The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 19, 1888, Image 8

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Washington IiCitcv.
October 5th, 1888.
Editor Okeon Scoot:
Tho tariff bill of tho senate wna re
ported on Thursday, but the minority
and minority reports, with arguments
pro and con, wcro withheld. The
democrats have not ' yet completed
their statement. The main provisions
are as outlined in the published unof
ficial schedule, last week. No impor
tant item was then incorrectly given.
Upon tins and the M ills hill, the pur
ties go before the countrv. Senator
Sherman made a lengthy speech on
the tariff bill on Thursday. Ucccss
may not bo far distant, though per
haps it may not occur under two
weeks. The debate on the tariff will
commence on Monday, and the bills
being both introduced, must be fin
Senator Beck is having a slight re
lapse after the exertion necessary in
his revision of the minority report on
the tariff bill. -It is not known when
lie will return from Fortress Monroe.
The pain in his breast has returned
with such violence that he has hud to
renounce all hope of resuming work
for pome time.
The general deficiency bill is prob
ably condemned to the same fate this
session that it met Iriit scifl-ion. Any
member in the 1 louse can prevent
action by merely raising tiro point of
'lio qt.'ouun." This, CongrewTrnn
Mhrro.iv, ol California, Uw-citCin to
lh, u-.)ks tly ito'ui of if'JRJ.Oni for in
drrjinit;,' to the Chir.:.aO govern. ;unt h
stricken out. As modified in confer
ence crmniittee, tl.v bill carries abo
if 5,000,000 a M rn-Vs the total appro
priation for dc'cioncics during this
session to irarly $20,000,000. Tlic
K'.cri'aso in the number of dclirijivoy
liil'.s is annoying, though ft is ws often
t!i;c to unexpootctl iiicrciiH.' of busint'i-s
in sc;ny ('eparliuont as to inadequalo
alluva:iccs originally taado by oon
grots in a spirit of nimbi' oconojuy.
Tiie Chinuso xcli:s;o:i net going
Jn'o effect Wcdni'Kl:iy,AVft3 telegraphed'
to the collector o'f oustoniH at San
Francisco, and aiinoiwiccd by circu
lars to other porU.
tfcorc one moro fwr &Kft't&r Jg,
of Nevada. IFo loasi jst wi.trt4iiie(4 a
rcs0'ki':is:i reqwcstnij; tky piywa-kn'i to
ivegotiivto treaties with Giwt Jir-kwM'
rind' M'ex-kG-, fvr lito exufotehm &f Cl-i-nvwi
l'ltboiSBFs fa? the Xiarth AHwijaw
cjsmt'iMit'H.t. J'te.' .Jiis.Ria; Wtewwig H.w
'ediHuwionwUta e.:i'mpi!'i-'' 4 JkfamwMw, ,
wiecys' fft im&rii wMu tw PftiHitroiP.
Neatly yma gw Kaqt l'l. 'lhm-f
WiiSi kweiijn m, tks M-rat ikmmi&A'tM
Gh'hl ymiwti of l'k? Unit eel Kit-iul-e'A 0m
Sl'aiwl'iixy M'C'k-Kte W. ?w&7, Mm ws
ond ('leiiitose-rati raw-Gel- to tlti-t j.n6frfew,
and t-1 if ei'g'h'Hi v.khi jwisl-iw, wiM f-jal-Hy.
Ta-noy EiiewMiitl t-l'M? t-rw-ly giuvi-t'
J'olwi M'li-Ffcha-W. TIw iwe&swvry cww
inonies aro h-Mght. '. caii:d'k'!flljy
merely takes two okUm of oftkw nlciM-g
as a couple of Senator Evai t's fccnti
cos, ami the tiling is dans. That was
about all there was to the inauguni
tion of this Into Chief Jus'tico Wake,
butdt is projwed, in Mr. Fuller's caso,
to revive the olnborale proeewlingy
whicli distinguished the swearing i of
Chief Justice Chase. The whole Af
fair is being rehearsed, and will prob
ably bo dignified onoug'h. to witi&Iy tin
most exacting.
