Orego OUT. VOL. UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 1 1, m. NO. 2). The SG The Oregon Scout. An Independent weekly journal, lued ev ery Kiiday lnomiiii: Itv JONES & CHANCE V, Publishers and Proprietors. , K. .Tonus, i Editor. ) ( 15. Chasohv, ) l-'oieinaii. K.YTKS OF HDllSCltirTIONl One copy, one year 14 " Six months LOO " " Three inontos "' Inv.irlntily C'usti In Advance. If bif chance subtrriptimis arc not paid till end of year, tu-o dollars will be ehnnjnl. Kates of advertising made known on ap plication. JSTCorrrspondcnce from all parts of tlio country solicited. Adress all communications to the Orkoox Scout, Union Oregon. K. Eakix, J. A. Eakix, Notary Public. J EAKIN , & iniOTIIElJ , Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. tgj-Frouipt Attention Paid to C'ollcct.nns. JOHN It. CMTES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special ties. Ollice, two doors south of post-olliee. Union, Oregon. J N. CUOMWKLL, M. Physician and Surgeon. Office, one door south of .1. H. Eaton's : store, Union, Oregon. I 11. DAY, M. D., HOMEPATHIC MM ... 1 a U fr pnysician tiourgcuii. AM. CALLS I'KOMI'TMT ATTEXIICI' TO. Ofllcc adjoining .lones Pro's store. Can be found nights at residence m boutn west Union. J. W. Siiki.to.v. .J. M. Caiikoll. S' HELTON & CAKKOLL, Attorneys at Law. Ofliee: Two doors south of post-oflice, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. T II. CUAWFOltD, Attorney at Law, Union. Oregon. Otnec.one door south of Centennial ho- tel jg V. WILSON, Conveyancer and Abstracter. Abstracts to Itoal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Ileal i find Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Ollice next door south of Post-omce. Un ion, Oregon. A. L. SAYLOR, M. D Physician and Surgeon, North Powder, Oregon. Has permanently located and will attend all professional calls day or night. Ollice: Drug store building: residence, one door west of ltodgera' hotel. J W. STRANGE, DENTIST, La. Grande, Oregon. Will visit Union regularly on tho first Monday of each month. ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS Cornucopia Saloon, Wm. Wilson, Pitoi1. The Finest of Wines, Liquors! and Cigars always in stock. FIRST GLASS BILLIARD TARLE. Drop in and he sociable Shannon Marshall, THE Practical Horse Trainer, Will always be found at Iloothe A Camp bell's livery stable. Take your vicious hordes to him and ho will break them. Charges rcasonublo. lags Line to Cove- Leave l iilondally ut 2 j. m, nrrivoH al Cove at S 30 p. in. Leaves Cove at S a m , arrivuu at Lilian all) Mu. m. (Vnii'ei tioii uittilo with Elllott'n rtMt-lie running to the depot, cuming MMiigcrh fur eau ami Het UmiiuI train. IUTKH lor l'.hKI!.Sfn;Kh. I.I fHI.Mii: mid I'lliatillT. Itl'.AMt.S.VHI.i:. JCOMK-ON K I AYM 'imioVkssioxal. j The San Francisco WEEKLY THE MONARCH WEEKLY To Keep Posted on the News of the En tile World Subscribe for the. 1 1 .5 Q EX A31IXER $1.50. No weekly paper published in the United States contains as much or as great a variety of good reading matter as the Weekly Examiner ! The coining year promises to be crowd ed with stirring events. In the United States the entrance of new Nmics into the political arena has been fol lowed by a change of Administration. Hut the grea't economic question on which the campaign turned is still unsettled, and its solution is now committed to a Congress al most equally divided between the two great parties. Europe is a vast camp. Army corps pa trol the frontier, and millions of men await the signal for the most titanic war the world has ever seen. The Examinhii's news-gathering machin ery is uneqnaled. Its correspondent dot the habitable globe. Nothing can escape their vigilance, and no expense, is spared in spreading the results of their efforts be fore the Ex vminek's readers. The most noted writers of fiction in the world contribute to the WEEKLY EXAM INER. Jules