The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, January 17, 1889, Image 1

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    The Orego
., VOL. V.
An imloiuMirtont weekly Jounuil, UmhmI ev-
i I'Vtil'iv tiwuMillif liV
-V Publishers ami Propriel
A. K., (
Kilitor. )"
15. 1'iiaxci:y,
'( Foreman.
One copy, duo year
. .75
mx mourns
" Throe niontos
Invnrialily CasU In Ailvnnct.
If '" chance .iuhtcr!)tii!t are uot ti!l till
end of ictr, tuv tlulliirs will lie ehirgtd.
Kates of advertising made known on ap
plication. (Gf-Corropondenee from all parts of the
country solicited.
A dress all communication' to the Our.r.ox
Scol'T, Union Oregon.
U. Kakix,
J. A. Kakix,
Xotarv Public.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
JSTProuipt Attention Paid to Collcct.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice special
ties. Otllcc, two doors south of post-ollice,
Union, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon.
Otlice. one door south of .1. 15. Katon's
store, Union, Oregon.
f II. DAY, M. I).,
Physician ami Surgeon.
Ofllce adjoining Jones lire's store. Can
be found nights at residence in South
west I nion.
J. V, Shi:i.ton.
J. M. Caukom,,
Attorneys at Law.
Oflice : Two doors south of post-oflice, Un
ion, Oregon.
.Special attention given all business en
trusted to us.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Otllcc, one door south of Centennial ho
Conveyancer and Abstracter.
Abstracts to Heal ami Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Real and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Ollice next door south of Post-oflke. Un
ion, Oregon.
A. L. SAYLOR, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
North Powder, Oregon.
Has permanently located and will attend
all professional calls day or night.
Ollice: Drug store building; residence,
one door west of Itodgers' hotel.
La Grando, Oregon.
Will visit Union regularly on the
first Monday of each month.
Cornucopia Saloon,
W.M. WlI.FON, PltOI',
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and be sociable
Shannon Marshall,
Practical Horse Trainer,
Will always be found at Iloothe & Camp
bell's hvc y table.
T ke our vi( iou hor-es to him and be
will I n ak 1 1 1 111 I burges rcHsouahbi.
fa Line is Cove.
Leaves Union daily at 2 p. in, arrives at
Cove at .1 .'ill p. m.
Leaves Cove at 8 a. in., arrive (it Union
atu ma. m.
CV nne tioim made with Rlllott's coachv.
running to the dujiot, carrying passengers
for cat .nnl west bound trulti.
UATKS tnr l'AS.SI.C.l!ltS. MUSCIO J.
mill rttiMCiir, ui:ao.aiii.k.
The San Francisco
To Keep Posted on the News of the En
tire World Subscribe for the
11.50 11.50
No weekly paper published in the United
Stated contains as much or a great
a variety of good reading
matter as the
Weekly Examiner !
The coming year promises to be crowd
ed with stirring event".
In the United States the entrance of new
issues into the political arena has been fol
lowed by a change of Administration. Hut
the great economic question on which the
campaign turned is still unsettled, and its
solmiou is now eommit'cd to a Congress al
most equally divided between the two great
Ktiropc is a vast camp. Army corps pa
trol the frontiers, and millions of men
await the signal for the most titanic war
the world ha ever semi.
The KxAMtXKit'.s news-gathering machin
ery is uneoualed. Its correspondent dot
I the liabiiaule globe. Nothing can escape
I their vigilance, and no expense is spared in
I spreading the results of their efforts be
i fore the 1-Ixa.mim.k's readers,
i The mot noted writers of fiction in the
world c ontribute to the WUI5KLY RXA.M
IXHK. Ju'im Verne, Author of "Trip to
I the Moon.'' etc.; Itobcrt Louis Stevenson,
I author of "Trta-nre Island," etc.; Kidcr
Haggard, author of "Mr'," etc. ; Anna
Katharine (ircen, authorof '"The Leaven
worth Case,'' etc. : have all written storied
for the WEKKLY EXAMINER, and will
do so in the future.
tablishcd an Agricultural Department, in
charge of a practical agriculturalist, who is
the best w iter in the United States on agri
cultural subjects. This department will
contain sensible discussions of leading top
ics of interest to vineyardM, orchnrdists
and farmeis generally.
