THE OREGON SCOUT. AMOS K. JONKS - - EDITOR, City and County Official Paper. Friday, November!, 188S amiJBuai.xxroaxiii iiuiiajuu'.Liagmjuim.a.uigiMaa.iun KDITOItlAt, NOTES. Tun Farmington, W. T., llegislcr Is our latest exchange. Tun English and Canadian press al most univcrpnlly rejoice over the elect ion of Harrison. ' Vol. 1, No. 2 of Iho Weekly Wel come, n paper published at Spokane Palls, is on our table. Thkki: will be nine democrats in tho upper house and nine- in the lower house of the next legislature. In Philadelphia where protection has heretofore ruled supreme, tho democrats cut tho republican majority down more than 12,000. Tun Mormons are starting churches in the Northwest Territories and in Urilish Columbia, agreeing to forswear polygamy on. Canadian soil. Tun comments of the JaiikIoii press on the presidential result clearly shows the truth of tho assertion that Harri son not Cleveland, was the favorite of the British. Tin: New York Sun says that Presi dent Cleveiand will visit San Francisco and other points on tho Pacific slope on a long vacation shortly after he goes out of oilico, on March lth, 1889. AwtAM Ci.auk, the great lens-maker, says that for the trilling sum of 1, 000,000 ho can make a telescopic lens, fivo fret in diameter, that will bring tho moon within a few thousand foot of tho earth! Tun city election is near at hand and as yet no issue has been raised upon which to run tho various candi dates, and make things lively. How would cow ordinanco or no cow ordi nance do for an issue? TiiKiu: is no uso talking about the gratitude of workingriien on the Pacif ic const, after tho Way every state wont for Harrison and hiH leo ord and against Ulevcland, who boldly endorsed tho restriction bill. Port land Welcome. It is expected tliat the popular vote in tho United States this year will not bo less than twelve and a half millions. On tho basis of one vote to every four persons this would give tho United States a population of sixty-two mil lions, a growth most remarkable. ILakisihok appears to have carried Indiana by over 2000 plurality, but ho was beaten in his own county, run ning soveral thousand votes behind .Rlaiuo in 1881. This verifies our Mtatumunt that tho labor organizations at his home, where ho was best known, wotdd not support him. Jr the latest returns are to bo relied on, Texas, tho greatest wool growing Mate in tho Union, gave Cleveland a majority of over 200,000, and returns Mijls to tho Ilo'uao of Representatives Jn 1SS1, Cleveland's majority in Toxaa was 131,078. What is tho cause of his iucreiifod vote thoro? Evidently the sheep were standing in with him. It is claimed from tho returns that the free trado scaro inlluoneed thous ands of votes all over tho United States. Yet Connecticut and Now Jersey, both largo manufacturing states, wont domooratic. We believe that Clovoland was defeafed in New York by Mayor Hewitt and county democracy of New York city, who traded Cleveland for Hewitt. Wo do not believe that tho question of tarilV reduction contributed in any way to Cleveland's defeat. Astoria 1'ioncor. Tun Courier Journal pays tho fol lowing tribute to lirovor Cleveland: "An honostor, braver man novor occu pied the Whito Mouse; nor yet one who rendered tho country greator, purer service. , Tho Knighthood of party leadership was denied nini. The 'gifts of magnetism and grace wore not given him by tho fairy that bent over his eradlo in tho hour of hi birth. But loyalty, courage, integiity, dovo i (ion to duty, a nigged, saU-rellnnt spirit, and a stern, unflagging faith in truth woro his; and he, surely, can afford to. stop' down and out with tho seuso that, howovor failingly, ho was true to his convictions, and imulo no concessions to parly olitima, or sdlUU intortaia ot any kiml." A J.Iht lias been prepared at Iho postofiice