THE OREGON SCOUT. phKosgpmyof fears. JONES & CHANCEY, Publishers UNION, OREGON. GAME WOH'M HUNTING. Tito Destruction of llm Cirlzzllo nml the lllnck Ileum. In Western America thoro are two bears that claim tho spoi lsman's al tontlon tho grizzly and tho black. Tho former hunters havo endowed witli many aliases, such as "silver- tip," "brown," "cinnamon," "bald Xaco and 4 Tango" bear. Thoso names do not moan anything, for the. grizzly, llko tho dog, is of many colors. Tlicso two varieties of boars can, among other things, bo distinguished by tho formation of thoir claws. Thoso of tho grizzly aro longor on tho foro than on tho hind foot. Tho claws of tho black bear aro short, and aro of tho sumo length on all four foot. It is difficult to porsuado tho hunters of different sections that tho "silver-tip," "cinna mon," "brown," "buld-faco1 and Tango" bears aro all from tho same ancestry, and that tho samo animal Is called by different names In dlffcrant localities. Hut whilo hunters may vary in inoir nomenclature, tlicy one and all agrco that tho full-grown grizzly U tho gamcst animal in tho world, and tho ono to bo most dreaded Hover do thoso bears stand on thoir hind legs and pursuo tho hunter with torriblo howls and roars, as is tho or thodox wny of describing thoir con flicts with human beings in tho ghastly Htoraturo of tho country. When not lilt in tho brain or splno thoy put thoir head down, and with a swinging gallop rush upon tho huntor. Thoy usually rocolvo thoir death wound without demonstration, sinking down and dying muto. Tho majority ol grizzlies shot by our famous Eastern sportsmen aro thoso that havo II rat boon trapped. Thoy tiro klllod when In this crippled condition, after drag. ging ofton for miles a largo stool trap Willi a Hugo trailing log attached. TTlio grizzly is found west of tho Missouri rlvor, and very rarely, If over, oast of it. Thoy inhabit both tho plains and mountains. A dozen yours ago thoy could bo soon ulmost anywhere in tho mountain ranges, but fdnoo their destruction has boon com passed by baiting and traps thoy havo become shy, and difficult to approach noar enough for a corta'n killing shot. Hoars aro tho most wary animals of all tho big gamo in America. Thoy go singly, and usually soo tho huntor before ho catchos a glimpso of thorn. Thoy then cunningly slip away, and ro difficult to trail. At this tlmo thoy aro fairly abundant m tho mountains of Montana, a suro find being In Cruzy Woraon's Mountain, north of tho Northorn Pacific rallroud. Thoro Is nlso a goodly numbor of boars distrib uted ovor tho mountains of Idaho and Wyoming, somo in Southorn Cali fornia, scattered in tho Siorru Madros and on tho junction waters of tho Santa Maria rlvor In San Luis Obispo County. Thoy aro also numerous iu Ute Rocky mountains and Sierra No vndas. ' Tho black boar litis a far wider rango than tho grizzly, but in tho West It is conllned mostly to tho mountains, and rarely comes out on tho prairie. Jt Is woll distributed, however, and is es pecially abundant In tho timbered country, moving about to whoro tho mast and berries aro most plentiful. JHnolc boars aro very numerous in Northorn Montana. On tho I'aclllo Coast thoy outnumber tho grizzlies, wliero both bjiccIos feed on tho salmon. Tho destruction of tho grizzllos has boon much greater, than that of tho black. Hoars, though still abundant, aro vory difficult animals to hunt and kill In a sportsmanllko wav Franklin Sattorthwalto, In Ilarpor's Aiugnztuo. Tho Indians of Ecuador. Whilo tho Indians aro under tho rulo of tho priests, and have accepted tho Catholic rollgion, thrco hundred and ilfty yottrs of submission has hot en tiro divorced thoni from tho ancient rltos thoy practiced under tho pro-hls-torlo civilization. Sovoral tlinos a year thoy havo feasts or celobratlons in honor of somo event In tho Inca his tory. Thoy novor laugh and seldom fiuilloj thoy havo 110 songs and fow ttimisomonts; their only soiublanco to inuslo is a mournful chant which thoy give la unison at tho feasts which aro intended to keep allvo the memories of tho Incas. They cling to tho tradi tions and tho customs of - their an cestors. Thoy romombor tho ancient glory of their race, and look to its roitornthm as the Aztecs of -Mexico look for tho coming of Montozuma. They have religious rolles which thoy guard with tho most sacred care, and there aro two groat soorots which no torturos at the hands of tho Spaniards liavo boon able to wring from thorn. Those aro tho art of tout poring copper no as to glvo it as keen and enduring un edge ns stool, and tho burial place of tho Incarial treasures. American Magazine. 