The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, February 07, 1889, Image 5

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KIM nu.
The Oregon'Scouthasas large a circu- j
lotion as any two papers in thit sec- '
tton of the State, combined, and is cor- ;
responding! valuable as an advertising '
Thursday, Febr'y. 7. ISSO. :
JUUlll T""" J " 1 1 1 B 1 ill I f ' I. ,L '
Tin: coukt nousr.. i
A 8wrn Slatcmpiil ly KfllaMo Citlzuus
i:'K!rllnt Its Contlitluu.
To the Taxpayer of Union County, Oregon:
W'c, the umlcriipncti committee nppoint-
cil by the "County Sent Executive Commit- 1
tec" of Union, to examine and report to
the taxpayers of Cuion County the condi
tion of the Court, House at Union, Oregon,
beg leave to submit thi., our report:
On February 2J, 18S0. we, in :i hotly,
lnaile n thorough, personal uxaminattun of
the Court Houc, at Union, Oregon. We
found a few cracks In the brick work,
which, in our opinion, and from all the
facts and evidence before us, occurred in
the cpring following the erection of the
building, and was occasioned by the joining
of the brick and wood work of the building
and the settling of the foundation
o thu
We further find that these cracks have
not appreciably widened or extended since
they first occurred in the building, at tho
time slated.
Wc further find that some seven or eight
years after the building was oreeted tho
same was thoroughly anchored and secured
by heavy iron rods, extending through the
building, each way, from wall to opposite
wall, heavily flanged on the outside of
each wall.
In view of the condition in which we find
tho walls of the building, and the dotiHe
security afforded by the anchorage referred
to, we consider tho buiidiug in every way
fcafc and secure, and in every way suitable
to withstand the ordinary weal and tear of
the elements and safely accommodate the
people for county purpoes for any reason
able length of time to come.
A. K. Eaton,
(iKoitoi: WliliiHT.
.1. H. Thomson,
J. D. Cai:i;oi,i
William Koth,
is. i-:.kin
Dated at Union, February I'd. 18Sf).
County ok Union.
Wc, A. E. Eaton. Oorge Wright, .1. II.
Thomson, J. D. Carroll, William Koth,
It. Eakin.and W. II. Ostrnndcr, do solemnly
swear, each for himself, and not ono for
thu other, that the foregoing report is true
and correct.
A. 15. Eatov,
; Gi.oni: Weight.
.1. I!. Thomson,
.1. D. CAr.r.oLL,
William Koth,
It. Eakin,
Subscribed and .sworn to before nie this
2d day of Feb miry. ISM.
Notary 1'iiblic for Oregon.
Hoot It I'ay?
I'hree-fourths of our people are troubled
with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint in same
form or other, which by nature of the dis
ease has a depressinginf lucnco on the mind
or body, preventing tlicni from thinking or
acting clearly in any matter of importance.
Indigestion, coming up of food after eating,
dyspepsia, sick headache, acidity of the
stomach or any derangement of the stom
ach or liver (upon which the whole action
of our sysem depends) arc speedily ami af
fectuully overcome by tho use of Green'.s
August Flower. Tho most stubborn cases
have yielded to its influence, as thousands
of letters received will testify. The Im
mense sale of this medicine is another auar
antce of its merrits, (over a millon and a
half bottles sold last year.) So we ask, will
you suffer from any of the above dis
eases when you can have immediate relief
in the August Flower. Three doses will
prove its worth. It is hold by all druggists
and general dealers in nil parts of the world.
III.1H ClohC.
Our friend, Johnny Clark, of Island City,
is well versed in "ferrin' languago.s,'' and
don't you forget it. This week wo sent him
a statement of account, with u request to
"potlateh chlcamon,'1 and In reply received
the following:
l.A GnMK. (Or.). .Ian 2S. ISfO.
M resits. Jones A: Cll . kY: Uentirmrn:
Clawhawyain fc'i.x Mlka Waw-waw Co pa,
.Ian. '-'8th. Hias Close. Nika hyuck pot
latch. $1 ti. Nika tuni-tum Idas cloe. Caw
inikachaco cona La Grande. Mika natiMi-h
uika illaha. MKahoup wuw-ivnn'oupn hi
yew iotas. Copa Hunt 1'ailrnad; eoim
county scat, kukiiiu waw-waw. Xllcn
tum-tuni hias close. Mlka cumtu.v? Niku
wake bet.
John S. C'i.ahk.
Subscription to the : Subsidy.'
