THE OREGON SOOUT. . . AMOS K. JONES EDITOR, City and County Official Paper. Thursday. May 1SSO. n,i u 1 1 1 aiu.timj.iJ A NICK STATU Or A 1'1'AIKS. The following extract fmm the load ing republican paper of Portland shows the manner in which our public lands the heritage of the poor man are being wrested from the government by organized bands of perjurers and thieves: A conspiracy to rob the Oregon and Washington public of the finest limber land in the northwest has been formed by eastern capitalists, and unload meas ures are taken to checkmate the thieves, they will bo successful in their bold name. Last Monday t wen I y- live mm arrived in Portland under wages 1 . i ...... i ....... from a syndicate, lo nrc-emul govern inent timber landH. and for a small consideration turn the property over to their employers, in the manner heretofore done by a well known Port land capitalist. The late arrivals are the last of three hundred, who pre ceded them, engaged by the name par tics. Should the robbers continue, it will not be long before the finest tim ber in this section is in the hands of n monopoly. Wo doubt not that this statement is true in every respect, and do not won der at it. The only wonder we feel in reviewing tlie matter is at the hypoc risy displayed by that journal in howl ing about a state of allairs that it has done every thing in its power to bring about. When that honest, unbending democratic official, A. .1. Sparks, wu commissioner of the general land of fice, ho saw how matters stood, and in his endeavors to check such wholesale robbery, incurred tho enmity of every rascal in tho west, and chief among them was this same blatant windb.ig that is now howling so loudly for some thing to bo done. Tho same things have been done and nro being done in Union county, and in bvcry other coun ty in the west, although on a smaller scale. What are we going to do about it? Where is the official that will daro to lift his voice against it? What can bo expected from our present rulers who were placed in power by means of the money furnished by these monopolies and trusts, which now expect to got in their work unmolested? Wo protested against it last June, when our protest would have been ollectual if seconded by a majority of tho people, but it wasn't seconded. Now wo shall pro test no more. The people can rulo the country whenever they got ready to do so. In the meantime let monopolies grow and flourish ; let trusts combine and organized thieves delight in plun der; let misrule run rampant, and wealthy knaves grow fat and imolent, whilo hunger knaws at tho vitals of the poor man's children. It will only hasten tho time when tho masses will acquire wisdom and assort their God given preiogalives. NORTH POWDER. May 21, 188!). (.'apt. White is foreman at ICollogg it Punch's mills. Mrs. lialon, of Union, visited friends here during last weok. Mr. 11. Sliubitd cumo up from Mil gard n few days since. Lottie, infant daughter of Mi. Short, is seriously indisposed. Mrs. Vandeear, of Walla Walla, loft on Saturday after a bnof visit. A residence is being erected near tho Haptist church, for the pastor. The M. K. concert will lake place to-morrow evening at Spencer's hall. Mr. .loo While's index linger is out of repair on account of an accident of late. Our new P. M. has an entire now and nobby post ollice tilted tip in tho latest improved style. Win. Kiggs, of Clover creek, has dis posed of his farm, taking in exchange horses and cattle, and left for Dakota Territory Mr. John llrady, of Clover crook, re turned from California last weok, no companied by a biothor-iu-luw with wife and daughter. Unfortunate Tlios. O'llryant will be lettirned lo the asylum again this week, his inflnnitbs necessitating this j action by h'w family and relatives. Mr. Tracy Davidson brought down a wagon load of milk cans from linker, on Saturday, and will collect milk in this vicinity for tho Haker creamery. A deputy sheriff from Union wax in town on Saturday, hunting up snout potty thieves wanted by tho authori ties for recent violations of the law. Wo learn that Mrs. Whilo and Wig gins havo leased Mr. II. 0. (Iniham'ri old drug store building on the comer and will open out a restaurant soon. Mr.Klk,fr t.r H.ih- ny Mill & Flume ( .. ha p- 1 ft thirty : horse liowvr engine t a quartz null ' company on Hvrt rivr. Teams will ptnrt tlitH w L ' ..u- tl" property over to the Mill v.h r d will bo set j up and run in r.uvtiuti with a i smaller power nw in u.