The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 28, 1888, Image 6

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    omaw)N scoot.
k. CHAMCEY, Pukliikcrs.
Matters of Local and General Import
Gathered from All Sources for
tbo Benoflt of Our Readers.
Interesting Bosumo of the Week's
Happenings in Both Branches of
;tho Nation's Legislature'
"McOroary hopes to get through the
Houso at this session a bill to provide
for a permanent exposition of the
three Americas, in honor of the 400th
anniversary of th discovery by
Columbus. The bill is merely pre
liminary in its provisions, authorizing
tho President to appoint a board of
nfbo directors to formulato a plan for
tho deposition, and appropriating
$25,000 for tho expenses of their meet
ing. Their plan, it is provided, shall
bo to constitute an advisory board of
62 members, appointed by tho govern
ors of tho States and Territories and
the executives of 1G American nations,
Spaco is to bo provided in Washington
for tho exposition, and a suitablo aito
selected for tho statuo of Columbus,
A lively discussion aroso in tho
House Friday afternoon, based on an
articlo in a Now l ork paper, declar
ing that there wcro two olcMcnts
united against the Nicaragua canal
bill, tho agents of tho Pacific railroads
and tho attorneys of tho Panama
canal, and containing an interview
with Judge Daily on tho subject, inti
mating that tho gentlemen (naming
them') who offered amendments to
tho bill did so for the purpose of do-
At Mariposa hay is $25 a ton.
Tho Fresno Expositor has been on
Tho Dalles, Or., pays a bounty for
dog scalps.
A turnpike from Chico to Orovillo
is projected.
Tho eugar refinory at Watsonvillo
gives ?o a ton for beots
Tho streets of Travcr, Tulro county,
aro to bo graded this winter.
A woolen mill is to bo started at
Brownsville, Linn county, Or.
Tho slriko on tho Montana Union
railroad lias forced several mines to
close down.
Hon. Stephen M. Whito fainted in
tho court room at Los Angeles recent
ly, tho effect of overwork
Two enuaws, who wore intoxicated
rolled into a camp-fire at Colton re
cently and were badly burned.
Tho Woodland town authorities
want to drive out tho Salvation army
and raise tho prico of theatrical li
Senator Stanford will bo shown
points for needed legislation on tho
southern coast.
Tho corporation publishing tho San
Bernardino Times has taken tho name
of The L. M. Holt Publishing Com
Chinese gamblers havo boon hiring
fcatine tho measure. Messrs. Wilson
and Bland, of Missouri, Cobb, of A la-
bama, and Spinola, of Now York, in- substitutes to appear for them in tins
dicrnantlv denied beinir inlluoncod in Los AukoIcs courts and havo thus cs-
j w ,
their- action in offering amendments
by any purpose except a desiro to per
feet tho measure. Tho latter referred
to Judgo Daly as a man who, sinco his
retirement from tho bench, had been
connected with breezy enterprises.
Cox, of Now York, paid a warm tribute
to Judgo Daly b integrity, and in an
emphatic manner denied tho chargo
that ho was a lobbyist,
As regards tho commission recontly
appointed by tho becrotury of tho ti-
vy, under a provision for that purposo
contained in tho last naval appropria
tion bill, to examine tho coast north
of tho forty-second parallel of north
latitude, in tho Scato of Orogon and
tho Territories of Washington and
Alaska, and to solcct a suitable si to for
u navy-yard and docks, it may bo said
William Wright, a li-yeurold col
ored boy, stabbed Franklin. McAllen,
aged 13, with a pocket-kuifo at Stock
ton last week.
Tho Board of Suoervisors of Sono
ma county navo let a contract to
build a $20,000 bridge across Kussiau
river at Cloverdalc.
Tho orchards, vinoyards and can
nery connected with uonerui ind
well's rancho Chico aro to bo leased
to a San Francisco company.
Dipthcria still afllicts Bloomficld,
Sonoma counts. Several cases aro
yet in danger. Tho schools havo been
closed for b'ix weeks.
