The Orego VOL. V. UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 4, 18W. NO. 28. ft 'The Oregon Scout. An Independent weekly Journal, Issued ev ery Friday liioriilntr bv JONES & CIIAXCEY, Publishers and Proprietors. A. K. Jo.vr.s, i 1 II. Ciiascky, Editor, f ( Foreman. katks or suitscnirTioxi One copy, one year $l..r0 Six months .. . . 1.00 " ' Tbreo inontos I Itivnrlnbly Cash hi Atlvnnce. j hi chance tubrcriptians arc not paid till end o year, two dollar will be charged. Hates of advertising made known on ap plication. ISTCorrefpondcncc from all parts of the country solicited. Adress all conimunications to the Oucho.n Scout, Union Oregon. l'KOl'KSSIOXAI.. It. Kakin, J. A. Kakin, Notary Public, J EAKIN, & IUlOTIIEll, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. USETPrompt Attcution Paid to Collect.ons. JOHN It. CIUTES, Attorney at Law. ri,,nii.Mtnr and iirobate practice pccial tieK. Ollicc, two doors south of post-ottiec, Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician and Surgeon. Oflice. one door south of J. B. Katon's store, Union, Oregon. C. II. DAY, 31. I)., IIOMKPATIIIC Physician and Surgeon ALI, CALLS CHOMFTI.Y ATTENDIW TO. rtiTirn niiinininf? .Tones IJro's store. Can be found nights at residence in South west Union. J. V. Siikltox. J. M. Caisuoll g II ELTON & CARROLL. Attorneys at Law. Oflice : Two doors south of post-office, Un ion, Oregon. Special attention given all business en trusted to us. rj II. CUAWFOUD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Otliec, one door south of Centennial ho tel. g F. WILSON, Conveyancer and Abstracter. Abstract to Ileal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Oillee next door south of Post-oilice. Un ion, Oregon. A. L. HAY LOR, M. I)., Physician and Surgeon, North Powder, Oregon. Han permanently located and will attend all professional calls day or night. Office: Drug .store building: residence, one door west of Ilodgers' hotel. J W. STRANGE, DENTIST, La Grande, Oregon. Will visit Union regularly on tho first Monday of each month. ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS Cornucopia Saloon, Wm. Wilson, Pkop. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always in stock. FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLE. Drop in and be foci able Shannon Marshall, Practical Trainer, Will always bo found at Hoothu it Camp bell's livery stable. Take vour vicious horses to him and ho will break them. Charges reasonablo. Slags Uu to Cove. Leaves Union dully at 2 p. m, arrives at Cove at 3:30 p. in. Leaves Cove at 8 a. in , arrives at Union at 9:30 a. in. Connections made with Elliott's coache. running to the depot, carrying passenger for tat and west bound traliu. ItATt: fur IMSNItKOi:ilri, i.unnAOi; and niL'Kiirr, iu:a.suiaju.i:. HOlfJKgOK A 1.AY.VU, nSpritttfH. A Common Cold Ia often the beginning of serious affec tions of tho Throat, Bronchial Tubes, and Lungs. Therefore, tbe importance of early and effective treatment cannot bo overestimated. Aycr's Cherry Pec toral may always bo relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or eough. Last January I was" attacked with a sevore Cold, which, by neglect and fre quent exposures, became worse, finally settling on my lungs. A terrible cough soon followed, accompanied by pains in tho chest, from which I suffered intense ly. After trying various remedies, with out obtaining rolief, I commenced taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was Speedily Cured. I am satisfied that this remedy savod my life. Jno. 