-c. The oom i panv hftvo ontiitly di-earded tin; pit- cut water wheel, it being of an inferior make and misrepresented. Hereafter, steam will cupply the motive power, and when in running order again, will equal iq capacity any mill in Powder liver valley. The gentlemen compris ing this firm have labored under many diflioullicR ami financial Iomcs since engaging in the lumber enterprise, but arc in a fair way to make amends, having a new invoice of merchandise, ! some three miles of flume completed, and, when the mill is complete, one of the best mills in the country, with j .,jt.utv Gf t:mber and lumber accessible , 1 1 I'J llliJIHUl) On SaturJav last, Newt. Olson, ft native of Copenhagen, Denmark, a sheep herder in tlie employ of Messrs. Tombleson & Brooko At Magpie, some six miles east of town, in Baker coun ty, after a protracted drunken spree of two weeks or more in this place, was induced by Mr. Brooke to return to camp. Tie was laboring on the verge of delirium tremens when he went away, and on tho next day, whilo alone in camp, procured a gun and deliber ately killed himself. Olson, in conver sation with tho writer a few days be fore his death, maintained that "death was an eternal sleep," ignoring a judg ment or future resurrection, hence how easy it was for this poor, blind, deludod mortal to launch himself into the valley of the shadow beyond with out fear of having to answer for tho crime, of self-murder. Such doctrino almost invariably (with stiong drink as n concomitant usually) lends to a bad termination. Mr. Olson was a quiet, peaceful, honest and upright citi zen, and his tragic end can be traced to a falso doctrino together with a dis eased brain, Raker county authori ties hold an inquest, and buried the remains. Ajax. SUMMERVILLE. Trade of all kinds looming up. Weather fino and warm after showers. the Tennery, Whcelor & raphors, are in town for Co., photog a few days. They do good work. Dan Sommor, our pioneer merchant, is making some very substantial im provements on his business home. Sain Foreman, agont for Htuvor & Walker, was in town during the weok looking nftvr tho company's business. Everybody and the cornet band will go to Union on the corning .Fourth of July, as overyono considers it is Un ion's turn. Messrs. Johnson & Logan, who built Mr. Kirchoil'er'ri business house, nro first-class workmen, and those who contemplate building would do well to call upon them before making arrange ments with other builders. The people of this vicinity have made up about one hundred dollars for S. Aldus who had his horse shot after lwing condemned as having tho glan ders. Tho people here will not soon forget tho treatment Mr. Akins has re ceived from tho county board in this matter. The gypsies paid this plnco a visit during tho past week and rallied away many a dollar of the people's hurd oarned money by telling fortunes. It seems people an boimd they shall bo bilked in some way, anil I mipiKwe it is just as well (his as any other. Tlie people, in mooting assembled at tho hall, lust Saturday, made ar rangements to havo the graveyard en closed with a nice woven wire fence, something that speaks well fur any community. We have the nicest place to bury our dead of any in tho county. Mr. O. 11. Taylor, of Elk I'lnt, bought of Slaver tl- Walker through 1C. 11. Morelook, their ugonl at this place, an artesian well Inning rig, capable of sinking a hole 100 feet. Air. Taylor will use his machine on the flat dining the summer where ho has contracted UUOugh work lo kwi him miv ,, the season. This is a new enterprise, and