The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 28, 1888, Image 7

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AS uuoiuno. r,,, , iniML- uuuu-aik, fUVVtH OF MEMORY. . HUTTING AWAY OUOTHES.
rliyfdclKns In Kvery
."Mo (II nil l'rnctlce.
"It is onlv within tho last twonty-
flvc years that women have been per
mittcd to enter medical colleges, said
a graduate of hc Woman's Medical
College of Chicago. "The schools of
America wore tho first to admit
women," continued Dr. Dickenson,
J'and England was forced into conces
sion. Thirty years ago Mrs. Frances
Elizabeth Hoggan was obliged to leave
England and attend a school in Zurich
to get a medical education. A short
time afterward Mrs. Garrett Anderson,
now ono of the most noted of female
physicians, as well as Mrs. Agnes Mc
Laren, had to leave Edinburgh to get
their education in Paris. It seems
strange that a city like Edinburgh,
boasting of the most perfect school
system in the world, had no placo
where a woman might study medicine
if she wore so inclined.
"Ihere are now four medical col
leges in the United Suites, situated
at New York, Philadelphia, Haiti
moro nnu umcago. lncro arc, per
haps, ono hundred and fifty fe
male physicians now practicing medi
olno in this city and many of them
are graduates of our own college.
Since its existence the college hns sent
out two hundred graduates to follow
their profession and they aro scattorod
all over the world. Some aro in Cali
fornia, others aro in tho East, and a
numbor aro in Africa and India. Those
who have gono abroad and acting as
missionaries. It has been tho custom
of foroign missionary societies to pay
for the education of young women,
providing they will pledge themselves
so act as missionaries for tho space of
fivo years. Many intelligent girls
have taken advantago of this oppor
tunity to get an education, and after
serving their tlmo will bo independent.
"Do women who become doctors in
cline to any particular branch of med
ical practice?"
That dopends on where they aro lo
cated. If they settlo in a largo city
where specialists can do woll, many of
them choose some particular branch.
In Chicago somo have taken up nerv
ous diseases and others tho diseases
peculiar to women, while I choso to be
an oculist. Thoro aro also somo who
arc in general practice, and I have no
doubt theroaro women in every special
branch of modicinc. Now, I want to
tell you something you don't know.
There is no school in tho world that
teaches students how to fit tho frames
of spectacles, although this is fully as
important as that tho frames should
have glasses in them. Unless tho frame
is adjusted so that tho center of the
lens is directly before tho pupil of the
eye the spectacles never give satisfac
tion, and injure tho vision by wearing.
"Opticians have become very export
in fitting spectacles because thoy study
tho subject. They have to bo respon
sible for tho mistakes of oculists, and
have learned t6 placo no dependence
on the opinion of tho average doctor.
Physicians in the country have no pos
sible means of ordering spectacles that
will suit tho eyes of their patients.
They may describe tho strength of tho
lens that they need, but unless the
frame is properly adjusted they might
as well not order I'io spectacles. Is it
not strango that this simple part of
every doctor's education has boon neg
lected and that no collego teaches it?"
Chicago Neivs.
tThat the Old Hunter Think of tho
let! :md 1 1 In Ways.
Tho greenhorn is to bo found in tho
woods as woll as anywhoro else in the
tho world. His manners, his dress,
his very carriage, all betray him. His
gun is a now one; his shooting jacket
and boots smell of tho shop. Ho has
an exaggerated idea of every thing
about the woods. To his verdant im
agination trout aro as plenty in tho
lakes and streams as herring in tho
mighty ocean. Thoro is at least ono
wildcat in every treo and a deer feeding
iif every meadow. To his mind the
deep forest is clothed in a halo of
mystery, of which ho is to bo tho ex
plorer; and, liko Livingstone and Stan
loy, ho is to be tho rovealor of these
mighty secrets. Tho old woodsman
makes nothing of croaking trees, and
tho weird sound produced by ono
branch scraping against another would
hardly command a passing thought.but
1 havo known a novico to sit half a day
by tho side of this phenomenon, wait
ing for a wildcat to show himsolf from
tho branches overhead. Thoro Is a
tinge of disappointment occasioned by
tho knowledge of tho fact which comes
later on, that of all solitary places
excepting porhaps tho fiftulous Great
American Desert the unbrokon
wilderness has tho fewost signs of ani
mal llfo of any placo on tho entire
continent. You may travel all day and
not seo a partridgo, a deer, wildcat,
bear, fox, robin, crow or bluebird, and
hardly a squirrel. Tho deep wood on
a quiot day is tho very personification
of stillness. Gamo thoro is. but it
gathers in certain localities, according
to tho season. Tho newcomer lias
oyes, but thoy see not; ears has ho, but
thoy hoar not; and you can trust him
to make nolso enough to kcop tho game
iuat out of sight Forest and Stream.
