The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 14, 1889, Image 5

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hill I (U.
jTic Oregon Scout has as large n circa-
lotion as any tiro papers in this sec-
Hon of the State, combined, and is cor-
. - . J . . . 7 . ,r1n rtht ft 1) in tut ! ,.
Tcxpvmunyiy 1 "u ' ' " owiy
Thursday, Febr'y. M, 1SS5).
The Wny It Work.
From it priva'o k'ttcr written to us
by our friend, Julius Levy, who is now
11 merchant in Ccnterville, Umatilla
County, we clip the following:
"I am glad to hear of the interest
the people of I'nion County are taking
in regard to the Hunt railroad, and
hope that by this time the subsidy has
been raited. The people will never re
gret the subsidy, and after they have
the. road will realize the difference in
having two roads instead of one. 1
have spoken to several farmers here in
regard to what they gave to the Hunt
railroad when it was built to this place,
and every one of them say they have
already received their money back, and
they have only shipped one crop out
since the road has been built. The rate
on freight from San Francisco by way
of Tacoina is from one-fourth to live
eighth cents per pound cheaper than
by way of the Oregon Uailroad and
Navigation Company's line to this place
-o, you see it will also be a benefit in
this way. The difference- in price paid
for 'wheat last fall on the Oiegon and
Washington Territory Railroad was
from three to five cents per bushel inoro
than on the Oregon lhrilwav and Nav
igation Company's road.
"I Toping to make my next trip to
Union on the Hunt railroad,
"1 remain, yours truly,
".Irut'S hi:vv."
1'i'om California.
The Salem Statesman says: "1 E.
"Wade, a prominent stock raiser and
farmer of Grand Itonde Valley, is in
.Salem on his way home from Los An
geles and other points in California.
He wont there last September ostensibly
for the purpose of benefitting his health,
but took with him a car load of horses
for sale in those markets. Jt was with
the greatest of difficulty that, he was
able to dispose of them at any figure
during his four months' sojourn in that
State. His reports concerning the once
booming city of Los Angeles are not
the most flattering, and fully sustain
the long established fact that a boom
is the very worst tiling that can befall
a growing town or city that is depend
on t largely on climate and special fruit
rcMjuices for its sustenance. Property
that was hi tight at fabulous prices two
years ago cannot be sold now for one
fourth the purchase price, and the re
sult is that hundredsof men are heavy
losers. Seattle and Tacoma are now
attracting the attention of those in Los
Angeles who are in search of another
booming place where they may btj
afforded still further opportunity to
make investments in real estate. Mr.
Wade says California still maintains
the reputation of having the finest
winter weather in the world, the
weather during his stay there being
simply delightful. He returns to Oregon
well satisfied that this is the best coun
try after all."
A foolish III1I.
The Astoria Pioneer gets in a vigor
ous kick as follows :
"The bill introduced in the Legisla
ture providing for the payment of all
funeral expenses of Indian, Mexican
jind civil war veterans, provides that
the claims shall bo paid by the county
where they reside. If the bill should
become a law, Clatsop county would
only have two millions to pay. We are
in favor of pensioning all soldiers; we
are in favor of giving them all the fat
positions in the land; we arc in favor
of appropriating money to care for the
widows and orphans of all soldiers of
the late civil war, but we'll bud if we
think the county ought to pay all tho
funeral expenses of every squaw hun
ter in Clatsop county. If the National
Government can't provide for its sold
iers, and the expense must fall upon
tho counties, it will bo better to give
the heirs of all tho .Mexican and civil
war veterans a bill of sale of tho county.
3f the property owners of Clatsop
county have got to pay these funeral
expenses, which have already been
paid, then why not have tho county
pay funeral expenses and doctor bills
of every one who dies within its boun
daries. Hut then some men have got
to introduce a bill."
Another lliiii.-iu.u.
Tho .Sturgill brothers' of Lower Tow
der, besides their farm and stock busi
ness, have turned their attention to
quartz mining, and have been rewarded
by discovering the existence of the cel
ebrated Sanger mine, which they havo
given tho name of "Uonanza." Their
discovery is situated in Long Gulch,
two miles west of tho Sanger miuu.and
0110 mile frem tho mill of the C. T.
