THE OREGON SCOUT. .JOKES A. CHANCEY, - Publishers UNION, OREGON. A COMEDIAN'S JOKE. tow Ho Itccommpntlecl it Fopulitr YVneh tnctoii llotol to H Fallow Actor. Mr. Powers, tho well-known coralo opora comedian, perpetrated qulto a littlo joko just boforo tho arrival of tho company in Washington. It is custo mary for tho advance agents of theat rical or oporatic companios t6 obtain the prices of tho different hotels in each city and send this information back to tho manager of tho company, so that Bcloctlon of rosldonco may bo mado by tho principals and members of tho chorus. By somo accidont tho list of Washington hotels did not reach tho 'Yeomen of tho Guard" company and many mombors of tho company were about to visit Washington for tho first time. Said ono of the men, an English man, to Mr. Powers, as tho train was approaching tho capital: "Toll mo whero to stop in Washing ton, old chap? Of course you havo boon thoro boforo, but I havo not, don't you knowP" I didn't know any thing about it," said Powers, "until you montionod it. Tiot mo soo, thoro aro sovoral hotols in Washington; thoro is Willard's, of his toric renown; tho Arlington, whoro Trosidont Cleveland rested boforo ho was inaugurated. Thon thoro is tho Hotel Chamberlain, famous for its ex quisite cuisine. Wclckor's, too, is a favorlto resort for tho more prominent mombors of tho profession. But as you aro going to tho capital of tho United .States for tho first tlmo I would sug gest that you try tho most oxclusivo placo in town. Very fow professionals stop there, but somo of tho best known and most notoworthy mon in tho coun try aro regularly soon in Its corridors. I havo novor remained thoro over night, as I stay with frionds during my visits to tho capital, but I always drop in and glanco over tho portraits in tho plcturo gallory and tako a turn around tho groon house." "Picturo gallory, groon houso. Why, that omust bo a doocld fino pluco. I supposo tho rato Is protty stiff." "Yes, rather; but if you toll thorn -who you aro I think they will inako a $3 or $1 u day rato." "O, I could stand that for a wook," Bald tho Innocent sookor for Informa tion. "What did you say tho uamo of tho hotel was, old manP" "It Is called tho Whlto Houso. Any cab driver in Washington will know whoro to tako you. Just mention my uamo and don't lot thorn bluff you at tho door. Thoy aro very cheoky some times, ospcclally if thoy don't know you." It Is said that on that same day a Dadly-UBod-up pornon who lookod llko an Englishman was seen to Uy down tho flagged walk loading from tho por tico of tho oxooutlvo mansion of Phila delphia avonuo, vociferating for a cab to tako him and his trunk away from tho most "exclusive placo in town." Cor. Pittsburgh Dispatch. m MAN'S HEAD-GEAR. JLa Artlclo About Which MimihiIIiio Vanity In Alwuya Cunturml. Tho hat, ovory ono will allow, has always been pro-omlnently that portion of male costumo around which our social amonltlos havo circled. Politics -and politeness havo been bound up with It, until It has bocome almost as impossible for tho followors of any cult to hold cortuln "views" without a "hat to suit them, as to imugiuo an aesthetic without a dado. Thoro Is tho Cardinal's hat and tho Bishop's -shovel, tho student's trencher and tho curate's folt, tho low church and tho high chUrch lint, tho Quaker's broad Brim and that peculiarly knowing typo of head covering which, according to tho County Court witness Is tho sign of 'your perfect gontlomun." In Chau cer's day tho "Flnundrish beavor hat" as muoh marked tho merchant as tho sou'-wostor does tho seafaring man in our own times. When tho Puritans affected ample flaps and a uteeplo crown, tho Cavaliers adopted narrower hrlms and a superstructure docked with a resplendent feather. At a later date, tho "Monmouth cock" ami the "ItamllloB cook" marked the macaroni mud the man of quality, and though hats ami "hat honor" aro for tho mo ment not so much wrapped up with punctilio as thoy wore, yet it is still that portion of a gontloinon's nttiro employed to oxproBS courtesy or re upoot A whlto hat is unquestionably a mora reasonable color for tho tall chimney pot" than black. Yet it is not every man, oven in summer, who has tho courage to woar one, and, as any one who has nttondod a university celebration Is aware, it shares with a Tod tie tho especial aulmudvorslun of tho narcastlo undergraduate. Tho hat -of civilization is maligned, and ridi culed, and carlaoturod, ami