The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 12, 1888, Image 8

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4 iua ju, ui-i, i.n run ,nca
LTI ill's Wrja.JLVLAJ-MlUWI H fc.UJU-l-HwJH.-.J..i... I - r-JBSSJAI'V .V. J JiX.'JL g-J
Circuit Court Proceedings
General Neu'H.
-2f IE ffiY&
i' 1
( W fc MJP Ames vs Union county;
judgment for defendant.
A Thomas vs J V Lawrence; settled
and dif misfcctl.
T Turner vs II 'Webb et nl ; contin
ued for tbe term.
W K Kinehart vs (own of Stinunei
ville; tnkun under ndviseinent.
Sltnivens vs 15 V .Springer; jury
trial ; verdict for $2!)J.25 for plaintiil';
defendant allowed JO days in which to
prepare, settle and tile hi bill of ex
ceptions. State vs It Kelly; jury trial; verdict
of not guilty,
Muivbii-oii'vs Andtos; set for trial'
on the 1st day" of the next legular term.
V. F. Baker vs .Maty JJakVr; plain
till' ordered to execute u proniii-ary
note to T H Crawford defendant's at
torney for $12f, seemed by mortgage;
that plaintiil pay 100 to A T Neill to
defendants order on or before Oct (5,
and (bat Id pay 2fi by tbe 1st of
ear! i nimith as alimony ote.
In tin- matter of tlift estate of M
.li-lii ill . faei'd ; continued fur tbe
t riu.
.1 VKemndy v ('bandlcr et nl ; a
e-crtiiin (h' d ordt ml to be oSeetind
by Chandler to eo'rnclly describe cer
tain lands intended to be conveyed in
u former deed.
Stale- vs .1 A Tucker; continued and
set for 1st day of next term.
.State vs II ISI Shaw and F Deeuiid;
Shaw sentenced to 18 months and De
ound to one year in tbu penitentiary.
Caroline Blakeslee vs Union Milling
Co; jury failed to ugreo; trial Hit for
2nd day of next term.
J5 V Cooper vs AN Hamilton; set
for trial the 2nd day of next term.
W Jf Parker vs Union county; judg
ment for plaiiitifT.
IT I' Stewart vs Chas Hunter; judg
ment for plaintiil'.
Tttstin ik Lcasuro vs It Ladd admin
istratrix; dismissed at defendant's cost.
.1 M I'liy vs Uijion Milling Co; set
for dial 2nd day of next term.
Amoiican Mortgage Co vs J II and
W II Hutchinson; continued for the
.1 M Church vs Lou Mahafl'ev admin
istratrix ; continued for the term.
Dun .Marx vs C (loodnough; contin
ued for the 'erin.
State vs .loo Truesdalo; dismissed.
V It Jasper vs II I) Kennedy et al;
continued for the term.
(irand jury discharged.
V B Dunn vs (! W Cooper; dis
missed. J K Williams vs CJ lill Mining Co
ct al; continued for term.
C Clayburn vs J C Cluyburn ; con
tinued for term with leave for plain
tin1 to plead to defendant's answer by
tho first day of the next term.
State of Oregon and Mar Baker vs
V V Baker; plaintiff ordered to pay
$2.) as attorney, fees on the part of tho
Wilzinski Bios et al vs W S Ford;
jury trial; verdict of tf lfil for plaintiil';
attached property ordered sold.
The following bills were allowed by
tho circuit judge: J It Baldwin, ser
vices, $ 10; A. .1 (ioodhrod, board jur
ors, i?(10 ; A T Neill, clerk's fees, $18;
J I, Baud district attorney ; !f227.r0;
A N Hamilton, sheriff, $180.81); CH
Finn, special district attorney,
Ordered that all cases not heretofore
specially continued are hereby contin
ued to the next regular term.
Copp'.s Laud UevimvJ
Kmroit OitiHJo.v Scout:
Tho bill introduced by Mr. Holman
on August. 28th, entitled "A bill to
suspend all laws touching the disposal
of public lands except the homestead
law, and for other purposes," to which
reference has twice been made by mo,
came up for action in the lloute of
Representatives on the 21st ult., and
was most thoroughly pruned.
