The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 21, 1889, Image 3

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Iho Fate nf Heroic Cnptnln Sims or tlie
rifty-First New Vork.
Tho fight before Petersburg brought
out sovernl remarkable displays of per
soniil courage. Two nrraic3 confronted
ench other with sullen nnd determined
bravery. On Burnsido's front tho Con
federate lines wore less than loO yards
distant. A stono might bo thrown from
tho Union parupot into tho rebel earth
work. For nearly a month 100 patri
otic moles had been burrowing in tho
ground, carrying out tho earth in
, cracker-boxes, concealing it from tho
"enemy's view with underbrush nnd
steadily undermining tho fort of tho un
suspecting foe. Xight and day tho
work goes on. and all hearts are cen
tered on tho project which if successful
will insuro tho capture of Petersburg,
nnd, in all probability, tho fall of Rich
mond. Tho evening of July 29 is at
hand, and under the doomed fort 8,000
pounds of powder lio with deadly de
struction embodied in its inert mass.
Tho fuso is laid, and at early morn of
tho !50th of J uly the match is to be ap
plied. But daylight is past, and tho
troops rest impatient and inquiring
upon their arms. Tho suspenso is pain
ful. Minutes seem hours, and yet no
unusual sound disturbs tho peace of
that July morning. At last two heroic
spirits, a commissioned and a non-commissioned
olllcer of tho Forty-eighth
Pennsylvania, volunteer to enter tho
mino and learn tho causo of tho delay
or failure. It seemed almost certain
death for them to enter the tunnel. The
explosion is liable to occur at any mo
mont and blow them to atoms, butthoy
wont in.
Tho fuso was found dofectivo nnd was
speedily replaced, and ore tho sun had
risen high over tho old hills of Virginia,
tho earth shook with tho tremor of an
earthquake nnd through tho earth
thrown high in air tho exploding pow
der blazed liko lightning, casting a
lurid glaro upon tho confusod mass of
dismantled guns, shattored caissons,
smoking camp equipaged and mangled
human bodies. Simultaneously tho
order to charge rang out and tho third
division of tho Ninth Corps ndvancod
to tho slaughter. Tho enomy stunned,
almost paralyzed with fear and panic
stricken, scattered in nil directions.
Tho concentrated firo from a half hun
dred guns mado a pandomonium in
describable. Into tho vast crater into
which tho oxplosion had converted tho
fort tho troops wero huddled. There
was a btnmgo and inexplicablo delay,
which givc3 tho enomy timo to rally
thoir flying forces. Tho hostile, angry
guns enfiladed tho crntor with fatal
effect. Tho attempt to advance is mot
with a courago born of despair. A
general advance of tho corps was
ordored. Tho Fifty-first has reached
tho breastworks. In tho fore-front be
hold an intropid spirit urging his mon
forward. Waving his sword and calling
to his bravo boys to follow, ho reaches
tho enemy's entrenchments and gallant
ly falls in a hand-to-hand encounter
with his fnco to tho foe, a martyr to
liberty and an honor to mankind. Such
was tho fato of tho heroic Captain
Samuel II. Sims, of tho Fifty-first
Now York Volunteors. Gonoral Hora
tio C. King, in N. Y. Mail and Express.
Tho Itlchcst Insulin Asylum Hud Ketront
In tho World.
The Bloomingdalo Lunatic Asylum is
a branch of tho Now York Hospital,
nnd is tho richest institution of tho
kind in tho world. It owns fifty acros,
all dosirablo for building lots, and worth
at present $6,000, 000 or more. Tho insti
tution now contains about 450,pationts,
and moro than a dozen now cases oc
cur each month, almost all of whom aro
from tho highest classes of society.
Among tlieso was Robort Garrett, who,
howovor, was soon conveyod to a pri
vate retreat in Now Jersey, where an
cntiro establishment is dovoted to his
caro. Another wealthy patient was
John Travors, son of tho former Wall
street magnate His sharo of tho hit
ter's estato was $300,000, which was
set apart for his support until ho was
removed by death. Tho richost patient
at present is Howard Moyor, son
of tho Now Brunswick million
aire, who ban an income of
$7,000 a year dovoted to his sup
port. This may fccem liko a largo sum,
but when ono sees how physicians and
others who minister to tho rich charge
for thoir gorvices it soon molts away.
