Oregon SCOT IT VOL. V IN 4 UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, XOVKJI HER isss. NO. 23. t it The MLScout. i An independent weekly Journal, issued i - ' cry Friday iifornini; hv JONES & OIIAXCEY, VuMKIirrs nnd I'ropriVior. A. K. Jo.nks, i Editor. ' I 11. Oiiam i:y, ) Foreman. KATKS OF SUl'.SCItH'TION! One copy, one year " " Six months . ?l..V) 1.00 it . xhreo uiontos 75 Invariably ('ah In Advance. If bf chance tnlmerijitiong arc not jxtid till tml of year, ttco dollars will be charged. Hntes of advertising made known on ap plication. ' dfCorrrnpondcnce from all parts of the country solicited. Adres nil communications to theOnKOOS Scout, Union Oregon. W IM'IIII II llll ll.llll I MM l'UOFKSSIONAI. It. Kakik, J. A. Kakin, Notary Public. J EAKIN, & BBOTlIElt, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. OTPrompt Attention gitd to Collect.ons. JOHN 11 C1UTES, Attorney at Law. Collecting and probate practice special tics. Olllce, two doors south of post-ollle.;. Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D., Physician0ami Surgeon. Oflice. one door south of .). IS. Katon's store, Union, Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D IIOMEPATHIC Physician ami Surgeon. AIX CALLS l'UOMI'TM" ATTCNDUI) TO. Office, adjoining .loucs I5ro's store. Can be found nights at the Centennial hotel, room No. 2J. M. IJAKKR. J. W.Slir.I.TOX. J. 1-MlAKEK. JgAKEK, SIlKIl'ON & 1JAKEI5, Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore gon. Special Attention given all business entrusted to us. IJI II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Otlicc, one door south of Centennial ho tel. jg F. WILSON, Conveyancer and Abstracter. Abstracts to Iteal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of Heal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Ottico next door south of Tost-oUicc. Un ion, Oregon. A. L. SAYLOlt, M. D., Physician and Surgeon, North Powder, Oregon. Has ncrinancntlv located and will attend all professional ealis day or night. Oftlee: Drug store building; residence, one door west of Uodger' hotel. J W. STRANGE, DENTIST, Lit Grande, Oregon. Will wit Union regularly on the first Monday of each month. A LI j WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS Cornucopia Saloon, Wm. Wn.so.v, I'Jtor. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always in stock. FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLE. Drop in and be sociable Shannon Marshall, THE Practical Horse Trainer, Will always be found at lloothc it Camp bell's livery stable. Take your vicious horses to him and ho will break them , Charges reasonable. A Stage Lineto Cove. Leaves Union daily at 2 p. m, arrive at Cove at 3:30 p. m. leaved Cove at S a. m , arnvt at Union tU:30a. m. Connection mnclo with Wllott's ceaclie running to the depot, nrrylug jmssoMgerfc for rum nnd west bound train. UATItS for lMfsSHSGUKS. l-l M!AOK ttU.1 IMtUlOHTi ltHAMAHI.K. HOWKSON !AYM IVCprli'toTf. mm Trains a-m depart from n.iiiv . a loilows: Union KWT llul Ml. WEST EOl'.Nll. l'awmrcr. No. 4, IAcIis.enger, No.3. L've at5:2" a.m. i at 1 :.'!0 p. in. Freight , No. 8, Ivi Freight No. 7, L've at a :;.' a m. at 1 1 :'-0 p. m. TITk to and troni principal point i iivnjilllic United States, Canada and Kurope. Elegant PSi"" Cars. Emigrant S'n ping Ca-s Ituu Through nil Kxpre.