'The members of tile proposed cosr
ferciu'" cornmitteo to investigate tlto
building of tho WaKhinton tiiptedttet
bo appointed shortly, but in th
prtifiiro of other work nud polilijftl
ngugc:.;:untH, thvy v.ill probably not
begin worli until oleJthjn. In thy
louse, on Thurid.iy, th'u lesolutton to
irfvystigato was fully delmtcd-, ami it
Witt on'.'Ted that the chargo thnt tho
contmtt.wns not aard;ed to thu low
etit 1 ;(l!er bo iuchvjed in tl:;u nivttera
to bo invef.tigated. Tho feeling ugaiivs.t
Major LydjL'ckfir grows, an:d to-day ho
is tho moat detested man in Wash;
Acting Secretary of War JJacfeely is
of tho opinion that thu defect in tho
aqueduct can bo remedied for $5,000.
Congressmen sneer at tho suggestion
as childish. Hccrinii nations follow
each other pell-mell. Tho democrats
chargo that tho contractors contribu
ted several thousand dollars to tho re
publican campaign fund of 1881 as tho
prico of tho contract. Tho republi
cans recall with sarcastic enjoyment
the fact that, as soon as Mr. Cleveland
was inaugurated, tho contractors em
ployed as their attorney Mr. Uissell,
of 'Buffalo, tho presidont'H bosom
friend and old law, u man
nover heard of in Washington lobby
ing before.
There is now a
tho Tinted States.
Persian Minister to
A gentleman with
iOknleidoscopio name, a black euit, u(l
military overcoat covered wun uccora
tions, a' big cashnuuo shawl over that,
and a still larger Oriental gravity over
all, was introduced to tho president
this week by Secretary llayard, as tho
first representative of tho court of
Percia to tho United Slates.
Tho gratitudo of tho State depart
ment is sluggish emotion. Eleven
years ago Citizen Salas, of Venezuela,
motied a crow of u wrecked American
soliooner. Tho story of his hardy
courage stirred tho pulses of generous
men the world over for a day and
was forgotten. When Evarts was sec
retary, ho found time to writo Mr.
Salas" u letter about it, and this week
tho department sont him a great
curved vaso in memory of his uct. It
only happened cloven years ago.
Mrs, Anna Dickinson is in tho city,
and denies that sIiq is having troublo
with thoJIUtopublicftn National Com
mitU'C. Sho nays that she is satisfied
with hor salary as a campaign speaker,
and julds that to far as calling upon
tho republican committee to pay big
drminakoM'u bills i concerned, tho
dross Hho worn at her hvst speech sho
has had four your. Think of Mrs.
Luiigtry appearing hi diesa four
ywr old! ....
Sliukt'tfjK'ra'ii ljuw nnl!lio Muyos
Whon HttvMdmioo tfuriwOi Mtjrn bfcvo
exemplification in the instance of an
over-zealous friend of the administra
tion, who has tent circulars to tho
local police officers, soliciting political
contributions. This is tho first timo
the police have ever been solicited,
and as Jtulo 51 of the regulations ex
pressly forbids police contributing, the
sender of the circulars is placed in
rather a silly light.
The House has passed the senate
bill permitting all settlers who have
abandoned homestead claims to take
up new ones. J. If. C.
Copp's Jjitnd lievieiv.
Editor Okf.oo.v Scout:
A new land bill of great importance
to persons" who have heretofore ex
hausted their rights under the homo
.stead and pre-emption laws has passed
the senatS and with important amend
ments has been adopted by the House ,
of Keprescntativeiganu returned to the '
The bill fis passed by the fenate per
mits all persofis lio buys, filed under
pie Grnption ur,liomeRtcft& law, but
bo for anj' rc"uon hove failed to ac
quire title to lnch", Co strain fib ur.der
tlr? ll"r...'i'c37l la'S'Tiiid i-'(ifaii3 ti'T f.o
lijo't inoro tlr.ui oiijj (pifsiJtpiv sethiit tif
public land.
Tho firinnj.end!i:iu'fi(?'iil(red fiy th
IIo'TXJ c;f I!,opr;nt.tivoa rjitl.TCi'c'
r'.;i.t("i;"- aivd receiver" to grAnt lovc;
f ftbwnees to Ufa's vho Invc mac!:l
eiitri' and who "by reason of drou-gfif-,
whole or partial distinction of cropl,
sickn;e, or othw- uisvoiikble caiul
ty," aro unable "to 'tecum a utippot
for himelf, her.-.elf, or thc.;) dojwnd
enl upon them," such akaeiroo not to
nxcecd' onv ycxr t any ouo tivii-j,
tliot:j;Ii' tho irioi) of sttah lMenvj
shall nni lw countdl n lasiliencm vxt
tho lai7d-iii :ii;!:i:3K jieoof ant! ji-rec(-
iS title
Mint mtois wl-tv Iwivo nn'! !-or(;-.
