THE OREGON SCOUT. LXION COUNT L.J.VXTIOS. AMOS K. JOKES - j Following is the otliiinl report of the hPITOIt, j volcs cnjlt -n tj(t vnrjoiis jir iisf.i of -:.. i - x nff. . , this countv at thcr cccnt cl ;.;i. A City and County Official Paper, j ;wm be sec. it gives wpnMi,,.,, ,- -r, .i " , ' ' Jorityof eighty, n hilling off of about rlly "ovcinlicr 1 (, 188S I forty since the June election : KDITOItlAI, XOTKS. ! rucrixrw. ! Jjed Itock . . . . 1 1 amp carson i rinc firm. JJcp. Prohf. A u.,.,.., !-...!... - ""-' jtoiii iiiiiv i.uiiiiiiiiiiii:iii iimi irom apart i. the lcv. CInrk llrnden will appear in Huinuiorvillo. out next issue. Indian Valley I Wnrkey . . . Aitizo.VA TKiusiToity went demo- i i;Vum . crnlic by nhont 3,000. That settles 1 U Grande. Anzona so far as admission as stntr? Nland City a r 72 18 Tftl 106 II 01 is concerned . Thk democrats of Connor creek, linker county, did not receive nnv tickets at the recent election anil could not put in their voles for Cleveland. North I'owlr Hllgard ! Antelcpu ' Sanger Cornucopia lilg Creek TnuiMUV, 2s"ov. 29th, tins been designated as a day of thuukfigivinir. Just what the American people have to he so deuccdly thankful for we do not know. Tiik next census will show a popu lation in Oregon sufJicient to entitle us to two congrc.-men. It may be fnid by some, however, that we have one congressman too many as it is. y l 78 19 m t n in 41 IS il 43 at 17 51 41 m quietly work upon the different Su perintendent to influence them to nmkc fweetmi chanirca as cverv change brings to their publishing 1 hou-e large sums of money. The ! Superintendents should exercise great ' care in the rejection or selection of j book, and no change ought to be j made unless tho?e in use arc radieallr I unfit for the purpose of the schools. I j . 'J he influence of interested agents j IB should have little weight in this mat- j 3 tcr, and the best judgment of the Sti- I ' perintendentB should be exercised. j j r (Jovcknuk Skmi'I.i: in his annual J i : renort Maces the nonu ation of v. i- i e ! ton Territory nt Hi7.000. I READ Ai REFLECT ! TUX COISTV COIKT. Total .1225 Ja cpmiujlnT at; igmascsza rAciNr; thi: iu..ytk. 24 A Reeoffl of llnwinoxn Transaction at flip I R!iit Term. I I Tlic Xew York World says edttori nlly, referring lo the Vesnlt Jn "Washington Territory. Allen defeated Voorhees by a large majority. Jlis third term aspiration broke liis neck, but tlien it is probable that no other man would have fared better. Tin: republicans arc already com mencing to snarl as to who shall have the speakership of the lower home of the next legislature. The session will convene at Salem Jantiarv Hth. l)u. JjAnitiso.v, of "Washington, is ho inventor of u new svstciu of elec tric telegraphy by which mes'ages. arc printed at the further end, the send ing instrument being similar to a tvpo writer. It is "laiiucd to be able" to send two hundred words a minute and will revolutionize telegraphy, making it cheaper lo send messages by wire than mail. Coqnty road jctitiotJcd for by John ! j Stoddard et ai, Ko. 2. ordered surveyed, j j Liquor liceufce granted to (falluhger I : fc Cunnintfliam. (''urnucotiin. fnr n "The chief reason for thi, diaaafer j - .j"-, fopIlvC.w is the want of adequate preparation I Hamilton et nle. Damages awarded ! ior meeting tlic main i-?ne. Eleven , by apprnisera regarded as oxcewivo months were not time enough in , and the whole matter diaMiiged. Koad jwtwnwi for by K. T. Neville . et al!, which has been continucl from 1 term lo term for a long titno past, was ; dhnmr-ped. Koad petitioned for by G. JI. iUchey I ot al, orderwl opened. Nuary of county school superintend- 59 " KsTV gm. m m mcivfm i it w m g m which toulighten the mass of think ing voters, educated for a full gener ation in the belief that taxes promote prosperity, and that a tariff regulates wage?