THE PACIFIC COAST. THE MONTANA LOTTERY MANAGER NON EST. The CustUB Mori of Nevada City A Coal OU Strike-Tho Lono Highway man Doha Up Serenely la California. Dr. W. R. Gcnrliard, a noted physician of Fresno, is dead. The erection of Santa Ana's now Opera House lias begun. San Ilafacl lias voted to disincorporate and extend the town limits. A new ice company with plnnty of cap ital haB been formed at Truckec. A mutual building and loan association is in successful ojHjratlon at Gilroy. Verona Baldwin was arrested in Los Angeles recently ho)elcssly insane. The Kopublicans elected a majority of the city olhcials voted for at Helena, M. T., last week. The people of New Mexico are pleased with tlio selection of L. Bradford 1'rinco to be Governor. A no-stamp quartz mill iB being erected in San Francisco Canon, twelve miles above Nowhall. The Montana Iron nnd Coa Company, with a capital stock of $2,000,000, has incorporated at Helena. The force of jolicoincn in Sacremento lias been increased from sixteen to twenty-five men and a captain. Constable at Fresno, declares positively that he will capturo the I'ixley train robbers and murderers. Ilev. Father Sullivan, pastor of St. Francis Church of Sonoma, was severely injured by being thrown from his buggy recently. Strawberry-growers near Watsonville state that they will bo shipping berries -within two weeks if the- clear weather continues. Mrs. lion Holladay, widow of the late lien Holladay, is lying dangerously ill at Portland, Or., and her death is momen tarily expected. Herman Eggcrs mistook, Maurice Thompson, a friend, for a horso thief on n ranch near Holbrook, A. T., last week and shot him. Thomas Crafts exhibited in lono last week a magnillcent specimen of growing wild oats, embracing some thirty stalks four feet in length. A well which was boingbored for water three miles west of San Luis Obiso struck a good flow of potrolum at a depth of only twenty-three feet. Two boys, seven and nine years old, drifted out to sea at Cayucos Thursday in a row bout and drifted ashore again at Port Harford nuxt morning. Tho daily stago sorvlco between Gilroy nnd the Uilroy Hot Springs, which was discontinued during the winter season, will Ik resumed on Monday next. The Atlantic and Pacific Road haslet the contract for a largo hospital at Albu querque, N. M., which will be ono of tho imest oi its character in the West. G. H. Smith and J. Marion Brooks of Los Angeles publish communications showing the illegality of the charter under which 1is Angeles is now work ing. Louis Schloss, a prominent real estate man and insurance agent of San .lose, lias, it is currently reported, left for parts unknown, leaving many creditors. Young prune trees am selling in Po mona right along this season at 20, IT) and even 30 cents. This is about HO per cent more than t.liey sold for a year ago. Fresno is to number its houses and place tho names of tho streets at tlie cor ners. After which a free postal delivery system will be inaugurated, as promised by the authoriti -s. Fine horses are begining to make their aj pearance in our district. Our farmers are doing their best, and it is surprising to see their success in this line. In an other year or two wo will have as lino stock as can bo found in tho state. lono Valley lCcho. Tho Southern Pacific Railroad Com pany will mako 1110 wisneu-ior cut on wood rate from Boulder Creek to San Jose sometime this month, thus tormi natiug a dillicultv which existed and caused much bitterness among the him ber men of San .lose. Patrick McGuiro has been Wing for coal on his ranch at Doshvillo, two miles north of lone, Amaudor count v. lie says prospects aru very good. He has gone down forty feet and will continue his explorations until the prospect has been thoroughly tested. ' A quarry has recently been developed in the neighborhood of lone which furn ishes a good quality of sand-stone for building purjKiscs, and an endeavor is licing made to have it used in tho con struction of the Preston School of Indus try to be located in that valley. Twelve young men, self-organized Vhito Caps, or Moral Regulators, have wen terrorizing some of tho people at Nevada City. They are ulwn accused of writing anonymous and scurrilous letters The identity of the gang is secured ami it is exacted arrests mil shortly follow. In the vicinity of Santa Margarita is wnat is claimed to ho tho largest prune orchard in California, or in the world. Its size is somewhere near three hundred acres and Is in a very thrifty condition. Prunes and olives have lceii found