BOfty CHtrwis for le tl-Mix c" qt....v,.-;i
fond osiKit-i'SKi!!: t'O tho Qf'tpVf.t Wm
B'M'tey 1VKVA tebt'ii U."j l'ir'lf J!k.-!rtK-.iah j
GiXiiS W.1 f'J'.M' it.- t'Hf:'li'.V
ftjmX'i t'lMn' rM'l'F.'lMil-K1 S'.? f.'.i!;'!i.' i'.!oX'ii0" l'
'liu'P'W '.'Tjd'i' tti: t"o otAxivfi t.-
av!''.:'S'..n! &s !.? :yy . li.a.'J'svt i
ffiKi.w y:-Mi, n'M 'a'.!" s:.:.5;iclt.'i,
H'.e oKi.n.' wAvr :-.'0 iawxjs ou ! i
iW'ltikifKOivl (W kw viisy 'S-i'.o' '.to
A-'.-tl'l 3 Oef l'"iei!C)MS MH0 t'O KCMvi'.
1m)jw In' dli'??txi k-0M i!j"':-j wo !:..
dfr oxw-iis laws. 'l'foa i Ii-Ml-:
do-ivlit th4 (!.! !.! wi'C ji-- t-'o .hfa...
Copiw oO t'.'.'O bill ci'SA hi ktt": '!; Jt-
dw? 'iwy; ii-HiM-l-ypn of coukw.
.;().Vl'.liUi;OIl vWWM
V. O.'IIoyiJc C., wlinicsalu and S!iSJ
dfcirff'.jfaN of IUik", U., say: .ll-tvo
lj'ejn fji'lllii;; Dr. KIiik'a vJofiir Ioo,,ry,
Kleutrfc I'ittirr and liuulvkiv's .,.r:i!L,.S.'vl),'
for. twoyesrs. Jhyv uevt'-r- Ihiiidlal .r:.!
dfis Urit tj'll an wll, or gir such uni:,T
sal satisfot!oi.(i. Tf.h'tL hs'.i 'l,.'''.f) sonrji
Sondurful cures efU'Ued hy th.! n.tdl
clues in this city, SovCatal cases of pro
nounced Consumption hmP. Iven en'irely
cTuJ.l by use of a fep lytthrs of 1);. .inj;'s
Nuw ilf?.'iery, t'.';on lit connoctiuM vyith
Klectrio Hitters, We guarantee thorn IV
wuys. Solil at Wright's drnt; store.
inirliii,' aniCrutu attack of ltroncljitW, V
ceiCselcss tieklhig in tho thrord, irul n
xlraT;.ftl;.7, ItCu-klng cough, alllict tQ
suffore'r. "Sleep hTmishiil, njl grrcp
jirostrat.'O fpllows. 'J'his lisyu? is a'ij
nttoiujod wltl.i HoarsuuT'tn, aul sCZ
ttmes Ijoss o'f Voicu. It is HalOi to
cumi) chmaio, involCo tljo, I11Q3, aQl
teriulnato fatally. Ayer's Clrprry Pecto
ral affords speedy relief and euro In Cuo
of llronehltls. H' controls the dlspositioQ
to caigh, and induces refreshing sleep.
I have been n practising physician for
twenty-four years, and, for tho past
twoh'o, have sulTercd from nnmial at
tacks of llronchitls. Aftor oxhaustiiig
all Xho usual remedies
Without Belief,
1 tried Aver's Cherry Pectoral. It
effected a speedy euro. (1. Btoveall,
Mi D., Carrollton, Miss.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is decidedly tho remedy, within my knowledge, for
chronic llrouchitis, and all lung diseases,
M. A. ltust, M. 1)., South Paris, Mo.
I was attacked, last winter, with a
sttvorp Cold, which grow worso and
settled on my I.ungs. Uy nlt;ht swonUH
I was reluced almost to a sUolHton. My
Cough wn.i Incessant, and 1 frequently
spit blood. My physician told mo to
Kivo up business, or 1 would not live a
month. After taking various remedies
without relief, 1 was linally
Curod By Using
two bottleh of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral.