- Truing to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Oree of Ch.irpro and Without Change. Close connecti.iiisal Portland for San Frau eiM O and Puget Sound points. For turtho particulars impure of any Axentof the Cmnpaiiv or of A. L. Maxwell, 0. V. AT. A.. Portland. Oregon. OCEAN D1V1SIOX. The Oregon Railway it Navigation Co.. and Pacific iQwst Steamship Co. will dis patcli Steamer between San Fran c'co and Pdrtland. as follows: fiiom rouu.vNP. fkoji SAN nuNctsro. Leaving at 12 yO!n't.,iL'v'ng Spear st. vh' a follows: I at 10a.m. nrf follows : Klder, Sunday Nov State, Til urscluy, ,, Cohunbia, Mon ,, Oregon, Friday ,, State. Tueday ,, Columbia. Sat. ,, Oregon, Weil, ,, t State, Sat. Nov 3 S.Columbia. Wed. ,, 7 12,0regon, Sunday ,, 11 Hi State. Thursday ,, 15 20 Columbia, Mon. ., 10 2lOregon. Fiiday 23 2SjState, Tuesday ., 27 The company reserve the right to change steamers or sailing day. RATES OF PASSAGE: Cabin. - - iflti.OO Steerage - - 8,00 Round Trip Tickets, Unlimited - M.OO Children, uiuk 12 years - Half Fare 5 years ... Free The aborc rata include Hoard. W. II. HOLCOMI5, I A. L.MAXWKLL, Oen'l Manager. I (4. P. it T. A, II. L. DFACON. Agent. Union. UNION Toososiai Parlors L. .1. RufirK, Pirorr.inTon, Shaving, Hair-cutting and Sham pooing, in the Latest style of the Art, Shop one door fcouth of Centennial hotel GIVK US A CALL. 0 2S-tf. URIZEHRAWING! RIZEllRAWING! A Rare Opportunitv to Secure an Elegant Present 1 From thi time until tin; 25th of Decem ber, any one purchasing a hut of any kind at our millineiy c.stahliHhmciit, will be en titled to a ticket which w'ill give them a chance in the drawing of the following bountiful presentH : 1 Satin Toilet Set, live pieces, 2 Embroidered Table Scarf, 3 Hand Painted Tidy. 4 Embroidered Lanihrccmin, 6 Linen Toilet Set, live pluses. Drawing to take place Dec. 25. mi. p.rnwi:Li,,i ,,.. MRS. jiKNSOSl "Pnctor.. CORNUCOPIA ST-A.GKK1 TlTHSTIEJ Stages loavo Union overy Monday, Wed nendiiy und Friday, Leave Cornueopiu on return trip every Tuchday, Thursday and Saturday. Passengers and Past Carried. Freight 7.. NELSON, l'roprietor. 8 31-tf City-Ieat-IarM Main Htreet, Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PKOritLETORS. Keep contttantly on hand BEEF, I'ORK- VEAL, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LAUD. Etc. r AND SODA KACTOUY, Cor. Main and II St. Union. Oregon, SIIHICMAN .V JtAl.r.V, lriiU. Maufvitiirr aitd doaUra In Soda Wa ter, iiinuiiMiriiU. Ulster Alti, Cream Soda aid CtittWMfii JMot, Syrupy uto. Or Kentucky Liauor Store N0RTHP0WDER. Members of K Co., 0. X. G. Re ceive a Reminder. SIIOOTIXG FORTUItlvEV. ltusluesR C1iaiigf'KTh l'ost-olllce-Irrigating Ditch. Sow Nov. 20. 1SSS. Business of .ill kinds quiet hero. Mr. Otis Hutchinson paid a living visit to Union on Saturday. Mr. Shenvd has leased the Barker building and moved hit family therein. Apples in barrels are shipped from Portland hero to supplv the retail mar ket. Miss Laura Hufl', of Clover creek, has been vititing friends in Grande Hondo valley, the past month. Mr. Granville Hufl' will have charge of tho public tchool the coming term. Mis Murray returns to La Grande. Mr. Daniel SLiirhird and family have, moved into town, paving leased tho lower rooms of the Rodgers house. Work is pogrefrsing at the sidetrack above-town. Eleven hundred feet will bo put in to complete the contract. Mr. Clni8. Sehiedhauer has received a now pool and billiard table com bined, of the latest improved pattern. A now force of O.icu will be placed on the flume cons ruction nnd tho work pushed to completion this win ter. Mr. Win. Tanner has purchased tin! Scott farm two miles south of town and moved his fainilv and effects there to. Mr. W. T. Carroll and family, of Un ion, who have been visiting relatives in this place, returned homo on Sun day. Q Mr. Qphas. Schicdliauer's premises are undergoing a transformation at tho hands of .lames Bell, a painter from Union. Q .Petitions and counter petitions arc in circulation requesting tho Post Mas ter General to knife or not to knife tho postmaster here. A new patented kerosene lamp is now in use in several business houses in town. The light from