The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 13, 1889, Image 1

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    TP iris
H In,
i; VOL. V.
NO. 5L
n M
! mm jsa. jsa.
An Independent weekly journal, i-ued ev
ery Thursday niorniii!; bv
Publishers ami Proprietors".
A. K. Jom:s, i
Editor. $
( Foreman.
Ono copy, one vear 1.;0
" Six months 1.00
" ' Three niontos 75
lnvarlnlily Cnsh in Ailvnncc.
Jf by chance subset iptions are not paid till
end of year, two dollars will be cUaruttl.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. JSrCorrespomlencc from all parts of the
country solicited.
Adress all communications to the Okcgo.n
Scout, Union Oregon.
H. Kakin,
J. A. Kakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
JSSri'rompt Attention l'aid to Collect.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Olllce,, two doors south of post-olllce,
Union, Oregon.
Physician ami Surgeon.
Olllce. ono door outh of J. U. Eaton's
store, Union, Oregon.
1 H. DAY, 31. D.,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Ollicc adjoining .Jones Pro's store. Can
be fentnd nights at residence in South
west Union.
J. W. Siiei.ton. J. M. Cakuoll.
Attorneys at Law.
Ofllee : Two doors south of post-office, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given ail business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Office, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. L. DANFOItTII, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon
North Powder, Oregon.
i i s i: a s k s o v w o i: x a s i i: c i a l t y.
Calls attended to at all hours.
A. L. SAYLOK, M. 1).,
Physician stiul Surgeon,
North Powder, Oregon.
Has Dcrmancntlv located and will attend
all professional calls day or night.
Olllce: Drug store building: residence,
one door west of llodgors hotel.
County Surveyor,
And Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor,
North Powder, Oregon.
Conveyancer and Abstracter.
Abstracts to Ileal and Mining proporty
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Peal and Mining proporty nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Oilico next door south of Post-otilco, Un
ion, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Cornucopia, Oregon.
Land Business Promptly Atten
ded to Before the U. S. Offices.
ETMIninj; claims bought and mUl on
coiuuiisMon. Mines examined and repor
ted upon.
La Grande, Orogon.
Will visit Union regularly on tho
first Monday of oach month.
fiJsSSGuns, Ammunti
NtfB lf tile Werk ti ?ittd ly
IlcgMlnr CorrtMtpOMlent.
June iif i8so.
Mr. Edwards and family have
moved onto their ranch near town.
Messrs. linker it Dickey, of 11
Grande, enme over front Cracker Creole
lust week.
Air. II. II. Spencer and wife- re
turned from Portland, this week, where
they have been on si business trip.
Mr. Dcvine, of tho linker creamery,
i was m town m connection with us
Mr. George Ycnable, station agent,
returned on Friday from his tour to
the Willamette.
Mrs. Stevens, of Idaho, daughter of
Mrs. White, is here on a visit to her
The old sofiool houso and lots are
for sale in view of building in a new
Mr. Robt. Lloyd has quit the drug
business and has been on a visit to
Cracker City.
A now shoemaker has opened out in
business in Mr. Gorhain's building.
The Anthony Mill ot Flume Co.
will begin operations again to-day.
Dr. llonan, of La Grande, was called
to attend Mrs. Howard Campbell, last
week, who met with a badly bruised
arm in a runaway accident.
Some travel of lato over the North
Powder road to Cracker Creek via Yan
Patton's mill. Teams can go within
four miles of the mines.
The Baker creamery is collecting
large quantities of cream in this vicin
ity. Farmers prefer to sell their
cream rather than manufacture it into
butter and cheese at home.
Air. Ed. Charnes narrowly escaped
serious injury by a runaway
team on Saturday. He brought in a
load of lumber and left his team in tho
street while transacting some business
in Spencer it Co's. store, and on re
turning and attempting to climb upon
his wagon again the seat turned in
such a manner as to throw him for
ward at the same time his foot caught
in the brake rope. His team becom
ing frightened ran some two hundred
yards or more towards the railroad
track where they were stopped before
crossing by Mr. Frisby. In falling ho
swung under his wagon and fortunate
ly caught on to tho coupling and held
on for dear life during the race, his
shoulders coming in contact with the
hard ground at times. When released
from his porilous- position ho expressed
himself as not being injured to any
great extent and drove off to unload
his wagon. 1 lad his hands gave way
death Would have been tho inevitable
result and ho can eongratulato him
self on the fortunate termination of his
wild ride.
