The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 06, 1889, Image 5

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AMOS K. JOS lis. - KDITOlt.
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
Hon of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Thursday, Jmw (5, 1SS9.
Gathered tip 'r Tin; Scotit nnl Itrought
tii Ileailqunrtor.t.
Strawberries are now in the market.
The fruit crop will be immense this year.
H.ikcr Citv will celebrate on the Fourth of
Don.t forget tho Fourth of July celebra
tion at Union.
Memorial (lav was appropriately ob
ervetl in tills city.
For photographs, unsurpassed in finish
and style, go to Jones Pros'.
J. M. l'liy A Co. will pay Rood prices for
your wheat ut the Fnion mill.
For the vol y latest in ribbon, laces. How
era nnd feathers call at Mrs. Itinchart's.
The endlin moth ha mado its appear
ance in great numbers on .some of the fruit
trees in Pendleton.
Lost -A gold band ring. A suitable re
ward will be paid to the Under by leaving
the same at this ollice.
New goods at Mrs. L. B. lUnchurt's this
week Hats of tlio very latest stylo, also a
nice line of feathers, laces, etc.
There will be preaching at the Presbyte
rian church next Sabbath morning and
evening by Rev. J. C. Willcrt.
The appropriation for improving tlio
Wallowa hill, amounting to $2,000, was re
ceived by JudgcOoodall this week.
Tim Crogan was yanked up before his
honor, the city recorder, last Thursday,
and lined $10 for disorderly conduct.
The myils have arrived very Irregularly of
late. In this respect the service is not us
reliable as in the old stage coach days.
Travelers will find no better place than
the Depot hotel to stop at for a few days.
Hot medical baths in connection with the
Ladies will do well to call on Miss
Mathicu, the leading dressmaker of Union
county. Sewing room at Mrs. Itinehart's
millinery store.
Children's Day will lie observed next
Sabbath at the Presbyterian church at 9:15
o'clock, a. m., by the children. The pub
lic are invited to be present.
Sherman it Haley have moved their soda
factory back to Union from La Grande,
they know which way the wind is blowing
ami wiil be here when the boom strikes us.
If you want anything in the implement
line, Stavcr & Walker, at La Grande, can
supply you on snort notice. Attention is
called" to their advertisement in this paper.
The printing committfo on the Fourth of
July work has had some gorgeous three
sheet posters piintcd, which will be dis
tributed throughout the county in a few
A. J. Goodbrod has the thanks of the
, Scout typographical force for a box of his'
clous strawberries, raised in his garden be
low town. Such presents are always very
Received at the Cove drug store, this
week, a fresh supply of Electric Hitters;
also an assortment of ammunition suitable
for destroying the numerous feathered
cherry tree dcspoilcrs.
The lllue Mountain house in La Grande
will be found an excellent house to stop at.
Everything neat and clean and the table
supplied with 'the best the market affords.
Those visiting La Grande should mako a
note of this.
A copartnership has been formed by Geo.
Uaird and Luther J. llusick, in the barber
business, and their shops have been consol
idated. They are adepts at their business
and are deserving of a goodly share of the
public patronage.
The school district went to a great ex
penso a few years ago in putting a good
fence around the school house. Now sev
eral panels of tlio fence have been knocked
down and the gates aro left swinging on
their hinges. This is not as it should be,
"Where arc the directors?
The Union Cemetery Society will meet
at the residence of Mrs. Alger at !5 p. m.
on Juno 7th. All tlio members of the socie
ty are requested to bo present, and all the
girls in town are invited to attend.
Mrs.; Pi nsni., President.
In the stomach of a beef steer killed on
Saturd'iy, says tlio Milton Eagle, James
Kirkland found a iify-cent piece. It was
discolored and worn smooth. Eastern peo
ple intending to mako homo in the west
can Hud no richer climate than in tills im
mediate vicinity. A set of gold-mounted
teeth was alo found recently in a loaf of
bread made from Pear.oek (lour, which is
now quoted equal with valley Hour in the
Portland market.