ouo of tho chief joys in getting beyond tho pro duct of London is to cast it aside. In a pioneer settlement in Amoriou or Australia it is markedly absent- Hut ouo of tho first elgus of a frontier city" cmorglng from lt war with tho wilderness is tho resumption by its more solf-rospootlng citizens of tho dis carded "stovepipe" Gonoral Grant, Indeed, loved it so dearly that ho would often sit oh horseback, through somo of tho hottest lights, with this uuwnrllko lielmet on his head. And now wo hear of ono of his countrymen trying tho costly uncertainties of tho law all for tho "right" of wearing it in tho then tor, just an cortuln nobles havo boforo now bought, ut a great prlco, tho privi lege of standing covorod in tho pres- ' -London Standard. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. Soarandflop (grandlloquontly) Ycs; it pays to do right. Honosty la tho best policy after all." Frankloy "Why don't you havo It renewed."-' Tlmo. "I am opposed to all games of chance," said llawson. "And yot you got married?" said Lawson. "Yes, and that's why I am so strongly op posed to 'cm. Drake's Magazine. Tho Kansas Legislature contains ton nowspapor men, who at onco ole vato Its standard of intelligonco and roduco its avorago porcontago of wealth. Kansas City Star. "I know my dofocts," said Ti-jen-klns pompously; and ns tho bystanders looked at him admiringly, ono of thorn whispered to anothor softly: "What an awful lot that man must know!" Somorvlllo Journal. Mr. Garrulous "Why do peoplo think tho Sphinx typical of wisdom, Gcorgo?" Gcorgo (who Is still suffer ing irom tho effects of curtain lecture) "I guess it is bocauso tho Sphinx always keeps its mouth shut." Ilur por's Uazar. Sho "I must show you my now clock before you go." Ho (facotiously) Somo of my frionds toll mo I nm homoly enough to stop a clock." Sho O, that won't matter! It can bo started again." Llfo. "Can't you sparo mo a littlo money, papaP" "How much, dear?" "Well. I want to buy enough material to mako ono of tho now-fashlonod bathing suits." "11 right, my doar. Got what you want. Hero Is half a dollar." Richfield Nows. "What shall wo do if tho prico of flour goes up any further?" exclaimed Mrs. Knoadom to hor husband. "I can BUggcst a slmplo remedy my dear," re sponded Mr. Kncadom, quietly. "Just contlnuo your homo baking and wo need not nntlclpato any riso in bread." Montroal Star. Young author "Doctor, If I can't got somo rollof from writer's cramp I I shall havo to glvo up my literary work. I havo como to you for advice." Doctor (who has read somo of his literary work) "My young friend, quit writing ontlroly, nnd rollof not only Instantaneous but widespread will follow." Chicago Tribune. "You used to think a little moro of mo and not qulto so much of your solf in tho days when you woro courting mo," exclaimed Mrs. Drown, tearfully, during tho courso of a littlo conjugal conflict. "You novor said a truer thing than that," ropllod tho brute. "I forgot myself ontlroly at that time or I novor would havo proposed." Torro Hauto Express. Editor great mngazlno "Hero Is a flno article on 'Modorn Art,' but It 1b written by somo unknown jay whollvcs In Pumpklnvillo." Assistant "All right; I'll go out and find somo great artist willing to put his name to It. Guess ono will do It for $100." "Very well; I'll sond tho jay fifty cents and tell him to keep quiot, and that maybo wo'll tako nnothor artlclo from him somo day and lot him uso his own namo." Philadelphia Record. Blobson "Ha, ha! Ilore's nn ar tlclo which says that boforo tho closoof tho ninotoonth century wo shall soo womon running locomotive onglnes on our railroads." Mrs. Hlobson "Woll, why notP Don't you think thoy would make good onos?" Mr. Blobson "In somo rospoots, porhaps. Thoy would keep a good lookout ahead, anyway." Mrs. lUobson "Why so?" Mr. Blob son "BocauBo they would havo tholr heads out of tho cab window all tho tlmo to show tholr now bouuoU." Burlington Froo Press. i 1. 