The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 06, 1889, Image 3

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    1 h
JIow "Tlppcrnnop" llnrriMiin Wn
The battle of Tippecanoe was fought
November fith, 1811, in ItnHann, on the
banks of Tippeeanoo. river, on the site of
the present village of llattle Ground, be
tween the Americans under General
Harrison, and the Indians under the
Prophet, Teeumseh's brother.
After the famous battle until the end of
his dav& General Harrison, grandfather
of President Uenjamin Harrison, was
known hy the loving sobriquet of "Tip-1
Following his brilliant achievements
in arms, now more than three-quarters
of a eenturv itj-'o, Gen. Harrison, together
with many of his troops, was stricken
with disea'se contracted throuuh lack of
proper food, and exinisure to the miasma
of that section of Indiana, and for a time
his life was despaired of. Several of his
command lay for weeks, sull'erinn the
horrors of "disease Hjwn the banks
of the Tippecanoe river, which rises in a
a lake of the same name in the northern
part of the state, Hows southwest L'OO
miles and empties into the Wabash
nine miles alove Iafayette. General
Harrison's troops were threatened with
decimination, and the skill of the army
surgeons was employed in vain to com
txit a more terrible" and deadly enemy
than even the hostile aborgmes under
Tecumseh's brother.
But relief came at last.
General Harrison very sensibly con
cluded that residents of the neighbor
hood nay, the Indians themselves
knew natures specific for the disease
which had prostrated him and many
of his command, and instantly set on foot
enquiries with a view to ascertaining and
applying the remedies. They were
speedily found and put to test, and worked
like a charm. Under their use the strick
en soldiers were promptly restored to
wonted good health and vigor.
The medicines were preparation of sim
ple roots and herbs, based upon very
oldfashioned but eileetive and natural
fori ulie. Their intrinsic merits have
bet n kn iwn and utilized for generations
an on , people living in remote and ma
larial sections of the country.
Many of these invaluable formulae havo
within the last two years come into pos
session of Hon. H. II. Warner, president
of the Rochester Chamber of Commerce
owner of the largest, proprietary medicine
manufactorv in the world, and whose
Safe Remedies have conferred a lasting
boon upon mankind, being recognized as
standard medicines throughout the civ
ilized globe.
In 1SS7, Mr. Warner, after careful ex
perimenting and trial put upon the mark
et Warner's Log Cabin Remedies, based
ujKjn the formulae which has cured thou
sands of debilitated sulFerers, not only on
the banks of the "Tippecanoe," as above
related, but everywhere where introduced.
These Ix)g Cabin preparations are de
signed for an entirely different order of
diseases to which the" Safe Remedies are
applied, a"iong them are Warner's Log
Cabin Sars-qiarilla, Warner's Log Cabin
Cough and Consumption Remedy, and
Warner's Log Cabin Hops and 'Buchu
Remedy. Sull'ering flees before them as
a pestilence flees before the purifying
breath of heaven, and they are sold
Lie on the left sido, says a health
journal. If it had been a law journal
it would havo said: "Lioon both sides."
Boston Courier.
It is said of a District Attorney out
West, by a rival politician, that the
only thinp: ho over succeeded in hang
ins; was his shingle. Drake's Maga
zine. "It takes threo generations to
make a gentleman. " It would some
times seem as if the thing most requis
ite to accomplish tho result wero one
regeneration. Puck.
"Jane," said Carlylo on one occa
sion to his wife, but then ho was no
model husband "Jane, yo'll lind your
self in a more compaetiind pious framo
of mind if yo shutyor mouth."
"I am a self-made man," said
a sharper, tho other day to a gentle
man whom ho had just got tho best of
in a bargain. "I am glad to hear you
say so," responded tho goutlenian, "for
itroliovesmy Maker of a great re
sponsibility." N. Y. Ledger.
Lately a gentleman sat down to
write a deed and began: "Know 0110
woman by theso " "You aro wrong,"
said a friond, "it should read 'know all
men, etc.1 " "Very well," answered
the writer, "if ono woman knows it all
men will, of course."
