The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, December 21, 1888, Image 1

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NO. 2(
The Oregon scout.
An independent weekly Journal, isMied ev
ery Friday morning by
Publishers and Proprietors.
A. K. Jom:s, i J 15. Ciiancuy,
Editor. I ( Foreman.
One eojy, one vear $l."ie
" Six months. 1.00
" Three montos 75
Invnrlnldy Cash in Advance.
If hif chance iwhurriptian tire not xtid till
tud of year, tiro dollar will le charged.
Kates of advertialng made known on ap
plication. JQTCorrcspondencc from all parte of the
country solicited. nil communications to the Oukcjo.v
Scout, Union Oregon.
It. Kakix,
J. A. ICakik,
Notary mime.
Attorneys at Law,
Union, Oregon.
iSTPrompt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Attorney at Law.
Collecting and probate practice -special
ties. Otnec, two doors south of post-othec,
Union, Oregon.
Physician ami Surgeon.
Office, one door south of J. 15. l'aton's
store, .Union, Oregon.
01. DAY, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon.
Otiicc'adjoining Jones Pro's store. Can
be fsund nights at residence in South
west Union.
J. M. Cauisoll.
Attorneys at Law.
Ofllee : Two doors south of post-oftlcc, Un
ion, Oregon.
Special attention given all business en
trusted to UM.
Attorney at Law,
Union, Oregon.
Ofltee, one door south of Centennial ho
tel. F. WILSON,
Conveyancer and Abstracter.
Abstracts to Peal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
rates. , ,
Sales of Peal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Otlic! next door south of Post-ofhce. Un
ion, Oregon.
Physician and Surgeon,
o North Powder. Oregon.
Has permanently located and will attend
all profe-i-ional calls day or night.
Oflico: Drug store building: residence,
one door west of ltodgcrs' hotel.
La Grande, Oregon.
Will visit Union regularly on the
first Monday of each month.
Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm. Wilson, Pi:oi
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and be. sociable
Shannon Marshall,
Practical Horse Trainer,
Will always be found at Uootho &. Camp
bell's livery Viable.
Take vour vicious homes to him tout ho
will break thein. Charges reasonable.
. Stage Ik Id Cove.
Leaves Union daily at 2 p.m. arrives at
Cove at 3:30 p. in. ,
leaves Cove at 8 a. in., arrives at Union
at 9:30 a. in.
Connections made with Elliott's coache:
running to the depot, carrying passenger
for east uinl wet bound trains.
U0WNS0N t I..VYNU, - - Proprietor.
Telephone Line Prom The Cove
to Union.
Criiml Sun Year's Hull to Ite ;ita
Holiday I'rc'imrnttQtii,
Dec. 20, 1SSS.
Goodwin Cowlos has completed his
establishment and will open out in a
few days.
Leighton Academy dimisscd, Wed
nesday, for thu holidays and Ascen
sion school will close to-day. The
next session will begin the first Thurs
day in January.
A grand ball, with a good supper,
will be given at thu Cove hall on New
Year's eve. Tho best of music has
been engaged and a cordial invitation
is extended to all.
Jns. Bloom is making substantial
improvements to his dwelling by put
ting up a large addition. .lim says
the extra room is necessary to his pro
posed plan of founding an orphan's
Mrs. Vina Duncan and Mr. W. II.
Wright wish to express their heartfelt
thanks to the many kind friends for
their kindness and thoughtfulnoss
during their mother's last sickness.
Mr. Wesley Matlock, of Pendleton,
a student of Leighton Academy, has
been very hick for the. past ten days.
His mother came over from Pendleton
and has been at his bedside since Sun
day. L. B. Stearns and B. Benton, who
have been suffering with risings on
their hands, .no improving. They
have endured much misery and have
been fortunate in escaping without
loss of hand or arm.
A public meeting will be held at the
hall Saturday evening of this week to
make the necessary arrangements for
a Christmas tree in Covo. No amuse
ment whatever has been devised for
that day, and it is to be hoped that all
will take an active interest in thu pro
posed tree and attend the meeting.
