." Merchant Tjahsp.
The crown of Chnrlos II., mnde In
1CG0, is the oldest existing in England,
The monastery of Melk, in Austria.
lately celebrnted tho elght-hundreth
nnniversary of its foundation.
Some of the handsomest shops in
Paris aro now devoted to the sale of
Japnnese wares, and aro wholly con
ducted by .laps.
Holland reclaims an averago of
eight aej-es per day from the sea. and
the salt water is no sooner crowded
out than cabbage is crowded in.
Queen Victoria objects to the gen
eral use of electric lights at Windsor
Castle, because it is too strong for her
eyes, and it is therefore restricted to
a few localities.
Including policemen, post-oflleo
oflicials. marlvc?.i:-i and women, care
takers, hospital nurses, and newspa
per writers and printer:!, it is estimat
ed that fully one hundred thousand of
the inhabitants of Londoiiaaro night
The EttTol Tower is now declared
even by those who feared that it would
be unsightly, to havo r. "light and
graceful appearance in spite of its
gigantic size, and to be an imposing
monument, worthy of Paris. '
A curious animal peculiar to Tin
mania is the Tasmania devil. Itvis
equal in size to tho short-legged
terrier. Its skin is nearly of equal
thickness of that of a pig. and it is
covered with course, jet-black hair. It
is of the boar species and possesses a
power of jaw scarcely inferior to that
of the bulldog.
Ex-King Milan of Servia was so
afraid of assassination during his reign
that ho slept in a room with double
doors cased in stool. A powerful
mastiff lay at the foot e his bed, and
he always kept a loaded revolver on a
table bv his bodside. When eating
alone tho King would not use any
made dishes, and satisfied his appetite
with toast and boiled eggs.
Tho trumpeter who congratulated
tho German Emperor early on tho
morning of his majesty's birthday an
niversary by a joyous blast from his
instrument, has been lined three marks
"for giving a signal which was not re
quired," but his imperial master has
put balm into the wounds which tho
line inflicted on tho patriotic trumpeter
by expressing to him, in a personal
audience, his pleasure at the birthday
salutation, and presenting him with a
JL'S note.
Over the grave where Matthew
Arnold lies with his four children, in
Laleham church-yard, there has beon
placed a plain head-stone of white
marble, containing beneath the raised
cross the inscription: "Matthew Ar
nold, oldest son of tho late Thomas
Arnold, 1). 1)., hoad master of Kugby
School. Born Dec. 21, 1822. Died
April 15, 1888. There has sprung up
a light for tho righteous, a joyful glad
ness for such as aro true-hearted."
A bridge on ono of tho upper
courses of the Yang-Tse river, do
scribed bv an American missionary to
China, presents very unusual features
in the way of ornaments. Tho bridgo
ls of stone, and has buttresses up and
down stream at (f.ich of tho piors raised
about fivo feet above the water. Tlieso
buttresses are used to support stand
ing or reclinivg figures of animals.
Those up stream aro water monsters;
down stream arc land animals, such us
the bulTalo and bear.
A. Seoonil Dnnlol Dlminvert'tl In n .Small
Culifornhi Town.
At last wo havo got the printer
where wo want him. Since tho es
tablishment of printing tho compositor
has hold tho whip hand over tho news
paper writer.
Moro brilliant efforts of gonius
havo been ruined by tho man who has
tho putting of thorn in typo to do than
havo btoii lost by novor being printed
at all. And thero has boon no law to
punish him. Thero has been moro
trouble over how matter-has beon put
in the paper than over what matter
has been put thero. Tho compositor
Is my natural enemy, and it is with a
gleo I can not and do not caro to hido
that I got this in on him. Civilization
in its highest form has doveloped it
self in a small town of California.
