The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, March 07, 1889, Image 5

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    1831 will have five young stallions and 14 fillies, pure bred, regi stored in Clyde book, at Tnion, the last of March, for sale at a low-
asios ir josks, - lmtoi:.
The Oregon Scout has as large a circu
lation as any two papers in this sec
tton of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Thursday, March 7, 1SS!).
Gathered tip ly The Scout nnil l!n,u;
to Headquarter.
Htiy your clothing of Levy.
John S. Lindsay at La Grande, to-night.
Ladies tire'. goods of every description
at Levy's.
Finest assortment of hat ever brought
to. Union at Mrs, niiinchatt'..
Your Cove Drug Store account is long
overdue, (five it immediate attention.
An immense assortment of boots and
shoe of the latest and bet .stylos jut re
ceived at Vincent'.-.
Head the "ad.'' of the Klue Mountain
House, La Grande, which appears (.'No
where in Hit paper.
The Lindsay Dramatic Company (rained
many friends while here. They arc all
ladies and gentlemen.
The people of the county will regret to
iiear that Hon. James II. .Slater is lying
dangerously sick in LuGrande.
A splendid assortment of ladies, misses'
children's and infant's tine 1'ronch kid
.shoes at Mrs. L. 11. Iihinchart'..
A large invoice of goods just received at
.laycox ,t Fosters, among them a superb lot
of ladies' and gents' shoes.
At the school election held lait Monday,
Mr. J. Y. Kenedy was re-elected director
and Mr. George Ucidlcmnn was re-elected
Wm. Westfull was killed near Vansycle,
Umatilla county, on the 20th of Feb. by be
ing run over by a train on the O. & W. T.
The name of Uully creek, Malheur coun
ty, has been changed to Alder creek,
through the instrumentality of Kepresen
tativc Napton.
A young lady by the name of Knappdied
at her home in l'yle Canyon last Monday.
The remains were interred in the Union
Cemetery, Tuesday.
livery man in the county should contrib
ute something to the railroad subsidy. It
It will yield bigger returns than any invest
ment they ever made before.
Hon, E. I!. Mclilroy, state niipeniiten
dent of public instruction, was elected de
partment commander of the G. A. It. for
the department of Oregon, at Portland.
Mr. Vincent requests us to announce
that his immense shipment of boots and
shoes, just received, will be sold cheaper
than ever. He will not be undersold by
.any one.
We uudejstand that quite an effort was
made, recently, to induce the governor to
pardon Ilennctt, the man who killed Le
gorc a year or so ago. The governor re
fused to do so.
Don't advertise unless you have some
thing worth buying. A great many per
sons think advertising alone is Miillcicnt.
This is nearly as bad an error as to suppose
that having the goods is sullieient alone.
Dr. (?) C. C. Fisher, the corn -ind wart
extractor, was released from the county
jail yesterday bv giving bail on three char
ges amounting in all to .f'JDO. His sureties
are Jasner X. Mitchell and .1. M. Dean.
Maker Democrat.
The mines of Cornucopia are developing
into great richness and that camp will cur
tainly boom the coining summer. The O.
(i, M, Company will startup their mill in a
short time and bullion shipments from
that camp eotnni'.'uccd.
At a special term of county court held on
the ittrd, liquor license was granted to the
following named person: A. C. McClel
land of Island, M. Lasley of Island,
Fred Dill, Cornucopia, Dave lleverage,
'.North Powder, and.Judson Cook of Sparta.
The Milton Kagle says: "It seems that
many of our farmers look on the grain elo-
vator system with suspicion, and very good
reasons are given why it may not become
a success in this country. Xext week the
Kagle will giyc some of these reasons."
Mrs. Wolrath. proprietrct-s of the lion
Ton Restaurant, has rented the old Snitinfl
building and fitted up a large number ol
bed rooms. She is now prepared to furnish
parties with neat and commodious private
rooms when wanted. Charges always
While opening .some cases of shoes re
ceived from the east this week. Mr. Vincent
discovered that four pairs of lint: shoes had
been abstracted while en route. Einployei
of the railroad company are supposed to
be the thieves. Mr. Vincent says that that
sort of thing is of frequent occurrence.