Thero is no reason why an evening of
enjoyment, consisting of music, liter
ary exercises and distributing of pres
ents, cannot be had and a general
good timo participated in by old and
young alike. Let all attend tho meet
ing Saturday night. Ladies particu
larly invited.
Messrs. Robinson &. Laync, of the
Cove, and John Elliott, of Union, have
formed a company for the purpose of
building a telephone line between Cove
and Union and have already ordered
the instruments and wire, contracted
for posts, etc. Tho gentlemen mean
business and will have the line ready
for transmitting messages as soon as
tho posts can beset and wire stretched.
The local oflico will bo iu the Covo
drug store and the other end will con
nect with Elliott's lino to tho depot.
This arrangement will bo a very great
convenience to tho citizens of Cove,
and will place them jn rapid commu
nication with the outside world. It
will save many long disagreeable rides
and is sure to be appreciated and pat
ronized and soon become a profitable
Colloctml forTliu Scout by Student h from
Union County.
Dec. 10, 1888.
Rain and mud in plenty. To coino
from such a place as Eastern Oregon
to this, one would have a strange idea
in his head. I often hearfhe Willam
ette valley spoken of at tho "Paradise"
of Oregon. I do not think such is the
case. It has not been very cold so far.
Tho ground has only frozen once and
there has been no snow. Thero is no
telling how soon it will come as it is
the right timo of tho year.
Smallpox is not iu our vicinity. I
understand that Eugeno is quaran
tined, fortius uwftil disease is almost
all around us. Most of the studonts
have been vaccinated which has made
it quite, proiitablo for tho doctors.
Scarlet fever is in tho town and has
been in the public school. Several
pupils have been sent homo with it.
Have heard of no cases proving fatal,
although some have been voijy bad.
Theatres ami lectures receive great
attention by most all.
Christmas will soon be hero and tho
Univerbity students get two weeks va
cation. Next week is examination
week, which is dreaded by a great
number. Others do not earo for it any
more than an every day recitation.
Tho societies of tho University are
doing splendid work. They aro to
give an open cession tho 21st of this
month, tfiu Latireans and Eutaxians
Tho Young Pcoplo's Christian En
doavor is to have a union meeting at
the Methodist church Sunday evening
Dec. 10, at 7 o'clock, Services by Rev.
The Catholics have their new fdiool
lioufu almost completed and are put
ting a tower up in front of tho old
I Extending my heartfelt thanks to
: tilt editor for always publishing my
j pieces in his good paper, 1 glance he
! yonil the W. B. and say
Dec. 18, 18SS.
The smallpox scare is subsiding.
There has been no cases hero as has
been reported. There were, however,
a number of eases of scarlet fever, and
there was one death from that disease.
The few remaining patients aft conva
lescent. Tho great debate between Clark
Braden and B. F. Underwood of Bos
ton, involving the issues between
Christianity and Liberalism, which
was held in this city, terminated last
Thursday evening. The debate con
tinued eight nights. It was held in
O'Brien's opera Iiousl the largest
hall in thp city which was tilled
nightly with attentive listeners. The
debate was' ably conducted and was a
groat success.
The University will closo for a two
weeks holiday vacation on tho 2fst
George W. Anthony, a young man
at Cottage Grove, accidentally shot
himself last Saturday. Ho died ten
hours after the occurrence.
The. real estate business has not sub
sided yet. A much business is done
in one week as was done in a month
the same time last year. Tho immi
gration in the spring promises to be
immense. L. Jay.
To the SIemler of tho Orer.
Dec. 14, 18SS. )
I. The dillerent companies of this
Regiment will assemble iu full uni
form, armed and equipped for muster,
on the dates named below:
Field and .Stall', non-commissioned
Stall", Drum corps and C. Co. at the
Regimental Armory, Friday Dec. 28,
at 8 :'A0 P. M., when they will be in
spected by the Regimental command
er. B and G Co's. at their Armories on
Wednesday, Dec. 20, tit 8 o'clock IV
M., when they will do inspected by
their company commanders.
