The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 16, 1889, Image 1

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NO. 47.
TfiE Oregon Sgout.
m An Independent weekly journal, issued ev
ery rnursua.v morning nv
Publishers and Proprietors.
A K. ,Iom:s, i
Editor, i
t 15. CllAXCUY,
( Foreman.
One copy, one yenr $1.0
" fcix months . ... j.00
" ' Three monto 75
Inrarlnlily Cash In Atlrmiev.
Jby chance rubsciijitions arc not paid till
of year, two dollars will be chanjed.
Rates of advertising made known on ap
, plication.
A2J"Correspondcncc from nil parts of the
, country solicited.
Adrcs nil communications to the Oregon
' jcout, Union Oregon.
Our Jtr-tnlnr Cnrri"iirvii(tiMit 's lul;-t f
Inti'ic-itliitr Xen.
.till progressing. Ore, ?ame as befere
stated, in quantity, quality and char
J actor, there seems to be littlo or no dif- ;
Mining; Development.
Mention of Several Prominent Mines--Resume
of Work The Outlook.
K. Eakin, J. A. Kakin,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
KJTI'rompt Attention Paid to Collect. ons.
Attorney at Lav.
Collecting and probate practice special
tics. Olllcc, two doors south of post-otlice,
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Office, one door outh of J. 15. Eaton's
.tore, Union, Oregon.
Q II. DAY, SI. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Otlice adjoining Jones Iiro's store. Can
be found nights at residence in South
west I'niou.
Covk, Slay lo, 18S0.
Mrs. Robinson and (laughter visited
Bukor City this week.
Cove will raise enough strawberries
this season to supply the valley.
Prof. Smith, accompanied by his
wife, wont to Baker City, Monday and
will rsturn to-day.
A tonsorial saloon is to ho among
the institutions of town, soon. It will
fill a long felt want.
Mrs. Henry Lynch has purchased
the J. V. Hill farm in Lower Cove.
Consideration, .$-1,500.
Dr. Hardinge has moved to Jas. j
Hendershott s residence where ho will ! It is owned by four men who have la
be found in the future. j bored persistently to remove the black
The good people of Lower Cove arc I -'' which careless an ill directed labor
contemplating a May day picnic to be j other portions of this locality, in
held some time in June. times past, has given the district. Men
Frank Meacham started for the ! not -'cu.-toined to the tips and downs
l?aitll aiUl Labor Kcflllircd in I feronce in these mines, proving these
.... ... 1 I il 1 IS ... I... ... .
j Extending the line of Main street
I one and a half miles we come to the
famous Simmons' group of mines, con
sisting of font locations, on which over
six thousand dollars have been expen
ded. In point of development this
property stands next to the Red Jack
et, and is fully equal to it in richness.
J. W. Shklto.v. J, M. Cakuoli,.
Attorneys at Law.
Otlice: Two doors south of post-olllce, Un
iuu, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Oflice, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. jg P. WILSON,
Conveyancer and Abstracter.
Abstracts to Real and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Otlice next door soutli of Post-otlice. Un
ion, Oregon.
A. L. SAYLOlt, M. D.,
Pliysicisui juhI Surgeon,
North Powder, Oregon.
.Has permanently located and will attend
afll professional calls day or night.
Office: Drug store building: residence,
yae door west of Rodgcrs' hotel.
County Surveyor,
And Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor,
North Powder, Oregon.
Attorney at Law,
Cornucopia, Oregon.
Land Business Promptly Atten
ded to Before the U. S. Offices.
C27.MIidng claims bought and sold on
commissi hi. Mines examined ami repor
ted upon.
Cracker creek mines, Tuesday, with a
load of cheese, ducks and other produce.
Ed. Robinson has started his meat i
wagon and will peddle beef regularly
thiough the surrounding country this
The hand bill3 printed bv Tirn
Scout for the ladies' fair, Thursday of
this week, would be a credit to any job
otlice in the state.
It is expected the return game be
tween the Cove-Union nine and La
Grande nine will be played at Union
Friday of this week.
The photographer's tent lias been
moved to Suiumerville. All the babies
in town, not to mention the older peo
ple, had their pictures taken.
Born. To the wife of Prank Kelley,
May 1-1, an eight pound boy. Frank
is under a physicians care and is do
ing as well as could bo expected, this
being his first .-on.