Four celestials on a hand-car woro
that tho commissioners had an inter- badly injured near San Fernando, Los
-viow with tho Oregon Sonators at tho Angeles county, last week, in collision
capitol, and discussed various possiblo with a special train
locations. Tho names of prominent
business men at each location wcro so
lected ; also such other information as
tho Senators could givo thorn. Tho
commissioners will exiunino Coos bay,
Taquina bay, Portland, Astoria, Ta
coma, Seattle, Port TowiiBund and
other places on Pugot sound. Tho
commission will confer with promi
nont mon at each point, and will
mako a careful oxuminatiou of tho ud
vantages which each prcsonts
There aro somo vory important
measures affecting tho north Paciho
coast nondinc beforo Congress. Senator
Dolph states that ho has been prom-
isod a favorable report on tno bill in
tho Senato for tho payment of Oregon
4iud Washington Indian war claims,
ponding boforo tho committee on mil
itary affairs, and tho bill lor tho crea
tion of a court to adjudicate Indian
denrouiiticn iluinis, which is boforo
tho Senate conimitteo on Inuiau af
fairs, which ho thought would bo re
ported with amendments making tho
..bill perfect. Ho had strong hopes
that tho conference conimitteo on the
railroad forfeiture bill, now that tho
election was over, would bo uhlo to
como to an agreement, and if not,
when tho disagreement was reportod
tho Houso would rocodo from its
amendment, and forfeiture of tho land
grant from Wallula to Portland
-would bo secured. Among tho bills
which had passed tho Senato and
wore ponding in tho House, ho said,
woro his bill for forfeiture of Orogon
Tvairon road urants; for tho orectionl
ol public bridges at Portland and Su
loin: to Krant eortain townships to
OrcRon for a public park; to extend
tho limits of Portland as a pprt of
entry, and to croato porls of entry at
Taconui and Seattlo, and a port of do
livery at Port Angeles, and to crodit
tho Stato of Urcgon witn tno vaiuo oi
iirms borrowed of Washington Terri
tory and lost in tho Noz Perce Indian
war; also Senator Mitchell's bill mak
ing un appropriation for a boat rail
way at tho dullos of Uio Columbia
rivor. IIo said that tho Oregon dele
gation was doing all it could to toouro
consideration for theso anil other
juoasurcs of intoro3t to Oregon, ami
that thoy hoped that somo or all of
Jocob Hodgo, a carpenter at tho
Coo mino at Grass Valley, had both
arms broken recontly in a fall, and it
is boliovcd ho is internally injured.
Threo deaths so far aro reported to
tho Portland polico as a result of the
Uhineso battlo recontly. Many are
wounded, but thoy aro keeping quiet
Itovongo and not robbery is de
clared to havo been tho motive that
actuated the scoundrels who attempted
to wreck tho Oregon express on 1 tics-
Tho Salvation avmy at Pctaluma has
won a victory. Thoy havo obtained
permission to parado tho streets, and
parties molesting thom will bo arrested.
Sanmol Sheplar, of Chicago, has pur
chased a $25,000 ranch a few miles
west of Santa Jiosu, which ho intends
converting into a stock and breeding
Ituilwny postollico sorvico has boon
established on tho lino of tho North
ern Paoillo and Pugot Sound Shore
railroads between Seattle and Tacoma.
Alfred Schwartz, of Slaughter, W.
T., nas been swindling tho people by
obtaining money on protondod cer
tificates of deposit on San Francisco
A Brief Mention of Matters of General
Interest. Notes Gathered from
Homo and Abroad.
Portsmouth, Ohio, is to havo a corn
in Morristown,
on the back of a
Diphtheria rages
New Jersoy. O
Heavy stitching
glovo is bad form.
Archbishop Itiorden has left Rome
for the United States
A famine is threatened among the
Jkast Alrictm colonists.