Mr. Impecunious "Mary, I havo
brought yon homo a littlo book on
How to Cook.' 'Mrs. Impecunious
(sarcastically) "Thanks, my dear,
but what I need worso is a book on
What to Cook.' Burlington Free
Philosophic boro "If you will lis
ten to mo for ton minutes I'll prove to
you that tho theory of tho survival of
tho fittest is correct." Sarcastic suf
ferer" If that theory la correct, how is
it that you manage to survive? JjK
plaln that, please, boforo you go any
further." Texas Slftings.
Mrs. Walworthy "I declare,
Henry, your eternal talk, talk, talk of
how good a cook your mother used to
bo will drivo mo wild some day! My
most fervont wish is that littlo Johnny
will novor worry his wlfo that way
when he grows up and has a homo."
Mr. Walworthy "There's no dangor
of that." Torro Haute Express.
"Mr. Dusenborry I can't see any
thing about tho shipwreck which hap
pened In tho paper." "Look under tho
head of 'marine Intelligence,1 my dear."
"It isn't there." "Then look undor
marine stupidity.11' "There isn't such
a heading." "Then there ought to be,
my dear. No Intelligent collision over
happened.11 Time.
A man who persists in imagining
that ho can sing when ovorybody olso
knows that ho can't, lifted up his voice
tho other day In a strain of harassing
discord that compolled his wife to com
mand him to stop. "Wife.11 said ho,
"you aro too critical. Whon a man la
doing tho best ho can that Is all that
Bhould bo asked of him." "Very well,
my dear, but the best thing you can do
Is to abstain from singing and I cer
tainly don't, ask any tUlnxr more."
Tho retuliint Pop ot" Ills Gun I'unctnntes)
Pence No More.
Tho Terror shows up onco In awhilo
in some of tho small towns In Now
Mexico, and is oucountored in tho cat
tle country at rare Intervals, but his
occupation is gone. Tho march of
civilization has been too much for him.
Tho onco numorous and thrifty class
havo been thinned down until only a
laughing stock is left. I was In Chey
ouno whon Speckled Tom, Big Pole or
Wild Charley used to come dancing
Into a bar-room with a "gun" in either
hand and sing out:
"Now then, hands up!"
Every hand wont up.
"Mobbo thar's some catamount yem
thinks he can tako the twist out my
coat tails!"
If there was ho didn't come to the
"Hands down!"
Every hand dropped.
"I'm taking up a collection fur the
benefit of Bill Jackson's wlddor and
anybody who feels like contributing
will be afforded an opportunity."
We all felt like It. Indeed, every
man was anxious to part with a dollar
or two. I saw four Terrors killed in
that town, each ono dying with hit
boots on, and I was giving ono of them
a drink of water whon ho shivered,
took a long breath, and died as ho said-
"I was a-trying to git up to ten, and
hev stopped short at soven. 1 could
tally eight on you, but 1'vo lost my
1 followed the Terror to Laramie,
and many of an evening as I sat in the
otlico of the hotel ho entered, with cat
like tread, and opened a sudden fusil
lade on lamps, keyboard, ceiling and
doors, observing at tho finis: -
"'Sense mo, gentlemen, but its just
my way If any of you don't happen
to llko my way. please mention it!"
Wo always ma le haste toassuro him
that his way was Al, full jewelled and
extremely pleasant, and that wo should
feel honored If ho drank at our ex
pense. Ono night a boy from Nebraska,
who was strange to our ways, and who
had his ear barked by a ballot, hauled
out and plugged tho Terror plumb con
ter. lie expressed his sorrow wheii
too late. 1 had my coat under the Ter
ror's head when tho death rattle came
to his throat, and ho whispered:
"It's mighty queer, isn't it? I alius
hated you fur them red whiskers, and
I had dropped in to-night to fill you
full of lead!"