Plows! Plows! Plows!! Latest improve
ments and lowest living prices. Simplest
and most convenient method of adjusting
beam and line of draft, making plow run
lighter and do better work. Has novcr
been equaled and cannot be excelled. The
lightest draft bulky plow in the world is the
Improved Wheel Land Side Sulky Plow,
anil there is no plow made that will do bet
ter work. These plows all manufactured
by the Kock Island Plow Co., and arc sold
by Frank Pro's. Implement Co. o; thuir
IlKCIlU. 1
J. A. MmUrwrn, of 11. C. Mays .t Co.,
Ladine, puv.B.1 uown this wo.-k en route to
Lou Angclo nftor u load of Hiropshire
sheep, which ho propone to hiter grade
with the SfiunUh Merinos, whicih he de
clares are too leuder for the Eastern Or
gon climate. They have ee-ui lealed in the
0 ramie Honde valley and thu. far havo
shown up finely He say tho cress of
Jsiir.u .-hire with fu.l grade Merluo brim:
tb combing delulnc ih1 whlili command
the highest priie in the lifts ten Wkts.
iiuiiss r.vit.vni:.
I Tho .Scout's Wppkly Inspection rtnil Ke
j port of friend oil- IJuty,
j Bishop Morris was in the city Inst Tues
day. ! S. T. I'lm nnd wife havo moved back to
! town.
las. Payne was up from tho Core yes
terday. 11. F, Kogor, of the Cove, called on us
Arthur Warnlok, of La Grande, visited
Union this week.
Enoch South and wife, of tho Park,'kwere
in town Monday.
llcv. A. Thomson, of Sumiuorvillo, culled
on us, Tuesday,
Miss E. M. Delong.of Island City, visited
Union yesterday.
Hon. L. II. Kinehart made a visit to Mal
heur county this week.
Hucy Lynch and wife, of Antelope, woru
in tho city last Monday.
John A. Childers and wife, of Island City,
visited Union this week.
lion. George Chandler, of Baker county,
was in Union lust Friday.
J. W. Lytic, of Island City, mado us a
pleasant visit Jast Friday.
E. 1). Smith called on us this week and
subscribed for Tin: Scout.
Mrs. Sccley, of the Cove, is visiting her
son, 0. P. Jaycox, of this city.
William Martin, of the Park, visited Un
ion the fore part of the week.
W. A. Maine ret.irned from the Cove this
Week and will remain hero.
City Recorder J. A. Tuttle is rusticating
in the Cove for a few days.
Marion Carroll and wife spent several
days in North Powder this week.
Pernio NefT and Martin McDulfee, of
North Powder, were in town Monday.
Joel Weaver and Mr. llrcshcars, of In
dian valley, were in the city yesterday,
Miss Mattie 15allard, of Cornucopia, sent
in this week and subscribed for Tim Scout.
We arc sorry to announce that Phil Wil
son has been quite sick for several days
Mrs. (ilidowell, of Cornucopia, was visit
ing in Union this week, the guest of Mrs.
Dr. Deering, who lias been rusticating in
Harney valley for several weeks, returned
last Saturday.
Mrs. Ximenia Stevens, of Umatilla coun
ty, is visiting relatives and friends in tho
Cove and Union.
Shannon Marshall has taken up a rancho
near La Grande and lias gone into the
dairy business.
Totnbleson it Brooke, the sheep men of
Telocasct. arc gel ting' ready to drive a large
band of sheep to Montana.
Luke McGinnis requests the address of
his Scout changed from Island City to
Lost Prairie, "Wallowa county.
Mrs. A. N. Hamilton and children, and
Mrs. James Lowell, returned from nn ex
tended visit to Snake river last Tuesday.
A. J. Kibbc. formerly of this city, is now
in Ilanscll, Iowa. JIo sent hack this week
and subscribed for Tin: Scout for ono year.
Charles Robins, who has been employed
at the sawmiil in Indian valley for several
months past, returned to Union a few days
G. W. Frazier, of Tolocaset, called on us
a few days ago and subscribed for Tun
Scout, to bo sent to C. W. Watson, Ver
mont. S. R. Reeves, the genial proprietor of the
Blue Mountain house at La Grande, called
on us last Friday and subscribed for Tin:
J. C. Doney, of the Cove, It is said, will
attend the National Nurserymen's Conven
tion to he held at Chicago on the 5th aniKith
of Juno.
