L i . t - v.iti . -.7-1 VSK JC -TT-T-" - .-rem-"-J'.racts .TVJMKmW. "DDnnPT'T XTC PA QU l'r encl1 replied to my letters. The JjIvUUOlVllN vJ WlOD. uovcnior enytf Mr. irumilton wan the ) nucnt of tlio state mid was paid in full i by the slate a pcrfl diem of ?j in lien fmintv u(TP Gondall l;nlniim ofmilonso, mid lie Fays 1fo thnt in LUlllll) JUUSU UUUUcUl l.AjMailli) C0livtin)fttimi vjlh Hlu-rifT Kellev and VariOtlS Matters. I ex-ShorM'Noruni.ofMultnonmh'coim- I ty, tliey tell him that such service has ' ... 1 -1.1 1,1 1 I always ncun piuu me suue aim no inn presented to the cotinly. Two or three days after Hamilton A VERY SCATHING ARRAIGNMENT ' A Matter of Interest to the Tax-payers of Union County. Union, April J.'!, 188!). Editou KroifT: Will yon kindly allow ino space in your esteemed journal to reply as briefly as the ease , will admit of, to your mild criticism of the action of the county court in the allowance of a. certain bill of Kherih" Hamilton's, which appears in the.Scorf of the 11th inst. Homo of the fads referred to in your article are of interest to tho people of this county, and they should be fully informed therein, and in this article I shall con lino myself to facts and I have to admit at the outset that some of them are not very creditable to my sagacity. The other parties mentioned can speak for themselves. I will begin by saying that tho re lations existing between myself and the present county commissioners havo been fcomewhat strained owing to a prejudice existing with lliem toward mo since opening the duties of their oflice, doubtless to some extent grow ing out of the heated campaign through which we had just passed, and to their friendship for Sherin" Hamilton with whom I had a newspa per controversy, and through tho ef forts of certain of my old enemies, chiefly of the Hherilrs ofhee and do pendents and hangers on who havo labored unremittingly and unserupii lously to keep alive this prejudice be tween tlio coininirsioneis and mvsclf, which, in spite of their honest efforts, they have not fully succeeded in doing. iSow what 1 havo said of the honor able commissioners is prompted by no unkindness or disrespect, for they are honest, considerate gentlemen of more than average ability to perform the duties of the position they, occupy, desirous of performing their whole duty fairly and hnpartiallv, and they are scaieely aware of their prejudice toward myself though it has been painfully manifested and very annoying to me all along. Many a good man is unwittingly influenced by his proju dices. Owing to tho friendly relations which existed between these gentle men and myself before the election, this piejudice was a matter of surprise to me, and 1 very much regret the necessity uf speaking in this article, but it becomes necessary in order that your lenders may know what I havo to say further on. She-rill' Hamilton presented a fee bill to the county court of tho last March term for sundry services, and among other items was this: Mileage from Union, Or., to Albany, N. Y., and return, to bring JJrockins, a fugitive, '!208 miles at ten cents per mile, .'i:(!20.S0, and one-third added to mileage, $200.90, making .$827.70. The question of allowing the bill was discussed at great length and con siderable warmth. I showed tho com missioners by the statute (a part of wljieh was quoted in your article of last week) that Union county was not liable for any portion of the service ; that Hamilton did not perform this service as sherilf of Union county, but as agent of the state, appointed by the governor, and that the governor could nave just as well appointed any other man. It was represented to tho court, and we believed that Hamilton had received back fiom the stato only tho money paid, actual expenses of the trip, nothing for tho service. Ho tlio commissioners