The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 28, 1888, Image 8

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    " " -"" Tn
tsr j-aa-r.-jaTM!iaijBi-w-
HiilitilliK thf) Wronj Lrg.
An Intci-exting Letter Prom Our Kcf-u-Inr
Washington, Doc. 14, 1888.
Emtok Onnfio Scout:
Tho anxious hearts that nwait the
result of tho potent Indianapolis coun
cil of Messrs. Harrison, Morton and
Quay this? week, arc not so few as
might ho imagined. J'oth hou.scn con
tain cahinct titnhi'r and a great deal of
defective lumber that regards itself as
cahinct timber. Mr. .Sherman has a
longing look in his cold hluo eyes as
lie scans the political sky. Yesterday
ho. stated that there was no truth in
the story that ho would refuse to go in
tho stato department if there would he
any hope of Governor Forakcr coming
to tho senate. This concession is duo
to General Harrison's expressed desire
for harmony in tho party. What
would do in tho event that Mr. Alger
were chosen for a cahinot position
(senator Sherman did not saw JIu
probably drawn the lino somewhere
Tho newpapcr dehato over tho do
mestic relations of the J'rcfcident
Mrs. Cleveland, between Mr. Dcpcw
and Mrs. Whitney and .Senator Jngalls
is one of tho most unfortunate discus'
sions that has oecured for a long time
Tho accusation that Mr. Cleveland
inconsiderate toward his young wife,
has been gossiped about in Washing
ton over since tho marriage. Who
started it, and why was it ttarted, no
ono knows. Mr. Jngalls certainly do
nics unit no nu, and no is not a man
to fay a thing and run away from it,
Kuinors of domestic difficulties havo
been told of every Pre.-idcntial family
that ever occupied tho Whito IIoufo
Tho late Mr. Shakespeare was correct
"Ah chaste as ice, as pure as snow
thou shall not cscapo calumny."
.Senator Ingalls denies that ho has
been vindictive in his treatment of flie
President and believers in view of the
criticisms KufTcrcd in lato years by
. Lincoln, Grant, Garfield and Arthur
Mr, Cleveland has been kindly treate
by political adversaries. In disposing
of tho question, Senator Ingalls deliv
crs himself of a most charming allu
sion to Mrs. Cleveland, one of those
tnllP.hfH (lint. Iln l.'timva woll limis (i
mao. Ho says: "Among many teni-
tations to levity and many opportuni
ties for frivolity, sho has born licrEelf
with unexampled grace, dignity, and
composure. Adulation has not riis
turbed tho charming una fleeted sim
plicity of her character."
Tho candidates for tho speakership,
nil favor an extra session at tho earli
est possible day. Tho raeo for the
plaeo began so early that several are
becoming winded, and will barely
bo in sight when tho race is finished.
All dread tho idea of a fight lasting un
til next December, and will pray Gen-
enoral llairison to call an extra ton
sion, and end their miserv. Mr. Heed
voices a general sentiment in his party
in saying that necessity and not desire
will demand an extra session.
Tho answers made to Mr. Ford's im
migration committee by over seventy
United States consuls in Kuropo, show
that tho steamship oo'n panics' greed
and tho avarice and ignorance of tho
imigrants, is bringing to this country
uio scum oi iMiropo. i no consuls aro
agreed that tho enormous sums paid
brokers for tilling ships with iinmi
grants is an inducement to tho agents
to tell any lie to induce tho people to
immigrate. Law has no place in the
transaction. One consul in speaking
of tho vicious character of certain Ilo
hemiau immigrants, says that they bo
liovo that America has no policemen,
'and ontiro liberty is to bo found thcro.
Tho Joint Congressional committee
finds its investigation of tho Wanliing
ton uqucduct frauds progressing but
slowly, owing to tho amount of sound
ing required by tho export engineers.
Tho bad work seems ondleus. Now
cavities aro being discovered daily.