1 am now in perfect health, and ablo t
restuno business, after having been pn
nounced incurable with Consumption.
B, P. llouderr.ou, Baulsburgh, l'enn.
For years I was in a decline. I had
weuk lungs, and i.ulTcrcd from llron
chltU anil tJntarrh. Ayer's Cherry lVo
toral restored mo to health, and I have
bten for a long timo eoiniarntlvely vig
orous. In ease of a sudilen cold I always
report to the Pectoral, aud rind sKjMy
relief. -Kd ward E.Curtis, Itutlaud, Vt.
Two years ago I suffered fromasflvero
llronchitls. Tho physician attending
inotieeaino fearful that Ihodlseaso would
termliiut' in Pnuiunonla. After trying
vnrloiu lucdlelnes, without benefit, ho
prenrriUnl Ayer's Clierry Pectond.
which relieved mo at once, 1 continued
to take this medicine, aud was ourml.
Krnem Colton, Ix)t;uiiHKrt, lad. tt
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
l'irptwl by l)r J. .yir. t'o.,Uwi:ll,J.M,
VoU tyull l)uift'Ut, I'iIm i, U toilKw.Iti,
Th OuinitUir Ccjt'it.ry VtmnUktZ 'tim
n-; c.:- a oouutrj' oUJjbc. T:lm nbov cut
hj lU:.J.iiT. .Inith ny-iy nhiioj
n vnW.a-rr;i'iH'V.W?n (f.'rilif -
'.Vi-i.iwtiit tit ik?1 AcJlf, n'i' -iM'
(Si)Tro cwvftw otJW Gi'WrQ iwo3JVllBJwfatiiMr'a i n . '.t
QJ " Um54l Ust," ?4)(.UMnWJJ, 't!ia'.'a)K.w
.'.il'IGE FOR PUnUCA'lfiJON.
Hkw ('".:. )tC AT T,J CV-:ima , C. ,)
;-'i;t. 7 , 1 -J . I
'otj8 ia llprc! y t;i'r;i ('.:; t?:ofol!. wav
nat.wl ?tt!isp hi'; 0 li'tdi nolle! cv thi.'.V m
fnti'!ti to lMfikis final Dyojf in Miu:vr-t (fi
(4teir clalina. and thut raid proof "will b
ifld bwftsri) the ns:litor Rtni wclvcr ,-it
Urxnde. Oregon 0:1 uv.-. 12t:i, 1?;',
Viln.Mn'T. Ilonny, dcoU Iu'i ;io, lilL-,)
for the SK (jr. Ee. M. Tp. 7 S, Ii AG K, V,' .',!),
:;io:a:oi!: ui'iDTiiiiK. r,a. ars;.. for
the SW ir. hVo. 82. U!p. V S II J K. V,' SP.
d'AM'Ks ;rtoUW, iich :?(. ao. for. tib-
tflvir. SW'.r. niU SW'rr, bW qr. Bee. ;',,
and SK m: r. ''.c. 5. Vp. S y, i '. J'K,
They n.iinc tho ;foJ!nitj;; "ivitneis-j). to
l)roe thf ir CaMinuoys rcniduriGV ujem !!
eultivfttion of, saiiii land, vis: M'onwS'
Un-ljlvC, John .Morrison. Chnrlto 'i! Am
fShii, K. titJ luirm vid J:jdh?. '.J'clJut'.', all
of Piniff Vidloy, Oregon.
Anv ueroiji I10 desired topvofcst'uijsinct
f jl 1 jf 1 nlloXai.u? of such urol or '.Ho I)noIvi
c(f "fii.;. rCm'on, ur.dr- tii- 1:..'
and t!je regulation.; of tin" Interior Dijir-t-inent,T'hv
sV.clj prcjf Ohcaild fjOl alloJ
ed, I'ill 1'jb givey an cujrtor-'jinity ot t.!K
alJiW mfjntionc,';rtiine 0u3 phtcG tpero
o.t:.!!Xhie the itnesnes of s.jid claiiuaut, uQi'l
to oiler fid0ncGin rebuttal, tjbot)ffubDU
tcil by claiiuaut.
1B0GOY lilS-riUoO!
100- W Iffifier.
