The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 19, 1888, Image 4

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City and County Official Paper.
Friday, October 11), 3S88.
Wir.ii some republican kimllr inform
Blaine that an Indiana pcrton named
. Harrison is a candidate for president.
Eugcno City Guard.
Evk.v Ruesin projKJscH to admit grain
eacks free, in which to ship this year's
crop. The senate tarifTbill proposes to
make the California and Oregon farm
ers pay a tax on grain sacks.
Skttlkrs and home-seekers should
read our Washington letters published
elsewhere in this issue, as they contain
information regarding new land laws
, -which will be of much interest to
Wk notice that several of our repub
lican exchanges are still publishing
the republican platform and are evi
dently doing it in good faith and not
in a satirical spirit, as some might
WoNDWt if the horso and cattle men
arc going totf'votc for their interests"
in November. It wouldn't surprise
uh ii bit, as that seems to be the way
with their brethren of the bleating
bands. U-a-a-h. v
Oi.kvki.ani) says the Ho;llo ask for
1'ircad and the ropuhlici&B give them a
st&r.c. Wrong there, Grovcr. They
nid tfoein a p!ij f fUa& nifl a jug
of Mjiiishpy. T.'iy 'jwo tlf.e stones to
nrt;l lo Prohis will;. Jwpt'iUfil Sit-
press (1101.)
"Nfo Miot',ifi is tin fjXtai.
flt'upid ycojle, aifiblifenuijii Lies 'if o graft
strength of o'jir 'glortoiis loscfcecth
Hystiyn.' J'rote '.ioH is a lcrji$nVtl 'ioi.-flf.
of roWiery, wihicl.i niBflcs ttoo far;iWi
foot the bjlfo of the maTnji9ictHK(f:."
TllK Ind'.nnapolis Labor SiytM1:;
organ of the KnigJiiKi of Labor, snys
' that Indiana will give Cloveland am!
Thurman 10,000 majority. The labor
pcoplo in Indianapolis are almost a
unit against the man thoy caM "Dollur-a-Day
Tiik republican press have IfcS '
boring for the last month To prove
thcro is no surplus. Tho republican
Hcnate, however, rofortt a Iii!A that if
passed will reduce the rovouuto cii
lectiuns for the next year .$75,000,001.
This is a haul yciw f ir caw j,.ij.i. liars.
In twenty yeiw frim uv vVda Vm
selfWl terror is !waij tto wy
cla'st ftad iftiftj (to put&, rSfW
IftifA&RutfH vvii jwiw!.&X) .'m.' t'.H
lQtyrttty? t im.i.w 3o61 1m, in. its-
I'm: Mf-sawM. ft Mo,8a tefl '(&
hides Ih?wo (tea iim&v&m. a. vm
and fciigftT, whVn ''. yrod wws; ol
China, allows ophuji to eoj in fixit
for modicul purposes. Til" Oliii:;is
would import opium for ilftfl'Jj use
and then smoko it to suit thofhsolvos,
Tho republican free trade bill reads
just like it would if it had been drafted
in Pukin.
Tiik republican tariff biif may bo
called . "Chinese free trade" measure.
It places nut oil, which is produced
abroad exclusively by tho Chinese, on
tho free list. It reduces the duty on
rico GO per cent, and China is the
principal foreign source of rico supply.
A cut of r0 per cent is made in tho
duty on sugar. Nearly all tho sugar
that comes to this porj. is produced by
Chinese. Apparently tho republican
party is determined to xnako thoir ex
clusion from this country as pleasant
for tho Chinese as possible. Han
Francisco Allti. .
At tho commencement of the cam
paign tho grout and only Dlaiuo man
aged to havo poor old Harrison muz
zled, and completely handicapped with
tho exception of his right hand which
was left free in order that ho might
"ehako" with monopolistic delegations,
oflico seekers and preachers who it was
arranged would visit him. Dlaiuo was
to do thu talking and things worked
well till ho made his great trust
ppcech, and a few others, when tho
national cominitteo became vaguely'
conscious (hat ho was talking id
, together to much "with his mouth"
and a to now frantically trying to muz
xlo tho nuuzler. They may cancel
his engagements hut wo hardly think
thoy can muzzle tho man who owns
tho whole caboodle of them Ixxly and
fioul. lilaiuo cares nothing about any
of thorn, hut hiii colomml egotism
makes him desirous of heating Qluvo-lfind,
The recent election in the city of
j Newark, N. .1., resulted in a coin -
1 plctc democratic virtory. Xcwni-1. Is
! the principal inaiiufactiiiini' city hi
j New Jersey and is tho home ot work -
liigmcn. It was oonticicrofi tiie
strongest protection cilv in tho state
and the republicans were determined
to make it appear that (he free trade
scare was really working. They
failed most miserably (o hold their
own. The democrats carried it on a
popular vote of fi2j majority, a net
gain over 1SS1 of 2029 votes. It is the
first time the city has been carried by
the demounts in a presidential cam
paign in twenty years. From the
present indications the city will prob
ably go 1200 majority for the demo
. In 14, at the timeof Blaine's
idacy, the city went over 1500
republican, Thus the good work
goes on and the laboring men arc
throwing off the chains of monopolis
tic slavery and asserting Mich rights.