1 A PECULIAR STONE. It rnMCaiN thu Flexibility or u lMrco or liitllik Itiililiur. Tho Washington Star glvos an inter esting account of a stouo belonging to tho chlof clerk of tho War Dopnrtmont It weighed about a pound, and was 13 luchos in length, 2 in width, and J of an inch thick. On picking It up from tho dosk, when his attontlon was called to It, a reporter noticed that it bent slightly at tho ends, and had tho fool ing of an olastlo substance On re moving tho wrappor, howovor. It was seen to bo a hard, compact piece of sandstone, of a light yollow color, with the ends cut to points. Thu toxturo of tho stono was lino, and presented no ovldenco of stratification, and was smooth over tho entire surfaco. A knife-blade mado no Impression on tho particles. There was no doubt as to its being a genuine stone, but It novor tholess possessed tho tloxiblllty of a piece of India rubbor. When taken in tho hand and shaken in tho direction of its lint surfaco it would bond back and forth with a dull, mutlled sound. Tho movement was moro of a laxity in tho adhuslo,u apparently, than an elasticity. When hold horizontally by ono end tho other would drop and re main In that position. With tho two ends supported on rests tho free center could bo pressed half an laoh bolow tho middle lino. With onu ond held llriuly on tho dosk thu other could be bout up ward over an inch. Tho movement was not confined to tho one direction In tho piano of tho flat surfaces but tho entire stone seemed to bo con structed on tho principal of a universal joint, with a movement perceptible lu ull directions under pressure. Whero to Draw tho Lino. "In tho caso of my unfortunate client, gentlemen," wild tho eloquent attorney for tho dofeusu in a murder caso, "It Is for you to draw tho lino be tween murderous rage and emotional insanity." And tho jury rondorod a vurdlct that they thought tho safest placo to draw It was between thu head uud shoulders, i Chicago Trlbuuo. THE ARIZONA KICKER. Gem From Lmta Ianue of That En terprUIng Wettern 8het. AroLOQ epical. Wo aro cotnpollcd to apologlzo to our subscribers for the typographical appearance of tho pres ent issue. Owing to tho snow block ado, a keg of ink which wo ordered wooks ago failed to roach us, and rath or than miss an issuo we compounded a substitute. Wo don't seem to have hit tho right proportions, or olso mo lasses and lamp-black aro not tho proper substitutes. As it will bo im possible for subscribers to make out any of tho reading matter, wo will Bolaco them with tho statement that thoro Is littlo or nothing worth read ing. Wo hadn't much tlmo to give to tho paper last week, and it is just as woll that wo hadn't It would havo been tlmo thrown away. Tub Usual Rewaiid. Wo under stand that Arizona Joe, Colonol Hil ton, Dick Fonshaw and other ingratcs aro going about with tho statomont that wo woro horse-whipped by tho Widow Burnhnm one day last week. When wo rofcr to these hyenas as living liars, wo do so in all gentleness. Wo can't airord to got mad and kick such freaks of nature. Arizona Joe is wearing a collar wo lent him from our slim stock, and If any ono will rip tho Colonel's coat down tho back ho will find one of our undershirt's surrounding the in grato's body. When Dick Fonshaw struck this town ho hadn't eaten any thing but pig-weed for throo days, and ho was trying to mako a pack of cards cover his nakodnoss. Wo filled his stomach, gavo him a coat and lifted him out of tho slough. This is our To ward. Sick transit! Sick gratitudo! Sick hyenu! Welcome Back. Prof. Whitownter entered tho Kicker ofllco day boforo yesterday with beaming smile and ex tended hand after an nbsonce of about ton months spent In tho ponltontiary. Ho was unfortunate enough, It will bo remembered, to hurt somo ono In a lit tlo dlsputo at tho Red Front Saloon, and tho court thought It best for him to tako a littlo vacation. Tho professor roturns homo looking In good health and filled with enthusiasm over tho progress tho town has mado during his absonco, Wo welcomo him. A littlo State prison oxporionco hasn't hurt him, nor won't hurt uny of our towns men. Can Be Overlooked. A fow of out citizens seom inclined to censure Mujor Whitbeck, our chlof of police for being drunk on tho streets yostorday. Wo don't beliovo that giving a man an of fice should deprive him of tho rights and privileges of a citizen. If buslnoss is slack and tho major fools llko going on a spreo tho break can bo overlooked in a community whoro half tho omlnont cltlzons sleep on tholr front doorsteps five, nights out of sovon. Those who criticise soom to bo actuated by a spirit of jealousy. A Alahm. When tho stage drovo up tho othor evening tho roport got abroad that ono of tho passengers was a Chicago dotectlvo, and somo forty or fifty of our leading citizens broko for tho country on a cantor. Most of thorn laid out all night, with tho thormomotor standing at four do greos bolow. Tho following