There aro 3,000,000 women in the
United Spates who work for wages.
mo ss ew i one law against car
stoves goes into effect January 1st.
Straw-bail goers aro having an en
counter with tho courts in New York.
Two-fifths of tho Dominion of Can
ada aro under no-liccnso liquor laws.
From 1880 to 1888 no less than
1,037,252 persons have como to this
Louisiana has five newspapers edit
ed by women. Tho New Orleans Pic
ayune is one.
Tho sword that Ethan Allen cariied
at Ticonderega, is owned by a Lansing,
Mich., woman.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, is rapidly be
coming ono of tho most enterprising
cities of Canada.
Tho Biblo has to bo printed in 29
different languages (o supply tho peo
ple living in Pennsylvania.
From tho best statistics obtainable
there aro about 1,000,000 Union sol
diers living at the present time.
Tramps havo filled up the Brooklyn
almshouse. Ono hundred men have
been put at work on tho sand pile.
Alexander H. Stephens during his
life educated 150 boys and 50 girls,
giving them all collegiate educations.
There aro 1,100 colored preachers in
Tennessee, and tho highest salary re
ceived by any of them is $200 a year.
Military mon believe that tho White
Pasha, now at Bahr el Ghazcl, and
moving north, is tho great explorer,
A Brooklyn boarding-school propri
etress has sued a plumber for $15,000
becati6o tho pupils havo become sick
from sower gas.
St. Louis painters havo condemned
tho practice of the painting of fire-
housos and polico stations by police
men and iiromen.
Thoy aro going back in Philadel
phia to tho old fashion of selling
grains und vegetables by weight in
stead of measure
Tho Brooklyn Engineers' society
last week protested acainst the crant-
ing of permission to a company to lay
pipes for hot wator.
Governor Beaver has just sent in
$1,000 for tho John A. Logan monu
ment fund of tho G. A. It., collected in
various Pennsylvania posts.
Tho Newark Lav and Order league
is taking stops to counteract what jt
deems tho "growing influence of
liquor interests in Stato politics."
Minneapolis flour men havo selected
St. Albans, Vt., as thoir distributing
center for New England, and intend
uuiuung mores two lininonso storage
Newsy Notes Concerning the Farm and
of Especial Interest to tbo Pa
cific Coast Husbandman.
It is said that by forcing salt into
tho Holes made by borers in trees, tho
borers will be destroyed.
JLiUti AU-itlUULTUJttALIIST la DU,lunK a ,enc? ftI0una 0llr
young orcnaruB Baverai year ugu we
tried many plans for preserving posts,
Having occasion to remove the fence
this winter we noted the conditions of
tho posts as follows : Those set with
no preparation were decayed an inch
. . . . 1 1 ... i . . i, i . ,i
rpt, i . i i t ai 1 ur iuuiu in luiuKiiuss , uiusu uimtuu
1U 'U " "lrBr Jlelu OI cotton per ;, ,;t uaH nf lim wrn
"o u " y oincr preserved, but were quite seriously at
tacked with worms ; those posts coated
Tho freBh fruit crop of California with hot tar were perfectly sound as
this season has an estimated valuo of when put in the ground ; those painted
$10,000,000. with petroleum and kerosene were
equally as sound and as good for set
ting. Let the posts get thorough dry
and then with a pan of cheap kerosene
unci a whitewash brush, srivo the lower
j-ne water irouen needs a thorough third nf tho nnat. tho nart In on in tho
scrubbing and scalding occasionally, erniind. twn nr t&rnn nnnlioatinnB of
or it will soon bo coated with slime. the oil, letting it soak in well each
It is better tnfppdarnwnvnrvniinno time. Posts bo treated will not bo
of food sho has the ability to take care troubled with worms or insects of any
of than to trv to train nrnfit hv navinr kind, but will resist decay to a remark
feed. able degree. This we find to bo tho
, ... . . simplest, cheapest and best method
100 mucn grain is more detrimental 0f preparation, o
to breeding stock than not enough. . t ' t i- n
Tho food should h hnlkv. with . As a breeder of diseases, there
small nllnw nf m-nin " lew things that excel the average
farmhouse cellar. It underlies tho
No animal is bo hardy as to require whole hwuse, with nothing to prevent
no attention. The more an animal is its exhalations rising into the upper
exposeu the less it will produce, cither rooms, except a thin board floor. In
of pork, wool, mutton, beef or milk. this cellar all manner of things for
ir- ii i i , , . family uso are kept the year round.