An amiable young fomnlo peda
gogue residing in tho Mohawk Valloy
prides herolf on tho oloao relations of
trust and confidence which oxist be
tween her nnd tho many little ones in
the primary department. One day a
liult follow made lib way to tbe toch
er's 4ck. and. with many blushiM and
.much vtnbtufi iHt, filially unwaged
to K : "V" i, t unre, do yon. Mi
, U my f'li.'U dou t luatcih my mf"
Houses to He Cooled In Summer by Front
That Comes Through l'lpe.
The manufacture of cold is likely to
become a lnrgo industry. Earlier ef
forts in tho production of cold were
toward the manufacture of ice. Later
improvements wero in tho line of cool
ing-rooms, where products could be
stored without the use "of ice. Thl
method has been In successful opera
lion for some time in large packing
houses. It Is less troublesome nnd less
expensive than ico, but tho process In
volves the uso of brine with ammonia
and a largo outlay of money for a plnnt
This process is effective only in large
concerns, and is limited to tho produc
tion of moderately cold air, with the
objectionable feature of dampness.
The newest process of refrigerating
produces a dry, cold air that carries
tho thermometer many degrees below
freezing point, and this degreo of cold
A . 1
can no prouueeu so cheaply anil is so
thoroughly under control that the
world Is promised tho luxury of frost
as cheap as heat or light. The concern
in Chicago which controls this process
is located on tho est Side In a pro
tcntious building. In ono room thoy
distill the ammonia, reducing tho ro
fuse product from the gas house to n
pure liquid. This ammonin, known In
tho trade as anhydrous ammonia, (lows
in pipes to the cooling-rooms. This
pipe enters the rooms and Is distrib
uted about tho sides like ordinary
steam pipes. The liquid ammonia is
prevented from entering tho pipes in
the rooms, but through a faucet tho
gas or vapor which rises from tho
liquid ammonia passos into tho pipes in
tho room. Ihis vapor is what pro
duces colu, and tho degreo desired is
regulated by tho amount of vapor that
is allowed to pass through tho pipes,
I ho gas or vapor returns to tho distil
ling-room with its freezing properties
exhausted, and is made again into an
hydrous ammonia, and is again used
for freezing purposes.
Fruits are stored in a room cooled to
tho temperaturo of forty degrees,
Meats for uso in tho near futuro are in
rooms a llttlo cooler, and gamo and
delicate fishos for winter uso aro in tho
coldest room. In this department tho
thermometer registers twenty degrees
below zero, and tho game birds and
fishos are frozon as hard and dry as it
would bo possible to freozo them in the
dry cold air outdoors.
The practical uses to which thi
method may bo put do not end with
cooling and froezizg rooms In a large
establishment, for this puro liquid
ammonia maybe drawn oil and carried
to a residence in a receptacle some
thing like a soda fountain, and from
this tho gas can bo forced through a
pipe in a rofrigorator and mako that
storehouse as cold as may bo desired.