to do remarkably well in this locality, as well us many other fruits. A. AiKirn of the Alxirn littery has suddenly disappeared from Helena, M. T., and It is wild with large huuih of money obtained from tho lottery scheme. There is a rumor in Helena that tho draw ing will take place in J uly outside of Mon tana, but great excitement exists among the many who invested their money. The stage from Murphys to Milton was wopiH'U by u lono highwayman last week idout seven miles from Angels. The driver was ordered to deliver up Wells, Fargo & Co.'s lnnc, which ho did, also thu mail bag, both of which ho rifled. A ery finiill amount was obtained from thu rxpresH Ikix, Thero wcru live jKiHhen- Ecru ulxwml, homo of whom wore ino tl, i I OVER THE STATES. CYPHER DISPATCH RECEIVED FROM BISMARCK. Tho Cordial Relations Existing Between Mexico and the United StatoB Eloctlon of tho President by tho Popular Vote. Tho Illinois House has passed the Valued Policy Insurance bill. The annual report of the Silk Culture Society lias been submitted. f American lard will bo admitted into Mexico subject to inspection. The Sunday closing issuo was defeated in the Denver election recently. I). J. Burehott. of Kentucky, is to bo Marshal for tho district of Kentucky. John McCombj a millionaire of Dela ware, has sued his wifo for a divorce F. W. Wilkins killed his wifo's para mour near Marshall, Texas, Thursday. The Democrats have elected their en tiro ticket at Chicago by 5,000 majority. Mrs. Stonewall Jackson is said to have been offered tho postolfieo at Richmond, Va. The report that Hilly Birch, tho veteran minstrel is dead, is now declared to bo false. Senator Dolph has been mentioned as a possible candidate for tho vacant Jus ticeship. After Juno Princeton College will have added to its Permanent Endowment fund $230,00,. A banker at Geneva has committed suicide. 1 Io sufTered heavy losses in cop per speculations. Sir Julian Pauncefote, the English Min ister to the United Ststes, will sail from England on tho l.'ith inst. The New York Assembly has ordered to a third reading the hill repealing tho Saturday half-holiday law. Stops have been taken by tho Mexican Government for the re-oxaniination and sottlemont of tho La Abra and Weil claims. Tho will of the lato .Tustico Stanley Mathews has been filed for probate All his property is left to his widow and children. A negro burial ground at Camden, N. J., is in such a shocking condition that stray dogs are said to feast on tho bones of corpses. Miss Clara Sotten has recovered $15, 000 from O. R. Reed, proprietor of the Hodman House, Now York, for breach of promise. Tho Emperor and Empress of Ger many dined at the British Embassy re cently. Representatives of other royal families woro presont. Tho steamer Wyanoko run down and sunk the schooner Ruth Darling on" Del aware Capo. Two seamen were drowned. Tho fog was very thick. A bnnquot will bo given at tho Hotel MotrojKilo in London on May 2d, in honor of Waller, tho retiring United States Counsel-Genoral. Eighteen thousand dollars havo al ready been subscribed to tho Popular I fund to erect a building for permanent I Republican 'oudquartcrs at Now York. Tho President has been asked to issue a proclamation requesting public worship in the churches on the centennial aiiiu vorsary of Washington's inauguration. Tho Florida Legislature recently ex hibited a strong feeling in favor of choos ing the President by a popular vote aud doing away with tho Klectoral Collego. Tho White Houso was a scene of beau ty and brilliancy recently at tho recep tion given to Prince and Princess Tuko hito and tho members of the Japanese party. Three white men suspected of cattle stealing, who failed to leave, the country, were turned over by a vigilance commit tee ol hpiingmiul, Nob., to Dakota In dians. George Powell, who stole some jewelry while dressed in tho garb of a priest, at Toronto, Canada, confessed, and was sent to Kingston penitentiary for live years. Tho Lower Houso of tho Pennsylvania Legislature has passed a resolution de claring Major Amies, who pulled the nose of Governor Beaver the other day, "a cowardly poltroon." Sir George Baden Powell, who has just returned to Montreal from a visit to Brit ish Columbia, reports tho urgent neces sity of properly fortifying tho British Co luinbia Coast. The Mexican Congress opened Monday. Diaz, in his message, reviows the foreign jKillcy of Mexico, and congratulates tlio country on its excellent relations with tlio United Suite. Sir John Macdonald does not think the Behring Sea proclamation