- wmum cuuuemns Meat vegetable, milk, butter, bread,
: - - '" pastry, preserves, pickles and fruits
mwr uihi a is cruei, anu argues mat i"" i .- ,i.:
"I" "ut lulluer lU0 iess Puna- tacles. There is very seldom anything
Aged horses should havo ground from the other parts of the cellar, and
gram at all times or they will not there is usually more or less decaying
thrive, owing to their inability to mas- vegetable matter to load the air with
ticato the whole crams. Where a poisonous germs. At various seasons
horse is subject to heaves it is best to of tho year tho cellar walls collect
moisten all the chopped or ground dampness, or small pools of water lio
food. under their loose board floors. Bending
MM Mi Q hi nniia rwlnru itilrv rlifi vnAm u
.mere is no necessity lor pamporing above.
a uuu mm allowing it 10 necome
The trade in Christrms trees and
greens grows larger year by year,
Thirty years ago a Christmas treo was
seldom seen except in somo homo of
tho richest class, and tho adornment
There is no dodging the fact that the of churches for tho festival season was
vicious. It can be made to work, if de
sired, in providiug power for fodder
cutters, grain-mills, etc. It is done m
Europe, and is practicable here.
American arbor vila3 is tho best all-
around treo for an evergreen hedge.
Its hardiness, density obtained by
shearing, and its rapid growth alone
recommends it for the general pur
pose of a hedgo above all coniferous
For a narrow and effectual wind
break, a double row of Scotch or white
pino, in rows eight or ten feet apart
and at about the same distance be
tween tho trees in the rows, will form
in six or eight years, in a climato
where they can bo grown, a close and
effectual screen.
The Iowa Agricultural college, it is
said, has been crossing Southdown
owes with Shropshire bucks for four
years. As a result tho average of all
fleeces has increased from 4.58 to 8.29
pounds, and tho percentage of lambs
from 77 per cent, in 1SS0 to 131 per
cent, in
llorBes can, of course, stand more
exposure in cold weather than men,
but tho same kind of exposure that
produces colds, rheumatism, etc., in
men, will be liable to ehoct horses in
tho sumo way. It is, therefore, ap
parent that warm stables, good blank
ets and protection from sevoro weather
aro necessary.
them would puss tho House at tho
present session. Tho bill which has
ulreudy passed thu Houso, providing
lor cmtimnont of the militia of tho
Stato of Oregcn with certain arms,
ammunition and equipage, has been
referred to Senator Stewart of tho
committee on military affairs. Somv
tor Stewart will report in favor of the
bill and in all probabilities it will pabs
tbo Senato within a short time. Sena
tor Mitchell's bill, which ho intro
duced in tho Senato Friday, providing
for tho admission of Idaho in thu
Union, is idontical with that intio
ducod by Delegate Dubois, of Idaho,
with ono exception. The Mitchell bill
confers uton women in tho Territory
tho right to vote. Both of tho Orogon
Senator aro in favor of woman suf
frugo, and on every occasion thoy
havo votod to givo tho ballot to wo
men. i
Sato-crackers and burglars are inuk
iug Mrofitublo hauls in San Bernardino.
Tho hrst annual promonado .con
cort and ball of tho Grand Army of tho
ilepublio was givon last week at tho
Stato capital at Sacramento and was a
great bucccss
Bails havo boon laid on tho Feather
river bridgo of tho Knights Landing
extension of tho Northern California
company, and an engine crossed from
Marysvillo into Suttor county recently,
Oregon's tax levy has beon fixed as
follows: btato levy for current ox
ponses, three and seven-tenths of
mill : militia tax, ono-lifth of a mill
University, one-tenth of a mill. To
ltd, four mills.