contended long and earnestly that Hamilton should have the whole $827.70 until 1 told them I would make the whole matter pub . lie through tho press if they made Biich allowance Finally at my sug gestiou the commissioners asked Don uty Hhcriif Lowell for a copy of tho bill presented by Hamilton to the state, who very promptly icplied that, "that was none of his, HeuneholV's, business," which so offended llenno holfthat ho turned completely over uud did not want to allow anything, but 1 had previously agreed to allow tho single mileage, $(120.80, as a com promise and did not like to retract as 1 now know 1 should havo done, but tho best of us will display unaccounta ble weakness at times. Tho only ex planation 1 can oiler for my action is that I have endeavored, as best 1 could under tho dilliculties that beset me in consequence- of tho prejudice afore mentioned, to porfonn my duty to the people of tho county and at tho same time remove said prejudico if possible. Hut I was not satisfied with my own act, and after a talk with some gentlemen of Union who were in Ha lem last winter, I resolved to write to Governor Pennoyor and Hecrotary of State Mellriilo lor a statement of Humillou's hill presented to and paid by the state, and 1 at the same time asked Deputy Clerks Oliver and Hell not to isniie warrants to Hamilton for service above named, Mr. Neill, clerk, not being in town at the time; but Mr. Oliver contended that 1 had no authority to countermand an older of tho county court in vacation, but I told him that I believed that this item was a swindle; that Mr. Hamilton, I believed, had received full pay fiom tho slate, and asked him not to iwuo those warrants until 1 could hour from Salem, and 1 as a member of the county board wroto a protest on tlio bill to tho issue of said warrants until further notion of tho county court, but Mr. Hamilton demanded tho warrants and Mr. Oliver delivered them. Sco rotary Molirido and Governor Ponnoy- drew the warrants, Deputy Sheriff Lowell returned them to the clerk's ollice where they remained several days until District Attornev Hand came o town when by his advice, as I i am informed, Hamilton drew them I again from County Clerk Neill and I am told by the county commissioners that Mr. Hand contended with them that Hamilton was entitled to compen sation from the county. Ho did not try to convince me. Now 1 wish to say concerning tho part the clerks played in the matter, while I have ever and do now enter tain none but feelings of friendship and respect for them, 1 am compelled to contend that they did wrong in this mutter. They should not have issued or delivered those warrants to Hamil ton against my protest as a member of the county court, and a charge of fraud, until a mandamus had issued out of the circuit court commanding them to issue them, which Hamilton would never have undertaken. Mr. Neill had seen the governors letter be fore ho delivered the warrants to Ham ilton. As evidence that the commis sioners arc partial to Hamilton,! will here state that while they are ready enough to cut any one else's bill if there is an item of over charge, they never cut Hamilton's bills if they can avoid it. f do not think Hamilton has presented a bill sinco they were in oflice that they did not allow illegal fees and in his last bill presented, with the facts abovn set out before them, they allowed him, against my protest, nearly $100 that he had no right to whatever. (See his bill.) Here now is a copy of the bill presented to and allowed by the slate to Sherilf Hamil ton : Tun State or Oiihoo.v, To A. N. Hamilton, Dr. For jilt iliciu, mileage and expenses netu nlly mid necessarily incurred and paid by him in the pursuit, arrest and return to tho State of Oregon of Charles lirockins, a fugitive from justice. Requisition and and appointment dated December 21, 188 Dee. 2!), m. To It. It. faro Union to Aliianv. . :?I.J0 i0 Dee 2!) -Itli Jan'y, To meals of silent (21 meals (;' ":) . 