The Orcijonian say that if we
had free tnfflc, India and Rus?ian
wheat coiffd be shipped here and sold
in this market. It would bo just as
reasonable to assert that the millions
of bushels of " our surplus wheat wc
have exported to England could be
shipped hack and compete hi price
with the wheat that remains here.
If the political editor of the Oretjn
vian would consult the commercial
editor he would make no such wild
and ridiculous assertions without he
regards his readers as devoid of intel
ligence. The commercial report of
tHt 1 1 tli of October, the smne ibsge in
Which he makes the statement, gives
tfto prico o wheat per cental as fol-
Lifcrpud - - ft 07
2feYork - - - J 8T
l!a I'Ytnci'o - - 1 (10
Pifrtland - - - - 1 40
Wiov t!J only liblt 9y for ftus
fftui 01.' Ilin fk)4t t iUch the Uni
'fcftl Slnl'm i'ould be 'by fray of E"g
?fWlt i'id it is Hot prolifblc they
W'TuM uW fi. 14'. 97 infrket and ship
tOOO i.tiles to td $1.85 tnarket.
Things occasionally should be called
by their proper names, and it is but
just to say that the Oregunt'an is en
gaged ifc coimidorablu unmitigated
lying. Mugene City Guard
J.veryliody knolls that the Orcgoni
an's occupation ould be gone il it
cold Tot lie. Any man, knowing
tHo character of the vile sheet , who
wdild be iiitlucnccd in the least by
its utterences, is eerljinly $ fit subject
& tlHUsyhiif.
ruy. pr ic.v op wool.
Yl mj1 spoliators &' tie; c'
tttvevifh-'!. it cw?,iof the wooj-grow'
ms tt wrl trillion Mh yesr.
Tmrf t eel cv.-ctilo8 S8iu t!i!
lIlW Kll 'ial .oitid lb wool niar.ct, j me cioteb ur luoifi loir, tm
mMtralWe cheap vooK((hi0h oie j more va eey foiigners, t:s i:
pitt;o llo.o ' (uls Hi., homo labor, thcrota'c, 9& DB1B1. f.m
iam" Wii iitrti'd that -i4v ploy to crcQ'.e the article tt p?.y f't
v'0 ''o8J can e Orcwo. Wool a2;
rtt. !i ;ouiia) ccjslled Jio ''8) f-c
m. d& lov pr':es. The kn 3P
bv'iys, yoi'i .tot'n, bus just as cheaji
ItXU'iii, Cud it is to his interest to
iBf'VJ tl)Hil' think there is no mar
ket. In their efforts to lower prices
and iujurif the wool-grower tho entire
republican press of e United States
aided, 'iftioro were plenty of men
owning sheep who hud no more than
sheep's brain, ami the speculator
tho wooi for
No 80011$ had tho sfftctilufors got
the wool than tho prico advanced
nearly to tho level of last year's, and
it commanded this prico when the
Mills bill passe' and for a mouth be
fore, for the speculators had tho wool
to soli then, and thoy wore not fright
ened by tho bogy which seared tho
growers out of their wits. lis.