thuse who havo a caieity of wat er on their ranches will find that with a email outlay they can get water that is everlasting, mid matiy a place that is laying idle now on account of a, scarci ty of water will bo made to bloom in the future. Ci t-moi th John. Mi- Maib.ii, ili. ! i,.it ilri""tHakorl an'i i .i' i lure miilmtry tuU,iL' III Lib ii, I litvn wishing llrM clr drfMiinMiijj will do well to glxe In".!. ltcncim Her Yotitli. Mr. Pha-he ( hesley, Peterson, Clay coun ty, Iowa, tells the following remarkable sto ry, tlie trutli of which Is vouched for 1y the resident of the town: "I am 73 years old, have been troubled with Kidney complaint and lamenet for many years; could not dress myself without help. Now I am free from nil pain and wenos, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe ny thanks to Elect rie Hitters fpr having renewed my youth, and removed completely all disease and pain." Try a bottle, onlyM cent at Hrown'c drug store, Union, Oregon. notici: Owing to change in my buMncsi I am wishing to balance all accounts on my bonks, and would respectfully request all owing in u to call and settle, K. E. CLOl'Oir. Hi'AKTA, Oregon, May 13, 18n. '.-2.1. ZUAltUUMt. ROMNSON FOSTER. At tho Union City Hotel, Monday, Mav 30, hmi. by Rev. Roothe. Mr. E. A. Robinson ami Miss Laura Poster, both of the Cove. Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of California, so laxative and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to the human system, forming the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LIVER AND BOWELS AND 70 Cleanse tie System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, nHFRESHING SLEEP, HEALTH and STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and all are delighted with it. Ask your druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., San rr.ANCisco, Cal. UoutsviLLir, Kv. Nnw York, N. Y. We Still Live at the fl r (Opposite tho Court House.) The I!el of Aeeoniniodatiom to Patrons. Meals, 25c; Heels, 25c. Ltvorv and Feed Stable in Connection with tho Hotel. PATUONAG B SOLICITED. L..L IJO0T1IK. - Proprietor. r.-Dtf Shingles For Sale! An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles constantly on hand and for sale cheap. Orders Vrom all parts of tho country so Halted. s. it. uritnoi'c.Hs, Il-lltf . Cove, Oregon. SHINGLES! Having leased the shingle mill belonging to L. 1!. Itincharl, we are prepared to fur nifth a superior quality and make, of !hln gletal the following rate, per M: Delivered Union, $.00 " HI ill, We do our own work and guarantee sat isfaction. A share of tho public patronage .elicited. l-SMf VAXDOUKY UKOS. Leaves I'nlon daily at Cove at !l::iO p. m. Leaves Cove at 8 a. in. at l:80 a. m. '2 p. in, arrives at , arrives at Union Connections made with Elliott's eoaeh( running to the depot, earning pascengori for east and west bound trains. It AT KM for !'ASSKNJi:S. I.UnOAOK ami J'KKMJllT, ICKASON.VIII.K. ItOltlXSON .t LAYXE, Proprietor. Farm For Sale. I A ACRES. NLA R NORTH POWDER. I l)U I'nlon County, Oregon, all under fonee, a good l)i story house-, good eellar, well, barn and outbuildings. Term easy. For further particulars call at till.- ollice. UNION Tosisorial Parlors L. J. Ill steK. PltOI'lllUToli, Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham pooing;, in the Latest style of the Art, Shop two door mhUIi of Centunulul hotel, (I IV It MR A CALL. !l '.' if. Fife UNION CITY HOTEL Line Is Cove. ICE CREAM PARLOR! Just opened at the Bon Ton Restaurant. Ice cream and temperance drinks served at all hours. Private rooms for ladies. 