75 Jau'y r, 11, It. faru Albany to Oswego 7 2fi ' " Hack hire to Oswego front depot . . 2 00 Jan'y 8 To Fees of olllccrs of Tioga county, New York . . 10 (X) .lan'v H To It. It. faro Allmnv to I'idon, (agent) , . . l.'JO IX) Jan'y H do (prisoner) , . 1H0 t)t) " 1 1 Hack hire Union station io jidl ... 2 00 Jan'y II Meals of ngont ami prisoner (121 lr.nils eaeh (?7fc). Ill ol) Jan'y M Sleeper for agent and pris oner Albany to Union 12,'i 00 Jan'y I Sleeper for ngunt, Union to Allmnv II .IO Jan'y 1 1 Per diein of agent II days f."1 .f.r per dnv . 70 00 lan'y I I Cost of requisition ." 00 Pei'diein allowed per request of the governor I otai amount. . . f jTii 70 Filed and audited .lanuarv 121, 18MI. (ii:o. W. Molnuin:. Secretary of Slate. Tlie "California Reliable," Complete with Throw-off ami Tnk Fountain, without extra charge. Combines the juic: of the Klue Figjof California, so Ixr.ativc and nutritious, with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most Ivne'icisl to tlio human system, formlrr; the ONLY PER FECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AK1 TO Cleanse Hie SystemEffBeiually, K THAT PURE BLOOD, HE-nESHiNC CLEEP, HEALTH end STRENGTH Naturally follow. Every one is using it and ell are delighted with it. Ash your druggist for SYHUP v' FIGS. Manu factured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., Sam Feancuco, Cal. Louisville, Kv. Ksw York, II. Y. FROST TREES, A general assortment of spring fruit tree for .sale. Anyone desiring to purchase trees will do well to add re." ino at the Cove, or call on ine at inv home near town. :t-i2rf-iul " il. J. (iKKlt. Farm For Sale. IfcniU'EHnmncK. Ok.. Oct. 21, 18S& I l'aluirr if Hen. ftrtlanii. Or.: I (JMTI.EJIE!.-: The '('al. ISeliatilc'' iobher which 1 tun uhig Is such n I great improvement over tho pres. wiitciiis displaced, Hint joo work is n ! pirn-tire to ''kink off." It runs With K-urct Iv any noNe and little, power. cm rcml.lv recommend the "Cal. lie- linhlc." Tlio ink fountain i a vidua hit! addition. Ynir frnly, I. '. r.;-.ri,ixn, 1'ublWier Ind"5e:idei.e 15V .sW'. i 1'iihiwr it- .Vy. .r!Mnl.t,:: Okjit!.i:mi;n: The ";P iiarto Call rornia neitauie preset, wit n iiik mini tains attached, recently purchased by us. have, after nueful trial, convinced un of their Jiiporlorilv over any other prestos in me innrKct, nnu we rccotn mend tliem unhcvitutinaly to the tradp. Lr.wis.fc Pnvnr.N I'ntsTiNo fo. II. i. .Kvi:', Manager. I'nlmrr i(- Jlni, I'urtlmul, Or.: Dr.AU .Sim: Wo take plenuro in statin-' -that theSxlli Calilornia Ueli- ahlo (iorden pren. supplied with your excellent ink fountain, given us entire satisfaction. We never had n hotter running press; it is perfect. Wo con sider it sunerior in overv resnect to anv other make of O. S.'Oordon, or "I liRllunge." I'ress, and hearjily reo- ouuueim it to any one m need 01 a first-class job press. Yours truly. Signed A. AxitRBSoN it Co. Taeoina Xews. Tho News job room has just been supplied with a new Gordon pre-: The Cal. Keliable bought of Palmer it Hey, the enterprising type founders and printeis' supplv hiiiseof Port land. Or The nrexs is everything that has been elaimed for it. Palmer fc Key are jut the right kind of men to deal with. i.aving complete printers' outfits, and answering all orders promptly. Yours truly, 2nvs J'riiLiHiiiNt; Co. 1 AA0Ul:s' NUAJtXOUTH l'OWDHll, I ) Union County. Oregon, all under fence, a good IK story house, good eellar. well, bam and outbuildings. Terms easy. For further particulars call at ibis ollice. " Dwelling loiise for Sale. A dwelling liou-e and lot, at the Cove, Oregon. Centrally located, near and con venient to all the .schools, (lood cellar, wood-shed and well. Will be sold cheap for cash. Apply to H. (1. W1IITK, -;tl-tf Cove, Oregon. Shingles For Saie! An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingles constantly on baud and for sale cheap. Orders from all parts of the country so licited. H. It. IH'KKOrC.HS, .!