Tho fato of Travers and of Moyor is not
surprising to any ono who obsorves the
habits whioh tho rich young man of this
city so readily pursue.
Tho Bloomingdalo asylum will soon
bo removed to a moro distant spot, but
this will dobtroy tho convenience with
which it now meets public require
ments. Yon can drive thoro in an hour
from tho city hall, and in many cases
whon business mon and Wall streot
brokors suddenly dlsappcnr tho gonoral
remark is, "Gono to Bloomingdalo,"
whonce they roturn temporarily re
stored. Tho oxcitomont of business,
nnd still more of speculation, tend to
mental derangomont, and honco an
usyium is needed within convonipnt dis
tance. Tho latest provloua Blooming
dalo patient of noto was John McCul
lough, who was soon roleased by death.
Bloomingdalo has Its cheap wards,
from sovon to ton dollars a week, but
thoir number Is comparatively small.
Cor. Troy Times.
In Kiota, Japan, ropes used in haul
ing log used in tho construction of n
now Buddha aro mado of human hair.
Over 200.000 women out off thoir locks
from whioh the? o ropos nro made Tho
hair wu broidod and twlttwl so wall
Umt M.nii' of .! ' ;ib!f-.nre humlredfi ol
hot inrn hi. a : ..'.-yc ivuni w u mat'
Thoir Prominent I'lnco In tho Social Life
of n Ontur.v Aco.
"Cafes," billiard-tables and tennis
courts abounded in tho Faubourg St.
Germain. Billinrd-rooms wore haunt
ed by French nnd foroignors nllko, and
tonnis boing tho gamo of Kings and
Princes what n gamo was played with
ono poor King in ono such Jou do
Paumol It ws naturally cultivated
by courtiers of all sorts. As to the
cafes propor, a cup of colTeo aftor din
ner had then become nearly universal,
nnd smokers drank it, with their to
bacco. Tho colTeo-houses in some
streets wero to bo counted by tho
dozen, for thoso wero tho days whon
they wero frequented by "Princes
nnd other great personages," and
by tho learned and accomplished
coteries, whoso only provlous
resources had boon tho cab
arets, which thoy deserted en
niasso so soon as cafes camo in. Ono
might go into ono of them without
ordering any thing, and "ladies of tho
first quality" woro in tho habit of
stopping their carriagos at tho moro
famous, to havo a dish of coffoo
brought out to them on a silver saucer.
Such rapid progress had tho berry
mado sinco Pascal, tho Armenian, and
Procopc, tho ico man from Florenco.
first vulgarized Moka about 1GG2, and
Madnmo do Sovigno said sho invontod
tho "fantasy" of cafe-au-lalt in 1G30.
Tho samo or a later Procopo was,
about tho timo wo writo of,
bringing out tho still extant
bavaroise, first mado with tea,
not chocolato. for tho Bavarian
Princes who froquentcd his renowned
house, which closod at longth only
last yoar, having played out its old-
fashioned part when Gnmbetta failed
it. Truo, it has sinco been swept with
a now broom nnd reopened. Tho
widow du Laurent kopt tho Cnffo do
Beaux Ksprits in tho lino Dauphino,
whero met a society which was sup
posed to bo over starting somo odd,
novel or witty subject for dis
cussion. Xnoro ono trrlmnrot, a
professor of languages, who wroto
"Campaigns of tho King of Swe
den" and "Lottres Serieuscs ot
Galantes," used to tako tho chair, and
years aftorward Saurin, La Motte,
Danchot, Boindin and Rousseau re
sorted thoro. and thonco issued tho
famous couplots which banished Joan
Jacques. A similar cofleo-houso was
Poincolet's, nearer tho Pont-Nouf, and
in tho Buo Rouillo was tho CalTo Sa
vant, whero tho litorary bigwigs con
sorted, just asBoileau, Bacino, La Fon
taine, Chapollo and Furotiero wero
wont boforo tho days of coffee-houses.
at tho famous traitour's on tho Placo
St. Jean. In others wero to bo found
tho predecessors of tho journalists, tho
newsmen (nouvcillistes), who discussed
rumors and politics botweon thothroos
of bringing forth thoir gazettes. Then
thoro was tho general mob ol idlers,
who killed much of thoir timo stroll
ing from cafo to cafo, hoping to pick
up somo new thing. Saturday Itoviow.