department which shows that the commissions of eighty presi dential postmasters appointed 1y P;c ident Arthur will expire between now and the end of Cleveland's term. The list includes every state in the Union. Thoyn from Oregon mid Washington (Territory are Salem and Vancouver. Tun common verdict of Hie press of Oregon not that thoy are the best judges perhaps is tlitip no change of text books is necessary. The statute law governing tho adoption and cljango of text books in this state ought to be amended or totally repealed. The people oppose even a chance to change text books every four years. Prine ville iYeii's. It seems from the latest dispatches that Anarchy is still alive in Chicago, and another demonstration is feared. Inspector Hon field 'says: "There are no less than 5000 able-bodied anarch ists in Chicago to-day, ready and or ganized, waiting for tho appointed time." The time thoy choose Fhoitld also be selected by the law abiding eit izsns to mote out death to every one of 'them. Tun New Orleans Timet-Demoeral tabulates tho popular vole in ull the states, as reported in round numbers by telegraph, and makes out a plurali ty Si 57,0-10 for Cleveland over Harri son. It says: ''Tho majority may slightlv vary from this when the full returns come in, but Mr. Cleveland has decidedly the best chances of so curing a popular majority, and this we believe ho will do." Eastwin Oregon republicans aro claiming that DolpliV successor must come from that section. Oh, ye near sighted dupes, have you not so much as learned that the "bosses" in Port land have long since settled that ques tion? Dolph will bo his own successor. You Eastern Oregon fellows had just as well be dogs an bay at the moon as to claim a United States senator. Albany Democrat. Tun Salem Statesman, a republican paper, speaking of the Oregon'mn, snys : "Tho Poitland Buzzard kept the fact of the existence of smallpox in that city quiet until it became next thing to epidemic, for fear of injuring somo Portland merchants business and los ing an advertisement. The Buzzard is most absolutely edited by its business office." Buzzard. It appears to us that that is a very appropriate namo and should bo adopted .permanently. PitoK. llArroui) doos not liko our criticism on. his pootio effusion to Wal lowa Luke, and in tho Milton Eagle, lelieves his feelings. Ho concludes that wo are destined to inhabit u troi ical lake alongside of which tho Wal lowa lake is nothing. Ugh ! Jt is quite ovidunt that tho biin light of morcy, lovo and charity have never illumined his benighted mind. Wo have no harsher fooling than pity for such a man. A typographical error wo made in republishing his verses is the basis of his conclusions that wo will sweat in tho sweet bye and bye. Twknty-two counties of tho state have tiled .copies of their assessment rolls in tho olllee of tho secretary of state. Tho seven counties that havo not reported are, Ilenton, ha ne, Mari on, Multnomah, Polk, Wasco and Yamhill. Some of tho counties have notified the secretary's olllee that their rolls will not bo filed before Decembdr 1st. So tho computation and appor tionment of -the state levy of taxes for hSS'.l will not probably bo nmdo before December loth, Tiik cabinet maker who aro en gaged in fixing 'up Col. 1 Unison's cabinet have decided on the following: Secretary of State, Jan. U. Maine of Maine; Secretary of the Treasury, Warner Miller of New York ; Sccwufcy of War, Unroll A. Alger of Michigan ; Secretary of tho Navy, William Wal ter Phelps of New Jersey; Secretary of tho Interior, William I). Allium of to wn; Postmaster Utjnoral, John Now of Indiana; Attorney Ooueral, n Southnfn republican. Anna li. Dipkknson, the lecturer I and actress, lias hegau suit in (lie su preme court aguinst the republican national committee to recover $12fi0 i