Tho entire (list section oi the bill, as
oiiginally presented by Mr. llohnan,
was stricken out, which removed) near
ly all of the provision against which
objections were directed, leaving only
that portion relating to raihoad
Tho public land laws will continue
to bo executed as heretofore. Persons
who have niAde pre-emption filings
ami tmiber-euli'.uro entues may legally
perfect title. Those who made home
stead cutties witli tho understanding
that they could commute tho same to
cash at any timo after the expiration
of six months from Inte of entry, will
bo permitted to complete tho same in
accordance with the terms of their
contracts, and persons who accepted
pledges of tho government redeem
able in public land for waivers of valid
and valuable claims, may continue to
locale their scrip.
The people of tho great Northwest
arc to bo congratulated upon tho es
cape they have experienced, as noth
ing could have more set untidy injured
the gtowth of their section, than the
passage of the bill as introduced.
The bill was so changed that the
title was found inapplicable and "A
bill relating to railroad land grants"
wan substituted. It simply provides
that during the ponding of the meas
ures now befoio congress in relation to
the" forfeit u to of certain lauds hereto
fore granted by congress to railroad
corportaions and thereafter, no net
done, or performed by any such corH
ration shall in anywibo enlarge the
right or claim of any such corporation
to any lauds covered by any such
gtaul, . r diminish any light now ex
isting in the United States to declare
the foifcituie thereof. This provision
shiill not bo construed to in anywito
ijllbet ur dliulnlnli or waive any tight
MOW fitting in behalf of the Dinted
Hltlliw li iltuiliiin tiiu foifulliiie of any
of I liu land embraced in any mkmi
HDim. II Will Y N. UUI'I'.
t ir
Tin. Kt'ui'i' l JuM 1 1 ihiimh lu imiiil
m Ui yum UUwU Tn II
Thero are .'509 inmates in the Ore
gon insane asylum. '
The U. S. land office at Oregon City,
it is said, will shortly be moved to Port
land. The Salt Lake baseball club has
1 disbanded at . San Francisco. They I
i nrd It'lll tt frillltn tt1 I llt f 1 1 jiksi I
I tii iii'i ti tt itui n Jiiiu iiuiv;.
There are 2o0,000 school teachers
employed in the United .States. This
I gives, on an average, -18 pupils to each
. i
j icacner. j
I Tho jiolitical campaign is waxing I
' warm in Idaho, and the usual amount j
of printers ink is wasted in heaping
i political coals of tiro on tho heads of i
, opponents. I
j McCune, tho slayer of James Bewley
at Sheridan, was acquitted by the jus-1
I ties in the preliminary examination, '
I as tho evidence seemed to show that J
the killing was justifiable. '
; Twenty one irls were brought '
j New York List work by Moiinou ilili ir
' from I.uione. Tl)oau!boiiiie' refu.-cd
i to allow them in land and -cut tle-iii !
back to the plat e fiom whence they j
came. i
I A wiiter in the Scientific American
I says oil east upon water will cauo log
I to disappear, flood idea for some Pu
I L'ct sound canitalist to form a. eomnanv
and nionopoiio the fog business over
Wheat in the New York market is
still looming up, and the chances are
favorable for handsome returns to far
mers for their surplus. It is quoted at
$1.20 for December delivery, with a
slight upward tendency.
Taseott, tho niuidorer of Schniel a
wealthy banker of Minnesota, has been
arrested at Seattle. A reward of $ ".(),
000 was offered by Mrs. Schneil for his
capture. ' A detective has been follow
ing him through several Ktates and
Thos. Edison oilers a euro for the
yellow fever which ho claims is infali
ble, and a man named Win. Kaidman,
of Austin, Texas, agrees to enter the
aillictcd district ami cure anv case in
fifteen minutes to an houi. The gov
ernment has offered a prize of $100,000
for an effectual remedy.
W(;rk on the Cascade locks will soon
begin again, in order to get rid of Jio
ffliOOOO recently appropriated by con
gress. Tho engineer in charge says
that some timo in 1000 tho work will
bo iinishedlf the rate of the appropria
tions is kept up. lie believes that
Oregon and Washington territory
should each make appropriations and
keep the work progressing.
Dispatches to Portland, Sept. 29th,
quote wheat at $2 per bushel and go
ing up. If this will only be lasting it
will bo a bonanza for farmers. Tho N.
I. are using their best endeavors to
ship wheat over their road, and over'
inducement will bo offered to make it
a success. At $2 per bushel Grande
Bondo fanners would receive about
1i:i,000,000 for their, surplus.