At a recent mooting of tho share
holders of tho opal mines of Queens
land, Australia, it appeared by the
speech of tho chairman that the com
pany had sold opals to tho valuo of
7,57G during tho year, and that thoso
had notted a profit of 1.GG4 12a Id to
tho shareholders. Tho chairman also
alluded to tho difficulties in tho way ol
selling opals, ono of them boing the
fast-waning projudico against tho opal
as an "unlucky" stono, and anothoi
that hitherto tho business in opals ha
been confined to certain channols, out
qf which it has been difficult to
draw it.
Mtioy say 'Thomas Hood first
planned tho phonograph; as witness,
this, from his "Comic Annual' for
183'J: "In this century of inventions,
whon a solf-acting drawing-paper has
been dlscovorod, for copying visible
objects, who knows but that a future
Niopco. or Daguorro, or Iiorschol,
or Fox Talbott, may find out somo sort
of Boswollish writing paper, to repeat
whatover it, hoars."
IMiIillOicrw visiting I'ortluutl should cull
and neo the now quarters anil lmmenso stock of
Type, Presses mul Mnterlul curried by Palmer it
Key, comer Aliler and Front street
The short-cut (loos not always nay, nnd un-
chowed food may bring u night of rupuutuiice.
CmiNiimittloii Mi rely Cured.
Tn tiih TCiiiTnu: I'lpriso Inform your renders
that I linvo u positive remedy for the above
II II til it illui'iiao liv Hh tlmelv uso thouknutls
of hopeless cases have been permanently cured.
I slnill lx lud to tend two bottles of my reme
dy ntKK to nuy of your renders who havo con
sumption n mey win pcnu mu muir ujiiiib
and postolllee uildress. Itespectfully,
I. ,. Jl, 31. V., 101 l tllll iCVT I Ul,
nn r.wnl mwl tlirnw It Into thn mm If the fish
does not know It, Uod does. TurMt Hayingi.
ItlMIOVAI, notuii:.
l'lilniur A; Key, Type Founders, who bavo
built up an Immense trade by fair dealing, belt
goods and lowest prices, havo moved to corner
Front and Alder streets.
Tlmrn is not much future for n youiiK mnn
who has learned how to spend u fortune before
he knows how to innke one.
f.uiiir Trouble und Wuotlug
Diseases call bo cured. If properly treated In
time, as shown by the following statement from
l. C. Fiikeman, Kydnoy . " llnvlng been a , treat
MillVrer from pulmonary attacks, and gradually
wasting away for tho past two years, it allonls
me pleasure to testify that Scott' l.iiuil
kluit of Cod Liver Oil with Mmo and Soda has
gives mo great relief, and 1 cheerfully recom
mend It to all suffering In a similar way to my
keif. In addition I would say that It is very
pleasant to take."
Tho great art of HfeJi to play for much and
stake little. Johtfitm.
"We notice that Palmer & Key, tho only
primers' warehouse, have moved Into thoir ele
gant three-story building, coruur Alder and
Frout streets, rortlund.
He that is inuehltlatUtrwl soou limro to flatter
hliniolf. .
(itro for fioitffli or Uolil. . wu m
SSS, tIHri,t1 ..f 1 f 'i I i 1 n! ..r ii..!.iuiiw of
IJil, luk lllll
tin .1.. .
II JIT w 9
A Terrible IHiNfortimc.