Mr. Vanordcr, of thu Park, was in town
Tuesday. The old gentleman was on his
way to Walla Walla and will begone about
two weeks.
Mr. II. L. Deacon and son, Harry, and
Charles Fobare took their departure on last
Monday for a prospecting tour of the min
ing regions west of here.
John Chadwick, of the Cove, was in town
last Friday. While here he called on us
and renewed the .subscription for Tm:
Scout to his father in Wisconsin.
Tho Royco and Lansing Comedy Com
pany appeared In this city last Fiiday even
ing to a large audience. The company is a
good ono and gave entire satisfaction.
Miss Fannie Wright, who has been at
tending Mills' Seminary, at Oakland, Cali
fornia, for several months past, roturned
homo last Monday to spend her vacation.
Quite a number of our young pooplo at
tended the baseball gamo at La Grande last
week. The ball players, slnco their return,
it A I.., ..r.t itMliinf ufiv nrktlilll tr NflV '
lllll ... ....J , .w "J .
Mrs. II. C. Weaver, of Baker City, and
her sister, Miss Rosctta Robinson of the
Cove, made this ollico a pleasant visit,
Tucsduy. Mrs. Weaver was on her way to
tho Cove to visit relatives and friends.
Tho name of Robert S. Anderson, a law
yer of Baker City, has been sent to tho
president for appointment as United State
commissioner for the district of Alaska.
Tho place Is worth $1000 per year and feus.
T. F. Galloway and wife returned last
week from Pleasant Homo in Multnomah
county, where they have been living for
soinetiuio. Thoy think thero U no placo
like Union, and will make their homo hero
lion W. T. Iluino, of Portland, grand
chancellor of Oregon, K. of P.. paid an of
ficial vUH to Blue Mountain I-dge. No. 23,
of thl ulty. lt night. After disposing of
.... .1.- I. ..... r. t 1... Iulfi l-a.
some worn me muiuur ii
paired to the Bon Ton re-Uurant and par
took of an collation pre pared ex
pressly for the occasion.
' Hale Ooopiir 8li.
S. B. Ayl. proprietor. MauBffleMlwr ut
htnUT b-lrifc. and ke A if'iod Wfplv
alwav- '" hand. Shop south of liool
i home, Union. Uicgou
Wo Gtiiiriuttoc our J. I. Case "AGITATOK" Sopurnlor,
Over four hundred of these celebrated machines wtrc in operation last season in
Oregon and Washington, all of which gave tho verv highest s.iti-if notion. Thero arc
twice as manv 'Agitators" sold each vear through nit tho United States as any other
make of thresher. This In-ge sale, double that of ury other thresher, is the very strong
est proof their superiority.
Wo unhcsitntinglv guarnntce the J. 1. Case "Agitator" Thresher to thrp-h us much
and thresh better in bundles and headed grain, long and chort straw and lmx; to bo
more durable and urn with less expense for repairs tbnn any other thresher over irade.
Remember that the best machines command the largo and living jnhs. If you
want a tl rcsher, buv the J. I. Case "Aultator," which is guaranteed to tm thu best, and
which bus proven Itself to be o by vears of trial In the hand of the leading farmers and
thre-hermen of the Northwest, and' is known to be a perfect succ ss. Is it not much
safer and better for you to purchase a machine which nrw been thoroughly tested for
years in Oregon ai'Washington, and is known to be u perfect success, than to purchase
it new and untried machine?
to us for special pamphlet, containing numerous testimonials from the lending
,r tin. Ynrtiiw.wt. ns to the suiici'iorlt v of the .1. I. Cse innrhiuory. It will pay
farmers of the
you to write to us for prices and tonus before purohaing a thresher, no m .lter what
representations are made nor what inducements are held out to you by olhcra. o
sell the genuine
We aro exclusive agents for the celebrated Jackson's SeifFeeders, Derrick- Forks, Derrick Fork lloisters and
Steam Trreshiiif? Machinery. Send for Special Catalogue oi" this Celebrated machinery.