Wo havo somo fair showing of it in San
Francisco, a little loss in Now York
and a triflo in Oakland, but this out-of-tho-way
little town, unassuming and
modest, as all great peoplo and com
munities are, Jesorves to bo placed
at the top of tho list. It seems that
somo tlmo ago thero wns Eomo trouble
in the oillco of tho only papor pub
lished thoro. Tho editor is proprietor,
advertising oanvassor, reporter and
dramatic critic; tho printer is foreman,
sub, devil, butt ry-boy and father of
tho chapel. Ho conducted himsolf a
small union, tho printer did, nnd ono
night ho went and got full and inde
pendent and roftised to got tho paper
out. I ho editor, oto., argued tho mat-
tor quietly at first, but falling to got
any satisfaction, ho took a mallet and
knocked tho printer, etc., on tho hoad
until tho union gavo in and pledged his
word to got out tho paper if ho'd lot
him up. Ho got m nnd ho got out tho
papor, and thou ho went and had tho
editor, etc., arrested for assault. Tho
case was tried. Tho decision should bo
printed in letters of gold and inado a
prominont legond on all nowspapor
buildings. Tho judgo. all honor and
praUe to him! dismissod tho caso. Ho
gave a reason: ."We havo only ono pa
per here and ono editor, und ho must
bo protected; therefore, I dismiss tho
in- Oh. upright judge! Oh, wlso
ami learned judge! A Dunie!, t-nj 1!
feai 1' .itifi.u Cirouicic
The Vlmrr IMIIlintty In r.rttlnc It
CikIioiI nt the Itimk.
"Wizard" Edison came over from
Menlo Park the other day on some bus
iness connected with some of his nu
merous enterprises, and during the
afternoon spent several hours with one
of the oflicials of the big electrie-lighl
During lunch tno groat electrician
became chatty and told, in his quaint
way, the story of his lirst acquaintance
with any large sum of money.
It was in the djvys when ho was
struggling along with his earlier in
ventions, and didn't have big capital
ists to back him. in fact, ho didn't
have any bank account himself, and
hardly knew what one was. Bank
checks were things ho had never bad
occasion to use. and had about as much
idea of their value as the man in the
moon. "
Edison had finally sold his patent
on the gold nnd stock indicator to the
Western Union Telegraph Company
for $10,000, and was coining over to
New York to get his money.
He had heard of Wall street and its
bulls and bears, and had been told that
it was full of "sharks," who would
lleoce a man very quick. So he made
up his mind that Wall street was a
vovy dangerous place, and that if ho
ever had occasion to go there ho would
be lucky if he got away without losing
his overcoat and umbrella.
At that time General Lefferts was
president of the Western Union. One
morving Edison into tho com
pany's general offices to close up the
ale of his patent. After a few pre
liminaries he was given a check for
? 10,000.
He looked at it curiously for a mo
ment or two, and appeared to bo puz
zled what to do with it. He knew
that he had so'd a patent to the West
ern Union Company for .$ 10,000, but he
didn't see any money. Observing his
perplexity, General LolTcrts told him
that if he would go down to tho Bank
of America, in Wall street, he could
get the check cashed.
"So I started out," said Edison,
"after careful .y fold'rg up tho check,
and wont toward Wall street. So un
certain was 1 in regard to that way of
doing business that I thought while on
the way that if any man should como
up o mo and olTor mo two crisp thousand-dollar
bills lor that pleco of paper
I should give him up the check very
On arriving at tho Bank of America
ho hesitated about entering, fearing
still that somothing might bo wrong.
At last, however, bo mustered up cour
age and determined to try it. Ho know
that General LolTcrts had told him he
would get his money here, so ho braced
ahead and half tremblingly shoved his
check out to tho cashier. The latter
scrutinized it closely, gavo Edison a
piercing glauca and said somothing
which Edison could not understand, as
ho was hard of hearing.
That was enough. He was now moro
than over convinced that his "check"
wasn't worth 10,000, and again
thought, as ho rushed out of the bank
with it, that any man who would
give him $2,000 could walk away
with tho check. Ho hurried
back to tho Western Union
and said ho couldn't got any money.
General LeITerts then sent a man with
him to identify him. Ho said that
"This man is Thomas A. Edison, to
whoso order tho check is drawn."
"Why, certainly, Mr. Edison," said
the cashier, very obsequiously, "how
would you like your $10,000? In what
"Oh, any way to suit tho bank. It
doesn't make any dilToronco to mo so
long as I get my money,"
Edison was given $10,000 in lnrgo
bills, f After dividing tho roll into two
wnds of $20,000 each, ho stullod ono
into each tvousors pocket, buttoned up
his coat as tightly as possible, and
made a break to got out of Wall stroot
as quick as he could. Tho next day
Edison hogeu to work on his first lab
oratory at Newark, N. Y. Journal.
The Head of the Army.
General Schollold's salary Is $1:5,000.
