The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 19, 1888, Image 1

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NO. 17.
The Oregon Scout.
An independent weekly Journal, inied ev
ery Friday mornint; by
Publishers and Proprietors.
, K. Jos us, )
Editor, f
15. Cn.wcuy,
Or SOlfst'ltll'TIONi
One copy, our year
" Throe inontos
luvnrlntily Cash In Advance.
If by chance subscriptions arc not paid till
end of year, two dollars will be charged.
Hates of advertising made known on np
p!icntlon. Correspondence from all parts of the
country solicited.
AdrcJS all communications to the Oregon
Scout, Union Oregon.
K. Fakin,
J. A. Eakin,
Notary Public.
Atto&fay at fcavy,
Union, Oregon.
3?-PrC3upt Attention Paid to Collect.ons.
Attorrno$ at Lar.
Collecting and probate practice special
tics. Ollice, two doors south of post-olllce.
Union, Oregon. O
lneieis?5i aiidargeon.
OSSc, one door south of J. 15. Baton's
store, Union, Oregon.
ii. D-a?y, m. i
Oflicc adjoining Jones Hro's store. Can
bo found nights at tho Centennial hotel,
room No. 23.
M. Baker. J. W. Shelto.v. J. F. Baker.
OlFFICKS Union and La Grande, Ore
gon. Special Attention given all business
Entrusted to us.
AW&m&f at? LaW?
Union, Oregon.
Ofllce, one door south of Centennial ho
Notary Public.
Ex-Co. Clerk,
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Heal and Mininc property
furnished on short notice, at (Seasonable
Sales of Real and Mining nronertv nceo
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Oilioe next door south of Post-ofllce. Un
ion, Oregon.
A. L. SAYLOR, M. D.,
Physician and Surgeon,
North Powder, Oregon.
Has permanently located and will attend
all professional eall3 day or night.
Office: Drug store building: residence,
one door west of Rodgers' hotel.
La Grande, Oregon.
Will visit Union regularly on tho
first Monday of each month.
$500,000.00 to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Years Time, at a Low
Rate of Interest, Also Buys, Sells
aim news rroperty lor
To be Invented on Guaranteed Security.
All Collections Promptly
Attended to Without Delay.
Obtained and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
OnntUco is opposite the l'. S. Patent
Ollice, and we ran obtain Pntiiils in lons
time titan thoe remote (mm Vaoington.
Send MoDKLor DRAWING. We advUe
At to puntenlaidlilv f rre of charge: and we
We rfer. lure, tu the Pik.ttimntur. the
iHupt of Moiu ()rdir Hiv , wild tu oJlltjuU
of the I l'auiit uiU.v. Pur ilrfMlnr,
Hilvitt ii rink reltriiu to Mttuul vli
nt in j. ui own ui uf (Viiinty, unto is
pjpjim rim owic vwiitw v
J nimm II ! IIMI mmillillBIIHIlWI
depart from Union
dfl'l.T, as follows:
Passenger, No. 3, L've
at 1 ::S0 p. m.
Freight No. 7, L've
at 11 :'.'0 p. in.
Passenger. No. i, L'vei
111 D: a. in.
Freight. No. 8, L've
at 2 :35 a. m.
TlflxPTto and irom principal points
1 1 O hl tho rited States, Canada
and hurope.
Elegant PSS5SL"" Cars.
Emigrant Sleeping Cars Hun Through
on Express Trains to
.and ST. PAUL
Free of Charge and Without Chunge.
Close connections at Portland for San Fran
cisco and Pugct bound points.
For farther particulars inquire of any
Agent o. the Companv or of A. L. Maxwell,
G. P. tfcT. A., Portland, Oregon.
The Oregon Hallway it Navigation Co., and
Pacific Coast Steamship Co. will dis
patch Steamers between San Fran
cisco and Portland, as follows:
Leaving at 12 Midn't.
as follows:
L'v'ng Spear st. wh'
at 10 a. in. as follows:
Elder, Suntlav Oct 7Oregon. Sat. Oct C
Oregon, Thur 11 State, Wed. ., 10
State, Monday ,, 15 Elder, Sunday ,, 14
filler, i'rulay lU.Urcgon. Tuurs. 18
Oregon Tuesday
'.i state, .Monday
btate, iSuturuav ,, It
Columbia, Fri. ,, 26
Columbia Wed. ,, 31
Elder, Sunday Nov 4
hlder, 'lucsuay ., 30
State, Sat. Nov 3
Tho company reserves the right to change
steamers or sailing days.