Bradley .Mining Company. Mr. Joseph
Sturgill was in the city yeU rd..y. mpl
tells tit- r iMirter tli.n they have stink
.-1 -huff mi tl.o mm" r one linn tr. t
f.,i in Aiul run it Ilium 1 alior'u
lifty feoliii length, anil Will co.iiiutlo
ulcv-eloiinuiiit. Tholo lg. average- a!.but
llfto, n inoliuK in wiiltli. ami thu m is
.V.1..IK- iIih haiiie c.h.iractor an Uilwlj
fioii the ianur. While in town Mr.
iilurj,'ill had an suy inado of tho ow
by Jphn F. Orwnun.'wtth tho following
result: Uoltl. 10.20 unoiw., valtit,
!11.09: ailvur. 1.1(5 oimctts, value,
if 110. ToUil, Democrat.
A furinBr can nut do better slim, invi-r In
one of ThuuiiMM hwI l'urUJ - client
wind. mill.
U)rAI' IM'U3I.VT10.V.
ttlifUMl up liy The .sr.Hil amt ItrntiRlit
t llr.-i.l.niaricr-..
Valentine's day.
Fire alarm attachments were placed on
church bell of the city this week.
1 1 it t ....
t j. . ufury, an cx-i luou .soldier Is an
applicant for the pustofllcc at I.a Grande.
Send your best liirl a valentine. o -he
may know just liow you feet about it,
Your Cove drugstore account hns been
awuitintr your attention n long time. Give
it vour notice at once.
Levy i always in tho lead when it comes
to merchandise. Drop in at his ..tote ami
examine hi inmieii-u stock.
We acknowledge receipt of a compli
mentary ticket to the Knight of Pythias
ball and entertainment on the ltitli.
Stop at the IVpot Hotel. The table are
supplied with the bot the market ntl'onl.
Hot medical baths in connection with the
Itemeinber the entertainment will com
mence at 7 o'clock shnrp, next Tuesday
evening, in order to get through in time
for tin dance.
A .shooting gallery ha been opened by
Al Gardiner, adjoining hi jewelry store,
on Main Street. Lee Phillips ha charge
of the Kiles and keeps tally.
The social dance given at Davie' Hall
everv Friday evening by Itaird fc James,
are largely attended and furnish much en
joyment to the young people
Farmers wanting lirt-clas blacksmith
ing done should remember that Gibson .t
llayncs have opened a shop on Main Street,
opposite Jones Brothers More.
We regret to announce that Mr. Ficklin
i still ery sick. The old gentleman i
I getting well along in years and it is doubt
ful whether he will recover or not.
Hon. Philip Ititz, the well known nursery
man of Walla Walla, died at his residence,
near that town, on Thursday afternoon.
Death was the direct result of paralysis.
A change of time of curred on the Oregon
Itailroatl and Navigation last Sunday.
Pasmiger trains now pass each other at
the Union depot a little after 1'.' o'clock m.
Applicants for the Union I'o.stollire are
coining to the front rapidly. S. T. Ulm
seem to bo the most active aspirant, and is
busily engaged circulating a petition to get
hiiuclf appointed.
The name of the postotllce at Hanover,
linker County, Oregon, has been changed
to Cracker, and P. I. Ilunstock lias been
appointed Postmaster at that otliee in place
of George L. Howard.
The Walla Walla Journal says: "On the
(ir.t of Ma-eh a surveying part will start
out under the direction of G. V. Hunt,
when we will hear news from the front that
will agreeably surprise us."
The County Commissioners of Columbia
Couiry, Washington Toiritory. have isued
scrip to G. W. Hunt in the sum of flO.OOI.
This insures the construction of Mr. Hunt'.
railroad through that county.
Circuit.Iiidge, L. H. Ison, who lias been
in poor health for several months past, has
finally concluded to try a change of climate,
to see if that will benefit him. A few days
ago he took his departure for the orange
groves of Calilornia.