for service rendered during un paign. She claims she was engaged i in Hoptonibor to dvliw-r thirty hetures in the wont. Hhe was to rtroiw 12."i for ouch lecture and Iht - j Slit has received :f:i7.'0. t ut 1 nni it was alio agtiH-d thai in tit. of Harrison's election she wu u ttHviVu $6,000. Complaint hus tneii rod on Senator (jiiit ttud hi fe'low uiii-luitlumicn. Thutii can never die. During the . next four years the great moral forces , of the nation will gather themselves f' r u final elruggle, and will gain a victory porninnont and lasting in its results. Four years is a suincicnt time in which to educuto tho ignorant, cnthuj'O the indifferent, and give tho iron hand of Monopoly a chance to t leave its imprint on the backs of tho people. The timo will be ripe, tho ) (jlctory sure, and the leader upon ! whom all eyes will bo turned that day will bo the Champion of tlieI'coplc, the Man of Destiny Grovcr Cleve land. B. F. Underwood, of Chicago, 111., and Clark Bradcn, of Ottawa, Kansas, j commenced a tlieological distussion in l Silverton, Marion county, last Wed j newlay, which is to continue eight 1 days. Discussions of this kind are of incalculable benefit and should bo i largely attended. It is worthy of re j mark that not many years ago tho ( bigotry of tho masses would have j made such a debate impossible, which ' goes to show that we are advancing, and, as tho "old world swings triumph ant down tho ringing grooves of timo" t he music is an inspiration and beats j in unison with tho progressive march of intellect. I'AitTiEK over from La Grande in form us that several would-be Nasbys aro circulating petitions for their ap pointment as postmaster at that place, and that the scramble for tho Land Ollieo rcsemblt s more than anything else a lot of dogs fighting for a bone, there being no less than half a dozen aspirants. It seems to us that some of tho rcpubs. are not going to bo reward ed as thoy think they deserve there will not, bo enough offices. The party manipulators here in Union are equal ly hungry, tho most of them also having that Land Office in view. We are told that Sanator Dolph was utter ly disgusted at tho way he was besieged on his recent visit to Union. All the offices, without doubt, will soon bo tilled by republicans that is what thoy belong to tho parly for that is tho incentive that made them work for its suceets. But while this is a lnmentablo fact there is such a thing as .mitigating tho evil somewhat, and it remains in tho hands of democrats to cost their iniluorice in favor of the least objectionable candidates. Theso will not bo the old toughened chronics, but younger men men imbued with the spirit of progress and devoid of tho narrow prejudices belonging to a gen eration that is passed. These aro the men that will receive our support, and tbeothers 'may stand from under. When tho piopel'timu arrives wo have a currying in store for somo of them that will cause them to wince, but will bo none tho less thoroughly applied. A .Sti-miRo KpliU'liilc. A Pcndlototi gentleman returned recent ly from an extended .sojourn in fho Pig Pond country, says that the typhoid epi demic which 1ms been rugi'iR in that sec tion is a terrible and unexplninnhlr one. The graveyards at ltltsvllle, Watorvillo and other towns havo been occupied by new inailu mound, and iliany a mourner is left to bewail the loss of luvcd ones. Strong nu'ii, who never before experienced a sink day in their lives, were stricken down al most in a day, and many there were whose lives were thus suddenly willed. Tho epi deiuio is one of those mysterious happen Injrs which can be explained on no grounds of .scientille hygiene. The climate i.s said to be suliibrious and agreeable, and the general state of the weather not conducive to dlscuse. The mnlailay probably results from some obscure