EgdgI will havo five young stallions and 14 fillies, pure bred, regi stored in Clyde book, ' at Union, the last of March, for sale at a low- TKE OREGON SCGU' AMOS K. J ON KB. ,-,,.,.,,." hUI IUK' The Oregon Scout has as targe a rircn lation as any two papers in this sta tion of the State, combined, and is cor respondingly vahiuble as an advertising medium. Thursday, April Lili, 1SS1. Notice to Ilctliiqiirnts. W'e recently sent out statements to a num ber of our subscribers who are behind in their subscriptions for sovcral years, offer ing a liberal discount if they paid at once. Most of them responded but sonic have paid no attention to the matter, whatever. We will ay to these that on the 10th dity of April their accounts will lie placed in the hands of an attorney with instructions to collect or institute suit at once. After the 10th, settlement can only be made at the rate of 2 per year on subscription. The accounts of our Wallowa delinquent! will be placed in the hands of II. F. liurlcigh, who will be in Enterprise on the 15th of April. Sparta Minos. The mines at Sparta are giving a very en couraging outlook and it is not unlikoly that one or more mills will be erected there the doming summer. The Del Monto group have very recently been exported by a representative of New York capitalists and it is said that a very favorable report was made and a sale is almost a certainty. The Little Pittsburg, Uig Pittsburg and four other mines, all included in a group and in the hands of an incorporated company of AValla Walla parties arc being developed extensively and are showing tine bodies of high grade free milling ore. Another Discovery. hi connection with the reported discovery of mines near Tclocaset on Powder river we will say that Mr. Wm. Cales visited us, Monday, and stated that he had also dis covered what he believes to bean extremely rich ledge, some three or foil" miles from the line mentioned by our correspondent. The vein is abottt three feet wide, of bluish gray quartz, with live or six feet of iron ore on either side. It is thought by experts to be richer than the ore in the other local ities. Specimens of I ho ore from both of these disoveries tire to bo seen at this office. Show Your violurs. Subscribe to the railroad subsidy. Don't hold back because some close-tisted neigh bor of yours does so. If every man acted on that principle the world would relapse into barbarism inside of twenty -five years. Come up now to the center, you property owner; the eyes of the community are up on you. You cannot afford to shirk a responsibility of this kind. You cannot say that it will not profit you ten times over the amount invested by your sub-erip-tion. You know it well. Then put down .your name. Ills llustiiess IIooiiiiiiK. Probably no one thing hat- caused such a general revival of trade at l!rovn,s drug store as his giving away to his custo mers of so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's Xew discovery for Consumption. His trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it always litres and never disappoints. loughs, Colds, Asthma, ltronchitis, Croup and a'i throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size $1. Every bottle warranted. Another Dramatics Treat. Mr. John S. Lindsay and his talented company will appear in this city, one night next week, in that popular drama, "The Lady of Lyons." That a crowd od house will greet them is beyond a doubt, for they proved themselves masters of their profes sion when they appeared three nights in this city a month ago. The evening of their appearance lias not been decided on yet, hut the date and further particulars will hegiven in small bills. A Shouting Scrape. News comes from Wciscr Citv of a shoot ing scrape having occurod at tho mouth of Itrownlce creek, on Snake river, Washing ton county, Idaho, on tho L'2d inst, in which Walter (lergrieh shot and suppoued fatally by .lames E. Goodman. The shoot ing was the result of a quarrel over a water right. Goodman surrendered himself and was acquitted on preliminary examination. Baker Democrat. Another Murder. At a dance given at Hamilton, Orur.t county, a few evenings since, J. .M. Hamil ton, son of Senator Hamilton, was killed by ClateHinton, a 17 year old boy, who stubbed him in the breast, Hamilton was iibout forty years old. There was no provo cation for tiie