them is al most equal to the electric; light system. Messrs. Kellogg, Punch it Co. have disposed of their mercantile interests at Haines to Mr. J. 1). Wilcox. The firm hereafter will be known as Wilcox Bros. Mr. Julius Lach has bold out his business hero and moved to Baker. Ho has an interest in tho brewery in that, city and will attend to tho man agement of it. In view of the smallpox epidemic now existing, Dr. Saylor has procured a supply of pure bovine virus and will vaccinate all who may apply to him. Tho effects, consisting of a horse and gun, the property of Perry Chappoll deceased, will bo rallied for nnd tho piocecda forwarded to a sister in tho cast. Tho hotel business has been consoli dated at tho North I'owder hotel, with Mrs. Richardson propiiotor. Tho up per rooms of the old house will bo used for lodgment purposes. Traps, clay pigeons and turkeys have been received for the shooting match to como ofr to-morrow and the day following. A lively timo and in teresting sport is anticipated by our local sportsmen. A one-horso magic lantern show and a "snide jewelery" vender relieved a portion of our citizens 'of their "Bur plus" on Monday evening. The sur plus question is settled so far as this locality is concerned. A number of fines have been levied against members of "K" Co. for non attendance at drill meetings. Strict discipline is essential to military af fairs and members should not com plain if they fail to comply. A large irrigating ditch belonging to Messrs. Tanner, South and McPhco, is nearly completed, running parallel with tho river some five miles. The water will bo taken out of the river near John Hand's farm and will sup ply a number of farms in the route. The "Band of Hope," consisting of school children with tho assistance of older parties, gave a very pleasing en tertainment at the chinch building, to a full house on Sunday evening last. Tho exercises consisted of songs, solos, recitations, essays and declamations. Tho juvenile efforts of the ''young ideas" merited all tho applause accor ded them. A voto of thanks was ten dered by the audienco present and all appeared well pleased with tho enter tainment throughout. Ajax. Farmers and others in buying farm implements, wagons, etc., will invaria bly find it to their advantage to let traveling agouti) alone and buy of well known and reliable firms. Those who purchase of Frank Bros.' Implement Co., of Island City will bo stiro of get ting just what tlmy buy, and may count on fair dealing every time. Their prices are fixed to unit the timet and thoy alwayn have on bauds extriu for KdtMe tltoy t'rtl. 'A ma i:i:i:ic. The IIiirIi' Vntlr-.v Urs ttttiti! Altuhti-tlln Hat) at lioU'. Nov 2S, 1SSS. . Items aro senre. Weather very foggy, and nt prevent rather cold. 'J tie ball at Dolby's ball was a grand success, sixty-three Pambere being tOld. Tho music by S. A. Spears and A. J. Haggard, violinists, was good. The Eagle Valley Brass Band were on hand and gave some as good music ns any one would wish to O.'iir, Tho boys deserve great credit for their per sovorenee anil determination to bo A I as a band. Their loader, Mr. A. W. Parker, is a gentleman and proficient 1 as a. musician. 1 ho ban'd numbers ten young mon, nil result nts of hairie Val ley, as follows: A. W. Parker, lender, John Bennehoff, J. UoJenniuftfl, 0. V. Waterberry, Albert Iloyor, Mat Simon is, Harry Harrow, W. T. Benin hotf, John Evans and B. Hennehotf. The pan handle of Union county may well bo proud of the Eagle bund. The good wi.