Verne, Authorof "Trip to tliu Moon,'' etc.; Itobcrt Louis Stevenson, author of '"Treasure Island," etc.; Hitler Haggard, author of ''She," etc.; Anna Katharine Green, author of "The Leaven worth Case,'' etc.; have all written stories for the WEEKLY EXAMINEH. and will do so in the future. THE WEEKLY EXAMINEE has estab tablished an Agricultural Department, in charge of a practical agriculturalist, who is the best w itcr in the United States on agri cultural subjects. This department, will contain sensible discussions of leading top ics of inteiest 10 vincyardists, orchardists and farmers gewrnllv" THE EXAMINER'S Commercial News is complied by expeilcnced men who care fully guard tlie producer's Inteiests in all inarkit reports. The Weekly Exsniiincr (T.v Mail. Postage Prepaid.) $1.50 Per Year, Daily, per year Sunday, pi a ye n- All Postmas'er! SG.70 2.00 are A genu. i W. It. IlKAKST, Kditor nml Proprietor. mm3 m A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Follows U.13U20 of Syrup of Figs, as i; aoU fently o:i t'.io Kidneys, LivKit 59 Bowels Effectual! y C'leHnsim; t'.ie Systom when Coiuvo or Jidtou.i, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers an-l permanently curing HABITUAL CONSTIPATION without vodkenim; or irritating t!io or gans or. which it acU. 1'or Sain In ROoand &1.00 lSuttlas by r.U I..i;hiIiir; lrii(;Bliit. UAsencvnuot oxix r tub OiLIPOENIA fIG SYEUT 00 Pax I'.ia'.'.'uto, Ci, lvO!'lt, Ntxr Yonic. X. Y. sve Drug Sk JASPICR (!. STEVKXS, I'ropr. DKAI.r.H IN are Drugs, atent 3redicincs, iH'i'uniery, aints and Oils. Prescriptions carefully prepared -ALSO DKAI.KK IX- SPORTING GOODS, ('.insisting of His, Stot (lis, Bjs tols andCartriLps. Imported and Domestic Ci gars, etc. f-P L ME A ( ALL mmm i The u Written for Tin: St our. Ol'U Ot.l) . CIKK)1, norsi: Here around this little threshold l'lrt we sKv the eepliv shine; Here it was that tiiytlc f.incy Wove hertender thoughts with mine. Here we listened for the echoes Of a vuiee a from afar, Telling of the perished legends. And the glorious feats of war. Here o'er History's page we shuddered While Home's glittering legions tread Onward o'er tho helpless living, Onward o'er the sacred dead. Here within these wall resounded Curse of man and moan of brute, And in rapture we have listened To the. Grecian's pleading lute. Hero we saw how man, progressing, Upward climbed the golden stair. Ami 1 ween we dreamed of terror Crouching in his kennel there! In this room and witli thee schoolmates We have dreamed the dream of Kate We have seen the slow progression -- Eirst to think, then calculate. And how slow the mind, encumbered With some old relentless fear, Seems to march with muilled drum beat, And a shadow hovering near. Here we heard the harpstrings tremble Listened to the Tales rehearse. Here we learned our youthful lessons Eratments from the Universe! Hero we found the hidden treasure 'Neath the towers, by Ignorance reared, Here our youthful minds oft wondered At the ghosts our fathers feared. Day by day, with measured heart beats, Has the clock struck otVtho hours. And we envied Adam's school days There in Eden's leafy bowers! Eor we saw our sturdy master With precision mark each rule, While ignoble Adam wandered Through creation's new-made school! Often down the pages gazing, We have heard the Muttering wings That have borne down through the ages Argosies Jof,' hiuhcr things. Often wondering at the changes That have kissed thin land of ours, We have seen a high perfection Growing brighicr with tho hours. And the hand outstretched, seemed reach Down to lead us higher still ing How the world has bowed, in silence, To Progression's mighty will! And we deem that life the rarest That progresses day by day, Eor the grander thoughts shall conquer, And the low shall pass away. Some dav. when the world grows riper With it.", yellow harvest bent, Men shull look in sadness backward To the precious