casualties aro reported: Captain Johnson Right foot frozon so badly that amputation is talked of. JudgoPelham Both oars frost bitton and noso biully used up. Prof. Swoony Broken leg, causod by a fall while running. Major Adams Ears, noso and sevon toos frost bitten, and his spine badly wronched. Esquire Davis Sovoral frost bites, a sprained ankle and the prnbablo loss of a portion of his beautiful Roman noso. Dotrolt Freo Press. SLAVES IN TURKEY. l'oor Girl KiitlcoU From Tliplr Homes Autl Sold nt Coiiiitiintlnople. An extensive female slavo trndo Is still carried on in Constantinople in splto of tho consuls of the Christian powers. Hardly a wc k passes without tho arrival of a white-haired courior, betwoon 05 and 70 years old, accom panied by a convoy of young girls, mostly from poor families In Galloliv, whom he has induced to como with him to tho Turkish capital under tho promise of a "splendid'1 situation or a "rich marrlago." Tho Austrian con Bular ofilclals, as woll as those of othor powers, havo kept a wakeful eye upon this old scoundrel nnd stopped him from landing his "wnros" In Constan tinople Itself. It is now discovered that lie takes thorn to a spot whoro thoy nro out of reach of European law Kawak, tho Turkish quarantino station on tho Bosphorus. Hero thoy aro unshippod and sent ultimately to Constantinople by tho land route to Bujukdoro. lloro uot a soul Is troubled about tholr do plorablo fate, and tholr redemption from tho horrors prepared for them Is only possible through onorgetle for olgn holp. Tho "proprietor" takos thorn to a certain bourso, called tho Casta, whoro his living wares aro dealt with exactly as if they woro doad mattoror shares. Tho prlco for tho "coarse wares," as thoy aro brutnlly described, varies from $160 to $300. Tho prlco of tho finer wares Is higher, reaching tho level sometimes of $1,200. Thoy aro bought for customers In Smyrna, Alexandria, Cairo, and other places under Mohammedan rule. Tho "brokers" attempt to conceal tho na ture of tholr trade by deceptive ad vices; for instanco, "Expect threo dozen silver Bpoons," (which is tech nical for tho "finer wares,") or "Wo send five vessels of 'monl,' (a medium quality), or "eight sacks of potatoes," (the coarsest quality.) Chicago MulL DASELY UNGRATEFUL. j How a Younir Physician Violated tti Etblcs or Ilia I'rofexulon. An old fellow sat on a rail fence. Ills hat lay on tho ground; his long hair was tangled and his face woro a re vengeful expression. A traveler, noticing tho old fellow's hardnoss of countenance, stopped and thus ad dressed him: "You seem to be worried." "Am." "What's tho matter?" "Got a duty to perform." "It must bo an unpleasant one." "No, tho duty Is pleasant enough, but tho waiting is tiresome" "Why do you wait?" "See that houso up yonder?" "Yes." "Well, there's a fellow in there that lam going to larrup as soon a3 he comes out" "Ho has done you an injury, I sup pose." "Ho has." "What did ho do?" "Woll, I'll tell you. He camo into this neighborhood about sbc months ago and began to praotico medicine. I havo been a practicing physician in this community for thirty years, yot I treated tho upstart kindly. How did ho ropay mo? With tho basost ingrati tude, sir. I'll toll you how it was. About two weeks ago old Peter Nolan was taken awfully sick. Ho was as sick a man as I over saw In my life. Why, ho had swamp fovor, rheuma tism, pleurisy, and a numbor of othor diseases. I was called in. As soon as I looked at him I saw that ho had no shbw, and I told him that it would not bo honest for mo to give him mcdiclno and tako his money when I know that I could do him no good." "That was surely commendable," said tho travolor. "Of courso; but mark tho difforonce That young snipo was called In. What did ho do? Act with corresponding honesty? No, sir, ho pitched in and gavo old Poto a lot of medicine." "And killed him, oh?" "Well, no; tho scoundrel has about curod him." "Yes, but that proves him to bo a good physician." "A good physician!" tho old follow exclaimed. "Why, blast him, ho know that I had said old Poto couldn't live Ho know that my professional reputa tion was at stake Why didn't ho let tho old fool dio? Why did ho want to cure him and ruin mo? It was an un professional act, sir, and just as soon as ho comes out of that houso I'm going to whale him. I am not going to bo insulted in my old age, I am not going to allow a young popinjay to ruin tho profession. Walt till ho comes