The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, May 09, 1889, Image 3

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How a JouriR OotliRmlto LItc-s High nt th
Expense of Ills I'rlenil.
"Whnt nro you doing for a living
now?" was nskod of fi young man whoso
ordinary methods of obtaining a liveli
hood did not inspire confidence and re
spect "I nm a loan contractor at present."
ho replied. "I have been six months
in the business, ind 1 can honestly say
that I havo been succe 'sful. YtTu won
der what a 'loan contractor' is?' W'oll,
I borrow small sums of money and live
upon thorn. The work is profitable
and not too hard. Oh, no. I don't ex
haust my list of lenders. On the con
trary I am steadily adding to it. Of
comso I can not borrow from a man to
whom I am already indebted, but before
I iinally part company with him I make
him ititrod co mo to at least two of his
friunds, so that for every customer I
drop 1 pick up a couplo a not gain of
"The business lequires a good deal
of skill, and certain rules must bo care
fully observed. In tho first place, I
never ask a man to lend me money un
less 1 am quito assured he has it about
him. When your intended victim re
fuses from necessity you havo lost him.
H is hopeless to try him again. He
thinks over tho matter, because ho fecU
more or less mortified about it, and ho
.will bo suro to end by congratulating
himself that ho was unablo to accom
modate you. and when ho has onco ar
rived at that stago of reasoning you
may knock him off your list.
"When I havo selected my man I
don't approach him as though I am
ashamed of what I am doing. I am
always well dressed and look liko a
gentleman, bocauso I know by painful
experience that a shabbily-dressed man
has no chance at all as a borrower.
Drawing him timorously to ono side
nud whisporing your request is pretty
certain to annoy him and bring a de
nial. In such matters men nro always
bolder alone than whon they are in
company. For this reason I always
saunter up to my victim when ho is
surrounded by his friends. Ho must
present mo to them, and, if the meet
ing is in a bar-room, as I generally
manage that it is, a drink is likely to
"This establishes a certain amount of
confidence, and when I turn to him
suddenly as though 1 had just rcmem
borcd my need, and say aloud: 'Oh, by
tho by, just let mo have a couplo of
dollars until to-morrow, will you? I
havo a lilllo account to sottle down the
street, and I havo no small bills about
me,' ho must bo a determined man if ho
refuses. You see, ho has introduced me
to his friends, and stood boforo them as
my sponsor, so to speak. To slight me
now would bo equivalent to impeaching
his own witness. 1 got tho money,
which I am very careful to pay back
tho following day. Whon I have dono
this twico I generally find that tho man
is at my mercy. Then I wait until 1
know that his pockets aro well filled,
when I striko him to tho tuno of from
$10 to $25, according to circumstances.
After that I avoid him. Tho wholo
campaign usually occupios nbouta fort
night, and I can operato in a dozen
fields at onco; so that, you seo, I make
a fairly good income.
"Men who are accustomed to wealth,
and always carry largo sums of money
with them, aro almost usoloss to me,
and I raroly try them. They aro stingy
to the last degree, and thoro is no good
in them. It is with those who aro usu
ually poor, but occasionally find thorn
selves flush, that I deal. 1 take thorn
at tho Hood tide of their fortune, whon
thoy aro olated with tho possession of
monoy which seoms to them inexhaust
ible, and they fall easily into my trap.
"Will you take something with mo?
Don't bo afraid, 1 know it would bo
hopeless to attompt to borrow from
you after what I havo told you, and I
won't aslc you for an introduction to nny
of your friends, bocauso I am suro you
would not glvo it to me. You don't
drink? Well, good-by; I seo a man
coming who drew his pay to-day, and I
must go across tho street and cultivate
him. X. Y. 'Times.
The Intelligence of Toads.