I followed tho Terror up tho Gunison
valley. He was getting attenuated and
losing his sand. When ho had a street
row ho sheltered himself behind a post,
and when ho "lot go" in a saloon there
was a suspicious uncertainty in his
tones as he clicked his guns and said:
"I'm just a-waitiug fur some kyoto to
move an oyolash or stir his tongue!11
Wo not only moved, but wo oven
ventured to offer him advico, and by-aud-by
tho day came whon 1 turned a
corner to find him dying at my feet. 1
was loosening his neck-bund as he
opened his eyes and said:
"Downed by a durned bullwhacker,
who didn't know which end of his pistol
wont off!"
I mot tho Terror for tho last time at
Custer City. I was sitting in a saloon
when tho door was kicked open with a
great crash, and ho appeared with a
revolver in either hand. Ho had long
hair, a big hat and a buckskin suit.
Ho hungered for gore not tho son
adulterated with cottonseed oil unc
warranted No. 1, but tho red blood
fresh from the human system and
served up in puddles on the nowly
mopped floor. Ho whooped. Ilcyollod.
Ho cracked his heels together. Ho
snapped his right-hand gun, but it was
a cheap cartridge. Ho snapped the
other, but there was only a dull clhk.
Then a small man with a bald head
and bow legs and consumptive look
catno out from behind a curtain and
knocked him down, and flung his guns
into the street, and whistled for a
policeman. Next morning 1 was in 1
court whon tho Terror pleadod guilty,
and added:
"Your Honor, 1 made a fool of my
self. If you'll let mo off I'll go back to
pushing a wheelbarrow at ton shilling!
a day."
Poor Terror! I lamont his downfall.
N. Y. Sun.
Stuffing the Savages.
Tho South Sea Islanders who fled In
dismay whon they saw a white man
tako off ono of his logs, could hardly
bo moro astonished than tho two Mat
abolo chiefs, if they swallowed all tho
yarns that wore told them during their
recontJvisit to London. Thoy woro as
sured, for instance, by tholr humorous
guide, when thoy witnessed tho acro
batic performances at ono of tho thea
ters, that such feats of strength and
agility wero required of all Englishmen
before thoy could aspire to bo warriors,
and that tho gontlomon in tights woro
moroly undergoing tho training needed
to fit them for tho army. The audience
had attained perfection in aerial
maneuvers, and ground nnd lofty tum
bling, and woro merely npplaudlng tho
young aspirants who woro striving for
excellence. Thero is somo reason to
believe this whopper was taken with
considerable salt, for ono of tho chiefs
remarked dryly, as ho pointed to somo
female gymnasts among tho athletes:
"1 did not know tho English mndo sol
diers of their women.11 -N. Y. Sun.
Four years ago a boy and girl of
Vork, Pa., each six years old, asked a
minister to marry them. To humor
thorn ho read something out of an
almanac and told thorn thoy wore
united. J ho boy s family moved to
Bnltimoro, but ho still writes to his
eur Wife." In his last lottor ho
I don't know whether you
would know mo or not, because I am
rearing long jmnU "
Tlu mnn or woman who Is profitably employ
ed Is generally happy. If you arc not happy It
may bo because you havo not found your proper
work. We earnestly nrce all such persons to
write to It. K. John son & Co., 100".' Main street,
Klclimoml, Va.. anil they ran show oiiawork
2n which you can be happily ami prolltably em
ployed. Sweep the suow from thine own door; spy not
at the frost on other's tiles.
It Is mlchty curious how Wir omo sins look
until after a innu has committed them.
If vou would have a faithful ervant and one
that" OH will like, serve yourself.
Happy Home.
Here's a health to the wives anil the mothers
Who cit In our households to-dRy:
Who are clad when they brighten for others
the hours that bo drifting away.
Mav their eves keep the light of the gladness,
Tholr hearts hold the fulness of bliss
That bnnl-'hos shadows and mdness.
nnd what need we ask- more than this?