It Is a calamity ot the direst kind to feci that
one's physical energies are falling lu the prlmo
of life to feci more nerveless, more dispirited,
weaker every day. Yet this Is the unhappy lot
of hundreds who surround us. A source of re
newed strength which science approves, In be
half of which multitudes of the debilitated
have and are every day tetif Ing. hihI which,
in countless intancc, nas ouiu up cousiuu-;
lion sapped by wcakues nnd infirmity and t
long unbeiicfitted by other invtin. urely com
mcuils Itself tn all who need n tonic. Hestet
ter's Stomach Hitters Is such a medicine pure. '
botanic, 'nothing to the nerves,- nr -motive of I
digestion nnd a fertilizer of the blood. Dys
pepla mul nervousnes the first a caue, t.H
second n coiiseqiieuee of lack of stnmlun de
part when a course of the bitters 1 tried. All
forms of mnlnnnl disease, rheumatism, kldnev
mul bladder trouble, constipation and hlliioiM
uess are uuulhllntcil by this stnuilnrd family
The hardest work thnt an Atheist has to do Is
to keep himself convinced of his own honest).
If atlllcted with Sore Kyea, U80 Dr. Ia.o
Thoinpifon'e K) o Water. Druggist sell it. SSo.
I'rlnters' Iiil;snre sold at 'JSitorcent
otr by t:iliier A Ite)-, cor. l'rout uiul
Alder. Send for circular.
An as Is the gravest beast, the owl Is the
gravest bird.
Their Only lUcillcinc Chest.
"William W. B. Millu-r, Deerl.Klgtf, Mon
tana, writes:
"I have boon u-ing BitANimuTu's Pills
for thn Inst thirteen ears, nnd though I
h.ive had nino children, 1 have never had
a doctor in the hou-e, except tbiee limes,
when wo had an epidemic of ecarlet fever,
which wo noon banlislicd by a vlgoious
use of UitANtiifKi u's Pills." I have used
them for nijself two or three a night for
a month, for liver complaint, dyspeusln,
and cot)Hipalioii. In diurrluvii, crainpi,
wind colic, indigestion, one or two IlnAN
DKirni's l'u.i.rt iixed tlio children nl once.
A Ikjx of pillw is nil tho lneiUcittu chust wo
require In tho Iiiiiiho. We uho them for
rlioiiiiiatWin. colds, catarrh, btlllousness
nnd iinpuro blood. Thoy never havo failed
to cure nil tho above complaints in a very
fow days."
An old bachelor Is only the half of npntrof
scissors. Jlen Franklin.
An old physician, retired from practice, hav
ing had placed lu his hands by an Kast India
missionary tho foruiuln of a simple egetable
rt-mcdy for the speedy unci permanent euro of
Consumption, llrouchltis, Catarrh, Asthma,
nnd all Throat and Lung All'ections. also a posi
tive and radical cure for Nervous Debility and
all Nervous Complaints, after having tested itn
wonderful curative powers lu thousands of
cases, bns felt It his duty to mnko it known to
his sutl'erlng fellows. Actuated by this motivo
nnd a desire to relievo humnn null'erlng, I will
send free of charge, to all who desire ft, this re
cipe, in German, French or Knglish, with full
directions for preparing and using. Kent by
mall by addressing with stamp, naming this
paper, V. A. Noyes, W rower $ llhck, kochei
ler, A'. 1'.
There lives more faith In lioncst doubt,
Dellevo me, thnu in half the creeds.
TRY Gkumka for hreakfnnt.
Lt lupertor exuillvuiu liro.uu iu uilllluns ofhouitcfor
more than a Quarter of ft ctmtury. It la iukm br thu
United fjtatm Uovfrument. KmionuHl liv tln-hi-mlnif i
tne llreut UDlTursllleD an tliofitronui-'at, l'uren.-iHlmiwt
IloiiHkful. )r l'licti's Ore lai llaklDiC Powder dooa nut
oontula AlMinonlit, Lilue or Alum. Hold only In cu.