Toads, in tho prosonco of snakes,
usually remain perfectly still. In this
is their only safety, for did thoy make
tho loast movement they would imme
diately bo caught. I havo known a
hungry snako to lio waiting for over an
hour for a frog to movo, and even push
with tho noso to stir him up. This has
boon called "snako charming," and In
deed it looks liko it, but tho toad is tho
charmer and tho snako tho eharmon. 1
romombor ono day 1 dropped a toad in
tho midst of a pit of snakes I had in my
back yard. Ho nt onco became per
fectly still, though surrounded by more
than a dozen hungry snake. Tlioro
was u circle of fiorco hoads and glaring
eyos nround him, but ho would not
movo. Tho circlo narrowed null tho
protruding tongues almost touched
him, yot ho was immovable. ,Iutthen
I was called away for over half an
hour, but on returning found tho tond,
in grnvo dignity, still holding tho fort
by mot masterly inactivity. This
lowly, helpless croaturc, strong only
bf ndhoronco to a natural faith thus
bafiling onomles numerous nnd power
ful, brought Duniol boforo tho mental
vision more vividly than Hlvior's cele
brated picture. Forest nnd Stream.
He Was Not a Sufferer.
Lord Chutnploigh And tlufii youah
er custom-house duties aw so tlooc
cdly abbiird. You er smart Ameri
cans chawgo hoavily faw awticlos of
real utility, whllo things of moan lux
ury und no aotual two you or porailt
to ontah youah country fweto.
JJativo Then what aro you kicking
atf Life.
An African Chief Wbnae Consorts Ara
Ills Mlnatrri of States
Thirty years ago, just about tho time
when tho big African lakes wore dis
covered, thoro lived in Unyamwczi,
through which llurton had just traveled
on his way to Lake Tanganyika, a boy
named Msidi, who has sinco becomo
famous. His father went every now
nnd then soveral hundreds of miles from
homo to tho great copper country of
Sanga to buy tho metal from nativo
miners. When Msidi became a young
man Ills father took hlui on somo of
theso expeditions.
Finally Msidi started out to buy cop
per on ills own account. Ho arrived in
tho mineral region onco when the big
chief of this Sanga country was nt war
with a great tribo who were invading
his district from tho north. Msidi had
with him four guns and plenty of am
munition. Fire-arms ha. I never been
heard of in that country, and whon
Msidi marched out to win a battle for
his friend, tho chlof of Sanga, tho enemy
lied in great dismay after a few shot-!.
Just as a fow of Livingstono s Makololo
porters with only nino guns conquered
tho wholo Shiro country and set up as
little kings, so Msidi laid tho founda
tions of his fortune with four guns.
Tho old chief felt so grateful to
Msidi that ho made tho young man his
heir. Ho died soon after, and tho hum
ble ivory trader suddenly became tho
chiof of quito a largo country. Ho
killed all chiefs whom ho thought
might become his rivals, carried on ag
grcssivo warfare against all tho sur
rounding tribes, gradually spread his
dominion, and is still extending it.
Livingtono's Cazembo and tho Muata
Yamva used to bo talked of as tho
greatest chiefs west of tho big lakes.
Heclus says that Msidi is now without
doubt tho most powerful ruler in tho
Congo basin.
An anecdote is told illustrating tho
shrewdness of this savago potentate.
When Mr. Arnot, a while ago, sont
word to tho chief asking permission to
sottle in his country as a missionary,
somo Arab tradors who wore at his
capital told Msidi that all Englishmen
woro villains, and urged him cither to
kill Arnot or to turn him back.
"Well," said tho chiof, "1 don't know
any Englishmen, but I do know you
Arabs, and you aro tho biggest liars I
ovor saw. Tho Englishman may come,
and I will seo what ho is liko."
This chiof, for an untutored native,
has remarkablo administrative ability,
and to this talent ho largely owes his
great success. Ho has adopted a very
curious systom of keeping a'l tho af
fairs of his country in his own hands
without bothering his head about de
tails. Ho has dono this by making his
fivo hundred wives his ofllcors of state
Ho has divided his great Einpiro into
many districts, each of which is ruled
by a minor chiof. Each chiof is repre
sented at court by ono of Msidi's wives.
She sees that all tho tribute duo from
her district is forwarded to tho capital,
entertains all visitors from tho district,
and is ready to givo Msidi at a moment's
uotico any information ho desires. Tho
result is that without books or secre
taries lie rulos tho country in a busi-ncss-liko
way, and his namo every
where inspires respoct and often fear.