-lu s of all at the ba'Owvnt with thorn, and we hope they may newr forget the jolly time they haQ on Big creek. Mr. Dolby will give a masque rade ball on Christmas eve, Monday December 9io '2-Mi. Toil. Tln Tit po Worm In Sheep. Over eighty-live per cent of the vhecp examined in Colorado last Summer, according to a report made. iQ Dr. Cooper Curtice to tho Biological Socie ty at a recent meeting, won infocttd by a tape worm, which is apparently indigenous to the western country. Similar parsites have been described in 1850 by Dr. K. M. Dicing from speci mens obtained by Natescn from Bra zilian deer; but siueo that timo tho species was apparently unnoticed. This species is interesting, first, on ac count of its peculiar antoniony, and tho life history of the individual paras ite; second, because of tho history of this species, which indicates it to bo tho lirstacquisilion of a native parasite by the sheep on this continent, and its subsequent distribution in tho United States: and. third, from an economic , . . ., ,..,,.,.:,.., c ;i,, standpoint, he discusssioiio-f it mclu- ding a consideration of disoaso pio'lueed in sheep tho actual loss in death rate in wool and mutton, duo to tho parasite and of tho prohlegi of cure and pio vontion of the disoase. As this species has not been describ ed in Europe, omd has not boon noticed in Eastern UniteiP Slates, it seems to have been acquired by tho sheep since their importation into this country. H Dlilii'l, Ailvurtlso. -O A nervous looking man wgiit into a store ffie other day, says an exchange, and sat. down for half an hour 6r so, when a clerk asked him if ho could do anything for him. Ho said no: ho didn't want anything. Ho wont away( and he sat thero half an hour longer, when the proprietor went to him and asked him if ho wanted to bo shown anything. "No," said tho nervous man. "I just want to sit around; My physician has recommended perfect quiet for mo, and .says above all things I should avoid being in crowds. No ticing that you did not advertise in the newspapers, I thought this would be as quiet a place as I could find, so I just dropped in for a few hours isola tion." Tho merchant picked up a boltof paper cambric to brain him, but tho man wont out. Mo said all he wanted was a quiet life. i:KIitl;in Whlt.i OiiIk. W. T. Campbell, of Social ridge, last winter received a four-pound package of Egyptian oats from his father in Canada. Sowing thorn last spring up on an eighth of an acre of ground, ho harvested a fraction loMthan'flvo bush els of first class oats. The grain is short, plump and hoavoy, and the straw is long and rank, being admira bly ada.ited for hn$ whore bulk is the main object. TIkxo who sow seed hero from colder climates will find the yield much greater than from seod brought from warner reigons or oven from that whch has been' used bore for any length of timo, and the grain will ho more herdy during the early stages of its growth. IJxir.gton, Morrow Co. Budget. ' ( Mitl n.iiiif.i. ti'n. ihnre iiuve mm koiiio The farmers of Union county should wondi n'ul Mm - ett. !! by tli rimll look to their best interests and buy ; nm- n, il,.. i . ,erml cmiqs of pre their farm implements 'vbeie they can nouintxl c..naii'ii"n Imvo been entirely do the beet Frank Hros. Implement 1 mired i.v ui of u u w Urni of Dr. KIuk'h Cq.i Island City carry in Mock a Urge i K u '.v, i, m. n m lonn.ctioii with assortment of everything in thia linoj K!n in. l..a. i-, u. , iwui.u-o turn ul nnjl can iindnrn ll all coinhtorn 2 I wm f i .tt Vie t' drugm n. THE COVE. Interesting News and Notes of the Week. rilE FAfirl I2Fvti P.USY. The Slmotlni; ilnteh for Tiirliur" to Take lMnuo Siiturtlnv. Nov. 29th, 1SSS. The friO troe business seems good. Loads of choice nursoi v products aie going out almost daily. Sirs. Bailey lice., of Tacotna, ar-1 rived in town. Wednesday, and will ! spend a few day visiting relatives. ! The Hulick Bmm. aro hauling flour to ! Sanger from Cove mills, to iill a con tract for tlie Bradley mining company. J. 