The subscription to the Hunt railroad
subsidy is constantly increasing, although
tho work was retarded for several days on
account of the nou arrival of the i-ontruoU
which woro expected the latter part of hut
week. They arrived Monday, however,
and those who put thoir names to tho sub
scription paper b ivo transferred tlicni to
tho contract, many of them taking h op
portunity of raisin? (he amount of thoir
subscription. Tho work will now bo pushed, i
without intermission, until all have sub
scribed . The subscription now fools up
to between fifty and fifty-five thoutanil
Merit Will.
W deWrc to say to our eitktens, tb4t (or
yoars we have been nelllng Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Dr. ing's
Nou- I.tfo i'ilU. Ituofcltm's Arnica gaivc and
Hlicuto lUUerc, and have never handled
rt mrriito Um- eli as wall, or that have lv
on such universal ati action. We do not
haeUate to giuraitic-- then every time,
Mid weun I rca iv to r :uml tb yaniiaaa
pri'-e, U satisl'ui um v r-ulu d nt follow
Uwlrust Th. -t r . 4i-4li aa ou uteir
aomiUrit) pur .4 IU4 nMt. ft. II
HrvvBi i. u&i r, Untie), Qtt
Cfethctctl tip tij- Thu Sottnt nnil Hi-ourM
to ttratlqunrtrm.
Felt hats at cost at Mr. Uinehart's mil
linery store.
Remember the entertainment to be given
by the Knights of Pythias.
Commercial travelers will And the Depot
Hotel a pleasant place to stop at.
'File Frank llrother's Implement Com
pany have our thank for an elegant calen
dar for 18.
l.ailios' MIsseV and children' hoods,
tobotfnns mid hosiery for s-alc at cost at
Mrs. IJlnehart's.
Henry Armstrong of Salciu is claimed to
be the oldest Odd Fellow in the United
States, being in hi eighty-seventh yenr.
A "Jiaby Concort'' U advertised to take
place at Haker City soon. A great many
people get enough of that sort of thing at
Clark Ulder, who has recently been ac
quitted of the charge of murdering Charles
Summerville at Seattle, will commence a
suit for damages against the ollbials.
The recirdof "real estate sales'' at I.a
Grande h been cm-pleuous by its absence
in the papers over there during the past
four week. What's the matter, fellows?
j Mr. Tomp Carroll took his departure
i yesterday for Summerville in the interest
of the Hunt railroad. He took down tho
onuirnctei which were received here on
I Monday.
' It is snid that good indications of coal
has been dwejvorod along the line of the
proposed Union extension of the Oregon
and Washington Territory Railroad.
Home lress
Mrs. Kachael Stewart, who was commit
ted to the insane asylum from this county,
November '2l:h, 1kS". died January 31st, of
heart disease, and was buried in the Odd
Fellows' Ceniete-y, at Salem.
A. Levy, of Union, was in the city the
first of tho week. It is probable that .1.
Mock & Company, of which firm he is a
men. her, will erect another brick building
adjoining the one they now occupy. Ccn
terville llomr I'rtts.
Everything indicates that Oregon and
Washington Territory will receive a big im
migration this year- The tirto that In past
years has flowed west to Colorado, New
Mexico, Arizona and California, .seems to
be changing to the northwest.
Last Wednesday morning, while engaged
in hauling for the Tom Paine Mining Com
pany, near liakerCity, a young man named
Alfonso Mitchell met with an accident by
which his leg was broken and he was other
wise severely injured.
The remonstrance against the proposed
national .Sunday law, which is being cir
cuited by Mrs. Collin, is receiving the sig
natures of almost everybody. Those who
liavo not signed it yet should do so at once.
The lady deserves much credit for her un
tiring efforts.
A Daker exchange says that the best
winter range for horses in Eastern Oregon
is at the mouth of l'owdor river where it
empties in the Snake. Several of our
horse owners have driven their bauds to
that section this winter and the animals
are doing nicely.
Hunt's surveyors are now at work sur
veying a louto from Walla Walla to this val
ley by way of Mill Civek and Gran.le Hondo
rher. It is tl ought that an almost natural
pass across the Iiluc Mountains will be
found. If this route is adopted it will make
it a great (leal niorcintensting to the people
of Wallowa county.
Mr. Ed Fallon in speaking of the bene
fits of the O. & W. T. load said that he had
subscribed .f500.fl" toward the subsidy, and
had already received his money back in the
added vaiucof his grain. This he attrib
utes to the building of the road. This
statement bhould bo carefully treasured up
for l'utuic reference, as it may be useful.