II Co. at their Armory at 8 P. M.,
Friday, Dec. 28, when they will be
inspected by their captain.
1), E, I and K Co's. at their Armor
ies Saturday, Dec. 2!), at 8 P. M., when
they will be inspected by their com
pany commanders.
II. These inspectors will mako a
personal count of till guns, equipments
and uniforms, as the property returns
for this quarter must be correct to the
smallest particular.
III. Tho dillerent inspectors will
report to these Headquarters without i
delay. As thev must bo received on I
or before Jan. 10, 18S!), some of tho
usual delay must bo avoided.
IV. The resignation of Capt. Chas.
C. Cooper, C. Co. this Regiment, has
been accepted by the Governor to
take ell'ect December 10. 18S8.
V. Tho following men have been
granted honorable discharges from tho
Oregon National Guard: F. O. Whit
nev, E. C. Cooper and J. P. Cartwright
of C Co.
By order of
(official.) Colonel.
1st. Lieut, and Adjt.
From an article on "Dairying" in
tho Oregon Mist, wo make tho follow
ing practical extracts: It will seem
hardly credible that a country capable
of producing the finest grass in tho
world should bo an importer of butler,
yet such is the case here. Thousands
of dollars worth of Iowa butter aro an
nually brought to supply the market;
not becauscothere is a lack of slock or
facilities for making both abtrfind.
There aro daires in this country that
never sell a pound of butter for kss
than 25 cents per pound, and have no
trouble whatever in disposing of tho
products of their churiis. Water is
abundant in creeks and springs. Tim
othy and clover grow to perfection, and
vast quantities of roots can bo raised
suitable for stock. From these facts
it is evidont that the paracticable dairy
man of the cast may hero find a rich
harvest as a reward for painstaking
caro in producing a suporior quality of
butter. Tho market is at hand ; re
quires but a good article, and there is
no trouble to sell thousands of cases
more than are now produced bore.
Fifty Vrr Aro.
Under tho date of December 7, Mr.
C. II. Walker writes to a Portland pa
per as follows from WiHm Springs,
Oregon :
"Please mako a note of the fact that
fifty years ago to-day I was born at
Wai-lct-poo (Whitman's musion) near
Walla Walla. I believe I am tho old
est living white man born west of the
Rocky mountains. My mother Mrs.
Mary R. Walker, living at Forest 1
Grove, Or. is, I beleivo, the only surviv
ing white woman of those who crossed
tho plains previous to 1810. She
made tho mx month's journey across
the plains on horseback. What think
you of that ye who come iu Pullman
palace cars?"
Laying the Corner Stone
the Xew Church.
rropurntlom l'or n (MirlMiii.T
Keri'iit Deaths.
Dec. IS, 1SS8.
Dr. Ashford, of IJakor, was culled
hero in consultation on Monday.
Mr. II. Rothchild paid a (lying visit
to Baker on Friday, returning tho
same day. .
Mr. McICercheval is suffering from
the ell'ects of.a badly sprained ankle
joint. "'s
Work on tho lumber llumo lias boon
suspended owing to litigation iu re
gard to right of way.
A load of hay was accidentally up
set, in the streets on Saturday. Hun
gry stock took in the situation to ad
vantage. Geo. Bobier has lately erected an
addition to his livery stable. Ho is
now better prepared to accommodate
the traveling public.
North Powder Lodge, 1. O. O. F.,
arc in receipt of a fino "Kimbrel" or
gan for use in their lodge room. A
useful as well as an ornamental piece
of furniture.
Charley Winchester fell from a high
seat on his wagon, in front of Mm hind
wheel which passed over his leg, a few
days ago. No bones wore broken, but
he uses a cane in locomotion.
Tho committee, consisting of Mrs.