Msidi renamed his country (iitron
gnnzo. It is west of Lakes llangweoio
and Mooro. between tho Luapula and
Lualaba rivers, and embraces ovor 110,
000 square ini'es. X. Y. Sim.
Old liiiio Smolct'i'N
Who know u cootl thiuK wlicu tlusv seo II,
cannot be fooled hv it poor iinmitatinn of
tlio well-known "Seal of North Carolina"
t'lutr i. iu j ooacco.
II ........7 11. ..I it. II Cfl.."
Jittll til illIll llll'l I lit Jf lift l lit .Jliit
! linn im iitnri' mil hi', liulnil ynnltl
lihttf cuts that some dealers curry, I
See that you net iheS al of North Caro
lina, and you ill smoke no other tobacco. ,
KllR Tkih Rl ftnn
' s"1 " E. DbUVU.
PIVl'ifl'u HMl.-in,- lia.Minul ,. ..Tn i 1 1
r.aut lircuklru; out n iy lei;, whli li cuused
liit.deratile piiln. It w a, cal led K" renin by
Hied... mrs -iiiurid niiomtrejiieiiine Willi
no relief. I candidly confess tliut 1 owe.
mv r sent jtoial health to H, h s., which
lniu estimation U liivaliiuble an u blood
renntlv. Miss Jima DkVitt,
2?.'7 N. 10th St., ht. Louis, Mo.
Our liultv when two mouths old was nt
tin ked with Scri.fulu, whli li fur a luinr
time dctroyed Iter eyeslKht entirely, and
cuusshI us to (lettpulr of her life, Th" doctor
failed lo relieve her, and w Kuve
Swift's stppcillc, which soon cured hereii'
llrely, un I she is now hale and beany,
K. V., Will's Point, Texas,
-Seinl tor Ii ink Klvlnu history of Diseases and advice to kiitrerers,
mulled free
Drawer 3, Atlitutu, Ci.
Kkwjuu If you have- an Old Bore that needs
htaUtiir, and that other remedies have failed to
heal, or u break I lift out or Itchltm of thesenlp
or body ; or a Hull, Hum, Cut, or any ailment for
which a Salvo Is suitable, buy a 'AVcelit box ol
. , , i .......... i ...
.Ill'XIfllll nHivr, wuirii is iiuiinuini iu
l ure when evcrylhlnttclso falls. If not kept by
your dniKBlst send & cents lu stamps to J (
IiKMKNT, Agt., Astoria, Or., and receive a box
i... ...n
O I LI Vi ITf A I . uAOIf . Oabler. HoonUh
tMAnna; liurdelt Onani. Land UulnuuenU. Larrtit
atock of Hheet Muau and Uooki. lands surpUM al
Kastem l'rlo.-a. IdATTJXIJU UUAX i.'., juo rm
H trout, Dan tnndtao
say Mao's Core for Oon
stuoptlonUTIIUUKHT for keeplwt the voice
clear. cents.
J Tlierolstiocharitnblcnrfwin belnif uncharlt
I able toward tlio uncharitable.
Kximnil tho .11 1 ml.
Ily jcoIiik n much as you can of the world, but
, ere you sot out either m n tourlM. commercial
traveler or emigrant whether you ro by rail,
I Menuudilp or steamboat, protide yourself with
I liotetter's Stomach bitters, which the traveling
I nubile reeocnlzes as the rlnet medical safeguard
and preventive- of oa sicklies with which any
one nmrnsylni: by lnml or water can lo provid
I cd. ft furnfh-s to the western nloneer adequate
1 protection mmlnst malaria, rheumatism and
l thoe dlonler of the txnel which mlama
tainted water U'get. Its swlathe eu'ect upon the
stomach perlurlK'J by the rocVltnrof a hlp Is
trulv maclcal, and it Is a capital apetlrer ami
, neve Imlironitor. Excellent 1 It for bullous
nes ami kidney inaction, and it counteracts, in
a remarkable degree, the cltY-it of fatigue, phy
sical or mental. After wiKtlng and epoure In
'Inclement leather, It should be used a a pre
ventive. The manner of kU lin shows the character of
the K'vcr more than the ijlft ilse'f .