cause, possibly in at mospheric condition which cannot be dis covered. A Statement. Covo. Oregon, Nov. Ill, tSSS. Wnmi 11 On 1:0011 Scout: 1 wish to state to the members of the Grande Horn's Uasebull Assockitior that 1 have used every moans in my power to in duce the miiniiKonu'iit of the Into ltaker City tournament to remit to mo the purse won by us at that time, without sue oesa. It may, and probably will be paid; but Ui ait far no part of it has been paid. This in response to inquiries from uioni Iters uf the tenin living at a distance from hero. ' Yours Very Truly, W.M. S.MITII, i.i.-rrtsit list. ltcui';lnhiT uiii-ulled for at tho Union post oiflcf, the month ending Oct. til, 1&5. ItuVNid Mrs Sadie Clmrrtontire T C r.rbtl..l I) Dflp Mrs listtie Prnnkutn O V Meter - II SlaU-r J 8 Co.x O IS Crow Mrs Susan Diinfortu T)r Lucius t'uliau C W Hull WJ Msthue J J (2) Shook David Weaver ltichard TiuHingw C! I IV sonscailiuir for any of the above letters I K a sy "adivriUwl. fi. K. Hau.. P. 31.. Union. Or. Tib: Hi'in T is put the paper to soml lust to your fin tnls. Try it. 1 . 11 1. .1 1 1 1 11 tTKA uoul; sito. ni:w.vui.. I'.-tuixid .! -ioLn fiom Kale valley, one rt i-tuu tirM uUm i,uurotd. branded with h crow foot on left !kMiUior. lie dis atfurtd uUhh tin- I.Mh of Ut AtUjiut 'I in' allow lew urd i'l le i lid fur Ills liv utu.ii M. J. lU'KKKY. ti .'J it ivruutvpiu. The First Sign Of falling health, whether in tho form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a sense of General Weariness and Ijoss of Appetite, should suggest tho use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is roost effectivo for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting tho digestion and assimilation of food,; restoring tho nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fall. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, NightiSweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pro scribed by different physicians, out becamo so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended mo to try Ayor's Sarsaparilla, which I did, and I am now as healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terriblo disease I havo also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an altorative, and must say that I honestly bolievo it to be tho best blood mcdicino ever compounded. "W. F. Fowler, M. D., D. D. S., Greenville, Tenn. Dyspepsia Cured. It would bo impossible for mo to de scribe what I suffered from Indigestion and Headache up to the timo I began taking Ayor's Sarsaparilla. I was under a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary ro lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Harley, Springfield, Mass. I havo been greatly benefited by the prompt uso of Ayor's Sarsaparilla. It tones and invigorates tho system, regu lates tho action of tho digestive and nssimilativo organs, . and vitalizes tho blood. It is, without doubt, tho most reliables blood purifier yet discovered. II. D. Johnson, 383 Atlantic avonue, llrooklyn, N. Y. ft Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. l'rlco SI; six bottles. 85. THE MOUNTAIN SENTINEL Cor. 15 and .Second Sts., i'liion, Or Meals - 25 Cents. ATltS. Tl I.I.IK MAKSIIAMj, l'ROP JASPER 0. STEVENS, Tropr. DKAI.KR IN iirti Drills, latent Medicines, erfumcry, aints and Oils, Prescriptions carefully prepared also di:ai,i:u in SPORTING GOODS, Consisting of Rifles, Shot Guns, Pis Ms aM CaMps. Imported and Domestic Gi juravs, etc. GIVE ME A CAUj. 'OK S.VI.K. nKSlDK.STK PPOPKUTY l'OIl SALE ;.! in North 1 nion. 1-or particulars cn- buiro of Mrs. X. 1 lowland. Dwelling konse il-l-Wl for Sale. A dwolllngln use and lot, at the Cove, Orpgon. Centrally located, near and con venient to all the schools. Oood cellar, wood-shod and well. Will be "ohl cheap for cash. Appiy to S. (i. WII1TK, 8-31-tf Covo. Oregon. After Fortr yun' tn.irif.nce in the jiroparatlon el sior tlum Oq liundr! Thcuund pllctlon fne pUosU la Ilia United SIMM and LVuunil rlci.'s f .iforth.i United Stt. and Jl.Jijfi II fh.n., f.vntlL tmrlrwniATkl. conr- 1 oM.