Brand, Mrs. Siiundnrs and Mrs. Dye,
on Christmas tree are meeting with
liberal contributions and enou h funds
have already been secured to carry out
the programme.
Died. At Spencer it Co's. mill on
Friday night, lid. Gardner, aged
about twenty-five years, after a linger
ing illnes of upwards of two years, tho
result of a fall from a horse. He was
buried here on Satuiday.
A Raker journal iu a late issue gives
North Powder people a compliment in
the way of lack of building enterprise.
.Corner lots are still hero and material
to build with, but tho owners are wait
ing for "the clouds to roll by" wo
give it up.
The laying of tho corner stone of
tho new Baptist church took placo on
Saturday, Revs. Waltz and Hum's olli
ciating. Numerous mementoes were,
deposited, among which were a history
of the church, two bibles, several news
papers, rare coins, samples of wheat,
etc., and other articles or which wo
could not get a dcsciiptiou. Quito a
congregation was present during the
Died. At the family residence in
this place, Mrs. A. Lunn, on Tuesday
morning, Dec. 18lh. The deceased
was a kind and afl'cctionate mother
ami leaves behind a dutiful husband
and four small children, tho youngest
a babe of near one month of ago, to
mourn her loss. Her deniius resulted
from tho immediate of loots following
child-birth. Kind friends attended to
her wants during her illness and fol
lowed her remains to tho grave. The
Odd Follows Lodgo took charge of tho
funeral ceremonies, tho burial taking
place at one o'clock on Wednesday
A fistic combat between parties in
terested iu the lluino and land owners
on tho route occurred a few days ago.
No serious damage insulted and the
war of words and litigation still con
tinues. A.IAX.
Intel 'Ktlii(T I.iittt-i- I'rom our Itecu
liir C'nrri'Hiiiiiiiltiut.
Washington, Doc. 7th. 1888.
Editor Oukuon Scout:
After speaker Carlisle struck his
desk at noon on Monday, it was fully
an hour before the hilarity of the mem
bers could bo surpassed, and lato in
tho afternoon thero was little attention
paid even to tho President's message.
Tho reading occupied gno hour ami
twenty minutes. In the senate forty
two Senators appeared to answer roll
call, and twcqty listened to the reading
of tho moseage. With a subtlo irony
it happened that fcovon Aiuaters whoso
admirers hail placed flowers Oi their
desks wore all democrats. "Rest iu
pcaco" icmarked Senator Ingalls, fit
nerally. The throng of vibilois at tho Capitol
was considerable hut still far inferior
in size to that which goucnOIy attends
the opening of Congress. Mrs. Cleve
land, Mrs. Hoyt, Mrs. Wilton ami the
wife of Speaker Carlisle were tho only
occupants of tho Executive- gallory.
Mrs. Cleveland looked particularly so
reno in a walking costume of fawn col
ored cloth, with bonnet of tho sumo
shade, trimmed with ostrich to mutch.
With commendable patience, she
listened clotoly to the long reading of
tho tuctuugc, even through tho rejtorts
j of the departments, and smiled when
the hoo maud at the alhtMun to
l Lord Sackville.
As Usual, the message was received
with but twPvipinions. The democrats
could not Mtlihucutly admire the Presi
dents maul v adherence tohistaPil' prin
ciples, his advocacy of tho workingmen's
cause and his able presentation of the
Sackville case. Tho Republicans could
not sulllciently condemn his obstinacy
in tarill' matters, his spleen in the treat
ment of foreign affairs and tho bjftor
noffs with which ho accepted his doo
feat. Mr Snowden, the Pennsylvania
high protcetionost democrat, said that
he cheerfully indorsed the message,
with the exception Mint be utterly repu
diated sympathy with the President's
i t a rift' views.
The bill for the admission of Dakota,
Montalut, Washington and New Mexico
is again before tho house, immrdiatc
consideration having been moved by
Mv. Springer. Tho bill as it stands
cannot pasN, as tho democrats demand
the admission of Now Mexico, and tho
republicans would only consent with
tho promise that Dakota bo admitted
as two states. Final action is hardly,
therefore to be expected this session.