The Cornucopia stage makes the trip
cacli way in onu day. The road has proven
a good winter road, and has been in fair
condition alt the time. The distance can
he shortened some eight or ten miles by
making a few changes in the route which
wc understand will he done this summer.
Travelers will find the Hluo Mountain
IIouc, in La Grande, an excellent placo to
put p at. Everything is neat and clean,
and the table well supplied with every del
icacy. The accommodating proprietor, Mr.
8. R. Reeves, makch it a point to see that
his guests are comfortable, and hU cfforU
ahonld be rewarded by a liberal patronage
The Knst Omjwitnn says: "It is reported
that two smallpox patients, immigrant
Irom Hit) cait. are now in the La Cir.inde
iwsthouM). wh. h erne aibl-t.d wl h the -
dhwiie during their J m.-m-w vvca.d, j
and wore removed from the t:ain at a j
r-. i ii ,..n.,ri u trtiA ilM-riQ.-.ll he
a larce-suod smallpox in Grand-
Romle VullO .
cr rate tlian tliis blood i
Dltl.hS IWltAUlS.
The Seoul' Weekly lii)irctliti and Re
port of 1'rioiiiU on" Uutj.
Mr. H. J. Gcer. of the Cove, wa in town,
Mr. F. L. Watte, of Indian valley, called
on us, Friday.
C. D. Mo gun,
on u. Monday.
l.ouie Latnere,
of line valley, called
of High valley, called
on us, Monday.
Mr. The.'. Johnson, of Antelope, called
on in,: Saturday.
E. R. Holme;', of the Cow. was in
town, Saturday.
Tim. oMSryant, of Korth Powder, was
in the city, yesterday.
Mr V. H. ftnndall. of the Cove, railed
on tt a few days ago.
Attorney Meatchcn, of ummerville, was
In Union a few dnvs ago.
John llrattuin, of Raker City, visited Un
ion the fore part of the week.
.Sheriff Hamilton and wife made a short
I visit to Suinmervillc. last week.
.1. P. Smith and son, Oscar, of the Saml
ridse, were in town, Monday.
Mr. Wm. Kceles, of North Powder, visit
ed Union the fore part of the week.
Mrs. James Lowell returned from a vHt
to Washington Territory, last Friday.
Mr. Cha. Robbins. of Pine valley, culled
and sub-cribed for Tint Scorr this week.
.1. .y. Hinckly, of Teloeaset, was in town
Tuesday. He made, this office a pleasant
A. K. Graham, of NoTth Powder, called
onus, Tuesday, and subscribed for Tttts
Mr. W. Neville, of Sand Kidgc. called on
ug a few days ago and subscribed for Tub
John F. Chrisman writes to have his
ScitUT changed from Elgin to Joy, Wallowa
Mr. Chas. A. Fee, of Pine valley, madu
us a pleasant and substantial visit la.t
Mr. Marion Davis has been quite sick for
a week or two past, but is improving at
Mr. Emery Clingan and Mr. H. KipiM?,
of Cornucopia, were in Union sevoral days
this week.
Fiank Middlcton, of thu Pendleton
Tribune, was over on a business trip a few
days ago.
Messrs Wright it Jameson, of Now West
minster, P. C, subscribed for Tin: .Scout
this week.
Miss Thomas, of island City, was visiting
in Union a few days ago, the- guost of Miss
Mollie Lewis.
Mis MeWhirter, of La Grande, who has
been visiting Miss OHie I'ursel, returned
last Sunday.
II. C. Emery, and wife came down front
Maker, Tuesday, and will remain in Union
P.. R. Smith, oL Keating, was in
town, recently, lie think. of moving to
Idaho before long,
Mr. 15. F. Fewell. of Summit station,
was in town last Monday. We acknowl
edge a pleasant visit from him.
s. S. Apple, of Hilgard, was in town yes
terday, and called on us. Ho has recently
been appointed a Notary Public.