Exactly who is to blamo does not yet
appear. If the investigation is on a
par with tho majority of war depart
ment examinations of scandals, it will
eimply bo discovered that no ono is to
blame. A report of tho joint commit
tee, Mr. Edmunds announced to the
fcnato on Wednesday, cannot bo ox
p cted lcforo tho latter part of Jimu
a ry.
Tho national Sabbath convention,
in session horo this weok, is fixing
plans for a much broader organization
thnn that hitherto contemplated. A
oatholio member of the executive com
initloo has been ohoton, Many minor
i-ecls uro rojimented, including the so
doty of friendh and tho Kruo-Will Han-
tint. The senate comniittoo on labor
ncrimlud tho executive committee a
hearing on Thursday, when lengthy
nigumonts wore in favor of tho "Sun
day i est" movement. In tin church
wlicio t lio tekloiii of the euiivontiuii
ro held, is iliu imuifrlar petition of M,
OOQjLKK), iwtojilo, iijklng a triior h
m AHiioe uf iliu &bbaUi II f
While I was walking down to the
store tho-other night to spend the eve
nine, 1 saw coming towards me two
ladies, and tho walk being narrow, and
I being somewhat of a gallant,
tliougnt I would pun out and give
thorn tho road, but as it turned out
was i bad speculation. The ladies
drew near, nearer still. We met n
such n meeting. My feet slipped to
wards them, their feet slipped towards
mo. And weren't we mixed.
T was hurt. I couldn t use. I put
my hand on my leg to rub it. I had
no feeling in it. It was wwellcd to
twice its natural size. Oh, heavens
was it broken?
I rubbed it again, but it did not get
tho relief from rubbing I thought it
should. While rubbing I was hit
sharp blow on tho head by an unbrella
in the hands of one of the females. At
the same time she yelled: "Release
my leg you villain !" 1 glanced down
Oh, horrors! Iliad made a mistake
I was rubbing legs I had nothing to do
with. Ah foon as 1 glanced down
knew I had made a mistake, for
never wear white trousers in the fall
weather. St. l'aul Pioneer.
Farmers and others in buying farm
implements, wagons, etc., will invaria
bly find it to their advantage to let
traveling agents alone and buy of well
known and reliable linns. Those who
purchase of Fiank Bros.' Implement
Co., of Island City, will bo sure of get
ting just wiiat they ouy, and may
count on fair dealing every time.
Their prices arc fixed to suit tho times
and they always have on hands extras
for goods they Fell. .5
IjANii Orncr. at La (Shakm:, Ouw.o.v,)
I )(!C i!(S, 18SS. (
Notice is hereby Kivcn that the following
named ncttlor lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to jnuko final proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will lie made be
fore tlie register anil receiver at La (Jraiido,
Oregon, "ii Feb. 4, 18:1), viz:
John V. Wohm:y,
I). H No. 7r.!). for the KKl.-T KICK See " HM
KW1,' and NKK KWlf See 1, Tp, 7 S. It -11
IIo mimes the following witnesses to
prove tils foil tlmtouH rcsnleneo upon and
iltlvatmn or, paid laud, viz:
JiiKtus YVneht. Seielo ('ofi'mnn. Ovrns
Kami's, and Tuonias -Murlin. all of Medi
cal Springs, Oregon.
An v-person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantia! season, under tliu law
and tlio regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not lie al ow
ed, will lie given an opportunity utthe above
mentioned time and place to cross-examine)
the witsiesses of said claimant, and to oiler
evidence in rebuttal of that submitted liv
JIhnuv lts.Ni:tiAiir,
liMS-uO Ifcglster.
Lanmi Okisci:
at La (iitANiir, OitnooN,)
Notice is hereby irivon that the following-
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of Ids
claim, and that said proof will bo made be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande,
Oregon, on Dec. i!7tli. ISrtS. viz:
N 11,1.1AM l Lockman.
1). a. No. S'i;07. for the KM NV, and KM
SW'N S-cc. IS. Tn. I S. II ."it K.