White Elephant, of Slain, Lion of Flip
land, Oration of China, Cr of Switj:er,
land. Banner of IVr-ia, Crescent of Kgvnt
Double Kaule of Russia. Star of Chili, The
Circle of Japan, ilarpof Erin.
To net these buy a lox of the genuine
1)11. C. Mcl.ANKS Cm.KHltATKt) LlVKlt
Pii.i.s, price '.!. cents, and mail us the out
side wrapper witli your address, plainly
written, and 4 cent in stamps. e. will
then mail you the above list with an ele
gant packnu of oleorapliic and chro
matic tarda.
It cannot be denied that ninnsement is one
of the most pouctfnl intlucnccs of life.
Tho country is lloo 'eft with jior imitations of
"Seid of Xotth Carolina PIuk Cut tinokiiiK
More failures aro to bo attributed to elForts
misdirected than to tho wantotexertion
.... I..ltl.. ....... I. n,.,.tl..
Illll'ItL'l III, ,,1-111-1 1IIII11I- -.1, llllll ll .11111,11
; uoni pain a Hheumatism. Over no single coin
plaint ha Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Item
I edy, of Itondout, X. Y., won more cures than
l ltlicumatlsm. llv its ue the agonized imtlcut
can once more use his lima and freed from past
ears of pain.
Mr. Frank Strait, a well-known merchant of
Xew Hamburg, X. Y says "I sum-red tortures
from Sciatic Rheumatism. My case was a cry
bad one, and none of the means taken gave me
relief. I use Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite
Itemt dy, of Itondout, X. Y., am entirely rid of
every symptom of iny trouble. Only three lat
tics brought about this wonderful result. It has
built me up and been of great K'tietlt to me in
other w ays. I heartily recommend it to other
Dit. Kknnkiiv's Favohitk Kk.mkiiv, made at
Uondout, X. Y. 1; (' for f.'..
Semi for book, how to cure Kidney, I.lver and
Mood disorders.
Tho secr-'t of life is not to do what ono likes,
but to try to liko what ouu has lo do.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To Tilt: KniTOit: l'lease Inform your readers
that I have a positive remedy for tho above
named disease. ty Its timely use thousands
of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I shall be glad to send 'two bottles of my reme
dy free to any of your renders who have con
sumption If they will send mo their express
and postoillce address. Kcspeotfullv,
T. A. Sl.OCU-M, M. C, 181 Pearl st Xew York.
Wo havo great respect for the penetration of
the man who discovers good iiualitiea In us.
IIoiii-hih-hh. All suffering from IrriUxlkm
of the Throat mid iloarteiirts will be agreeably
surprised at the immediate relief all'orded by the
use of "Uruwn's Jlronchiul Troches." Hold only
lu bo.xes.
Women Hwallow at ouu mouthful the lie that
flutters, and drink drop by drop a truth that is
It lias pormnnently cured thousands
of eases pronounced by doctors hope
less. If you have premonitory symp
toms, such as Cough, Dlllleiilty of
ISrcathiutr, Are., don't dolav, but uso
iminodiatoly. By Druggists. 25 cents.
I do not mean merely to atop tlicm for a time nud
then liuve tlii ni return upiln. I nx nii u rmllciil cure.
1 have inuilo tliu ilisruse of FITS, 1U'II.H'V or FA I, I.
imi sii'KN Ms ulife-loni: I h arrant my remedy
i to cure t'ju vurft cuBes. ltrcause others hae fufie-1 ii
I no reusun for not now recunintfu cure. Send at once
tKir u trcutUe unil a free lmttle of my iufullilile rt-iuedy.
t Give Uxiiress mid I'oat Ollice
I 11 (MtOOT M V 1831'earlHt, New York,
uunUniK-oiulAD ES
TAe Oldtst Mtdicint in the II nrlt it reliably
lilt. ISAAC! 'I'lIO.IIl'.NON'S
TliN urtlclo i a caret ully preimreil jthynlcTuirs pro-
acrlntioii. ami haH Ixvnlu comtnut usn for nearly
century. There are. few dln-ases to which nmnttlnil
iy a
aro suljject i.oro distressing tliun wiro eyes, and
none. ixTlium. for which moro remedies- havo been
' trledwlthoutsuceeas. Forallextcnial lnttuiiiinatlon
ioftliooy(ltlsanlnfalliblo remedy. It tho illri-o.