Ike Newman, a young man recently
from Michigan, was swept overboard
from tint dm 'Milon. wliiln iTOssinctlic
nay at ine mouiii oi mo uoiiiiimin, a
few days ago. No attempt was mado
to save him, as it would have eiilan
gered tho lives of those on board, and
also the safety of tho vessel. He was
told that ho was in u dangerous place,
but he remarked that he could take
cif e of himself.
George Q. Cannon, the most promi
nent Mormon at Salt Lake City, who
has been a delegate to congress several
times, and who has for several yea is
been a refugee front justice, became of
violating the laws against polygamy,
has suriendered, and gone to the peni
tentiary to servo out his sentence, and
Judge David S. Terry, once on tho su
premo bench of California, is now in
jail for contempt of court.
i .i .1. - ji. . .1 i . ..
The modes of death's approach are
various, and statistics show conclusive
ly that more people die from diseases
of the (burnt and lungs than any other.
It is probable that everyone without
exception, recti ves vast numbers of
tubercle genus into tho system and
where there germs fall upon suitable
soil they start into life ami develop, at
lirst "slowly ami is shown by a slight
tickling sensation in the throat and if
allowed to continue their ravages they
extend to the lungs producing con
sumption and to the head, cruising ca
tarrh. Now all this is dangerous mid
if allowed to proceed will iu time cause
death. At the onuet you must act
with promptness; allowing a cold to go
without attention is dangerous and
may 1om you your life. As toon as
you feel that something is wrong with
your thtoat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a
boltlo of Hoschee's (iermau Syrup. It
will give you immediate relief.
la.Mi Oimi: at l. (iiiwm, Oiu:oon,i
Oitobor l, isss, )'
Notice Is hereby given (lint tho following
named settler has lihsl notice of his inten
tion to make linal proof in Mipport of his
claim, and that said proof will Ihi mado be
fore the register and receiver at La U ramie,
Orej;ou,oii Nov. lit. lsS, u ;
PllANi lH M. Oint'im.
lid. No. :t.VI. for tho X hlf. XWir. Sw.
IM. and S hlf. SW iir. btv. ta. Tp. S It. to
13, W. M.
lie uiuiiim the following wltuouo to
prove bl i'ontiuuouw rotldunw uhhi and
ciilliMitlon of, .aid land, li;
.lob Curies, Olo Doiib lokviu Miuuoo Pp.
ilyi.ii and .lanie Mi Null, nil oi ltue vullev,
Any pci'MUt uhotltutrtHi to prolot tuntltiM
Did iillottaiiee of kueh plW, or lm Mnw
of any ubUiuul HmMti umbr the Ihh
ttllil I lie rttuUtbut of till' liiw-iii.r Dii4i
IMClll, WllS kllrh imt lmuli n.. Ihi ul
luWml, will Im. jfi-it mii .ipiHii'iiiiiiu at ilir
HUWltl inviilltttMsJ tton l 1 1.. I i'i .
i'iuln lb uuiu' ui i.f . Uiuimiii witil
ttt ulUr MtlllfHMi tU MmiUJ wt llut Ul
Br -H
t.iy-A oj
U l
off1 -M
The C'aiiiplK-U Country Press lias'bccn long and favorably known to the trade a Die best, most Minnie. ino.-t durable, and most profitable cylinder press ftbe general
use of a country ofllcu. The above cut shows our new machine just out, which is our former prs remoddlcl, Minp'.ilied, and improved with special reference to easy running
by band power. In the new machine we have retained all the p-'diar advantages possessed by the old, having concentrated and added to them until our pro.-s represents the
nearest approach io perfection yet attained. In simplifying, we have been enabled to reduce the ci)4, making the cheapest, as well as tho best prog of this character in the
market, and although especially designed for a hand-power press, we apply tight ambloo-e pulleys ibid belt slipper, at the nominal additional cost of gi.j.00.
.133x48, 6-Col. Quarto
This press i kept in .stock, and sold ON'hYliv Palmer it Key, sole agents for the
p'romuicut papers of Oregon, Washington Territory. Idaho and liritish t'olmmbia.
Don't waste yjur money on a cftap
your "Hand Press," in exchange, than any other house or West. UK HP UK to write them for pneesTind terms on the
. JMqw Improve &mp$ell Goun&y Press ? o
And also for prices upon any Type or Printing Material youQnay need. They t-'cll Lower Than Any House on the Coast. All Type Sold at Kaslern Prices.