-! I tf Cove. Oreiron. RflARVELOUS 210 Sold in Six Months. 210 We Carry in Stock the following Sizes-. 8X12, 10X15, 14X20, 16X23. All Iirs(;-(;L'iss olliees arc putting in the "California lleliable" Press, and experi enced pressmen elaiin it is the best press they ever used. urn w It is Sul.stiintial! It is Accurate! It is Well Finished 1 It is Nofaless! It is Light Kunning! It docs tho Best Work! -(o)- WRITE FOR CIRCULAR and PRICES. Address: Palmer & Rey, Pr warehouse, Cor, Front and Alder, Portland, Or. in u a Bra e b a v ta a. . bst Sim. DISCOVERY. I wish lo call especial attention to two items in his hill. You will oh- Horvo that ho charges !ji2 hack hire from Union station to the jail. Mr. .Ion. .Squires, who drove tho hack in which Hamilton rodo fiom Union station to (ho jail, says ho paid only fit) cents. You will observe also that ho charges $I.S0.(JU railroad fare fiom Union station to Albany, N. Y., and (ho samo for self and prisoner, each, from Oswego, N. Y., lo Union, Oregon. Tho tickut agent at Union station off ered to bell mo a first class railroad ticket, unlimited, (as to time) from Union to Albany, X. Y for .!i:i and limited for!?S2.Sf, and ho tells mo that the faro has not changed in price in tho hibt several months, or since De cember last. 1 1 o could not give me tho sleeper fare, nor could ho give the fare from Oswego, Is'. Y., lo Union, but said it would not be any more than from Albany to Union, usually it was a littlo less going west. In a letter from the linker City railroad agent ho gives (he same figures with the dill'er enco only between hero and Maker City. If a man would swindle in go ing one way why would ho not tho otlior? Hut tho people havo a right to know who guts tlio money and what for. O. 1 (lOODAi.i,. Hnly (Jrnnlno Hyntcm of Memory Trnlnlns. i'diif 11 mi lis I.euriiuil in oiid rcudintf. illlinl wiinilcriiHt cured, livery elillil iiml adult urcnlly ticiirflttrd. Oru.it iuJucomuutii to CjrTe.puudotico Classes. I'r.if poi tus, witli opinion f r. Win. A. IIiiiu. mull', tuo w irlil-fftTimil HnorLVnt In Mind Ulu'duM, H.llllld (J Il'I'lll'Ml'r.'llllMptOII, t'l iRrc.it lVyclinl- '.,'t, .1. M. M ci-klcy, II. I)., n litornr i iu Cin iian J iv, mt. ,. l', Ulcliiir i lr;i"t.)r, tin ScinntlH-, Ilopi. . V. A'iror, .ltid,v- ri'i, Jtidali I'. 1J"'i) iiiifn, ii ii I ntli-r. k :t p tfc.li Vtul. .1. i. .;::(.. l'TU, -iai 1 n.aAvi'., N. Y JASPER (J. STEVENS, Propr. -DKAI.KII IN- ill i i ULin j ... i Mty rvnt'jvtt fair" wwwfcwtraMTCirvwTWNPrarrfir jwur vjwmmM 1 hi ifiJIs ii 1 nutjiiiniin iwi'juujima patent Medicines, erl'umery, tiints and Oils. Prescriptions carefully prepared -ALSO DKAI.KIt IX- SPORTING GOODS, ConsiVtiiiK of )wuiMiu--ju-iiiiirnjmai.i;T.VB;ii.B-rr;T-ngiTJii, jwm! Trains arrivt and dinart from t'nion dail , a t'nllov. s . l. vsr lli. t Np. l'lit'iurcr, No. I, Ivo at fi:Li a. in. Froijdit. No. H, Ivc at U -i"! a. m. AN 1ST lint Ml. I'a-M iicr, No..'!. 1vo at 1 :'!n i. in. Freight Na. 7, Ivo at 11 :-() p. ni. Rifles, let (lui is, Pis tolsaibariras It was n women who saw the fust snake, but since then tho men have attended to that sort of thing. NOTICK l'OK l'UlihlCATIOX. I,ANU OllICK AT lA (illVNIiK, OltKdll.N,! April J", Iksii. f Notice l hcreliy given that the following named settlors liavo tiled uotleu of their in tention to miiko Dual proof in Mipport of their clalins. and that said proofs will ho made, before the register and receiver at l.a liraiide, Oregon, tin .May-.'S InMi, it : UitoAinius V. ll.vrns, Hd.Xo. 2W, for tho HW SWyiwil and N NV ee7, Tii. US. It. 11 K, and, John H. Cum:, lid. No. MW. for thu SHW KIJW Hce P.'