The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 09, 1889, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Thursday, May i)th, 188.).
Tun protectionists have made a largo
mistake. They bavo neglcctod to put
a tarilFon gold and silver. Thus theeo
infant industries, the gold and silver
mines, arc left unprotected, and the
United State3 is liable to be lloodod
with gold and silver, the product of
tho pauper labor of Europo, which
would of course cause great sorrow and
suffering, particularly among the la
boring mon of this nation. Fallon
(.III.) Journal,
It sometimes costs more to got mis
sionaries home from heathen lauds
than it cost oiiginally to fend them
out. Tho Rovh. Taylor, Edwards and
Hooper, who were captured by Bush-
iris and held for ransom, have been re
leased on the payment of jCI.OOO, the
sum demanded by their captors, in de
fault of which the cannibals of Ztuizi
unr would nave eaten tlicm. Ag an
oA'cbango romnrks, it is a high price
for meat. so delights tho eoiiI of the
Ghoul who presides ovortho Oregonian
as to claw and scratch into tho graves
of dead men who voted tho democratic
ticket. Trying to write tomething ex
ceeding vulgar and abusive to tho late
William H. Barntun, it said that ho
"was one of tho longest and deftest
fingers on Tildcn's dirty land." This,
to speak mildly, is a dirty, contempti
ble remark. Such vile abuse of a man
liko Tilden is very impudent when
coming from an organ which is notor
iously for sale on every occasion, and
which has no political principles ex
cept to tell out to scoundrels for as big
a prico as possible. Jiast Oregonian,
Tin: fees of grand 'jurors and wit
nesses beforo tho grand jury at tho
circuit court makes quite a little item
which the county has to pay. A
grand jury is a port of middleman be
tweon the committing magistrate and
the trial jury of tho court, and is a use
less expense. Felonies are first' heard
bofore a justice of tho peace. ' If that
official who hears both sides of tho
case deems tho ovidonco sufficient he
holds the defendant to answer before
tho grand jury, which only hears one
side. Why not abolish tho grand jury
system and allow the justice to hold
criminals to appear "for trial?" It
would be an immense saving and the
ends of justice would bo equally well
Borvod and tho majesty of tho law
would not bo lessoned.
Tiiky have a "school for journalism"
in an eastern college. Kaoli graduate,
on doparting to tako a position to re
port local items at a salary of $7f a
wcok, signs tho following : "I hereby
solemnly promise that 1 will never use
tho following expressions, or any of
them, in my professional work, and
that I will use all honorable means to
prevent their use by othors: M'iro
lloud,' 'cast a gloom,' 'when tho smoke
of battle had cleared away,' 'true facts,'
the Bcono beggars description,' 'view
with alarm,' 'dull, sickening thud,'
'liko tho play of 'Hamlet' with Hamlet
loft out,' 'trembled like an aspen,' 'lap
of luxury,' Mtivo of industry,' 'white
winged poaeo,' 'fill a long-felt want,'
hectic ilush,"grim reaper,' and "tluow
oil on tho troubled waters.' "
Tin: La Grando papers state that a
big grain clovator "at least a hundred
feet high," is toon to bo erected iu ha
Grando. Whothor this is a fact or
only an other windy obulition from
that colicy burg wo do not know. At
any rate tho grain elevator system has
been fully explained in these coulmns
during the past few weeks, and tho
farmers are doubtless awaro of tho ef
fect it will have upon them. It would
be a cause of considerable alarm to
them were it not for tho fact that tho
advent of tho 0. it W. T. road into
this valley in tho near future will run-rim-ineffectual
tho efforts of this twin of
tho 0. K. i N. Co. monopoly to lleeco
tho people. If wo got a comix'ting
lino of railroad it will make no differ
ence vJth tho fanners of the valley
whether a grain elevator is built at la
Grando or not. Tho only use that can
ho made of tho building will bo to eon
vert it into a kind of an orphan, home
for rats, or possibly nu obwn.ii-n
whore the noutioully inelhiwl luiiw
may ascend "at lunst one hundred feet
high" as near heaven as ho can ever
oxpect to gel and commune with na-
jur, .
road aulsi-'y t-tillp s bri.wh on with
very H.iMrrinK prospri !s of men -s.