(loin nro followed it will never fail. Wooartieulurlv
Invito thonttent'nn of plivslelans to Its inerlu. Kor
salnl.yalldnniBhts. JOHN I. TIfOVl'so.N, SONU
A O., TltuY, N. Y. ltubllslted T'..
(me nm n mncn nn A r
. Ol J.iT. IU v.ri niff-r t.i. VK'His
1 prelfrrt d Whoc iii fur' Isl) n hore jim i lie tin i'
tvli'.letimetotho' asinevi. Hoar, ra .ir,rn' nur I
r-titiiluy i u1' '"'J i'- A ( v m r j. n tjwm
I .ml (II -s 11. I'-. JO'IS ON A fi i" ( M . u Kl
Kir h' . ., I, i A, . I H I . r
inln.' it X' II I f I J II, ' I ' i
1 ,J I I I, . It t J, &
i.erman AatliraiiC'uronevtrijiutominra-
nutiiai rttuj in me worm RaMtH,iiisurvnwiiiiiirv
able sleep ; effects care wuaro all others f alit I
iriul eonvintti tKtmottikrpHatl. Price ftOr. and I
trull convince intimttt i7i,,i, . itutmn . nit
Hl.K),otprn(rirtUorliymali. Bamj.l&l'KH
for si amp. DaTlt.HOIItyTMAN,Ht. I'snl.Mfn
Tin- 'v Itnxter KncIiii. Itopo und
Twinn 31 uc Ii lurry unit, .llmiiiriic
turer of Hinder '1'ivlnn, ate.
This cukIuc I" made with all
Intent lmtirovemciits from 1 to
1 j 11 I', and has a record unstir-
puased lu thu lilttory of steam
.motors. Kvcry unitluc l fro
tided with all economic and
safety ujipllaiieeo known, and
are warranted in uirn rerpwi.
(..,.. .1... .pi ,. tin, llf IfflltU Mllll
.l- lltIBUII'M,l. !, ,
.l ordaue, Twine and HhkkdiK
.( ....I. !.,.. t ,.il ,11111111.
La ntiiriiiiiitii, .., ........
LH faeturoroi Jutollai.'i?IiiL',IImp
I n 11 ' I i it Itlliur. " i 1 ' " - - -
I AUJ"-"' 1,KUie a -'",l0" Wc 70VV,
1 SC Vvy Bliml, New York.
.. Twin., i.ti. Kiiinl lor mrmilitri.
A V-?"i r-llbl l.lll furiale rF AtfTaX
1' JslvS. sl. fr Chickttltrt i'll"vG3i3 ',
XZZS&M Diamond Brand, In red mj- Bff
SI aJtioii, At Druiritlot. Accent V
fn no ntlier. Ml I'UU in paio. v
W Jf I or.l bui . ln wrapper- ar.adunircr- I
i B ti " eiiiinlerrelt. Bcnl -le. Huiiii.j hir i
A ffi liarllei lara auJ "Jtcllf rTiir l.ailles,Mft
A- ' I..,.. . 111 flllfk u.ll- 1
rtiunaie UHej litem. ;,aijtrair
i Md i
tellable TcmIIiu in)-.
Among those who tstiy to tho merits
of Am.cock'8 l'oitoi's Pi-ASTKius aro Mrs.
Henry Ward needier, lion tni'l J. Ran
dall, Cyrus W. Field, Jr , Hon. James W.
Husted, ("hark" 1). Fredrlcks, Henry
Kim?, Manaer Sentde Sanitarium, Hon.
K. L. Pitts. Gen. F. H. tiiiioln. eorp
Augiwtu cnln. Marlon Hnrlmii. and Sis
torn of Charity, Providence Hospital,
WrtMhiiiRton, I) C.