So far tho procoss has not been used
by families to any extent, but tho pro
duction of tho liquid ammonia is a mat
ter of such trifling cost that a raid
on tho good nousewno s Kitchen
is contemplated, and the company
promise that tho family refrigerator
shall bo furnished with dry, cold air
cheaper than ico and servo tho pur
pose better. Instead of the daily call
of tho icoman tho cold air fellow will
como nround onco in eight or ten days
with his httlo tank of frost-prod ucor,
and after connecting it with tho refrig
erator pipe carry away with him the
old tank of exhausted ammonia.
It Is still further proposed to cxtond
the usefulness of this process by mak
ing it a means of cooling residences.
Pipes may bo laid In tho streets just as
gas pipes are now laid, and as tho
liquid ammonia will not freeze it may
bo run into a residonco just as gas Is,
and during tho warm weather, Instead
of sweltering In a hot room tho house
holder may turn a faucet and lot the
ammonia vapor circulate through tho
pipes around tho coiling of the room.
No ono need suffer in his house or
olllco from keat when this point has
been reached any moro than ho need
now sulTer indoors from colds. Pipes
for a houso-coolingplnntnro now being
laid in Denver, and during tho coming
summer the plan will bo thoroughly
tested there Chicago Tribune.
A CompurUou lletweeu Gin-Shop Topors
mid I.lterury Inohrlittes.
Thoro is among tho very poor in our
largo cities a class of persons who
nightly resort to tho gin-shop to pur
chase a mixture of ovory known liquor,
tho heterogeneous rinsings of a hun
dred glasses. Tho flavor of thl.i un
nameablo boverago dofles imagination,
but tho liquor has for its lovora one
transcendent vlrtuo it distances all
rivalry in tho work of procuring swift
and thorough inobrlation. Its dovoteos
would not thank you for a bottle of tho
finest Chatoau Yquoin, when tho groat
end and aim of drinking tho being
made drunk can bo roachod by such
an infinitely readier agoncy. Tho taste
for novels llko Mr. Hldor Haggard's is
quite as truly tho craving for coarso
and violent intoxicants bocauso thoy
coarsely and violontly intoxicate. Hut
tho victims of this thirst arowithout
tho oxcuso which tho indigent topors
to whom wo liken thorn may plead.
Tho poor tippler might say that ho
bought his unutterablo boverago bo
causo ho could not afford a bettor. Hut
tho noblost vintagos of litoraturo may
bo purchased as chonply as their vilest
subatltutos. When wo have abundance
of oxqulsite grapos in our vineyards, Is
it not almost incrodlblo that persons
who pretend to somo oonnolsbourship
should be content to bosot thomselvo
with a thick, raw concoction, dostituto
nf fragrance, dwUtuto of sparkle, dot
tit ute of uvwry thing hut tho power to
luduee h crude inbri(tty of mind ttml a
morbid aUUtof tb Intellectual peplleur
It lit ludl Ullllti.w I'liTCHlUiUj, but th
pity of U i. it d uc t'urhiitfJmy lit
Fnctsln Vroorortho KxUtenco or rlurnllty
or the Attribute.