1 Hridgot "Shall I lavo tho hall lnmpburnln imt'iim?" Mistress "No. 1 am pretty surd Mr. Jones won't be homo until daylight. Ho kissed mo three times before he left and guvo mo twenty dollars for a now spring bonnet." Terro Hauto Express. First Llttlo Girl "What does your papa do?" Socond Llttlo Girl "Ho'b got a position under the oily government." "Well, but what does he doP" 4,I don't know ho novor wild. Guess lie don't know hlsjolf," Philadelphia Hccord. Vittiiiililo Information Tlint May I'ror Uncomfortnlile to Homo Young Men. I was In compnny tho other day with my friend, tho professor of chemistry, and, being in a reflective mood, 1 chanced to sny: "Professor, tears aro n curious thing." "Hy no moans," replied he, prompt ly. "Their composition is nuito simple: about ninety-eight parts water. and two parts salt, albumen and mucus." I did not pursuo tho conversation. but thought, without snylng so, Unit if tears aro not a curious thing, a pro- lessor 01 chomistrv certainly is. I happened, a fow days after, to re peat tho conversation to our professor of physiology, who, bringing his supor- clllnry muscles into play, said: "Simple as it may appour to Dr. Atom, tho genesis of tears is quito ft complex process, and thoy havo multiple mechanical functions. Thoy aro secreted by tho lachrymal gland, nnd partly by tho orbicularis musclo aro convoyed into tho lachrymal canal, and thonco into tho eyo, which thoy flood, and thus effectuate detersion. facilitate tho movomont of tho oyobali, and preservo tho transparency of tho so-called cornea." I could only respond: "I daro say. All you toll mb is very wonderful and vory complex, but how an earth do tho llttlo babies learn to cry so early and so well?" I did not tell him that I did not comprehend a word ho had uttered, and henco"tho wondor omne ignoluni pro magnifico. Much loss did I rovoal what was passing In my mind. It scorned to mo thatsci- enco Is llko a pin very useful for sticking things together, and vory nlcoly contrived for this purposo; but ono man spends his wholo lifo in coil ing tho head, another in shaping tho shaft, and anothor in sharpening tho point, whilo each understands nothing but his own part of tho pin. It noxt occurred 10 mo to And out what tho poots say about tears. Thoy travol from oarth to hoavon vory rap Idly, In a daring, desultory wuy, and always through mists and clouds, sco- ing things nnd parts of things vory indistinctly, and raroly tolling tho truth about what thoy do soo; yet, notwithstanding, thoy now and tlion seem to Hud out somo things of moro or loss valuo which other pooplo do not know As wo do not at prosont kcop a pro fessor of poetry at our university, I began to rummage among my books, mi. .i . 11 At a no ursi. lines inui met my oyo woro thoso: 41 Tears, reclines brlht, ombodlod form, aro Moro puro tlinn dowdrops, Naturo's tears, Hero Is a definition of tears that wo can accept without aversion tears aro tho bright, bodily form of fooling. Tho poot does not toll us that when wo woop wo aro doing nothing moro than secreting a mucous fluid by moans of tho lachrymal gland. Ho fools bound. however, to stato tho fact that tours aro not ;iore puro than dow-drons. Tho wholo truth would havo been that thoy aro not m puro by a ifood deal. Perhaps Mr. Hailoy did not know that thoy contain mucous, aibumon and salt. Wo wish wo did not possess tho uncomfortablo information. Wo shall novor again bo able to kiss tho tears from Her cheek with tho relish that onco wo did.- J. T. L. Preston, in At- HUMOROUSf. I OLD CASTER CUSTOMS. lantic. PERSONAL AND LITERARY. Mrs. Stowo's "Unelo Tom's Cabin" is still soiling in this country at tho rate of 1,000 copies a wcok. Prof. James Hryco, author of "Tho American Commonwealth," attained groat omlnouco, yours ago, by making tho ascent of Mount Ararat. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes com plains of tho persecutions Intliotod upon him by volunteer correspondents '.twenty or twonty-llvo letters In his morning's mail is considorcd a light delivery, and nearly all aro upon sub jects or interest to tho writers alone. linns von Hurlow, tho famous pianist, is noted for his eccentricity as well as for his musical tolonL When ho has dono any thing to shock his friends and enrage his cnomlos ho makes no apologies, but simply shrugs his shoulders and says: "It's a way I havo." Toward tho and of his lifo. it is said, Charles Hondo was accustomod to dictate his compositions to a secre tary while ho pncod the room, suiting his actions to his words. In Love and Money tho remark occurs in tho dia logue. "There's a sluut on your nosa." Tho dramatist gavo tho original excla mation with such perfect Intonation and gosturo that his secretary was for onco deceived. He rose and wont to tho mirror, handkerchief in hand, only to be laughed at by his employer. Miss Will Allen Dronigoolo, says roport, U a literary lady who has cut her official throat with her llttlo pen. Some of her recent magazine sketches of life in tho Tonuessoo Mountains carried a sting to the denizens of that n'Ction, and when Miss Dronigoolo re cently sought an election to a Senate clerkship, a big, rough-boarded Solon from an up county arose and roared nut: "She wroto agin tho mount'nsl 1 war bo known st tor it, nn' I'm agin her!" The Scnato sat potrltled and Miss Dronigoolo incautiously giggled. t sealed hor fata Another hill-coun try legislator was hoisted to his foot by his indignant colleagues to second the objection. Ho did it tersely and olTuot ually. "Sho Mowod tho wlmmen folks wont b'arfoot an' thor men talked a dlurloo, I'm agin anybody as is nclu the mount' ns." Tho Issue was Joined, uml on tho ballot being takou, Miss LH'omgoolo wu boutou. A Now Jersey man has made 1 ballot-box which can not bo stuffed, Now all the country wants Is a voter built in tho stuno way. 1 onkors Statesman. -The girl who went to service for tho first timo wroto to hor mother mm nor master ana mistress wore 1 very dirty, for thoy wnshcd thoir hands over so many times a day. Wo do not know vory much about tho ancient Egyptians, perhaps, but tho grand old Sphffix with its silent woman's head shows that thoy woro a vory sarcastic people. Journal of Education. Affidavit Editor "Dcoront Ma- thilde, can you doubt tho strength and sincerity of my love?" Mathlldo "Swear it, Alonzo, swear It!" Affidavit Editor (absent-mindedly) "I swear wo havo tho largost circu lation in tho West, and it is rapidly increasing. " A morica. "Thoro is no excuso for tho use of profane language." says an exchange; and this is no doubt corroct, but if thoro were any tho drug clerk who is aroused at thrco o'clock in tho morn ing by a drunken man who wants to look in tho directory to find out whore ho lives would seem to possess it. A gentleman said to ono of his friends that for somo years his wife had porsistcd in saying that sho was only twenty years old. "Mlno is moro reasonable," roplicd his friend. "I havo succeeded in making herontor hor thirties, but I havo failed to make hor como out of them." N. Y. Ledgor. Hoonoy "Sure Oi can't see why I muslit bo a mlmbor av yuro Union if Oi want to keep mo job! It's only a week I'vo been ovor hero, but I know this is a free counthry." Moonoy (walking delegate) "Hut rcmimbor now, man, that yuro tin Amerlkin, an' musht period yuresllf against . im ported paupor labor!" in a Hook-store. "Havo you got tho Hluo book?" "Tho blue book? Wo'vo got 'Hurtou's Anatomy of Melancholy.' That ought to bo blue enough." " That Isn't it. I mean tho book with tho list of offices." "Wo haven't got it. Hut if you aro aftor an olllco, you had bottor tako the book on molancholy." Chicago Her ald. A Usoful Instrument. Musical Visitor "What a handsome piano!" Mrs. Tiptop "Yos, I do not know of a singlo pioco of furniture 1 havo that 1 am moro proud of than of my piano. It was mado to order at a cost of t.0,000." "Oh. I must - why, it's locked." "Yos; I lost tho koy somo months ago and havo forgotten to got another." Phllauolphia Hccord. I ho noiso of a man stumbling recklessly against obstructions in tho hall and making hasty romarks in a general way that sounded liko a Mis sissippi rlvor steamboat mato making a landing at II o clock at night to tako on a lot of pork barrols was dis tinctly hoard in the sitting room, "Children," oxclaimed Mrs. Hnnibo, hastily, "run up stairs and go to bod. Your father, 1 judge, has been paying a gas bill." Chicago Tribune THE BUFFALO'S FATE. i:.vtciliilli:ittoll of tho .Most Miiirillllcollt Itut-u of JS'utlvo .llllil:iU. M the present timo outride of tho National Park, whoro about two hun dred and sixty buffaloes aro now har bored, there