Mr. J. W. Kiinbroll, county surveyor,
called on us the fore rart of the week. He
hud just invested -f.'SOO in a mining transit
with solar attachments. It is a magnifi
cent instrument ami was manufactured by
V. and K. Gurley, Troy, New York.
We understand that Pud McAllister
of Island City, has sold the speedy trotting
mare, Leona, well known to horsemen
throughout this section, to Messrs. Wlnt
more Brothers, of Washington Territory,
for the sum of $1500; also two sister of
Leona, for $1U)0.
We have sent out statements to those be
hind on their subscriptions to this paper.
This was not done for amusement, or to
enrich the Government by the purchase of
postage stamps, but because we want what
is due ti. We trust there will be no delay
on the part of our subscribers in attending
to tho matter.
The Supreme Court has rendered its de
cision in tho case of the State of Oregon
vs. Pat Medium's, sentenced to death, on
appeal from Grunt county, by continuing
the decision of the lower court. Opinion
by Strahn, .1. This settle ail hope that
McGinnls may have of escaping the gallows.
o ho will undoubtedly hang on Friday, the
iuth day of March.
The linker Dcuwrmt says : The people of
Union are in dead earnest about the Hunt
railroad and are determined to raise the
$lh0,0!0 subsidy. Upwards of $10,000 bus
already been subscribed and the move lias
just been started. All the fanners through
out tliii Grand Hondo Valley aro alive to
tho importance of raising the necessary
amount of money and are coming to the
front manfully. Their action is commend
able. The Milton Jingle says: ''It Is now learned
that .Manager Hunt has o.dered a survey
over tho Mill Creok Pass, to tiio east of Mil
ton, for thu proposed branch railroad into
Grande Hondo Vnllov. If this route i
adopted, Milton and Weston will, to use thu j
latest expression, ' bo in tho soup" forsomo j
time to come, o far as this road Is con-
corned. If the Mill Creek route i adopted,
the mad will pass through Indian Valley ;
and thu embryo town of Iilgin. Hut our j
citizens have yet to interview Mr. Hunt,
ami lot u hopo tor the best " ,
Mr O. KIrkpatrltl;, the njeprex-ille. of
M.ind City 1 0 nte v. r, Monday. Ip.ultttinl
court, ail 1 notw.tii iiiiunig tiio nmi 111
Liriness.' K rk niui.uidd to havo oine fun.
.vtulrjir-iu iqarjotifn court wa deceived
fro. ju 'gj'Ftru, n,l Kljk ft.ok,it up to the 1
ltnrt Wl& WMe hi' l outumtil
i0 h in thn: it wittild be a lined lilwi to col.
leo. c!iarr'u 01 it." U- pre,untetl Uiu ttlo.
grnin to nherijl' lI'infTton und colli uWhI 60
eu, .-charge,' then fie took It to iVuputy
0wtll .ml MI.- charges," :) ttP. wcr
imlil, the . went into the clerk o.IJi c mul
Neill .i!-, p.iid ib' chary .V) I Uy
Hi;-t in ill had dx ppiil onto his racket
and ii dhJn t p.m out 'tli) iii'r', -u Kirk
!! tb- i i m I 1 Imiih'I it in Hlih the
toy litre a brick-."
Circuit Court Adjourned till the
Next Regular Term.
An Impertinent Summerville Hakes
Himself Obnoxious.
People from diUercnt parts of the county
have been coming In during the week for
the purpose or attending Circuit Court,
which should have coineiicd here last Mon
day. but which, on account of the severe
illness of Judge Fee, could not be held. It
seem there is no provision nude in the
statutes to meet an emergency of thikind,
or authorize the postponement of the term
or the calling of an extra session. Upon
the non-appearance of the Judge, the court
stand adjourned till the next regular term.
Thi ha entailed upon many of our eiti
z.m much trouble ami inconvenience, and
upon the tavpaver of the county an 1111
ncccs.ary expense of several thousand dol
lars. There are a number of prisoners 111
jail who are entitled to a trial and hould
not be confined until next September to get
one. Numerous witnesses have put in their
appearance to testify in the various cases,
among tl-cni the Sherill'of a county in New
York, who comes to testify in the Hrockin'.
affair. AH this cost. money to the taxpay
ers and trouble to litigant and witnesses.