It is manifest that thoro is not ono
memory only, but many memories, in
each mind, and that ono kind of mom
cry Is pre-eminently developed in ono
person and another in another. "Mem
ory," says Kibot, "may bo resolved
into memories, just as the nie oi an
organism may bo resolved into tho
lives of the orgnns. tho tissues, tho
anatomical elements which compo
it." deferring exclusively to tho per
ceptive faculties, wo need only men
tion a few thoroughly rocognized facts
in proof of this statement. Persons
having a strongly doveloped organ of
what the phrenologists call "individu
allty" recolvo peculiarly distinct im
pressions of external objects, and
therefore, of persons; honce thoy Im
mediately recognizo them on seeing
them again and easily picture them to
themselves from memory. Persons
abundantly endowed with the organ
of "locality" oxhiblt an astonishing
power of finding their way in regions
previously unknown to them and o
remembering tho character of those
they havo visited. Porsons. thus en
dowed, when strongly Impressed by
tho contents of a passage in a book
they havo read, romember exactly tho
part of tho pago In which tho passago
occurs, and whether tho pago itself bo
a left hand or a right hnnd page. The
number of degrees of capacity of per
ception and recollection of colors 1
scarcely less remnrKaolo tho power
of recollection of thom bolng al
ways proportionate to tho power of
perceiving thom and signalizing their
differences. Similarly, he who pos
sesses tho musical faculty in an emi
nent dogrco possesses in a llko degreo
tho power of learning and remember
ing tho piecos of music to which his
attention is directed. A striking proof
of tho distinctly individualized char
actor of our various faculties and
momories is presented in tho often ob
served fact that tho perception of
time, though both nllko essential In tho
montal constitution of a good musi
clan, differ greatly in their relative
strength in different individuals so
that while ono may bo a skillful musi
chin ho may bo an Indifferent timelst,
and vice versa. In tho former caso the
orderly succession of notes of a music
al passago is easily remembered, but
tho time intervals, which aro a dis
tinctlvo feature of it, aro remembered
less easily; whereas in tho latter case
tho memory of time is stronger than
is that of tune. Equally notable Is the
fact that persons who aro especially
ablo as calculators recollect numbers
with peculiar facility. Moreover, por
sons especially gifted with tho faculty
of languago havo a proportionate
facility of recalling words and of quot
ing from momory long passages which
thoy havo previously heard or read:
Cardinal Mezzofanti, who is said to
havo known moro than ono hundred
different languages, used to declare
that he nover forgot a word that he
had onco learned." Westminster lie
How It Dlsplii s Itself In the Streets ill id in
Hull way Curs.
One of tho first things that strikes
tho stranger in St. Petersburg, and
still moro in Moscow, is tho constant
crossing that goos on in tho strcots.
11?l 1 lis
whenever a devout nussinn passes a
church or a shrino or a holy altar, ho
lifts his hat and crosses himsolf In tho
fashion of tho Eastern Chuiyli. In
Moscow tho number of shrlns is so
great, and tho sanctity o.fsomo of
them so overpowering, that It must bo
difficult for tho devout orthodox to got
along tho street. In St Potorsburg
tho number is much less, but it is still
sufficient to keep your isvoslchik's
arms In tolerably active oxerciso. Ono
thing puzzled mo much. In St. Peters
burg tho women very soldom crossed
thomselvos. For ono woman who
would mako tho sign of tho cross in
passing the shrino at the ontranco to
tho Gostlnnol Dvor It would bo mado
by a dozen men. In Moscow tho
women were moro enreful to perform
their devotions, but in St. Petersburg
tho males woro much moro do
vout to outward seeming than
tho women. Of tho women who
did oboisanco to tho holy places in
St. Petersburg nil woro poor. I did not
see ono well-dressed lady cross herself
n tho street!) all tho time I was in
Russia. Officers and gentlemen woro
not bo particular as tho isvostchicks
and workmen, but it was no uncommon
sight to seo them making tho sign of
tho cross. I travolod with General
Ignatioff from St. Petersburg to Mos
cow. Tho moment tho train started
tho General crossed himsolf twice, re
marking that although you should
always pray, it was especially incum
bent upon you to do ho whon starting
on a journey. 'Tho number of shrines
in Russia whore candles aro burning
before holy pictures is very great, and
nuch greater importanco is attached
to tho science of gonufloxion than is
easily -ediblo to tho non-ritualistic
Englishman, feundny was much more
gcnornlly obsorved as a holiday than I
expected. Tho shops on tho Grand
Morskaya and tho Novski Prospckt
are Imost all shut all Sunday. St.
Potorsburg Is not Sabbatarian by any
moans; it is moro a day of nmuHomont
and of visiting than of dovotlon, but
thoro seamed to mo to bo a much moro
gonural ouumtlou of labor on Sunday
in Riitla than either in Germany or In
France. UonUmtorary Heviow,
A new iionuKliitiinuo, who lately
oil orud Kdwln J tooth a olguiutto, got
(ho iiif'iriimMnN tiltll Ihu uutor WUB u
lliajj ivl!'- ti ho l a plpo.
How to TnUe Cnro or Summer Clothln
Through the Winter Seiison.