IIo nanus the following witnesses to
Drove his continuous residence noon and
cultivation of, said laud, viz:
ftamuei Kutiedgc, i'. ju ruiverson. w.
II. .lohnson and 1. A. W. Wallace, all of
La Grande, 'regon.
Anv ner.sori who ilesires to trnliit ni-nitint.
tho allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and tin' regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, why mi eli proof should not lie a ow
ed, will ,.e given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place tocro-s-
xamlue the witnesses of said claimant, and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
ll-lfi-wfi Itegister.
Arri.iv-ATioN roit iati:nt.
pplication for a United States patent ; Sur
vey iso. in; imim io v.i; mineial nnpli
catiosi No, t8.
U. S. Land Orrics
La (JiiANim, Oitniio.v. )
Nov. 21, 1S88. J
W. T. Ilunlelt, Imiab Anstend, D. W.
Tice, C. J. Dutl'ey, and the Oregon Gold
Mining Company, a corporation, whose
post-office address Is Cornucopia. Union
county, Oregon, have this day filed their
application for a patent for the,
ltt'il .lurlmt
qimrtz lode, situated in Granite mining dis
trict, in Township (I, South, of Hango -ift K,
W. M ; tho quartz lode being described by
thouillcUl plats and Held notes on tile In in
this olllco, as follows, to wit :
llculnniiu- at the .south-cast corner of thn
claim, a point from which the quarter sec
tion corner between sections 27 and 2S, in
Tp. (IS, It. 45 1", boars S. 01 degrees fi mln
utus !-', and l.Vsl feet distant, post being
marked "Corner No. 1, It. J. M. C. survey
No, 10" on north-west face: thence run
ning N. 15 degrees :t2 minutes 1C. along east
boundary of tho elnitn l.TM feet to post
marked ' Coriiei No. 2. It. J. M. ('. survev
No. 10;' thencu N, Ml degrees W. (KX) feet
to post marked 'Corner No. a. It. J. M. r.
survey No. 10;" thence S. 0 degrees 15 min
utei W. along west boundary of claim 1339
feet to post niatkeil Corner No. 1, K.J.
JU, c, survey iso. m; tiicnce . degrees
II. along soutli lnuudary of claim IM) feet
to "Corner No. 1,'' place of beginning, con
taining 10 and 13 one-hundredth acres,
locution being recorded hi volume "II"
piartz claims of Union county, Oregon, at
lingo u;i, Adjoining claims aro 'Silver
Hell on tliuVast, the "Hubert KnunoU'' on
the north and tho ''Companion" on the
ny and ull persons claiming ndversclv
any portion of ftio ald Ucd Jacket' quart'r
lode above ilcscrlbcd, uro required to Iliu
iheir adverso claim with tho reginer of tho
V. H. land olllco at La Grande, Orctn, du
ring the slty days ptulol of publication
hereof, or lliey will bo barred bv virtue uf
tun provuluus of statute.
, , It-mUier,
III hut vbv (irdartnl that the forotiuiiii-
nntire uf ujiplltmHoii I or a V. K italviit lio
ILIUiinI far n porlod uf lxtydM) (tn
Wis IK lu tiMiutr HlllilUbiMl ( Union.
I'llliMi oiirily On-jiOh
MrkV IllSJinjiJtr,
Ul iliiUlvr.
estrar tattle; One yearling helfc'r, white
star fn forehead, branded with letter L on
left side, slitlu right car, crop and tinderbit
hi Icit car.
One bob tailed yearling heifer, light red
with white t-pots, biandcd on leftside with
letter L.
Anyone returning tho above described
animals, or giving information as tn their
whereabouts, will be paid $2 for each ani
mal. J. V. Lr.K, 'leloensct.
In the circuit court of the tatc of Ore
gon, for l iuon county,
The New Kngland .Mortgage .Security
Company, piaintin,
John linker, Margaret Maker and L. liacr,
To the above tiamed L. liner, defendant:
1 OrcL'nii. vim nri! lierebv remiirpd to mi.
pear and answer the 'ornplaint iiled against
von in the above etilli'eii suit, on or liefore
tliu second Mondiv in rebruary, A. 1).