THE EXAMIXEIt'S Commercial Xcws
is complied by experienced men who care
fully guard tlie producer's interests in all
market reports.
The Weekly Examiner
(By Mail, Postage Prepaid.)
,50 Per Year,
Daily, per year . . . fO.70
Sunday, pea year ... . 2.00
All Postmas'ers arc Agents.
V. K. IIKAKST, Kdlter nnd I'roprlctor.
A Pleasing" Sense of Health
and Strength Renewed, and
of Ease and Comfort
Follow? tho mo of Syrup of Figs, as it
aeu gently o l tho
Kidneys, Livkk $5 Bowels
Effectually Cleansing tho System whoa
Codtivo or lblious, Dispelling
Colds, Headaches and Fevers
and jjonnanontly curing
withor.t weakening or irritating tho or
gans ou which it acta.
l'ur Sale In HOnniul JS1.00 liottlea ljr
nil I.uadlnji DrugKUU.
omroENiA ria sykup oo
SA.V TUAXtOJCO, CAU,, Kt., Ntw York. N. V.
Ilis Ccvo Drug Store,
ure Drugs,
itlent 3Iedicine.s,
aints and Oil.s.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
Considting of
Rifles, Shot (Inns, Pis-
Imported and Domestic Ci
gars, etc.
Til Kill MKT IIO US.
I If It Comet to n Vote I lie Will oftlif Pro.
j plr tit lf Thwarl'it liy ii Citug of Hire.
1 hits.
Eiiitok Okkcox Soorr:
In circulating a remonstrance in
, Antelopo precinct a few days ago, Mr.
, J no. Hanson biouglit to light, by
chance, some very valuable county
i heat information. When the paper
was presented to the section hands
they all refused to sign. They were
ihown the benefits to be derived from
lnaving the county seat whore it now
is, and that it was to the interest of
every man in the county to retain the
present situation. On being brought
to the point they admitted, rattier
thoughtlessly, that they were under
special instructions from the compa
ny to not sign the remonstrance.
When questioned further in regard to
I the matter they further stated that the
O. R. .t N. Co. were only waiting for
I the legislature to pass the "enabling
J act," or allow the matter to be stib
I mittcd to vole, when they would put
2,500 or .5000 men at work, in ten
J days, in the northern portion of Union
county and the vote would alt lie cast
for La (irandc. IJy so doing this
would lie an overwhelming majority
for La (Irande. It is very likely the
report is true. The company are
hired or induced, i.o doubt, by (.lie
prospects of some great and imaginary
gain at La Grande, to bo derived from
the business generally done at a coun
ty seat. The citizens of Union coun
ty are thus boldly confronted by a
giant in dishonest proportions, and in
zealous resolution. Nothing nioie dis
honest can be conceived. It is not
the vote of our hard-working tax-payer
that is to govern the best interests
; of our people, but the vote of a trans
ient and non-resident class of men
who shift and change as often as the
winds of Oregon. Our people should
be awuke to these underhanded moves
und do all in their power to nip the
poisonous bud ere it blooms. .Should
the legislature submit the question to
a vote, of the people, it is a dead gone
result if the designs of tho railroad
company are matured. Even if tho
road to Wallowa is not completed, the
railroad company would put a force
on the work sullicicnt to carry the
vote, and compared with the hordes of
gold and silver in the, vaults of the
company, the amount needed would
be nothing. When a monoyed corpo
ration is allowed to step boldly into
the sanctuary of our public welfare
and say, by virtue of its capital, and
men, what shall be done, and what
Khali not bo done, it is time for all
honest, conscientious tnx-pajers to put
their shoulders to the wheel and exer
cise the right they have by being citi
zens and not tramps. Wo bono to
see the fact established that the men
who support the government shall say
what measuaes shall be adopted, and
what policies pursued. Then only
will wo bo blessed with judicious and
wise plans of action. Men who trav
el, and tramp from town to town and
do not own more than a reckless and
passionate disposition, have nothing to
do in the questions that involve the
interests of the people in certain lo
calities. It is the man who pays the
tax to support our county government
whe should cast a vote for a measure
that will necessitate a more extensive
burden of taxation. No transient man
who owns no property, who pays no
tax, who has no family to support, and
whoso interest is bought with dollars
and cents, is tho man to say by
the power of ballot what shall be done
in a country where, legally, ho has not
even the right to vote. If our citi
zens can be made to see the necessity
of exercising their utmost endeavor to
prevent this monopolistic action we
are all right, but should the matter be
put to a vote, and the designs of the
railroad compuny bo carried into
efl'cct, then it is a bad state of ailaitH.