Although ho is tho successor of Shor
idan, who followed a lino of soldiers In
tho otllco who wore National heroes,
and although ho is rightfully tho in
cumbent by reason of his services to
tho country, his career has not boon
such as to mako his name over familiar
to peoplo generally. His military life
has been long and tho duties faithfully
performed, but in fow ovonts ho has
boon very conspicuous. GonoralScho
flohl was born on tho 2'Jth of Septem
ber, 1831. Ho graduated from tho
United States Military Academy in
lHa.'i, in tho same class with Sheridan,
Mi Phorson and Ho6d. Before tho war
ho left tho sorvico to bocomo a profes
sor oi natural sclonco la a university,
but at tho breaking out of hostilities
ho entered tho army us a volunteer.
A .Major's commission was tendered
to him at onco and on November 21.
1801, ho had readied tho grade of
Bridadlor-Gouorul. Ho served all
through tho war, notably In tho At
lantic campaign, and for a tfmo was
Secretary of War in Grant's first Cab
inet. At pros'-nt his duties aro prac
tically nominal, for thoro aro plonty ol
subordinate? to look after details. He
lias an oflico In tho department build
ing which Is principally interesting for
the relies which it contains of his sorv
ico. Sheridan filled up his office in
a similar way, ami it was a favorite
spot for slghtsoors. Tho remark ig
frequently hoard here that Sheridan
died as a result of idleness. He wan
aeoustomed to a typical soldier's life
and a stnoour worried him more than
a campaign. Lniwvjilo Courier-Jour-un'
Women Tnt Thirty the Mint Interrtln(f
In Amrrirnn Society.
"Tho buds," snysUustnn. "are a nine
days' wonder, and .ire much talked of
for that, space of time, but it is tho
women past thirty who are tho most
interesting in America. They seem to
have the gift of eternal youth, and at
fifty are more agreeable looking than
tho women of any other country."
Uustan's observation will surprise
people whose sole knowledge of fash
ionable society is derived from the
chroniclers of a quarter or half century
back, but to the onlooker, as well as to
tho foreign traveler, it is patent that
there is a great physical change in the
American society women as exempli
fied In New York. They hold their
ago in an astonishing and unprece
dented manner and seem not to at
tain the zenith of their beauty till
a point beyond which they
wore once hopelessly pussc. Men say
that the women of to-day are at thirty
five no older than they formerly wore
at twenty-five, and that there is a cor
responding difference all along the
line: that, consequently, they dress
younger without incongruity; and that
beyond and above all this they have
learned to grow old with grace, which
means tfiat they nnvo at icasi recog
nized that it is futile to sham youth
and have set themselves to develop
wit, stylo and other attributes which
aro permanent and may grow instead
of lessening with time.
In tho time of our mothers and
grnndiiiothors, if the society chron
iclers are a guide, a woman was con
sidered old after twenty-five. If she
did not marrv in hor first season she
was called a "relic" and made to feel
in tho way. And thoro was some
reason for tho raillery.
Between then and now two things
havo happened. Health has become
tho fashion, and is sought for passion
ately and successfully. Clear skins.
natural color, linn muscles, bright
eyes and elastic stops are now tho order
of tho'day, and a woman who was onco
as transient as snow has bocomo as
permanent as her husband. That pro
tension to youth fulness is not now tho
common weakness is evidenced by tho
fact that the humorous papers, which
onco found this the most fruitful sub
ject for josts, have turned their atten
tion to other foibles. With this change
men's taste regarding women sooms to
havo altered somewhat. Whoro onco
ho admired tho beauty of youth alone,
nnd was satisfied with dumb rosponso
to emotion, no now noma mis a
great deal more. The woman of
to-day must mako horsolf agree
able, not passively, but actively;
sho must bo brillllant and witty, pos
sessed of tact and ablo to entertain;
must havo tho art of dressing, the
knowledge of men, the art of llattor
ing, must bo in short a women of tho
world with tho liboral education which
that Impilos. Tho day of tho doll has
passed away; tho debutante is in no
flurry to get married and tho yearling
pasture is not tho wife market it was.
It might bo supposed that women
who keep up a continuous round of
dinners, operas and balls would look
dragged out and weary and old boforo
tholr time, but in reality thoy aro in
tho most splendid physical condition.
Thoy aro up, it is true, till tho small
hours of tho morning, drinking cham
pagno.dancing.convorsing and flirting;
but this is thoir solo occupation, and it
does not begin boforo four o'clock in
the afternoon. Tho remainder of tholr
limo is spout in tho pursuit of health.