are not over tiitet hun dred, probably not as many, left in the wholo United States. Tho survivors of this magnificent raco of animals aro scattered in little bunches in several localities. Thoro aro about ono hun dred in Montana, or at least there woro a year tigo, somo tit tho head of Dry creek and tho remainder at tho h;ad of Porcupine creek. In voming thoro aro a fow stragglers from the National Park, which, when chased. run back thoro for protection. In the mountains of Colorado last summer thoro woro two bunches of mountain bison, ono of twi ity-llvo head, tho other of eleven. T." ;o havo probably been killed. There aro none in Dakota, though eighteen months ago thirty woro known to bo there. It was estimated In 1SS7 that there were twenty-sovon iu N.b tt-kn, and about Ilfty moro seattool iu tho western part of tho Indian Territory and Kan- . ,,i. . 1 . 1 sas. 1 nose in jNonrasKti nave since been killed by tin Sioux. Of the thou sands that onco inhabited Texas, only two small bunches remain. Thirty two head tiro near the nitons, In tho nor 111 western part of the Panhandle, and eight hi the sand-hills on tho Staked Plains north of the Pecos rlvor. Thoso were soon and counted on the 1st of April of last your. This estimate of the rouinnnt of 11 great race Is bolloved to bo essentially cor rect. It was obtained from reliable and well-informed persons through- In part from per- during tho Siittorthwaito, Singular IlliMtrittloiK or 1. 1 To In the Oayi of Our l orcfiitln-rn. At Queen's College, Oxford, tho first dish brought to tho table on Easter day used to bo a red herring tiding away on horseback. On Holy Saturday evening in somo parts of Ireland great preparations aro mado for tho finish ing of Lent Fat hens and pieces of bacon aro put in tho pot by tho cotter's wife about eight or nine o clock, but woo to tho person who dares to touch It before tho cock crows. Tho peas ants rise at four o'clock on Easter morning "to seo tho sun dance in honor of tho resurrection." At Twick enhnrn thoro was an ancient custom of dividing two great cakes among tho young people. In 1G45 Parliament, looking upon It as a superstition, or dered tho custom abandoned, and that loaves of bread should bo bought with tho money for tho poor of tho parish Iheso woro thrown from the steeple to bo scrambled for. In somo parts oi England thoro is still tho custom ol eating a gammon of bacon at Easter; this was founded on tho abhorrence our forefathers wished to express to ward tho Jews for their part in the crucifixion. Ono superstition is ex pressed in tho following lines: " On Kaster let your clothes be new, Or eUo bo sure you will It rue." A superstition long practiced on the continent was to abstain from eating flesh on Easter day, in order to escape fever during the year. In Derbyshire is a spring called "Dropping Tor." To this young men and maidens re sort, each with a pound of sugar in 0110 pocket and a cup in tho other. They 1111 the cup with droppings from tho spring, dissolvo tho sugar in it and drink it with anticipated matri monial results. Judging from the quantity of sugar, tho anticipated re sults, if realized, aro suro to bo sweet. A yet stranger custom was onco com mon among all classes in England nnd still prevailed at tho beginning of the present century. "On Easter Mon day," says tho historian, "parties of six or eight women surround such pot-sons of tho opposito sex as they happen to moot, and, with 01 without thoir consent, lift them three times abovo their head-, shouting at each elevation:, 'In representation of our Saviour's resurrection.' Tho mon in similar parties do tho same on Ens tor Tuesday. A custom happily fallen into disuso is that of wives beating thoir husbands on Easter Tuesday, and husbands thoir wives on tho day fol lowing. Such customs, as well as that of young couples rolling down Green wich hill, aro proofs of tho rudo and coarso manners which prevailed in earlier English lifo." Of tho decorations of "paco-e'rn's" It is needless to speak. Every Easter, in tho timo of Louis XV., eggs thus embellished used to bo piled high in pyramids on tho royal table at Ver sailles. Whon tho King had surveyed tho pile of toys ho distributed them among his courtiers. American Agriculturist. THE PICTURE WINDOW. fomenting About tlie.lot Critical Stngo In It Development. Tho search for material ended, tho work of construction may begin. Two aiip'cutc copies of tho