All jiorsons having elaiijs aQainst tholes
tato of W. W. Uosh, deceasci, aro hweby
notifjed to present the sjmv, duly verlllcil
accordirjir to hw, to the undersigned, aet
intr execjitor of the last will and testament
of said ltoss, within six months froQ
tho f'ate hereof, a his residence In the
town of Cove, Union nountv. Oregon.
Dated tljls 10th day of September. 1HSS.
jAMijs ji).mji;i;hiiui v,
cijwUnco In tua
iirprtlon otraor
Ihan Oiib Hundred
'Thunnd trllctlona fof plnU in
th. United hUtt nd Forelpn coop.
trlM, tna puuiiautri 01 n
American conllnuo to act ollcilori
for nUim, cril.. t rmi-tiitk. copr
riitilt.tle., fur the United SUtee, and
.0 ..bum pateate in CanaJv Knglaml, rranoe,
(roriuaujr, and all other eomitriea Their eipert
rnce U uu.qualed and their fanlltlea ar unaur
t'l)rawlnie and eneriflciUcM prepare and filed
IntlioraienlOfflvean ehert nolle lerina err
reammtblo. No rhuvge for eiaminallouof uaodela
wr drawuiri Artvife Ur mail (no
IVneninolitaimxl through M nnn 4 Oo-.r noticed
nho St'IKVl'IKIC AMlCUIOAN,hlch baa
',e l.rsu.t circulation aud l the meet lutluential
iurr ot Ita Mint publiahed In the world.
. . adiantae of auoh a notice eterr patentee
i t.ratnda.
i Urjte and eplemtldlr llluatrated newepape'
j ,vihih4 WHKlCljY at tiW year, and n
. tm.tMKlt(. be the Uat paper detoted to w-jeuce.
inuct.anlc. Inteutl uis eninreertnt irka, aud
t, r iUprliarnta tt Induxnal pror, rub
. o. In to- ccuntrr- It contain, the name of
n , iinte3nudtltloofeTerrtnTeiitlon patented
.. i voeSt. Vry it four taonthe lor one dollar.
I tv bll nottMtcaler. , . . . ,A .
If 10U hue an Intention to patent write)
Ivti.u X Co , t.uhtlthera of PeloattB Xmtim
J ltroidna. fiew Yo-'
1 ( tuattoMiV ot r'iMiW free.
Coriiucoplu, Union county, Or.
1. 0. WAH1NNKH, ...... I'rop'r.
The only tlr.t elu homo hi thu camp,
jpalu parcd ro inkv irutbi comfoMa
lo e;;' fnTtKbl;D"o9i; to t.iflHulo tftst. lfog. imlc. most durable, anil most profitable cylinder press for the general
mr, at'JJJ iTct?Diiji j-t hieli U ciir former pros-i rcnioddlcd, siuipmlcd, mid improved with spiral reference to easy running
riaiirr:-!i xll t;l pinlis- 3;onit'P03i'!C'1 by the old, having concentnitcd and added to them until our press represents tho
In nwlifyii I; Cn rnOblc to rWuce the cot, majin the cheapest, as vells tfcc best press ot this character in th
r'lhiiid - j.wcr. p.P 'r. -i'y tlfi'-nd lcibsf pulleys and belt slijper.ft the nonilnf llditional cost of 1.1.00.
FrJ;-ht to U add'?ftioS.
OW.'i' (', 3 'aIukt A lliy, oli.'.e'.;'ntN t'iifS.,
i JLt
'Irons" Eat '(';'.,
lilmnipirG; mpHMii ifift
xgtige j-'on i?uiiiiie;yrfto.
i Ci7 is 'fiVC; ..'x";i , (EU.-Mi-t, J
Oct. Ifl, liA. 1
't3t.'.)'.U h.-.hy :i V'rJ- the folitwim
iiMtiwl settler h.i rttcrl itotwo o? iVJs inten
tion toiwsltiB ;hial nroaf in u ;:-: ( Itil
o:ih iivA thnt raid jtficjf -.vitH'fc uawjdo ie
for tllM rVitor a:cu reueivw 'iiejei
Or-'in rftti iI-K:'. 8'A it,-. .
i'-. -o. TSi. ids Mm SJI ft .
Ui's. 'O, S, c!r.t .jatiit Sw (jr. SHr ijr.4k?c.