After a noon breakfast, thoy drive,
twice a week, to tho Turkish baths,
and aro steamed, pounded, plunged
and showered, shampooed and mani
cured, and turned out as if now mado
from tho hand of God. No other
creature, unless it bo thoroughbred
racers, havo such caro glvon to thoir
bodies as tlieso women whoso business
is socloty. Whatovor sclonco and art
havo discovered and Invented, or nat
ure allotted, to glvo health and boau
ty. Is commanded by thorn, until it is
now beginning to bo said, curiously,
that the women are outlasting tho
Tho socloty woman depends greatly
on luxurious bathing to renew hor
strength. Tho Turkish bath must bo
takon outside the homo, but tho bath
rooms in some of tho woalthy housos
glvo ovidonco by thoir costlinoss and
beauty of tho part they play in tho
daily economy. N. Y. Mall and Ex
press. The Sunbeam of Existence.
Cheerfulness Is tho sunbeam of ex
istence. It penotrutes into tho small
est eroviccs. It drives away tho dark
ost mists. If over a man eamo Into
tho world with a destiny, tho cheerful
intui is that ono. It Is his mission to
preach unconsciously tho doctrine of
huppiucBs. Ho is a true apostle.
Cheerfulness is tho actlvo prlnoiplo of
physical as well a moral life. This
active principle lies dormant within
every man unless ho is spiritually and
physically dofoctlvo. It requires cul
tivation to mako it boar fruit. It Is
better than money because it can not
Wo lost. It is bettor than loarnlng,
because learning opens tho book of
lifo and convinces us that wu novor
can see but an infinitesimal segment
of all that is to be known. Tho phi
losopher Gootho. with all his inspira
tion and erudition, on his death bed
jried for "moro light," "more light."
Hut cheerfulness satisfies. Cheerful
ness irradiates the deepest gloom and
ttlono makos lifo worth living. De
troit Froo Press.
Soiontiats declare that It would
.ake only fight days for a cannon-ball
toxu'ii' thv moon.
rrnniil ,iii.-hi,um'p of Our
l'r.lrf.nt In 1180 mill In t?!)S.
As described by David Ackerson. In
1H11. Washington had a large, thick
nose, and it win very red that day,
giving me tho impression that he win
no so moderate in the uso of liquors as
ho was supposed to be. 1 found after
ward that this was a peculiarity. Ili
nose was apt to turn scarlet in a cold
wind. Ho was standing near a -.mull
ramp fire, evidently lost in thought
and making no effort to keep warm.
He seemed six f.M-tand n li.ilf in height,
was as erect as an Indian, ami did not
for a moment relax from a military
Washington's exact height win six
feet two inches in his boots. lie was
then a little lame from striking hi
knee against a tree. His eye win so
gray that it looked almost white, nnd
I he had a trouble.! look on his colorless
face. He had n piece of woolen tied
around his throat and wns quite hiwse.
Perhaps the throat trouble from which
1 he finally died had Its origin about
Washington's boots wero enormous,
riiey wero No. LI. His ordinary walk
ing shoes were No. 11. His hands wero
largo in proportion, and he could not
buy u glovo to fit him and had to havo
his gloves made to order. His mouth
was Ills strong feature, the lips being
always tightly compressed. That day
they wore compressed so tightly lis to
bo painful to look at.
At that time he weighed 200 pounds,
and there was no surplus flesh about
him. He was tremendously muscled,
and tho fame of bis great strength was
ovory where. His large tent, when
wrapped up witn tho poles, was so
heavy that, it required two men to place
It in the camp wagon. Washington
would lift it with one hand and throw
It Into tho wagon as easily as if it were
r pair of saddle-bags. Ho could hold
a musket with ono hand and shoot with
precision as easily as other men did
with a horse pistol. His lungs wore
his weak point and his voice was never
Ho was at that lime in the prlir.o of
lifo. His hair wns a chestnut brown,
his cheeks were prominont, and his
head was not large in contrast to ovory
other part of his body, which seemed
largo and bony at all points. His
linger joints anil wrists woro so largo
as to bo genuine curiosities. As to
habits at that period 1 found out much
that might bo interesting. Ho was an
enormous eater, but was content Willi
broad and meat, if ho had plonty of it.
But hungor seamed to put him in a
rage. It was his custom to take a
drink of rum or whisky on awaking In
tho morning.