Hewnre of immitatioiis, and do not be
deceived by mW epresenta ions. Ask for
Ai.t.cocK's". at d 1 -t no Ion or soli
tation induce yon to accept a sulmllute.
There Is no tit search after truth which does ,
not, first of nil, tie-in to live tho truth which It
Thy Orkmka for hrwUfant,
Its superior eicelleuco pn)en In million! of homes for
more than a Quarter of a century. It Is used tiy the
United KUtcs Ooternmcnt. Kndorsed lij the head of
the (lr At Unlrerattles aa the Stroacost, l'iutt and luoct
llwilthful, Dr. Prion's Oreaiu lluklni Powder docs not
oonUln Auienitnla, I. line or Alum. Hold only lu cans.
1'IUUK 11AKINO l'OWDKll '(.
NKWYOltK. t'llll'Ata). HAN KltANClHCO.
mlth'i Cash Store, 418 Front St., 8. F Cal.
largest general dealers west of the Mississippi
KlTr. Dry Goods, Notloui, Uoilcrj, Under
wear; Wall Taper, Stationery, Blankets, Bed
ding; Boots, and Shoes; Canned Goods, Dry
traits; Wooden, Tin, Crockery, Glass .Qranlu.
and Hardware. Meat, Fish, Provisions, Honey,
drain, Feed, Groceries, Pure Spices, Seeds, Be
ans; Drags, Medectnes; Clocks, Ammunition,
Rubber Goods, Tents, and quantities of other
goods at lowest prices for Cash only. Bend 3 a
stamp for full list by first mail, and learn how
taliTecbapand well at small cost; 32 years ta
kvstnessCustomers In every County west o
tfeaBocky Mountains, and many sLuwhara.
who hnve ued I'iso's
Cure for (VmMimiitlon
say Ills HlMTOF Aid,.
Hold uverjwliure. '.Bo.
Dr. Spinney & Co. MaV&r
NFRVnilQ Debility, boss of Vltfor. Bemlnni
w V WO i.oaapa, eak ilcmory, JK'Himu
ilency, i;c, duo lo excesses or auuKii.eureu,
YCjIIIMO MEN nnfferlntf from tho fltTcotn
I yWISV mCIV of youtiifiilfollloHorlndU
cretlon Rhould avail themwlves of our treatment,
A positive euro KuarnnUn'd In every cape, Hj'iitill I h.
Urinary and cnercal Dineapra all unnutural dis
charges, promptly and sulci cured.
pbro of Kldneya or IllnddPT. Weak Hack, Nervous
Dobilltr, WaHtinn of Hexuul Btreuath, etc., cured
and rrBtored to healthy vIKor.
N, 11. l'erpona unnblo to viRit us may Imi treated
nt their rmincH. by correspondence. Mi'tllclnes am'
instructtons pent by mall or express, Consultattot
Free, Beuiil ctnts in Btumusfor 'lbc Young Maa'i
Friend or ouldo tu Wudloclc.
Sold on Trial !
uveatment rinnll. tirnflfs
latiru. tfeutl 0.' fite mnlllm
Inrwo llluatraled t'atul iio
Kith full puitlculura. Jluu
ufuctuiud by
F.J. A" fliiMfuCo
107 .V lHl,iil Nt.
Clilcui; , III.
issuod March and Hopt.,
onoh yonr. It Ih nn onoy.
olopodia of ttfloful Infor
mation for nil who pur
chaao tho luxurieB or tho
nocossitios of Hfo. Wo
can clotho you nnd with
nil tho nocossary and unnocoBsary
nppilancos to rldo, walk, danoo, aloop,
cat, flsh,hunt, work, bo to church,
or stay nt homo, nnd in various aizos,
stylos and quantiUos, Just flguro out
what Is required to do all thoso things
COMFORTABLY, and you can make io lair
estimnto of tho vnluo of tho BUYERS'
GUIDE, which will bo oont upon
rocoipt of 10 conts to pay postage,
111-114 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, 111.
NOS. ItiU mill 131 Tlllltl) HTICKKT,
Portland, Oregon.
