The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 21, 1889, Image 8

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fH,An ahici upline itvcr j;ruiiiwi
jflV. lar Correspondent.
Washington, Feb. Ilth, 1889.
Editor Ojiiaio.v fc'rour:
WnsliiiiKton is elowoly recovering
from (ho delirium of inauguration
vcok. Tho lust of tho great throng of
ion-olllcs seeking visitors aro prepar-
ig to go home. Ah the excursion
ickels expire to-night, tho oflico seek
ers who intend to remain and hglit
tlto good light to tho more or less hit
ter end, have Hooded the ticket scalp
's with so much pasteboard that you,
$an to-day buy a ticket to St Louis or
Chicago for a dollar.
AUJllo pressure for office is pitiable.
Who hotel lobbies arc crowded; Cong
ressmen aro besieged, and many mem
bers have been driven homo since Mon-
Jilay by the solicitations of the anxious
patriots, r or every omco paying ipzwiv
iRr oven $1500 .there aro a score of ap
plicants,, and tho number of tlioso who
tlo not know exactly what thoy do
ant is simply astounding. If any
jno state may proudly boast of its
Tali promo energy in oflico seeking at
present, the palm may be awarded to
Indiana. That state now affords ae-
Itive candidates for every bureau head
nil tliu department:.
In conversation with this hungry
Ipirmy, one iff BitrpriVcd to learn that
thoy expect their claims are to bo con-
Ridorcd within a week or ten days, cor
ptJiinly in two weeks. Congressman
"This," or well-known friends of Har
mon " Unit,, tins promised Jus assis-
ri ...... i ..i.i i i ... i ttzr
dont get tlii h oflico I am after,
JIlllllUllUU Will UUI II1U KUIlllHIllUK
tliu worm r the tiud winch preys upon
tho cheek of a man after an otlico.
Very soon the big offices will bo filled
uml iilnnf iwin mif. nf fwmit.v will lin lufl.
out in the cold, tho positions wont go
round. Will our solicitous friends go
homo and plant and reap and bo con
tent as before? Ono third of them
may. Tlio others waII remain, bum
pier will come and find them den
izens of droary second-class boarding
Jiousos. Tlio hotel lobbies will still bo
Sillied with them, sad ghosts of tho last
campaign. Thoso that have been in
tho clinso boforo will reconcilo them-
PkJvcp to ofd ivshocialions, and thoso
Kjjio havo not been in Washington be
fore will accommodato themselves to
that emporizing lifo as best thoy may,
hoping against hope that somuthing
may turn up,
When Congress comes back again
Sioxt winter, tlio oflico seekers, depress
ed but not discouraged will bo on hand,
Thoy will waylay unwary statesmen
ill dark nooks of tho Capitol corridors
and forco largo promises from their
jpullid lips. And after a whilo when
us monoy gives out and friends of his
letter days begin to avoid him, tho
scdker place will bo content to got it
1)00 potition in tho census oilico or
somo similar bureau for tho disposal
f political garbngo. Thou you may
;; tlio mysteriously important genle-
omcn who to-day desires to bo, say,
ndian Commissioner, carrying his lit
tles lunch basket to a messenger's desk.
Thoro aro among all these hungry
jucs, a largo number of roully good
ncu men of honor and usefulness at
.heir homes. Liku death, this orazo is
o respecter of porous. I mot ycator
ay as sterling a follow as ovor lived, a
ising young lawyer, not to bo sure a
man who would ever bo a great lawyer
but a man who might by remaining in
Illinois, in a few years reach a praotico
of $1000 per annum. Ho concluded
by saying "you know that 1 never
osked for oflico before," That is tho
only oxcuso ; "ho has never askod for
Voflico boforo." 1 lo states it as if it were
a merit, and to it is; but ho does not
tell us why ho did not retain tho merit.
't'Pllnf'u M'lnil 1 Inlil llmi 1 Inrriur,,,
during tho campaign," 1 heard an In
diana Congressman saying yostcrday,
"and 1 bcleivo I pursuaded him of it,
though he did'nt scorn to fool co at
iiift. There is nothing to honorable
as tho pursuit of position. Lot a
great man dio; what is his biography
but a history of tho olllces ho has held.