Of courso all this was changed when
ho grow old. 1 saw him at Alexandria
j. year boforo he died. His hair was
very gray and his form was slightly
bent. His chest was very thin. Ho
had false tooth which did not fit and
pushed his under lip outward. Al
bany Express.
Somn Thing Whlih tin- Old tloinuii
Dors Not lhiilortuitil.
Vhon dor Americans got so mailt at
King Sboorgo dot doy can't shtand it
no longer eaferypody goos py Boston
harbor und throws some tea oaferpoard
moro ash four hoonorod shests. Dot
lea vhas all wasted in dor water, but
dor principle vhas shust dor same if
dor peoples take it homo und drink It.
I can't understand vhy dey don't.
Washington goos across dor Dela
ware Kivor py a skill. It vhas a coldt,
.lark night, uiul more it:o vhas around
dan you can put in feefty rofrigertors.
If I vhas Washington I wait until some
shteamboat como along, or somopody
builds a bridge. 1 doau' take all dose
shancos mitout any accidont insuranco
on my potiy.
Washington goes into camp at Val
ley Forgo for dor winter, und she vhas
so cold dot eafcryeody suitors like ho
vhas In Chicago. I don't quite sco how
It vhas. if I vhas a batrlot und light
ing for my country I go into camp in a
brick house heated by steam, und 1 haf
fried oysters und shickon pot-pioeafery
day of my life. It looks to moas if Shon
eral Washington makes a big mlstako
uboudttlot. it vhas no good to freozo
to death for your country. Dot doan'
lick dor British.
Veen Shoneral Washington gets dot
Lord Cornwaills in a box at Yorktowu
ho vhalks oop und down mlt great dig
uity und doau' glf oven ono yoll. If
dot vhas mo I glf some whoops und
yells nnd screams 1 shump oop mid
down 1 paint dot plnco so red ash
nofer vhas. I vcalk oop to dot Corn
waills und I say:
'How you like It so far ash you
went, hoy! Mnypo now you Uko to go
homo und pohave horsolf! 1 haf got
some bulge on you, und now you po
havo himsolf or I mako It purty hot!"
Dat Paul Shones vhas a good lighter,
out I can't quite mako oudt about him.
If ho goos into a fight mlt a bigger
ship und gets licked ho doan' tell no
pody, Ilosliust keeps fighting right
along, und he tells dor men caforytlugs
vhas all O. K., und by und by dot big
ship pulls down hor Hug mid says she
vhus soseek she can't tight no more.
Don Mr. Sho ma goos aboard und says
ho vhas boss, und dot vhas one more
victory. I doan' fight dat vhay. If I
vims licked dot settles It, und 1 holler
oudt dot I gif oop. If dor oddor muii
vhas do blgg. -t I dnau' fight at all.
Dot Commodore Perry vhas a queer
man. Ho like to fight so vhell dot he
shtnys oop all nlgliL Ho goos down
by Put-iii-Bay und picks a fuss. He
doau' haf to. but dot vhas his vhay.
If 1 vhas going to haf a fight 1 should
put oudt my arms und shpeaks
"Hoy, boys, knock dor stulllug out of
dor middle of last week, or I cut your
wages down ouo-half."
Dot Perry goes aboudt Uko a lamb,
mid ho shmilos a luudlo shmllu. und al!
he says vhus:
"Boys, I like you to whoop 'er oar,
for mo."
Und doao boys vhas whoop, und Out
eagle vhas lot Ioosj, und dm' boll ol
Lioeriy rings out dot wo vhas on top
di r whole crowd. -Detroit lfvu Press.
ProcrM Kmotoyrri In th Miinufiietnr
or tho IncllMi'tnHtlo Little Thine.