Cabin, - - $10.00 Steerage - - $8,00
Hound Trip Tickets, Unlimited - 30
(.IilliUen, under 12 years - - Jiait Fare
5 years ...
The above rates include Hoard.
Gen'l Manager. G. P. fc T. A,
II. L. DEACON. Agent. Union.
A Hare Opportunity to Secure an Elegant
Present !
From this time until the 2fitb of Decem
ber, any one purchasuy? a hat of any !fjnd
at our millinery establishment, will'bceiP
titled to a ticket which will give tliem a
chance in the drawing of the following
beautiliu presents:
1 Satin Toilet Set, five pieces,
U Embroidered Table Scarf,
3 Hand Painted Tidy
4 Embroidered Lambrequin,
Ji Linen Toilet Set, live ptoses.
l&awing to take place Dec. 25
MRS. BENSON 1 roPrlctorB-
Stages leave Union every Monday, Wed
Heyday and Friday,
Leave Cornucopia on return trip every
Tuesday, Thursday and baturctay.
Passengers and Fast Freight
Cornucopia Saloon,
W.m. Wilson, Pitor.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock,
Drop in and be sociable
Cor. Main and B Sts. - - Union. Oregon,
8IIi:it.MAX KAI.KY, 1'rop.
Mnnufap.turers and dealers in Soda W.
ah r 1 1 . . (''... .I., rt i' - i
and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly tilled.
Will do Well to Give tho Far-famed
Tubucen iv Trial, Which Will Convince
Thoin of itn Superiority Over
Othor Brand.
JluiinfuaHirwl by Mytu, Ihv. k Co.
U-llOwl III0JIM0,VI, V,V.
Trains arrive and
pr Store
October 18, 1SS8.
The Cove band will meet Friday of
this v,oi'k for regular election of olliccrs
and practice.
Squire. Thomas, who has been liv
ing in the east for some limo, has re
turned home. ,
Ben. Owenby and wife, of Wallowa
county, are visiting friends and rela
tives in Cove, this week.
"Pug" Bailey, the irrepressible of
Pendleton and crack baseball player,
has entered leighton Academy.
Prof. Dunnigan is holding a term of
singing school at Frosty, Shanghai and
Cove. They arc well attended.
Shovers of the ivory are oflered a
ra;g chance by J. Bloom. He propos
es to sell his billiard table at a low
The public school iB in a very satis
factory condition. The grammar de
partment has an attendance of about
20 and the intermediate S3.
The most of the sojourners at tho
Mechanics' fair have returned. They
report a line exhibit but too much
dampness for comfort in Webfoot.
Jno. Wagner and Geo. Thomas made
a wager of two valuable horses this
week on the presidential election, the
former that. Harrison-would be suc
cessful. L. B. Stearns has returned from En
terprise, to bo at the bedside of his
daughter who has been dangerously
sick, but is thought to be improving
at present,
Jas. Bloom has sold his place of 1G0
acres near town, for $1,000, to D. C.
Fisher. Mr. Fi&her will occupy the
property in order to bo in convenient
distance of our schools.
Ed Child, of Walla Wlla, is spend
ing a short vacation with his brother
in Cove. The boys aro having lots of
sport chasing the festive prairie chick
ens on the bottom.
J. Flick has moved a building for
merly used as a butcher shop, to a lo
cation near the. livery stable, and will
convert the same into a comfortable
bootjjnd shoe parlor.
Jno. Boyd discovered a lynx in his
meadow, Tuesday, feeding on a de
funct bovine. After securing a gun
and firine some 20 shots tho varmint.
- - o J Q
Jno Peach and family moved this
week into a house in the upper part of
town belonging to Dr. McDonald. Mr,
Peach appreciates ourexflpllent schools
and will patronize the same this win
ter. Silas Koger, Ed Boswcll and John
Jones started for Portland, Tuesday.
They will take in the fair, see tho ele
phant and return in a few days, bo
they said, unlettosomc capitalist want
ed to buy them.
P. F. and daughter, Miss
Sarah, have returned from a trip
through the middle static. His health
was poor on the journey and tlioy ro
turned home sooner than tlioy expec
ted on that account.