was intended to all'cct Canadian Interests; that it was doneto warn Americans. Perhaps ho will become better informed by and by. The change in tho office of Treasurv and Assistant Treasury in New York will necessitate tno count oi all the nionevs and securities in lioth olllces. This is" a work of great magnitude and will take at least four weeks to accomplish. The Gorman Minister at Washington received a cipher dispatch from Bismarck which, it is stated, called for information concerning tho American vessels sent to Samoa aud of the condition of the Amer ican Hoot including the cruisers building. The Mexican Government has divided that citizens of the United Slates can en ter Mexican territory freo of restriction, but subject to custom regulations as to tho inspection of bairirairo and uoods. This leaves tho way to Iiwur California open. The recent hurricane In tho South Pn. clllc swept over 12.000 uoov'raphiral mile. embniclng In its track the llervey and Society Islands. Tho American hIiIm Red Cross, liouiid from New South Wahs to San Francihoo, was driven ashore at Rurotongu aud wrecked. Tho crew wm saved. Tho American ship Ada, Owen muster, was wrecked at (Juam. The crow waH saved. Tho wreckage form the British ship Siiaklm, from New South Wales for bun Francisco, was seen at Aituakl. It lb tuipK)siHl that thu crew parish!, , FOREIGN ITEMS. THE PROP08ED BEAUTY SHOW PARIS. FRANCE. IN The Tall Hat Evil In London Canada's Future Doom Understanding Be tween Germany and Great Britain. A case of leprosy has been discovered in Dublin. Guy Lassac, the French chemist, is to have a monument. Bernhardt is making a tour of Algeria with great success. The strikes in tho German provinces are rapidly spreading. Martel, head of tho great distillery at Cognac, France, is dead. Tho King of Greece is an enthusiastic and successful fisherman. A vigilance committee for Bridgo of. Weir, Scotland, has been formed. The Princo of Whales has accepted an invitation to dine with Mrs. Mackay. , The British House of Commons has voted 21 ,000.000 to increase the navy, j Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone aro preparing for the celebration of their golden wed ding. A new theatre, to cost $7,000,000, is to bo built on the Champ de Mars, St. Pe tersburg. Charles Dickens' favorite Kentish home at Gail's Hill, and where ho died, is for sale. riinli.m in riurinir in tlin Pliillirminp Th- Uiolera is raging m the i niiiippii e is- lands and yellow fever in Cuba and Rio de Janeiro. Tho Duke and Duchess of Marlborough have taken a houso on Carlton terrace for tho season. A Portugurso anti-sliivary society has been formed, with King Luis as Honor ary President. Deniston, Scotland, has the largest bread factory. The little baker is disap peanng in (.treat Britain. M. Beaurepaire, Advocate-General, has been appointed Protector-General of France, displacing Bouchez. Tho British record of foot ball for 188!) bIiowb tho appalling number of eight deatli and flvo serious injuries. German ship-builders at Schwcrin, Tet low, Stettin and other places, and Berlin wood-workers, threaten to striko against low wages. Thero has been a noticeable exodus of Russia student from Zurich sinco tho discovery that bombs were being secretly mado there. Tho Russian newspapers have been prohibited from publishing reports of tho discovery of tho illicit manufacturing of lombs at Zurich. There is a powerful effort in India to establish tho principal seat of Govern ment at Simla, but tho Viceroy resolutely opposes tho movement. Herbert Bismarck declares his inter views with Salisbury havo resulted in a complete understanding between Gor many and Great Britian. A public debato has been arranged in London for May, between Henry Georgo and Samuel Smith, thoGladstoiiian mem ber of Parliament from 1'linshiro. A small leasehold property in Worces tershire is announced for sale by auction, held "for the risidue of a terui of 2,000 years created in tho year 1000. It is stated tho Egyptian Government will probably raise a now loan for irroga tion works. Further movements in this respect aro being carried out year by year. rho Chamber of Deputies last week adopted a bill providing for tho distribu tion ot tho sewerage of Paris on tho plain of Acheres, near tho forest of Saint Ger main. Countess Rodetzky, granddaughter of the famous Field Marshal Rodetzky, com mitted suicide at Vienna Monday, shoot ing herself to avoid a critical surgical op eration. Among Bismarck's visitors on his seventy-fourth birthday was Emperor Wil-' ham, who presented a mastiir to hmi to replace the famous Roichshund. There wore many distinguished visitors. Tho St. Petersburg polico aro said to havo discovered in the suburbs ot St. . wi..n.,.K .... ....j.wiu.i ... -j the al- said tlio Czar is thoroughly alarmed. "'.'"V? .'