Mrs. Luella Murray, of Vale, Malheur
county, was in Union visiting her sister,
Mrs. Rinehart, several days last week.
lion. J. W. Xorval was in the city last
Friday. He was not serenaded. It is
probable, however, that he did not expect
to be
Mr. S. S. Pindell and Mr. .lames Dobbins,
of Pine valley, wore in Union, Monday.
They came down to prove up on their laud
Mr. Simon McKcnie, of Sumnicrville,
was in the city a few days agj. Unreports
the work of raising the Hunt subsidy mov
ing along in a satisl.ictory maimer.
Mr. A.J. Drown, of Keating, was in town
the fore part of the week. Uncalled on us
and paid his subscription nearly two years
in advance. Long may he live and prosper.
Mr. Harvey Moreland visited the lower
end of the valley, Inst week. He went for
the purpose of taking homo 311 MapKio
Smith, who has been stopping in this city
tbo past few months.
Mr. Fred W. Young was down from
j North Powder the fore part of the week.
11c is troubled some with thu rheumatism
wc are sorry to say. While here ho called
and sub-cribed for The Siot r.
Mr. Tlios. Hart came down troni Wash
ington county. Idaho, this week, where ho
has been looking fifter Mr. Jaspor Mitch
ell's sheep during the wintor. Ho reports
the range an excellent one. Out of llfcO
sheop only eight head wore lost. Mr.
Mitchell started, Saturday, to drivo IU))
sheep to the rango there.
MUs Mollie Lewis entertained a number
of friends ut her homo last Thursday ev
ening, in honor of Miss Kate Thomas, of
Island City, who whs visiting her, Among
those present wore MUn Mollie Lewis, Mrs,
li. II. Lewis. Miss Kate Thomas, Mi Luru
Warrou.Miss May Miller, Turner Oliver,
K. It. Hill, Geo. Kcidleman and II. L. More
laud. The Union Singing Circle met last Sat
urday evening at the residence of Miss Ida
Davis. A very pleasant time was spent in
conversation and singing. Among thofco
present wore thu Mlsic Ida Davis, Kllu
Orton,.OIIlu 1'ur.ol. Lizzie Millar, Mamlo
Ilaker, Myrtle Squire, Emma Hldwoll,
Mis MeWhirter, of La Grande. Mfhrs. A.
J. Harkctt. M. F. Davis. Geo, K. Hull, Ho
mer tlidwell and H. L il relaml. The
next meeting mil boft-cl in, no u.. i
" KlU Or .... U hl . " or-tovil
A larso invoice of imlin-ry aid fan -v
K"l J"'t rectlrefl at
A! Jih I,eh4 l'.
wh oh w til Ik' U1 eh ap for ca h.
lias over been sold lor I
t.lmlsnj the Trnteitln i, nud His lixcel
lent (Vmphiiy.
The people of Union have Wen nwl
agreeabl entertained thl week bv that
j superb tragedian. John S. Lindsay, and hi
talented company, Mr. Lindsay fully
sustained the reputation that had pre
ceded him, and we do not hesitate to
say that ho is among the best, if not the
best actor, that ha ever visited thi eitv.