4-25-tf MRS. WALRATH, Prop. Eggs for Sals. . Mammoth Bronze Turkey Eggs, price for setting of 10, $2.50 OOOO 00 0000 AVhitc Leghorn chicken eggs, for setting of fifteen, $l.riO. Call on or address: MARY A. MITCH KLL, 5-2-ml Telocaset. WANTED! Teams to haul Lum ber. Logging Con tracts to Let. Men to hew ties. Inquire of Anthony Creek Mill and Flunio Co., at JSorth I'owdcr, Or. VltorKSSIONAI. R. Kakik, J. A. Kakin, Notary Public J EAKLN, & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. jay-Prompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons JOHN It. OKITES, Attorney at Law. Collfctlnir and nrobate practice special ties. Ollice, two doors south of post-ofllce, Union, Orcgou. J N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, Office, one door outh of ,7. B. Eaton's store, Union, Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D 3I0MKPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS I'ROMrU.T ATTENDED TO. Ofllcc adjoining Jones Ilro'.s store. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. J. W. Snr.i.ToN. J. M. Caruoll, gHKLTON A CARROLL. Attorneys at Law. Office: Two doors south of post-oflice, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. r II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Ollice, one door south of Centennial ho tel. L. DANI-'ORTH, M. I., Physician and Surgeon North Powder, Oregon. Il IKKAHKH O 1" W O M K X A KI'KC I ALT Y. Calls attended to at all hours. A. L. SAYLOR, M. IX, Physician and Surgeon, North Powder, Oregon. Has permanently located and will attend all professional calls day or night. Ollice: Drug store building: residence, one door west of Rodgers' hotel. J S'. K1MHRKLL, County Surveyor, And Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor, North Powder, Oregon. jg F. WILSON, Conveyancer and Abstracter. Abstracts to Real and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Real and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Ollice next door south of Post-olllce. Un iou, Oregon. JAM ICS C. DOW, Attorney at Law, Cornucopia, Oregon. Land Business Promptly Atten ded to Before the U. S. Offices. 0Mlning datum bought and sold on commUsion. Mines cxumlucd and repor ted upon. J W. STRANGE, DENTIST, I Grande, Oregon. Will visit Union regularly on tho first Monday of each month. ALL WORK WARRANTED KIR ST CLASS E. J. COITER, Notarv Public. Union Farm Loans a Specialty. WE HAVE SPECIAL FACILITIES FOR THE MANAGEMENT AND IN VESTMENT OF FUNDS. WE LOAN ON GUARANTEED SECURITY. Collections Pushed With Energy. Wcactas (Scnerul Agent-, Trustee or Attorney for Individuals or Corporations, and as Assignee or Receiver. Hold property in trust and cure for tho same. Assume the general earc of Rcallistatc, collect rents, pay taxes, etc. Abstracting. Perfecting Ti tics, Conveyancing, Drawing all kinds of Legal Papers. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Insurance Written in the best Companies. Favor us With a TriaL Oi i rk: Davis' Hu lding, Union, Oregon. DEALER IN Latest Styles. Just Received, Direct from tho East, a Large Invoice of LADIES' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Rest Ever brought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. My Prices will suit the times. Drop in and see me. C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or. MONEY!! B. M. LOMBARD, - Low Rates, Slo Money Those who consult their own interests will call on me hefore borrowing. OFFICE OVER SOMMER & BLUM'S STORE. COMMERCIAL Lffil id I 1. (OPPOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) J. S. ELLIOTT 5 Everything First Class. Terms Very Reasonable. Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains Pill!? ill ! Wilson & Jlanufaeturers ot SasL Doors and I a ' -Keeps Constantly on Moiuain Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc. All kinds of Furniture Made, and l'ph'lstcriiig done to order. WILSON & MILLER, MRS. RINEHART'S Wmmm Just opened in tho hiiek huilding Street. Union, u full and complete iisortiiicnt of MIIIlM IS FBI K, Which are Now Open For Inspection by the Ladies. PRICES ON GOODS SURPRISINGLY LOW. In addition to tho above, a complete line of LimuW GtoU' nd Chttdreus' Shoos aru in stock, and will bo sold at oott. A Share of tlie Public Patronage SoliolttMl. H F. IH'RLEIOII, Attorney at Law. All Kinds. : - LA GRANDE BE2 msssion, Proprietor. Miller, anil Dealers in Parlor M M r UUUJ hand a Large Supply of- Main St., Union. Or mhoinint: Jawox A Foster's siiin. Main f 0 ooiii Sets