'Webstor, Pawtucket, It. I. I contracted a scvero cold, which suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presenting dangerous and obstinato symptoms. My physician ordered tho use of Aycr's Cherry Pectoral. His in structions wcro followed, ami tho rosult was :i rapid and permanent cure. H. E. Stimpson, Rogers Prairie, Tex. Two years ago I suffered from a severe Cold, which settled on mv Luncs. I con sulted various physicians, and took tho medicines thoy prescribed, but received only temporary relief. A friond induced me to try Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. After taking two bottles of this medicine I was cured. Since then I have given tho Pec toral to my children, and consider it The Best Remedy for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and Lung diseases, ever used in my family. Robert Vanderpool, Meadvilfe, Pa. Somo timo ago I took a slight Cold, which, being neglected, grew worse, and settled on my Lungs. 1 hail a hacking cough, and was very weak. Those who know me best considered my life to bo in great danger. I continued to suffer until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Loss than one bottlo of this valuable mcdicino cured me, and I feel that I owe tho preservation of my life to its curative powers. Mrs. Ann Lock wood, Akron, New York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered, here, the one great remedy for all diseases of tho throat and lungs, and is mora in demand than any other medicine of its class. J. F. Kobcrts, Magnolia, Ark. 1 1 Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Trepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowtill, '. Bold by all Druggist. Price $1 ; six boUlc. IS. A Pleasing- Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Foilowi tho two of Syrup of Fiji, as ii acid gently 0:1 tho Kidneys, 0 Bowkls Effectually CleanMnt; tho Systom when C'odtiva or lidioua, Dispelling Colds, Headaches and Fevers and j)omiauontly curing HABITXTAIi CONSTIPATION without 'weakening or irritating tho or gans on viiteli ii r.cts. For Halo in .NOor.nd (51.00 ItolUoa bjr all Lending- Druggiata. ujuaTAcroua cxir r tub CALIFORNIA PIG SYEUP 00 tlUt F3AVC10CO, CjlL., Louisville, Kv., Jkv York. X. X. k Cove Drug Store, JASPER G. STEVENS, Tropr. DKALEIl in I lire Drugs, atent MedieineH, erfumery, jiintH and Oils. Prescriptions carefully prepared ALSO DEALER IN SPORTING GOODS, Consisting of Rifles, Siiot to, Pis Imported and Domestic Ci gars, etc. GIVE ME A CALL. Kentucky Lianor Store AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and II fit. Union. Oregon, KIlKlt.MAN Jt IIAI.KV, Props, Monufwtun.ra and dealer In Sodu W ttr. rariiiarillu, Olnger Ale, Cream pod ond qbaiupawn' Cider, Hyrups, cir. Or- tfvr promptly ollid. tols anttuartriLps NORTH POWDER. 1 A Letter from our Regular Cor ! respondent. THE MI LIT All Y BALL. Sorlnl lie- ttmt tCUmiKri. January 2nd, 1SS9. Tho eclipse was visible to all whose optics were not eclipsed. Josiah Bradford, of Jimmy creek, has been confined to his bed by sellouts illness the past week. W. J. Snodgrass, of La Grnnde, was in town on Wednesday, on business. Geo. Bobier has purchased Mr. Far rey's interest in the butcher business. Mr. Shell owns a small fruit farm near Walla Walla and will remove to that place toon. Dave Beverage's museum still con tinues to be an attraction. The latest addition it a whole owl family. Mr. Brack Utz came down from Ililgard and remained until after the Nw Year's bull. Robt. Lloyd and wife went to Telo- casct, yesterday, to attend a brother's wedding at that place. The O. It. & N. Co. have a force of men at work here taking out ice for the summer'i consumption on their lines. That petition is here asking for a re-location of the county seat. North Powder wants it and needs it badly in her business. Corner lots are advan cing (m an undue growth of sage brush) in anticipation of a change. Recently a camp of chicken boodlers wai iummarily broken up by the un expected appearance of the owners claiming them out on a foul. Morris Levy left for Baker on Tues day where he accepts a position in his uncle's store. "Mase" has been em ployed by Messrs. Gorham it Roth child, of this place, for the past two years and has given general satisfac tion to the firm as well as patrons of the business who wish him success in his new surroundings. "Coming events cast their shadows before" so Madam Rumor says a well known merchant and an estimable widow will unite hands and fortunes