Tho most noted lawyer in tho world
would havo been unknown was it not
for tho public offices ho had held."
What shall it profit a man to agree
with iiueh a (spoilsman what fallacy
could not bo more oneily eradicated?
The now eabinet wont in on Wones
day, (leneral Tracy, for Secretary of
Navy, being the first to tako tho nee
eassary oath. The only interest folt by
tho outsido public was in tho installa
tion of Mr. Blaine, (juito a crowd
gathered about tho .Statu dupartcment
and waited patiently until tho hour ar-
: ivlii.ii lm imiumrod unci lord; mm.
wwu ii. Willi tho exception of Sucre
tnrv Windom of tho Treasury, Mr.
Blaine is tho only member of tho now
oabiiHst known to tho public. Wether
or not uny of them Khali succeed in
winning laurels, or notoriety, ovuruhad
awed bv Mr. JJlaine, remains to bo
l V'l m 1 1 - - - - ' J '
tmn. ' J. II. 0.
... '
intr uusincts was
1. .....n f nlMu' tt flirt
county court, meeting, iicui for tho
March term. On road potition made
by J. E. Woods, et id, and ordered
surveved, claim for damage was made.
P. E.'Wndo, S. L. lloothc and T, S.
Clirk wore appointed appraisers of
tho damage that would, accrue to J.
Mnrchison by reason of construction
of said road.
K. S. Apple was appointed Justice of
tho Peace for llilgard prceinot,bcaU8ei
nf tho failure of that precinct to elect
one on its hist general election.
Jlo.ul petitition presented by I. N.
Pancako et al, and tho petition wub
bcaUm by a remonstranco.
load petition by John Stoddard ot
al. Ordered opened when the petiti
oners paid damages allowed on this
In tho matter of county road petition
by A. W. Motley ot al, the same was
beaten by a remonstrance.
Tho sum of 100 wna paid G. W.
Tompson for work on the Pencil bridge
An appropriation by tho county
court was made of the sum of 92000 to
apply on tho road from Eagle valley
to Summit creel: on Powder river,
with tho proviso that tho people of
Eagle rairfo $1000 to apply on the same.
Fred Himonis Kr. was appointed to
overseo the work on the same.
The county clerk was instructed to
render to Wallowa county a statement
ot us iniieoiness 10 union couiiiy.
Jn matter of road petition by O. J)
Thomlison et al. from Telocasot to
North Powder. N. P. Ashby, N. 15
Ihown and N. S. were appointed
viewers J. W. kimbrell surveyor, and
wore to meat on tho 12ih instant.
Uond petition by J. H. Slater ot al,
tho road was ordered opened.
In tho matter of applying the $2000
appropriated bv the stato to ho ex
pended on tho Wallowa road. Nelson
Schoonover was appointed to superin
tend tho expenditure ol the same on
what is known as tlio Wallowa hill
J'. P. Loo was appointed road su
pervisor for road district number HO
vice Fred Simonis Kr. who has been
appointed to superintend the now to 1)0 built to Powder river.
(Jeorgo May was placed in the
charge of tho county poor house.
It appearing to the court that Jus
tices of tlio 1'eueo too often neglect to
require prosecuting witnesses to give a
bond for costs as provided by law, thus
incurring largo expens6, on tho county
for malicious or fruitless prosecution,
it is therefore ordered by (ho court
that Justices of tho Peace of Union
county bo instructed to require a bond
for costs from all complaining witness
es or privalo prosecutors, sufficient to
cover tho costs and expends of the
examination in all cases of alleged
crime or misdemeanor, before issuing
a warrant of arrest or commencing
proceedings, unless tho Jtiblico of the
Peaco is fully satisfied from tho com
plaint and tho character of the com
plaining witness that a crime has been
actually committed, and unless this
order is complied with, the court will
refuse to pay tho costs in such exami
nations, and tho clerk is hereby in
structed to gaud a cgpy of those orders
to each Justice of th'o Peaco in Union
county. .j"'
Oi'-(;nu Xntluui:! fit mid.