1. .!vot L $JC '2, lJ(p. , It. -'W .
live ni:-jB ti-V :Hitoia to
'jj;Povt"t lH"1 eosinCw. reiil'"ncO uon nd
aiillivirtioii of, atU ljid, Mir;:
Andv WilkiirSon. a)ni Wilkinson,
OIW . Cona?ty an.!t . C, liobinett, all of
Union, Oi;fo)'i.
Amv l5'ron Oho d sifttto prdRest against
thu ail3SS.".t3 o'PSiK'J) proof, or who kiio'S
(p rnv MilC-tf.7itJr5J i'on, fftder tho law
mid t!b refill. ifionj of tho luterioj Depart-ns-jt,
'Tfliy fcueh prof should noto allowed,
j ill Ci Gii Opiiortuiiiity at the above
mcnOcjneiJjtiJMI 3C1 place to cri-examine
tl' itneSbus of said claiintejiit. and in offer
svlClenC'e in rebuttal of thjt atibmitted by
cl5im.jnt. ...
10-lC-gO hegister.
iJSOw ji'snition.
U.8t Lamd 0ck La Ghasuu. Okkhon.)
.inlv "X 1,-SS. f
Sbtiee is hereby given that in compliance
vjith tlje provisions 01 tno actoi uoiurtssoi
June :i. lsTS. entitled ' An act for the sale
of timber lands in tlie States of Callfoinia,
Oregon. Neviula and Wasldiwjton Territo-rv,'-
rETUIl M. COFFIN, of Union,
cbuntv of Union, State of Oregon, hy this
day filed in this ofllce his sworn st m ment
No. 15. for the purclmso of the NK'4,
nud SWH NEH of Section No.31, in Town
ship No. tSoutli, ltange No. 3!) Uat. and
will oiler procf to show that the land sought
is more valuablo for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purpoes, and to establish
his claim to Kiid land before tho register
and receiver of this ollb e at La Grande.
Oregon on Saturday, tho L'Oih day of Oc
tober. 1VKS. He names as witnesses : Win.
II. Miifford, B. Sands, K. IC. Spain and 'I liad
Draper, all of Union, Oregon. Any and
all persons claiming advor.ielv the above
described lands aro requested to tile their
claims in this ofllce on or before Miid 20th
day of October, lt.
7U7-0 Register.
Land Office at La Uhandk, Okcoo.v,)
Sept. '.'S, 1SXS. I
Notlco Is hereby given that the followlng
named settler ha tiled notice of his inten
tion to niakt) linal proof in support rf tils
claim, and that said proof will be mnde be
fore the regtf-terand receiver at La Grando.
Ort jon, on Nov. Kith ISS. viz: JOdBl'II
11 HUDSON, I). H No. SA15. for tho N hlf.
SWnr. and W hlf. SB qr. Soc. O.Tp. G S, R.
41 B, V M. He names tho following wit
noses to nrorc his continuous ra-idencc
upon, and." cultivation of, said land, viz:
John Hanson, G. V Krusier, Oliver Mc
KicferntiJ Irwin Frasler, all of
Anv person whoileslres to irolet nstdnM
the nllowauce of stuii pn-of. or who knows
of anv substantial rtw-on. under the law
and the regulations uf the Interior Dtitmri
mriit. whv such prtHf should n t be allow
ed, wl'l be given an opportiuiltt at tlu above
mentioned time und to i ro t xaiiiliie
tbt) wltiioiktis of uii'o!auuaiit. and to niler
rvldeiiiu in rcbutttal ot that bubitilUod by
lO-S.istl K'Klrtvr.
HP 3"ob'; in all cd.
eolt, ulio ea frt
''&j'!!ity 'V;xj;G l'ndi at fuih J.okJMKo3
ipll Ir.oer rj?lifKi Any House on thf
(Th onl?
fiGf. 9014 -PUBLICATION.
t 'rjceT I..v Okaxhk, Oitroott,)
ejii. n, ift. i
oticcfcbytfien tlijg. the following
am'ticieir li lileil ikiUtc of hisCinton
tion 4o me suimlciiicnVil final proof in
oppoM of flis ciaun, and llt said proof
JffK be majfte bffo-c the register and recei
ver t j.a (liaifle, Oregon, mi October :50th.
z: JOSfl'lI AKOIIKR. 1). S. No.
ioffl. r t!.- SK qr. SB (A Kec a, and H lilf.