Havlnir for tho n&st four or flvo years boon troubled
with plmplos and blotches on my faco ami body, and
finding no relief In any of tho chemically ircarod
soaps and medicines prescribed for me by physicians,
l conciuueu iu iry jour n. o. n. ruiucuy, aim navu
found great relief in tho same, four bottles clearing
my skin entirely. I cheerfully recommend your
moJIclno to all who are In tho position that I havo
been In. You can uso this letter and my namo as a
testimonial to tno merits ot mo n. a. . remedy.
vVcrytrmay yours, alfbed y. jiobixso.v,
320 Sansonio St, Han Francisco, Oil.
s2-Rend for our hooks on lllood and Hkin Din-
ensca and lulvlco to sufferers, mulled free.
Drawer 3. Atlnntii, (ja.
03 to iVH it ilny. Samples worth H'iAH
raTJ Klti:K. Lines not unilcr horses' feot.
Write revritT Huloly Jlcln
llold.T '.. Holly. .Illt-li.
1st rremtums. 25,000 in use,
20 years Established. NoW
. tAteirfflk Ktnel Tuulnir Du.
,ll.u, .11 iuu iu iiuvmvi . - j - - - - - -
I I.. , on ...N irnnil tnr TOO tint fliTftettiU
i.. . u. I. .-.n.imv I' nun nvuinrn fkiir 1-u.iiim
by climato. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink, ,
cracK, uecay, or wear ouv,
cant Ilosowood Cases, S string, doublo reicatlng
action; finest ivory keys; the Famous ANTI H ELIi.
(JnllerwrlW ror L-niaioifue, irvv. i. v.i naii
1'IAaU UO., aianuiaciurers, uuu ui,
ket and Suvc-uth Btruets, San Francisco.
J. II. JKlHlt. AMMiiytT unit Aunlytlfttl
ChemlMt. laboratory, 101 Vlmt nt Portland,
Or. AnnlytKw inudo or all mbatnnccn,
O I Cln H I it A11I1. Oubler, Ito-jnlaii
I'Luioa: Ilurdett Orifans. band luitrummu. lrytt
ilocl ot tiluiot Mttnlc unit tookt llouiin Ji.rllM at
KwUrn l-rlw. MATTlUAa OUAY CO., 2M f'ofl
UtrM-t, Ban Xi.Vw
mm mm mmmmmm
AnthBtnJTConBliHrTol'lK"rCroni)" In
lluenzn, IlroucltltlH, Caturrii, AVIioop-
lug-C'OUgll.t LOUM OfrTolcC, IlKtlplOIlt
Coiiuumii tloie, i nmljtnllrjuoat.uud
I.unir TroublcM.r" '
'jTr. cates & CO.TPROP'S.
417 hausunio rilrrrl, Hau J'ranclsro, '!.
N. P. N. U. No. W-S. I', N. U. Mo. Mi
For Stablomon and Stockmen.
CiU, Ivdllnfi, Brnlin, Bprslni, Oilll, Slrilm, , BUCn.u, Crocked Itf.Ii, Etrklehti,
Oootrkctloni, ntih Wound i. Btrlnghtlt. Son
T2rot, Dlittmpir, Colic, Whitlow, roll Zrll, I
riitula, Taraon, Spllnti, KlngNmti knd 8pla
la IU ttrly SUii. Dlrictloni vita eh tolUa.
At Dni'oaisTs and Dsaleks.
Diamond Vera-Cura I
roirmrE cuu roa i."tDtorji(o! iisxu
tuauth Troablu Anilm XMttnm.
Tout DruggM or Ucnenit Vtabr uU prl Kmv
Owii or rm V w ikmiifv in tlork, or U nil bi
ttaJ by mail on rteriit ofzicu.0, bojtt $1.00) im
((irnpt. Sampli ml on rtcnfit o 1-cml Uo-np.
lif-OvEii 6.000.000 peopio u.iicTo thsr.
of tha largest ana uiwt reliable liouso, and th. uso
Fer is3s Seeds
noil leitcM to lio the
argest Seedsmen
In tho world.
D M A Co'a
Ill istratiil. Desorip.
iivonmi iticou
Will be mulled FREE
Fo nil HlilillOArif n. ami
tolont loar'a customers
ithout onlprinir it Inrnhu
Earlleit Cattllflower (irn t,oer Si-eda
mioulil smul for It AililrrMi
D.RI. FERHYC CO., Detroit, Mich.
nos. i:i:i nud i:i4 tiiikd mki.i'.t,
Portlnnd, Oregon.