cartoon aro first made. Ono operation suffices to accomplish this. Tho eartoon is laid on a largo table, and beneath it nro two sheets of similar paper and two sheets of ordinary black transfer paper ar ranged alternately. Hy passing a small revolving wheel over the out lines of the cartoon, tho t acings aro quickly nnd accurately made. Each space is then numbered corresponding ly on both tracings, and ono of them is cut up to make patterns for tho glass-cutter. An ingenious dissecting instrument is used for this purpose. It consists of a pair of double-edged shears, which, In cutting, removes a strip of paper just tho width of tho load which will separate tho fragments of glass when they aro finally bound together. In this way each pattern is precisely tho sizo required. When the glass is ready to be put together in the window, thoro is vory little coaxing to bo dono to got it into place. Tho picture window has now reached tho most critical stage in its develop ment. I ho paper patterns aro to find suitablo counterparts in glass, and upon tho nicety with which this sub stitution is accomplished depends tho oiled of tho entire work. Nothing is loft undone that will assist tho glass cuttor in forming correct color-judg-monts. Throughout tho ontiro proc ess, and hoto particularly, tho work progresses under precisely those con ditions that aro best calculated to make surprises and incongruities im possible when tho wholo shall bo com pleted. A sheet of plain glass, tho sizo of tho cartoon, is laid ovor tho un directed tracing. Outlines of tho in tended lead bands aro then painted on tho clear glass in black linos of cc rro sponding width. On tho model thus prepared tho papor paitorns aro stuck by moans of a llttlo wax. It is now ready to bo taken to tho figure-room, whoro it is placed directly in front of a largo window, and the ilow work of substituting colored glass for paper begins. Prof. C. II. Henderson, in Populnr Science Monthly. GRIN AND BEAR IT. A POPULAR PHRASE. SCHOOL AND CHURCH. past iu out tho West, and sonal observation years. Franklin Harper's Mngazlno, Tho Faith Is Lacking. "Doctor, If thoro Is no such thing as hydrophobia how does It happen so many persons who havo boon bltton by rabid dogs dio afterward iu convul sions?" "Thoy die of fright, sir. Thoy aro beared to divith. Tho imagination fometlmos oxorts a power sufficient to kill." "Then why onn't a patient who thinks holms hydrophobia U cured in the gamo way making him Imajriue ho Is going to got well?" "Hauauu wo onn't Inspirit him md any or faith In our medicine ' -Chicago Tribune. In Homo there aro !10 cardinals, 3f bishops, l, l(!9 priests, 'i.'Jlo nuns, and 3,000 monks, friars, candidates, etc. Dr. Piorson estimates tho money annually raised for carrying 011 Prot estant foreign missions at about $11, 250.000. Tho income of tlfo four great mis sionary soeietios of Great Hritnln and of tho Hritish and Foreign Hlble Society is in amount equal to the money spout on drink in England for sixty days. If tho 30,000,000 Protest ant church-members of tho world would give ono cent each day of tho year, ovor $ 100. 000. 000 would bo In tho mission treasuries. Tho Christian Union. Tho city of Toronto, OnL. though spread over a large area, pormits no horse-ears on Sundays, no saloons open, no beer-gardons or places of ontortainnient In the suburbs, and no Sunday newspapers. It is bolloved that tho effect of not running tho cars on Sunday has beon to scatter excel lent churches all ovor tho city, so that ovory small section has good churches. Illustrated Christian Weekly. A Jamosburg (N. J.) Christian Endeavor Society has oponod a Christian parlor for young men and boys, whoro reading, quiet games. music, etc., can be enjoyed. A sing ing school, literary entertainments, a library, etc., aro furnished, and all under the charge of dllleront mom bora cf tho society. A savings eystoni has also been instituted in connection with the "parlor." Such efforts as this are bolng mado by a numbor of the societies. History of Hut Origin or the Kxpreaslon lly Hook or by Crook." Tho destruction caused by tho iiro of London, A. D. ItiliO. during which somo thirteon thousand two hundred houses, otc., wero burnt down, in vory many cases obliterated all tho boundary-marks requisito to de termine tho extent of land, and ovon tho vory sites occupied by buildings previous to this torriblo visitation. Whon the rubbish was