The Ccntervillo Home Press says of the
Hunt railroad: "The 0. & W. 'i"s. yards
and buildings hero will consist of a turn
table, round-house, depot, water tanks,
elevators, and the main line and branches.
It covers an area of 20 acres. Can any
other place in Eastern Oregon boast of as
arre a yard as tho O. & W. T has at this
pla:e? The water tank is built and in op
eration. The Ashland woolen mills employ thirty
people, and during tho past year they used
moro than one hundred thousand pounds
of wool. They inado sixty-six thuusmd
yards of flannels, three thousand nine hun
dred and forty-two yards of cassimore. one
thousand one hundred and sixty pairs of
blankets, seventeen dozen large shawls and
a number of umall shawls, stockings, yarns
and other goods.
A strange dlsoaso, in epidemic form,
broke out in tho vicinity of Denver, a small
village ten miles east of Rowic, Texas, last
Thursday, aud up to dale six deaths have
occurred. The victim is takon with a slight
fever, accompanied by a breaking out on
the wrists, which causes the victims to be
come raving maniac. Deuth results in a
few hours. Twenty now caaes woro reported
Mr. T. II. Cooper visited Indian Valley
and the lower end of the county this week
and securod thirty-six now roriionstrators
to the county sunt move. These, w ith others
obtained in dUiureni portion of thooounty.
footed up to one huiidrtxlaiid two, and they
were forwarded to Salem. This makes an
overwhelming majority ag.Ii.U tha iuovo.
: T,. ... .. . " i. " , '
' and we
will i. little- b.r nothing moro
of it.
Some buslneu inn in all places are too
much given UtcotupUloluing of "poor bu
ine,'' making-1 Ik m stives and others be
lleye Uut tjMde la (rawing bird r tvvry
year; thai the riilo of the whole jnere-intiie
cwtunanity ia only a question 0 M ne.
The earoule habit of gi ambling U .H
wrong and ia comnirsMv ly t msm da -
It have any re(tji,Me xa. If our
' ban's wiio a. m-lain that ''bu-lft Is
duiii-rth 11 l,i -t vcar" Hulil ! tttko Un trou
ble u tu.iuj eie the figures tut a give liev
t- , r. ill)
.4 .r. - u i.s. .
Judge liraiunrd is sojourning in ltakcr
City for a few days.
The streets of Union arc dry and dusty
and the weather pleasant.
Mr. and Mrs. Kobcrt Eakln's little boy is
sufrering with the scarlet fever.
One or two of Mr. and Mrs. Judge Good
all's children are on the sick list.
The latest style in Comic and Sentimen
tal Valentines to be received at the Cove
Drug Store next week.
The Cornucopia stage left Union Monday
morning with a four-horse outfit. Mr. Grillln
intends to run the Hue notv in first-class
style, and will no doubt, turn the travel all
this way, where it naturally belongs.
Read the new "ad.'' of the Union and
Cornucopia Stage Line, in this issue. Trav
elers going to and from the mines will find
It greatly to their advantage to go by this
route. Freight carried on very reasonable
The telephone line between this city and
the Cove is completed ami ready for busi
ness. It will prove a great convenience.
Among the first messages that came over
the lino was one from Messrs. Hlooin fc
Humbley, to this ofllce, subscribing for
Thk Scoct.
Tho Walla Walla fVon says: "Since it
has been decided that there are to be eleva
tors built all along the Oregon Uailroad and
Navigation Company's lines, is there any
one so dumb or blind as to not say or seo
that the building of the Oregon and Wash
ington Territory Railroad to this city has
caused this move tobeniadeV ThcOregon
Railroad and .Navigation Company is will
ing to accommodate the farmers when
they have to.
The .Scout's AVcokly Iiispertlnn anil Ko
port (if rrieinltt oil' Duty,
Uncle Andy Carter was in town this week.
Mr. E. Draper madiMts a substantial visit
Mr. 15. 1). Koger of tho Cove, called on
us Saturday.
Mr. Huey Lynch of Tclocascl, was In
town Sunday
Mr. Frank llloom of the Cove made us a
pleasant visit, Monday.
Mr. George 11. Holmes, of the Cove, made
us a pleasant visit last Saturday.
Mr. Daniel White of New Hridge, sub
scribed for Tun Scout this week.
Mr. Henry Lynch made us a pleasant
and substantial visit last Saturday.
Mr. George 15. Owen, editor of the La
Grande Journal, visited Union, Sunday.
Mr. F. E, Harris of Elgin, called on us
yesterday and subscribed for Thk Scout.
Mr. John M. AVorleyof Rig Creek, was in
town Monday. He made final proof on his
laud claim.