'oQby $as gene to Portland and will attend a lusiness college tll Hpring. Frank is a studious young man am'o's bound to succeed. J no. Wagner has brought in tho boss lot of hogs so far. There were sixteen in the drove and their average weight was .'?.") pounds. They were, raised on milk and fattened on corn, lion. T. T. (Jeer, of Macloay, is in town this week, shaking hands with his many acquaintances, lie is prom noutly mentioned as speaker of the house in the next stato lc;islaluic. The late dainpties- h.;s put tho ground in fine condition for plowing. Tickling tho soil i the fiivoritO pas time of a nnijority of thefarmeis these days. David Emeln mid Geo. Wright, with their families, have moved from Pow- oler river and aro occupying the Mc Donald residence, Thoy will remain during tho winter and avail themselves of our school advantages. Robinson & Martin, our enterpris ing butchers, have received a Into im proved snus.ign chopper and kciqi it constantly at worlo supplying tho wante of customers. They will occupy thoir new shop in a few days. Shooting for turkeys was indulged in by tho local sports last Saturday, but on account of the cold no gteat amount of skill was displayed. Prof. Smith made tho best score, striking a six inch rirelo t wice consecutively at , m fa hftudj . ft lard. Jake Connor will bring twenty tur keys into town next. Saturday and hold a grand shoot for tho birds. J'eter GoyettQ a crack marksman of High valley, will bo present and is sure to crry off bin share of the spoils, whCTi shooting with tho rest. The Cove band will give a Thanks giving ball to-night at the hall. An oyster cupper will bo torvod and no pains will bo spared to make every thing pleasant for guests. Tho pro ceeds will be invested in new instru ments and music for the baud. A Warn I at;. The modes of death's approach aro various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more people die from diseases of the throat and lungs Ihun any other. Ttis probable that everyone without exception, receives vast numbers of tubercle germs into the system and when these g rins full upon suitable soil thoy start, into life and develop, at first slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in tho throat and if allowed to continue their ravages thoy extend to tho lungs producing con sumption and to the head, causing ca tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and if allowed to proceed will in time cause 1 death. At the onset yon must act with promptness ; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous, and may loso you your lifo. Ah soon as you feel that something is wrong with your throat, lungs, or nostrils, obtain a bottle of Boscheo's German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. No Leap Your In 1000. Although the year 11)00 will be di visible by four without a remainder, it will not be leap year. It is well to bo informed of this in timo. Twelve years must elapse before the interesting event takes place, but it was just the game in 180!) and 1700, but not in 1(100, for tlrUt was a leap year, nnd tho year 2000 will lie a leap year, Why this should be is as much a problem to tho general reador its the silver ques tion or the tariff issue. wasrgpii'Vh cuitKM. W. I). Jloyt Co., wholesale and retail drutfgljts of ilume, Ga., says: We haw bean Ml tin? Dr. Kinn' Kcw Discovery, Kleo'.riu Itltu-r and llueklfn's Arnica Sulvo i for twoyeurr. Jluro never handled romu j dleithnt s. ll .h well, or give such uiilvcr- CIIIMISr. MASON-.. Ttie Ill Hill "i-I,v ttlillgntliiiM (if Tim Order Dt'M'iiutfit L'iiiii liy n ( clftlil. Tho Idaho World says: "The 'Chi nese ..isons' met at this place last, week, and marched a number of celes tials