days misspent. Some dav, when the heart grows kinder And the passions all have llown, Men shall see the broken signets They, in tears, will have to own. They will hear their weeping mothers Pleading only for a word, And in anguish, swelling deeper. They shall feel their bosoms stirred. We shall see tho low-browed monsters, That have hovered round our path, Turn aside at our progression And in silence nurse their wrath. Onward goes the beaming beacon, Ami we follow in the wake. For we see the shining eeptro Where tho surging billows break. And we see the tangled fo.esH With their spangled wealth of gold, And as day by day progresses We some secret gem unfold. Hope springs bright,;and Patience tarries; Labor works with willing hands; While all'cction iluds the corals Hidden in Life's shining sands. Thought grows deeper with a usage. Genius leaps o'er barriers high, While the magic wand of Progress Spreads its beauties down the sky. Toll and Patience walk together Hand in hand, through every clime. While true manhood leads thee onward With a leadership sublime. There is some gift freely given Something dwells in every heart; Hut It lacks the spark of reason That shall give tho llame a start. Every being is a monster If but monster thoughts prevail; Rut the reiiMin, lying Idle, Leaves us drifting with tho gale, Men are mummies; imitation Seems the strongest force, indeed. Hut in every soul thero smoulders Some of Learning's richest seed. With u common purpose, living, All men drift upon the tide. Weaker wills and feebler fancies Does our destinies divide. And as every struggle onward Heaps mimic competition here, Every virion moment passing Ilrings its own attendant tear. H. W. Hltimax. HWluit'ittliMnttr With You? You are not ' all right.'' You feel tired, your back aches, you feel nhakoy in the knees, you are subject to dull headaches, are nervouv, cross, and all things don't seem to go Jum right. In short, you are full of nittlaria. and ou will continue to feel worMMintilyou get something to kill mid cxpei the poUon. W'u recommend Electric Hitter, because it will Just tit your eaic. 15o confident an we, that we guarantee It, which uieuim lliut yuiir mono)' will bo r fundvd if you ur not benefited. No fairer oiler ran ho made You hut- a sine thing. Try ll. !'rl'.i ''. i f I t Unmii'n dnJi; tgi I tuon Oregon NORTH POWDER. 'Ajax" Discourses of and Thinirs. Matters PKTTY SNEAK THIEVES. Cnttlo Car on I'lrr I'ri'rtlcl Ion tiy tlio liimn'r---llviil llslnto Mile. .January Stli, 18SD. School was resumed on Monday, af ter a two weeks vacation, with an in creased attendance. All the ice houses in (own are filled to overflowing with it prime nrticln of ice in anticipation of hot times next ! summer. .Mr. Crawford, general ugen( for the New York Life Insurance Co., was in town on Sunday with a view of estab lishing an agency. i l'eler Stonehtirg has been quite ill , at tho North Powder hotel, iwontly, I but is improving rapidly and will soon ! he around again. 1 lnstibotdination in any branch of ' tho military service is punishable ut j tlio discretion of a court martial or ' court of discipline. "A word to the I wise is iHilhcicnt, ' etc The ball eommiKee have iu charge several article of feminine apparel lost at (ho ball, which can be obtained by applying to Sergeant. Pluninier. Cayotes are too numerous to bo ap preciated in this vicinity, hence .Mr. Walk, a farmer near (own has bud in a supply of strychnine and shot guns. Let others do likewise. h'clloirg, Punch it Co. sold, (lining the week, the Occidental saloon build- ing and lot to Messss. Craig it Thorn linson for tho sum of one thousand dollars. Two young men settled a dispute of long standing, on Sunday, by a knock out, near Mr. Powers' place. Tho combat was of a bloodless character and soon terminated in peace. Messrs. Kellogg, Punch it Co. are busy filling a contract for (en car loads of ice for a firm