Hut how ean this happiness ! kept? What
shall proteet those we love thoe who mnk-' a
Heaven of the Homo from the ravages of it i
ease that is often worse than death that Is. tu
faet a linperino death? The question is easily
answered- Or'. I'iereu's Favorite Proscription
the standard remedy for all of those peculiar
diseases to which women are subject Is what
must bo relied on to preserve the health of
wives and mothers. It prrtrnM those diseases,
and It run them. It is a blessing to women
and therefore a national blessing, because It
gives health to those about whom the happiness
of homo centers, and the strength of a nation is
in its happy home.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets, or Antl billons Granules.
In vials, 25 cents; one a dose. Druggists.
Work to-day, for you know not how much you
may be hindered to-morrow.
Ill ii rilling mi I'iinoi-ii Foe.
"This was sometime a paradox," as Hamlet
say. Since, however, the people of America
and other lands have been enabled to pit Hos
tetter's stomach Hitters against that unseen foe,
malaria, it is no longer a paradox, but an c im
possibility. Wherever malaria evolves Its misty
venom to poison the air, and decaying unwhole
some vegetation Impregnates the water, there.
In the very stronghold of miasma, Is the mix
Illary potent to disarm the foe and assure oth
clont protection. Fever and ague, billions re
mittent, dumb ague and ague oako, no matter
how tenaciously they have fastened their clutch
on the system, are first forced to relax their
crasp anil eventually to abandon it altogether.
Hut It is its preventative force that should
chiefly recommend the Hitters to persons dwell
ing in mnlariu-oursed localities, for it is a cer
tain buckler of defence against which the
enemy Is powerless. Cures, likewise, dyspepsia,
rheumatism, kidney and bilious ailments.
Industry needs not wish, ami he that lives
upon hope will die fasting.
White. Elephant of Shun, Lion of Knfi
liitui, Ornuon of China, Crotn of Swltzer, ,
land. Uiinner of Persia, CreHCtint of Kyit
Double Kudo of RuHsla. Star of Chili, Tho
Circle of Jnpan, Harp of Erin.
To pet thoho buy u Ikix of the fzenuino, 1
Dlt. C. ISIol.ANK's" CKl.KItKAri.'I) LlVKH
l'n.i.s, price SJft cents, and mail us the out
side wrapper with your adriresa, plainly
written, and 4 cents in stamps. e will .
then mail you the above list with an olo- !
gant package of oleojjraphic and chro- j
uiatic tards.
For age and want, save while you may, no
morning sun lasts all the day.
Consumption surely Cured.
To tii k Editor -Please inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. Hy Its timely nso thousands
of boneless cases have been liermanently cured.
I shall be glad to send two bottles of my rome
ity Fit KB to any of your readers who havo con
sumption If they will send mo tholr express
and postolllce address. Itespcctfully,
T. A. SI.OCUM. M. C 181 Pearl st.,.N'ew York.
hying rides upon debt's back; it is hard for an
empty bag to stand upright.
Tho country is Hoo-ted with poor imitations of
'Soul of N'oith Carolina Plug Cut' Smoking
Thy Okiimka for nroKkfaat.
"llroivn'M Itroiirlitnl Troches" are ex
cellent for tho relief of Hoarseness or Horo
Throat. They are exceedingly ellVctlve. Sold
onli in bojee. l'rlco i" cents.
Oltl inie Siiiolvei'N
Who know a uood tiling whon they see It,
cannot bo fooled bv a Kor tmmitatinn of
the well-known "Seal of North Caiollim"
Pint? I'utToliacco.
Hear in mind that the ienuine "SeaV
costs you no wore than the many triwhy
jiliifl cuts that some dealers carry,
See that you KotihoS al of North Caro
lina, "lid you ill Hinol t; no other tobacco.
Hwlft's Hpccillo ban cured me of a malig
nant breaking out on my leg, which caused
lutolerublo pain. It wusculled Kcr.ema by
thedoctorst'ourof whom treated mo with
no relief. I candidly confess; that I owo
my present good health to H. H. H., which
in my estimation Is luvaliialilii us a blood
remedy. Sfiss Ji i.ia DkWitt,
TJ27 N. 10th Ht Kt. Louts, Mo.