through the solemn mysteries of that ancient order at .f lfl per head. Tho Chinese claim that their order is 'alio same Mclican man's Masons,' but a little higher grade more ancient, grand and mystical, and richer in the lore and magnificent teachings of an tiquity. Judging from tho ceaseless jabbering kept tip for twenty-four hours, they must bo accorded thcrjalm for the most copious flow of ceremoni al language of an initiatory nature. The impression mtflo on tho weary candidates cannot fail to bo deep and lasting. A march of twenty-four hours through changing scenes of archteologicnl mysteries is something not soon to be forgotten. Tlio moot ing was a big atl'air, Chinese being in attendance from all parts of tho Basin. O A Chinaman who was interviewed in regard to the nature of the order gavo as much information as ho could with out giving away tho sacred secrets, He said. 4 Him alio same Mclican Mason. Him better. China Mason more liko bl..dder. OJno Chinaman ho Mason, 'nudder Chinaman Mason too, ho no quarrel; ho no Jighteo him. Suppose ho lighteo Chinaman no Ma son, all Mason hclpeo him and man no Mason, all Mason ljokoo him liko hell. Two Chinaman, if ho no Ma sons, heap lighteo, all light. Mason no lush in and say 'whasser matter now.' Ileloteo him light alco srne Melican man. No matter. Mclican Mason no alio same bluddcrliko China Mason. Melican Mason lighteo 'nud der Mason alio same no matter. Ho no all sanieo likeo men got ono mudder. Yon heap savoy now?' " OI'l'lOlAI. OiCDKUS. To tliii Uleinliui-n of Tim Third Iteglmeiit (i-i'i;iiii National (iiianl. 1 1 KAPQIJAKTKKS Til lit 1 ItKOIMKNT Ol'" tl) itKRI.MK.VT Ol Al.l.KS, Olti:ON, Nov. 21, 1888. ) l.N'I'A.NTItV, TllH D. 1.1 (JKN'KKAIi OHIHIIIS NO. 18. ?iieut. Ed. M. Williaius isheroby I. roliovcd from duty as Regimental Ad jutant, and will report to his company for duty. II. Tho paragraph (No. 2) of S. O., No. M), 18SS, A. G. O. accepting tho resignation of Lieut. J. P. FiU Gerald has been revoked in S. O. No. 12, A. G, O., 1888, yid Lieut. Fitz Gerald has resumed tho duties of Adjutant of this Itogimcnt, at tho earnest solicitation of tho commander of this Regiment. III. Tho resignation of Capt. John C. Fair, Regimental Chaplain, has been accepted by tho Governor to tako effect November 12, 18S8. IV. Lieut. E. B. MeFarland, "Regi mental Quartorniaster, is hereby granted a loavo of absence for four mouths from December 1, 188S. V. Major F. S. Ivanhoo is hereby detailed Acting Inspector of rillo prac tice of this Regiment, and all commu nications and requisitions for cart ridges, and matters relating to that department, will bo addressed to him at Enterprise, Oregon. VI. Private E. L. Harris is horeby transferred from "H" Co. to "1" Co. VII. All roports, applications for discharge, enlistments, requisitions and regimental correspondonco in re lation thereto must be addressed to Jos. P. Fitz Gerald, 1st Lieutenant anil Adjutant, Tho Dalles, Oregon. VIII. Monthly drill reportH.must be sent in more prompt. By order of CHAS. E. MORGAN, (oiTiuiAi,.) Colonel. JOS. P. FITZ GERALD, 1st. Lieut, and Adjt. A BKcitKT meeting of nearly twelve hundred democratic veterans and members of tho Grand Army of tho Republic posts scattered throughout the State of Indiana was held in tho Capitol building recently, at which it was resolved that overy democratic mombcr of tho G. A. It. should aban don tho order, and all present pledged themselves to withdraw from their posts. A name and constitution for a new order was adopted. The now or der will ho charitable and non-political in character. Adjutant General Koontz, who presidod, stated at the conclusion of tho meoting that ho had letters fiom men in eight States, indi cating that tho ninvement Is national,