Although tho putting away of the
summer clothes does not Involvo na
much labor or tlmo as tho winter, yet
tho careful housewife knows that any
enro expended on this work now is
amply repaid whon tho clothes arc
wanted for uso in tho warm weather.
Somo women who are oxtremolv care
ful when putting away winter clothes
are very careless in regard to sumino
clothing. If thoro are woolen good
among them, such as soft, light-weight
llannol. so popular nowndavs that
person's jjardrobo is not thought to bo
complete lacking a suit of this kind for
summer wear, thoy aro treated In tho
samo careful manner as thoso of tho
winter. 1nit tho rest of tho summer
garments are but indifforontly cared
for. As moths do not thrive on a diet
of cotton, thoro Is llttlo need of pre
caution in regard to their Invasion
consequently tho sunimor clothing Is
generally hung or packed away care
Thero are somo womon. met excel
lent housekeepers, who whon putting
away wash dressos, such as lawns
cambrics, prints, etc.. always havo them
mishcd, starched and done up, so that
whon taken out in tho spring thoy
only need an airing to mtikotl'em ready
for uso. This is not a good plan, for
clothes put away In this way aro suro
lo cut. Clothes of this kind should
not be starched, but If thoy aro, as in
tho caso of boing ready to wear, and
tho change of tho season forbidding it
tho starch ought to bo washed out, and
tho garment put away rough dry. If
tho dresses aro hung In a closet or
room, they should always bo covered
with a cambric curtain. Long cambric
bags are used by some housewives for
putting away dresses, and whore thoro
is room enough, thoy aro excollent,
but whoro thero is a largo family,
... - i i . . t
mure particularly wnero uioro aro
children, this plan could not bo fol
lowed successfully. Where a woman
has a roomy house, sho has very llttlo
trouble In deciding where tho clothos
shall bo laid away, but whoro sho Is
cramped for room, It is hard to decide
what shall bo done with thom. Somo
women, who was boarding, and was con
fronted with this samo problem, had a
long, narrow pino box made with hinges
at tho top, so it would open liko a trunk
Ihis sho lined with whito cambric.
and covered tho outsldo with crotonno,
first putting, a cushion on tho top. In
this box sho put hor superfluous cloth
ing. Her wintorgnrments woro placed
in it In tho summer, and her summer
clothing in winter. When closed it
made a pretty divan, and with castors
on it could bo moved to anv nart of
tho room. A soap box, covered in tho
samo manner, answered tho purpose
of a hat box.
All garments needing repairs should
bo mended, if possible, before putting
away. It seems a llttlo thing, and It is
mostly very convenient and tempting
to placo them away just as thoy aro,
trusting to inond thom early enough In
tho spring. Usually thoro Is so much
to do at tho latter season that tho re
pairing of summer clothing is wholly
forgotten, and only remembered when
wanted for uso. There aro fow things
as dlscourglng to a housewife as a pile
of summer clothos waiting repairs
whon her time is required for other
work, consequently, if tho summer
mending is done ore putting away, it
will not havo to bo dono after tho
spring cleaning, when tho housewife 1b
oxhausted in body and mind.
oolon garments will need to bo
cared for tho same as winter clothes.
using a good pleco of camphor, nnd
doing each garment tightly In news
paper or trunks, fastening tho edges so
as to oxcludo moths. Sunshades brush
woll, do up in papor and placo away in
drawors or boxes. If hats with
volvot or feathers aro to bo placod
away put away tho samo as woolen
garments, as moths revel In feathers.
Lisle thread or any of tho common
summer gloves may bo washed in warm
suds, rinsed and dried, and thoy will
look almost now. Hoforo putting away
tho clothes mako a memorandum of all
tho articles to bo placed away, and you
will find it a great help whon readjust
ing tho family summor wardrobe.
Boston Budget.
A Gotham Fairy Tale.