No blame is attached to Judge Fee, for a
man i liable to be taken sick at any time,
but the c.iuso of it all is in the stupidity of
our law makers, who could not foresee an
emergency of this kind and provide for it.
Some Illume N attached to Judge Imiii,
whoe health has been so bad for a year or
so past as to render him unable to attend
tho duties of the olllcc. ltefore leaving for
California it would have been better for all
concerned had he sent in his resignation.
Tiio Hunt Subsidy.
Tho subscription to the Hunt railroad
subsidy is progressing slowly. Tliesuborip
tions have all been transferred to the con
tracts and a few thousmd dollars more
have been adilcd to the amount. A thor
ough canvass has not yet been made of the
town, and the prccincl outside; lias not
been canvassed at all as yet. While many
have done nobly and donated liberally,
some who arc abundantly able to give, and
who would be benefited tho most, are in
clined to hold back, or if they proffer to
give, name such a paltry amount that it
would damage tlie woik more by dampen
ing the ardor of others than what they
give would benefit. They evidently think
that the subsidy will bo raised anyway,
and what their parMinoniousness prompts
them to withhold is that much gained in
the end, and they will bo benefited at tho
expense of their neighbors. Such fellows
are indigenioits to every locality and aro
either carried by their more liberal neigh
bors or aro overridden by tho wheels of
progress and crushed into merited obscuri
ty. Probably sonic of those who have do
nated will get ashamed of themselves ami
increase the amount, ami others will come
forward of their own accord and sub-eribe
what they ought. We aro confident that I
Union will do more than its share, which I
wo 11 x at abovt .T."i,0,l(i. If the Cove, Island
City, Suinuicrviile, Mlgin and the Sand
HIdgo do anything near what they should
and can do, the subsidy will bo raised in
less than the spccilio.l time, and the road
will be built. Otherwise it will not, and
the people can relapse into their wonted
apathy and continue to pay tiibuto to tho
O. H. iV: N. Company us they havo in tho
last. Next week wo will publish the
names of the subscribers to tho subsidy
and the amount given by each.
A (ilioHt 111 Snnnnervlllo.
The town of Siiinmcrvillo is considerably
worked up over a ghost, spook or disem
bodied spirit of some kind that has been
making itclf felt in one of thu residences
there. The house has been occupied by a 1
gentleman and his wife for a month or two !
past, and .since their occupancy of it they
have been annoyed by mysterious raps and j
noises, and being unable to account for it,
they have called in many of their neigh- i
bora, who have investigated, ami all aro j
equally mystified. Tho manifestations j
generally commence along in the early
evening ami are kept up, sometimes, all
night. The occupants of the house are not
afraid of spirits and aiuuso themselves
considerably with tills one. On several
occasions they have held quite an intelli
gent conversation with it by means of
raps, but if their questions become too per
sonal, which they have .-evcral times In tho
opinion of hisgliostshin, he kicks up a tor
ilblo racket and raises slieol generally.
When anything about tho promises don't
go to suit him, he protests vigorously. In
fact he is getting to bo extremely Imperti
nent and tho proprietor would, doubtless,
take him by the scrulf of his neck and seat
of his pants and propel liun off the prem
ises If he could, hut he can't, that's whero
the ghost has the best of it. Just how the
affair will terminate remains to be seen.
Thu Sirlinul I. Horary. )
Following is the programme us rendered j
last Friday evening i rjong. Mbs Klla Green, j
Mrs. .May .Miller, ami Jos.-ie (illlllliu ; decla-
Illation, .Miss l.oilis Htuwlirt; declamation, I
Harry Wolmth; seUc.t reading. .Miss Ilettlo
Dufbiii) inuriu. .Vila Irwin ami Inn Wright; I
dec am til 11,. Miss Miiuue Shaw; dccliiina- '
''""i MIs.l Jeniue JVIu.iilU;.docliiiiiatioii,
Muir Floyd Tattle; declamation Viillo
wnghtr ' dtelamution. .Mftster Tommy
dd.iinHon, Mhi -Wry 'Goodall ;.
declamation. Trunk NciiiOii; music, .Miss
Viola Vi'iui uinj JIUTimiKnuedy; com
ponitjon, tl1',jtudt:iit, pr,uaui,V yrpfivor
J. I". Untie; declamation, .Miff. .Oniric
Hkiff; dw'ljiuulinii, Wulter Odaic; music.