-. Appreciating the enormous power of resistance in this inertia of ignorance, the World questioned Inst ft fixed at 'oOO a year, beginning June whether the president had not, wnil July ll-t lMSf. in precipitating this Usuc so near the 1 ir Count-v 10l VMf he by T. t.!. . t i- . i Koopiiiftn et als, ordered opened, beginning of an, I juor lj1,;o to A. c done 'the right thing at Ihc wrong I Cruig for a period of six month. time.' lie commend his coun tP L5f nation Ono boiilo taken cc:orri;ng t j directions wilt glvo botisr results than a ffcllcn ct Scraaparitla, cr any of tho so-ccflcd Moot Puriliert with vkizh the market h glotfcS Ai Druggists, price $1.00 per Uttlo. $5GQ ??EWA?iB will Co paid for qry ccso of Rhrvn-.z . nhlch Dr. Pardee's Re.-noJy, properly gl nu'nistcrod. fail: to ralicve. As exchange savs thai ono reason wiry ashin-'ton Ternlorv is bu din up faster than Oregon is on account of our miserable assessment svhtcm Jlerc piopcrty is assessed at about forty per cent, of its value and all manner of indebtedness taken out There it is assessed at full value and no indebtedness is taken out. As result the rate of taxation nbout half what it is here. a there is A wnm:it in the Lebanon hstn'oss mining iniiiseii ti. u. iv., aim who is one party in a theological discussion, uikch me posni'ju mat mere is no mistake about Jonah being swallowed by me whale, and adds: "Men of science know that the gills of a fish or whale exclude the water and admit tho air. and thero is no scientiCe rea son whatever why Jonah could not have lived in tho whale's bellv." llKPOKTs from tho interior ranges are discouraging. Grass is short, frosts :wo heavy and stock poor "Wherever sheen have been taken to the range the hills aro bare, and stock of all kinds will have to bo fed.Ar lliiglon TimvH Well what arc vou growling about. Tho tariff arranges .that matter all ri-ht. What does it matter if the cattlo and horses starve to death so that tho sheep are kept all right. Sheep raising is our principal industry nnd must bo protected. Let tho cattlo and horses tako care of themselves. Ir protection is such a good thing why would it not be a good idea to jiut a tariff tax on foreign capital coin ing into this country andjtheroby keep it out, reserving tho Hold to Ameri can capitalists who would at once bo exceedingly prosperous as interest would doubtless advanco to L'l or HO per cent, per annum. Republicans claim that high prices bring about general prosperity, why then won't high interest help to do it? Only tho most Ignorant peoplo beliovo in ghosts, but there are many intelligent ones who devote much of 'their lime to perpetuating a delusion. Tin; l'ost says: Tho president takes tho result calmly and philosopicallv. Io talked quite freely about the re turns and the increased republican vote, but expressed not tho sllghtent regret in tho world at any action he had tnkcu during his administration. lo is willing to admit that his position on tho tariff, and the decided stand ho took in favor of revenue reduction, may have lo.H him a good many votes, but still maintains if it were to do over again ho would follow the dic tates of his convictions, Tho presi dent received no telegrams from tho national democratic committee until Into on the afternoon of tho 7th. From what ho has heard, however, he concedes that ho Is defeated. Ho at tributes his defeat to no one in partic ular, and savs thut llllland Tammany hall treated film with perfect fairness, and ho has no fault to tlml at nil. but doubted his discretion. Had the issue been forced a year earlier it is not probable that the errors and soph istries and bugaboos of the protect ionists could have prevailed against the plain need of tho country for re duction of taxes through reform of the tariff. ' ' A Kl'KIU'lf JSV IIU.L. 523 till! Social Dance at Davis' Hall, flov. Hill was serenaded last Thurs day evening at the executive mansion , Slid delivered an address to thousands of persons