.' NKW NICVJ eo 13, Tp. I S, It. It) li. and V ) HW .ve 7, Tp. -I S, It. II K, W, M.. and John Hatiw, lid. No. WIO, for tlioSWV. XK',, S' NW M and NKU SS M isto 7. Til I S, U. II U, Y. M. I hey li nine tlio following wltiithixos to prove their contliiuoiiK riKidoiuw upon, iiml etiltlvutlon of, mild lauil, vlx; .iuiv wiikiiisoii, Aiire.i .MiniiieK. it. v. Duvih and Willliim Wilkimon, all of llluli Valley. Union county. Oregon Anv iinrsoii t ho tlil riiM to tirntat Mtfulimt tho nllowiiiiw of htieh nronf. or who knov of any ktilihtitniial reiion, under tho law and the ri'gnhitiuiik of the the Interior De partment, why Miit-li prtiot hlninlil not he allowed, will ho given an opportunity tit the nlmvo nieiit(onel time ami nlneu to fruh-eainlne tho wltuecwui of wild elaiin itiit, mid to oiler evliluneo hi rebut tl of tliul aUDiniitcil uy ciaiintint. ItU.MlT UI.MIIIAirr. I 18-wO ltrttUter, Tlf !v I'TS I" ami Irom prineiiial points uual'lointherniU-d States, Cannda and Knropo. Elegant Pa,'1,!";'" Cars. lmiigrant Sleeping Cars Kun TJirough on Upres Trains to OMAHA, OOUWOuL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Krito of Charge and Without Change. Close connections at Portland for San Fran cinco and Paget hound points. For further particular inipiiro of any Aguntof the Compuuv or of A. 1,. .Maxwell, tJ. P. A-T. A., Portland. Oregon. O CIS AX DIVISION. The Oregon Uaihvay it Navigation Co.. and Paellle Coat. I Steamship Co. will Ms patch Steitiiieri. between San Fran cinco and Portland, an follows: MlOM UoinMNli. I rito.M c VN l liAM'lKeO. heaving at U Midn't., Iv'ng Spear st.wh' an follous: I at l()a. m. an follows: Imporlod and Domestic Ci yars, etc. GIVE ME A CALL. KentiiGky Liaiior Store AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and 11 Sts. - Union. Oregon, SltintMAN & It Al.l'.V, Trotis. Mamifaeturars and dealers In Soda Wa ter. Sarnaparilla, (linger Ale, Cream Soda and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or ders promptly tilled. Wilson 1 1 HUE & Miller, Manufacturers of and Dealers in- Sasli, Beers m leiilliis, Parlor ai Bed room Sets Keeps Constantly on hand a Large Supply of tedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc. Oregon, Men Mar I State, Friday ' SI Cohimbhi Tues " 11 Oregon Sat'y. " 1(1 State Wtsl'y ' ' Cohnnbla Sun. " '.'I Oregon, Thnr. " State, Sun. Mr. Columbia Tour " Oreiron. Man. " State, Friday " (Sdumbln Tues " O recti n Sat. " SUite Wed'y. " Coluinlua Sun. ' 21 ii i is1 in . J7 Thomson t I'mwl aro nyonts for (ho celebrated Cyclono Windmill, mid as tho prices on them havo been great ly reduced they nro now within tho reach of nil. Sample mill (o bo soon at their planer in North Union. Call and examine it. All kinds of Furniture Mado, WILSON &MILLKK, u;w!CByt-',"f"w'''w:w'' NOTICK UOll PUBLICATION. Lash On-n-i: at 1a Cuanim: Ourfiox.l Mareh 2:1, lSSf). t' Notice is hereby given that the following named settler ha tiled notice of his in tentions to make llnal proof in support of ins claims, ami mat saui proor win lie Hindu before the reiter and receiver at La (iramle, Oregon, on May l.'l, If!), viz; Wi i.i.i m Mt intAV, 1). S. No. 7!l!il, for the S'3 XU1-; and SW14 N H4 ami SI'P N WK Sec 1, Tp. fi S. It 10 E. lie names the following witnes-es to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land, viz : L. A. Kobertsoti, A. Cockrell, Wade Shelton and John Mummey, all of Union, Oregon. Anv person vho(leiires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial rt iimui, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Pepartment, why such proof should not be allowed, will lie given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimants, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. JlKXUY ltlNUIIAIir. .'1-2S Ileglster. and Upholstering done to order. Main St., Union, Or a NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lank Offici: at La (ikaniii:, Okix.ox.I April 12. 