A "bunchgress" sheop shearing crow
from Well Springs, Maiion county, re
turned from Huntingon last week
where they havo been shearing for va
rious parties, and make tho following
report: Tho crew consists of six
young nion and the first day they
worked only six hours and a quarter
on Air. Henry Lewis' band of sheep,
and on footing up had removed f0f
fleeces averaging a fraction over SI
fleeces to the man or one sheep sheared
in less than five minutes, making the
best iecord yet reported in Kastorn
Orogon. The tally is as follows : L.
Potre, 100; Henry Pearson, 102; Uobt.
Hills, S2; Chas. Jaynes, 72; Wm.
Pcarson,'72; Jabcob Potro. 72, a grand
total of f)0.". Those "bunchgrassers"
havo been raised in a sheep growing
region whoro opportunities are not
wanting to become proficient in tho
art of shearing. As thoy did not exert
themselves in making this record they
are confident of raising it should suffi
cient inducement bo oflbrod or on any
disputation of iU correctness. Tally
ono for "bunchgrass."
A. I AX.
Mrrlt Will..
Wo desire to say to our citizen., that for
years wo have been aelllng Dr. King's .Vow
Diwsovory for Consumption, Dr. King's
Xew Life PilU, Hueklen'e Arnica Halve and
Hlectrlo ltitterit, and huve novor hundlud
remedies that ell as well, or that have giv
en with univemal eti action. Wo do not
heajute to guarantee tbcm every time,
and we Umd ready to refund tho purchaae
price, if wtifaury rtHl) do nst follow
their uae. Thce remedies have won their
popularity purely on tin If merit. It. JI.
Drown, druitgi.t, Union, Oregon
ion, Field Glasses, P
i A Beautiful Catalpa Grove in
Hagle Valley.
Ore Worth $:ooo per ton A Launch on
Banner Lake Other Notes.
I shall have but little to say about
mines, not that there is nothing to say,
but I have taken a day oil' and have
been down among tho tillers of the
soil. I have been over the ground
where, years ago, 1 traveled through
sago brush and over barren plains, to
find now the hill and vale responding
to the sturdy eilbrts of the farmer.
i i i i
Aim now Kiiuiiy aim guiiiTuuai n.ia
nature responded. 1 found in Eagle
valley my old time friend lion. W. H.
Usher, sitting under his own vine and
fig tree, watching tho growth of llowcr
and fruit, as happy us an English no
bleman, which ho would be were ho
not wedded to tho life of an American
farmer. I found him sitting in the
shade of a catalpa grove, which was
raised from the seed sent to him from
Washington. The catalpa is a tree of
very rapid growth. This grove is now
two years old, and fie trees are from
two to five inches in diameter. At
eight feet from the ground it begins to
branch and bears a white flower much
like the locust. His ranch is on Eagle
creek near its junction with Powder
river, and about thirteen miles from
Sitting on the porch of his house T
was forcibly impressed and tho sacred
verso I used to sing when a Sabbath
school boy, and much better boy than
now :
"Sweet fields arrayed in living green,
And rivers of delight."
For so it seemed to me. On either
side flows Powder river or Iviglc creek,
their banks skirted with locust, halm
of gilead and cottonwood. All kinds
of fruit grow here in the greatest abun
dance. Uncle Hill has not contented
himself with fruit, and llowcr, only nar
tivo to tho manor, but exotics of cvory
kind greet one's vision. 1 was more
than glad to see an old and deserving
friend surrounded with so much com
fort and luxury.
smau ruriTS.
About two miles from Air. Usher's
place I found Dr. Alorris, surrounded
by fruits and flowers, and a happy fam
ily. Although fully twenty miles from
Cornucopia by the regularly traveled
road, lie comes to town twico a week
with ripe strawberries and other fruits.
Airs. Usher is a Georgia lady and
though far removed from hor sunny
south seems happy as a farmer's wife
on hor beautiful home in Union coun
ty, Oregon. Air. Usher is likewise in
terested in the Cornucopia mines with
Alessrs. Polios and Senor, and spends a
portion of his timo in town.