To-morrow night tho democrats will
hold a caucus on the question.
To no small extent tho legislation of
the present sc-stion is not so much re
garded as our plans for tho iifly-lirst
eongitss. The little that is usually
ilonn iu legislation, apart from private
bills, during u-short session, will bo
oven loss. The majority of senator
and representatives regard an extra
session of I lie (ifty-lirst congress as in
evitable. Everything is being done to
favor the plan, and should it shortly
become an assured fact, tho republi
cans will feel indill'erent as to tho legis
lation during this session. The prin
cipal nccesrity for extra session arises
from the timo consumed in organiza
tion when majorities are eo small, and
from present indication?, tho republi
can majority in the house maybe only
one. Tho republicans interested in tho
extra session tay that if it were called
in April, Mio senate ttirilF bill could bo
passed; South Dakota, Montana and
Washington admitted; untl enabling
act for North Dakota passed, and some
general pension legislation accomplish
I The speakership candidates aro hard
at work and the light will be long and
bitter. MoeHre. Reed,' Burrows, Can
non, and MeKinleynro the avowed can
didates. As belweeu Heed and Can
non the feeling is tho strongest. Mr.
Reed's claims aro based upon long
servico and acknowledged parliamen
tary and political ability. To meet
those claims, Mr. Cannon's fiicr.ds say
tho importance of tho great west calls
for. tho election of a western man, and
that Illinois is tlie state to be honored.
It looks as if tho two gentlmon would
kill each other oil' in a neat and pleas
ing manner. -
An enterprising Washingtonian has
originated a plan to give tho innaugu
ral cermoniori tho character of a cen
tenary innuuguration. It will bo just
one hundred years hinco George Wash
ington was inaugurated, and thu most
will bo made of this fact in tho 'parade.
It is raid that tho "log cabin" schemes
are distasteful to Goneral Harrison as
savoring to much of tho "grand-fathers
hat" idea. If this bu true, an excellent
outlet will be found in Mio centennial
idea for surjoiis enthusiasm.
On Wednesday the senate proceeded
to thoeonsidenition of tho tarill'. This
simply means that tho old wrangle has
begun again, fresh as ever. Tho tarifl"
talk guts to bo a gigantic nightmare
and one longs to rush out into the upon
air and revel iu goro or do something
equally desperate.
Or;;finlniH Trtloi LIT" V.uny.
People from tho eastern states, in
speaking of Oregon, nays the Capitol
Journal, gonorallv advance some pe
culiar thoughts, fliey say tho citizens
strike them very favorably, A quiet
easy, contented, cheerful disposition is
characteristic of tho people all over
Oregon. They feom to have no cares,
no bad digestion, no insomnia, no notes
iu banks, or indued anything else cal
culated to disturb their peace of mind.
They don't fret about tho fickleness of
tho weathor for tho weather iu Oregon
is not fickle; they don't worry over
failure of crops for tiio crops iu Oregon
never fail: the Mimmcrs heat don't
trouble them for the summer's in Ore
gon are nut hot, only warm ; thu win
tor's cold don't freeze them fur tho
winters thero are not cold, only cool
and moist. Tho cyclone nml tho bliz
zard are alike btrangurs in that landund
the favored puople only know of such
phouumoua of dumo nature through
thu medium of thu newspapers.
rrnTm-riit'iriirn iiihiiiiiiimI! -,-
Some Observations From a
Philosophic Standpoint.
Tin' Itoml l.awx of (lrRon Deficient
A IloniiMly Kucecfttetl.
Dec. 17, 18S8.
Born. Dec. 17 18S8, to the wifo of
R. V. Davis, a daughter.
Wiso men learn by other pcoplo's
mistakes, fools, by their own.
Tho weather is all that could bo de
sired and plowing goes bravely on.
If a great man dies of delirium
tremens the doctors say ho tjicd of
"nervous prostration."