Mr. George Holmes is nursing a
painful rising on his left hand. It is
fortunate that he has been practicing
driving with his right hand only, this
Horn. May S. to the wife of W. It.
Boothe, a daughter. William is very
proud over the new arrival which is
unusually strong and healthful. Cove
girls against the known world.
Coveites are watching with interest
the propo-ed Fourth of July celebra
tions to be held in the valley. They
will proceed in a body to the town
which ofl'ers the most attractions.
Prof. Wm. Smith was admitted to
practice before the supreme court now
in session at Pendleton, on a certificate
from the district court of tho State of
Minnesota. He has not yet decided
on a location.
Never in the memory of the oldest
inhabitant has there been a spiing
more favorable for immense crops. If
tho Hunt road is secured, the price of
wheat at tho lowest must ho about
fifty cents per bushel.
A small masquerade dancing party
was given at Ascension hall, Friday
evening. Tho characters taken were
varied and well carried out. Perhaps
the cutest and most becoming costume
was that of Miss Annie McDonald as
a Japanese maiden.
There was quite an exodus from
Cove, Sunday, to Umatilla county
whore they will be employed on Hunt's
railroad extension to Pendleton.
ot mining ventures only know how
sensitive is tho surrounding atmos
phere. An unexpected (low of watvr,
a sudden snow storm, breakago in tho
rude machinery, a failure in a project
ed sale, a careless remark or a bad se
three locutions to be one 00111101101-,
strong mother lode. The inclines ate
easily worked, and froo front Water.
The mountain facing the west is so
steep that a tunnel two thousand feet
in length will tap the lode at the same
depth. From tho mouth of such a
tunnel to tho water iowcr in the creek
below, tho distance is but a few feet.
No more favorable spot for reduction
works of any desirable kind, can be
found adjacent to any mine whieh I
have ever noticed.
Down the mountain llftv t t, on u
level, another win or stringer two feet
wide, crops out for about fifteen hun
. dred feet, in nearly a, parallel direction
J with the main vein, with a more v iu
. cal pitch than tho former. The aver
i age mill test in this vein is twenty-fa.
! dollars on the plates, and the same in
! snlphurots. The above constitute the
I Simmons' group.
About one-fourth of a mile north i
tho Slato which in these letters has
been previously described. Mr. Him-.
moils has been untiring in his effort
company at Elgin. It seems ho lodo
' into the river to wash the horses off,
1 ! when they became tangled in tho har-
PamTjphiV Record of.the Hap-! t? iw he was riding got
of the Week swimming water, when it anil
. , n ' : rider were whirled into eternity. Sev
eral persons looked on the awful scene
A YOUNGS STRANGER DROWNED, of l-arm Productions--Personal
M.-ntii-n IVods and Pointers.
Father Wade has been very sick for
some time.
Dad Shoo man is very busy with the
awl and peg hammer.
Died. Mr-. G.irduer, daughter of
Mi-. U,. ,by, May 10, ls.Stt.
but could do nothing. His body was
found aboul two hours afterwards some
two hundred yards down the liver. It
is s tl to die among strangers, hut tho
boy was put away decently, nothing
being found on him to defray ex
penses. He was about 1!) or 20 years
old. Justice J. R. Johnson hold an
inquest over tho remains which de
veloped the above facts.
Continued on immigration: Show
.-ItC'v 1
;o V.' n hart, of the S.iml Uidgo, . us a country, if you please, that pro
b 1 : v, it - "k for s.nne days. duces as much grain for tho snmo out-
! - indpartn -r f LaGrattdo, ! ,a' ,w lno lands of the Elk Flat and
' 1 ' -v their girK Sunday. 1 Xi-tliii valleys do. It is nothing un-
Lonj of Elgin, made our 1 cumn,on 10 800 1W ousliels of oats, M)
,-Mi"livchMmedrtvltiw.fc.lbuhel90f ,uuly aml 00 bushels of
! vinjtr has opened up &
room next door to the I
W' el.
wheat raised to the acre, while wo
believe that 00 bushels of oats and bar-
ley and 35 bushels of wheat is a lsw os-
5 .... Ti.. .1.