Pino cicok is exporioncing the throos
of almost a civil war. A now town is
laid out and a store and Odd Fellows'
hall are about completed, over which
the old town is very much exorcised.
There is land and room enough for
In town it is very quiet, the working
portion of our people being in the hills.
The ore now boing taken from tho
lower tunnel was this morning estima
ted by a disinterested party to bo
worth $2000 por ton.
Yesterday morning tho Nipsio was
convoyed to Uannor lake undor the
ohargo of Georgo Hollos, Clinton Duffy,
and Col. Gilmoro.
Come out, you peoplo in and around
Tin: Scour oflico, and tako a fish and
bunt. Can't Dick Griffin get up an
excursion from Union. It will do tho
Union peoplo good to air themselves.
An Intuntntiiii: l.iittur I'rinii Our ICi-kii--,
, lur Uorri'Hjxiiiil t-'iit.
Juno 12, 1889.
The stago mot with quite an accident
Friday, by a burr becoming detached
and a wheel unexpectedly rolling off.
The vehicle overturned, badly demol
ishing tho tonguo and top, but fortu
natoly nono of the pasfcongors woro
injured mid by some active work tho
team prevented from running away.
ishing Tackle, etc., at
Aliss II. L. Alorrison, Into music
teacher of the Ascension school, start
ed east, Saturday. She goes to Ken
tucky to visit relnlives. The young
' lady leaves behind a large circle of
friends, gained by her charming ways
and varied accomplishments.
Airs. Lou Payne has roturned from
Wnlln Walla after an extended visit.
She was accompanied home by Alts.
Cherries and strawberries are plenti
ful and loads are being taken to mar
ket dailv. The berries aro of splendid
llavor this season and of unusual sixc.
This ond of the famous High valley
Cove road is being opened and im
proved. W. H. Kundall has the men
in charge.
Mumps are still the fashion, theroi
being some six new cases this week.
The malady, however, is of the mild
form. ,
Tho Cove band is now meeting for
practice three times weekly and should
be able to furnish good music by tho
Dave Layne is sizing up matters
in Idaho City. While on
a train a cinder burnt his eye so he
will not probably be able to see a good
thing as quickly as he otherwise
The Cove baud will help to make
the day hideous, or rather asSist'in the
musical program at tho Union celebra
tion. Prof. Wm. Smith has decided to
locato for the pructico of law in Hakcr
City. Ho will movo with his family
in a short timo.
Tho Cove-Union nine is composed of
actual old-time residents of tho 'men
tioned towns. The personnel of the
club is as follows : Catcher, Frank AI.
Slocum ; pitcher and captain, William
Smith; first base, Eugene Foster; sec
ond base, Jasper G. Stevens; third
base, .I.AI. Gloss; short stop, Alillon
Levy; left field, A. L. Hansom; center
field, H. L.. Deacon ; right field, Georgo
Tho Cove-Union nino havo chal
lenged the North Powder club for a
game on tho Union grounds on next
The O. 11. it N.-La Grande-Star
combination style themselves "the
giants." It is acknowledged there aro
no mosquitoes on them when it comes
to size and muscular development.
The gamo Friday of this week will
probably bo the most exciting contest
ever witnessed, in the valley. A largo
number from Cove will attend, and it
is said that they wfll tako along what
spare "stuff" thoy have by thorn.
Professor Smith is swinging Indian
clubs and climbing hills this week get
ting himself into condition for the
game Friday. He says he expects to
pitch the gamo of his life. If ho doos,
look out, "giants!"
Tho homo team now havo a good
outfield. Thoy say overy lly will bo
taken in, Friday, and the usual muffin
dono away with.
Goss, tiie new third baseman, is a
player of oxporiouce. lie handles tho
ball with expression, to say nothing of
his effective work with the bat.
In the coming gamo an Amoriciui
Hag will bo held in readiness and if
Fisljor gets-anothor of his dangerous
falls tho '"colors will bo immediately
flown at half mast and resolutions of
condolence passed on the spot
"Journal" please copy.