"You seo," said a Hroadway car con
ductor, as ho registered two faros on
tho indicator in rosponso to throo just
received, "it isn't as easy for us con
ductors to cheat tho company as tho
public seom to think. Wo aro re
quired, " lio continued, "as ho collected
fivo fares and rang up threo In a buoy
ant manner, "to obtain fivo cents from
every pnssongor, and thon to register
each faro on tho indicator. Of course,"
ho observed, meanwhllo ringing up
ono In oxchnngo for two fares taken In,
'each passenger boob mo ring tho indi
cator for his or hor faro, and it is im
possible not to do so without bolng
found out. "Why," ho added, jorking
tho ropo ho gently that tho indicator
didn't ring for tho two faros ho had
then pockotcd, "if I did not register
ovory faro 1 recolvo 1 should deem Jt
propor for any ono to havo mo arrested
fordlahonosty." So I had him arrested.
"Ma." said a llttlo student of natur-
ul hlbtory, "do frogs go to Ireland In
tho winter tlmo, whon overy thing 1b
frozoup?" "No, my dear; what makes
you iialc Hiich a question?" "Hooauso
toaohor says thoy always hlborimto in
winter, wiih tho reply of tho observing
young hopeful.
The gonliin of A morion U napping
ilgii about Mm dny. Thu uvui-ukm
number of mUNiM luyl wyukly N
uvur Ihriw lmnili oiL
-The man who said that marriaga
resombles a lottery labored under n
misunderstanding. Whon you patron
ize a lottery you havo somo show of
coming out ahead. Lincoln Journal.
Dudekln (who had just put on a
new suit of clothos In tho shop)
"Walt a minute. I'll go over to the
bank and get a check cashed." Tailor
(going out with him)" Well, I'll fol
low suit." Washington Post.
Tho young wifo who makes a shirt
for her dear hubby not only runtO tho
risk of shaking his confidence in hor,
bt also of losingall her formeradijijra
tlon for him when oho sees him with it
on. Terrc Haute Express.
It Is amazing how quick tho bakers
find out when Hour goes up, and how
awfully deaf and blind thoy aro whon
a slump In tho market knocks $2 off
tho price of a barrel. Thoy must want
to mako somo money out of the busi
ness. Detroit Free Press.
Dutiful dnughter "Now, mother,
don't ask me to mnrry that man. I ad
mire and respect him. but I do not lovo
him." Practical mother "O, that
don't matter. You won't seo him often
enough to grow tired of him. He's n
politician." Philadelphia Ilceord.
It's well known that there are ab
solutely no genuine chamois skins in
tho market; but, notwithstanding, an
English firm is manufacturing a new
cloth in imitation of tho Imitation skins.
They will bo just ns good as the real
skins, it Is claimed, and will bo sold as
rhero ought to bo a law in this
country providing that none but pretty
womon should over wear veils. Thon
all tho homely women would break tho
law for obvious reasons, while tho
pretty women would discard tho voils
through vanity and the oyo of man
would bo gratified. Journal of Educa
Ifo (reprovingly) "lho great
trouble with you is, John, you buy a
good many things you don't need simply
Iwcauso thoy aro cheap. That is false
economy." Husband "Horols alady's
watch 1 bought to-day for twonty dol
lars that's worth ovory cont of thirty
dollars." Wife "O, thank you, John;
why, it was a real bargain!" V. Y.
Ono of tho latest feats of ondur-
anco Is that of playing tho Jilano for
thirty-six hours in ono inning. It is
tho playor, and not tho listener, who
is awarded tho prizo for ondurnnco.
a no nsiouor generally becomes ex
hausted and wants to dio In tho fourth
hour. Drake's Magazine.
Miss Clara (blushing) "Do you
know, Ethel, that young Mr. Sampson
proposed to mo last night and I accept
ed him?" Miss Ethel (heartily) "I
congratulate you slncoroly, Clara. Mr.
Sampson Is a noblo young man." Miss
Clara "Do you know him well?" Miss
Ethol "O, yos. It was only a fow
months ago that I promised to bo a
sister to him." Time.
Mother, take or send your son to
tho barber whon his hair needs cutting.