out and you'll hear something drop." Arkan saw Travolor. AN EXCELLENT MAXIM. Ilitva n Tlmo for Hvi'ry Tiling, mill Do Uvry TIiIiik In Its Time. "To ovrry thing thoro Is a soason, and a tlmo to ovory purpose under tho heaven." Novor was saying truer than this; novor ono of moro univorsal applica tion; never ouo tho disrogard of which would cause more dire confusion. "A time for ovory thing and ovory thing in its time," should bo tho companion maxim to "a placo for every thing and every thing in its placo;" and if it woro mado ono of tho rules for living how much moro could bo accomplished lu a stated period than if dutios woro porfonned nnd various pursuits pleas urable or otherwise, followed without regard to tho fact that thoro is "a tlmo to ovory purpose under tho heaven." Such, howovor, is tho perversity of human nature, that wo aro porpotually taken possession of by a domou of longing to do a certain task or enjoy a certain pleasure In tho tlmo that wo arc positlvo, beyond a doubt, should bo devoted to some othor purpose. Who has not boon tho victim of this strong desire to do at a certain timo "that which he ought not to do, and to loavo undone that which ho ought to do?" It seems too, sometimes, that tho moro insignificant tho duty of tho momont tho stronger tho aversion to doing it just tho'n, tho more powerful tho tomi titlou to put It oil until some othor timo. Wo havo felt grieved boyond measure at tho thought of putting two or threo nooded tacks in a carpet, and havo actually permitted ourselves to defer doing it not only weeks but mouths. Wo fancy eyebrows lifted in horror nt this frank confession; but to those who lift them wo would say, "Lot him that is without sin cast tho first stono." Such onos, too, wo would urge to give thanks throo times daily that thoy "aro not as othor men aro." Christian at Work. A Profit-Sharing Railroad. Thoro Is ono railroad in Amorica, operated on a profit-sharing basis, and but two In tho world. Tho American road Is tho Toledo, Ann Arbor & North Michigan, which with its prospective branches will cover tho greater part of tho State. Tho road pays to Its otllcors nnd employes a dividend, tho president alono being oxcoptod. In order to ob tain this dividend the employes or of ficials must havo boon five years in continuous service of the road. Tho way in which tho matter is arranged Is for tho board of directors to declare dividends on thoimount of salary re ceived by each servant of tho road as if that sum represented, not a salary, but an amount of stock of tho road. There aro also provisions mado for em ployes who shall bo injured in tho sor vico of tho road nnd also for thoso who rotlro after twenty years continuous service Tho plan has not been lu operation two years yot. but it is re garded as successful. Tho omployes favor it and tho stockholders nlso. Such plans certainly closoly identify tho interests of capital with thoso of labor and thus servo a useful purpose Now Uttvou Record. MISCELLANEOUS. Thn water Is colder at tho bottom than at tho surface In many bays on tho coast of Norway tho water often freezes at tho bottom beforo it does above Cal.. recently exhibited a curiosity In tho shapo of an apple In closed in a small-ncckcu Dottie. xiio frlntrin a treonnd a twig grew into it, blossomed nnd matured. A man was released from tho t r,n Hfirv the other day after serving ten years for a murder which his brother committed anu recently onfossed on his death-bed. Among a pilo of Now York visiting invitation cards was ono on which was engraved "Miss Alice D.. at homo Sundays, Mondays, Tuesdays, Wedncs qvs, Thursdays, Fridays and Satur day . " The distance from ocean to ocean by tho Nicaragua Canal Is 1C9.8 miles; length of canal, 28.8 milos; length of lako, river and basin navigation, 141 miles; length of summit level. 