Our bubv when two months old was at
tacked with Sorofulii, which tor u long
time destroyed her eyesight entirely, mid
caused us to despair of he life. Thu doctor
talUsl to relievo her and wu gave
HwHVh Hpeclflc, which soon cured her en
tirely, urn) she Is now halo and hourly,
fc. V. JIki.k, Will's Point, Texas.
T"Beiid for book giving history of
Hluod Discuses and advice to sufferers,
mulled free
Drawer 3, Atluntu, (la.
ElBctrotyDB Bid StBreotynB
At the New Huildltitf.cor. Flritnud Alder Bt.
We arc now prepared to do all Vlfidn of Klcrtro
and hteren work In nrt-clai ntyle at reuuinahlo
prlcen. UeiiieiiiU-r, we havo tho only foundry
of thin kind In the Northwett. Wu iriiarHtiU.'c
all work to be. erfect. bend ua trial order.
Complete I'rln ter Wiireliouae,
Portland, Ori-gou.
pilot ki n hi; r.. i: iikvi.
Tested and proved by over thirty years'
use In nil part of th'i world. At m ock's
l'ouors l't.A-Ti:its have the Indorsement '
of the Jiighest medical and clipuit.-al an-j
thoritie. and millions of irrntt ful patients '
who have boon cured of ili-strcsini; nil
inen's voluntiiri'y testify t'i their mot.
Ai.cock's I'oiiov. Pi.Asnats are purely
vegetable Thov un mild but oil. live. ,
sure nml iiiicU in their action, nut nl o ,
luloly luutntc
llev.T-i of iiirtniion. do nut bo deceived
by tniMVprosiMiiAti n. A"k f" l I hick s.
nnd let no expl mat i hi or solicitation In i
duce J Oil vou to suet pt a nbs'l It e.
The rao i'f mankind w . 1' 1 i .sh did they
ceae to in. , ,u U 'tin r
ltM fimrtiir niL...iuuLt i... .u u.l.l...u of hontt-sfor
more than quarter of a century It Is lunsl by the
Unitea Htfttis lloTfniineut by the hemls of
the (Ireat Untverstlles us the Strongest, Purest anil most
Hfslthf ill l)r I'rlcu'a Crusin lUkliiK Piinili-r ilota not
ooutaln Anstnonts, I.Iiuh er Alum Hold only In cms. I
run k uAKiNo niwiiKM '!
8mlth's Cash Store, 4I0 Front St., S. F,, Cal,
largest gcueral dealers west of tho Mississippi
River. Dry Goods, Notions, Hosiery, Under
wear; Wall I'apcrStatIoncry: Hlankcts, Hcd
dlug; Boots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry
fruits; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass ,OrautU.
and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey,
Grain, Feed, Groceries, Puro Spices, Seeds, Bo
ms; Drugs, Medcciucs; Clocks, Ammunition,
Rubber Goods, Tcuts, and quantities of otliex
goods at lowest prices for Cash only. Send 2 o.
tamp for full list by first mall, and learn how
tollvochoapand well at small cost; 32 years In
business; Customers In every County west of
the Rocky Mountains, and. many elsowhara.
- WIIOI,l.S.l.l. AMI limit. IIKVI.K1IS IN
1111.11 its,
I lElAM.M'N,
Fire Crackers,
i i.a;,
10.1 A 1(17 Second St.. 1'oi t liiml. Or.
ltherslile Av , SpuUnu Kulls, N T , 'M Htate Kt ,Sa1ciu
isauod March nnd Bopt.,
each yoar. It Ib an onoy.
olopodia of uaoful infoi.
mation for all who pur
chaso tho luxuries or tho
noooaaltios of lifo. Wo
can clotho you and furnish you with
nil tho nocoBsary and unnocossary
nppiiancos to rido, walk, danco, Bloop,
cat, fish, hunt, work, ro to church,
or stay at homo, and in various sIzoh,
Elvlna nnrl nunn MvJoh. Just flmiro out
what is requirod to do all thoso things I
COMFORTABLY, ana you can maicoa inir
estimate of tho valuo of tho BUYERS'
GUIDE, which will bo nont upon
rocoipt of 10 cents to pay posta(?o,
111-114 MicniKan Avonue, Ohicaeo, 111,
MIS. Ilia lillil
d Oregon.