Somo who iav) 1,. ! J Lul :1k i-iofuro
bare com.- U rwvid md ? uljsei ibi"rTnd
others bavi- MLiiiifi. d tli -ir intention of
doing eo. It is thought that Tacoina
will materially assist u in the mutter
The work of rnWn; h Hunt
and last Saturday Hon. L. IJ. iiine- , otii that would be confered. Arc tho
hart was delegated by tho committee i people of Union county so blind to
here to attend the meeting of tho j ncir interests as to let pass tho op
chambcr of commerce which convened j portunity now presented to them? If
there Monday evening. But little j nt it behooves each one of them to
doubt is felt about Tucoma responding ; et ftt oaao and contribute a liberal
liborally to tho request of our citizen,
for the extension of the road across
the Blue mountains will open up to
that city two or three of tho richest
counties in Eastean Oregon. The
building of tho Hunt road will be al
most aji great a benefit to the people
of Tacdmn as it is to us. Should they
respond as it is confidently expected
they will do, but little more work -will
bo required on tho part of our people
to raise tho remainder. Should Taco-
ma conclude to do nothing it will be
harder work for ti"5, but succeed we
must and will. The prize is to great
to bo abandoned for trifling obstacles.
At this writing no news has been re
ceived from Tacoma. Mr. Rinelmrt
is expected back the latter part of the
The New York World truthfully says :
'A very stupid protection organ
keeps up the old campaign cry that
'the tariff should be high enougli to
give American producers control of
their own markets, with inoroasiag in
stead of decreasing the scale of
wages., "
The tarifl' is high enough to give tho
American cotton cloth manufactures
"control of their own market." But
does an "increasing scale of wages" go
with this control? Afak the thousands
of striking operatives, then, who are
paid less for their work than the En
glish weavers i crt-ivo, and are denied
even a hearing of their grievances by
the mill-owners who have secured thoir
forluno-making bounties for "four
years more
Tho tariff is high enough to givo
tho bituminous coal-mine operators
"control of thoir own market," Have
the milieu been gladdened by an "in
creasing scale of w.iges?" Let tho
strikes and tho knock-outs in Ohio and
Indiana answor.
Tho tariff is high enough to givo
tho iron manufacturers of I'eusylvan
ia "largo fortunes overy year when
times are good," according to the Bo
publican Senator. But tho 10 per
cout. reductions in pay in that indus
try mark a "decreasing scale of wages."
Tho tariff is hih enough to give
the carpet manufacturers and glass-
makers a great advantage in the home
market. Do tho cut in tho Higgins
factory .iu this city and the 10 per
cent, reduction in tho Do l'auw glass
works in Indiana fulfil the promises of
tho Republican canvass?
What auction of the tariff law com-
pols protected manufacturers to chare
their bounties with their workman?
Are they not all free traders and sup
ply and demand men in hiring labor?
KAllKOAi COMl'lil'lTiON.
Tho 1'ortland Oregvnhin, a paper
thai rarely goes counter to the desires of
mon with money and tho corporations,
of which it is tho tool and servile ser
vant, in spoakiug of tho town of
lUhuna iu Umatilla county :
"Tho scouring of tho O. & W. T.
railroad, giving diroot connection with
tho Northern 1'acillo at Wallula and
afibrding a coinpjiiux lino to tho coast,
was also a master otroko. To secure
this road it was uocossary to givo in
bonus and privileges about $12,000.
Thatamount raised in what was then a
village of no more than 400 inhabit
ants h a fact which spooks voluntas in
its favor. Tho advantages dorived
from tho competition thus afforded
wore at once notioablo. The increased
number of buyers attracted had the ef
fect of raising tho price of wheat Jl cents
. . ..... . i ...
erect louot very uatin- 'nau i imuki- ,
ing for this road, l . - .t Ued j
that work will b coiuin.'iu't-d on them
sufficiently early to !'. w thoir com
pletion lvfurt fail. ui ieyoi aw now
at woi l.o. . Hi iiuaiu-
I i.n- Will. t'i v .
lor iln' pi" " -I '
l'l ; i mute
wlii.ii Will
per ousJiei wnuo uo euarges lor iu 5i"""iuiu " "i-m,
transportation to the coast were re- j but the nowspapor works on steadily
dueod 4 cents, a virtual advance to the and incessantly. Tho individual agi
producer of 7 els. per bush!. The O. j tator roaohos only a comparatively
it W. T. road lias a very complete , limited field of opportunity only
yard at Athena, with sido tracks suili- those to whom the particular effort number of caw. be oxtcitdtd but the newspaper
Material is iumv on the rouud for the reaches out in overy direction and car-
. V . f . I ..II I 2 1.9 S. fl ....... t. ln.tu nf ill. i. ...
connect the uum
tiiaudr Uon.Ic .i
U ih- Hun- i.