The coming champions in the
Grande Ronde, as in tho eastorn
leaguo, aro not tho giants, wo will
wager a button,
Harvey Aloreland will keep tho com
ploto score for the homg team a good
idea as it will show oach players rec
ord for future reference.
Alatott and his catcher are said to bo
in flue condition and will put up. a
good game. Alatott has splendid com
mand of tho ball and all he lacks of
being n crack pitcher is sharper curves
in his delivery.
The playing of Hansom will be
watched with iutoroit to see if ho will
ropoat some of his grand stand catches
in loft field.
Every vestige of sago brtieh has dis
appeared from the Union grounds. It
is said the mosquitos havo boon gnu
ing ovor it. ,
Kew good at Mrs. L. I). Itlnuhart's this
weok I lat of the very latent stylo, uIho a
nice line of feathers, Inuee, oU
Greatly Reduced Pri
'hc Varied Resources of Grande
Ronde Valley.
Description of Its Advantages,
prise and Possibilities,
The following truthful and accurate
description of Union and vicinity we
take fiotn the Pacific Express. It was
written by Air. W. W.White, traveling
correspondent of the paper, who re
cently visited tho place:
Little is known of Union county out
side of Grande Hondo valley and little
of that away from the lino of tho O. R.
it N. railroad which skirts along its
western line and that eloso to tho
mountains. Union county is bounded
on the north by Wallowa county and
Washington territory, on tho east by
Wallowa county and Snake river, south
by Raker county, and west by Grant
and Umatilla counties. It contains
eighty townships of six miles square
each, 2SS0 square miles, and l.o ill.OOO
acres of land.
There are in the county, as given to
tho assessor 2!W,755 acres of deeded
i jlllui
vnlnoil iif S!l !lOO r.r.n . imm-nvn.
meuts on undeeded land, $4-l.)Sr; val
uo of town lots, !?:i:U,(!2 t ; value of hor
ses, if !)70,272 ; value of cattle, .$27:i,
8'J5; value of swine, $100,811, making
a total valuation of taxablo property,
The county also embraces the follow
ing valleys: Grande Hondo, Indian,
Eagle, Pine, Powder river and Antel
ope. Within these valleys is some of
tho finest land within tho state of Ore
gon, from off of which are raised wheat,
oats, barley, timothy or herd grass, al
falfa and clover. The yield of wheat
is about thirty-iivo bushels to tho acre,
oats fifty to scventy-iivo bushels to the
acre, barley forty-five to fifty-five bush
els to the acre, timothy grass from two
to three tons to tho acre, and alfalfa,
which is cut three times during tho
season, from iivo to seven tons per
acre, it is tnercioro tiouuuui it more
is any other county in the state of Or
egon, whose averago of crops per aero
will come up to that of Union.
There is in tho county somo of the
finest blooded stock in the state, both
of horses and cattle, and tho raising of
this stock is encouraged by the system
of valuation placed upon them for tax
ation, for they are valued at no higher
figures than common stock, which en
couragcs.stoekraiscra to raise the best,
and tho result is that you seo less poor
stock in Union county than in any
other county in the state.
Fruits, such as apples, plums, cher
ries and pears grow to perfection, tho
palatableness of which excels that of
fruits raised in tho Willamctto and
other places west of the Cascades.
Alnny of tho smaller fruits do well when
properly cultivated.
Although Union county can boast of
its fino lands and herds of stock, it still
has another resource of wealth which
is now attracting tho attention of men
of capital and that is its mines. Within
ilSj bottlers aro situated tho following
mining districts: Cornucopia, Sparta,
Sanger and Pino creek. Some of theso
mines are now in the hands of men of
means, who are putting up machinery
to reduce the ores thoreof. Tho pros-
nects obtained therefrom lustily a
largo outlay and expenditure of mon
ey to further develop tho mines.
Union county is not one-tenth pros
pected, for there lies within her bor
ders miles upon miles of mountain ran
ges, the appearanco of which justifies
tho belief that thoy are full of mineral
deposits, and it would not be a surprise
should Union county becomo tho
equal of Shoshono county, Idaho, in
point of mineral wealth itnd resources.