X. X.
A I'ruralnrnt' Citizen of Cr Given Ills
Vluwn on the County Neat Ourntlon.
Cove, Oregon, Jan. lo,
Editor Okkoon Scout:
La Grande is to the front once more,
with her overloaded "boncshell" of ha
tred and discord. It seems as though
the citizens of La Grande tiro possessed
with a greater combination of cheek
and gall than any people on the earth.
They are strongly boasting of their
"once" first and second ward notoriety,
as possessing more enterprise and
"gutting up a vim,' than all tho bal
ance of Union county combined. Now
if this is true, why do they exhibit so
much greed as to desire the downfall
of other towns in tho valley. Why
can't ttiey be content with their pros
perity and extend a helping hand to
their neighbors? This would show en
terprise and generosity, with a degree
of humanity koinething above the aver
age of an unenlightened, ignorant,
dirty, low down "siwasli" as shown by
the undertaking of the citizens, of the
boasted, would be first and second
ward, metropolis city of La Grande,
thut if they wero in jiosetsion of the en
tire earth, they would then want to
control heaven and poesesa li 1 in or
der to tcrrorizo the whole business,
Let us for one moment see what
they propone, and, at tho same time
deny: They nay in their open letter
that tbey "are misrepresented in this
matter." They nay they "will execute
a good and sufficient bond," etc. Yes,
Mr. Editor, the tax-piyers of thiscottu-
ty have danced to the music of that ;
good, old, familiar tun, once, and they
do not propose to pay the mtisii ian of :
more fandangoes. Promises, for Mich
in the l.nn.1 tbov nmii.wv U for fl'....f
never; intended to be fulfilled, and
you can never make the honest voters
and tav-payers of Union county see it
in any other light. A burnt ehilu
ngm. -V until emiu is
. . . i . i i i ....... . . v. : i :
afraid of the tire, and as a rom-eqitcnce
the tax-payers of this county are in
doubt as to the reality of the "fcood
and siillicient bond" they propose.
If it should be possible for the voters
of this countv to be "hoo-dood" to re
locate at La (irandc. ttie citizens of
said metropolis would, at once, piocced
...i ..:.-!. i l i .1
n i-.ii-uii i-ij;ui ui our iimiiiri-d iiuni-
sand dollars for county buildins an
eternal anchor against all future efforts
.for the removal of tho county seat..
In regard to division, etc., 1 have
simply to quote their second proposi
tion and add four words mote .and you
have their whole intent. It lends "as
to the matter of division of tho county
or the organization of a new county,
the people of La (itamle, like all others
should know of no rule or principle in
a republican government whereby the
majority should not rule, and divide
the county. Any sensible person well
knows that the relocation of the coun
ty seat at La (irande, necessitates a di
vison or the setting oil' of the southern
portion of the county. (They say the
eastern portion.') They say "all we
want is an enabling act lo submit (he
question," another misrepresentation
on their part. Does not evoty one in
lTnion county know better? Every
person who is familiar with the mor
bid greed and avarice of a La Grander,
knows that he wants the comity seat,
and their midnight dreams clamor for
the county seat.
1 believe, Mr. Editor, that a general
circulation of La Grande's celebrated
open letter, among the voters and tax
payers of this county, would lie more
convincing proof of this underhanded,
low, dirty, eussedness, than any pen
can portray. Allow me to relate a little
anecdote that is applicable to the citi
zens of La Grande: A young miss
who was just in her teens said to her
mother: Oh, mother! mother! I want
to marry so bad." The mother replied :
"Why. my child how you do talk;
don't let me hear you say so again."