HiiUttjnAitTUiiK Tiunn Kkoimuxt Ini'nt1
uv, Tin: U.w.i.iat, On., March 11, lf87-.
,UrjjtyiiAi, Oiiiiuhs, Ko 2.1
I. Tho school for commissioned oili
cors of this regiment will bo held at
the Uegimental Headquarters every
Monday evouinir, at S o'clock, com
mencing Match IS, and all olficors of
tho Jtegiment of Tho Dnlloa on Mon
day evening aro haruby ordered to at
U. Non-coinnussioned officers may
attend these schools as spectators.
III. U, T. Carr bus been elected
and commissioned First Limit, of "J)"
Co. vice Prank Davis resigned.
IV. Ceo. T. Tompson has boon
elected Captain, Dennis Pmunoll First
I.iout., and S. E. Fancy Second Liout.
bf "A" Co., and they have W?on com
missioned as such, and will bo inspect
ed and obeyed accordingly.
V. a fronts havo been issued to
Sergeants A. L. MoAlistor and Tluo.
Poothby of "D" Co., and they will bo
respected and obeyed accordingly.
VI. The following enlisted men
have been granted honorable discharges
from tho Oregon National Guard : W.
S. Miller, of "O" Co. ; M. C. McDongall,
and Pal. (Juaid of "E" Co.; 1). T. lJau
mmott, T. J, Davis, .1. W. Harris and
S. P. Sharp, of "G" Co.; and .1. U.
Ohilders, J. A. Hand, V. J. Kane and
P. J. King, of "IC" Co.
VI I. The following onlistod men
have been dishonorably disamissod from
tho service of the Oregon National
Guards for continued neglect of duty
and desertion: W. S, MoAlUtur, .1. C.
Ilonei, Win. Sims, and Iajvi Kiley, of
"1" Co., and J. Stout, Wm. Carnes, S.
It. Sanders, A. Heynard S. S. Newman,
and J. Stice, of "IC" Co.
Gi:.hi:ai, Ouukkk No. it.
I. Tho difleront companies of this
regiment will assemble in uniform,
armed and equipped for inspection and
mufctor on tlio dates named below:
Field and Stair, uon-eommbwionod
Stair, Drum Corps, "A" and "V" com
panics at the regimental armory Fri
day, March 29, at 8:00 P. M., when
thoy will bo inspected by tho regimen
tal commander.
"11" uml "G" companies at their
armotius Wednesday, March 27, at
8;00 P. M., when they will bo import
ed by their company commanders.
"11" company at their armory Fri
day, March 2D, at S:00 P. M., when
they will bo impeded by their uaptain.
"D," "E," "1," and "IC eampunio
at their armories Saturday, March SO,
at 8:Q0 P. M., when thoy will bo inspec
ted by their company commanders.
Limit. GoK A. 11. Kobloy will report
county court ryn
Among the other things tho follow -
YtA tho Qf ,,Q amj MflJnr ,
1 f; ? Iv"h.?; ftt "rm,or; j
: . w.ivt iiiii iv uiv wi-. vio .v w.vui
II. The diflenil inspectors will for
ward their reports to theso Headquar
ters at tho earliest possible moment.
III. Especial attention will bo giv
en to the report of stato property.
IV' Tho itomized ligfof company
expenses for the quarter will be eni
in immediately.
Gknekai, OniiBns No. 4.
I. Kev. Wm. G. Simpson ban been
appointed and commissioned Captain
and Chaplain of this regiment, and ho
will bo rctpocted and oU-yed accord
ingly. II. Warren le have been iMiied to
tho following non-cotnmissionod offi
ce in "A" Co., this regiment, subject
to the report of regimental examining
board, and they will Ins respected anil
obeyod accordingly; H. F. Turner to
bo First Sergeant ; D. V. Nurver to be
Q. M. Sergeant ; F. IC. Williams, F. H.
Chrisinger, O. C. Hunnell, and Fred
Koller to be Sergeants; and Wm. Sum
mer!), II. II. Cupbell, T. H. Sullivan,
and W. A. Semplo to bo Corporals.