ere tho frost is gone. All day long, Monday, trains and teams brought people in from all over the country and when Spencer's capa cious dancing hall was thrown open for the military ball, to commence at about 8 o'clock in the evening, every available space was occupied and standing room was at a premium. The merry dancers thronging the floor were too numerous to make dancing comtortaule, but as niglit wore on a portion of the throng disappeared and more space was available. The deco rations were handsome, consisting of evergreens, flags, bunting and mottoes, one of tho latter being "A welcome to our guests and a happy New Year." A splendid supper was served at the North Powder hotel by Mrs. Richard son, filling her spacious dining hall four diiferent times ere tho dancer had appeased their hunger. Tho re ceipts amounted to upwards of $200, and after paying all expenses the com mittee turned over to "k" company s treasurer the handsome sum of $05 net profits. Our guests were somo ten couples from Baker, Mr. Neil and oth er parties from Union, a few from La Grande, and a large number from Haines and vicinity, to all of whom and to every patron of the ball an ex pression of gratitude is tendered by the committee in generously aiding us in making more than a success of our first attempt in tho way of a military hop and of aid financially, of which the company is so much in need. Ajax. A Quaer Find. Messrs. Coltharp and Brown, placer mining on Snake river near Salmon falls, last week unearthed a complete skeleton of an elephant or mastodon. It was hurried about twenty feet under ground. The place had at ono lime, evidently been a whirlpool or eddy of the river. Many large bones have been found there but this last discovery was a perfect skeleton, it having without doubt been deposited there while the hide was yet intact. It was about sixteen feet long, and it is estimated that the pile of bones would weigh 3000 pounds or more. Tho tusks were between six and seven feet long. The tusks and some of the huge molars and other bones were preserved, but it was impossible to save the skeleton entire, as soon after it was exposed it began to crumble. Shoshone Journal. Anolktr fraud. School directors throughout the Htatu uro warnrd of tbe arrlvul of map swindlers. Two map worth ope dollar are Hold for five under a pretniK that new law compels tbe director to haw map bnug in the scbooJ boue. There Is do turii uw and sAi4 dlMotdr s wUI tfo will to WnUl cAit form nhvywfr.Ifu; Wind. limit Our Oorrcpnntliiit, Homo," Widely, ni fsual." Water for stoek getting warre, ow ing to the coKl, dry weather. The days are gaining one moment off the long Lights. It is a mistake to suppose that no good comes of the doubters, the agita tors, the restless ones of this life. An honest doubter may find out. some thing new, but a blind believer will move on content with the old ways and old thoughts. Brand not the man who ditl'ers from us as insincere, or foolish, or dangerous. Weigli well the thoughts he suggests and be active. If a fellow di tiers from you, be not angry with him, but set about to de termine if he have aught of truth or if yon be in any way in enor. What is tho seno of all these Pro fessors and other fellows getting them selves out of breath prospecting on the weather? It ia not only tirtd-clnvH noneiiH but positive injury. Their piedictions are mere guess work and little el-e. A giv; storm is predicted between certain dates, or soon utter, or just before, and no place in particu lar is speeiliod. It will either be a blizzard or a snow storm or some Mich occurrence. Such warning may cause M)tue people to eloso up tho cellar windows anil have two days wood cut ahead, but it hinders busi ness, consumes space in the papers that have no other news to put before their leaders, and is a nuisance on general principles. In deciding what paper to take for the new year, ask yourself this qtios tion : Should 1 not take tho homo paper? There will come up this course of reasoning to