1W0. that being the lst indicia! davnf the
tcrsn following the oxt-iration of the lime
prescribed for the i ubiicatinn of this sum
mons, and if you fail n to answer, for want
thereof plaintiff will demand judgment and
decree against you f ir the relief prayed for
in said complaint, so wit; iora foreclos
ure of plaintiff's mortgage upon the foL
lowing described p:opcrty, to wit: The N
hlfof the SKor- of Si e. 'M, and thoNWqr.
of SW qr. and the N hlf. of SW ur of SV
nr. of Sec. M, Tp. 1 S. of It. as E, of the
Willamette meridian, t moil county. Ore
gon, and that your claim thereto and in
terest j therein bo dielared subsequent in
point of time and subject to the lieu of
i..:..itrr .n,.-un.,n ..i.l l..,,i ..u.i
von be forever barred from all ritiht of
cmntv of ' ed mptioii therein.
This piibbcation is made by virtue of an
order of 'he Hon. James A. Fee. judge of
the fith Judicial District of the State of
Oregon, made on the lOtli (lav of Decem
ber, A. D. I8J-8, directing the publication
thereof to bu mmle in Tur. Oicr.c.oN Scout.
a weekly newspaper published at Union, in
tlsiion county, Oregon, once a week for
the period of six weeks.
llMI-wt; Attv's. for I'll!-.
Land Okkick at La (Juaxdr, Obi:oo.v,I
December C. 1HS8. i
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof 'in support of his
claim, and tliatsaiu prool will be made lie
fore tlie register and receiver at La Grande,
Uregin,on Jan. ill, lSKi), viz;
H'ciiAiiii AV. Makikho.v,
lid. No. :il70, for the SW nr. SK nr. See. 2.').
Tp. !l H, It. -ir, K.
lie names the following witnesses to
prove Ins continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz:
C. II. Craig. Joseph Hartlv. Lester Hol-
comi) and Andy Augustus, all ot icngic
valley, Oregon.
A nv i)i!rm;ii who ilesircR to nm(ent nL'.nlnst
tlie allowance of such proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law
and the regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, wny such prool snouiu not lie al
lowed, will lie given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time ami place to cross
examine the witnesses of waul claimant, and
to otl'er evidence in rebuttal of that sub
mitted by claimant.
11CNUY kineiiaut,
IU-U Hegistcr.
L'inii Okkick at La Oua.mik, Obecon, )
Deo. 5. 18SS. t
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named sutler has tiled notice of liis inten
tion to make linal proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore tlie register and receiver at La (irande,
Oregon, on Jan. istli, 18;!), viz.
John Wi:m,iiui,
I). S. No. "W, for theSKor. SFqr. See 3ft,
I'll. ;i S, and Lot 1, Sec. 2, Lot I, and SW qr.
w nr. fee. i, i p. i it. -iu v.
He mimes the following witnesses to
t.'l in -iv 1 i .'
prove his continuous re.sid"iice upon and
cultivation oi. said land, via:
Andy Wilkinson. Thomas Wilkinson.
Charles Conarty andN. O. llobiuett, all of
I'nion, Oregon.
An v person who d .-drcs to protest against
the allowance ol such proof, or who knows
oi anv substantial reason, under the law
and tho regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not be allowed,
will lie given an apportunity at the above
lnentioiud tluiu and place to cross-examine
the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer
evidence in rebuttal ot that submitted by
lln.Nl'.V KlNKII AltT,
12-1 4 -w(i UegisUT.