Is the only Private Dials-usury
In i'liitUiidor on
the XtoithMest Count,
where, putients ure succtra.
younf or old, alliglu or
murritd, rucli ua
Nervous debility, seiiilual
lows, fulling meinary,
s)ilulltla erui-tloin, it
fi-cta of mercury, kidney
and bladder troubles, nun
orrbeu, gleet, i.rlcture etc.
Fishing Tacklo,
Foot Hulls.
Jioslni; OIovch,
Indian Clubs,
Masks, Foils,
Western AKentafor
i G, Siia1diu & Bres
Illovclos, VtlociiMvIes, Tricycles, '
103 &. 1117 fsiecond Ht I'ortliuid.' r.
Jtlrmldc At , ftpoksne fulls, W T , W Htate Kt ,Hakui,
0 ii rv
sSSaaaiai!.. 'Ill .'JSWilFr! 1
For Xclievimiatism.
The Lntost, Current Cures.
On Cratches. rornty, Tz., Job. 1J1HI.
Wat on cratehti from rhtnmatlim for IhrM
monthi: on bottls St. Jacofct Oil curM b Me
r.turn In two jun. J 8. WOOD, J r.
liner tho Wnr,
Warn.irUl. 0., Job U. SI
Had had rh.nmttlim tine th war In knt: ft
T.r t to two application! St. Jicobi Oil cnr.4 mi,
No rUrn tine. K, K1LB0N,
No Sleep. Ore.nrlll., 0 , Jnn it, 1SSS.
WiUtd U floor at night, tuStrlni with rh,n.
nttlim; no rcllif, trltd 8t. Jtcobi Oil. halt a hit.
U tnrtd tn. Wo return In yan. J. C. WEAVER.
At DnVflotsTs ash I)
N P. 1 No S2 S K. N. II. No.
C Z I -
Only n fow ltionths n:o thoco roiniiInr, rov- liet'kc(l 1iipps wore puny, tlclU
cnto, pule, sloKlv ;Ii1is. Ily tho nld of Dr. JMctcc's world-iameil Kavoritt' Pru
si'ilption, they luivo blosoinctl out Into heutitintl, tilttint). hale, heaitv. ftroiiL'
yotnifr women. ' b
"Kitvorlto Pi-pacrlpMon" U nn liivionitlno-, rostoratlvo tonic mid as a
regulator untl promoter of fimciloiitil tit'iiou at that critical period 0f cluiniro
from girlhood to woiiuinhood. It is a perfectly safe remedial sijrent, unci can
pmdiieo only pood results. It h careftilly coinnoimded, lv an exiierienced and
sklllliil physician, and adapted to woman's delicate oi-ratiiatlon. It U purely
vepctahlo in Its composition and perfectly harmless iu any condition of the
sys-tem It Imparts stn'iijrth to tho whole svstem. For overworked, "worn
ou , "ruti-down," debilitated teachers, milliners dressmakers, spumstrcpst's,
siiov-;irN, lioiisekeepers inirslntr niother-i. and feeble women trenerallv, Dr.
u'n' I'vorite I'reseiliitlon U tho greatest enrthlv boon, belnjr tmetitiiiled as
iu .ippetlzino; cordial and restoratlvo tonic. It Is the only medicine for women,
30KI ny (irii-rirists , under n pnnitire (juarantcr. from the maniifaetiirers, that it will
L'tvo stit lo,, I,, ,.Very case, or money will be refunded. This Miarantco lins
been printed on tho bottle-wrappers, and falthfttlly carried out for many years.
CopyrlRht, 1833, by Woin.ti's Disi'UNSAitv JtimiCAt, Association, Proprietors.
Tlio cleansing, antiseptic
Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy
To lloHirUerptrtmntl
J'nrmrM. 1 1 Ih Initior
t.nit tliut tlio Soda or
rUlcruluayou UHCHliould
lioWltlto and I'uri) sains
h nil similar HUbatances
upod for food. Tolnauro
oblulnlnKonly llio"Arm
A Hammer" brnnd Boda
or HaloratuR, buy it In
"pound or balf iiound"
csrtoons.wlilcb bcarour
name antl trilo-iuarli,as
inferior Roods nro somo
tlmcmiuliHtltutcd for tlio
"Arm k Hammer" brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties ukIiiii Halting
1'owder Nhnuld remem
ber that its solo rl i rift
tiroporty consists of bi
car Inmate of soda. One
tcaHpoonful of tlio "Arm
k Hammer" brand of
Hod a o Kuleraliis lulled
-with sour milk c.juals
Packed in Card
"For nearly a
month I was not
ablo lo Bleep, but
ntter using Painb's
for two days, lu
Bomtilu llofl and
Htrongth return
ed." E. O. Bmitii,
Claussen, a 0.