1 he child icspondcd : "Oh mother I1
must marry now, for the lit is on me." 1
Just to with the citizens of La !
Grande; tho lit is on them and !
it is now or never, with them.
Header, you may ask why. The rea
son is that they have just 'heard of ouo !
(i. W. Hunt, who is coining over, or ,
through' the Hlue mountains, building:
a railroad as ho comes, entering
Grand Hondo valley at or near Hum-!
merville, thence south, through theen- j
tire length of said valley, to Union I
Oregon. You now perceive the rcukou.
In conclusion I will just say that i
when the railroad company disposes !
oi mat surplus property they mav po
ssess in that beautiful and prosperous
city of La Grande, her boom may
prove to her a "boomerang."
11. J. GEEli.
'JiaiiKt (ifSchocil t'.ofiltn.
The state board of education has
opened tho ballots of the county super- j
iutendents, and a count reveals tho j
fact a startling and expensive one
that twenty or more new books are (o
bo introduced in our public schools.
Among these are Humes new N'.Uionul j
Headers (five books) ; Fish's Arithmet
ic (two books) Pipers "Seat Work," I
Robinson's Algebra, Geometry Trigo-1
noinetry, Rryant it Stratum's Hook- j
keeping, "Short Studies in English,"
Monson's "Spelling System," Guyot's
Phsical Gcograph; , Clarke's Grammar,
Humes Primary D. S. History, Ton
ney's Astronomy, Steel's Geology, I
Whites Drawing and H.irdeen's Sen-1
tence Making. Thus it appear that j
ttie readers, arithmetic, and in general i
tho books that every child must have j
are changed. The county hiipi'iintou- j
dents have voted, the ()iiblishers most I
interested have evidently controlled
the vote, and the people 'iituit pay the
bills. For most of tho changes thorn
was no general demand, e.thor by
teachers or parents, while all null oiiuyft
or iwo inning exceptions, aio in mo
inerestof the Ivison it Hl.ikeman and
A. S. Harues combination, two publish
ing houses that have now practically
driven all others out of Oiegou, and
divided the business between them
selves. They now have influenco ami
for putting into our public schools any
books they choose. Portland Ex.
The oridorKiini'iitof (ierinitn Syrup l un
purallulod. Wc will publiiili 10M testimo
nials received during the lust six months
Head them. Slay uve your life.
liCHl.ixuiUM. K. V.. Muy 31.81.
O. O. (iri'on. Hoar 8Ir:I am frequently
troubled with severe uobh. nml the only
remedy that will rvlelru me of them I your
Ilopihec'ii Ocrinaii Syrup. I have umiI it
for moro thitii twelre yeun. It U a con
stant lioiisi'hotild companion with me.
Our merchant nrounred a areut many bot
tle, It is a vary popular remedy in tins
seetior. Kvury pernon who bun iw! il
speaks in the higlieit tonus of it merit. 1
do not know o( m ningloi u it has notciirel.
I !lrt used It in Vermont, win-re I lived be
fore corning bore. I iidyic everyone to ue
it, a it Is certainly the bct coiiIi niclU-iiic
I htiVM evir known. I haw tricl i.curl) ull
of thum at different that
Youm respectfully, MOifcri tiJIAY.
Proprietor Orlit Mill.
An lntrellti l.t'ttor I'miii Om- r.,--ti-iRf
Oi.rrcj oniliMit.
' , . . ,
! Washington, .1(111
! Kmroti Okkoon tVot T:
, Tho proverbial "Cleveland weather,"
,jml gnott'd Mr. Cleveland's inntmura-
, .. ., ..5., ,, v.
Year re
ception did not desert him on the first
day of this year. The reception was in
nil t expects the niot brilliant that has
occurred during this administration.
The rush was tremendous. The lines
of waiting carnages i cached
. ii . . . ,, i i?
far into
uuiaccut sireeis. i ne punuc
wero numbered by thousands,
when Hie doors closed, hundreds
not obtained admission, although
uiUoductiotis were dtopped at the cud
of the first half hour, and people
were nhnot trottul past the Presi
dent', succeeding in touching Mr. Clove
lauds limp finger tips. All sorts and
conditions of people wero in 'the mob.