152 milts; olovation of summit level above ea, 110 feet; number of locks, six. -A "gum rottineo" was given nt one of tho St Paul theaters on Now Year's day. says tho Now York Sun. A package of tolu was given each lady at the door, and nn eye witness roports that "the fair creatures allowed thoir agilo jaws to reverborato to thoir heart's content." Thus does the drama gain now gauds and decorations in tho vasty Northwest. Tho life of a juryman Is not all plain matter-of-fact prose Sometimes it happens that quite an entertainment Is arranged especially for his benefit Such an Instanco was seen In a Maine vlllago tho other day. It was In n horse caso and tho entire jury had to go out and sco for themselves what kind of a record tho animal could mako on tho track. Lowiston journal. Smith (to friend) "Gus, I'm go ing to commitsuicido to-dny." Friend t'nowspaper reporter) "Thank good ness! I'll seo you through It to tho end. They said at tho ofllco this morn ing that they'd fire mo if I didn't find a sensational article. What'll it be, pistol, poison?" Smith "No; I'm go ing to read somo of your press arti cles." Drake's Magazine Tho performance of Jules Vorno's hero, who wont round tho world in oighty days, has been surpassed by an English post-card which latoly returned from Its very Interesting travels. It was mailed by a London gentleman on October 10th to a friond In Hong Kong, by way of tV United States and Yoko hama, and reached Hong Kong on November 23d, when it was redirected to Loudon by way of Brlndisi. It was dispatched on November 25th and reached tho original owner on Decem ber 24th that Is, within sovonty-five days from the start The card cost only throo half-ponce. A veteran African explorer says: "Tho greatest dangor to health in trop ical climate?, or at any rate in Tropical Africa, occurs from catching cold. Two othor imprudences noxt to bo guarded against aro excesses of any kind in eat ing or drinking, or exposing ono's self too much to tho direct rays of tho sun. Errors in diot nro promptly and piti lessly punished with sickness; and whereas Europeans aro all tho better in health for taking a good deal of ox ercise, they aro easily 15 ablo to got sick if they oxposo themselves to tho sun's rays without tho protection of an um brella, which is frequently done by new-comers out of foolish bravado." FACTS WORTH KNOWING. A List of Sulmtunci's I.lnlilo to Spontane ous Combustion. Cotton-Bced oil will tako firo ovon when mixed with 25 per cent, of petroloum oil, hut 10 por cent of min eral oil mixed with 10 por cent of ani mal or vogotahlo oil will go far to pre vent combustion. Olive oil is combustible, nnd mlxod with rags, hay or sawdust will produce spontaneous combustion. Coal dust, flour dust, starch, flour (especially rye flour), aro all explosive when mixed with certain proportions of air. New starch is highly explosive in its ronnninuted stato, nlso sawdust in a very fino state, whon confined In a close chute and water directed on it. Saw dust should never bo used in oil shops or warehouses to collect drippings or leakages from casks. Dry vcgotablo or animal oil inovi tably takos firo when saturating cotton wasto at 180 F. Spontaneous com bustion occurs most quickly when the cotton is soaked with its own wolght of oil. Tho addition of 40 per cont. of mlnoral oil (donslty 0.8'JO) of great viscosity, and omitting no inflammable vapors, oven in contact with an ignited body at any point bolow 338 F., Is sutllclont to prevent spontaneous com bustion, and tho nddltlon ol 20 ptr cont of tho samo mineral oil doubles timo necessary to produco spontaneous combustion. Patent driors from leakago into saw dust, etc., oily wasto of any kind, or waste cloths of silk or cotton, satur ated with oil, varnish, turpontlne. Greasy rags from butter, and greasy ham bags. Bituminous coal in large hoaps, refuse heaps of pit coal, hastened by wot, and especially when pyrites nro prosont In tho coal; 4tho larger tho heaps, tho moro liable. Uunpblack, when slightly oily nnd damp, with llnscod oil especially. Timber dried by steam pipos, or hot water or hot air hoating apparatus, owing to flno Iron dust being thrown off; In close wood casings or boxings round the pipes, from tho moro oxpan slon and contraction of tho pipes. American Miller. TIPS TO TRAVtLtRS. now to ISo fMccensful In a Social ns Well nn n Commercial Wny. Young man, If this is your trial trip, tako somo advice and store it up with tho practical points you havo aleady obtained regarding tho goods you ex pect to sell for your concern. Remember that wo nro all human and liable to err. Do tho best you can, nnd with Davy Crockett, bo suro you'ro right and then go ahead. 