who thronged the lawns nnd terraces. He said: 4 'Our success in the gubernatorial contest is mafrcd, however, by tho shadow of national disaster. In com mon with every democrat, I greatly regret the deteat. of President Cleve land in the stnjc and nation. Ho de serves better at tho hands of the people of this country. Honest, brnvo and courageous, he gallantly led his party in tho great contest for tariff reform, njjd suffers defeat owing to false clamor, unjust prejudices, unfair representations and tho gigan tic and combined efforts of all the mo nopolists of the country. He did his duty as he understood it, regurdless of personal or political considerations, ' and he shoulirhave been sustained bv the taxpayers, consumers and musses I i the people whose true interosts ho desired to subserve, and whoe right ho unselfishly endeavored to main tain. Tt is not now necessary or profitable to inquire whether the issue which he so boldly made might not more wisely have neon earlier pre sented or postponed ton later period. It is sufilcienl to say that as tho trust ed leader of the democratic parly; after full and careful consideration of the whole subject, he deemed that tho best and truest intercut of the coun try required thai the i.vstio should be made at this crisis, and with that pa triotic and deliberate conclusion ; when ouro readied, theie shouhftinvo been prompt acquiescence. " SCHOOL HOOK .MdNOIMH.Y. The ussc-'ftmvnt of the C. T. .Bradley Mining Company reduced to IT.-IOO. The county olcrk was ordered to is 8e warrant) lor judges and clerks of election, allowing one day for each. Ordered that any legal publications ordered by tho court be let lo the low- Tit 111 " eat responsinif oiuuer. Ordered tlml the county judge pro cure iion ahutteis for tho jail windows. Liquor license granted to A. C. AlcCleJlan, of leland City, for a period of rx months. load jtctitioned for by John Stod daid, lo. I, heretofore ordered opened, having boon reviewed in circuit court and writ sustained, wag ordered dis united. Uoad petitioned for by Nathan Nel son utalu, No. 1, the same. Jtoad petitioned for by Nathan Nel son et als, No. 1, hajijgbeon reviewed in circuit court and wit dismissed, i i . i i . . nmu m a omemi opened. Appeal Take your vicious hon-M to him and lie being taken to the supremo court, pro- will break then Churgca roajonahlo, ceedings are stayed. ) . .Latest Announcement to the Public: Having just received a large and finely selected stock of General Merchandise from Eastern ilarkete, bought for cash, we cun ard will give our customers BETTER PRICES THAN EVER. The Public is llcspcctfully Invited to Inspect our Splendid Line of J Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps, Eine Bftots a$d Shoes3 etc. ladies' dress goods. A Magnificent line of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of CIIALLI DELAINES, LUSTRE SUITING, ElPUHOIDERIEri. LINEN CHAM Bit AY, PLUSHES & VELVETS. PARASOLS, WHITE GOODS, GLOVES it HOSIERY, BATISTE, LACE CURTAINS, GINGHAM PRINTS, MUSLINS, S 4 R 5 Sizes 0 B H i 25 -And an- fl Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS, Tickets, Si.oo. EVERYBODY INVITED. Also a Complete Stock of 5GABPE!S AKS) WAU FAP TRUNKS, VALISES, TRAVELING BGS, BASKlfFS, etc., and a full line of K Shannon Marshall, TIIK Practicnl Trainer, Will always be found at I'ootlic it Camp bell's liverv stable. a BIAI'.KIKI). HVAXS urNTKIf-lntlii.-, city. Nov. 12. by U. K. Wilson..!. P., Mr. .1. II. Kvuiis i ami Mm Harriett Hunter, both of Union . county. a VOLSU'I'KI.Klt MAl'TIN. At the rcs iiUnce of the groom in Islaml Citv. bv T. H.' .lone. JI'., on Nov. 7, HSS. .Mr. '()--.ii)(l VoUwtnkleraiut Misn Carrie .Martin, both oWnion co.inty, UUAXDON- V A X 1 )1!HM V K I.KN A t the residence of tlie briiia's parent. near Isl uiul Citv. on Xov. If, Its, bv T. K. Jones, LP., Mr. C. W. nmiirton, "late of Ash land, Oil., to Miss l.illle Vandermuelen of Island City. IlASBON PKJitiCOTT, At the residence of the bride'.i putelits, Antelope vallev, Thur-day. Xov. 1.1th, Mr. .lohn II. Han bon ami MiNH Olivu M. l'ro.