lib conception of " the Rartmr
lan,"' in which he appeared Monday even
ing, is the bet wc nave ever seen, and in
his impersonation of the noble manhood
and chivalrous pirit f the barbarian, was
simply jrraitd. Mi P.ulloy. the leading
lady. 1 but IK tie inferior to Lindsay n
an artite, and, a Parthenia, captured
the affection of the audience a speedily a
she did tho heart of lng.imar. n Tuesday
evening. In the entirely different character
of Dnnstan Kirke, in the beautiful domes
tic drama of "Hazel iKirkc,'' Mr. Lindsay
proved his Mrsatillty as an actor, und per
sonated the iron-lrrtcd, honest old man
to perfection. Miss Ridley, a Hazel, fre
quently melted the audience to tears. Last
night. In the thrilling drama of "Damon
and Pythias." they appeared to great ad
vantage and were listened to with intense
interest. It Is seldom that a traveling com
pany appears in which every member is
worthy f praise, but nch a company is
Mr. Lindsay's. We arc sor.v that our lim
ited .space forbids n mention of each one,
lndi idually, for they dcrscrvo it. To night
they will appear in La Grande, and will
remain there the ballnnec of the week. To
our readers in that section of the county
we recommend the company, and will say
that if you wish to see the mirror held
up to Nature with fidelity and truth, and
to forget your own affairs for a brief space
in the illusions of the mimic stage, a rare
opportunity to do so i now presented.
A Crn.y Traveler.
Las Wednesday as the eat bound pass
enger train reached the Union depot, a
man on board became suddenly inline,
lie got oir tho train actimr wildly and
would no doubt have hurt himself or some
one clan if he bad not been taken in charge
by constable Gates and brought up to town.
Wc learn that his name is O.J. ISolile and
ho was en route fioni Portland to St Loui,
Mo. liohlc has been employed by the 0. 1!.
it N. Co. as cleik in the passenger auditor's
department at Portland, became insane
about six weeks ago and was examined
and committed to the aylum at Salem.
E. J. Mastcn, the auditor, interceded in
favor of the young man and had him
placed in the St. Vincent hospital at Pott
land und paid for hi. care and treatment
until he supposed him to be in condition to
go to his father in St Louis, Mo. The rail
road company gave him a pass and sulli
eient funds to take him home. Rut he
lefL the train at this station, not knowing
where he va, and was taken in charge and
held for examination, which, however, was
avoided by a telegram from Mr. Mastcn
icquesling that he he returned to Portland.
On receipt of the telegram, be, was taken
back and upon his arrival was examined
and committed to the asvlum at Salem.
He was a trusty and industrious employee
of the company, hence the interest taken in
his welfare, lie is L"J years of age, and
was married at the age of It) and has a wife
and ono child in the east, they having sepa
rated, lie attempted suicide at Portland
about six weeks ago by cutting ids throat
and stabbing himself three times in hi
breast with u pocket knife.
Tho llicliuaj'inaii'H Style.
The only express company which serves
this country is extortionate in its charges.
A satchel, weighing live and a half pounds,
was sent from Portlund to The Dalles.
The charges made was llfty cents. Tho
satchel was then lorwardod to Pendleton
and an additional charge of sovonty cents
made, making I 10 In all for transporting
eighty-eight ounces a distance of JJO miles
by rull. The value of the satchel and con
tents was placed ut ."). If a man should go
out on a highway.and demand that much
money for that amount of exertion, ho
would be thought a highwayman ami if
cuptuicd the law would scud him to the
petiiteiHiury. With one express company
j it is different ; it is thought a monopoly and
entitled to strut by law, hence the people
hue to consent to bo robbed until they
become used to it ami then they accept the
condition as a matter of course., contenting
themselves with the expectation that somo
day they s ill bo able to be Interested in a
monopoly und reap the reward of its steal
lugs. These words may sound radical, but
it takes radical talk to tunes to set moil
thinking who arc their oppressors. Hast
Soolul l.i fo In Cnuit County.
The Long Creek Eaglo makes the follow
ing suggestions for tho welfare of thu com
munity; "A good, stout 'cooler' Is thu
loug felt want of this' community und
would boory soothing to the iirow of tho
'bad niun' just after he hud made a big
play with his revolver and uttered u few
'yelps.' A night passed in thu 'cooler' with
u bucKct of cold water and u rotton brauth
for companions and a lino in thu morning
of alMJiit $20 and cots would do more to
wards reforming the ways of the sinners
and rcgulningtho naino of tho town
forty preachers fattened on chicken could
accomplish in a year! Not only would tho
'cooler' be of great bcucllt to the 'howling
class, but it would be a 'safe.' place for the
dignified ntockinou, who occaiioually get
drowsy, to while away the hours with thoir
boots on.1' Long Cruuk should have un in
stitution of this kind by ail moans.