High valley has a variety of fevers
scarlet, pneumonia and matrimonial,
with a sprinkle of another kind. .
The unknown quantity in politics is
women. She is not past finding out
for the Fates are at work and tho to
lutiou is near. She soon will bo com
plete "a being possessed of choice, ami
power to expiess it at tho ballot box
as everywhere else.
If there is anything that will cause
a man's feelings to bo iu sympathy
with those of the party who wrote "Y.
would not live always," it is to unpack
his trunk and discover that thu moths
have been holding a series of progress
ive euchre parties in Mio basement of
his best summer pants.
The public press shows that im
munso losses from gambling, intense
anxiety and despair, ami suicides have
followed thu lato election. If men
outer thebo circles, engage in ways,
that aro dark and tricks that aro vain,
and loso what they have, they must
boar the loss. They jiru not com
pelled to gamble on elections. If a
man drinks liquor that steals away his
brains and then commits somo desper
ate crime, ho is not morally nor legally
free from responsibility, lie is amen
able to the law, anil so if a fellow takes
chances ami loses, and then kills him
self, ho is his own assassin. Better
work for an honest competence ami bo
satisfied than gamble on elections or
do other questionable things.
For years past there has been a feel
ing that tho best results aro not ob
tained under the present system of
Oregon's road law or tho method of
getting tho work on the roatls in tho
county districts. So much to that
quite a. number arc asking, "Can not
something bo dono to remedy tho
evil?" A supervisor spoke with us
this week of tho fact that many little
improvements in county bridges aro
needed that do not come directly un
der the supervisor's jurisdiction, and
tho districts in which they aro do not
have cash road levy sufficient to buy
lumber and build them, therefore they
go without. Wo believe each district
should elect one competent supervisor
and mako him responsible for tho
work'. Let all road tax bo paid iu
cash and put at his disposal. Rcquiro
a bond for faithful performance of
duty. Let the district place at his
disposal a good grader plow ami wheel
scraper, thou hire enough teams and
men to tlo this work at tho rhjht sea
son and in the right manner. Farm
ers can bu iu their fields w)icn they
should and the timo saved that is
squandered by" tho supervisor warning
out men. Tho work would bo system
atic and five times hotter dono, and
tho whalo system bo a benefit, besides
it would bo a saving to each county
which pays out annually thousands of
dollars for contract woik and lumber
bills. Let our next legislature try it.
Dixiu It l'ny?
Three-fourths of our people are troubled
with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint iu same
form or other, which by nature of thu dis
ease Iiiih a depressing Influeuco on the mind
or hotly, preventing theia from thinking or
acting clearly in any matter of linportaneo,
Indigestion, coming up of food after eating,
dyxpepsia, sick headache, acidity of tho
stomach or any derangement of the stom
ach or liver (upon which tho wholu action
of our sysem depend) are speedily and at
fecttmlly overeoine by tho'uso of Green's
August Flower. Tho most stubborn eases
have yielded to iU iiitluence, an thousands
of letters reeeivctl will testify. Tho liu
iiiciiHo sale of ths medicine is another aitur
anteoof Its mcrrlt?, (avor n lnlllon untl a
half bottles sold last year.) fioweask, will
you miller from any of tho abovo ihs
eaKcs when you can have immediate relief
In the Augtidt Flower. Three dunes will
prove its worth, It is sold by all druggists
and general dealers in till parts of tho world.
Titko Notice.
Having sold my blacksmith shop and
tools to C. 0. Codlnberry, and Intending to
movA from this place iu a short time, It
bceomes necessary to collect all outstand
ing accounts ut once. A settlement must
bo made und nil interested way govern
theniHclveH accordingly. Tho accounts will
bu found at the ofllee of J. Jt. Crltes. Come
to tho center. F, S. Johnson,
ICscle Couier Hlioji.
8. 1J. Ayk'M, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butter barrels and kegs. X
good supply always on hand. Shop
south of kchool hoiutr, Union, Oregon,
rrt( t-Ateiiln