The following is good reading and
advice at this particular time, and it
would ho well for every American citi
zen to hoed the wise counsels of these
fatheivs of the republic : Said Patrick
Henry, tho patriot: "Why should wo
fetter commerce? If a man is in chains
ho droops and bpwa to the earth, for
his spirits are broken; but lot him
twist the totters from his legs and he
will stand oreot. Potior not commerce,
sir. Lot her bo as free us air: nho will
rango the whole creation and return
on tho wings ofltho wind of heaven to
blo's the land witli pUnty." Said Ih n
jumino I'ranklin, the patriot: "1 b.ii
won mi much cmbarrinent and h
little advantage in all the rt Mnuuin
and compulsive iy4m that 1 del my
tolf stiongly iiuMiutiri to Uduw tit it .i
statu which loavs tuihu putt.-, j n to
all tho world on jul torffis will, by I
that moans, haw (he fomt.ii coutnio
dltloa olioapeni'd, si ll iis own p.o.luc
tiojis doan r, ami U on tho hU U u..-'
pre porous"
II S8R notonoii3 fact that the worst
paid and most degraded labor in this
I country is employed in the highly
; protected industries of Pennsylvania,
The laiiff on soft coal is 75 cents a
j ton. The wages paid the miners
j range from 70 to SO cents a day, in
J some instances falling as low as CO
cents. The amount mined by Kich ; raw material. Yvc tax all raw mate
man avenges a little more than a ton6rial froiTl abroad to "protect" one in
and a half a day. The cost of mining
is, therefore, at nioslnot more than
40 or 50 cents a ton, while the tqjll is
75 cents a ton.
The lyine-owner gets tho whole
bnnellt of this protective tariff He
pavs starvation wages, and the con
dition of the operatives is worse than
that of the coal miners in England, as
testified to by John Jarrctt before the
1 senate committee on education and
j labor. The Pennsylvania miners
work about twenty days per month,
so that (heir average earnings do not
exceed $4 per week.
The Alloona Times commenting on
these facts says:
"And this is not away off in some
remote part of the country, nor do we
ascertain thec facts by reading about
them in the leading papers, nor do
we find them particularly referred to
in tnc presidential messages or con
gresBiounl debates. But this state of
thing exi-t right here in tho heart of
great, rich old Pennsylvania. Nor
are these highly protected imported
Huns or Italians or Poles or Chinese,
but they arc mostly native-born Pcnn
sylvanians. The saino conditions
prevail here in Blair county."
How Hen Harrison, in the face of
those facts, can have the assurance to
tell the workingmcn that over 47 per
cent, tariff is for their benefit,
"passeth all understanding,"
On Slay :i, 1881, before tho tariff
became an between the t'o pr
ties, the Portland Orcyom'u thus
clearly and most conclusively (iHtk'il
ishcri the false theory that prdtfclioft
is u advantage to Ameridln RU:ir:
"It used to be said tht &rioiT
capital could nof compete 4ith British
capital, and that piotcctiou wasncccB
snry for American capital as for Amer
ican labor. This part ( the ff ru
mont is substantially oterthrown.
But the dontrfne that our labor must
he j)otcctcrt by duties virtually pro
hibitory, persists still. It is the
stronghold of the advocates of protec
tion. Andet wo conceive it to It) an
onfiro fallacy a fallacy lurking iJi $.
one-sided and partial vicP of thSiiJ)
ject. The more foreign goods V?e tftj5,
the igoro labor we must iliUplfijy ft
home. To tho protectionist this fn.y
appear a paradox ; and yet it"s one of
tho in (urtein Vtl:t of inliSi.l
lipnn1. "Ve BJuet pt.y fa ri
porti by our exiairls. 7,'e cn ply for
thfiBi in uosthcry. (Ja. xjb;is
what e b'v. lt Tnc? trfi.'o lucrlfrMe
X89 hnpoiOS, iO)iSi!iHf0rtfliiiRti3
ir Cxiioi, $ni ! cmsntfMJWb.
must stimulati: tl deiuil for Ih.Mb
labor. In other Horils. 99ci foWijjflt
purchase uofosittes the cTiploymcsM
of domestic labor to create tjljajt 9idh
which tho purchase is ni'l. W$
have tho advintage of England in va
riety and abundance of raw materials,
and in food. We arc .substantially on
an equality with her in the matter of
cheap capital. Since she has food to
import, taking much of it fiom us,
and the larger part of her raw materi
als also, than we, and since her old
advantage over us in capital is virtu
ally at an end, we need not fear lr
competition. Our system now tends
to foster homo monopolies rather than
to protect the wages of the working
man. It is admitted too, that it bears
hard on a people situated as we are on
tho Pacific slope. It at once restricts
our trado with tho only customers
who take our products, and forces us
to pay hijtlior prices for goods wliich
we aro compelled to buy. Since tho
adoption of froo trado by Great llrit
uln , waw hi that country havo gono
up on the whole average more than
one-quarter, and hi sumo departments
fully one-half. Hxpcricuco here comes
in against theory in the mutter of al
leged reduction of wages. But grant
ing that wages might bo somewhat re
duced there would he compensation
for it in cheaper goods, which work
ing people, us well as others, must
consunio. Moreover, wages aro not
n great element In tho cost of iniiiiu
fHcttiring. WPhave not tho figures
of the census of 18S0 and hence we
draw from ihnso uf 1S70, for illustra
tion on this polut, Titero figures show
1 1. at wmut thou were 1U. 40 per cent,
ot ilio hIiii u thu product ill tho man-
iiftit-tiuing, uuH'httiiioul, mining and
s of the 1' iiited States.