A Sjiltjndld Jersey Tmt.
William Hobbs, of this place, purchased
one of the Jersey heifer, shipped from
Vermont, by Mr. Hill this twoyon-sold,
and 'M'.oti) U-ited. Hhe-. fresh, ulwut three
wX-i. a liiiti- over .'Oir.oitu.ii pund..f
tXMii.i.'ul ;.ol.l' n bu r in (iiiirtctn da.
Ii..- l.ui r i. oh. ! t.." a uiest In the
v i I.
In this oimnty. My i
A singular thing in connection with the
malady diphtheria, now spreading mi 1
Rebel flat, and one which may not be be- i
licved by some, but which i not unheard 1
of b the medical world, i the fact th.i
nlvout twenty cat in the ncighlxulnHni j
hne contracted the dleac and died, while
one dog has Mtccumbed to it destructive,
work. Colfax Commoner. j
The Walla Walla Statesman claims that j
Hunt will make that town a raiiniad cen
ter, and this railroad magnate is ei edited
with saying that within a ear 'JOO median- j
ics would be employed at hi repair shops i
ami round-houe, the latter to conifof
twenty-four stalls, JThe Hast Oregoninn
points to Walla Wnllu as an example of the
iK'iiellt to be derived from the construction
of the Hunt railroad.
While Mr. Hunt was in Pendleton re
cently, a delegation of farmers from Stage
gulch met him and asked him to extend
his road into their fertile section. This he
agreed to do if they would but give him in
money tho amount that his coming into
their country would increase the pric e of
their grain for one year. Thi was satisfac
tory to the committee and thev went hmne I
to consult. No doubt but that the road
will be extended there thi year.
Plow! Plows! Plows!! Latest improve
ment and lowest living prices Simplest
and mot convenient method of adjusting
beam and line of draft, nmkir.if plow run
lighter and do better work. Has never
been equaled and cannot be excelled. The
lightest draft -ulky plow- in the world ithc
Improved Wheel Land Side Sulky Plow,
and there i no plow made that will do bet
ter work. These plow all manufactured
by the Rock Island Plow Co., and arc sold
by Frank Rro's. Implement Co. or their
The public examination of teacher held
in this city, bv Count) Superintendent
Carter, closed last Saturday. The lollow-i
ing mimed teachers were in attendance.
Seviuour Corpc, Leonard Cotuii. Je..iG.
Walker, Win. Gilliam..!. 1,. Larainore, Da
vid W. Hug, duo Myers, Walter Nc!on,
V. L. Wade, N. T. Conklin, Fred Davis,
Misses J.T. Woods, Sadie M. A it ken. Jessie
Tuttle, Elsie Seldcr, Amy Thornton, Ida
Iirooks, Lucy Wade, Emma Wade, Ida Da
vis, Emtna Ridwcll. Lois Stewart, IMt.c
Dobbin, Mollie Shaw, Mary Goodall, Ma:;-
gie M( Lean, M. M. Laughlin and Edith ,
Stevenson. I
Last Friday, as a number of Umatilla
county students at the Leightou Academy
were returning home they created quite a
disturbance at the Union depot, and, going
on board -the train, conducted themselves
in such a manner that an attempt was made
to put them oil' by the conductor and some
of the passengers, which resulted in the
distribution of blade eyes and mashed
nasal protuberances. A telegram was
sent to the otllcers at La Grande lobe in
readiness to arrest the parties upon the
arrival of the train at that place. What the
result of Hie atrair was, we havu been un
able to learn.
Soliciting Ooiniuilli'e Aiioiuti'il.