Land Omen at La Guaniii:, Oui:gon,)
Dee. It. 18stf. f
Noticeis hereby given that the followlng
nanied settlers have tiled notice of their in
tentions to make tiual proof in support of
their claims, and that said proofs will be
made beforo tho register and receiver at
La Grande, Oregon, on. Jan. 20, viz:
Isaac L. Uali.kk,
ltd. No. 3173, for the K hlf. NW or.. NW
qr. NK qr. and NE qr. SW qr. Sec. IS, Tp.
ii r, it. -it i-., anu
lavsv Fsubir.n,
D. S. No. 711'fi. for the E hlf. NE qr. and
SW qr. NE qr. Sec. 10, Tp. 0 S, it. 10 E,
They name, the following witnesses to
prove their continuous residence upon and
cultivation oi, sain lands, viz:
Isaac Haller, Patrick Colon, Oliver Mc
Kclver, C, K, Miller and Irvin Frasier, all
of Telocaset. Oreiion.
Any person who desires to protest against
uiu allowance oi sucn proos, or wno Knows
of any substantial reason, under the law anil
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof nhould not bo allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioned timo and place to cross-examine the.
wiiucsm oi sain claimant, and to oner evi
dence in remittal ot that submitted by
llKNUY HlNltlSAllT,
12-11 wtt Iteglster.
Lamp Orncr at Ls Osiansic, Oukodn,)
December 12, lKSX. f
Notice is hereby jjItoii that the fullowing
named settlor has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make tiual proof in support of his
ciaim, ami unit, saw prooi win nc made be
fore tho register and receiver at La Grande,
vircgon, on Jan. an, ifsit. vu :
William Mtkiiay,
I). S. No. 7301. for tfto Nhlf. NEnr. SW
nr. NEqt. aiulSEqr. NW qr. Sec. 1, TnS.
S, It. 10 K, W. M. 1
lie names tho following witnesses tn
provo his continuous residence upon and
ciiiuvuiiuii oi, sani ninii. vu:
L A. KoberUon, Wade Shelton, John
Mumiuey and A. Cockroll. all ofl'nion. Or.
Anv person whodclrvi to protest against
uio uiiowaiicD oi sucn prooi, or wno knows
oi any Miiisiauuai reason, iiniior tno law
and llic regulatioim of the Interior Depart
mom. why such proof should not bo al
lowed, will In.' given an (lpiHirtunltv at the
ubove mentioned Unio ami place tn crosn
examine tliu witnit ot ssld rlulmiini,
and to ntlor evidrnce in rpbuttal of thai
MilnnltUd by ehdmant
. . Iluvitv lti.vrii.uir.
'tU-l IhigUtw.
Job irin(ii)K (lotio itt thl oilkr mi
L.VNDOmer. at La Ouandk, OitF.oox, I
Dee. 3, 18-ii.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her inten
tion to make linal proof isi support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the register and receiver at La Orande,
Oregon, on Feb. 15. USJ, viz:
JlAiiiiSirr J. Ilrsi-rusuoTT, devisee of
William W. Kos, deceased,
Hd. No. nC!). for OicSKv: NK M and NEK
5-K qr. Sec. 7, and SW. qr. NW qr. and NW
qr. bW qr. Sec. f , Tp. S, 11. 12 H.
hiic names the riiiiowmg wltues'-es to
prove her coiitisnio'is ve-' i,p:,:i and
cultivation of, sai l 'i"td viz:
W. D. Kmc!-and II. W. Lie, of Keating,
Oregosi, ami (leo. W. SVtlght and Jmcs B.
Sams, of Medical Spring. Oregon.
Anv peron whoilesircs to protest against
the nllowiince of uch proof, or who knows
of any substantial reason, under the law and
the regulations of the Interior Department,
why such proof should not be allowed, will
be given an opportunity at the above men
tioncd time and place to cro's-examine the
witnesses of said claimant, and to oiler evi
dence in rebuttal of that submitted by
1'2-7-wO Kejisttr.
arrive and depart from Union
daily, as follows:
Passenccr. No. 4, L've
Passcsigcr.No.3, L've
at b:'Jo a. ni.
at l:30p. m.
Freight, No. 8, L've
Freight No. 7, L've
at ':.(. a. in.
at ll:i:o p. m.
Tirk'KTQto and irosn principal point?
iiuiiuiuiii,.iii.i jttr.s i:.v,n,i
and Lurope.