Charles Marshall, a noted horse
thief, was shot in tho leg recently by
Will Kobort8,a ban lleruardiuo deputy
sheriff. Marshall was found in tin
brush in thu mountains. He wil
probably die. There aro eight charges
of robbery against him in l-ios An
geles and Ban Bernardino counties
It is proposed to build a son-wall
200 feet wide on top around tho on
tiro city front of San Diego. Tho idea
U to inrnish terminal facilities, main
tracks, switches-round-houses, etc., for
till railroads onioring tho city, besides
coal bunkers and warehouses for all
.ho shipping business of tho water
hi tho trial of John A. Dimmig, of
San Francisco, a book agent, for tho
alleged murder or Honry Honhayon
in October, 1887, a mimbor of wit
nesses woro called, but tho testimony
variid little if any from that elicited
at tbo former trial. Louis Goldborg,
a cloak dealer and a close associate of
Bunhayou, testitlod that ho didn't
think that tho latter could havo writ
ten his alleged confession at tho time
ho called at witness' place of business
to do somo writing, as ho remained too
abort u liuio to write to long a docu
incut. '
Public men in Canada say that tho
Liberal party will ultimately tako up
annexation in opposition to the Im
perial federation policy of tho Con
Colorado is becoming an oil-producing
Stato. In tho valloy of tho Arkan-
i Bas, near Puoblo, thore are a number
of wells, tho yield of which is 1,000
barrels per day.
The Itov. Dr. David Spurgeon, aged
81), is an inniato of Flatbusb, Long
Island, almshouse Ho gave away
largo suniB and wuh ruined by tho
failuro of a company.
It is estimated that fim fivo to six
million pounds of turkey and a mill
ion quarts of cranborried woro nocos
sary to enable the city of Now York j
to onjoy its ThankHgivlng foasts.
Professor Henry gives the following
as a good ration for a dairy cow where
corn fodder constitutes tho main por
tion of tho coarso fodder: Corn stalks.
cut, 15 to 10 pounds; clover hay, 5
pounds; bran, 0 pounds; corn meal,
i pounds. U Ins can bo fed twice or
threo times a day, as tho feeder prefers.
confined to the Cntolic and Episcopal
denominations. But tho immense in
crease of our German population hap
popularized tho Christmas tree
throughout tho length and breadth of
tho land ; and with the waning of old
Puritan ideas the decoration of church
es of all denominations has become
customary. The extent to which ma
terials for theso purposes are now re
quired is shown by tho fact that a
single dealer in New England last
year disposed of 10,000 Christmas
trees, 25,000 yards of wreathing and
800 barrels of evergreen spray. The
smallest that aro bold bring on the
ground 10 cents apiece, while the
largest 25 to 30 feet in height
bring from $4 to $S. Garden and For
est. The question comes to tho stock
raiser, how shall I lessen tbo cost of
producing calves ? One way is to feed
new milk almost wholly at tho start.
Givo it to the young animal fresh from
the cow, but never let it suck. Feed it
well when young, at three or four
weeks lessen tbo quantity, and at two
months gradually wean it. In tho
summer season tho calf will do well if
weaned at Icps than two months' old.
In winter,skim-milk, after two months, j
will help calves a great deal. They de
velop naturally and easily, learn to
take care of themselves, growing fairly
well. Tho green feed does most good
to an animal when it is three or four
years old.
The condition of the loctl market
Is all that could bo desirod, orders from
the interior being numerous, owing to the
greater circulation among the farming.
The holiday trade has augmented sales to
a point entirely tisfactory to our mr
chants, and Christmas week promises to
be unusually nctive.