. v"."" "i Tho tall femalo hat now so agitatas tho minds of the male frequenters of the lxn don nits that it is proposed that the pit should bo divided like a Quaker meeting houso tho men sitting on ono siilo and tho women on tho other. Ash Wednesday no longer interferes with theatrical performances in Jxmdon. Whereas all the theatres used to close on that day, only two this year paid any attention to it, and these merely an nounced that they would keep open. The statement of tho Panama railroad for the year ending December 31st shows the gross earnings to ho $l,(iU),t.0,an in crease of $201,007. Ojorating expenses, including interest charges. $2,540,114. a decrease of $320,030, and not earnings fi,Hu,oll, an increase ol $030,710. Paris is to have a lienuty show where tho Ilrst prUo will 1st $0,000, and tho pub lie will bo invited to mako bets ujiou tho inherent contestants. Leghorn recently had such a show, hut tho exhibits were so unsatlslactorv that the audience liroko up the affair by hissing them oil' the stage. Goldwin Smith has a 2-column letter in the Ixmdoii 'limes declaring, with his accustomed vigor, that Canada will bo ruined unless she obtains commercial re ciprocity with the United States, and that the annexation feeling is growing rapidly in the Dominion solclv because the reci procity is denied. From tho time her child was liorn Mrs Roln'rt Horace Waholo, formerly Mitts lionise Corbiu of New York, has lieen very ill, mid her friends fear that she can not recover. Since the scandal Iwtwiwm hor husltaud and Miss Wicldman was e.x iKised in court a few months ago she has lieun very nervous aud in depressed spir its, Mr. WalPoUi is heir to tho Earldom of Oxford. HOME AND FARM. THE VALUE OF STRAWBERRIES VS, WHEAT PER ACRE. Tho Bost Grasses, Those Naturally Adapted to the Soli The Odor of Weeds Detected In Milk Low Grade Fertilizers. Tho old way of picking apples in a sack is not the liest. A basket is preferable, and a hook of some kind should bo fast ened to the handle by a stout cord. Tho hook would allow the basket to be hung on limb often, giving the picker the use of both hands. Apple Folly. Two eggs, ono cup of white sugar, three sour baked apples, vanilla. Beat the whites of the eggs and the sugar together, then add the inside of the apples, which should lie roasted soft, flavor with vanilla and beat this to a stitr froth. Any kind of jelly can bo used in stead of apples. Mutton Steks, Fiued. Make a bat ter of grated bread crumbs, milk and one egg. Put into a shallow dish. Have some mutton steaks cut from the loin, with bone cut short. Have ready in a frying pan hot butter or dripping. Dip each steak twice in the batter, then fry them brown and send to the table very hot. An acre of land will produce five or six times as many strawberries, in bushels, as in wheat, and the prices usually ob tained for strawberries are more than three times as much as for wheat. One acre of strawberries will bring as much profit ap 'Ifteen acres of wheat, wiiilo the ' mnl Kr,"'"g Lllu miw nornes is iru- i ,., .nr tl.nn M ,'f f growing the wheat. Tho better the preparation of the soil the less seed will be required. Many failures in the seed are not due so much to the vitality in the seed as to the un favorable condition of tho ground. It is always a matter of chance germination when seed is brcad-casted and left to be ; J'ovored by tho washing of the rain, and tho harder and firmer the seed-bed the greater the difficulty in securing a crop from the seed. Pulverize the soil, har row it down as fine as possible and then brush tho seed in. The best grasses are those naturally adapted to the Boil. In America about one dozen varieties are made specialties, while in England the farmers select from over ono hundred. A firm sod of native grass should never be turned under to mako room for some other kind until the new grass has been tested on tho farm. Soils vary, and grass that may thrive on one farm may fail on another. The rock on which many who enter tho ranks as breeders of good stock split is that of stinted feeding, says Professor Cook, of tho Michigan Agricultural Col lege. The Shropshire, Percheron, and Shorthorn owe their excellence to the fact that they can make good paying use of a large amount of food. Unless