"f llh-u i iM ; Hi .
t . nwiit with
,l t
I lu.t
i rwiiauwc
tilla county 7 cents per buslicl, and
tlicro is not tlie least doubt but it did :
f lint would be the gam to the farmers
f Grande Hondo valley on the one
article of wheat alone, were the Hunt
! oxtended hero? It would be
simply immense, and the subsidy
raked by Mr. Hunt sinks into insisni-
! cance in comparison with the great ben-
i amount to am m bringing the much
desired state of affairs about.
raxDi.iiTOX's puogkess.
After a long time of "indefatigable
work the Pendleton people have raised
the Hunt subsidy, and the road will
bo completed to that place in a few
weeks. Tho people are greatly elated
over their good fortune, and we are in
hopes that tho people of Grande Bondo
valley will be able to rejoice in a sim
liar manner. The East Oregonian
says :
'Tisdone; the good work is done
and wo arc to bavo Hunt's railroad
and competition in freight. After sev
eral weeks of hard and indefatigable
work by the committee appointed by
the Board of Trade to raise the re
quired subsidy, success has crowned
their efforts, and tho subsidy has been
raised and tho road secured. Mr.
Hunt came to see tho people of I'cn
dleton two weeks ago and generously
proposed to tako certain property be
longing to tho town at a good, round
figure and givo credit on tho subsidy
for tho sum, to wit, $-10,000. Tho
committee then went to work with re
newed energy, and thanks to tho liber
ality of tho people of Pendleton and
the surrounding country, raised the
required amount. Tho town council
was then called together and tho nec
essary ordinances prepared, examined,
criticised, amended and agreed upon
by tho council and Mr. I Tunt, and to
day Mr. Hunt has a force of engineers
and surveyors locating the lino of the
road. In six weeks from this time
wo may oxpect to see the road graded
to tho Umatilla river and carry to
tide-water the wool clip of this season.
This will be a saving of an immenso
amount of money to the wool growers
of our county. Tho beneficial effects
of tho proposed extension of Mr.
Hunts road into town is already per
ceivable. Tho prico of real estate is
advancing. Quito a number of sales
have been made already within tho
last few days and that too by purchas
ers from a distance. Well may the
people generally, anil the property
owners in particular, congratulate
themselves on tho result and now
since they have made a more intimate
acquaintance with Mr. Hunt, are loud
in his praho for .what ho has consented
to do for us. While, no doubt ho will
be greatly benefited by coming with
his road to Pendleton the road will be
of much greater benefit to I'onrileton.
Nearly all tho property owners, busi
ness men, clerks, and laborers in Pen
dleton responded liberally to tho sub
sidy; but liko all other communities,
there are a few men in Pendleton
whose souls would rattle in tho hollow
of a grain of mustard seed men who
are willing to receive tho benefits from
any and all enterprises, but let their
neighbors pay for tho same. God pity
thorn, for of such is not the kingdom of
progress. Tho chasm of dull times
that seemed to bo yawning at us is
now bridged over, and a reign of pros
erity dawns upon us that will result
from tho splouded harvest wo antici
pate. Hurrah for Mr. G. W. Hunt
and his railroad 1 We now havo two
competing lines of railroad, and con
nection in every direction.
Tiikri: is no question but that tho
newspapers of any town or city may
be made tho most effective possible
agency in its development and pros
perity. The effort and influenco of
oilliur individuals or organizations are
..,. i .....i ......
" B " mu w miwu v. unniiunii
uud unsuspected watchers of oppor-1
-IV uwction" is nothing else, and
!i.n : ), than legalised robbery of
ili : i.uiv f r tho benefit of tho few. (
lu'i v. rsiiMMS it has gained, what
ever it may gain, this one fact will
nor. ly Ik conic apparent after a while.1
U. . , if, .,,! t,. w nt T,,,. if-lit will'
I. nu.' ii . utu dlv K O.
Our contemporary across the street
charges County Judge Goodall with
illegal appropriation of the county
funds, and publishes a list of warrants
drawn by him, to verify the statement.
A number of them are for justico fees
and similar work. As the offiec of
county judge makes the incumbent
also a magistrate we cannot see why
he should not serve in the latter ca
pacity as well as the former and re
ceive pay for his services. If we un
derstand it, the county judge by virtue
of his office is empowered to act as a
committing magistrate, but it is not
incumbent on him to do so. It is
entirely apart from his duties as coun
ty judge. County judges arc certainly
allowed tho same fee bills as Justices
of the Peace for conducting examina
tions of iicrsons charged with crime.
As well deny him the right to charge
for taking acknowledgement of a deed
or other instrument. If a man should
get the judge to unite him in marriage
with the lady of his choice it is hardly
probable that ho would have the cheek
to refuse to pay him because he is
employed by tho county as judge.