Is tlie only l'rlvnte DIs
letiuy in rortlund or on
tlm Xuithwiwt Const,
wlipie patients are aucei art
fully trrutnl fomll NI'.llV
lt S, ClinoXIC AND
)ountt or old, single or
inn rl' il, Mich us
Nrnous debility, seminal
lllfxea, fllihllK uuiiiary,
' JJ ! ill 1 1 lc emotion, ef
fifU of nii'icury. kidney
and blndder troubles, pou
orrlu'ii, elevl, stricture eto.
t'u.,l 1,'i'Al'KIN 1'ltUK.
isauod March and Bopt.,
oacb yoar. It Is an oncy.
olopodia of usoful Infor
mation for all who pur
chase tho luxuries or the
nocesaitios of life). We
cen olotho you and furnish you with
all tho nocossary and unnocossary
appliances to rido, walk, danoo, sloop,
oat, flBh, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at homo, and in various elzos,
stylos and quantitios. Just flguro out
what is roquirod to do all thoso things
COMFORTABLY, nnd you can makoafair
estlmato of tho valuo of tho BUYBBB'
GUIDE, whioh will bo sent upon
roooipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
201-114 Sliohigan Avenue, Chieago.Ill.
I do not menu merely to stop them for a time nud
thou lmre theiu return utfiiln I mean a radical cum.
I have iiiude tlio disease of kith, Krn.Hi-sV or KAI.I
imi bli'KNiMi ulifo-lons ttudy 1 warrant my remwly
to cure the worst cases, llecauso others have fallo I Is
no riiiKou for not no receiving n cure. Mend nt onco
for n tri'iitl-o and free little of my infallible remedy.
Olvo Express and l'ost Oillce.
11 tl, itoor, .M O., lSSl'enrl .St., New York.
Help Wanted.
Wo oiler GOOD PAY to WOMEN for spe
cial work up to JOIiY next. Ucsldcs good iiy
for work CCZiff will l plvcn us an
performed, 90W KXTltA present to
tho agent doing the liest work; $100 to tlio
second, and bo on. Men, boys and girls am
mnko hundreds of dollars between now and
July IBM). Tills is u Sl'EClAli chance, and
holds good only until July. Address
You will Save 25 per cent
And ooimlderttblo Timo by pluclng your
Order for Typo, Preusoi, Muteril, lnlca,
oto., with T o
Corner Front und Aider, Port nnd.
Northern Pacific
The ON'LV LIN'E UunnlnB Pullman Palaco
aieoiilm; (!ura, MaKiiillefiit Ilny Conehcs,
und Kh'Kant hinlKi'iuit HIccplUK
Cars (with berthy free of
St. Paul and Minneapolis.
Truiibcoiitiii'!! nl lAuu ,
The Only p alTc e Mcals75c
I'uwti-Ht Tlnm j:vit 3Itlu from tlio
'oiiHt over tlio
.. TO
IjKAVKNW'OHTH, kanhah city,
HT. 1.0U1H. C1I10AOO,
And all poinbi tliroiiKliont tlio Kust und South
cubt, via tit. Paul uiul .Mlnneupolls.
Tin: o.vLy link ituxwrNO
Through Emigrant Sleeping Cars
And hauled on regular KspruM TrulnH ovor tlie
Kutlru IxsuKth of tho Nurtheru
Pucillo Ituilroad.
A. I). CHAHLTON, Ocn. Wcst'n Push. At..
No. 2 Wabhlnutou btrect, P rtland.
Dr catherby's Autlilotcs, lu uu 17 years.
biK-clal Morphine Habit Cure also Corres
iwjiiili nro Confidential. C all on or address J.
J. AIK i:N, Manager. Uoom M, til. Aim's llulld
inir. hau PraneUt-o.
UlUts, Karmurs, Hlur, lnvtor. Ilfalth gwak-ins-
nmtlvAou. fur map and Infnrmutluii; CO.
uoaHvrtm Uov. html, tvunijtwfifl rtwouruai, J.