III. Tho following General Orders
are nearly exhausted, owing to the for
mation of so ninny new companies
sipce their issue; officors having extra
copies of any of tlu tii, will forward
same to those Headquarters: Nos. 1, 2,
4, and 5, of scries of 1887, and Nos. 0,
7. and 17, of series of J8S8.
IV. Company commanders must
bo more prompt with reports and cor
lespondenee. V. Tho dale for inspection of "G"
Co. is changed to Saturday, March .".0,
at &:()0 P. M.
Py order of
official. Colonel.
Jos. P. Fir. Ghkai.p,
1st Lieut, and Adjt.
Dnn't Iixporlmont.
You cannot afford to waste time in ex
perimenting whan your lungs are in danger.
Consumption always seems, at first, only a
cold. Jio not purinit any dealer to impose
upon you with some cheap imitation of Dr.
King's New Discovery for 'Coniuniption,
Coughs and Colds, but liu suro you get the
genuine. Uecauxc ho can make more pro
fit ho may tell you ho lias something just as
good, or just tho same. Don't he duccived,
hut iiiMwt upon getting Dr. King's New
Discovery, wliioh is guaranteed to give rc
liof in all Throat, Limit and Cliost allee
tioiiH. Trial booties free at llrowu'a drug
store Large hottlos ?1. ,
Tin: Scout is just the paper to send
cant to your friends. Try it.
Combines the j
uics ot the .ulne
California, so .'vsativa
e, so .'vcativa ana sr. trr.u
with the medicinal virtues of p.t::t
known to be most benelirht to tho
human systea, forning the CXN LY IT.R
FECT REMEDY to act -ntly yet
promptly on the
CleanseitoSysteffl Effectually,
Naturally follow. Every one b xs-lnjj it
and all are delighted with it. Ask your
drucni"t for SYRUP CF FICS. Manu
factured only by the
Sak Francisco, Cal.
Lccwvit.m, Kv, J.'bw Yokk, N. V.
Now open
to tin- public on
Union Oregon.
Main Street,
Board and. Lodging.
All Hours
No ChlneM) rooku omployrd, and every
thing limit and chum.
The Public Patronage Solicited.
Mus M. WoutATH, Pronr.
When in La tJrando Will Find
jQQMgn Jotei j
A rimt-claiw houo in rvory ropovt.
This U0U8O it now uiuUr now iiuuiug
tnpiit mid ovurythiug in lumt and clean.
Tit a rouint are laru aud uowly f iirnlthod
and tlio tahlw ara nlwayi supplied with the
lMt tlio marVot uifurdi..
Head Clerk.
ii Wr 1
w -wow) 1 pimr
25 fits
k lii'i ii Cots.
I.tftVC' Pnion dailv at 2 p. m, arrives at
Cove ntatfOp. in.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. ni., arrives at Union
ntUtuOn. in.
Connections inndo with Elliott's o.onclic.
running to the depot,' carrying p9gonf8rfc
lor -'-. nml west buund truing.
nn.l Ki:ini."i", i:::.1. uAi;i.i;.
Union und Cormujopia
Quickest Jind CliejtpeKt
llo uto
to the Jrme Uroek
$1 50
3 00
- u 00
Union to Park
" " Hanger
" " Cornucopia -
Gco.F. HALL, Ap-ent, Union, Or.
Shinsles For Sale I
An unlimited amount of No. 1 shingle
constantly on hand and for sale cheap.
, Orders from all parts of the country so
Hoitl. R. IV. BUltltOUOILS,
IMttf Cove, O regon.
For Bent or Sale !
A nico piece of property, consisting of 20
acres good land ami garden, wiih a very
good cottage and outbuildings, within one
half mile of post ollice.
J also have a good square piano, from the
factory of Ilallct, Davis it Co., Boston, for
sale cheap for cash.
Kor particular consult
.i-M-ml Cove, Oregon.
niro JJrugs,
latent Medicines,
aints and Oils.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
Consisting of
Rifies, Siiot lis, Pis
artrif nrp
Imported mid Domestic Ci
gars, etc,
ToBisona! Pasiors
L, .1. llt'SICK, I'ltOI'KlKTOIt,
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Litest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors south of Centennial hotel.