GriOCERIES-Suguars havo declined lc
in all grades since last report, of follows:
C fic, extra C t'ic, dry granulated 7gc,
cube crushed and powdered 7jjc. Coffees
Arm, with a limited stock on tho market.
Salvador 1813c, Costa Rica and Rio 10c,
Arbucklo's roasted 24tc.
PROVISIONS Oregon hams aro quot
ed atHc, breakfast bacon 14c, shoulders lOfc
fifi 11c. Eastern meat Is qnotcd as follows:
Hams l'JfelUic, breakfast bacon 13'c, lard
FRUITS Green fruit receipts 1282 bxs.
Apples ft.Vir.75c, Mexican oranges 80, lem
ons tCa 0.50 per bx, bananas $3.0ia4,50
per bunch, quinces iO'cbO per box.
VEGETABLES Market well supplied.
Cabbage J elc per ID, carrots and turnips
75o per sack, red popper 3c per lb, potatoes
4045c per Back, sweet lfi!c per lb.
DRIED FRUITS-Recelpta 379 pkges.
Sun-dried apDles 450 per lb, factory
sllc-d 8c, factory plums 8QDc, Oregon
prunes 7t9c, pears 910c, peaches 10 11c,
raiins '2.25 per box, California figs 9c,
Smyrna 18c per lb.
DAIRY PRODUCE Butter receipts for
tho week 91 pkges. Fancy creamery 3240
per lb, choico dairy 30c, medium.730c,
common 20c, eastern 25a30c.
EGGS Receipts 192 cases. Oregon 35c,
eastern 3232Jc.
POULTRY Chickens S3.50S4, for
large young and 4 4 50 for old, turkeys
izMai.Uc per lb, ducks ctmi per dozen,
geese ?8ffli).
WOOL Receipts for week a'.OOO lbs.
Valley 1820c Eastern Oregon 10Cail5c.
HOPS Receipts for week 25,030 lbs.
Choice 12JCHc.
GRAIN Receipts for week 0.041 ctls.
Valley 81.4241.45. Eastern Oregon $1.37i
1.50. Oats 3235c.
FI.OUR-Receints for week 3139 bbls.
Standard 85, other brands $1.75.
FEED Barley 823(225 per ton. bran
$10. chop 510W20, shorts $17, baled hay
1315, loose S12ft15.
FRESH MEATS Beef, live, 3c, dressed
0, mutton, live, 3c, dressed (I?, lambs
?2.2a each, hogs, live, 5yt 5c, dressed i
7$, veal 0(0, i c.
Tho drains should bo put down bo
foro tho ground freezes. A single tile
dram will sometimes carry oil the sur
plus water from a largo Hold, but
enough drain should bo used to roll
er the field dry in early spring and
bo in proper condition for plowing.
Tho uso of tho drain will add hun
dreds of dollars to an early crop.
Minneapolis street-car drivers aro no
longer furnished with freo passes.
Faro must bo rung up when tho pas
senger gots on two car instead of at
tho timo of payment of the faro.
Seventy per cant, of tho infants in
tho Foundling hospital at Ottawa havo
died during tho year. Within fivo
years 007 havo been buried. Im
proper nursing is said to bo tho cause.
A doposit of natural gas was struck !
the other day nine miles north-east of i
juscoia, in. ino pressure creates a
llamo thirty feet high. Tho discovery
has caused great excitement in tho
Tho Toronto Trades Council has re
quested the city to inform intending
emigrants from England that the
Canadian labor market is overstocked.
Tho Legislature will bo asked to abol
ish tho existing immigration laws.
Thoro aro 2,800 mombera of tho
lUicnigan Aiiti-iiorso Thiol sociotv.
and during tho past year thoy havo
atot hud a cent's worth of nroporty
stolen, although thoy aro worth an ag
gregate of $2,800,000.
A man in New Hruswick has dis
playetf a strange tasto about dying.
Ho dug his grave, lowered his coiltn.
got in ami ttok a dom of poison and
then pulled a string to a landslide,
which descended uinm him.