at Huntington. It is taken fiom the liver and is from pure mountain water. Business men complain of a stagna tion in trade following the holidays. It was ever thus and probably will re main to unless some enterprising in dividual could invent a change. Petty sneak thieves made a raid up on all the loose overcoats and good hats at (he ball on New Year's evo. Some thrifty citizen may "bite oil' more than he can chew" in case ho is not verv careful. A Portland daily says "Powder liver has been staked oil' into mining claims from the mouth to linker City, lately. Always obtain news from a distance and you get it fresh and reliable Don't it. , Farmers are lamenting tlio absence of snow and predict a total failure of this year's crop unless a deep snow should fall, and remain nomo time, eio the winter terminates. So moto it be. The Anthony Ihos., with tho assist ance of lid. (iooden, furnished first-1 class music for tho bull on New Year's j eve. "K company litis a number oi line musicians whoso services are ap preciated on such occasions. A cattle ear in an east bound freight was discovered to bo on tiro on arriv ing at this station on Monday. Fire was supposed to have originated from friction. No serious damage resulted. Work on the new chinch edifice has been suspended owing to the went her, but will bo resinned again t-hortly. Timber for tho foundation and walls is on tho ground and it it will bo ptifahed to completion when work com mences again. That Accidental Insurance Compa ny has failed to make good its Iosmcs in this community until tho present. Those claiming indemnity an anxious ly awaiting a decision of yea or nay in their cases by said company. The return of that nice young chris tian, Chas. Hrockins, to the cono of his r;ont light-lingered exploits' may cool his ardor and defor, indefinitely, his damage unit aguiiirt a Nov York county ollioial Ajax. Does ll I'lij".' rhroo-fourlha of our peoplu are troubled with Dypcptln or Liver Complaint in sumo form or other, which by nature of the dis ease hiiK a doprexulnginfluciieo on the-mind or body, prove King tin in from thinking or acting clearly in uny mutter of Importance. Indigestion, coining up of food after eatiux. dyspopula, sick headache, acidity of the ktouiach or any derailment of the nloiii ach or liver (iioii which the whole action of our yfiu depends; nr poadlly and nf fectually overcome bv th t of Green' Angiut Flower. Tho iuot MtuUborii cihmm have yielded to It liiiliicncc, ii thoiuuiiils of letters received will tc.Hfy. The liu ineti't) aleof this iiii'db liif U niiith-r umir antee of IU inerrlt", (over t inillo.i an. I a llulf IfottleN Mild List Jiur s,,w,. will you illlHur from .my .f 1 1 - .Ik ohc when V"U iit luit. ...iin-nu i.iu; ill the ut;Ukt I 'lower. Three i.e till prove t- humIi. It L mild bv .til drugtfUt- tfUdH,l)"i't'b iln 'U4ll'..' ill V'irUl. KAIil.i: V.U.t.KY. Utiui'i: Incitement" -Tlio ('utility M'tit .Itovciuent lint I'liTuriMt Nut . .luutmry 7th, 1SSU. Scot T is si welcome every family in this 'I'm: Okkoox visitor to almost community. Lester Holcomb is picpuiing to ship a car load of lioiscs east, sometime next month. livery tiling quiet hero now. Health of t ho community not very good, as the mumps arc prevalent. We understand (hat (ho Chumller llros. have sold 100 head of (heir floors to Williamson it Weller. Price paid, $;M.iO per head. Thero is considerable excitement over the new mining district south of Spuria, on Powder river. They me I slaking out. claims up and down (ho nvei for sevor.il miles. A now ouart. ' n,jn js ivunr ,m jn two miles south of I s.,,.,..... Kvervbndv thinks there, will bo uoixl times here next season as new mines are being opened up in almost every direction from ICagle valley. Thero is much dissatisfaction over a petition (but has been circulated in Kuglo and Pine valleys asking for the right to vote on moving the county scat from