Died. Monday night last, near mid
night, Eddie Kelloy, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Kelley. Tho funeral ser
mon was preached by Rev. Wm. Pow
ell, Wednesday, after which tho burial
took place. A large number of sor
rowing friends and relatives attended.
The pall bearers woro selected from
tho deceased'y class mates in Sunday
school, and his favorite pony, draped
in mourning, was ridden by a play
mate. The family has tho deep sym
pathy ftf the community in their sad
Thank you, I am tho young lady of
tho house now 'K. I can easily tell
you who the next couple will bo to try
wedded bliss 0. Address your let
ters to Long Valley post-office, plcaso
A. Gore would have flown like un
to tho conflicts of tho dark ages had
not restraining influences arrived as
it did M. Where is tho man that
would like to hit "Billio Patterson?'
8. Tho town boys can't a (Ford us
amusement playing ball, now, that
"Pug" has come L's. Yellow rib
bons aro no longer fashionable on tho
gronnds Iv.
A pretty wedding, having many de
lightful features, was celebrated last
Wednesduy noon at the rcsidenco of
Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Sanborn in Cove.
The contracting parties were their
handsome and and accomplished
uaugmcr, miss Jiimcnia banooru, sis
ter of Mrs. O. P. Jayeox of Union, and
Herbert W. Stevens, a merchant en
gaged in business at Alba, Umatilla
county. Both aro well known in so
ciety circles and have many warm
friends. About forty friends and rela
tives wero invited to witness Iho cere
mony and when nearly all had assem
bled in the well appointed apartments,
the scene was a most pleasant one.
Asido from the lloral decorations the
room was beautified by several fine
paintings executed by the brido who is
an artist of much abilitv. The bridal
Uilet, which was a symphony in white,
was ordered from Chicago and became
the fair bride exceedingly. It was u
white surah silk, a la cour, and fin
ished in a tasty and elegant manner,
Willi an overdress of oriental lace.
The trimmings consisted pf satin rib-
bon with nut ural Mowers, Her gloved
wero of whito iindreuMxl kid and tier
hand bainmet o( pure Nlplictos roe.
M'l... Iu if, l.'lli I ,. II I.. ......
Ill" tf. . Klll ui m IHIII JMII'
formwl tho murriup ceremony iiu
prt'WV'1'i uni at h coilCluttan lliu
newly married couple uveived the con
gratulations of-all privent. About 2
o'clock, lunch Wis served on tete-a-tto
tables from an elaborately appointed
bufl'ot. TlO'uuch was bounteous tind
admirably served and considerable
time was devoted to its enjoyment.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens received some
very nice and useful presents. Fol low
is a partial list of tho gifts: A jtold
watch and chain from the groom to
the brido; bed spread, Mr. and Mrs.
Carter; towels, Mrs. Lou Payne; vine
gar jug, Mrs. Henry ; silver eake bas
ket, Mr. and Mrs. .Inycox ; piekle cas
tor, Mr. and Mrs. Payne; set fcolitl sil
ver spoons, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. KoMer;
vase lamp, Peail Payne and Mullie
Foster; antiiiuo bronze pitchei, Miss
Ida Johnson ; butter knife, Dora and,
Alice Foster; bone dishes, Mr. and !
Mrs. Crites; crystal salt and pepper J
cellars, Hael .layeox; tidy, Miss Ida
Steele; oil jug, spoon holder, salt and j
pepper cellars, Kate Sanborn; fruit J
pocket and serveis, Miss Mathieu ; om-1
broidered tea towels- and holders, Mrs.
Seeley; pickle castor, Mrs. Belle
Holmes; table linen and ua0:ins, .'as-!
per Stevens and sistois; three quilts,;
Mr. and Mrs. WqH. Foster. Among!
those present wore Mr. and Mrs. W. j
H. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Sanborn, Mr. I
and Mrs. Jaycox, Mr. and Mrs. Payne,
Mrs. Lou Payne, Mrgand Mrs. F." E.
Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Foster, Miss
Mollio Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Crites,
Mr. and Mrs. Carter, Mr. qih! Mrs.
Heniy, Rev. Ellis and wife, Mrs. See
ley, Miss Ida Johnson, Miss Nellie
Stevens, Miss May Stevens, Miss Pearl
Payne, Miss Mathieu, Misseu. Alice
and Dora Foster, Miss ICate Sanborn,
Miss Edna Payne and Jasper Stevens.