they havo the food to work upon, they fail of their function, and their keeper fails of his expected gains. It may be best to half starve tho Jersey in his calfhood, but surely it is ruinous to thus treat the Shorthorn or Hereford. The breeder's motto should bo: "Keep all those ani mals in a thriftv, growing condition from first to last." Unless wo intend and will feed liberally wo had better keep the i scrub. It was brought up to enjoy rough ing it. Tho intrinsic value of pure dissolved bones is frequently made apparent as an ingredient in low grade fertilizers. A few hundred pounds are introduced in a for mula mainly composed of cheap mate rials, from the use of which surprisingly good but very transitory results follow. It is a leaven of dissolved bones which has quickened the mass and given it the only vitality really possessed. Impuri ties and foreign matters akin in color and weight to dissolved bones cannot be mixed with them beyond the chances of discovery any better than they could with bono meal. Deception can no more Ineffectually practiced with the partially acidulated bono than with the raw bono. Tho sulphuric acid employed in dis solving has simply honey-combed the particles in Hiich a state that the natural action of the soil and the elements can convert them immediately into plant food. Bearing these facts well In mind, and having the guarantee of the manu facturer that the articlo is made of raw bones, that pure sulphuric acid is em ployed in dissolving; that it is not made I wholly or in part of foreign matter, it is I better for fanners to use strictly pure dis- solved bones than to invest the same amount of money in substances contain- lesa puosnlionc acnl. It is unques- tionaniv tno hotter policy to select a ler tilizer that is reudv for immediate, action 1 1 i ,J:...v iiiui uhu euiv iu tjivu it mu-iuiu .(mi kui return, with an almost equal reserve storo of rich ingredients for tho benefit ol grass and hay crops. ThO Uliral is nsked if it Will nav to arrange pipes that will carry water from I a tank uueu wnn water uy a winii- ..ill! nn In f II ....... Dll IIS 111 nii I tWIkl'l iU( n 111 II 1 fruits. Tho Banio correspondent also askB if tho pipes might not run under ground with advantage. Wo aro unable . to answer the questions, and wo doubt if f aniody can answer them definitely Even if sonio such system worked well with one man and we believe thero is one fruit grower who has adopted some such system of irrigation he could hardly say whether it would pay another man or not. It is certainly very desira ble to have wator for loth fruit and veg etables. Not to havo it is to lose tho crop in some cases. To have it artificial ly supplied is to save tho crop very often. We think there is no way for a"nylody to settle tho question of profit, but" to sit down and give the subject his wu close study. In regard to furnishing the water from pipes buried in the ground, thero would unquestionably be sonio advan tage over supplying it" to the surface. In deed, it is tho proper way to do it, It wonld require less water and the soil would not be in danger of baking for in stance. In that case, how-over, there would need bo a subsoil, of course, of Biich character as would prevent the water from uoim: down to China as fast as it came from the nines. lTmn a small scale such irrigation might perhaps be practiced to advantage, but when it PillllOU tft II lilfifih uiMitu fii rl tint ltirtt and if it can Iki made practical for fruit and vegetables on a largo scale, then why not defy drouth by extending tlio system to all crops? It is an interesting suli ioet .but its treatment must be lnnrulv theoretical at presont. PORTLAND MARKET. AUSPICIOU8 OPENING OF THE MON SEASON. SAL The Dull Condition of the Wheat Mar ket Still Prevalls-A Slight Fall In Sugars Announced Farm Produce Active. The principal feature of importandc is the nresent activity in the salmon industry, necessitating, as it will, an in crease in freight traffic and the usual sup plies for those engaged in this avocation The wheat market, as heretofore report ed, continues dull. In provisions the suppy is equal to all demands, Eastern meatfl, however, taking the lead. Ap ples aro scarce and meet with a ready sale, Butter firm, and in the matter of poultry the market is all that could bo desired. OKOCE1UE8. Sugars. Golden C OWc. extra C flc cube, crushed and iowdered 7?c Coffee Java 2oc, Rio 20c, Arbuckle's roasted 1'nOVIBIONB. Oregon ham l'Ji:!c, breakfast ba con 12 '?:, sides lO'Sc, shoulders ywO..c, Kastem ham