Union to La Urando. (iod knows we are far enough from the county seat now, and we don't, want to go ,") miles further. If it ever comes to a vote, doubtless the citizens will sit down on such a move. Ilachelors have mumps as well as evervone c.bo. Thev flock together ; like birds, to take care of each other I without the aid of a wife. Doubtless I old nuiids would stand a good 1 elmnco here. 1 believe there will be . several weddings in this vicinity, soon, ! f,om Ul" w.''y UlOM j nnjUlul- bachelors are look- KlUir.NI'! OITV. Nw Items I'l'iiiu Our K'SpilllllClll , llegular i'or- January lith, 1889. Leap year has gone and tho poor girls will not have another chance to get a silk dress for four years. We have had rain and mud all win ter, but no snow. Schools all begin Jan. 7th, after two long weeks vacation. A majority of the University students went home. Christmas was enjoyed by all, two trees at the churches and some at pri vate bouses. I attended a privato ono which was very nice. It had a great many presents on it, and tho trim ming was beautiful. Mr. Moody, the evangelist, made our town a visit lust Thursday, preach ing at ! i'. M. and then from 7 to 10 v. Ji., dismissing several times that those who were tired might leave. lie left here for California and says lie does not intend to ever be iu Oregon again. Agents tiro numerous. Most, of them are machine agents. I do not know when tho Catholics intend to commence their school. Tho building is Hearing completion. They have tlio tower of tho church erected. May tho editor of Tin: Scout and its kind readers spend a happy and pros perous New Year is the wisli of one from whom you may XlTICTMOIti:. Ills IStisiness Itooiiilng. Probably no one thing has chummI such a general revival of trade at Hrown.s drug store as his giving away to his custo mers of so ninny free trial bottles of Dr. King's New discovery for Consumption. Ills trade Is simply enormous in this very valuable at tide from the fact that it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, AHthma, Bronchitis, Croup and a'l throat and lung diseases ipiicMy cured. You can test it before buying by getting n trial bottle free, large size l. Every bottle warranted. A Iti'.iiui Fraud. Our farmers should keep an eye open for tho agent who sells tho" wheat binder," who is swindling the farmers in di fie rent parts of tho west getting postal card orders for ono hinder and iiiising them to 100. Tlio "binder" is a small stick, about eighteen inches long, witli a brass ferulo on tho end, on which thero is a slot for fastening a siring which binds (ho wheat. Salem Journal. Tho fanners of Union county should look to their liut interests and buy their farm implements where they can do tho best. Frank Hros. Implement Co., island City carry in stock a largo iifigorlmontof everything in this line, and can undersoil all competitors. 2 A NitiV liivcKtiiicut. In one which l guaranteed to. bring you NMlxitctory t'OMiiltM. or In case of failure a return of purchase price On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised drugglHts u bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It Is guarantied to bring relief In every ease, when lined for any af I'ectluii of Throat, Lungs or C'het,iuch tu iiuinptloii, In aintilloii of ling, Hron- Mi'. Aathinu. Whooplng'ough, ('roup, fit . Ii 1 plcnunt nml agreeable lo tmte, 11 f is il) mite, 14 ml can ulwuy bo depended 111...H Tuji in,itiu free at It, II. Urmvii'4 din P.iitJii. Oregon, THEC0VE. Heavy Remonstrance Against Moving the County Seat. LOCAL HAPPENINGS. I.nicc Shipment of nnrnn-.-Itrrrnt Ini pi ovriiieiit I'roilniinilj.l'olntrr. January 10th, 1SS9. Mrs. Shoemaker and daughter, .Miss Sarah, have returned from a visit I among relatives in Ohio, j 11. 