everyone: Its owners are my associates; they do business among us and turn ten or more thousand dollars over each year in our country ; they bring this mon ey, much of it, from abroad; they have, frequently made pleasant mention of myself or some friend or relative; their success is our gootl, for a clean paper, well supported, is a power for good in every community. Let ua take the home paper, Tin: Oiti:uo.v Scout. It is said there is a man in La Grande so stingy that when he puts a silver dollar in. his pocket the eaglo on it screams out the lines of the familiar hymn, "Farewell vain world, I'm go ing home," and this man is the agita tor of tin's county scat movement. The fanners of this county have a bur densome tax as it is, and unless thoy prefer their taxes doubled they had better steer clear of all petitions ask ing for a vote to move our county seat. If the move is ever made the tax-payers will have to foot the bills, tho piomiso to tho contrary notwith standing, and don't you doubt it for a moment either. Wo saw that tried on one time to tho tune of seventy five thousand dollars, and the people, paid for their folly. This ir, a parallel case in every way, and it is to be hoped that the sensible tax-payers of Union county will let well enough alone. Homo. IIIh Iilt-n of It. The following actually occurred in a certain locality in this place lately says the Trnckeo Repulicau. A lady teach er was instructing a young chum in tho meaning of diii'eroul words, prin cipally by illustration. At length the word husband was reached. To make it clearer to them she says: "Sup posing that I should get mariiud, what would it ho that I would have?" For a few moments their littlo head.s were busy trwng to comprehend what it was, when ono bright littlo follow with his countenance beaming vith satis faction at having eolvod the problem fchouted out: "A baby ma'am." Tonsil TIiiich. A si wash relates to tho lleppner Ga zette his ill-BticcoKH at hunting aa fol lows: "Wake itctun hiyti mooso mooKo; ifeum totltun halo gluas. Wake iscuin itchfoot. Itchfoot klata- wa copa h 1. Halo tipso menia- loose ctiitau. Stick liyas eultus. Mox sun midilito copa. Ferguson illahe, ui ka klootchmau tuiimokn hiyti iotas Spoo nika a inarch hiyti itcau, ifcuin hiyu cliickamon, klalawacupa Colum bia chuck," UoriN It Viiy! Three fourths of oar people aro troubled with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint in saino forin or other, which by nuturo of the dis ease has adoprcsninxhifitinnro on thomtnd or body, prove lting tin in from thinliiiig.or acting clearly In any matter of Importance. Indigestion, coming up of food after outing, dyspepsia, nick headache, acidity of tho Ktoniach or any deraugcnieiit of tho stem, ach or liver (upon which tho wholo9i'tlon of our sysom dcpguiK) aro kpoedlly ami af. fcctUHlly overcome bv tho mo of Green's AuKUtt Flower. Tho most stubborn cuius have yielded to its liillnuncf, un thousands of letters received will testify. The lui mctuu Male of thi medicine l another auar anteuof itu murrlts, (ovor a in 111 on ami a half bottles told lust year.) Hit we ak. will yon sutrrr from any of tho i1ovh din case wheu you cun haw Immediate rvIM in the Autfuvt J-'lowor. Thru dow will prove lis worth, J t fs void hy all drtitfKWtd iul t'vuural if poffcT In nil part tf UwwyrW. THE COVE. Interesting Report of the Geer Holtby Wedding. THE NEW YEAR'S BALL. Opening or 'hp I'ubllr St'liowl.A Mean Coyote Nnti'K Jan. :i, 1SS0. Fam'l. MeDaniel U in Walla Walla pnsfsing tho holidays with friends. The health of Hie community docs not seem to improve. An unusual amount of sickness yet prevails. Chas. Cochran has been quite sick during the week anil at present is under ihee ire of Dr. Day. Progressive euchre is the fashionable pastime just now. Mr. ami .Mrs. French entertained Tucsdav eveniin? ! lUi ,h, ;r pUrl0rs were tluoiiged with j lovers ot uio game. Public school opened, Wednesday, i with the primary department, only in I session. Piof. Dailev, tho principal, bung