L' '"li.ittnml John Whott. ot jold me tho other dav that ho raised
wore m town dun tig tho ; 700 bushels of potatoos to the acre.
niUIIa ..... Kl ..11 1 . 1 1
1 tn iliH'inn ma vtiivivt$iy tit-trl un Hkuj T ! .... ... ... ' i
lection of samples for a test, unskillful ; , . . " 7 , , i.e i.ntttn, boss oi tho stage lme, , m tho same proportion. Grapos and
working or a tempomrv failure in no ! lU hvmg ; w. lhmtl,,h rtl0 ollH.r tlny 0 tho nU of fnUg v ftm,
matter how slight a pai'ticular, is greed- f?r ,fBWttd' ,l "1,onK toge. j in abundance all over tho country.
ily sot down against the valuo of the j
property, and the mine and district j
get what is called a black eve.
That such conclusions arc often- ' to camp. Yesterday, Mr, Oaborne, one
Sumin rcilL' had quito a shower of
times unjust, we have abundant in
tances. Even the far-famed Virginia
City saw times, a dozen years ago, when
she was suffering from the ophthalmic
disease. It required Senator Sharon
and the strong power of the Bank of
California to save it from days of eter
nal darkness. But the faith and intel
ligent energy of the one and the coin
of tho other saved it and a largo and
rich city, and tho addition of millions
to the silver circulation of tho country
is tho reward of that faith and that la
bor. Eureka, as the banner district of
base bullion, producing tons, I might,
summon to the witness stand. She,
too, has given up her millions. There
are men here in Cornucopia who have
twice assisted in decorating Tuscarora
1 in sable weeds, yet a dozen or more
whistles mark the midnight watches.
I can remember when it required a
larger share of faith to hang on to Aus
tin and Reese river, than it docs now
or over has, to keep up steam in Union
You cannot mention a mining dis
trict since Marshall found the nuggets
in the old mill race in California, that
has not had its ups and downs its
clouds and sunshine; and yet with
such properties as the Simmons' group,
the Last Chance, tho Stein group, the
Slate and tho Bed Jacket, in Union
county, wo hear men, in despondent
tones, speak of descending to the "cow
counties" and abandoning gold mining,
for tho early pastime of raising pota
toes and turnips. We want faith liko
that "grain of mustard seed." The re
sult of tho labor of the
win tor's absence, put in an appear-,
anco, and will at once resume work on j
that mine. This mine i- in (he basin,
near the Last Chaneo. It is one of
principal veins in tho camp, and in an
other letter I shall mention it mure
! particularly. ' ,
The placer mines are beginning to ,
assume a business air. Messrs. Brown,
Dill fc Co. will commence work this j
week on their claim on Eaglo creek.
The claim used to be known as tho old J
Stanton diggings, and iu limes past '
.hail and r.iin S'md::v evenin
g. No
TM... 1.1 .1 i . 1
1 iiu uiu stjuiers seem w 00 returning . uattuige.
I J. C. BonneUe will soon build a new
, and ag.iin swing the
black mii
Fred Tb.-oe, one of our merchants,
has gone to Long Valley. Ho wants
land. His bead u level.
Henry has ajain moved from
town to liH rauche near by. Ho says
farm life is more pleasant.
Churoii and Sunday School twice
on tho Hablwth day causes
pleasant gatherings for both young
and old.
P. E. Wade will soon romovo his
has paid well. Prospects from its sur
face to bedrock show sixty cents per
'f he Fowler placers, about six miles
from Cornucopia, at the mouth of this
canyon, are paying well'. Eighteen
miles from hero are tho extensive plac-
1 ors of Snake river.
Captain Tyler, from Portland, is ex
pected to-night 'o look after the inter
ests ol capitalists 111 that city. Other
parties will bo hero with hint. Tho
sheep from tho Minam range to his
farni in the valley for the purpose of
sheating the flock.
B. R. Unborn haa been on a flying
trip to Union and the Wallowa county
of lat. lie sayfc bo does not liko trav
eling unless, 011 better paying business.
Owen tfhnuman and family and J.
M. Foulinj leave during the week for
their home in Lost Prairie, Wallowa,
I county, where they have taken up
! laud.
Applos, pears and plums do as well
here as could be wished for, and to
prove this assertion, apples are just as
cheap in (his valley, to-day. as thoy
are in our neighboring valley, Walla
Walla, which is classed as one of tho
finest fruit growing valleys on the
const. Our, country is not developed.