Is tho only I'rlvitto Dlt
lit'iiHury in I'urtlauil or on
tti iNoiUiwrt Coast
Ml W.l
where istleuU arHsuccess.
fully inuUsllnrullNKKV
III H, I'llilONH' ANI1
)uuiiu or 11M, sinitlu or
iimi rkil, such hs
Kirviiun (lt'lillity, Minlnal
loiUM'11, fulUllc! iiii-uiniy.
i- I'lnll tlo eruKtinui, il
fi L-tJi of imitiiry. k l.lnty
ami liliulilt-r trouliU", toll
orrlnji, itltsjt, utrlcturu etc
I pn-scrlbe anrt fully er,
iloruo I S1k (1 an the only
tiliecltlc tor the certuin cure
of this fllHeuhe.
Ammeriluiii. N. V.
Wn have sohl Illg C3 for I
many years, ntiu .1 nn
itivi'ii inu uesi 01 eaiiS'
1). It. DVCIIR&C'O.,
Chlcui-o. Ill
Bu.181.00, Hold by Druk'i-Inls.
V Hiipiilied with l'nplU. Apply ( OhONIAh
AOKM V. 'I llldller M . Umilnii, K t
Dr. Spinney & Co. Kffi.r
NFPVfOIIQ DoDlllty.I.ongof VI(or, Kvinliiu
ili'Dcy, Lc, dno iucxK.tM.sor abuiw, cured,
YOUNfl MPM tifferlnff from the eflfrt
T yuriVi IVItrB(Jty0,lti,lulfulllri.or linll
rretlon nhould avail thrmwltrs if our treutment,
A positive cure ifimriiritts-il In every cane. Hyilull,
Urinary anil Venerenl Him-um h all unoatural dlt.
ctiartfet, promptly uud skfuiy cured.
tfw.of Klrtner or UUdrtrr. Weak Hack, Nervoun
Debllltr, Wostmif of Hrxiil tSUfUkftb, tic, curtsl
anil ri-turrit to livallhr vinror,
N. n, l'ern unable to v)lt na may be treated
at their homo, by correspondent's,, Ali-llctiii s am
nitructlona tent by maif nr.vtiri.s. f.'ousuttatloi
J'rw. bend 4 cent Inatumpifur 'liio Youuk ilau'i
d'rieud or o uld a 10 rt wilock.
O I CIDnn I . H.Vtm, Ootler. lUxmUJ.
Ituujf, llurdett Oraaua, band InitnuueaU. Lmri
tUKt 01 Htusit Uiule ana lioo llaaiu ui.puea
tuU-ro l'rt- MATTHIAH (IUAV (M
IM li'
KtrMMt, na rrutMNv
N. P. N. U. No. m-B, V. N. U. No. W
rxMCfJi'Mr. A
mm mmm mmmm mmm V i HH mm II Ilia l's
i:w i n 1 1
miw -mm i nr
baking mm
rQWDri m
I ltM mintrlur MiLt.iiLiu nun tu of hunnu for
OiftraotMd Dot ul
WjJM uumSuIouui. m
EZm vrdoDibjtin
Xil&lnti Chitsletl Co.