ISWifelU'.le, Sinclaire's B5 13ic, breakfast bacon BikOJlS'. sides 10c. shoulders )Sa ImtA 102 llc. FKUITB Navel oranges .4.2o4.7o, Riverside $.1.003.''o. apples H-50, lemons fo.L'o per box. Potatoes 30(ft:Vjc, onions 90$1.00. DltlEI) K1IUITS. Apples f0c, sliced Gc, apricots 13 14c, peaches 810c. pears 8c, Oregon prunes, Italian, 8c, silver 7c, German ti 7c. plums 5(S7c. Raisins $2 per box", California Iigs 8c, byrna 15c. DAIKY PIIODUCK. Butter, Oregon fancy 'Joe, medium 20c, Eastern 22c, California 20c. EGGS. Eggs 15c. rOUl.TKY. Chickens .f().507, ducks $12.00 per uoz., geese .fl012, turkeys lc pur lb. WOOL. Valley 18c, Eastern Oregon 815e. HOPS. Hops 1017c. Wheat, Valley $1.33, Eastern $1.25 Oats 3u32o. FI.OUK. Standard $4.23, other brands $3.90. FEED. Hay $1314 per ton, bran $lo, shorts $10, barley chop $242o, null chop $18. FXESII MEATS Beef, live. 4c, dressed 8c, mutton, live, 4c, dressed 8c, iambs $2.60 each, hogs Oc, dressed (i7c, veal (i8c. Whon a Pataironian husband kills his wife, he is lined, says a Transnt- latic papor, two goats. Goat-raising is carried on in Patagonia to a largo ox tent, It is stated that tho shoriffs of Dol awaro whoso duty it is to flog criminals, aro so merciful in applying tho lash that tho punishment is littlo mora than a farce. Tlio peoplo in a Western town aro complaining becau-o a local undertaker displays his coilins on thosidowalk out side his otllco, with prices attached just liko tho furniture dealers. Guns are now being mado so pow erful that tho object which their mis siles aro intended to striko will bo out of sight. Consequently tho guns can only bo directed by tho map. Thoro has Peon no improvement in tho shapo of tho umbrolla for tho last sovonty years, and, it may bo added, no improvement in tho manner of car rying it. Tho nvorago porson protects his toes and wots his heels. A Todd County (Ivy.) couplo woro recently married after having boon on gaged a quarter of a century. During twenty-two years of tho timo tho gen tleman never onco missed calling to soo his brido-olcct Sunday. A gontloman in Craig County, Va., namoil Brickoy, has threo children whoso names aro, respectively, Jailoy Green Bird Mayllowor Brlckey, Oregon Texas Georgiana Brickoy and Molina Truxilla Eutaw Sobilla Tootator Brickoy. Whilo William Jackson, a Chicago roofer was sliding down u roof a, dis tanco of forty-five- foot, ho had timo to toll a follow workman that ho owed threo debts and had tho money in his trunk in nnv lluim. Thmi lm rnnnliml tho eavo and went to his death on tho frozon earth. A man who married a widow has invented a dovico which euros her of otornally praising her former husband, Whenever sho begins to descant on his noblo oualitios this ingenious No. 2 moroly says: "Poor dear man! Howl wish ho hadn't died!" and tho lady im mediately thinks of something elso to talk about. Not long ago n local ministerial as sociation, at its regular mooting at ono of tho Boston hotels, partook of a din ner of eleven or twolvo courses, which seemed altogether moro olaborato than tho pr;lco agreod upon would warrant After tho moal it transpired that thoy had dtspoced of a dinner for u special party lator in tho day, and by mistake served to thom. A host man asked at tho conclusion of a marriage sorvlco in South Ken sington what fees woro due, nnd re ceived this stntomont: Vicar, 1 4s.; chnucol fee, 1 Is.; clerk and sacris tan, jL'1 Is.; organUt, '2 2s.; blower. 6s.; rod cloth, 1 lis.; total, 10 4 And tho vicar was not presont at that. Tho Ixist man refused to pay it, and in quiry rovoalod tho decision of a caso in 16GS which hold that a feo of tun shil lings to tho rector and threo shillings to tho cleric was unreasonably high. AN UNDERTAKER'S CHAT. The Funny Slile or nil Otliprn-Uo Uncanny Mitl Lugubrious Calltnir. "Thero is n humorous side oven to so solemn n callina as ours," said a city undertaker. "Peoplo rarely think of this phnso of our work. Tho popu lar notion was, and to u largo extent is,-that our calling has something un canny and growsomo about it. In n certain sonso it lias, but still it is re plete with funny incidents and you will find fow undertakers who havo been long in tho business who could not relato queer experiences. "To begin with, wo aro constantly reminded in ono way or another that v.o thrive on other people's misfor tunes. As a matter of fact epidemics aro a bono to us, for, whilo they mean busy times, thoy also mean moro than tho usual percentage of bad accounts. Hut still it is hard to rid a certain class of peoplo of tho notion that wo