killing. Tourists. Whether on pleasure bent or business should take on every trip a bottle of 8yrnp of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and ef fectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headache and other forms ol sickuutfs. For wile in 50c and fl.UO bottlos by all leading lnigf(itiU. Tho La Orandu Journal any: 'The Hunt road can do no one any harm and will do the valley in geimrul much good. Moreover, the Journal would Intimate- to the poopW of La Grande tlut if n small fnietiou of tho spirit of 'get up and move' ( woro khowu in L Grande that U 1i.l m.l in other ptirU of the county, there would be ' Do dwttferof our supreiu mey IwiiiK wre.t 1 led from it. It i- a bid 'Mtv of affair whm the litiseu n ! " "' "" I" own town." or rate than this blood I.OCAl. IM'Oltai.VTIOX. !al1iftiMl up The St'itnt unit KrtiiiRht ' to llon.loiinrtcrs. ' "The Lady of Lyons" next week. j A braud new buggy for nalo. A ppiy at i this office. Most of the attorneys of the district are here attending court. Subscribe for Tm: Scort and Tesas Sift ing. nly $2. "ft a year. The Lindsnv Dramatic Company next week, for one night only. Read H. F. Wilson's ml. and list of real estate bargains in thbi i.ue. An effort, we understand, is being made to organize a roil and pin club in Union. We understand that quite a number of the boys "went broke" on faro this week. A man by the mime of Apple is justice of Hilgard preeient. Fnion county, Ho may be sound, but howoan he bo square? E. I). It is said that the Looking Glass valley is being settled quite rapidly. This is proli ably in nnticipatioii of the Hunt railroad going that way. Circuit court is in session. lTp to the time of going to pres but little has been done. Full proceeding will be given in our next issue. Mr. .1. C. Shields, dentist, of Uaker City, is in town, and will remain about a week. Those desiring work will call on him at the Centennial hotel. Tho latest news front Judge L. I!, lson Is to the effect that ho is steadily improving and his physicians are hopeful of a per manent recovery. Through the death of Junius 15. Stevens, of East Portland, the other day, Frank Dick, of La Grande, falls heir to property amounting to 11(5,000. The U. H.itL. Co. have just had a neat and attractive seal made, with which to embellish and give importance to their official documents. The public school will close on the 10 inst. Seven pupils will graduate. Preparations are being made for public closing exercises which will take place at Wright's Hall. Ladies do not fail to call at the millinery store of Mrs. Kinehart to take a look at those new shapes in bonnets and hats just received from Fashion's headquarters. Mr. Hunt is still in Chicago. His boy is very sick, and ho will probably not bo here for a week or two. This will give us long er time to work on the subsidy, and it is needed. Mrs. Corbin, the most popoiar milliner in Fnion county, can be found at Mrs. L. 15. IMnehart's millinery store where she will trim hats and bonnets in elegant stylo to suit the most fastidious. Mrs. L. 15. Kinehart lias employed Miss Minnie Bloom, of tho Cove, to sell milli nery goods. Parties living in that vicinity wishing to purchase tine hats or bonnets will do well to call on Miss 15loom. Quite a number came up from the Cove recently, to see the nigger show and proba bly wish they hadn't. If they will come up next week when Lindsay and his com pany appear here they will not regret doing so. Reformed tramps and gamblers have found a profitable business in tho lecture Hold. They are becoming numerous along the linos of railroad just now, and seem to be the particular pets of the Women's Chris tian Temperance Union. The trial of F. F. I5aker, for bigamy will take place at Poise City this week. Several witnesses were subpounaed Iroin this place and took their departure the fore partof the week. Among them were county clerk Neill, George Beidloman, Mrs. T. II. Craw ford and Mrs. Corbin. Messrs, Haird & .lames have decided to give another social dance to-morrow night at Davis' hall. It is not necessary to sttitc that it will be an enjoyable affair, as thesu gontlemcn are too well known as to their ability to manage an affair of this kind. Every body invited. Tickets $1.00. A story and-a-half frame building in the Arlngton block, Uaker City was totally destroyed by lire, last Thursday