Now is tho time to get rid of the
poorer animals. It will not pay to
winter them, as better animals will
givo larger returns for shelter, care
and feed. It is not economy to keep
a poor animal through any season ;
but it is most extravagant to keen it
through tbo winter. It is tho bight of
lolly in stock raising to self tho best
and keep tho worst. True, tho bes
bring the largest prices; but if you sell
tbo best ami keep tho worst, soon
your best will be no better than your
A Wostcrn dairyman has hit upon worst is now, and your worst will be
a very siinplo plan of warming water such that tho more you havo the
for his stock to drink m winter. He poorer you will be. You, by this plan
puts an iron piato. say la inuties square, constantly mako your animals poorer
on tho bottom of his water tank, cut- and as tho stock raiser makes his ani
A .1. , f t I 1 1 , 1.
iiug away mo woou, oi course, wnere nuns poor no niHKes nimselt poorer
tho iron was. Under tho plato ho uses If ho keeps up the process, bankruptcy
an oil stove. Ho says 10 cents' worth is as sure as fate. Tho opposito policy
oi on a day would warm tno water lor H mo winning policy, sell tho poor
bU cows up to U degrees or more. est and retain the best. And soil
T , . . , . .. onough of the poorer animals that
m uuu.uj11K u .ut uu ur ' you may buy a few better than the
iucuur si.uuu. uu sure imu , no uoes not UL8t you now h,lvo Thj3 i(j lnakin
inonecu, uunw nu umia uiey eat wiwi your animals constantly better am
Kwii uinwiuo uu irxny uuu muu yourself richer. Soon your worst will
'"Ul" l" y bring ss much a-your best now.
grauuauy to incrcaso tno loci as tney you havo not nuro brad .u.imnls.
M hu iintKOH nf j I trrMj i inn I "
i,uv., i..buaujU onough scrubs or tirades to buv an an
uiuiuiiBi-, iw u uu ,u,x) imal of each sex. nrtro bred. Mnhl f,it
to tho full-blooded produco and to tho
highest grados. Almost boforo you
aro aware of it you will havo only
pure-bred animuH. If onco wo start
with pure-bred animals, tho increase
of breeding makes us rich in Hocks
and herds of tho bet blood in what
when the goal is reached, seems a very
snort lime.
will bear it.
will increase, and ho may gradually
increase tho milking capacity of his
cows and thoir production of butter.
Tho skill of that fecdor bas much to
do with the result.
Tho editor of tho Mark Lano Ex
press advises fanners to cut off po
tato blossoms as they appear. Tho ball
or true seed of tho potato, which re
sults from tho blosaoni, aro not only
unnecessary to the formation of thn
tuber below, but arc a prejudicial
strain on tho plant. Ho frays : "1
uavo tried it again and again on a
largo Beak threo rows loft and threo
rows cut .ind tho results havo moro
than Batistied mo."
Feeding red peppor to laying bens
is not bonohoial unless Riven vorv
moderately, and not oftenor than three
times a week. It acts as a temporary
Fiiiuuuuu, uui ii given continually
causes injurious enecw.
2o Howor is moro popular than tho
aster, and few havo held so high a
piueo in iKipuur esteem for so many
years, and it is still growing in favor.
For an autumn show of llowers we
havo not its equal.
Chairman Ilritton, of tho inaugural
committee, has received favorablo
answers to his requests for tho uso of
tho corridors of tho Interior und l'ost-
otllco department buildings for fileop
ac ouartors for troons during the in
auguration'. Tho available spaco will mo estimated loss to tho cotton,
uecanuuodate about 10,000 mon. Tho apple and potato crops from insects is
sub-committee on civic organization $10,000,000. Yet tho farmers tako no
has ahuady received applications for precauiionjo protoct tho birds. Every
positions in tho parade from 75 organ- bird killed"dds just tho work it would
uations, aggregating 13,000 mon. This perform to tho labor of tho farmer,
is 2000 moro than thoro woro in tho whe coiuequontly has a greater mum
panulo four years ago. of itueots to dontroy,
Patrick' Catlmdritl an It Aiiprnrg
Altovo tlio Hoof.