An old colored man, filled with weigh
ty New Year greeting, patii-ed abrupt
ly and could not be moved until he
had delivered it, to the infinite disgust
of a plaid dude just behind him, who
was accompanied in his wrath bv Dr.
Mary Walker, in a frightfully fitting
Prince Albert suit. I
1 lie President was seven minutes
late, and tho cabinet and diplomatic
corps were waiting when he appeared,
with Miss Bayard, in tho Illue
Room, and tho red coat Marine Hand
began its programe. Among the se
lect assemblage of invited witnesses
was tho historian Haneroft, merry as a
school jjhoy, showing his eighty-nine
years in no line of his cheerful face and
alert figure.
Needless to say Mrs. Cleveland was
the centre of attraction. The bind
work of the day had no terrors for her.
She has! always been. a distinguished
looking woman; on New Year she was
a very beautiful woman, a piefuto of
youth, health, form, intelligence, mag
netism. What more can woman wish?
A splendid gown. Well, sho wore a
direstoiro costume of Eroneh pray and
pale pink, falling in folds from tho
shoulders. The skirt sides wore set in
very wide gray panels, opening over a
petticoat of rose colored silk, bordered
on both Milieu with Russian sable.
Her throat was encircled with dia
monds, and like jewels gleamed in her
hair. Further details escaped inc.
The diplomats weie not so numer
ous as on former occasions. The
corps included tho new German min
ister, Chief . I uslico Fuller and tho as
sociate justices were next in official
order, followod in succession by the
army and navy ofiieers, the minor de
partmental officers, the veterans of tho
Grand Army, and finally tho public.
As usual, iliuing the intermissions,
there wore constantly passing moro or
less distinguished people who wore not
obliged to wait in the throng of the
Congress assembled after tho holi
day adjournment on Wednesday. Tho
usual quota of senators was present,
and tho galleries were well filled.
Promptly at tho close of tho morning
hour, the tariff debate dragged its slow
length into view. And tho visitors
scattered to the four winds and left
the senators alone with their sorrow
ful duty. Tho House recovered from
the holiday season moro slowly, and
not over eighty members were present
when it reconvened. When the call
for committee reports was made, not a
committeo responded.
The friends of the international
copyright bill seem again doomed to
tlisapKiiutment. They have almost
despaired of even securing a day for
its consideration during the present
I gens ion. The opposition they believe
J ii only negative. The. committee ou
! mles still refitios lo meet. Tho sever
I al chuirmon of llouso committees that
, have iniH)itHiit bills ou the calendar
ao calling unsuccessfully for a meet
ing of the Utiles committee to arrange
an order of biuincBs. .Messrs. Carlisle
and Mill appear afraid of possible leg
islation, nml wrm to doubt their ability
lo control the House if the ordor is
arranged. If they stand out, none but
privileged ineasiiio will bo in order.
In the meantime the fiionds of inter
national copyright will not ho the only
disappointed eop!c. The authors are
poor politicians, and worse lobbyists.
Tin y have had the bill within sight of
pas-age in four sessions, and have been
Tin- M iiMiiioiiul reporU from linyti
had tic Ulct of wiowdlng tho recep
tion room of tho Htato Department
with visitors ye-teiday. The Depart
ment, however, kept its news to itself.
Minister Preston gives no credence to
(he story that Legitime ha. threatened
to kill all foieigneis who oppose him,
and (hat the Ameiiean consulate in
filled with refugees. As it i--, the New
York Mail t Express stoiy might
carry stronger credence if Lieut. Dccr
ing weie a less lurid and perchance a
mote modest wiitcr. .1. H. C.
n.Ni: v.i.i.i:v.
Letter frcilll nil
j Holidays passed oil' very pleasantly
, so far as we can learn! Tne chief
, cause of complaint semis to be that
the young men cannot take their best
girls out sleighing for lack of snow.