The Value of the m.itcrUI mod was
4. t per rent, of thu product, wllllo
lite li'liniiiilll ' 'i r rent wn$ lllll)
to building, inui.liiiu.iy and soon,
If we call wnircs 20 per cent, of the
whole value of the product and admit
' that wages arc 40 percent, higher here
I than in England, then the difference
is but 40 per cent of 20 per cent or 8
per cent of the whole value. Nothing
could show more convincingly that
the interests of domestic labor arc not
at staKe here to tnc extent wincn inc
protectionists claim. England lets in
tcrost or an other. The consequence
is an advantage over us in free materi
als, which equalizes. If it. docs not
succeed, an advantage which she can
havo in cheaper labor. Wc can man
ufacture as cheaply as she win, if wc
would avail ourselves of all our op
portunitics and that without materi
ally reducing wages cither. But as
all tariff taxes, like other taxes,
must of necessity rc-appcar in higher
commodities, of what avail is it to
the working man to keep up his wa
ges by artificial stimulants, when at
the same time and by the same pro
cess tho manufactured goods which
he must consume arc kept up at
high rate too?"
Wc may well feel proud of the youth
of our State, and particularly thoso of
our own town, many of whom arc
just entering the threshold of manly
endeavor to match their minds and
strength with the opponents they arc
sure to encounter in the battle for
fame and supremacy. Wc have faith
to believe that when fifil is done and
the grand summing up takes place
that Union can point with pride to its
representatives and Ithat tligy yill
compare favorably with the tlcs !'
other tovJlns, Wc hftfc in miffld t!
names of quite a number iy thi vXfcini-
ty who, if c arc not much fniltsiaM ,
will become prominent fignrSS in tl
field of politics, lj,y afiid litcrotOfft
After all it is noit itroiDJ that thin
should m so, yew oflily olf tliii y'cTiing
miJ.ii fit Uijij Lt o'f tifc wliKa l'fivjGi
coeKt." It i? iij tlffi fiaii'irc oit tljiijKS.
flm? Sirs, roioetlj', tllQ CiJSSpriOC 'It fitohjaiit pioija3rs vyto a few d
ciidlefiogo fOTiyht thpir way oxcrr t!?.ou
Sff.tjds c.l l'ni.'ss o;t tivvcIil'TS wildj?rci'??S,
to boild up honjEs in tlcto Vallr-ys aijpl
mountaiilis of tte "goldlon coa'st"
to throcy clt tho coijvclCitionalitijis,
biSfi,ry fljd craijipVxl idlcas 0,1 a stupigl
age to inhale tl$ lifc-givin ozone
and groy big hearted, liberal minded
ftnd great ufid;er the benign influences
of noble actioTij aijd the coiTjpraijiofiship
(V Nature in all grand n'jjd varying
moods. Tljfjy wcro giants in in ti&
dajs iiTjsl tire, lusis wc spca.k Xt no:w
arc thicir t'Ms'. It wa'.s thicir duty to
be$r th';j fateful "Star olt Empire"
tyOsttySivri to tl sliolrOs of tho ultinjldO
Pacific to lay thfc foufiidatioB fo.v an
adVuic;d civilization to open thli
tlviitro id wllijjli tte ijbliija?acts olt tho
finMiri bwj tw ocJQr, aswd tljmy di.d
it veil, i'l-c play bos cearmcraccri
.-jul i i,s djfttoilt to cctiiiwo3v.c yIrat
W'irMi i.t will rnjdi'i- in tilp yrrss
wmi' .:t Innswil.