Tho twin spires of St. Patrick's Ca
thedral aro tho tallest church spires in
America and rank among tho tallest in
the world. Thoy measured in tho archi
tect's plans 328 fetit, but there bus
been a certain amount of gain over this
in construction which makes thorn
about 330 feet from tho curb. Tho
only towor over ii building: in this
country highor than this is, it is be
lieved, tho uncompleted ono on tho
public building in Philadelphia, which
will bo 550 foot high when it is done.
Thoro aro higher spires over European
cathedrals, among thorn those at Vi
enna, Cologne. Chartiers, Antwerp and,
Salisbury. Trinity spiro in this oitv
is 281 foot high. St. Patrick's spires',,
with tho whole cathedral, woro planned"
by and built under tho supervision of
fames Konwiek, of this city. Tho ca
thedral was first projected by Arch
bishop Hughes about 1850. In 1653
Mr. Ronwick drew tho first nlans.
fheso woro reduced in sizo and other
wise changed by Archbishop Ilughos,
and in IS 37 Mr. Hon wick drow tho
final plans.
Tho eornor-stono was laid on August
15, 1858 thirty years, ono month und
nineteen days before tho topmost stono
was sut in tho last of tho spires. Tho
cathedral was dedicated nearly ten
years ago, but tho spires wcro then
only to a level of tho roof of tho build
ing. Thoy woro loft in that condition
until tho fall of 1835, when work was
resumed. It has boon continued over
since, except whon tho weuthor pre
vented. GoorgoMinn & Co., of Bal
timore did tho work under contract.
It has boon dono without n singlo ac
cident to any .poi-son omnloved unon
tho spires. Tho work at first pro
ceeded rapidly, but as tho distance
from tho ground becamo greater and
tho spaco in which to work decreased,
fewer und fewer mon wero omployod
and shorter progress made. For
tho last few weeks only llvo or
six men could bo employed, and
thoy had to bo export steopletaclcs.
Tho spires aro of whito marble
throughout, oxcopt that a eoppor rod
through tho center holds tho oxtromo
upper pieces composing tho finial in
place. Tho spires aro octagonal in
form, mounted on octagonal lnntorn
towers that riso from tho level of tho
roof. Their dosicn is vorv nlnhm-ntn
and it has ueon carried out with ox
quisito workmanship that is almost
wasted at tho great hoights ut which
It is placed. Ar. Y. Sun.
Tho caso with' which raliroau cars
got lost in tills big country makes it
necessary for roads to employ u regular
corps of enr hearchorx or tracers, whowi
olo duty is to follow inlssinir curs und
Uavo thorn roturned.
Mr. Isauestoln "Shncob, my boy,
boost try on dis coat for dot shontlo-
ntans so ho soos vat it looks like."
customer (after Jacob has thu
pn)-"I don't like it, Isaucstoin; it
looks Dutohy." Mr. Isaucstoin iw.
estly) "My frant, it vnsn't do coat
vot looks Dutohy, dot vus Shucob."
r. i . bun.
Oroeer "So von'vn rrlv ,.
drinking, Undo Puistus?" Unolo Has
tus "Yas sab. I hnlnt tnnnlio.i
drap in fo' weoks." Grocer "You do-
sorvo a crroat donl of (rn(Ht iini
Kastus "Yos. sub. Tlmt'a ,..!,,.
..,v J Villi t Jill k,
soz, an' I was cwinn tn net-
Mlstnh Smlf. of vo' cud
"George," sho said, "boforo wo
woro married von wani ,,iu-,va i,i
og ma Hairs and blliust ulna i. .r.l
vinaigrette and things like that. Why
don't you over brhur ma any thlnir
Iv dear." rynllad a
did you l W h.-ar of u fUlwnmii
duitf halt tun Ul he bad iauihtr