Tho happy couple expect to lake their
departure for their Oituie home in Al
ba next week. A host of friends wish
them a generous share of tho good
tilings of this lifoand that all, uny
continue as happily as the commence
ment. O
Not eg.
Mr. J. W.
all the cord
steam saw.
This week
wood in
is slaughtering
town with his
tho Hull Bros.
inreo car loads oi orewmg uarlev
ii . i t i
rect, to (lie eastern ninrkof
A good chance (o buy IS, or iihq),
coiOs of good wood on throe montus
time. Inquire at Mortgage Bank
Your account at the Cove drug
store is posted and awaiting your at
tention. Don't put oil" attending to it
another day.
Another chango has taken plaeo in
tho arrival and departure of trains.
For particulars see time table in an
other column,
Mr, Levy is having a tin roof placod
on his store building, and Mr. Henry
Striker is having the same kind- of
covering placed on the brewery build
ing. Why sufier with that aching bond
when you may bo cured with Ayer's
Cathartic Pills? Send a 2 cunt stamp
to Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co., Iwwell, Mus.,
for a set of their attractive album
Hon. W. R. Bilyou, democratic oan
didate for presidential elector, ad
dressed a fair audience, at tho court
house, last Wednesday, on tho politi- j
cal issues of tho day. Mr. Bilyeu is a
fluent, pleasant speaker and his argu-1
incuts carry conviction with them to !
all unprejudiced listeners.
Every wife and mother in tho coun
try should know the groat value of
Ayer's Sarsaparilla, :qh blood purifier.
It gives tone, health, and strength, to
tho vital orgaitf, corrects all irregular
ities, ajl expels impurities from tho
system. Young and old uho it. I'rioo
Farmers and othors in buying farm
implements, wagons, etc., will invaria
bly find it to their advantage to let
traveling agents alone and buy of well
known and reliable firms. Those who
purchase of Frank Bros.' Implement
Co., of Island City, will bo uro of get
ting just what tlioy buy, and mayni
count on fair dealing every time.
Their oricos arc fixed to suit tho times
and they always have on handi extras
for goods tlioy toll. 3
Avoidiko Taxks. The present sv
tem of taxation is nn iujufctii'e. In ;
Linn county, for instance, property is J
assessed at say 00 pur cent of its value.
This year the gross value of property
is placed at $7,023,020, which, wo will
say, is 00 pur cent of tho value. The j
indebtedness is $1,012,027. Instead of '
only deducting (50 per Suit, of the in-!
debteduess the whole amount js deduc
ted, that is if a in worth $10,000
ho is assessed at $(5,000. He owes $3,-'
000 and pays taxes on $1,000. If 00
per cent of tho indoblednos woro also
deducted ho would pay taxoson $;i,000,
the same as the man who in worth $3,-
000 and owes nothing would. Jn Linn
county a difieroiUHJ of $U5fl01).tW is '
tuns mane in lilo amount oi taxable :
property to tho dolrlmout of the man
who owes nothing. 1 it rijjhl? Al
bany Democrat. ,
K. II. Ayltw, piuprii"i. M . ... .
turur of butlur imrivl-i and W. A'
good supply always uu hand, rihopj
Willi) of wImsjI hoiiic, Union, OrvyMfi,
North I'owtlcr No'os.
CK tober 17, 1SS8.
Mr. (Jus Worsner was down from
tho mill lust Sunday, q
The time table on the Oregon Short
Line has bten changed.
Mrs. Peter King and Mrs. N. San
ders ate on a visit in Portland.
Mrs. White and Mrs, Wiggins have
gone to Walla Walla to reside.
Mr. Wesley Parker has recovered
his entire band of strayed sheep.
Miss Emma MeCurry has about re
covered from a severe attack of tonsi
lites. O
A t-ister of Mr. .loo Canoll and Mrs.
R. II. Lloyd from Union, is here on a
Messrs. Kellogg, Punch & Co. will
erect a planer and shingle mill above
town, this fall.
A band of the "Temperance League"
has been organized among tho little
folks in tlQ, place.
We learn Mr. Lieh, our local wagon
maker has sold out and will return with
his family to the eastern states.
Our local shoemaker, Mr. Nolan, is
convalescing from n severe typo of
erysipelas ot the faeo and tO.ilp.