Smoked glass was in requisition
Now Year's day in Pine as well as all
over the coast. The day was clear,
i giving a line opportunity to view the
' frowning face of Luna as she obscured
i the sunV rays.
I The dance at "Hobville," for the
school house, was well attended, some
1 S") numbers being sold. The Eagle
j band furnished music for the round
i dances, inarches, etc. Quito a mini
I ber were present from F'atrle and
1 ""iiieopin
Quite a number on the sick list,
among whom are Mr. Greener, Mrs.
Stewart, Mrs. H. Lloyd, and Mrs. Hen
ry Oliver who is at present seriously
ill with pneumonia, we believe. Mrs.
.L A. Denny, who has been laid up
with neuralgia for two or three weeks
past, is again utile to bo out.
'fhe literary society in Sunny Dell
district discussed tho question, Re
solved, "'flint the horse is of moro ben
efit than the cow," at their Inst meet
ing. Decision in favor of the negative.
Sonic of the young folks acquitted
themselves very credit ably in tho de
bate and exercises. Now let others
tako a hand in helping the society
out, or at least encourage, those who
do help by listening respectfully and
conducting themselves in an orderly
manner. Tho "Punkintown Scream
er," edited by Mr. Ed. Mills, was a
laughable and spicy journal, and its
jests seemed to be good naturedly re
ceived. Question for the next meet
ing, Ih'solvcd, "That the pen is mighti
er than the sword."
M. E. protracted meetings began on
(ho Dili hist, at Pineburg or, as it is
commonly called, "Hobville," under
tho auspices of Rev. Yokutii. of Eaele.
j and McOnrt of Pino valley.
'flic sun's going lo bed. S. C. I'm
expecting every minute to hear tho
crack of doom, A. I). Gabriel's go
ing to toot I say. S. It must lie an
unlucky year for matrimonial pros
pects..!. 11. T. Looks rather dark
at present, that's a fact. S. The girl
has gone back on mo that's all. O. O.
Gue.-s I'll try my luck now. H. H.
Py Shestis Grist cum down mit dot
dance; he couldn't go mit dot gal. F.
IC. Iv'u a mind to go over to F y'
somo time when 1 think S. 0. will
come. Ci. 1).
Tt-rrllllii Oyi'loiui.
A dispatch of Jan. Dili, from Pitts
burg Pa. says: A terrillic storm of
wind and hail, the worst known for
years, swept over the city shortly after
noon to-day, carrying with it death
and destruction. Tho storm formed
with a suddenness that was overwhelm
ing, and as the wind accompanied by
hail and torrents of rain, swept along
the stieets, pedestrens where hurled
before it and barely escaped being
crushed under vehicles passing along,
the thoroughfares. Huildings wero
torn up and many persona were killed.
This is tho saddest night in the histo
ry of Reading. A death liko pall
hangs upon tho city, the result of tho
most horrible disaster in its history. A
hundred house holds are in morning'
as the result of ouo of the greatest
ealmilties known in Pennsylvania. A.
cyclone this afternoon swept, and laid
wasto everything within its reach, and
with terrible loss of life, about 100 per
sons being killed.
Ilium It ray?
riirec-foiirtliH of our people are troubled
with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint In same
form or other, which by nature of the dis
ease litis a depressing Influence ou tho mind
or body, preventing them from thinking or
acting clearly in any matter of importance.
Indigestion, coming up of food after eating,
dyspepsia, slek headache, acidity of the
stomach or any derangement of tho stom
aeh or liver (upon which the whole action
of our sysoin depends) are speedily ami af
fietually overcome bv the use of (Ireen's
August Flower. Tho most stubborn cases
have yielded to Its Itillueiit'c, as thousands
of letters received will testify. Tho lm
iiiciim) salti of this medicine U another aiiar
aitteif of its merrlts, (over a inilloii and a
half bottles sold last yeur.) So wo ask, will
you siider from any of tho above, dis
cuses when you can huvo immediate relief
hi the August Flower. Three doses will
prove Its worth. It Is sold by all druggists
and general dealers la all parts c.f the world.
Job printing done at this ollloo on
iliort notice. 1'riccn naKfiiable,