The manufacture of n pin wns a te
dious process when entirely mndo by
hand; no less than twolvo or fourteen
processes had it to pass through bo
fore it was completed. Tho wondorful
machinery now in uso has much sim
plified matters. First of all the wire,
must be prepared. It is plnced in a
coll on a revolving block, and drawn
through holes pierced in a steel plato,
until it is of the size required for the
particular pin to be made. It is then
taken to tho pin-making room, where
we find rows of machines moved by
; steam power, and producing a constant
i stream of pins nt the rate of 180 to 220
per minute, which are removed from
tho receptacles into which thoy fall by
the workman and his attendants, who
look after the proper working of tho
If we stand in front of a machine wo
see a coil of brass wire on a revolving
drum. The end of the wire passes
through a hole, and then between iron
pegs, which straighten tho wire nnd
keep it in its place as it is drawn into
the machine. In tho machine wo seo a
pair of sliding pincers take hold of the
wire, carry it forward a shortdistanco,
and put the end through a hole in a
small Iron plato. Watch carefully, and
wo see a pretty little hammer strike
tho end as soon as it nppenrs on tlui
other side of the iron plate. By suc
cessive blows of this hammer the hoad
is made. This done, down falls a sharp
I blade and cuts the wire into the length
1 required for tho pin (tho mnchlno can
bo adjusted to cut the plus of any
length desired.) This process of draw
ing in, heading, and cutting otT goes
on continually, and tho pins are thus
curried on to the pointing part of tho
Tho pointless pin now falls into a
slanting groove, just wide enough for
it, but too narrow to lot tho head
through. Thus we see a row of pins
hanging by their heads nearly th
whole length of tho machine. Beneath
is a revolving cylindrical file. Tho sur
face of the cylinder represents a sorica
of graduated files, on which as thoy
aro worked backwards and forwnrda
tho pins aro pointed. They fall into a
receptacle below, but us yet thoy aro
yellow the color of brass wire; thoy
aro also greasy. They tiro now put intu
barrels, which tiro turned round nnd
round, nnd by this menus thoroughly
scoured and cieanod, nnd are ready to
bo "silvered." Thoy aro now put into
kettles heated by steam, and spread
about as evenly us possible A powder
of fine tin is then spread over them,
and a cortalu portion of ncid addod.
In this thoy aro boiled for about two
hours. When takon out thoy aro found
to bo covered with a thin coating ol
tin, which gives them tho bright and
silvery appearance which all pins pos
sess. The pins aro then dried by being
thrown into sawdust, and polished by
being put into barrels revolved by ma
chinery. Thence thoy aro placed in a
llattray.aud tho workman, byapcoullar
.tossing motion, which requires muoh
skill, soparates all tho dust from tho
pins, which aro now clean, bright nnd
ready for uso. Thero is a very ingon
lous mnchlno used for "sticking" tho
pins which aro to be sent to tho market
on papors. Tho paper is placed on n
pleco of curved tnotal, and c rim pod
and placed in position to rocolvo tha
pins, which aro passed out of a rocop
taclo at the top of tho mnchlno by a
girl, who with a brush dexterously
swoops them into grooves placed in an
Inclined piano leading down to tho
paper. Thus arranged, thoy puss down
tho machine in long linos, and by n
lovor tho papor Is brought under the
points of a row of plus, and by a beau
tiful bit of maehlnory thoy tiro prossod
through tho crimped edgos of the
papor. Thus row by row tho whole
sheet is filled. London Queen.
Tho (lolilmi Key of lluslnrss Nuccuin In tb
lliinil of Youth.
It is tho commonest thing in the
world to hoar mon lamout the laok ol
opportunitos in early life, or tho lack
of appreciation of opportunltioi
when thoy woro to bo had. No
one gets to mlddlo lifo amid the
prcssuro of competition in tho pro
fessions and in business to-day without
seoing cloarly that very much of a
man's success dopouds on tho thorough
ness of his preparation. It is tho fittest
who survivo, and tho fittest in these
days are men who havo trained thorn
selves to most olToctlvo work. Tho thorough-bred
lawyer loaves behind him In
tho rneo his most brilliant compoor who
has not tho same complete preparation
and the snino thorough-going habits ol
work. Tho morchant who gradually
emerges from tho ranks of tho com
paratively successful, and takes his
place among tho omlnontly successful,
is tho man who has given himself the
most thorough business training. Tho
thoroughly equlppod book-koopor la
never long out of it situation. The
men and women who tire soonest dis
charged whon tlmos aro unprosperous,
and who aro longest In go .tlng rein
stated, are the men and women whodo
tholr work fnlrly, but not omlnontly,
well. Tho man or woman who glvoa
his or her work tho stamp of superior
ity need never fear for tho future.
Such a person is always Vcrtaln to find
plnco and remuneration. It ought to
be instilled Into tho mind of every boy
who goes to any kind of business, that
ho is thoro to master every detail ol
it, to know it from beginning to end, so
completely that when It comes Into his
hands ho can reconstruct it on bottor
linos. Thorough preparation, next ta
thorough integrity of character, Is the
golden key of success In the bund ol
youth. Olirlutluu Union.