To bo sure, ho may got his llttlo hoad
full of political and motoorologlcal
chaff from tho lips of tho loquacious
knight of tho shears and razor; but on
tho other hand, tho boy who habitually
has his hair cut by his mother Is likely
to grow up a Hoclal pariah, if, indood,
ho doos not dovolop into n rod-handed
villain. Boston Transcript.
In tho courso of a discussion about
tho Holy Writ rocontly ovorheard a
lady remarked that tho Hiblo was a
history of mon; that hor box was raroly
and but Incidentally mentioned as com
pared with tho space devoted to mon.
'Iconfoss," sho added, "that It strkos
mo as Doing most singular, ihoro
might have been moro said about us."
'0, I don t know," ropllod hor friend.
'Tho nuthors of tho various hooka had
probably studied womankind, and
know they'd bo ablo to speak for thom-
solvos." Harper's Bazar.
A Chapel Crypt In lMrU Full or Italics or
tho (.rent Revolution.
Ono of tho most interesting placos
in Paris is now opon to visitors. This
1b tho cyrpt of tho famous chupol of
tho Carmollto friars, whoso convent
was used as a prison and also as a
human Blaughtor-houso during tho
"Terror." Tho crypt has boon thrown
opon to tho public slnco tho boginning
of last wook. It is Hltuatod in tho Huo
do Vaugirard, which may bo reached
easily from the main boulevard. Tho
ohapol-crypt contains many relics of
tho ago of blood, which wiih inaugur
ated by tho great revolution, among
them bolng tho skulls and bones of tho
priests who woro massacred in 1792.
These victims woro about 200 In num
bor, nnd thoy wore literally hacked to
death by the inarHollios, to whom thoy
woro delivered up by Maillard. In
March, 17!iJ, tho garden of tho convont
was turned Into an at fresco dancing
plaoo called tho "Hal des THIouIh,"
whoro tho "Grilles d' Egout" and "La,
Gouluos" of tho day distinguished
themsolvoB by thoir chorographlo
cochonncrics. Later on tho convont
prison contained within its walla Jo-
Bophino do Heauhilrnais, who had been
marked for tho guillotine, but became
wifo of tho First Consul Honaparto; tho
lovely Mmo. Talllen, tho Mmo. Gauth-
oreau of tho directory, who also woro
Greek fillets liko her modoru imitator;
Vorgnlaud, Mine, do Cimtlno, and tho
two poor mountebanks, tho LoIhoiih,
who woro found guilty of treason
against tho powers that woro by having
druBsed ono of thoir marioiiottori in
thoir "Gulgnol" thontor in tho Champa-
vlyseoi as Cliurlottu Corday and mado
It Blng out, "Down with Marat!" To
a comparatively runit period omo of
tho Insurlptloim wrlttun on tho iionvoiit
wulU by iiuhiipiiy and II1uIi1uiin prU-
onurn wtiro mill YMm.Pitvil Gor.
London Tmjrviw,
One or the lVf-elons l'roduets or Huttciuid
Amudor Countlen.
Diamonds havo long been known to
exist in California, though nono of
large size havo been found. Tha
principal fields lire along tho north,
fork of tho Feather river, in Hutto
County, and In tho Volcano grnvol
region on a tributary of Dry creek, in
Amador County. At Cherokee, near
tho north fork of tho Feather, sixty or
seventy diamonds havo been taken
out. Thoy aro found In the gold dig
gings in coarso gravel. In the Volcano
fields nearly as many havo been found.
Tho formation at Volcano is similar to
that at Cher Ace. Thoro is, however,
at Volcano a bed of gold-bearing ce
ment or conglomerate, so hard that it
Is worked In a s',amp mill, a micro
scopic examination of tho tailings
from which shows pulverized dia
monds In considerable quantities.