Mrs. Judge Dolhn has been confined
to Ivr bed since moving to town. She
is slowly improving at prnscnt.
Mr. Alex llunsaker returned from
Portlund un3atnrdav.
He has been
taking in Hut sights and
fair during tho week.
Mr. Iko Miller has been oll'ercd $300
for his ludf interest in a mining claim
at Haines, but refused. Ho reports
prospects blighter as tho mines are
Mr. Henry Gorhani and family will
remove to their home in town, shortly,
to remain during the winter months,
in order to take dantago of school
Claud, the youngost son of Mr. and
Hardin, tell from a horse a few days
ago, injuring his arm. Tho lad is
ablj to be around, but met with a nar
row escape from a broken bone.
Tho Hartney "humbug" Portrait Co.
of San Francisco, are flooding tho mails
with eireulurn for N, P. citizens. Not
many suckers hero who will bile at
tin ir bait.
IO. Dave Beverage's generosity is
pQverlbl anil his friends appreciate
it, as well as tho flavor of tho
salt -uler fish Aully distributed by
him dn his return from Astoria.
Our station ugonfnow wears tho in
signia of his office on his hat band,
consisting of a nickel plate with "Sta
tion Agent" thereon. A new fad of
the railway company, but a good ono.
Three noblo nimrods of this village,
Messrs. Hardin, Edwards and Dye,
hied away to the hill to hunt tho deer,
bear, and elk, last week, returning
with dear experience Ond barion re
sults, on Monday.
Mr. Dao Vaughn, a young man of
this place, was arrested last week and
taken tb Union, on suspicion of being
the murderer of Snell, tho Chicago
millionaire. Examination proved an
other citso of mistaken identity. Mr.
Vaughn returned on-Monday.
Willi t In HiIm ' I ,- .,,1.1.." ...HI.
whieh so many seem now to bo alllleted?
If you will remember a few years ago the
word Muluriu was comparatively unknown,
to-day it iHtQeoinmon as any word in the
UnglUli Iiuikimkc, y(st this word covers on
lyUio inennliiK of another word used by
our forefathers In times past. So It is with
nervouH dieuos, an they and Malaria aro
Intended In cover what our grandfathers
called ltiliou.sii"HM. mid all are caused by
trouble that arise from a diseased condi
tion of tiie Liver which in performing its
functions finding It cannot dispose of the
bile through the ordinary channel is com
pelled U) pass it otr through the systom,
cnusinjt nervoiw troubles, Malaria, liillotis
Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well
appreciate a cure. Wo recommend Green's
August Flower. It cures are marvelous.
Anoi'T Om Sizi:. Somo ono hns
Inien figuring upon tho area of Oregon
and Washington territory for tho pur
pose of conveyiiigfeo9iiothingof an idea
of he comparative magnitude- of tho
region, oil iinatos that tho state and
territory aro larger than New England,
with Now Jeriey, Delaware. Maryland
and West Virginia thrown in, by 2000
fcquare niilen. They would mako fivo
ttutou larger taii Maine, thirty-lhreo
status larger than Connecticut and
one hundred and thir?y-two states lar
ger thitii lthodj Island.
Mr. N IL Frohlli hstohi, of Mobile, Ala.,
write; I Own great ploaburoln recommen
ding Dr. King' Xow DNoovory for Con
Mitnptinn. having unod It for a severe attack
of HronehltU and Catarrh. It gave mo in
tunt rUof and entire v cured me and I
nave noi ueeu urmcieu mure, 1 nlao beg to
state tiiut I hail tried other remedle with
no yood rull'. Iltve also uicd ldectrlo
Hitler and Dr. Kins' Sow Life l'lll, both
iwmIikIi I rwi Dr. King'
N. . li.,tury for ('nmiiptnii, Coinjlu
ii i- Ml4 um a pu.itive guarantee,
wmOm free at Wright': druifiturv.
tiiitftibt for Tjik 0ti;uv,v Scout.
Tclocsuwt Tuttliugs.
October 17th, 1888.
Cool and frosty.
Fruit being gathered.
Xo snow yet, but 4wo have contracted
for some.
Our good people are going to "trip
the light fantastic too" tomo timo tho
coining week."
Tho saw mill started up, Monday,
after a delay of about a week for
Guy Becker still retains his incor
ruptible reputation as a tutor. Hur
rah for him!