Some of the items we know nothing
about, but as wo have great faith in
the (integrity of Judge Goodall, we
have no doubt ho can and will explain
theso satisfactorily. He is not the
man to withold information from any
ef his constituents or by silence admit
the truth of accusations brought
against him. Our contemporary is
right in calling attention to any of the
official acts of Judge Goodall or any
other official, if he cannot understand
the same, or if they appear at all
crooked, and the people at largo will
certainly expect a proper explanation
to be made. If Judge Goodall is guilty
of any malfeasance he should bo
promptly arraigned for it. It would
appear, however, to a disinterested
spectator that these accusation are"
somewhat frivolous and brought by
our contemporary at this time to di
vert public attention from the more
criminal and serious charges preferred
by Judge Goodall against Sherifi'IIam-
ilton. If, however, either of these men
fail to como into the newspaper courts
and vindicate themselves beforo the
people, they should and will be more
umarily dealt with. Judge Goodall
informed us that he intended to fully
explain matters, but would do so in
the paper in which the accusations
were made. This is right and proper.
Although wo have invited Sheriff
Hamilton to appear and vindicate
himself from tho charges against him,
he seems to be very slow about do
ing it. If he continues silent the people
lit large must conclude that ho is guil
ty, and will no doubt insist on his
removal from office, and that action
bo at once taken against him by tho
proper legal authorities.
A nuimiNO genius at Sumnicryillo
writing to the La Grando Gazette says :
"If the people of Union expect to get
the 0. it W. T. railroad they had bet
ter be adding fifteen or twenty thous
and dollars more to that !?G3,000 of
theirs." Ho also says in stating the
amount of tho various productions of
the county that "the valley produces
1920 tons of gold dust." The manner
in which ho slings around suggestions,
advice and gold dust in truly startling.
We will say for his information, how
ever, that Union has had over $71,000
subscribed to the subsidy for some
time, and that during the past week
$5,000, more has been pledged. It is
very probable that Union will do her
ItuckhMi'H A rulcn Snlvo.
Tun Bran- Sai.vk in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Suit Ulicuni, Kcvcr
Sores, Tetter, Clisppcd Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and nil Skin ICruptioiif, mid iol
nlvely cures riles, or no psy required. It
is guaranteed to j;ivo perfect untisfnctioa,
or money refunded, Prise '-'a emits per
box For sale at Prawn's druj; More.
aT l
pnd ia til
rpKcinr ar
V- IbtB. Wl
aaaMcwa ia
sea ncwiBK-Mackioc
run. j
Kktn U ) CM M
mm will mm ms t mum
Him laMtk licamy.taTwy
hmmt Mwiar-BMeklM Midi km
tha tcM,rtla aU U aiutkaaau.
VI 9 rUlalMMB4marmM
ilia rar tmmly mm4 nhuMa art
kMmplM. Ia Mare n atk ikat jmm
Fhw wait w lto4. to taoM waa
nujr tall at jasr aM,aaa antr
laoaiai ail uui Hf.mi year m
prccunr. Tal triad awcalaa ia
mmdm after tat Blnsar paitau.
in ataa air ma mi i Eon pairaia
LjV5tittiamatt, aa aaw atlia tW
JtltN M"llr Lu SMt.aitaatat,Mta.
fflippo t HI aria Burkina ia lat mmtid, AU la
1 IIL&iB I I taWILafraf. a capital raaalrtd. Data,
brief lafttratiloni in en. Ihoie wao write la aa at aaea ran aa.
ruro lite the ben aewinf-mathlae ta ike war Id. aaa ika
rinrttttneorwetaief kick ebOMa terelkerla America.
I'UUi: it: CO., Xtun 710, Amtula, aialao.
No wrong way to run H: ttittr
the aam runntnc forward or
No run., coca, or loose JolnU.
Mo hole Ui Hi read In mactHaa
ar .liuUlo.
No Kind point In anyothtr ma
rLl no U do not poastaa.
For Sale by
R 11. ItltOW N, l iiuiii. Or.
Having lrascd the shingle mill belonging
to L. U. Kinchart. we are prepared to fur
nish a superior quality and make of shin
gles at the following rates, per M :
Delivered at Union, $3.00
4MUI, 3.75
We do our own work and guarantee sat
isfaction. A slinreof the public patronage
Just opened at the
Bon Ton Restaurant.
Ice cream and temperance drink? served at
all hours. Private rooms for ladies.