Tin) iain tit Im (.ramie.
Tho sporting editor of this paper v a sad
ly disappointed, upon arriving at La
Grande hist Saturday, to find that only a
part of tho Unlon-Coye baseball aggrega
tion was upon tho grounds, and that tho
prospect for a close gamo was not very
llattoring. The boys present, however,
after a spirited tluhate between iheniKClvos,
concluded to play the 0. tt. A K. boys,
rather than return, although they admitted
that thoy had no chauee of wlnuiug. After
securing two boys from tho Uniou 'kid
club" and two from La Grundo to complete
the nine, game was called with Uniou at
bat, they being put out in one, two. three
order, La Grande tcored nine run in tho
first iuuiiig, all of which were made by
gross e rror by the tielder of the visiting
club. Tho visitors were repeatedly white
washed until tho fifth, whon Itnuauin mado
a score, while the 0. R. & N club nmnagod to
get in from ono to three each Inning aftor
the first. Following i tho
O. R. & N. 0 U o 8 11 8 1 0 25
Union-Cove ...0 0 0,0 1 1 0 0 13
The game wan characterised by extreme
ly poor fielding on tho part of thu visiting
club and few errorvon the part of the homo
team. Deacon pitched wild at first, show
ing a lack of practice in tho box, but after
bu got buttled down he held nearly uli the
balls, that were butted, within tho Infield.
He struck out 11 men, while Mutott treated
;t in a similar manner, llaird redeemed
himself in this game by making numerous
bright play on llrt, he being, with one or
two exception, the only member of the
visiting club that did any work worthy of
especial nutrition.
This victory for tho O. It. K. team
makes it neeew-ary to piny tho third game
of the series to decide who aro tho cham
pions, and tlio deciding game I mA far
June 11th at l:JWp. in. on the Uulon
grouuds, James Lowell being .selected to
act ub umpire.
Our boys sjieuk in the highest te.msuf
the trtfttuie ii roc v d .U the ham! ni t!u
0. R. & N. boys wh le i." La tiri,nd- and it
in lliv mti Ml 'ii ol the I'ni'-n pcpli to ie
clprocate in an appropriate itniicr A
dance has been arranged by Messrs. Hulrd
,t Jsmcx, i he Terp-MU rein veK'ram., to
t ikr I lare nil Ine eve An.' (tt lh- Hth ilit.,
ut h h a "Ci.d mi ilutioii mil In-extended
t' t-M Vi-l lug ' 'U''. - 1,11
1. tl.ti tsi ! lo a I. II '. and ll !" "I ' d
to give tliaiii a coi.,ial i i
Ladle- flue li!-- hat
ordei ii. i -i "f ' ''
hurt' iiuiliii i ,,ur-
houuet in. de to
L It. iti.e
Grain-savini;- machine in lho World.
A KIi-U Sti-tUii in tlio Itwd Jacket Jtlmi
at ( oi uuKii:la.
Emros Ohkuoii Scoi;t:
I have It from tho most reliable Nourcc
that tho ledge in the lower tuuuul of the
Ucd Jac;ket has been reached, and the oro
literally nliye with gold and sliver much
beyond all expectations and previous ilin
covcries. I hiivo taken pains to iiKptirc us
to tho truth of the report ami believe It to
be true. Ouu iiiccni;cr says it is a solid
mass of llieUd. Such statements are a llt
tlo on tho Munchausen order, but that
s-ince the change of thift last ulxht tho tun
nel ha suddenly burst into u mass of ore
of fubulon rittiuiMR I have no doubt. The
fuces of those v. ho have had tho fortuno to
be on the ground aro wreathed in niilos,
and ean hardly llnd words to tell the story.
Look out for Cornucopia. I am not sur
prised or disappointed. Lookout uowfor
doncii different mines to gut spurred up
Into u working heat. Cornuc-ipia will uow
have a boom thut will surprise every ou.