Ada Irwin ami iuu Wright; declamation,
l'hillp Algori declamation, Nettle Ituchilli
mil Tint Tintler1' waw then mail by Kd.
Fickle, ami owiitlutd iimuy good things.
Uuxjnt; kotiK. ilhui KIU Urcu 31 1 w Jlcltlu
ligibiiu aul Mi.s May Miller.
TI10 Scout WecUly Inspection mill Itr.
iort if friends nir Duty,
Mr. Hen May of the Cove called on lis
Mr. Scott Long came down from Sanger,
Mr. Dave Heard of Sparta wa in Union
tin week
Sheriff Hamilton returned from Salem j
last Sunday.
Mr. 1. A. Hoskowlt. of a Grande wa
over this week.
Mr. K. Ho well of tho Cow ctillml on us
a few days aifo.
Mr. P. II. Mile of llig Creek culled on 1
ui eiiiicsuav.
A grand hall will be given at Hniiie on
the '.Mth Instant.
Mr. John Monl-onof Mum! City culled
on us, Tuesday.
Mr. Hiehard M. South, of the Park, was
in town, Tuesday.
Mr. Stephen Gardner nmdc Us n substan
tial visit Saturday.
Miss Tina Kenedy lias been quite- sick
several day. thi week. j
Mr. .lame Ilullek of Itig Creek made u j
a pleasant visit Monday.
.Mr. Tom l!onou of Cornucopia wa a
visitor to Union this week.
Mr. Oliver Pen-in of the Cove dropped in
on us the fore part of tho week.
Mr. Lou Uaton, of Kutorprise, sub
scribed for Tin- Si oi t this week.
Mr. K. D. Game and Mr. SIlvi, of Sum
incrville, callcil on u a few day ago.
Mr. A. Le Sago came in thi week and
cheered us up with a year's subscription.
Mr. Wait Wade, of F.nterpriso, Wallowa
county, made us a pleasant visit, Tuesday.
Mr. W. II. Hundall. of tho Cove, called
on us, Monday, and subscribed for Tin:
Mr. Kobt. Lloyd and wife, of North Pow
der, were visiting in this city during the j
Mrs, Lou Payne of the Cove was a visiter
to Union recently, the guest of Mr. anil
Mrs. .layeo.v.
Mr. .1. W. liristow, agent for Staver A
Walker, of La Grande, was in Union this
week, as busy us could be,
Mr. .1. K. Fuucott, orders the address of
his Scon chunged from tho Cove to M intern,
Fresno County, California.
Hveryhody is making preparations for
the entertainment and ball on the tilth. It
promises to be a grand atlair.
Mr, I. .1. Johnson and wife, of F.nterpriso,
Wallowa county, are In the city visiting
their son, Mr. James Johnson.
There will he no dance at Davis' Hull to
morrow night on uccount of the Knights of
Pythias ball, which takes place next Tues
day night.
Mrs. L. H. Hinchart took her departure
for Portland a few days ngo. slie went for
tho purpose of laying in a new stock of
millinery good.
Mrs. Viola Duncan, of Kiitorprie, has
been visiting her parents, in High Valley,
for several days pat. She will return to
Wallowa county in a few days.
Mr. William Kiuohurt, Mr. Tho Fisher
and Mr. George McDonald, of Siiinmcrvillo,
who rami) up to attend court, made us sev
eral plcnsaut calls the fore part of the week.
Mr. A,T. Merwinof Lower Powder culled
on us the fore part of the week. lie Is win
tering his stock this winter in Kaglo Valley
and reports everything moving in good
shape up there.
Mr. George Patten and Miss .Nora (Jiiiuii,
of Suiumerville, disregarding parental au
thority, hied themselves to Woisor City,
Idaho, a few days ago, ami were united in
marriage. They returned, Sunday, happy
as two clams. Love always gels tho best
of locksmiths.