This cement gravel contains enough
gold to pay woll for tho crushing, nnd
the owners do not believo thoy would
bo justified by the number or value of
diamonds it contains to attempt tho
difficult task of breaking it up in such
a way a.s to try to save them. Micro
scopical particles of diamonds havo
also boon found In somo instances in
tho tailings from other mills in Cali
fornia. Last winter a diamond expert from
tho fields of South Africa, a Mr. At
kins, examined tho diamond-bearing
placers at Cherokee and Volcano, and.
camo to tho conclusion that tho stones
from there had at somo period been
brought from a distanco, nnd that
thoso gravel fields woro not their or
iginal bed. Tho samo view, It may
bo added, Is hold regarding tho
gold deposits for which tho mines aro
worked. Cherokee and Volcano aro
In tho western foothills of tho Slorra
Nevada, the latter placo being about
ono hundred miles Houthenst of tho
former. The present topography of
tho country is not looked to as giving;
any clow to tho soureo from which tho
precious doposits havo como, as it is
evident that tho ontiro region hna
boon comiHotoly changod by earth
quakes and volcanoos, and tho hlllB
aro now In many eases composod of
lava which has ovorllowed and covered,
tho ancient rivers, mountains and
valloys. Tho host gold gravol ininos '
on tho eastern slopo of tho Sacramento
valloy aro In tho beds of anolont rlvera.
These beds havo boon tracod for lonjf
distancos, in many cases passing under
mountain spurs or boing cut off by
valloys. In other Instances violent
upheavals havo so disarranged thom
that tho prospootors, following up a
woll-dollned and paying river-bed, sud
denly loso It, finding It broken off liko
a plpostom, and frequently thorough,
prospecting has failed to find tho con
tinuation of the bed, or it has boon
found miles away, showing that tho
earth had been cracked at right angles
with tho stream, and tho two sldos ot
the crovlco had slid in opposite direc
tions for miles.
Mr. Atkins did not think Calfornlau.
promising Hold for tho diamond pros
pectors, and loft for tho Pugot Sound
region, slnco which timo nothing Iuih
been heard from him. Jewelers' Je
Cliauiirey Depeiv Tell How it Mini Miwtoak
Fortune by KeonouiUlni;.
Hon. Chauncoy M. Dopow, bosidoH
having an inexhaustible fund of funny
Htores, has excellent ideas about how
to live on a moderate salary. Tho
other day ono of tho Now York Cen
tral Railroad employes called on Mr.
Dopow and complained that his salary
was not largo enough to Hvo comfort
ably. "Woll," Raid tho railroad magnate,
I'll toll you a llttlo story. Somo years
ago a man was In our employ, getting.
a much Hinallor salary than yours hi.
camo to mo with tho samo complaint
you aro now making. I asked him how
many cigars ho Binokod a day and ho
said four.
" 'And how many do you glvo
" 'About four more.'
" 'Well,' mild I, 'oconomizo In your
tobacco and you will loam to bo sav
ing in other things.'
"1 told him to try my advico andsoo
how ho liked it. I didn't seo any thing;
of him for about a year, but ono day
ho camo in and asked mo how ho could
best invest $1,000 which hp had saved.
I advised him to buy Now York, Now
Haven and Hartford Btock, which wtw
at that timo very low. Ho put hid
money into $."5,000 worth of stock, hap
pening to Htrlko a particularly good
bargain, and to-day ho ia worth $300,-
000. Now, I do not claim that thin
man'a buccobb is attrlbutablo to my
suggestion, but I do declaro that If a
person tries to economize ho will bo
Burprlscd at tho result."
Tlo applicant for an increnso In Bal-
ary listened with keen interest whilo
Mr. Dopow was talking, and thon re
marked that ho guossed thoro was
something In economy and that hu
would try it on for awhile. N. Y.
Evening Sun.
Tho Ono Thing Needful.
"Yob," said tho young lady de
murely to Hilly HHvon. "Papa has
given mo ovory educational advantago.
I can sing in Italian, you know, qulto
"Yos," Biiid Hilly, "I know."
"Then I can converse in French and
Spanish and cciinposo vorsba in Latin."
"Vox," wild Hilly, "but toll mu oh
thing iiioru,"
"What Ih tbutr
"Oiin yuu hnktj broad Ih KngllshP'V-.
Mcrnhunf 'Jhn'ilet'i