-eutt, Hex. Ir win oilieiutiii'Jr. .SHU.MAX-MAIITIX.-At the Union Citv ISiS, Mr. (). A. Shuinuh and Mi-n Surah .Martin, of La Grande, liev. I.. J. lioatli (.ill ' hitin. THE MOUNTAIN SENTINEL WiTi i lit iB llll E&A I 9& ESI ' Cor. 1'. and Second Sts., Union, Or i " Groceries, Cutlery and Notions. gSTWE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in tfiion countj can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any one of the fact. All are invited to conic and see us and we promise to do you good. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. JAYCOX & POSTER, Main St. Union, Or. Meals 2 Cents. i Mas. Tii.i.ti; Mauhham,, I'i:oi'. J Cora fcf fa, Tin: Mlllon Jittnlc says: The KiikIu sulxerlption list Is K""hinlly ucurhiK thu one thiaiiiud murk, It now only lucks sixty-four. Wu aro safe in nhv Iiik this iii thu larKcxt IM in Kastern Ore pon outhldo of l'eiulleton and, It may be, uaKer my. All of which l'ocp to show Xante mini, is either a blatant wind hug or is ignorant of what he is talk ! Jnp; iihout, The liayk will have lo 1 spread its wings and mount soiuu four or 11 vo hundred degrees higher to j e(puil tho elrcitlatlon of Tar. Scurr, a imper published nt Union the county 1 heat ol Union county. 'I'm; brour . has a larger circulation than tiny pa-j per hi Kastern Oregon, nxcopt tlie i. (J. nnd wo urn not at all certain that tlml Is mi exception. Tho value of a ; paper tin an advertising medium do-j minds mum Ua circulation, and any limn iiuoiitloiilng tho truth of the statu juont liei'o iiiado will hear from iu. In speaking of tho vote that will, iu j all probability, he taken soon bv tho j School Superintendents of tho virions j counties as to whet hoi- thu hooks now j iu use in our public cchoole should be ! changed or not, the Portland AVm t says (hero is a suhool hook trust j formed iu the United States for eon- trolling the text hook trado. It is ! called tho National School Rook Syn- j dicate, and has numerous agents In Oregon for tho purposo of Introducing I n different series of text books to be adopted next month by the majority of j tho county Superintendents. I "very I change of text hooks throughout tho ! stato involves the outlay of thousands ' of dollors by tho parents and yunrdi- -mis of the children. Tho amount of money oxpendod for hooks is so largo, ; although no largo amount talU di- , j rectly on any ono person, thut the ' j largo publishing houses of the country 1 i have formed u syndicate to control Uio that tho 1 trado. ' livery four yours the county SuiH-r-intondonts may voo upon h change of text books which will apply to nil schools throughout the stlo. Be tween now and the last of December j the twenty-ninu county Superintend- 1 cuts will cast their vute tor eile ' of text hooks fur tho next four vimi, Au change imide by litem will nr. hltnlo a groat expenditure of money by fcomu ptkipli Who ominot well nf fold to ha otrnviitHut in the inaiun of bool. The agent of thr mli ate & Gommofii Gold lo often tho begiuninn of serious afTeo tions of tho Throat, liionehiul Tubes, utitl liUUgs. Tliureforo, tlio importance of curly and effective treatment cannot ho ovcriwtiiMatt-d. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral may always bo relied upon for tho speedy cure of a Cold or oiigh. Inst January I wm nttacked with a wvcro Cold, which, by neglect nnd fre quent oxpoiiuros, bocamo worse, liually octtliii on my lunijH. A terrible cough hoou followed, act'oinpatded by pains in the chest, from which J snlTored intense ly. After trying various remedies, witli out obtttliiin reik i. I c initteiued taking Ayer's Cherry Pecwrul, and was Spsedily Cured. I Hinsatlsited that this remedy saved my life. Jno. WebttUir, l'awtueket, H. I. 1 contracted n severe cold, which suddenly developed into Pneumonia, presuming duugcroiis and oh-ttlnnto syiuptmia. My phyaiciHii ordored thu use of Ayer's ('berry l'ectoral. J lis in Ktruetloiei were followed, and tho result wm it rapid ami iHTiaanont cure. If, K. Ktinqison, ltogvrs Pruirie, Tex. Two years ago I suffered from a severo Cold, w ldeh settled on my Lungs. 