Jar Qire op
iTRnUrKETlRrt ofPaIoJ.
iVTlJriUnciSTs; ArriTlrAirrjcnrDvwilccs
Tnr-7... Afr7 fX n. X f
1 lo nit tiu'tti nit-rt'ly t.. stop thorn for n tini? iitwl
' n lu,'1 t' - in l.'tutn apin I lu.-uii a ttHhcsl inn'
1 Imvt the dne ( urs, ten., e- or rut
I mi si kvw alite ..iig stii.lj I variant my rviiud t'.L' m IIivhiiw ollirrs h.m- fnllr m
i Ii.i- ni f r ii k im iwmiijjft cute Si-ml nt him
" r n e n 1 r . tottta of no mfnlliMe reiiinl)
Uiro l.n s Dint 1'..-, OtUrr.
11 (1 ltoor M I' IS.'ilV.iri St. NYwYutV
Sold on Trial !
lnrtslmmt amiill.
In SuiU lV Im- m.iliuig
1nr,-o tilu-trntid I nlul cna
Willi ftlil p.iitlculnrs. Mnn.
iifiioturvd by
I Austin .1Ift "o
or I arroll a ami ( ar
politer tt , Cbfi ago, III
Said 5In?. fl. to Jlrs. 1).
('Twite o'er n cup of lino Ilohca):
"Our pretty hostess yonder,
IIiw -rained In looks HurprisiiiKly;
Sho seoins as well iih well can ho!
What It) tho txiuso, I wonder?"
i - - i -
Vor "riin-ilown," (U'hllUutt'd ami ovorworked woinon. Dr. Pierre's Favorite
Prescription is tint host of all nv-donitlve, tonIi:. It la a potent .Specillc for all
tlto-H! Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases jieeuliar to Women; a powerful tonic
and nervine, it imparts vinor and strength lo the wholo j-ystem. It promptly
cures weakness of stomach, nausea, indigestion, Mont in;;, weak hack, nervous
prostration, debility and sleeplessness. It is careftillv eomnoiiuded hy an expe
rieneed and skillful physician, and adapted to woinan's delicate organization.
Purely vegelablo and perfectly harmless in any eoiidltion of the system.
'Favorite Prescription " is the only medicine for women, sold bv dni;ists
under a pim'tirc yuanintec of satisfaction in every ease, or price ($1.00) refunded!
This .'liarantee has been printed on tho bottle-wrappers, ami faithfully carried
out for many years.
Copyrighted, 1SS8, hy Woui.n'fi Dispunsauy MnnirAi. Ah'ortATio.v, Proprietors.
mitw.mwmmnwvmwwnkmmmnmummwMmm ir m-i mitii immmuiiih m MMrnammrwm'iijvimwmrmmm
"St IHlHI-T-Ss
to take. Ono tluv, Siiirnr'
JEilllOllH DIOIUllK'IIC, con
deratigeiuenu of thu Btoiuueli
ueli una uowels.
lt Makes You Hungry
" I bare used I'alno'a Celery compound and It
baa had a salutary
effect. It Invigorat
ed tho sybtcin and I
feel llko a new
man. It Improves
the apjxitlU) and
facllluitcH dlgen-
aion." J.T. Cort-
"und, I-runuB, ao.
Celery Compound
la a unique, tonlo and apixitlzer. i'leasant to
the taste, quick In I to action, and without any
Inlurlou.H effect, It gives that msftfed health
w hich makes cverythliig tutito tfood. It cures
dyHiK-psla and kindred dhtordeni. I'hyslclana
pruhcnbo IL (l.oo. bur. for a.oo. Drutrb'tatii.
" WKixa, ItttifAKpsoN &Co Ilurllngton, VL
Hewaiui It .mi lorn an dm .-on needs
h( alltig, and tlmt other remedies havo failed to
heal, or a breaking out or Itching of the scalp
or body, or a Hull, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Milve Is suitable, buy a Ii. -cent box of
.Tlevlcaii Sal vi'. which Is Warranted to
I lire win ii evcrythtngelse falls. If not kept by
jour druuglst send i coins In stamps to J, C .