romoved and tho land cleared, tho disputes and en tangled claims of thoso whoso houses had been dostroyod. both as to tho po sition and extent of thoir property, promised not only interminable occu pation to tho courts of law, but mado tho far moro serious evil of dolaying the rebuilding of tho city, until these disputes woro sottled, inovitabe. im pelled by tho necessity of coining to a more speedy settlement of their re spective claims than could bo hoped for from legal process, it was de termined that tho claims and interests of all persons concerned should be ro forred to tho judgment and decision of two of tho most exporionccd land-surveyors of that day mon who had been thoroughly acquainted wita Lon don previous to tho !iro; and, in o dor to oseapo from tho Humorous and vast ovils which more delay must occasion, that tho decision of those two arbi trators should bo final and bindinr. The surveyors appointed to determine 1110 riguts 01 1110 various clainf.ints were Mr. Hook and Mr. Crook, who, by tho justico of their decisions, gavo general satisfaction to tho intorosted parties, and by thoir speedy determin ation or tho dilforent claims permitted tho rebuilding of tho city to proceed without the least delay. Hence aroso tho saying, "Hy Hook or by Crook," usually applied to tho extrication of persons or things from a difficulty. N. Y, Ledger. Baby's Sleeping Time. I wondor if all mothers know that baby likes to bo turned ovor after ho has slept for an hour or two on ono side? When ho stretches and wriggles, and finally, pcrhtip., cries out, try turning him on his other side, or al most on his back, and soo If ho does not relapse into another sound nap without further effort on your part. Do not forget to turn tho pillow ovor also sometimes. Tho ono or two-yonr-old who wakos In tho night and sits up In bed, rubbing his llttlo lists Into his sleepy eyas, fools, perhaps, hot and uncomfortable. Try turning the pil low. If ho Is llko some children the writer knows of. ho will wait for the souud of the turning pillow, and then drop back on it into a reuowetl leep. Itomeuiber also to keep a child's clothe mnooth undor him. Din wins down thr rumpled night-- ui!i.- and smooUilnf thecowr ha.- much to do u iihjniotIu ttie roatu-ss tiisaings of the htt"c fcluopor. Hubyhood. A Very Unkind Question; "Miss Hello Popperton is a vory sar castic young lady, isn't sho?" said Gus Do Jay to ono of his friends. "I havo noticed somo tondenev that way in her. What has she been say ing to you?" "Why, yesterday evening I was call ing on her, and during tho evening I remarked that if sho wished 1 would toll hor a llttlo incident, adding that it had just crossed my mind." "What did sho say?" 4 'Sho merely looked at 1110 and re marked: 'Did it havo far to travel, Mr. Do Jay?' " "That was unkind. Did you make any reply?" "No; but I looked real grieved." Morchant Travelor. Farina Dumplings. Ono quart of milk, ten ounces of farina, three eggs, ono and ono-half toaspoonfuls of baking powder, a teuspoonful of but tor, and one-half pound of Hour; lot tho milk bl; stir In tho farina nnd boll until woll dono; allow tho nilxturo to cool, and add the meltod buttor and boaton eggs, and last add tho Hour, bilking powdor and salt; drop with tablespoon Into salted, boiling wator; boll about fifteen minutes, till thuy rise; remove vvlUi .kluimer and serve with fruit wuieo. Plant troas iu all wasto plner thoy nro liable to grow, and thus make use of tho ground which wot'ld athorwlse grow up to weeds. In U.'ujr It will bo worth something. Bob Ilurtlrtto Give Somo of His Cood Ailvlco to Youiir .Man? My son, your brow is clouded; some thing lias happened that didn't nnd doesn't ngrco with you. Woro you neglected in tho Invitations? Didn't you get on any of tho committees? Wero you overlooked in tho conven tion? Hasn't tho sccrotary written you a personal lottor asking your nd vico upon tho campaign? Havo you been coldly passed over for mon of loss ability? Do you feel that an intention al slight has beon put upon you? Can you seo clearly that every thing is going wrong because you havo not been consulted? Havo you beon di rectly snubbed by inferior people? I thought as much. At your time of lifo such things aro vory liablo to oc cur. Thoy used to happen with mo now nnd then. You will grow wIst as you grow older, unless you tako tho othor chute; then you will grow moro fool ish, and thoro is only one euro for