evening. A disastrous conflagration was narrowly escaped. Tho lire was the work of an incendiary. Win. Roboson was ar rested and charged with the crime. The Texas Siftings ranks first among Ain iiiurican humorous papers. It and Tin: Scorr will bo furnished one year for 2,7,5, or nuy of our .subscribers who are not be hind on their subscription, can have (lie Siftings for$l,25. The regular subscription price of tho Siftings is 1,00 per year. The professional card of Col. .lames C. Dow attorney at law, of Cornucopia, ap pears elsewhere in this paper. Ho will at tend promptly to hind business beforo tho 17. S. ollleos. He will also buy and sell mining claims on commission oml furnish any information concerning mining prop erties desired. The Col. has had many years experience in this line of business and will be found thoroughly reliable. Some of the Lu Grander ask tho reason of our strictures on their town, as if they did not know. Wo are trying to conduct TmkScoi.t in the interests of the whole county, but Futon is our home, and when the La Granders tread on Union' tail they tread on our tail, also. Union's tail has been trod on. That is the whlchness of the wheiefor and tho reason we protest. As we Mid before, to all Intent and purposes, it is our own individual nurrativu that they are tuuiikeyiiiK with. Plows! Plow! PIowhM Latest Improve menu ami low-eat living prices. Simplest ami miwi convenient method of udjiiitlng beam and line of draft, making plow run lighter and do better work. 1 1 a uuvor been equaled and cannot lie excelled. The 1 -ghtt - ; draft nulky plow in the world is the I r ani Wheel Land Side Sulky Plow, and lb' re is no plow made that will do let ter work. Then- pious all manufactured tt,. 1 I i. I -' i j ; ! I'l i Co.. and are sold Hn -. Iin I Went Co. oi their 1 has ever boon sold for ' NEW ELDORADO. A Vast Quartz Deposit Found Near Telocaset. A RUSH TO LOCATE CLAIMS. Rich Assays, a Visible l.ctlgc and Hnthu siastic Owners. Tni.o(.sKT, April 1, 18S0. Last week while on a hunting and pros pecting trip down the hills skirting Powder river, on the eastern side, about three miles south of this place, Mr. Win. Ashby, who resides on the Starks ranchc where the road tirst strikes Powder River valley after i passing the Telocaset divide, found what I proved later to be one of the richest quartz deposits that has been discovered in this vicinity for many years. The ledge is traceable for two or three miles, cropping out here and there along the ridges of the Powder river divide. It is located in the richest parts, about three miles from Telocaset, on the south bank of Powder river, in easy access to this station. ' The quartz, is of a reddish brown color, porous composition, and specks of free gold are visible on tho outside of nearly ev ery niece one can pick up. The ledge, where visible, is from four to seven fect wide, and holds its width splendidly as the shaft being sunk goes down. For miles on all sides of this place stray pieces of good, genuine, first-class quartz have been discovered from time to time for several years, but this last strike has loca ted beyond any reasonable doubt, what is the ledge, and one of the best kind of ledges yet found in Eastern Oregon. It is a burnt rock, and as some prehistoric volcanic ac tion down in the bowels of mother eartli has reduced the gold to a molten state, and it lias doubtless all been run or moul ded down, as the natural result of a molten metal. Consequently the farther down the ledge goes the richer it gets. From the present outlook this new find will develop into something not equaled since the discovery of the Sacramento find in 181!) It has been a known faet thatgolcl was to be found down on the banks and sand bars of Powder river. Some two or three men made, from 5.00 to ?L00pcr day with only a pick, shovel and pan. It was free, scale gold, and this ledge proves that here in the barren hills of Eastern Oregon lies yet what may be an '80, and not u '49. Mr. Ashbv took some of the medium val uable pieces of rock to the iissaycr at Baker City, which assayed from I42.T5 to 223.60 per ton. As yet six men have located valu able ledges on the scene and could not be bought off now for a good sized fortnno. Mr. Ashby is an experienced miner and un derstands thoroughly the workings and ap pearance of the mine. Ho has faitli in