Pylo canyon school running in full
blast, and Miss Ida Davis swinging the
Mr. Ben Davis, of Wood river, paid
us a pleasiyit visit recently. Mr. Da
vis is an "old timer" and knows how
to keep people from going to sleep
while he is about.
Mrs. Emily Gorman was down on a
visit, recently, from Baker City. Mrs.
Gorman is the daugOcr of Mr. and
Mrs. Blade Ashby, of Pylo canyon,
and has many friends and relatives in
this vicinity.
Wo have had some matrimonial fan
cies lately tlOt have been nearly mar
ried realities. There is likely to bo
somo moro immediately, too, for things
bc?n to look lhy there was 0 much
bald fact to bo any fanciful romanco
in it. "God save tho bachelor," said
Gray, and so say we.
Last Friday week our young men
and women opened up tho shrine of
Terpsichore by having a littlo dance,
and u littlo private- fun all to them
selves. Shannon Marshall was tho
imiiQiian, and best of all they had a
bounteous repast, a good time, and all
wont homo satisfied with their expen
diture. Tolocasct is not taking very much
interest in the presidential canvass.
She is too busy to bother with such
minor atlaiiQ as politics. But then it
takes all kinds of men to mako a
world, and this is ono kind that goea
to mako ujO the world. Oregdn will
reverse her Juno decision November
the Oth, and so Tclocasot will not need
to struggle much.
Last week wo had a rain. It seems
almost incredible, but wo liuigbly as
sort upon our sacred honor that it did
rain it just poured down and old
Mother Earth just laughed, and titter
ed, and cried, all at tho sumo timo, as
the first drops since Juno pattered
over her old dried and dusty bosom.
Oh, it was gloriousl Tho innocent
sheep looked up to heaven and their
big eyes filled with tears as tlioy uaid
"Praise God from whom all blessings
flow," and then wont to nibbling away
again as if thcro was a coat of grass on
tho grotjid thrs weeks old. The dust
was not laid, however, and within two
or three days tho busy crowd of travel
hud stirred things up until it was dry
us ever. When you have a good thing
usu it as long as possible.
i Roiiemab.
Pine Pulley Pollotfe.
October 7th, 188S.
Warm and smoky, and no'rain.
Tho childron of Mr. Pylea aro sick
with cholera morbus.
Mrs. Jo. BassuTt is down with brain
fovor. t
Mrs. Dr. O'Connor has had very
poor health for somo time. Tho Dr.
expects to start east, booh, and try tho
eflects of a chango of climate fi hia
Quito a number of tho good citizens
of Pino will visit Union tho coining
week to lay in their supplies for winter.
Among those wo go aro Messrs. Green
er, Pancake, Dawson, McFaddon and
families. Tho better yo treat them,
ye Union merchants, the oftcnor will
thoy como to Union instead of Baker
MiPJ. II. Thayson recently sot out
firo to burn brush on - his laud and
caused quite a conflagration. The
hrcezo came up suddenly and Mr.
Thayson having gone to work in an
other part of tho field did not notico
it until his attention was called to it
by Mr. J. A. Donnoy's littlo daughter,
who fearing for her own homo, and
her parents being away ran to Mr.
McNutt's, also, and gave tho alann.
Mr. McNutt and Doc. Russell prompt
ly hurried to tho scono. Mrs. Dennoy,
who is teaching, received word, just as
school had closed, oftho close proxim
ity of fire separated from thoir placo
only by a lane and, accompanied by
Mr. Oliver and numbers of tho school
children, hastened to the scene. Tails,
kettles, tubs, boilers, Hchool buckets,
to., woro promptly made uso of and
teacher and children dipped and car
ried wafer while inon worked with
might and main until the firo was
finally controlled so that by watching
it night and day for two or three days
and nights it was prevented fro
burning any of tho neighbor's promise.
Had it not been for tho prompt and
energetic assistance of tho men and
children much damage might have
been done the homos of J. A. Denney,
Mr- MoNutt and Mr. Pylea. Cinder
fell a jnilo and t iuurter from tha
scene, Mr. Thayson procured tho
names of the children and sent thetn
money which was promptly refused
by most of the larger oiuw. Now U
almost too dry a time to set out rlrt,
eapcoiallv in the thick undwrbriwth km4
piuv tlinW.