(r. id (jr. NK qr. Sue 10, Tp 5 S,
Ilpnamcs the following witnesses
to tirove hi'i cotitiiitioif residence upon,
iinil cnltivi'liim of. said laud, viz: RuI'ih
tHciilirook and Ueorgc Holbrook, all of I'll-
ion, uregon.
IIcnkv KiNiniAia.
n-21-0. ltegistcr.
Lvsn Orrifi: at La Gkakm:, Oiikoon,)
Sept. 71SS8.
Notice is heroby uiveii that the following
naiucstttler ha tiled notice, of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that mimI proof will he made be
fore the register and receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on Oct. 2:1. 18ss. viz: THOMAS
H. FOftTBR, I). S. No. 7070, for the N lilf
SV qr SWqr SW qr. Sec 20. and NV qr.
N"W ir. Sec 20. Tp (i S, It 41 B. He names
the following witnesses to prove ids contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of,
sniil land, viz: John B. I'billips, of Telo
caset, Oregon, and Daniel liaird, A. N.
Hamilton and V. R. Reeves, of Union, Or.
0-ll-wO. Register.
Land Office at La Guandk, Onnoox,)
Oitoberl. 1SS3. I
Noticu iiHiuroby given that the following
named settler has tiled notice of ids inten
tion to niake linal proof in support of his
claim, aiurtbat s.dd proofs-ill bo made be
fore tho register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Nov. 21, lsss, viz;
Fuancis JL Offigku,
ILL No. 3l.ia. for the N hlf. NV qr. Sec.
21, and S hlf. SW qr. Sty, 111. Tp. 8 S, It. 10
B, YV. M.
Ho names thu following witnesses to
prove ids continuoiiO ro-iiloncu upon and
cultivation of, said lain!, viz:
,lol Curie, Olo DeidrloUson Monroe Up
dyke and James McNutt, ail of l'imi vallep
Any person who desires to protest aitiiinst
the allowiiiico of such proof, or who knows
of any ubstuntial reason, limler the law
and the rotfulutions of the Interior Depart
ment, why such proof should not bo al
lowed, will Ik given an opportunity at tho
above mentioned time ami nlaeo to cross
examine the vxitiiesies of kuid claimant, and
to ollV-r evtdt noe In rebuttal of that sub
mitted by cluiuiHUt.
1012 . Register.
Land Office at La Guaniif. Oimon.v,;
Sept. 20. l&i. (
Notlrc is hereby given that tho following
itauied settlor has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to make dual proof in support of his
olMim. aud that said proof will lt iudc be
fore the reglttor anil roi-eh er t I.m tlritn.ic.
Oregon, on Nov $ K8, vi: D WIS
UObWKl.L. II.!. No, 161) lor the SWqr
SWtir. fct. !, W hlf. NWur. and 6Kp.
N Wqr. hw, :i. Tp 2 S. It to K. He nuinei
tin) follow lug wltneasc. to prove his con
tiuutius mdUfiii-tH "'i mKltulUvtititiii of,
suit) Imi'l, Vi" Vuuu Ki tilitwty, Otho;
Krkefkltt', J"hu 1 Jt-tl.ind Ja ..eitU
aril, all u i uc or. f.-
llwtitv RiMiiin ,
O'JH.v,0 IhvUttir,
misli many testinioniJof its fine working qualities,' from the
WVQpil & KEY 1! allc you more for
All Type Sold at Eastern 1'riccs.
Printer's Supply Depot,)
JIain Street. Union, Oregon,
Keep constantly on hand
Tlio West Shore Is the only Illustrntcd maga
zine puhlishpil on tho Pacific coast, and aside
from its excellent literary features, Its ohject is
to convey information, by both pen and pencil,
Jf the arcat resources of this region, aud the
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Sccial Illustrated article? appear In cacli
Issue ; also, several pages of notes of th? pro
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Subscribers for 1888 receive a large supple
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Try It for IShS, and after reading, send it to
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L. SAMUEL, PublUhcr,
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ANsviLii to iNtjriitrs $1.00
Proeurino Und rUnts. Fillnrj Araumenti,
and Conducting Conlem, on Maderito
iemis. iend Icr circular to
tmr Ketllirahuuld hate Cuhi' hf ltrr flulJ
til run I t'rl only ii tut (ful,' a tui-