Htoek liatnlnpr-
Tlia Klamath Star bus an uble nrtlele on
the value of stock and what stock ranch
men there can afford to own. Tinio was
alien wild hay was .had for the cutting,
grass was good on all thu range, hut time
is, when hay has to be grown, and tho
poor, scrub stock of eurly time won't pay
ititcost. The rancher must grade up. soli
off all jsoor tock and breed from thu bust
male. Then, In u few years they can have
graded steer that will weigh U0 ) or more,
and their milk cow will make Minilar Im
provement. Take tho ordinary value of
Oregon stock of all kind . end by the ex
penditure of comparatively a sin i'l itim for
the use of good mal , i.i a lew . car val
ues will doable. The an;.' s are not worn
out, for one ;.varj ro-t and recuperation
will ri store them, hi u few year of mere
gradin : by use of fuli-hlooded inulos,
til lho "t.ek ol tbr Pacific Noithwcst
liurt n:1.1!), shee,i and swine-- can bo
in i le to nior,' than duubla pre-ent values.
iielil. 1(111 Ut 'I !..
Notice is hereby given tu all dclluiuent
t a .-; cr-', that an eMciaioii for the col
li linn ol the sum hm In i n p!..i e.l in m v
hand- a. id the an.e arc pn-l due. AH th
in. Vi-lit iaJi p i.e.-1 are l.ei i liy !i tilled t'
...ii 1 li j e .iati V ..lid -.tin tie -linn a. id
, e . ur lie. tut
I m -N-. May !1, l -i'.
.sik d I 'aii i all'mis'h II on June 14
Shown Above, to bo the
Dinjvee Woodbury Horse Power,
manufactured onlv by lho .1.1. Case Threshing Machine Company, and warrant it tho
strongest and best in use. Our J. I. Case. Engines are guaranteed the mo-it powerful,
most durable and most economical Engines in use. ST A VEK it WALKER.
Gray's one and two-horse Tread powers and Threshers.
Wc guarantee iur Thresheas and Tread Powers to be the most perfect working mid
successful machinery of their class in the United States. Send for our Special Cata
logues and Price Lists of this machinery STAVER it WALKER.
Our Itandolph Improved Steel Frame Header
has the Best Frame, the Best Wheels, the Best Axle, tho Best Pitman, tho Best Reel,
tho Best General and the Be-t Harvesting Machine on earth.
We guarunU'o tho Randolph Improved Steel Frame Header to be the simplest, tho
lightest dralt and the easiest managed Header in use, and are perfectly willing for tiny
rcsp.inslliie man who wishes to buv a Header to take ours and any other, or all others,
lie m .v wish, and give th.-ni an equal chance, and if our header does not. do the work as
well as, or bettor than any or all oi hers, wo will be at the expense of removing ours with
oul orpenio to him in anv way. This broad guarantee is tho strongest proof of real merit
and should induce every man who wants a Header to buy thu Randolph Improved Steel
Sold onlv lv us and our uutiiomcd
A l'Yai-fill DiMiHler.
One of the gr'.itcst disasters that this
oduntry has ever witnessed oc.-urred in
Pennsylvania a few days ago. A Hood al
most annihilated Johnston and several
other cities bltitat.'d in tho narrow valley
of Conotuaugh. in Western Pennsylvania.
The latest reports estimate tho number of
lives lost at8,W0 or 10,0110. In addition to
ihe loss of people in the cities, whole train
loads of men and women wcro caught in
he torrent and perishul. To add to tho
horrors, building and bridges, which wore
tlio only refugo from drowning of hun
dreds, caught lire, and the helpless unfor
tunates worn consumed, (treat ralus liavo
also caused dangerous Hoods in other parts
of Pennsylvania, and in New York, .Mary
land, nnd other Statu.. Thoro has boon
groat destruction in tho Cumberland val
ley, and millions of dollar worth of prop
erty have been destroyed in Washington
Cullty us C'iinrgiiil,
So i no jwaple have no fouling in regard to
misfortune whatever. When Fishur, our
catcher, toil down against the backstop by
accident in making u manly effort to catch
n passed ball at Union, Fiiday, tho -hunts
thut were made showed litiln rcspi-ct or re
gard for ti mishap. La (Jriuiilo Journal.