Resides its agricultural lands, herds
of stock and mineral resources, there
aro Within its borders somo fino, grow
ing towns, which aro Union, La
Grande, Island City, Summervillo, El
gin, Ililgard, North Powder, Covo,
Sparta, Pino Vulloy and Cornucopia,
the lust four being tho mining centers
of the county.
Tho valleys of tho county aro well
walored. A scarcity of water is un
known and in only ono or two portions
is irrigation necessary. Ry irrigation
ccs at A. N. Gardner
som like the rose of Sharon.
There is in the county sixty school
districts with an enrolled pupilage of
Il.OfiU, drawing public moneys to tho
amount of $10J07 05, and in some of
the districts a high standard of educa
tion is maintained.
The population of tho county is esti
mated ut lo.OOO, which is a fair esti
mate, and it is constantly increasing
by a steady influx of immigrants who
arc settling in the hills and bringing
them into a state of cultivation. Tho
soil is excellent for tho production of
wheat, barloy, oats and timothy grass.
Tho hills and mountains of Union
county are covered with a fine growth
of timber which is manufactured into
lumber and ties and finds a ready mar
ket, not only in the valley but to tho
railroad company. Wood for tho val
leys and towns is obtained in the moun
tains and brings from to $0 per
Now, as competition is tho life of
trade, what Union county wants is an
other raihoad to enter its portals, for
they know that they will then have a
choice of routes and places with which
to deal.
The climate of Union county is ex
cellent, although tho winters aro some
what cold. Tho atmosphere being dry
the cold is not felt so much as in a
climate where the atmosphcro is damp
and not exalted. In the summer Micro
arc some days of hot weather, but tho
nights aro cool and refreshing.
The Orcgonian-abttscd little city of
Union is tho county scat of Union
county. It lies in tho southern partof
Grande Hondo valley, and is built on
both sides of Catherine creek, which
runs through the center of tho city,
dividing it into two parts. It is finely
located and beautifully situated. Tho
banks of the stream aro lined with, a
fino and splendid growth of shado trees
of various kinds, presenting for a long
distance the appearance of a large and
beautiful grove. Tho business por
tion of the city is on tho south sido of
tho creek and mostly upon ono street.
On the north side of the creek is tho
main residence portion of the place,
Tho city is well laid out. Tho streets
wide and run north and south, cast
and west, and cross euoh other at right
Tho city is situated in nearly tho
geographical center of tho county of
Union, and if tho efforts of some to se
cure the removal of the county scat
from hero to La Grande succeeds it
will be at tho oxpenso of tho whole
county, in losing the southern portion
thereof, as tho citizens of Powder Kiv
cr valloy, Sparta, Cornucopia and, in
fact, tho whole southern portion of tho
county declare that thoy will no lon
ger remain in Union county, but Unit
they will mako a strenuous effort to be
annexed to Raker county, as it will bo
more to their interests to do so. Be
sides this there will bo tho expenso of
building new set of county buildings
at a coskof not less than $-10,000 or
$00,000, thereby increasing tho taxa
tion and oxpenso of the county.
Tho main rcsidont portion of tho
city, on tho north sido of tho creek, is
almost a paradise, Tho lots are largo
and surrounded by those almost indis
pensable blessings and luxuries and al
most necessities, shado trees, giving it
a look of beauty. Tho residences, al
though not of a grand and majestic
style, aro beautiful and elegant. Tho
homo cottages present an appearanco
of comfort and easo, and in somo in
stances of luxury. Tho lots aro doited
with fruit trees of apples, cherries and
plums, and small fruits, all of which
aro loadctl with an abundance of fruit.
Tho front yards ro adorned with beau
tiful and magnificent flowers, all show
ing that the citizens of Union desiro
tho useful, but also havo a keen and
lively appreciation for tho beautiful
and grand. Tho foothills aro of azuro
green. Tho snow clad peaks of tho
Hlue mountains and Eagle Creek range
present themselves to tho vision and
dispel tho monotony of a prairie scene,
and tho seeker after u home can find
hero a lovely and beautiful spot whore
in to satisfy his desires.
Tho citizens aro making strenuous
efforts to havo tho Hunt system !
railroads brought into Union and aro
leaving no stono unturned to sec tiro
and accomplish that object. Mr.
Qitttintted on lent juiye.
& Co's Jewelry Store.
the land is made to bloom and