" 1 havo taken
only a part of n bottlo ot Talno's Celery Cotn
nountl, nnd It ha entirely relieved mo of
sleeplessness, from which I havo Buffered
greatly." Mas. Ii. Autcufp, I'oorta, lib
I'ulno'H Celery Compound produces Bound nnd
rnfatdilnK Hlcot). A jiliyHlnlun'B prescrliitlon, It
docs not contain ono harmful drtur. I.lko noth
liiff clso. jjuanuitecil euro for Blcepleti
ness, If tllrectlons nro falthrully followed.
11.00. nix for 15.00. Jirtiraliitfl.
Wki.lh, lticiiAitnsoN&Co., IlurIln(,'ton, Vt.
For Mien
Lick Houso Block, San Francisco.
MAM & BENEDICT, 0.c.hTstings& o
27 "Years In present location.
MVoaraalt4 Ml
fZV sasss Blrlstars.
CI vrdooij tjOj
dltrifii Cimlid Oa.
Amsterdam, N. Y.
We have sold 1Ug O for
many ymrn. and tt bus
f ivpn me Desi ot satli
actlon. D. K.I)YCTtKACO.,
t'tllCftRO, 111,
81,00. Bold by Druggists.
to H n clny. Samples worth Kit.l.t
1 KltKK. Mnes not under horses' feet.
SvVrlto lrler IHarety Jteln
Holder "o Iloll v. 31 Irli.
HMDV fAfDvl J' Oraham's Depilatory
til U I liluijIJ. Paste Is Kiirantccd to re
moe hair and check its grow th. 11. 0 by
mail Send 2c stamp for book "How to bo
lleautlfnl," Mas. Okkv ik Ghaham, "llcuuty
Doctor." '.'1 Pnwnll St.. San Kranclsro.
t,y,.A i
and healing qualities of
are uneqnaled. 50 cents.
four tcaxpoonfulBof Ujsi
bcHtllakiun l'owdor,sT
ln twenty times Its
coat, boaldos being
much healthier, becsuso
lttlocHiiot con tain any
injurious substances,
suchas alum, terra all)
etc., of which many Ilak
Ini l'owdera are made.
Dairymen and Farmer
should uso only tho"Arm
k Ilammor" brand for
cleaning and keeping
Milk l'ans Hwcot ana
Cadtion. Boo that
every pound package of
Arm and Hammer
lira nd" contains full
1(1 ounces net, and tho
?.( pound paokagesuif
ii ouncft net, Hoda or
Halcratus samo aa speci
fied on each package.
Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
" For a lone tlmo I was so nervous and worn
nut that I could not work. I tried many modi
clnus, but niino gave mo relict until I used
J'alno'u Celery Compound, which at onco
strengthened and invigorated my nerves."
Haiilkv HiiKitiUN, llurllngtun, Vt.
Celery Compound -
quickly quiets nnd Mrenetlicns tlionervcs, when
I rrl tided or weakened by overwork, excescK,
dlneuse, or Blinck. It cures ncrvotwnciw. licatl
iiclie, tlvsiictHtIa, sIcciiIcsmichs. incbiucliolla, and
oilier ucsorticni ui mu uitiuua ddicui.
Tones up the
Shattered Nerves
" l'ortwo years I was a Btiflorer from norvOGB
tlcbllltv, and I tlumk (KkI nnd tlio tilscovenir ot
tho vnliiablo remedy, that l'iilne'8 Celery Com
jKiuntl eunl hid. It any ono wrltu to mo for
itiivico." OKOiuus w. uouTON, ritamioni, uoan.i
and 33oys at