It seems to us that tho, iuiiruat Is exacting
too much from us. Ihiru a mishap, any
way. Wo never did have any love, rover
oiico or reflect for n mishap. Hut, for any
unfortunate gentleman who happens to en
counter tho measly things, and is hurt, wo
havo tho greatest sympathy, and the people
of Union would bu very clour of rejoicing ut
anything of the kind.
An insane man by tho nainu of Win.
Idiisculino was brought our from La
(irande last Saturday by John Wlllhiuuon.
and placed in the county Jail for safe
keeping until hi family, who reside In
Walla Walls, could he communicated with.
iliiMMiline i a cuttle dealer of considerable
means and has recently bought consider
, able stock in this county. Vo understand
IthatlmiH subject to dunmguuioiits of this
, kind and has been in the asylum once or
twioe before. Last .Monday 31 r. John Jus
tice, of Wada Wullu, came over and took
' the uuforluuatc mini home.
, 'Hie Ladles DullgliUtl.
Ihe plc::int effe. t and the perfect afotv
vwiii uhii It ludic may luti thu liquid fruit
..i-mUIt, nyrup of Fig, undur all condi
tion msku It iheir favorite remedy. It is
. lei. i. ik ! the eye nnd to the taste, goutle
et illV luul In acting on the kidneys, liver
and IxjWi Is.
Fastest Th resiling and Best
agents, -n r. r.n iV. aijIvku
Hursu Knee on tlm ruurlli.
A running race has been arranged to take
place on the Fourth of July, as a kind of
side afi'alr from tho regular programme,
between Antelope Chief, belonging to Clms.
Fobaro of this city, and Canehrcak, one of
tho fleetest animals on Snake river. Tho
race is for a purse of $100 and in made for
the purpoio of settling a diversity of opin
ion as to which Is tho faster borm. and
also to give thu friends of tho respect I vo
animals a ehaucoto back their good judg
ment as to horsct!ch hy betting all their
surplus iwh on their favorite. It gives
prom im of attracting considerable atten
tion and will loud to still augment tho
crowd that will celebrate In this city.
Children' Day nt Siinniiurvllle.
Children's Day s-ervlcc will bu held at tho
M. I', church in Sumuicrvillc next Sunday.
At II o'clock a. m., preiiehlng hy Itev.
Thompson. After tho sermon public bap
tism will bo administered. At. 'I p.m. tho
children will rendur that beautiful he; vice,
entitled "Six Stups to thu Throno." After
tho service banner.' will be pto-cutcd to
each das. Preaching hy the pastor at
7 :!S0 In the evening.
Cattle .At en, Attention.
Thero will ha u public sale of ilrst-class
Shorthorn cattlo ut Haker City on Wednes
day, Juno 11!, consisting of l.'l head of Short
horn cattle 20 bulls and -'') females of tho
following families: Voting Marys, llcllnas,
Venules and Adalldcs. For quality and In
dividual merit these cattle have no Mtpcr
iors. They havo been carefully selected
from the very host berth of Kentucky and
Missouri. For further particulars see ad
vcrtlsenicnt elsewhere In this paper,
The Siiiiimorvillu circuit of the Methodist
Kpiscopul church will hold its annual
cnmpmcetlug on the old camp ground one
mile woitof Klgin, commencing on Friday,
Julylfltli. The following named ministers
uru expected to bo present; Hoy. W. T.
Chapman, -lev. S. Thurston, Hov. ti. M.
Irwin and Itev. Uoiiiikon. Hcv. A. Thorn
sou Is tho preuchcr In charge.
Millinery unit fancy (lomls nt Cost.
Far the next sixty ilnya Mesdaiuo IHdwcll
it lleiison will sell thuir entire nlock of
millinery goods, ladles underwear, children
clothing, etc, etc. cto., ataetual cost. Ladles
aro invited to cull and exumlne good which
aro all new and of the latest doilgns. A
hotter opportunity for focuring good bar
gains will never hi protuiljiiJ, Improve tho
npn iittuniy. May lt, 18s0.