Pullman pQrc
Umigrant Sleeping Cars 1'un Through
on Express Trains to
and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Change.
Close connections at Portland for San Fran
Cisco and Puget Sound points.
For further nnrticulars inmiire of anv
Agent of tho Company or of A. L. Maxwell
u. l'. isT. a., I'ortiaiiii.urcgon.
Tlie Oregon Railway it Navigation Co., and
J'acinc coast atcamsmp uo. win a is
patch Steamers between San Fran
cisco and Portland, as follows:
Leaving at 12Midn't.,
L'v'ng Spear st. wh
as follows:
at 10 a.m. as follows:
Kldcr, Sunday Nov
llState, Sat. Nov
State. Thursday. 8 Columbia. Wed.
Columbia, Mon ,, 12 Oregon, Sunday,, 11
Oregon, Friday
State, Tuesday
Columbia. Sat.
Oregon, Wed.
State. Thursday .
20G'olutubin, Mon.
Oregon. Fridav
2SStatc, Tuesday
Tlie company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing nays.
Cabin. - - $1G.0D Steerage - - ?S.O)
Itound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - $.;O.OJ
Children, under 12 years - - llalfl'are
,, 5 years ... tree
The above rata include Hoard.
Gcn'l Manager. u. P. AT. A,
II. L. DEACON. Agent. Union.
lire Drus,
nteiit Medicines,
uiiils and Oils.
Prescriptions carefully prepared
Consisting of
Rifles, Slot Guns, Pis-
Imported and Domestic Ci-
gnrfi, etc.
Tonsorial Parlors
L. J. Busiest, PuoritikTOR,
Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham
pooing, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop two doors south of Centennial hotel,
0 23-tf.
Stares leave tlnion every Monday. Wad-
neiidiiy and Friday,
U'ave Cnriiueonla on return trln cverv
Tuesday, Thursduy anil fc'atunlay.
Passengers and l?ast Freight
Z, h'KLFO.N,
m m ww lim
is anil CartriQ
We Have Eeccivcd tlie Largest As-
Ever brought to Union county, but which,
on account of IMMENSE YAEIETY, we
are unable to catalogue in an advertisement
of this kind.
is Ml
aM sob for
In accordance with
have made arrangements for a
"por every dollar's worth of goods hought of us during the remainder of the
year, our patrons will receive a ticket which will give them a chance to
secure one or all of the following valuable presents:
Prize, Yase lamp
prize Set ice cream dishes
prize Set dishes, 4 pieces
prize Large plush album
prize Open work fruit dish
prize Lady's work basket
prize "1001 gems of poetry"
8 prize Hand lamp
9 prize Silver plated fruit dish
10 prize Lady's lace pin
11 price Autograph album
12 prize Set dishes, 4 pieces
13 prize Scrap album
14 prize Decorated tea set, 44 pieces
15 prize Sack of flour,
Drawing to take place Dec. 31, at 7 P. M.
1?or every twenty-five cents' worth of
1 ,tw. t," " "vm-v i-iiiiiuii luuui
following splendid gifts :
Prize, Magic lantern
prize Scrap album
prize Lunch basket
prize Autograph album
prize Kaleidoscope
Drawing to take place Dec. 3 1 , at 2 P. M.
Tickets For This Draunng Will be
000 000 no 000 ooooooooooono
All Cools Markefl
And cheaper than any other house in Un
ffi30rders from all
promptly attended to.
xorLsriEs bbothbbs,
Comer Main ami 0 Htivttt, Vulca, OrryoD,
lo Call at our Store
0 0 00000 0 000
our usual custom we
nn imi!
goods nought of us hy the little folks,
iu a cimuixj 10 uraw one or an oi ine
prize Pair vases
prize Box Stationery
prize Box paints
prize Bank, Com. lock
10 prize 50 ct. pkg. candy
Given to None Jiut the Children.
in Plain Figures,
ion county. -
parts of the country