0 2.s-tf.
Cor. Main and II Sts. - - Union, Oregon,
SlIKItMAXA ItAl.r.Y, Trops.
Manufncturtirs and dealers in Soda Wa
ter, Sarsaparilla, Oinger Alo, Cream Soda
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly rllli-il.
Thomson & TurHol aro ayonts for
tho colobratod Cyclone "Wind Mill, and
as (ho pricos on thorn liitvolicon great
ly reduced thoy aro now within tho
roach of all. Sample mill to bo seen
at tholr planer in North Union. Call
and examine It.
city - leat - Maitet.
Main bUot. Union, Oregon.
Keep ounstantly on hand
1 Con Ii lw
tols ana G
KentiiGky Liauor Store
Gibson & Haynes,
i!....i...'iin rnnnirini nml irencrnl
i.i-,.ir-..ii,t1!.i limn, with nc:ttnrs ana i
dt(dtr)i. and on s!iort niitic?.
Shop Opposite Jones Bros' Store,
Ma n Mreet.
AilminUtrntor'n Notice.
All persons having claims against the es
tate ot W. T. Ficklin. deceased, are hereby
notified to iroont the nunc, duly veiilicd
according to law, to the undersigned, ad
ministrators of the labt will and testament
of said AV.T. Ficklin, within six mouths
from tho date hereof, at their residence in
he town of Union. Union county, Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of March, 1SS9.
3-ll.wG Administrators.
Estray Notice.
rpAKICN UP. by tin undersigned. living
.L about 8 miles northeast of Klgin, Union
countv, Oregon, on tlio 2nd day of Febru
arv, lsMt, one cicam color years
oli'l or more, branded f.'I on lift stiflle.
The above described animal was apprais
ed at ?.",0.00 bv J. Ii. Fohnson, J. P., on the
13th (lay of February, 18S0.
I, A. Itysdani, being tirst duly sworn,
sav that I mil the taker up of the above de
scribed animal, and that 1 posted tjie same
according to law, this 13th day of Feliwi
arv, 18;!.
Subscribed and sworn to before me thu
l.'lth dav of February, 1889.
,1. K. Jou.vso.v, J. P.
1 the endersiuncd. livinir 4J4 miles north
of Island City, lias this 17th day of January,
188i), taken up and posted according to law,
the following described estray, to-wit:
One brown gelding, 6 years old. nbout 14
hands hih. white strip in face, hind feet
white, branded X on left hip.
The nbovo described animal was apprais
ed at $20.00 by T. K. Jones, J. P. for Island
Citv precinct.
3:i4 W. O. HUNTER.
IS the undersigned, administrator of
estate ot I' redcrieK .uiicnen, deceased, win,
until April 1st, 1889, receive sealed bids for
tlio rent of the ranehe belonging to the es
tate of said deceased, for tho year 1889 and
until JIarch 1st, 1S90. This rancho is situa
ted about one mile from the Cove, Oregon,
and has about 400 .acres in fine meadows,
about L'OO acres in pasture and a good or
chard, with dwelling, barn, out houses
etc. It is one. of the best stock ranches in
Union countv.
All bids should be addressee to mo at
Jooph, Oregon. The leasee will be re
quired to give his note with approved secu
rity, payable March 1st, 1890.
Land Office at La Ghandc Okf.oon,!
Jan. 30, 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention! to make final proof in support of
their claims, and that said proof's will bo
made before the register and receiver at La
Orandc, Oregon, on March IB, IMS!), viz:
A Mi rut W. Motm'.y.
lid. No. 3210. for the SW fee 31, Tp. 7
S It. -JOE, W'yi, and Taktai:,
11.1. 2151, for the SE 14 SW K W H SW M
Sec 2.). and NE i SE V4' Sec Tp. 7 S, K
45 E W M. and
Edwin 15. Gayloui),
lid. No. 2,r01. for the SE SE M Sec 23,
NE V, NE i Sec 20, and W M NW f Sec 25,
Tp 7 S, It 45, E V M, and
James II. IIoopikoarkhu,
lid. 21 .Ti, for the E .; NW and W lA NE
M See 2(i. Tp. 7 S, It 45. E W M.