Mr. W. R. Holmes of Enterprise, Wallo
wa county, sent in and subscribed for Thu
Scout this week.
Mr. S. M. Itrown of tho Cove called on
us the fore part of the week, and replen
ished our treasury somewhat.
The name of Mr. E. T. Ueidleinan, San
Diego, California, was added to the sub
scription list of Tub Scout this week.
Mr. John Clark, the wide-awake agent for
tho Frank lirothers' Implement Company,
visited Union the fore part of the week.
I D. 1. Anbury, editor of the Grant
County Xcu't, is now in the city on a brief
visit. Wo acknowledge several pleasant
Attorney .1. W. Shelton returned from
Salem Saturday lie reports everything
moving along in a very satisfactory
Mr. Joseph Vowell of I'ylo Canyon, has
been quite sick for several days with an
attack of pneumonia, but under the treat
ment of Dr. Cromwell, is recovering.
Mr. John McCall of Wallowa county, has
sold his Silver Lake property forf.GUOO. lly
a privatt) letter received from him we learn
that he intends traveling considerably the
coming summer. Wo wish him success
w herever he may be.
Great preparations arc being made for the
K. of P. dance and entertainment to bo
given in this city on the 10th iust. Don't
fail to witness the "Initiation of a Candi
date." Tho best of music has been secured
for the ball, and an excellent supper will
be served. Tickets includin r supper. $2.50.
The entertainment will be free.
Remember the social dance at Davis' hull
on Friday night. The best of music will be
furnished, and a good time is assured. A
largo number wcro in attendance last Fri
day evening, and the interest In these social
dances seems to bo increasing, which goes
to show that the proprietors, Messrs. Raird
it James, are tho right men in tho right
place when it comes to managing an affair
of this kind. They always make you feci
at home.
Mr. and Mrs. F. 15. Foster were ugaiii re
minded last Friday evening by the assem
bling of a few relatives and intimate friends,
that they had passed the twenty-fourth
milo-btono of married felicity. Promptly
at C, v. M., all repaired to their spacious
dining parlor and discussed tho many deli
cacies spread before them. The guests wero
Mr, find Mrs. James Payne, Mr. and
Mrs. Sanborn, Mr. ami Mrs. .Moll Campbell,
of Cove, Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Day, of Union,
MUk Clara Iteos. of Portland. Mr. and Mrs.
t tl s.ri tri - lii
.J ,, '
Molllo Fostor, and Profcmor A. J. Hackett.
of Union. Ono and all unRcd In wishing
the happy couple many returns of this
eventful da. Tho highest pra se wc can
glvo of Mrs. Foster's gonial temper is that
Mr. Poster is not y t bald-headed.
A I'ltm-iii),- ,Sens
1 e.iltli Mild stieiiKth tun uv 1 u,l f
d 11 nrj full ,W( :h use f tyrup
1 1 hs: tii'iijy wlh 11 at 111 e
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. i.., i !",-.' 1 it . .; .J -I (tl
1 ' ,iit tit,', 1 i - - .
Hi f.4jM r
uy ft
to sw'Uli
Vlrld anil l'ortlent Description of Its i:n.
r'.iuntlliK llrntity.
Uavknna, (Italy,) Jan. 1, 1SS!)
Editoh Orkoon Scout:
ColcbnUion of New Year's day is
quite diilerent here from the manner
in which it is celebrated in America,
or Oregon ; but perhaps 1 am partial.
The climate is to very opposite the
climate of our native country that per
haps it works a material difference in
customs. lUtsiness goes on hero as
usual. It is nothing but a common
day just like any other day in Italy
cloudless, sunny and bright. We do
not see the morning papers Hush with
New Year's sermons nor thu editors
inebriated while the sermon i being
put in the form. Tho "little vicissi
tudes of life" are not rehearsed nor
new and lengthy resolutions adopted,
like in Amerieu, hut the every-dny
routine of work, play, hurry, bustle
and business makes the city, the coun
try, the hamlet, the home nil the same
only in proportion.
Last Wednesday we embarked at
the cosy little anchorage of the queen
city of Italy Venice. Our steamer
was capacious. It was one of those
large, elegantly equipped, mail and
passenger steamers that skim over the
tranquil bosoms of these southern seas.
It was ( o'clock in the morning when
we lifted anchor and stole out of tho
harbor down the shimmering Gulf of
Venice. The wharf was lined with
llshing crafts and freight steamers.