an old fool, my boy that is, death. Or dinary death won't euro him. oithor. "Though thou shouldest bray him in a mortar among wheat with a pcstlo, yet will not his foolishness dopart from him." Seo how awfully dead ho has to bo killed! Smashing him only makes him worse. Hut now, if any or all of these slights havo beon put upon you, liston to me, ray tender Tolcmachus. Don't show your soros. Oh. don't show your sores. Thoy aro not pleasant things to look at, nobody wants to seo them and thoy will heal much moro rapidly and nat urally and healthfully. If you don't exposo them. Keep them eovorod. Don't show them to tiny body but your surgeon, and don't show them to him unless you havo to. And, don't look at them yoursolf. Lcavo thom alono undor tho healing plasters of timo and tho cool compresses of forgetfulness, and you'll bo surprised some day whon you do happen to think of thom, to find that they havo healed by tho first intention without a scar. Don't toll peoplo when you aro hurt; don't toll every body how keenly you fool a slight when, perhaps, thoro was no slight intended. Don't get yoursolf snubbed by people who never seo you, and who don't know you nnd novor think of you. And if you really aro hit, ana hit hard, it belittles your manhood and it drives away human sympathy when you lift up your voico and howl on tho streets. Keep quiet about it. Don't whine; don't yell. Ono day, at the investment of Vieksburg it was on tho memorable 2i'd of May durin a lull in tho desultory skirmishing that preceded tho assault, whilo I was lying close to tho surface of tho great round globe which wo inhabit, and wishing I could get a little closer to it, wo hoard a tremendous howling and shrieking, and down tho dusty road from tho front camo a bluo-jackotod skirmisher on tho trot, holding ono hand up in the other, and tho hand ho was holding up had no thumb on it. It hurt like tho mischief. I have no doubt, but it was only a thumb aftor all, and how the follow was howling about it. Ho was a brave man or he wouldn't have beon whoro ho could havo lost that thumb. Hut you would think it was tho only thumb in tho wholo United States army and Umt no ono olso on tho skirmish lino had beon hit that morning. So tho soldiers saw only tho funny sido of tho picture, and a porfeet chorus of howls, in vociferous imitation of tno man's own wails, went shrieking up from tho sarcastic lino of tho mon who woro waiting thoir turn to face death. In a minute another soldier camo walking back from tho skirmish lino. Ho was walk ing slowly and steadily, novor a moan foil from his compressed lips, though thoy woro whiter than his bronzed face, and he hold his hand against his breast. Tho siloneo of tho death chamber fell upon tho lino in an in stant, as tho figuro of tho soldier moved along the road with tho air of a conquoror. Half a dozen men sprang to his sido. Tenderly thoy laid him down in tho shadow of a great oak; his lips parted to speak a mes sage to somo ono a thousand milos away, and tho lino was short ono man for tho coming assault, IIo died of his hurt; but ho died liko a king. Oh, my boy! don't yoll tho lungs out ol you ovor a mashed thumb, whon only three tiles down tho linos a soldior sa lutes his captain boforo ho faces about to go to tho rear with a death bullet in his breast. You can't help getting hurt Thoro isn't a safo place in tho whole lino. Thoro nro cruel peoplo in the world who lovo to wound us; thoro aro thoughtless, heedless peoplo who don't think; thoro aro peoplo who don't euro, and thoro aro thick-skinned poo plo, who are not easily hurt thom solves. and thoy think mankind Is a thlck-hldcd raco; in fact, tho air is full of darts and arrows and singing bullets all the tlmo, and it's dangor ous to bo Mifo anywhere. Hut whon you do get hit as hit you cortainly will bo don't "hollor" any louder than you havo to. Grin and bear it, tho host you may. Thoro arc somo peoplo so badly hurt thoy must moan; do you forgot your own hurt in look ing aftor thom Hurdotto, in Hrooklyn Eaglo. Almond Cheoso Cakes. Lino pat ty pans with pastry, and drop in a mlxturo of tho whites of throo oggs. one-fourth of a pound of nowdored sugar, juice of ono-hulf of a lemon. 1 ono-half of a pound of blanchod and chopped almonds. Hake in a mod orato oven. -Ouood Housokoeping. Tho lato Mary 1 Booth, as cele brated a translator as sho was, could not speak a word of French or Ger- i i a- K ( I man.