1 11 ey name tlio lollowing witnesses to
prove "their continuous ri'sidencc upon and
cultivation of. said land, viz:
Alvin Tartar, S. S. l'rindell. J. L, Hoop
ingarner. E II. Oaylord, James Itobbins,
JnhnS. Curry, all of Pine Valley, Oregon.
An v person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any Mibstantud reason, under the law and
tho regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned tlmu and nlacp to cross-examine the
witnesses of said claimants, and to oiler
evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by
2-7 ltegister.
Lasd Offick at La Giiande, Oreoon,)
Januarv31, 1889. (
Coiunlaint ha1ng been entered at this
ollice by Elvcrdo Draper against Dfnnis
Dunn, for failure to comply with law an to
Timber Culture Entry No. fiflO. dated Octo
ber!, issi, upon the SK4 Section 25, Town
ship 4 S, range 40, in Union county.
Oregon, with a viewto the cancellation of
said entry ; contestant alleging that the said
Dennis Dunn;tuis not broken or plowed five
acres of said land tho first year, nor five
acres the second year, nor cropped live
acres the second year, nor cultivated nor
cropped the second Ave acres the third year,
nor planted the first five acres to trees, seeds
or cuttings tho third year, nor planted the
remaining live acres to trees, seeds or cut
tings the fourth year, the said parties aro
hereby summoned to appear at this oflico
on tlio Kith day of March. 18.0, at 10 o'clock
a. m., to respond and furuish testimony
concerning said alleged failure.
Service of this notice will be made by
publishing tho same for four consecutive
weeks in the Oueuon Scout, a weekly news
paper, published at Union, Union Conntv,
Oregon, and by posting notices as in United
States laud cases.
2-7-3w Receiver.
Obtained, ami all Patent Uusineis attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
OurollUo is opposite the U. S. Patent
Ollue, and wo can obtain Patents in less
time than those remote from Waioington.
Send MuDELor DRAWING. We advise
as to pantentnbilily free of charge - and we
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
SJ,lit- .',Mi,n7; 0rler 1)lv- anl to on cialB
of the U.S. Patent OlHce. Fci circu ar"
advico. terms and reflerences to actual cli'
outs In your own State or County, writo to
O. A. SNOW & Co.,
Qppo;ite lutein OflHfc, Washington, D. 0.
ConNucorn, Umox Cocnty, OrkoonJ
February 1, 18S0.
To W. T. Burdettand Mrs. Jns. Anderson:
You are hereby notified that I haTe ex
pended one hunilrcd dollars in labor and
improvements upon the Spot Lode, Mtnated
in (Iranitc Mining District, Union County,
Oregon, ns will appear by certificate tiled
June 2JU!i, 18(5, in the oflico of the Re
corder of snid county, in order to hold said
. . - .
premises, nnucr inc provisions ui ecciion
.'.T2., ltevised titatutes of the United States,
' bciug the amount required to hold the fnme
lor inc year cnuing uecemoer dist, isa,
and, if within ninety (00) days after the
publication of this notice, you fail or refuse
to contribute your proportion of sucli ex
penditure as co-owner, your interest in said
claim will become the proucrty of the sub
scriber under said section 2321.
By J. Duffey, Agent. 2-7-3m
Estray Notice.
1. otli day of January, 1S89, J. J. Conley,
took up "t Ids place of residence, on the
sand ridge in Island precinct, Union County,
Oregon, and posted according to law, the
following described estray animals, to-wit :
One bay marc and colt. Said mare in
cloven or twelve years old, with white strips
in forehead, right hind-foot white, and
about fourteen and a half hands high;
branded with a heart and bar on the left
shoulder, and appraised at $35.
One bav mare, three years old. about fif
teen hands high; star on forehead; branded
on right shoulder, but not disccrnable.
Appraised at 30.
One bay marc and colt. Said mare is
about thirteen hands high; four years old,
with reached nian ; branded on the left
shoulder, but not disccrnable, and appralssd
at $25.