Mrs. C. H. Preseott and daughter, .Mrs.
Hanson, of Pylo Canon, were in Union a
few days ago. Mrs. Hanson will start in a
few days to join her husband, who Is now
in Ccntralia, Washington Territory. They
will make that their future home. She .sub
scribed for Tin: Scoi t, to be sunt to them 1
at Ccntralia.
Horn. In this city, Tuesday, Feb. Il!th.,
to tho wife of Judge O. P. Goodall, a
daughter. Tho Judgo says ho was count
ing on another democratic voter, but .Mrs.
G. ordered It otherwise1 Since the advent
of the young lady, however, ho has a de
cided leaning toward the woipen suffra
gists. Mr. K. H. Morelock, of Siiiumervllle, was
in the city the fore part of the week. Wo
acknowledge- a pleasant cull. Mr. More
lock reports everything moving favorably
in that section for tho Hunt railroad. Al
though but about ifSO.OOO has as yet been
subscribed to tho subsidy, ho thinks they
will raise their part. Tho work is necessa
rily slow.
Tho Veto .SiiHlalncil,
The following telegram was received
KiUToit Okikion SeofT: The House has
sustained the tiovernor's veto on the Port
land water bill by a majority of three.
Thus it will be seen that the moves of the
Portland wire pullers have been check
mated, and this colossal imposition oil the
people nipped in the hud. The Senate
seems to have been willing enough to
stand In, not no with the members of the
House, for which they deserve credit.
Nutlet) uf UUmiIuIIiiii. 1
TIi( parlnijrhln hcrcUforn nxlotlng lie
tween A. fil'iilkeriv. Son, HaU Wiji'.i J'ji.iOn
county, OrcKon, is this iTitli day of Jauuai)',
.lf8!J. dissilvcil, havligbWit
A. Htlilfcilf's Ilnteri'st, tvlir ciintjilue ")he
bnilntsrf at 'the hhirfb naVricd' jIliKi.'aild
u 111 mi- all Icb(s of the fifing ll 'iiDrlllw
knowing' themselves nidehttd tl trfir(lru ;
U Ul pIcuW Mttity ht tne(i";'jirlie(' tftkUif f
leiuj.) with A. Il.istiilker.'- '
A l'lrfPHIr tVUHO
Of lit-filth, utnl ntrength rmiuwed and of
case uinl comfort followit the uo of Jjyrup
of I1k n It ucto in harmony vitli nallini
to eilVettittlly clonnse the syutcuu vflietl'oo
.tlvuor WIIoju., For wile lutfcCK: mid flO
bottlei Uy all feu'Jiift drugghrta.
Latest Styles.
.hist Heeoived. Direct from the
Alo a Fine-
3Iy 1'rk'i.s will suit llto times. Drop in and see mo.
U. VIXUFNT, Main Street, Union, Or.
m a
B. M. LOMBARD, - :
Low ilSates,
""I'iiose who consult their own interests will call on me before borrowing.
JB S ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
Everything First Class. Terms Very licasoiiahlc.
Buss to and Fioni the Depot Making Connection with all Trains
SaasmBao ISB (, ()Sr 9911! jfanasSS'
El 1h i
I will soil 11 ly mammoth stock of
Fiabr Wm - ;
$t !l? rJ.
Jait njieni il in tho In id: building adjoining .Inycox it FosUt'k Hforo, ATaiu
Htivet. Ifnlon, a full aiul complete ilhsortineiit of
ei i
Which aro Now Opon For hiHoction Uy (ho Lad ion.
1'Iirc'KK ON OOOftS HlMtl'ltlHlNrahY low, ' '
In addition to tin-above, a complete Jiuu pf Liuliiv' Uunta' and Obililrctia'
Hlood aro in locl;, ami will lm sold at ('ost, , , i won it -I
M.Kit IX-
All Kinds. a Lunio Invoice of L 1)1 US' and
Hot F.vor brought to this Market.
Assortment of
mm IB M
- Union, Oregon.
m h,
f m i e
a art v
V IAI1"I '111