Atn nieetingof the Union Executive Coin
niittceou the II mil llallroad subsidy, held
Tuo-day evening, a committee of four, con
sisting of L. P., Itbinehart, .1. W. Kenedy,
O. P. .laycox and T. II. Crawford, were
appointed to canvass tlu- lower end of the
county ami solicit. subscription. The com
mittee will start tu-dny, and we trust it will
require no urging on their part to induce
every man to do his duty in the matter.
Tho bonelits of this proposed road have
been fully set before the people, and all hac
had ample time in which to make up their
minds as to how much they can all'ord to
donate. Give all vou can and do it without
delay, The matter must be settled by the
first of next mouth.
A 1'lrenian Killed.
A fireman was killed on tho west bound
freight train last Thursday about three
miles this side of The Dalles. The freight
train at tho point above mentioned had
some trouble ami was slopped at a point
where the the grade is very narrow. The
fireman was standing at the edge of the
track, close to the embankment, when the
1 rocks under his feet gave way and he was
thrown over the elill'of rock and fell about
10 feet, breaking hi. right leg in two places,
and Ids left arm, and fracturing his skull.
Ho was taken to The Dalles and died in
few hour. Delias a wife and onu child in
The Dalles.
. - . . -.
Kuilrtiutl .Meeting a I Sinmiirrvlllc.
Posters are out calling for a mass meet-;
ing of the clti.cns of .Siimmervllle and vi
cinity for the purpose of discussing railroad j
matters and to take steps toward raising I
tho Hunt subsidy. Every man in that sec
tion of the county should be present.
Timo cannot bo put in to better purpose.
On the ilrst of April the proposition of
Mr. Hunt must bu accepted or rejected.
Tho people of Union countv huvn never
had such a grand opportunity to butter
their condition, Lut ouch und every one
do his iart.
Dentil of Aim. Allnnlcli.
The mu1 intelligence wiin received from
HiKh Valley yotterduy of tho death of Mr.
J. W. Minnick. Hho lias not been ill but a
abort lime und hcrdeath wa unexpected by
all her fricinU hero. 1.. II. ltinohart, Wm .
Haley and a number of ladic connected
with the Odd Fellows, liaro went up to do
anything neccMury and offer what consola
tion tboy could to tho Mrlukcu himhund and
i children, Tho remains will be fntorrod in
the Union Cemetery to day.
i:utiti(i t not.
All arc entitled to the beat that thoir
money will buy, o every family ahiiiild havu
at onoe bottle of the belt family remedy,
hyrup of FI, to ikunc tliuvUrn when
cotlT0 or bilious. For alc in tifty-ccnt and
una dollar bottle by all leading druggUu.
motto is luick sales
Latest Styles.
.lu.sf llecciveil, Direct from tho Hast, n hi true Imoir" of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN S1I01CS, Hit-Host Hvor brought to this Market.
Also n Fine Vssortnu'nt of
3Iy Prices will suit tho times. Drop in and sou me.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
- - - HKSJ-
Low Rates, No Commission,
$y"Thivi' who lotistilt their own interests will cull on mo before borrowing.
MuufflflftT. m wm mm
Ja SB ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
Everything First Class Terms Vcr.v llc.i . liable
Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with ail Trains
am a.wymwainfiJM rail S mJ Cm V Emm S I wwfaawaiaiiaMaiar,iam la
1 will soil my mammoth stock of
Wintor 1 - Latin' nor ui
Cllto Cloaks ad HA
E pi i
mm Ut UUnIi
i amos w hi ftttfli m im Hi h m m mm uwm w i
I I l I I I
I tint ojk ned in tho hurl; hiiihlin iidjoiiiin' .luyiox A Fttsler'tt store, Taiti
titrcct. Union, a full and complete apartment of
iiiira m T" mi:.
Which art Now Ojhmi For Inspection by tho LjmHoh.
Ill wldiUou to the nhovo, a eoniplote lino of Ladies' (Junth' and Childrins'
Hhoea aro in slock, and will hu aold at coat,
A Share of the Public Patronage Solicited.
and small profits' - -
All Kinds.
- Union, Oregon.