One dark bay gelding, five years old,
about fifteen and a half hands high, with
goutvlegsjno brands to besccn. Appraised
at $30.
One bay fillev, two years old; left hind
foot white; about twelve hands high;
branded on the left phoulder, but not dis
ccrnable. Appraised at $10.
One. bay gelding, two years old, about
fourteen hands high; left hind-foot white;
branded on the left shoulder, but not dia
dernablc. Appraised at $30.
One bav celdinir. two vears old. nbout
fourteen hands hiirh: risrhtbind foot white:
branded on the left shoulder, but not dis
ccrnable. Appraised at $30.
I hereby certify that I appraised the
abovo described estray animals at the
amounts following each separately described
animal, and that said appraisement was
made this 18th day of Jauuarv, 1889.
Justice of the Peace for Island Precinct,
Union County, Oregon. 2-7-w3
Notice !
Lanu Office at La Ghande, Oregon, )
February 12, 188D. J
tered at this otlice by Stephen Gardner
against Eilt Miller for abandoning his
Homestead Entry No. 2940, dated November
3d. 1884, upon the SE J Sec. fi, Township
4 S, It 40 E, in Union Countv, Oregon, with
a view to the cancellation of said entry: the
said parties are hereby summoned to appear
at this cilice on the 2d day of April, 18S9, at
id o'ciocK, a. m., to respond and lurniui
tcNtimonv concerning said alleged abandon
ment. Service of this notice will be made
by publishing the same, for four consecutive
weeks in The Ouf.gon Scout, a weekly paper
lished at Union. Union Countv Oregon, pub-
and by posting notice as in United States
land eases J. T. OUTHOUSE,
i-21-4t Kcceiver.
Land Office at La Grakde, Oreon,
March 7, 1883. J
Notice is hereby given that the followlng
naincd settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ids
claim, and that said proof will be made bej
foro the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, 6n April 20,1889. viz:
Isaac Vakdevantkk,
lid. No. 2700, for the NEi4' Sec. 4, Tp. 5 S,
It. 41 E.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
G. H. Marshall. Moses Vandevanter.
Samuel Vandevanter and Enoch South, all
of Union, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and regulations of tho Interior Deparemcnt,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time and place to cross examine tho
witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
Henuv IUneiiart,
3-14-wO llegii-ter.
Land Ofhce at Ia Grande, Onr.ooN.l
. . February, 20, 1S80. )
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, ou Apr 12. 1889, viz:
lie names ttie following witnees to
prove his continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, aid land, viz:
John McClurg, James Hulick, Albert
Wright, Scigle Coti'man, all of Medical
Springs, Oregon.
An v person who desire to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the luwand
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned time und place to crosi-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evi
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by
3-7-wC KegisUr.
I, G. W. Smith, have taken uo, at my
place of residence near Island Citv, on Dec,
J9. 1SS8, one steer described as follows:
One red-road steer. 3 yearn old pait, of
medium size and build, flit in left ear, no
other mark or brand visibfe.
, , O. W. SMITH.
I hereby certify that I have this day p
praued the above described estray tteer nt
$18.00, ou tbU15th day of Jan. lfW9.
. , T. E. JONES,
Justice of Uic Peace for Island City VrttH.
Ds. No. 7607, for thcSW 4 SW 14 Sec5.8K
Vi SE X Sec. C. NE K NE Sec 7 und NW
'A NW 'A See 8, Tp. 7 S, R 42 E, W. M.
Estray Notice.
qAKEN UP. by tho undersigned, Hving
X about C mile southeast of Elgin, Union
county, Oregon, this 5th day of Dec. 1888,
one sorrel filly 2 yearn old past, a little un
der medium size, no prcceptlble brands or
The above described animal wanapprJn
ed I at 125.00 by J. It. Johnson, J. P., on the
Dth day of Feb 18M).
I, A. It.Tuttlc, boing first duly sworn
ay I am the taker up of the above described
animal, and that I posted the same accor
ding to law, on the 9th day of Feb. 1889.
ou,., , A K BUTTLE,
subscribed and sworn to before me thin
Olh day ot Fb. 18?9.
J. R. Joimki.v, J. p.