We need more railroads, which wo
soon will have if present indications
arc worth anything. The immigrant
can find no bettor place to cast his lot
than among us. Time will show, in a
fow years that wo havo and arc living
in one of the finest countries in the.
world. Out-mouth John.
I.ocnl Ki-o Itli'H.-Cnj otos vh. SlitMi--Soim;
(iood Ail lex.
people of that city have of late begun Frank MeCully's outfit passed
lo open their eyea to the importance of , throuuh (own ln-t week, for Joseph.
Cornucopia, and tho gentlemen who 1 it consisted of about 25 buggies, hacks
will visit with tho captain, talk strong-1 ami carts for the Wallowa trade,
ly of investing. Mr. Osborne has, dtir- Fr.i 11k ordered u car load 'from tho
ing tho winter, spent much time in
the Idaho mines, mid iu particular
around Mineral and Heath districts,
1 and says that in no place has he found
better prospects or largpr fields for
on the Check Mato is an inclino on
tho ledge of fifty feet, whero it varios
in width from two to seven foot, with
walls all the way of slato or serpentine.
Tho walls present an appearance of
great regulurity and the point of sep
aration between casing and ledgo is
well marked and defined. Tho rook
Among those who went were Andrew j yields readily to the pick and sledge,
'ltlil lnttwk.i Itluc11 .file riritiwiti Tf 1 wl miil. Mmu .1!. ,,.
7 . " ; V ""j-""'"" Iworkyot. The rain ha retarded the
zniuiinuer, uiu, .m-uumui, j. uasiuo nee goitl, Ol which, in uuumon to llio iimijI1HIU ,llftWt,
hiilnlmrntd w wlinu'n In iviii iiwfu t In i
i . il.,,, . I lie mill company have not Mtarted
llPtU'onil wiv (Mill llliilit lnllti,i (,. ""J .v n4
. . .V . . . v. . . .... ...... w.,,t.w u J'-.
S. L. McICeuzio 1ms just ret u mod
from near Joseph where ha has boon
for some time locating a pre-emption
claim and building a house. Ho loft
hiV family to hold the fort. Simon
says lie is a widower now.
James ito-wll's outfit from the
Cove, consisting of eight teama and as
-v- I 1. - - Ml. W
drain look, nice and is doing well, T y ' "rvin0 4ion-
I'liore a fair prospect of a largo crop uay ""S lor mnrom oamp
near rtmuii'Hin, oj wuom iney JIIIVO
this year,
Hour hunter are scarce here now.
Other game is ttafe if thoy don't try ti
bite anybody when they go out to
hunt cowg.
Tho -boys have all returned front
taking their best girls iomo from tho
rocent dance.
I'lie shoop shearers liavo not gone to
S La Grande, Oregon.
Will ir-il Union regularly on tho
first Monday of e.u h niuiilh.
1 1 if ST ('LASS
' Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm, Wjlsok, Phop.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
I and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and be sociable
and Jake Delinks.
Advertised letters at Cove postoffieo,
Jasper G. Stevens, P. M. : Rupert!
Ambrose, C. E. Akin, Frank Crow,
Miss Ethel Holemau, Miss Addie Ir
win, .Miss Joh.inn.ih Knapp, W. W.
Mc.Malion, Silvester Murdoch, Mittf
Mary Shield, Chas. II. Vantro&s, .Miss!
Manila Wagner.
Il is said one of the publishers of
Thk Scout is attempting to break a
bicycle to ride. Before a crowd of ad
miring spectators, Tuesday, the critter
gave the t-M athlete a sort of flying
fequirrel, bull frog leap and after tho
victim was down tho small wheel took
a gyration through tho air and came
down on tho before-mentioned trainer's
cranium, producing more stars than
are in tho Constellation of Orion.
Job printing at this office.
Have you exa ! mined tho fine assort
This incline has been carefully worked,
and gives sulphurots which have
worked fifteen dollars per ton, with a
trace of fcilver.
The trend of these ledfces is north
and houth with a dip to the west, save,
iu one place, where a slide hus thrown
tho same a little out of position. The
deposit is continuous for tho whole
forty-five hundred feet, tho extent of
tho Simmons' property. The Pine
Creek hus two inclines, one of sixty
feet and one of two hundred feet.