sick, his department will not convene, till Monday. An accomplished lady ed .cator of Cove handles a rillo with unusual skill, and in a lato contest badly de feated a crack shot from Lcighton. The Cove delegation who attended the teachers' institute in Union, last week, were delighted with the allair and pronounce it ono of tho most in teresting ever held in the county. The eclipse came oil' before tho Cove audience exactly as advertised. Smoked glass was in demand, but tho dibits of a prominent professor, who (igiuo.l at the recent institute, to sell reserved seats for the occasion met with a dismal failure. Died..lan. 1st, 1889, Mrs. Ada 'Pol icy, ageil sixty-three years. Tho do ceas"tl leaves a sorrowing husband and a family of giowu ehildien to mourn her death. Tho last sail rites were performed, Wednesday, Rev. L. J. lsootlie preaching the tttneral sermon. Geo. Thomas, who dislocated his shoulder while making a spurt after ai testivo coyote, bv hit horso stopping m a badger hole ami throwing his rider, is able to bo around. The coyote was seen to grin immediately after the un fortunate accident. The New Year's ball was well attend ed, sixty numbeaa being sold, and all pronounced it "a lino dance." The prizes were drawn as follows: lid. Conley, silver castor'; Lti Child, al bum; C. Kaiser, vases; Jan. Crane, fannies; Willie Clark, cups and sau cers. Tho wedding of Mr. Judd Gcor ami Miss Mary Holtby, at tho residence of II. J. (leer, last Thursday, was a very pleasant an. nr. I no two young peo plo who woie to sail forth on the sea of matrimony wero embarked by Rev. G. AI. Irwin. A number of friends proent wished the voyagers every hap piness and a long trip, fraught with no storms. The bride was very becom ingly attiiod in a cream satin dress, trimmed with nun's veiling anil wat ered ribbons. Tho young lady has endeared herself to a largo ciielo of friends during her rcsitlonce, by her agreeable and winning social ways, Judd has been a lcsidout of tho Cove sinco eaily boyhood, and is well and favorably known by all. After the ceremony tho guests wero invited to tho dining room and diNuussed a boun teous ami elegant spieatl. Following is a list of the presents: Forty dollars in gold, Air. ami Alts. II. J. Geer; $10. Air. and Airs. Dunham Wright; $20, J. Conklin; $20, Chas. Duncan; fruit dish, Laura Altirphy, cake dish, Air. and Airs. Murphy; china cups and saucers, Chas. ICclsay; poems with book mark, Aliss Pearl Payno; silver cake stand, Air, and Airs. Ed. Holmes; chair hcarf, AlisH Nellie Stevens; silver castor, N Conklin; Picklo castor, Eugeno Conklin; pickle castor, Mrs. A. N Hamilton; napkin and table linen, Albert Conklin; silver spoons, Air. anil Airs. Schilko; glass sauco dish, Mr, and Airs. A. J. Harris; fruit basket, Jlhoda Harris; scrap book, Air. anil Air. Irwin; plush dressing case, Jasper and May Stevens. Tho happy couplo started, Sunday, on an extend ed visit in Willamette valley, which will include a visit to Hon.T.T. Geer's home in Maclcay. tVnntiMl. Wcwtifttovory parson indebted to us to call and settle by tho Drnt of the year. Wo will tuke oats, wheat or barley or the cash, so coma to tho front without delay. H'o rii "in mi iIiiuik and mint havo what i duo us. I1K.NH0N Hitnx. A I'l HI II (J HMIM) of health and strength renewed mid of cane &nd comfort follows tho into of Syrup of Figs, aa It acts in harmony with nature to oUVctiially clcansu tho NVKtem when cos tlvu or bilious. For sale In C0c and $1.00 hottltsby all leading druggists. ISiuilden'N Arnlcu Knlv. Tub IIsst Halvi: in tho world for Cuts, limine, Horon, Ulcer, tiull Itheiim, Fever Honw, Tenor, t'hiippftl Iliuids, ChUblalus, Corns, mid all Hklo Kmptlouy, uml sltrsly euros Pita, or no pay nxpila'd. It Is piiaroimvd Pi give perfect salWfuctlou, r mon rufumlcl. Prlou 'A cents t IM. JNJrutfotrt HrW Urirjf tTfrv. HltftKNi: CITY. it.iri,i'''i"c In nml About l?Blvrrlty. Tlip Stnto Weather fine. It has not mowed any this winter, but the ground has been frozen a number of times