Alii 0s,'ii bwy a M1k wljfi dpi
X IMatri'ii:i'ii.U Slilter by nauJSr,
il4nVJi.ig. (if t'ko ffitntfc at tile Ygfiijfc
ial, ftiiiiiii'Wv oCfPt'lMiy it thus:
"WfJK. Ar.t and a.Hiih&iitc(jfli!3n
:h oVt tils a'.f-reared realms olf o&l
Nnn, kfinr.til awl fameris Insji aj,
To pjv; tlMlr miblo conu.t itall coM,
.'na slJC.llnot reek nor ciii V'CdO,
Hut loot cn 511 '?itlj woiulcr dtunb."
inspiring to tfciijli Uii tli? iy."
si'ts oit, (?. ti tirciOflstt cy tlj
manhood iSnftaJOttd ffill l2- aistolil? itj
the great di7.if!it, tfiKiuy tl$ pEfit that
best bcllts tlicnj. As to said before?,
wo havo faitli that thoy vvill acquit
themselves with credit, for it would
not be natural for tho sons of such
fathers to do otherwise. Certainly it
will not be tho effeminate youth who
aro now worrying out west with their
papa's, on palaco cars, to compete
successfully with the kingly arms and
clear brains of our native sons. Time
will toll. Meanwhllo our boys should
improve the. hours and mako tho mSst
of tho grand inheritance of strength,
self-relianco and vigor left to them by
worthy sires.
Tho modes of death's approach arc
various, and statistics show conclusive
ly that moro pcoplo dio from diseases
of tho throat and lungs than any other.
It is probablo that everyone without
exception, receives vast numbers of
tubcrclo germs into tho system and
where these germs fall upon suitablo
soil thoy start into life and develop, at
first slowly and is shown by a Blight
tickling sensation in tho throat and if
allowed to continue their ravages thoy
extend to the lungs producing con
sumption and to the head, causing ca
tarrh. Now all this is dangerous and
if allowed to proceed will in timo cause
death. At the onset you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and
may !oio you your life. An soon as
you feci that something is wrong with
your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a
bottle of Hoschec'n Gorman Syrup. It
will give you immediate relief.
Tiik Scout is just tho paper to send
oasrt to yuur friends, Try it.
Jiff II & If If tl
Latest Announcement to the Public: I
Having just received a large and finely selected stock of General Merchandise
from Eastern Markets, bought for cash, wc can ard will give our customers
The Public is Kcspcctuilly Invited to Inspect our Splendid Lino of
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps,
Fine Boots and Sliotfs, etc.
A Magnificent linu uf all shades
Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS,
ftli) ComplfH tftojpj) of
siaras Aim W1H IPAMN
tfEUlCS, thavblihg IJAG, BASKETS, etc.,
nd full line of
Gro:ei;irj$, Cuttoy nd Notions.
rirE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union countv
can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince finy one of tho
fact. All arc invited to corao and see us and wc promise to do you good.
Dealers Tn
BgSiOfMitgiPS' fpoivi
p'O'JDiiptly attended to.
All lands of photographic work done in a su-
perior manner, 8nd warranted to
give satisfaction.
Jones Bro's. Artists.
I'oit sai.i:
DKsiiuHhu noMi: run SALK
Mrs, L. It. Tlioiuns offers her place for
snlo In Cove, at a bargain. !i-"-tf.
in North LTni m. For particularS'en-
buire of Mr?. N. Howhind.
. I I V II 1 1 - ii -
!l 7-vl
Dwelling lotise for Salt'.
A dwelling hoiihe and lot, at the Cove.
Or"pon. Centrally located, near and con
venient to all tho school, (food cellar,
wood-shed and well. Will bo &o!d cheap
for cash. Apply to S. 11. WHITE,
8-31-tf Cove. Oregon.
Tonsorial Parlors
Srx.iv t Htmu ic, Piioraixroiu,
Shaving;, Hair-cutting; and Sham
pooing;, in the Latest style
of the Art,
Shop one door guth of Otiu-mnul hotel
01 YK US A CAM..
and qualities.
Latcs styles of
Main St., Union, Or.
ajl points of tlie country
Thomson k Rurscl aro agents for
tho celebrated Cyclone WimUIill, and
as tho prices on tliem have been great
ly reduced they arc now within the
reach of all. Sample mill to bo seen
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
VB'. Mf m m, Mf j, ir
j m
Leave I'nion dnily at S p. in, arrivo at
Covo at S:30 p. in.
l.envi Cove at 8 a. in , arriven at Union
nte:S0n. in.
CftnMMtUm iuii with UllioU'a mmcIim
! running to th depot, rarryiuf imMOitgura
tor out and w boniiil tniiiw.
im.i iMtilimiT, r.iUho.NAiii.K.
t:n.MiQ; ,t iAYSJli l'roiiriMun.
Si&p &e ii Covo.