liKMFST, Agt , Astoria, Or, and rectlvo a box
V tmii
TAe OJftt Mttiieint in the U'erldit rclalr
This i artlclo is a carefully prejinreit physician's pro
scription, ami has lecn In constant nso for nearly a
eenturv. There aro few illsefties to which manklnU
oro tubject i.oro ilUtressliig than soro eyes, ami
PI"?1 l?:.,"1l,- fr which moro remedies havo lee n
triis l without success. Kornllcxtornal Inflammation
or tho eves It Is nn lnfallllilo If thn Mlreo.
lions; nro follow-ed It will fever fill. Wc particularly
Invito the nttetit on of t.h slot vs to Its inerlt-i. Kor
i"' J;;;,;;, sons
HAIRY FAPPvl Jl raham's Depilatory
ill tl I filUljU. Paste Is guraiitcod torc
movo hair and check Its growth. 11.60 hy
mall. Send 2c stamp for book "How to bo
Heatitlful," Mns, OKitVAisK Git.wiAM, "Hcauty
Doctor," 21 Powell St.. San Francisco.
imYROYAL PELLS siccus zzxvo.
j if fT Orlclnsl, t.t,pnlgfnnli,nt A
F'.ilS Vt.i'JA. ' ,L- I- ' "' -N r.i
wytJsiSN '''' n' '" Ai.vS
TVl Dismond Brand, In red m.
Fiii no ai Iwlth rit-
I.n At UruseUt. Acrevt
txmrJ litue, pink wrapper r Ri1ancrr
uuccniiiiterri'tr. Frnl 4e. (tnipn) for
rnnioulin athl "HclU rfor I.Hillc,
letter, hr rlnrn tii&Ll. in.lldlk tmitl.
mi niiirr. aii i tui in ritr
tROnllTllt rtt'M t
LAOItShs)h,uicslthm. Nam Paper.
I'lilrhi'sttT Clii'mlcnl CoM3lBdUonSq.(riitlsMrju
Ilicrmnn AHthtiiii f !uriuiiirr .iifjnimin
Im a! iaf rl ln Uio worst casss,liisures tnmf ort. I
ablo slp ! effect c n rei wliro all others faiL.ll I
trwil ronnniwi fA nuui Arptirtil. liico 6(e. and I
HI.(H),oCl inwirlsts or Ivy mall. B.imiIo Fit 1U
fprstamp niCllHClUFyMAN.Ht. I'nnl.MInn I
Q 11 !.. -Hliipies noun ssse.llt
smJT) KltiiK. 1 lncs not under hones' feet.
N-rWri.o llr.-Ms.ter Hnfely Jtrin
Itolilrr 4 o llnlli . Ill -li.
Paid Mrs. 1). to Mrs. fl.
"Sho's changed Indeed, but then, you eec,
Sho put asldo objection,
And tried that famoii3 remedy,
Which did bo much for you nnd no
Pierce's. I'tivotlto Prescription.'
Vogotablo nntl Porfcotly Harmloss.
11s 11 I,lvor CI II
Smallest, cheiijieut, easiest
fouci a mono.
SiidlueMloii, EUIIoiih Attucki,, una all
yo cents, hy drupfiriatE.
j-nren airii iienuiicliv.
Hprlng medicine means more now-a-dayb than It
did ten yearn aira TUo wlntcrof 1883-ej haajeic
thu nerves all ajgl out. Tho nerves must be
strengthened, the blood purified, liver and
bowels regulated. Palno'B Celery Compound
( Spring medtcin of to-day does all this,
us nothing elso can. Prtcriltd hy 1'hyUiatit,
lltcoinmtiultd by lrugyit; Hndorttd by illnittu,
Quarantttd by th ilanucuturtrt to b
The Best
Spring Medicine.
"In tho spring of 1887 1 was all run down. I
would get tin In tho inoniliiif with bo tired a
feeling, and wuh bo weak that I could hardly get
around. I bought a bottle or Ililne's Celery C'oiu.
pound, and before J bud taken it n week 1 felt
very much bolter. I can chet-f ully recoinuieod.
It to ull who need a building iipandsirotigtbeH
lug medicine." lira. Ii. A. Dow, ilurllngton, VU