weigh tho probabilities of mortality, watch tho weather prognostications, keep track of physicians1 visits, aro in league, or at least in sympathy, with quack doctors, bad plumbers and other public nuisances, and tha' wo aro op posed to improvements conducive to public welfare. If scarlet fever, diph theria, typhoid fever or any other con tagious diseaso breaks out you will hear people talking of tho under taker's qulckenod interest just as surely as you will hear plumbers mentioned in connection with severe weather. Wo really do hold nn anom alous sort of position, but wo do not as I havo often heard intimated keep a list of tlio aged and consumptire, nor do contagions quicken our busi ness instincts. "And right hero let mo point out tho popular fallacy. It is genorally thought that contagious diseases aro moro prevalent and moro fatal among tho poor than among those who havo com forts and good sanitary surroundings. A long business career in undertaking has convinced mo that this is a mis take. Tho poor aro moro liable to such diseases only in tho ratio of their larger families. "Then tho common idea that be reavement is a timo whon peculiarities and hobbles aro laid aside is wrong. Personal whims and idiosyncrasies min gle in tho strangest way with tender expressions of lovo and sorrow. Consia orutions of stylo, too. ontor tho minds of a largo percentage of mournors. One thing is dono on tho basis of what peoplo will think, another on tho basis of what tho deceased would havo liked, and so on. Few undertakers. I think, would bo so callous as to mako light of any expression or request that is tho outcome of genuine feeling, but nobody is more quick than wo to detect tho gonuino from tho forced or shammed. Whon wo aro supposed to pleasantly inquiro after people's health with an ulterior purposo in mind, I don't know why wo shouldn't havo a littlo merriment over tho hu morous features of gravo work. "So far as peoplo's follies and dofer onco to fash 'on is concerned, it is a good thing for tho undertaker that thoy exist. Tho profits of our busi ness would bo sadly interfered with if tho masses were of moro conimon sonso opinions and puritanic tastes. It is tho non-essontial and, if you please, tho abnormal features of burials that givo undertakers, and especially the manufacturers of undertakers' sun- plies, their leverage ovor tho public. Trusts a ul extortionate nricos would practically bo out of tho question woro it not that people sought to porpotuuto lollies and carry stylo into tho grave yard. Of courso it isn't our place to dictate, and it would scarcely bo busi- nossliko to mako suggestions against our own interest, but still I think that despite what has been dono in tho way of funoral reform many moro stops could profitably bo taken. "Jhero is another phaso of our business that has a peculiar if not a positively humorous side. In pursu ance of his work an undertaker will almost certainly bocomo unnaturally solemn or in a measuro a hypocrite. A certain deportment is doomed re quisite, and that doportmont isn't quite natural. Words of condolenco aro in order and expected, and thoy como. As might bo expected thoy don't como spontaneously but in a moro or less perfunctory wny. Tho undertaker is not as solemn as hu often looks. Ho has on hand a fund of condolence and a stock of well-approved phrases that is often positively grotesque-, and upon the way in which ho uses this stock in trade ho soon learns doponds much of his success." Chicago News. An exchange asked if waltzing is wicked. Somo waltzing is. When n man steps on his partner's dainty littlo foot ovory other second, does not keep timo with tho music, attempts to hop whilo his partner glidos, digs his hand into tho middlo of hor back, involves his extremities in such a maze of con fusion that ho can't toll his right foot from his loft, bumps his knees into his companion, and collides with ovory couplo that comos near him, it must bo admitted that waltzing is wicked. How fortunatoit is for s-omo men that thoy aro not born quadrupMs. If thoy havo so much dlfiiculty managing two logs, how much moro fearful and wonderful would tholr dancing bo with four logs to absorb tholr attention. Watorbury Republican. m mi It is now given out in Boston that tho eromatlonlsts havo lost 15 per cent, of tholr strength in tho last year, and it is bolloved that anothor year or two will finish thorn. A Chicago man claims to bo living on oight oonts a weok. Nothing Is raid of the futhor-ln-law he is pr&iably living on ulso.O-Butlulo Express