T. rmuiKniiBt. Kut in vpsh, n. m.
Sold on Trial !
liiTfdtnirnt snistl, rroflt
Aiirp. Send too for nmlHiiir
Inriro tiluslrstpil Cataloi;iia
"illi full particular. Jln
urnctutt'it t
1(17 .fc lflO J.nko Nt.,
Bmttn "I know 'tis n sin to,
Hut I'm bunt on tlio notion,
I'll throw myself Into
Tho deep, "briny ocean."
Brown " Fie, flo, my good friend, don't rlvo way to your ailments so easily,
and settlo down Into puch frlooin ami despondency. There's no excttso for such
conduct, when It'.s a well-known fact that all your bad feelings, terrlblo head
aches, poor appetite, sense of fatljrue, and lassitude, low-spirits and hypochon
driacal condition aro duo to torpid liver and consequent Indigestion, and debility,
which will all give way and disappear, as tho dew before the morning sun, if von
but make uso of that world-famed anti-bilious, tonic medieiiio known in 'Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. It is guanuitecl to benellt or cure iu all
diseases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it will bo refunded. It
cured me when I was iu a much worse condition than you are, and if you will
only try It, you will soon bo singing
"l$ut my spirit shall wander
Through gay coral bowers,
And frMi with tho mermaids
It shall, by tho Powers 1"
Copyright. 1883, by Woiu.n'8 Dispun'sauy Medicai. Association, Proprietors.
inancntly cured by DR. SAGE'S CATARRH
A Perfect
Bhould bo mild, prompt,
and pleasant, with no
griping or purirntlro ef
fects. 11 should also in
cite tlio liver to action,
nld digestion, nnd re
lievo tlio kldnoys. Liko
nothing olso,
Palno's Celery
Compound is a
perfect laxative-,
nnd euros consti
pation whero idl
othor romodlcs
"AsiiBentlo laxatlvo,' Talno's Colcry Com
pound Is surely without a peer. I think I ought
to know, Blnco I havo tried remedy after' reme
dy for about llvo or six years nnd havo found
nothing that equals It In my case of costlvoncss."
J. II. Jenkins, Teacher, Cloyd's Crock, Teuii,
UIAMUNU UTttt a child can use them.
X It d 1"'H!I1U J-
For IVEen and I3oys at j
Lick Houso Block, San Francisco. ' .
27 "yours in prosont location.
Cures Cuts, Sores. Salt Ilhcum, Boll.
Pimples. Felons, Skin Dlceaseg, and all
ailments for which a stive is suitable. For
taking out soreness and healing it acts
like manic. 25 rent i box. at all drmitfists.
nicanattirm anrr
sal satlsfacticm In tb
euro of Oonorrhcra an4
alcet. I prescribe It and
feel safe In recommend
1 TO t DATS.
EQQfcrUt4 DOI M'
etus Bineurs.
Vrdeottr th
ing It to all sufferer.
,A.J.ST0rjri, M.D
Decstur, IU.
PRICE, S1.00. x
Bold br Dnifilit I
no nutter of how lonir Btundlncr. is ier-
REMEDY. CO conta, by dnnorisfR.
'Talno's Celery Compound Is prompt and
ploasant. Asa laxntlve It leaves little to bo de
sired. I have groat eontldcnco in its morlls."
Aijieut I.KONAliu, AtBoclatc Editor,
Journal oJ IXdagoyy, Athens, Ohio.
"For two or thrvoycarslsiirrcrcd Intensely
overy night with severe pnlns la my bowels,
which wero habitually constipated. Jly bowels
nro now regular, and I havo bad no return ol
thoso pains since using one bottlo of
Celery Compound
V. 0. Sticknet, Druggist, Havana, Ala.
Moral t Uso Palno's Celery Compound nnd atop
ruining tho Intestinal tract with Imrsli purga
tlvo pills. $l.oo. 81x for $3.00. Druggists.
Wells, IUciiaiipson & Co,, Darlington, Vt
BHUItb nam and Hearty. It ii unequaled;