The width is regular at three, showing
ore and metal about the same us its
sister claim on the north.
Nine hundred feet south from the
200 foot shaft on the Pine Creek is a
shaft or inclino on the Buckeye, three
hundred and fifty feet deep, and work
ment of Watches, CI
up yet, but when they do tjioy will
make things lively.
We have a toild-headed tribe in the
Park. Don't know exactly how to do
toribo thorn. But thoy aro rather fine
looking, aftor all.
Wo havo had considerable rain late
ly, and about two indies of now fell
this morning, hut soon went off. It is
a great benefit to the country.
llueklrn'M Arnica fcriliu.
Tun Bust Sai.vh In the world for Cuts,
Itrulses, Mores, Ulcurx, Hlt Utieuiu, Kuver
Bores, Titter, Chapped lUndu, ChilhlHlnm,
Corn, and all akin Eruptions, and ponl
alvely euros I'lUn, or do psy rwpilrud. It
Is guuranteod to give perfect satUfaction,
or money refunded. Pr!e 2f) cents per
box. For sale at llrouu'f dru store.
contracted work for the season.
Our old hit nd Bent, Courtney, who
got the contract for improving the
Wallowa canyon road, has about forty
men at work now, and from present
appearances the peoplo will get tome
thing iu return for the monoy expend
ed. Bout, is the right man in tho
right place.
Tho difiereuw between tho corres
pondent of this place to tho Gazette,
and Bill Nye, is, that Bill writes his
own articles, while it costs thin thing
throe day work each week to got iu
print what ho belches up. Any ono
can see that the writing is not the pro
duction of a bruin. Tho Templars,
Union, I think, should givo him a fiold
to loot u jo in, as lie ban dono so much
for the cause here in Hummervillo iu
the past, lie is a thing of a powerful
mind. It has been discovered that
one thought of his will covor a whole
road contract. But all mon of his
general nwkoaro very wise. He wears
a No. 4 hat and a lf boot, and is good
looking iu proportion. Call again,
Drowned, near Elgin, May !), at 10
o'clock a. m PrcM. Johnson. Ho was
a stranger, baring arrived from Kan
sas lately. At the timo of his death
he w is acting as hostler for the stage
ocks and Jewelry, ju'st received by A.N.
.May 11th, 1889.
Mr. W. Riggs has sold his rauche.'
Frequent showers and nice wealhor.
School commenced on Clover creek
last Monday.
The sheep shearers havo started on
their rounds.
Tho ground was white last Tuesday,
from the snow storm.
Miss Winnie Blakosloo's school in
this district is progressing finely.
Flora, tho little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. E. Samis, has boon on tho sick
Mr. W. A. Bradford has taken up a
rancho on Jiminio crook and is im
proving I ho samo.
Tho Hewitt Bro's havo nearly fin
ished their contract of breaking sod
for Mr. Burns at tunnol No. f,
"K" company, 0. N. G.. aro now do
ing things in stylo. Now, givo them
timo and thoy will "got there Gallagher."
The road supervisor of Clover crcolr
district has commenced to isaito orders,,
and tho peoplo aro working tho roads,
as usual.
Do a man a hundred favors and
then toll him of ono fault and tho
chances are, ton to ono, that ho will bo
your etieiny.
Tho mournful sound of tho coyote is
hoard coming over tho hill. Thoy
seom to bo grieving over the departure
of tho sheep. It may bo rough on tho
coyotes, but we would nitlior have
them than tho sheop.
Tho friends of Tin: Scout will
ploaso hand us in tho nows while it is
fresh. Wo prefer not to loporta birth
after tho child is weaned, or a marriage
aftor tho honeymoon is over, or tho
death of a man after his wife is mar
ried again.
An ingonious chicken raiser near
Pomona, California, has devised a way
to provont chickens from scratching
up his garden. Ho crosses tho long
legged Urahmas with tho short legged
Brahman and tho result is a now breed
of fowls with ono long leg and ono
short log. When thoy raise cithor log
to Bcratch they lose their balanco and
como to grief, After a fow attempts
they desist. Our farmers will do -well
to tako advantago of this pointer.
LlMI'JXO Poteh,
Gardner & Co?