it. Mr. C. F. Hinckley, a man of many years' experience, lias located a claim and is go ing to work at once. An Omaha man offers to take the ore and reduce the gold from it for the sulphur ed of iron the rock contains. It looks flat tering now, and perhaps the insignificant city of the summit may bloom out yet in the richness and wealth of a now found Eldorado. H. W. HikkmaN. In Mfiiinrlum. Witr.itKAS, It has pleased Almighty God to remove from among us, by death, Mrs. J.W. Minnick, wife of our beloved Broth er, John W, Minnick, and AVur.KCAH, Uy this. sad bereavement which our Urother sustains, wo are reminded of the uncertainty of life, and that although in tho prime, yet we are within the care and subject to the call of Him whose eye is ever upon us. Therefore bo it JtJstilvtil, That Union Lodge No. 39, 1. O. O. F. extend to our Urother our deepest sympathy and condolence In this his great loss, Hcsolwt, That this offering lie spread up on tho records of the lodge, and a copy lie given to Urother Minnick, and a copy fur nished to each of tho city ncwspaperH for publication. A. E. Eaton, ) John It. Chitics, Committee. ,1. It. Thomson, J Mr. II. M. hughes, of Untse City, sent in and subscribed for TiikScout this week. I A. Hell, tho nainter. Is now in La vi - I i ' Grande and will remain there sovcral.wcckn TUo name of the postolllccat Dully, Mal heur county, has been changed to West Fall. Mr. W. W. Gardner, of North Powder, subscribed for TiikScout and Texas Sitt ings tills week. Tho Baker Democrat says: "Gum War ren, a stockman of Union county, is at Haines buying yearling cattle and has thus far received 250 head, paying therefor from $10 10 $12 per head. It is said he is buying for an eastern firm who want at least 1000 head." Mrs. Kinehart returned from Portland, last Wednesday, where she has been to purchase n fine line of millinery and fancy goods, in tho latest novelties, to add to her already largo utoek of goods which she will sell cheap for cash. Call and examine goods und prices before purchasing elsewhere. The Oregon and Washington territory engineers returned to Walla Walla Batwr day. They claim to have found a practical routo to the Grande Hound via Milton and Linktou mountains. A fully equipped party left on Thursday to continue- work. E. O. ItOKN, COFFMA.V-At Medical s. March ai, 18M. toth wife ofSeiglo Joffinan, a daughter. dii:i). DOLUV. Vt Medical Springs, March 31, lhfiU, the infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Dolby. in this county. My DUKSS lMUADt: The Scout's Weekly Inxpcctlon nml lip. J port of Friend ir Duty, Dr. Woods, of Cornucopia, is in thecity . Hon. Dunham Wright was in town, Tuesday. ' I. A. Russell, of the Cove, called on lis. Monday. Mr. O. Kirkpatrick, of Island city, was over, Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Kobt. Lloyd arc visiting relatives here. J. A. Denney and wife, of Pine valley. arc in the citv. S. F. Newhard, of the Hot Lake, was in town, Tuesday. John McCall, of Island city was in l'n ion Thursday. Mr. J. J. Tully, of the Cove, called on us a few days ago. Mr. Dan Lucas, of l.add canyon, was in Union, Saturday. James Claybttrn, of La Grande, was in Union this week. Jos. Yowcll was, in town, Tuesday. He is not very well. Prof. Smith, of the Cove, was on our streets, Saturday. A. T. Mrrwin and family, of Lower Pow der, are in the eity. W. J. Barron took his departure for Cornucopia, yesterday. Mr. D. B. Kccsc arrived in our town, yes terday, from Centralia. Mrs. II. L Deacon has been quite sick for several days past. Mr. Ed. Mulhollun, of Ladd canyon, visited Union recently. II. H. French, of the Cove, called on us the fore part of the week. Attorney J. M. Carroll visited Baker City a few days ago, on business, Mr. Swaekhamcr the old gentleman has been quite shk this week. Mr. J.J. ruriicr, of Uig creek, made this ofilce a pleasant call, yesterday. Geo. I'orpc, of Medical Springs, gave our office a pleasant visit, Wednesday. Hon. U. E. Taylor, of Indian valley. made us a pleasant visit, Monday. George Owen, editor of the La Grande Journal, visited Union this week. Simon McKiuzie, of Snmmervillc, came up, Monday, on railroad business. Miss Minnie Bishop commenced a term of school at Ladd canyon last week. Mr. James Gilkinson, of North Powder, called on us tho fore partof the week. Mrs. Ted Smith, of the Sandridge, was visiting