1S89. )" Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make fund proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mado be fore tho register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on Juno 4, 1SS!), viz; F.IAIEU PlIII.UI'H, 1). S, Xo. 7(172, for the SJ4 NK4 and NW'-i" NK'-, and NKJ4 KWK Sec 10, Tp. GS, 11 41 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: T. II. Foster, Shannon Marshal, John Reeves and J. N. Mitchell, all of Tclocaset, Oregon. Anv person who desires to protest against tho allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, tinder the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, w hy such proof should uot bo allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, ami to otler evi dence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. IlKNIlY ItlNKHART, 4-18-wO Itegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Thu company reserve the right to elmii'o ttmuiurn or mIUiuj days. KATWtS OF l'AHSAO It: Cabin. fin.lX) stH-rii. - - $i.(0 ltouud TrlpTickeu, FnlluilttHl fCO.OO Children, uiuler 12 yearn - Half Fare A year - - - I'niO Tk aUn 1 n trt iuriuilf ItuurH. w II. HOLCOMll. (loii'l MaiiMitwr. 1..MAXW1CLU tl l'..tT, A, II. A. 1UCNHU1CT, AruiU, Union. For Rent or Sale ! A nice piece of property, coiuUthtK of 90 acre gwiHl land and gnriien. witli a very Kuod eottage and oiitbiilldlnKS, wiUdii oun hiilf mile of jKt ortlce. I uIm have a good aqua re piauo, from the faoUiry of llallet, Davis A Co., lUwion. f..r aid efiaap (or cah. For parti. tiUrx consult M1W. A.NNUi K1.LSWOUTII. 3-ll-inl Cv, Oregon. La.nu orncK at Lv Ckaxuk, Obboo.v.) March 21. ISM", f Nitlee i hereby jtiven that tho following iniiiicil settler has tiled notice of bis Inten tion to make tlnal proof iu support of his cUim. ami that said nro if will ho imide bo- tore the register and reveivurat La (iraude, Oregon, on May 3, l&fi), i: Kkiuierick SIJtoM. I). S. N. 830fi, for the Wi S'i4 Sec. 27, Tp. U S. It. U K. He names the following wituesnea to prove bl c.iuiiiiiioun residence Uton ami cultivation of, said laud, vix: Charles M. Waterbury, LuanderJ. Fur gason, Lewis 1' . Jennings and Joseph Kv aim, all of New Bridge. Union county, Ore. A'y person who deire to protest asainst the allowance of nucli lilXKif, or who 6iio of any substantial reason, ider the law and the regulations of the Interior Depart men 1 whv such prKif -bould not b idu,vtsl will b - then an opporitiniiy ut tjie uhove mentioned nine n nil p'niH' to cross-tx.iiiiiiie the itnc--e- of s.,i cld'lll.iut, iiml t oiler cvidciic- 111 ri IniCul ni ma' -uliiintlcd l,v cluiuiaiit. IIknu Kimimkt. uti UugtMlvt. NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. La.mi Oi kick atLaGkashk, Oiieoox, ) March 7. 18S0. ( Notice is hereby given that the following named kettlor has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final nroof in siinnort of hlu eluhn. and that said proof will bo made bej fore the register and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on April 20,189, viz: IS.XAe VANI)KVANTF.II, I Id. No. 270(1 fur the SVAi Snn. Mi Tn S! It. 11 K. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: i. II. Marshall. loei Vandevanter, Sainiml Vandevanter and F.noch South, all of I'nion, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law ami regulations of the interior Deparement, why niioh proof nhotild not be allowed, will he given an opportunity at the above men tioned time and pluue to eroi. examine the witiufcsiw of Miil claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. HlWUV ItlNKIIAKT, MI-wO iteglster. Tliis cut represents our ink fountain, which is furnished witli all sizes of the "Cali- 1$ -JiS'ojini'O' S