-.n pe en t in annua. i:ncina, rrnr, (u-niiny, id n'l otliT eonntri. Inflrpr1 i n, a 11 unts Jaltfd aad tfcur Iihtle r unur- ' NlT: wlnji nurt upclikM !3'H rroparfd and I1U4 I-. II10 I'ntuii' ur.Un ion notice. rerm Terr 1 iwin.ili'n. lrlr 0 tor elimination of models nr dramtif. 1 Ai'vi'o liy null frfe I'mouMuutnKi .tllirtia.Th Mnrnipn.arnotlMd l-thaSflHWII'tO AMISUIOAN.whlohho c lie lr.ri:i!it clrciilatlnn and i lh ruet lullutnt at . utfaiwr nf it" slnd publnhcd In th world. advantage cf auch a notlco rerj patantaa ,-rtHratands. Tina Urco end aplondl Jlr llluatratad nwnapr liimUIWird WlCCKI.Yat JXOOa ytxr. and H fdn.ittnj ti. b. Iho tit papfirdaveted lo tcitnoa, nif'Miiioa, luTntlona, rnKlnrtrine norki, and .-thir flonartmKnu of Indiwtrlal iirosrT". po ' ed in any countrr. H contain llio iiimr or I ealn'csaodlitlcif eterrinrjntlon patanlad . li uti.-k. 'i'ry It four moutu for oao dollar, 'ii l.T u'l uavr IjVr. I.' m )! an tnv.nllnn t palanl wrIU U M inn A On . V .U". I" r. in Kt.enllflo Amarieaa, I UrMdwar. VV ii. . lulli-d rreo. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Pusiness attended to Proinntl vand for Moderate Foes. OurotVico is opposite the U. .S. Patent Olllee, anil we van obtain Patents in loss time ihnu tho-o remote from Wasoinpton. Send MODKI.or DItAWINO We advise an to pantoiitHliilllv free of cluirne; and we lUHko NO CHAItrtK U.NLI5SS I'ATKNT IS SKCl'ltKI). We refer, liere, to tiio Postmaster, the Stipt, of Money Order Div., and to olllcittls ofihoCS. Patent Olllee. For circular, ml vice, leritis and rctUireneen to actual cli ent in your own Slate or County, write to G. A. SNOW & Co., Uppwrttu rjttnt rrtuw. Mmiwrtw, d; u. I I lie toe Drug m I V4 READ Latest Announcement to tho Public: Having just received a largo and finely selected stock of General Merchandise from Eastern Markets, bought for cash, wo can ard will give our customers BETTER PRICES THAN EVER. QThe Public is Respectfully Invited lo Inspect our Splendid Line of CLOTHING Genu's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps, Fine Boots and Shoes, etc. LADIES' DRESS GOODS. A Magnificent lino of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of CHALLI DELAINES, LUSTRE SUITING, EMBROIDERIES. LINEN CHAM 13 RAY, PLUSHES it VELVETS, PARASOLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES & HOSIERY, BATISTE, LACE CURTAINS, GINGHAM PRINTS, MUSLINS, -And Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS, Also 11 Complete Stock of TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS, BASKETS, etc., and a full lino of Tn a b Groceries, Cutlery and Notions. fgTWE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any one of tho fact. All are invited to come and see us and we promise to do you good. No Trouble to Show Goods. JAYCOX & FOSTER, When cash if paid down at tune of sale, 10 per cent, discount from the regular price will bo made. For further partienhir.-, eall on or address; J N. 31 lTOHKI.ft, 9-21-tf vJOHSTSS BROTHERS, Dealers In Tobaccos sal fas, fa 1 4 m jgOrdcrs from promptly attended to. Wilson & Mai 1 ai'tureri of Sash, Doors anl Mouldings, Kiel's ('oiistaiiUv on FURNITURE ! Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc. Ail Linda of ruruitur M l. wd UtihataMrlij iluu to order. NYILSON & MlblvKK, , Mjt t Unloiij Of. REFLECT an- 1 is Main St., Union, Or. Sheep Men. I have for Mile at niyT place near Teloeasct, " 250 Spanish f ATTENTION 2EEPrit Vfprino Burks 1 ciocasct, 1 111011 1. ounty, uregon. all parts of the country Miller, nd !) .dors in 1 Parlor ami Bet I room Sets, hand n Large Supply ot ES mi Bib mi Hn 1