1 con sulted various physician, and tool; tho niedicimH they priwcrihedi tmt received nly temporary lellef. A friend iudueod meio try Ayer's Cherry I'wtoral. After takiug two (sittloH of this medicine w as curedT Hince thou 1 have glon the Pec toral to my children, and consider it Tho Best Remedy fur Colds, Coughs, and nil Throat nnd l.unjr dUeufCN, ever used in my fatuity. ltobert Vunderpool, Meailvillo, Pa. Home time ago I tool; a slight Cold, which. Ih'Iujj neglected, grew worse, and arltled u my Lungii. 1 had a hiu-Umg i)URli, mid whh very weak. Thoe who knew uu lkt conkidered my Ilfo to Ik in imtftt (tttugur. I continued to suffer uutll 1 coiuuieuiMMl uitiuti Acer's Cherry Puetural. lMM ttmit one Itottlo of this vwluablu lueitlctne curetl tue, and T ftMtl llutt 1 owe the prenervntiuu of my life U iu curative poworw. .Mrs. Ann IjooIvoikI. Akrou, Nov Vuik. Ajrer'n Cherry Poctorul is coniitlenI, here, the ojw Twtt remedy for nil tiUeoMw f i be throat aiwl huf, and i utura in deiuaud tliiui any otlier lurdicina al its t J P. ltobert, itittfuoliu, Ark. 1 1 Ayer's Cherry Poctoral, l'trui.-a I ) lr J.l'. A)r k ii ,!). II, Uut. I i.U I -II lciik'jll l'lt. l , l . USIU. f.V JASPER (I. STEVENS, Propr. -ikau:k IN jiirt; Drills, latent Jlcdiciiics, erl'uinory, iiints ami Oils, Urcscriptions carefully prepared ALSO DCALfti: IN SPORTING GOODS, ! ATTENTION! Sheep Men. I have for sale at my place near Tcloeai-etl 50 Spanish Merino Bucks. When cash i paid down at tune ..f ui, , M per tent, d'..scouut from the regular price will lie made, or further partiiii.a-s, .all mi or address; .l.X. MITCHKLL, y'-1"u Telocaset, I'nion ( ottnty, Orcgo'n. JOIsTBS BSOTHBSS, Dealers In- Consisting of lies, Slot Bis, Pis-! GROOFRIFI I MsamlCsrtriLps. f Tnr LaB1JL,Ui filVE ME A CALL. ' aflfl Pqwhh Bflfifl misawj vmmv mm kmuv Mums ... T 3 t I fill II llCijlDlJN'CK PUOPKltTY 1 in 'orth L'nl .n. Por particulars en- mure oi .Mrs. iiowuuui. Dwelling A dwelling hfuise and lot, at the Cove, Oregon. Centrally located, near and con venient to all the sel ooli. (jun cePn', wooil-licd and we'.l. Will lie solo for cash. K-.ll-tt Apply to (i. W1UTK Cove Oifson. ui trrr h SgzOrdors from all parts of the country promptly attended to. Alter rortrrearn' citrrlenro In tbs .rr paratlon al mora than Una lluiulred Thoimand aiilkUon for WtuU In (lie L'n.tvU Mai mimi ami Poroicn coun- tha mililUh.ra of tho tclntifto Anjerlrauc nlinua to art a o!icitor for pal i .. ov. M.iraa.-inarKa. cnp- uC nilnj. . f i ina I ni(a StalM. at.. I .tta:u ratillU iii I ia.ia, KnelanJ, rran.-'. FUBi . Wilson & Miller, ( iiutany. auil U oth. - . uitriM Their f iiwn- It UI. Klia -.. l..U liCl IHII. UU.UJ- Jhi" : lemr I - nl and 1. .ii .... nn-uintta auil 4 i in i-aivm ilia -HiahW. No lirav lir m;i Aui Ktl 1' t'cati. o rrePr) and filed pii 'ort nolle. Tennt yry r uaiaiHaiKHi ai iuvuwi iiail fre . t . . i.t .! i ir,. icii t urn M 11'ATIKK AJIKllK'.VN'.w ' i- laiij-.t eirMUtl ia am) U lb Wt In iit at IU ainU iMblitkol to t M una not ireil usulul lJ,.ii.j,. of eiwti a Utt tmt lUMil' ... .i: IMbUtlMlt IB i v kuiinii 1 .r tan Sa 1 1. Ui.-e and nmUtt tU4Mt4 lenemr .h.J WKUICI.V M jaw r."' T r ir itiilJ.UBalJIU al ' IBatSLrUl Bfua. PUB- ' ..t if Muutrr. IV rauUla I h. 'i k 1r II fuf Wwu ' in aa . . . I., .v . i . 1.1! 1 I ' I ' " Sasli, Doors ani . Pario inn r nnrl Dnrl lllll nun t llllf IM room els IJUUJ .lar UI t Lb''J - - Kmjv t'oiutuDtty on hands Lar-e Mupply of - - Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture W II. -UN A'; I a . A MIMI t !J I i h . - etc, Or.