and there has been some very heavy frosts. The University closed Dec. 21st for two weeks vacation. The students fceem to be enjoying themselves and many of them went home for the holi days. Tho social given by tho Laurian and F.ntaxian societies Friday night, Dec. 21st., was a perfect success. A great many were present ami all report having had a fine time. Married. In Eugene, Dec. 21th, at the resilience of G. W. Midgley, by Hov. G. A. Mclvinley, Mr. J. Christian and Miss Mary Mumper. At the same time and place, Mr. Henry Ilollen bach anil Miss Rose Midgley. Died. In F.ugene, Dec. 22nd, Mr. J to rest G. Pattison. The remains were laid in tho Masonic ecmeterv. There was a Christmas tree, Christ mas night, at tho M. 10. church, also one at the Christian church. Married. At tho residence of tho bride's piirents, Dec. 21th, Mr. M. S. Barker and Miss May Test, Rev. S. V. Wilson officiating. Rev. D. L. Moody, evangelist, will speak in Kngene at O' Hi ion's opera houso Jan. 1st at .1 o'clock and again at 7 o.clock, P. M. Opiia Gkualmnm?, INV1S11U.K ItOVIKKS. Tim Itrutuo Kail to .Materialize When Wanted. Tho following account of a law suit commenced by W. J. Snotlgrass, of La Grande, against Carey it Bro., stock buyers of Cheyenne, is taken from a. late number of the Livestock Journal: "A case which has excitetl general in terest among stockmen, was that of Snodgrass vs Carey it Bro which has occupied tho past week in the district court and was settled by tho verdict of the jury on Monday last. It seems that in tho year 1881 Mr. Snotlgrass had some cattlo on tho range tho number of which ho special ly statetl as 2,028, which ho sold to J. M. Carey it Bro. A contract was drawn up in which tho number and several brands of tho cattlo wero minutely tlescribed. And in Juno 1881, tho contract was signed by J. M. Carey it Bro., who agreed to take tho cattlo at tho stipulated price, $51,000. Ah soon as possible (as was claimed by tho defentlonts) the country wuh thor- t miKhly worked and only .'100 head wero. found of the 2,028 head bargained for. Up to this timo $17,000, of tho pur chase price has been paid to Mr. Snod grass, leaving balance duo him of $11, G00, which upon Caroy it Bro., refus ing to pay, ho entered suit with inter est. Tho ovitlenco showed that only .100 wero found, and that tho remainder wcio not in existence; that tho sur rounding country had been thorough ly worked as soon as practicable ; that tho contract warranted all in exsist ence at the timo of the sale, and had this number been in cxistanco a ma jority would surely havo boon found instead of about one-ninth of tho num ber. Tho court hold that tho contract was a. warranty for tho cattlo, and that if any of tho cattlo wero missing tho warran ty was broken. Tho defendant brought evidence to prove tho number found and tho manner in which the range was worked. After much argu ment tho case went to tho jury, who, after deliberating about an hour, in stead of finding for tho plaintiff, re turned a verdict fur the defendants in the sum of $:12,000." A Woman's DUcovry. "Another wonderful discovery has been made and that too by a lady In this county Disease fnHtcned Its clutches upon her and for seven years she withstood Its severest teats, but her vital organs were undermined and death seemed Imminent. For thrco mouths shii coughed Incessantly aud could not sleep, Bho bought of us a bottlo of Dr, King's New Discovery for Consumption and was so 'much relieved on taking first doso that she slept all night and with ono bottlo has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs Luthur Ltitz-" Thus wrlto W. C. Hamrlckit Co,, of Shelby, N. C Get a free trial bottlo at HrownN drug store, Union, Oregon, He Won the Hollar. The HoUo City Ktatesmini tells tho follow ing Christinas story: "At tho dance at CluwHon's, six miles above town, on Christ mas night, u young fellow on a dollar wag. ct swallowed a live tlnh about tlvo When loug. Ktwult not yet beard from," Job irriijtiiig djmu at thls.ofllce On