11. French has disposed of sever al car loads of liny to parties on tho I Sound and will ship next week. I Wesley Duncan's house has been ; completed and the carpenters have re j turned to town. The dwelling was at t once occupied. I N. Conklin has discontinued his position as assistant in Leighton Acad emy and accepted the Frosty school, commencing his labors lust Monday. Itohinson it Martin are building an ice house in connection with their butcher shop, and will store a supply of the needful for future use. The Cove Dairy Co. lias sold, in tho last two weeks, about three tons of cheese. A number of substantial sales have been made in Walla Walla. Late advices from Cove settlers in Long valley, Idaho, say that they aro experiencing a very mild winter, tlio snow having been only three inches deep. Adam Crossniiin and Fred Scott, two citizens of La Grande, wero in Covo last week. Adam was full of argu ment that his town was the proper place for the county seat. Jas. Hloom and Good Cowles are putting up a supply of ice this week, also the Cove Dairy Co. will soon be gin filling their ice house. Ico should be plenty and cheap next summer. A small dancing party was given at Ascension hall, Saturday ove, Prof. Smith being the host. The gentle man has the happy faculty of making everyone feel at homo and sincerely glad that they came. Jaycox it Campbell shipped 11000 pounds of bacon to Sanger, this week. It was contracted for some time since at 123 cents per pound. This firm will make about 2( tons of bacon this season, and have a large supply on hand to fill orders. A change has been made in tho public school on account of tho sick ness of Mr. Dailoy. tho principal. Sir. Conklin, teacher of tho primary de partment, has been promoted to the principal's position and .Mrs. Honry has been engaged to teacli tlio primary department, Remonstrances to tlio legislature against submitting the county seat question to a vote and against cutting oil' any portion of tlio county, wero generally circulated by II. .1. Goer (luring the week, and signed, witli fow exceptions, by all voters in tho pre cinct. When a man gets so ho cannot swallow, ho has a right to bo fright ened. Alex. 1 got lfi signers and won my suit of clothes. Adam. I. am already engaged for tho first sleigh ride. I'. And 1 was just going to say tho Mime concerning niyscll. A. It's real strange I don't get a 1 otter. N. Tlio results of bitter applo Adminis tered by amateur physicians are not to bo sneezed at. C. Union takes our trade away and wo will havo it killed by moving tho county scat. Ii. Wo aro now more proficient iu marching than wo wero at first. Public school girls. AnIiIiiiiiI Woolen Mills. Tlio Ashland Woolen .Mills, tho prin cipal manufacturing institution of the town, increased its products during tho year 1888 over those of uny other year. The mills employ HQ people, and dur ing the past year they used more than 100,000 pounds of wool. They made (ifi.OOO yards of fino flannels, 3942 yards of cassimeres, 1100 pairs of blankets, 17 dozen large shawls and a large number of small shawls, stock ings, yarns and etc. Tho woolen mill still bears a prominent part in the maintuinanco of tho town, as it lias done for years past. Ashland Tidings. What would bo tho result to Union, if tho proposed woolen mill, that so much talk was made about last sum mer in this city, had teen erected? The parties proposing to build that mill, proposed to consume IfiO.OOO or 500,000 pounds of wool. If a mill working up 100,000 lbs of material is good for Ashland, a mill working up four or five times that amount would certainly be a good thing for Union. Farmers and others iu buying farm implements, wagons, etc., will invaria bly find it to their advantage to let traveling agents alone and buy of well known and reliable firms. Thoo who purchase of Frank Hiom,' Implement Co,, of Island City, will bo dure of gel ting just what they buy, and nmy count on fulr dealing every timtt. Their price are fixed to miU the ium uud they alwaye Imvtf oil Imildu Wtrw (or Kooihi thy it