This is a great place for small, but
beautiful, vessels. They are easily
managed anil lit here and there as
gracefully as a butterlly A voyage on
the Adriatic is something in the course
of Italian pleasures rarely surpassed.
The Gulf widens trraduullv. We
steer close along to the western shore,
just near enough to get a good viow
of tho little upland valleys, and ham
lets that sleep on tho sides of tho
neighboring hills and mountains.
The vessel rides like a mermaid o'er
the waves. The blue, unbroken, vast
expanse of gently moving waves to
our left, the long, green waste of flow
ers, of trees, of small brooks gushing
into tho sea, of the distant peaks of
the snow-clad mountains on our right,
the deep and sparkling waters beneath
us, the sky above, make a variety of
beauties on which to feast our tireless
Wo eomo to the mouth of tho noisy,
rolling, bounding little litsch rivor.
Up towards the headwaters of this
stream is one of the noted olive Holds
of Italy, and along its sunny banks
arc some of the best upland vineyards
of the country. The water rushes out
seaward with a vigorous sweep ami
tho feeble dash against the shimmer
ing sea sends a slight volley of waves
hurrying out s.ome distance over the
surface, but they arc boon scattered.
Kavenna, like all Italian cities, is
picturesque. It has long, white
streets. Vineyards come down hero
and there. Tho same kind of goats
roam over the clifl's back a little dis
tance from the sea. Tho same con
stant monotonous tramp of tho
musical beggar, tho cosy littlo fruit
stands, the gentle faces of its maidens
with flowers in their hair and on their
bosoms, the pensive looking inorchant,
all these aro marked peculiarities of
Italian tea-port towns. Olivo raising
is a valuable branch of industry here.
Fishing is carried on, grapes aro sont
their rounds to all principal countries
of the world, and takon all in all
ftnvenna is quite a business place.
In tho year 1321 0110 of tho greatest
sons of these fair climes laid down tho
pen that had brought "Inferno" to tho
gazing eyes of an unfriendly world,
and went to that silent land beyond
the beautiful fields of Italy and "from
whose bourne no traveler returns."
Tin's place will always bo famous as
the city where Dante, one of tho
brightest intellects that ever stopped
into tho arena of greatness, Mckoncil
and died. The very walls teem to
speak yet in tho accents of him who
peered into tho future and read tho
imaginary doom of man. fn tho si
lence of tho night ono can almost seo
the lonely form of that man plodding
dolefully along, muttering the most
melancholy strains that havo ever re
verberated down tho chords of Poesy.
Yes! almost, hut not quite! Wo can
picture his musfctvo brow, tho dcop 1
drawn lines across the forehead, tho
glittering cyo und that vacant stare
that read tho inmost depths of human
nature. We can almost sue liirn lean
for joy wild uplifted hand as ho;
concoived tho idea of totting in em
lila.onod luttnrs over tho oritranoo to I
Ilaibs, "All hopo abandon, ye who!
i iiU;r in rj! ' Oil, Duntc! a u w w.u
h.p the, a woihl udm lb. A
gl.lhi out M-puli hr- was crt- U l ,
11. in
1. 11
i IJKJ b, IS. rui- I.. ii-j
n..i li-- liw- in iir ,.-11 iv ul
' ' -lt.l! J.!k tl,,- in,,, . ;J d.Kilrt
)( 1 ' li'.'.i A hiii I 'cii 11.. 11, a,iid niiin
Latest Styles.
.lust Keceivod, Direct from the East, a Large Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SMOES, the Best Ever brought to this Market.
Also a Kino Assortment of
My Trices will suit the limes. Drop in and see mo.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
B. M. LOMBARD, - :
Low Rates, Mo ComsnsssioBi,
fl?"Those who consult their own interests will call on me before borrowing.
MM E I um d ra STABLE.
Everything 1'irct Clas. Terms Very llciivinabh'.
Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains
I will sell my mammoth stock of
Winter (Wig, Latin' Hw and
liki (hh ui Jackets,
1 r
Jwt opcno'l in t. buck bniMing
Klr ot. Uni'in, i full ti.fl 1 o'ii'Jt t' 1 j hi
Whlcli Kro Now OfM'it Ffr
In j'Mition to tbc a onu.h
fcljoc are in tAttnk, uiul wiil la a M r
A Share if Vtra inlJWo
Mill! 11 T H
All. Kinds.
Union, Oregon.
Kplfa of (lost.:
ailjninu Javccx
rt 1 1 h 'ii 1 of
to hov i I4J i'
by tho Ladies.
'mi' and ("lulrfrenV
Vihi'OiM foWcl.
iV Pivt'T'n ' , Mam