4 When you strlko a small town don't Imagino that you own It, simply be cause vou represent a big houso and a big city. If you do, possible customers who find it good enough and largo enough for them may got an idea that you don't affiliate, nnd buy elsewhere. Modesty is tho best policy. Don't get tho notion that a silk hat placed on your head in a jaunty way, and a cigar stuck up in one corner of your mouth, is a suro indication to tho merchant that you know how to sell goods. In tho first place ho may ob ject to tho way It is introduced, and an objection either way may bo a bad. introduction for you. , Don't sit down at his desk If you find, him disengaged and lire off somo of tho vulgar stories you havo heard on tho road ; it may bo that ho has had good moral training, and by tho timo you arrivo at tho laughing point, thero won't bo any laugh at all. Don't uso profanity; your customers will understand tho quality of your goods without stamping tho different samples with threo or four Ds; in fact, a trade mark of this kind may be an effectual ono of condemning them. Don't swear. If you must chow tobacco throw your quid out beforo going into a placo of business; do this out of respect for tho property rights of others, and to savo yourself from tho imputation of misti ness. Cleanliness is noxt to godliness. Don't mako a confidantof every busi ness man you meet; remember ho may have a family, and dosiro to sco them occasionally; and may also bo a sub scriber to a nowspapor, and familiar with tho entire budget of stalo news you are Imparting. Talk business short, sharp and decisive and get about your business. Don't talk too much. Novor let your right hand know what your loft hand is doing.. Don't brag to tho opposition drummer of tho big ordor you took at tho last slop. Don't imagino you own tho firm be causo of a successful trip, and abovo all, don't think you know it all. Practice polltonoss. This Is an ex cellent commodity, and goes a long ways. If you don't coll goods to a cer tain firm this trip, you may noxt, es pecially if you leave a pleasant impres sion behind you. This is a good way to never loso your grip. Don't provaricate if a customer ex pects a greater performauco from tho goods you are showing than you know thoy aro capable of. Loso tho salo sooner than make misrepresentations. It may work for a while, but later tho sin will find you out; and to bo dubbed a liar is equal to being known as a thief. Honesty is tho best policy. Remember that this world is poaplcd extensively. Consider philosophically that thoro is amplo room for all. This point is quito essontial, as A, B and C aro seoking to soil tho samo kind of goods you aro handling, tind aro hound to compoto in tho samo quarter. In or der to disposo of your wares It Is not necessary nor fair nor gentlemanly to undervalue tho worth of your com petitors personally, or tho quality of the goods thoy manufacture Tho consumor, whom you do not roach directly, places tho amount of value on tho manufacture from each factory. Therefore, adhere strictly to tho Goldeu Rulo. These nro a fow of tho items recom mended for your guidance If you havo tho capacity in other ways, and senso enough to pasto them lu your gripsack and follow thorn, wo guarantee you the respect of your employors and courtesy of tho trade Richard B. Wright, in Boston Budget THE AMERICAN CABINET. X l'cep nt tlio August Ilmly Wliuu As Bflinliloil lor Dulllinrut Ion. The President presides, seated at tho head of tho long tablo, facing north; on his right nro seated tho Secretary of Stato, tho Secretary of War and Postmaster-General; on his loft aro tho Secretary of tho Treasury, tho Secre tary of tho Navy and tho Attornoy Genoral, and opposite to him, at tho foot of tho table, is tlio chair of tho Secretary of tho Interior. Tho private secretary occupies a sent at a small desk facing tho southern window and near tho President. Tho arrangement Is not in accordance with tho ordor of precedonco observed by Congress in establishing tho Presidential succes sion. If tho Attorney-Gonoral and Secretary of tho Navy should change seats, bringing tho former fourth and tho latter sixth tho rank alternating across tho table tho order would bo strictly correct Tho sessions of tho Cabinet nro in formal affairs. No persons except thoso narnod aro permitted to enter tho room during tho councils, and no official record of tho proceedings is kept. Tho buslnoss dono or discussed . covers all leading subjects bolongingr to tho various branches of administra tion on which tho President may do siro information or advice depart ment roports concerning special mat ters of importance, nppolntmonts to ofllco, and quostions of gonoral admin istrative policy. Edmund Alton, in St Nicholas. ' m m i A misfortiino muoh sought by young men A young heiress. V V 4 223