Trains arrive and depart from Union
daily, as follows:
Passonjier. No. 4, L've
Passenger, No. 3, L've
at 0:1.1 a. m.
nt 1 :30 d. in.
Freight, No. 8, L've
Freight No. 7, L've
at 2:35 n. m.
at 11:0 p. m.
TTfKTTto and trom principal points
uuft-L1 in tho United States, Canada
and Lurope.
Pullman Prc,
jilace vdlO.
Emigrant Sleeping Cars Run Through
on Express Trains to
and ST. PAUL.
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Close connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and I'ugct Sound points.
For further particulars inquire of any
Agent of the Company or of A. L. Maxwell,
O. P. tfeT. A., Portland, Oregon.
The Oregon Railway itNavigation Co., and
Pacific Coast Steamship Co. will dis
patch Steamers between Sail Fran
cisco and Portland, ui follows:
from roar la ni.
Leaving at IU Midn't.
as follows:
L'v'ng Spear st. wh'
at 10 :i. in, as follows:
Oregon, Mon Mar 4
Stnte, Friday " 8
Columbia Tucs 12
Oregon Sat'v. " Pi
State Wed' v. " 20
Columbia Sun. " 24
Oregon, Thur. " 28
Stnte, Sim. Mar.
Columbia Tour " 7
Oregon. Mon. " 11
State, Friday " 15
Columbia Tucs " 10
Oregon Sat. " 23
State Wcd'y. " 27
Columbia. Sun. ' 31
The company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing days.
Cabin. - - ifKi.OO Steerage - - $3,00
Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - ?30.00
Children, under 12 years - - Half Fare
.r) years ... Free
The ahove rates include Board.
Ocu'l Manager. G. P. & T. A,
U. A. BENEDICT, Agent. Union.
A general assortment of spring fruit trees
for sale. Anyone desiring to purchase
trees will do well to address me at the Cove,
or call on 1110 at my home nenr town.
S-28-ml H.J.GEER.
Farm For Sale.
I OU Union County, Oregon, all under
fence, a good 1 story house, good cellar.
well, uarn and outbuildings, 'ierms easy.
For further particulars cull at ihis oflice.
Dwelling House for Sale.
A dwelling house and lot, at the Cove,
Oregon. Centrally located, near and con
venient to all the schools. Good cellar,
wood-shed and well. Will be sold cheap
for cash. Apply to S. G. WHITE,
8-31-tf Cove. Oregon.
Shingles For Sale!
An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles
constantly 011 hand and for sale cheap.
Orders from all part." of tho country so
licited. S. R. BURROUGHS,
3-14 tf Cove, Oregon.
Thomson & Pm-sel nro agents for
tho celebrated Cyclono 'WindMill, and
as the prices on thorn havohcen great
ly reduced they arc now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to bo seen
nt their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
For Bent or Sale !
A nice piece of property, eonsMinir of 20
acres good land nnd garden, with a very
good cottage and outbuildings, within one
half mile of post olllce.
I mIso have a good square piano, from the
factory of Hallei, Davis it Co., Roiton. for
sale cheap for cash.
For particulars consult
3-H inl lot.-. Oregon.
Bon Tod Marat!
Now open to the public on Main Street,
Union, Oregon.
Board and Lodging.
All Hours
No Chinese cooks employed, and every
thing neat and clean.
The Public Patronage Solicited.
Mrs- M. Wolkath, Tropr.
City - Meat-- Market.
Main Street, Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tofiisonal Parlors
L.J. Rusick, Pnoniir.Tort,
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors south of Centennial hotel.
9 28-tf.
Union and Cornucopia
Quickest and Cheapest
Route to the Pine Creek
$1 f0 c
3 00 ljc
(I 00 2 c
Union to Park
" " Saucer
" " Cornucopia
Geo. F. HALL, Agent, Union, Or.
;ags Lino to Cove.
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. m, arrives at
Coveat.'i:.'50 p. m.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. in., arrives at Union
at 9:30 a. m.
Connections made with Elliott's coachci
running to the depot, carrying passenger
for east and west hound trains.
ROBINSON & LAYNE. Proprietors.
(Opposite tho court house, Union)
Horses Boarded by the Day,
Week or Month.
'tis C;1;: hg Store,
ure Drugs,
atent Medicines,
aints and Oils.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
Consiting of
Mgs, Shot Sis, Pis
Imported and Domestic Ci
gars, etc.
Kentucky Liauor Store
Cor. Main and B Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers In Soda Wa
r.. 111., n 1 . 1,. r. . I .
and Chauinoiio Cider, Syrupi, etc. Or
dw promptly Hlltd.
limi STABLE !
tols anflCar