friends in this city, this week. Hon. H. J. Gecr, of tho Cove, made us a pleasent and substantial visit, Saturday Dr. Barnes, of Enterprise, has moved to Elgin und will locate permanently there. Henry Myers, of Summeville, called on ns Saturday, and subscribed for TiiuScout. J. M. Berry and wife, of Island City, were visiting friends in tills city a few days ago. Mr. John Simonis, of North Powder, made us a substantial vsit a few days ago Mr. Win. Rinchart, Mr. It. McKinzio and Mr. Tall Glen, were up from Sumnicrvillc, Saturday, J. C. Christiansen, of Indian valley, who is here serving as a juryman, called on us this week. Mr. V. S. Davincr, J. T. Woodell ami Win. German, of Suininerville, called on us, Monday. George Probasco, of Sumptcr, Uaker county, sent in and subscribed for Tin: Scout this week. Messrs. Cunningham nnd Pidlaghcr, of Cornucopia, sent ill and subscribed lor Tin: Scout this week. The annual session of the Eastern Ore gon Presbytery will commence at Summer villc this evening. Miss Mathieu, of La Grande, the expert dressmaker, was in tho city this week, the guest of Jlr. and Mrs. Tarter. James M. Mitchell, of Joseph, Wallowa county, came out the fore jturt of tho week. We acknowledge a pleasant call. Mr. Israel Thonius, of the Cove, sent us a lubscription, this week, for Thk Scout, to be addressed to Joel Thomas, Kenton, Ohio. Mr. John Keufern arrived in this city hist Saturday from Anaconda, on ids way to Cornucopia where he Is interested in somo mines. W. W. Klrby, Geo. Biibcock, John Few- ril und Mr. Hartley, .solid ranchers of Ea gle valley, made this office a pleasant visit thin week. George Neville, of Summervillc, was in the city the fore part of the week. While here tho old gentlemen culled on us and subscribed for Tiik Scout. Mr. Kobt. Kces called on us a few days ago, und subscribed for TheKcout. Hn is now in Wallowa county, and will probably remain there for some time. Miss Millie Welch, of this city, has been engaged to tench a three month's term of school at Telocaset. She will enter upon her labor next Monday. The Woinun's Missionary Society of tho Presbytery of Eastern Oregon will meet at Kumniervillo Friday morning, April 5th., at 0 o'clock, alto at 2 o'clock in the after noon. At 7 o'clock the meeting will be addrcMcW by Mr. Glum and others. John Eaton was over from Island, Tues day. He says ttio permanent survey for the branch road to tlut place is completed, and the work will probably bo commenced In a few days. The road will not bo ex tended further thnnjtlmt plucu for suvural yenra. I. J. Johnson, of Enterprise, visited Un ion a few duys ago. He caino to see his sou, Wm, Johnson, who was thrown from a horn several years ago and had his leg injured. The limb has been growing worso ever since and it Is thought it will have to be amputated. motto is 'Quick sales -DK -A.3sr:D Latest Stvlcs. Just Uoci'ivril, Direct from tln Knst, a Largo Invoice of LADIKS' and MISSES' CALFSKIN SIIOKS, the IU'M Kvor brought to this Market. Also a Fine Assortment, of GENT'S -:- FURNISHING -:- GOODS. 3Iy Prices will suit the times. Drop in and see me. C. V1XCKNT, Main Street, Union, Or. B. M. LOMBARD, -:- LA GRANDE, OGN - - - -EQ - - - Low Rates, Mo Com mission, iPFTho&o who consult their own interests will call on mo before borrowing. OFFICK OYER SOMMKIl & JILUM'S STOKE. E l IE! and D WL (OPPOSITE CENTENNIAL HOTEL.) J. S, ELLIOTT Everything First Class. Terms Very Reasonable. liuss to and l'tom the Depot Making; Connection with all Trains 5ee5s"" Q CLOSE 0 y ""3B8aK3iat THIS MBMXB8EES3W ZXxrrTSyn&XFWrX I will soil my mammoth stock of TiBtor yli -!- Laws1 Hisses1 d ylllWii II Ilk Mi JiiOlii I I I I I I E. J. COUPER, "I I II LOWEST RATES NO DELAYS. MR . RIIMEHART'S fill I 'W'lW Just opened in llm biiek building Street. Union, a full und complete assortment of MILLINERY 11 FM SIS, Which arc Now Open For I'JtlOEH ON GOODS SUUI'KISINULY LOW. In addition to tho abovo. u complete lino of Ladies' (outs' ami Cliildrcna' SIiouh aro in stock, and will bo sold at cost. A Share oi" tho Public and small profits." VLBIl IX- All Kinds. U&a ill XaSC "2 trsnmavrmayrwwBirf. OF- EVERY -:- STYLE, s sf kl I I . - Union, Oregon. adjoining Jaycox & Foiiter'n store, Mniu liiHpoctiou hy tho Imriiogt Patronage Solicited. E. B. HILL.-lsJJl wOiEYi! Liiiil i I HI I rTTTrffl'UKTlrinmtmn ittittiw I I I EASY TERMS