112 and 1 1 4
b.Ni Otkici: at La (iiUNiu:, Okkoon,)
Sept. 27, 1"
. Notice is hereby given that tho following
named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of
their claims, and that said proof will bo
made before the register anil receiver at La
(irande, Oregon on Nov. lU'th, 1S-S, vl.:
ClIAltl.OTTK T. ACOl'STCS. widow of
William T. Denny, deceased. Ild. No. I'-iag,
for the SKp. Sec.'W.Tp. 7 S, It 10 H, W -jf.
MONItOK ITPDYKK. Ild. No. !i!M)S. for
the SW qr. See. Z . Tp. 7 S' It II! K, W M.
JAM KS McNPTT, lid. No. ATI), for the
X hir. SV r. and SW p-. SW m Sec. I,
and Si: nr. sKip-. Sec. fl. Tp. 8 S, It 1(J 13,
W. M.
They name the following witnesses to
prove their continuous residence upon and
cultivation of, said land, viz: .Monroe
rpdyl.c, John Morrison, Charlotte T Au
gustus, 13. Steelman and James McXutt, all
of Pine Valley, Oregon.
Anv person who desires to protest agaiiii-t
tho allowance of such proof, or who knows
of anv substantial reason, under the law
and the regulations of the Interior Depart
ment, whv such proof should not lie allow
ed, will l.e given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place to cross
examine the witnesses of said claimant, and
to oiler evidence in rebuttal of that submit
ted by claimant.
10-r-w(i Hcgister.
Lanii Ornci: at La (iitANin:, Oukoo.n, )
Aug. Ar, 1SSS. I
Notice is hereby given that tho following
named sit tier has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make linal nroot in support of ids
claim, and thataid proof will be mado be
fore the register and receiver at La Orande,
Oregon, on Oct. 11th. lsss. viz. (iKOlKiK
W. COFPMAX. 1). S. No. 7.V7. for tho W
hlf. NW nr. Hoc Si and W hlf. SAV nr. Sec.
TptlS. It It 13. lie names the following
witnesses to prove ins continuous resnieneo
upon, and cultivation of, said laud, viz:
Cyrus Karnes, Justus WrUtht and Nathan
iel Parker, of Medical Springs, and (i cargo
Wrluht, of Keating, Ortgon.
1Ii;m!Y 1!im:iim:t,
S-;tl-w(l ltcgister.
I.XH Ol'lICK AT L (illAMUi, OllK(iO.V,l
Aug, i!7, 1SS, f
Xotico Is hereby given that tho fellowiug
Uiuned settlers have filed notice of their
Intention to make linal proof in .sup
port of their claims, and that said
proof will be made before the register
and receiver at l.a lirando, Oregon, on
October 17th, l.vW, vi:
KICHAKD T. LAXtiltKL. lid. No. 'MM,
for the 13 hlf. XKp and SW nr. XKqr.
So. L'. Tp. 8 S, and the SKor. SK. ir. Sec
iVJ. Tp. 7 S, K Ifi 13.
MOSKS A. SCOTT, Ild. Xo. :ri(VI, for t?ie
X hlf. SW or. and S hlf. NW nr. Set: 17, Tp
SS, U -III 13.
jam its it. scorr. lid. No. -jam. for
the S hit SW ip. and SW ir. SK qr. See fl.
and tlu XKnr. NWiirSnS, Tp8S. H-ltllC
WILLUM II A KT. Ild No. .TJUO, for tho
X hlf. NIC nr. and X hit. XW ijr, Sot- II, Tp
SS. It. til 13
JAM US . C1IANDI.KII, Mil, No. 'ill It.
iorin.v iir.N'i'. i, rphs, it i.M.. mui.
KUKXMAX, Ild. No X1ST. for
tho libit SK nr., KICip NKor, sh to in
Tp t, It 15 mui hV .jr. NW or, So. M in T
7 li, It HI U
111) IUHI1W t lulioWlllg MIIIIUOMM to
II, til t t.lilhlUUlt lvlilll.t UIMIII, lti.'(llll
Kllun.if i,t laud, tU li, T TammisII,
Julio 1 1 J(M4 It. twult, Utl
luiiu Marl. FrfwMMu mlv, Atiti
im) Jmh all Him VmIU)' tln
MlikMt iiiiimr
1 op vJUiautu. PR,1 iSMFm
11 )T .lJPrMIS H
or 9-Col. Folio, 825.
l-Veipht to he added from
and worthless press when you can buy the
Front Street
All persons having claims against tho os
tate of W. W. Kos.s, deceased, are hereby
uotilied to present tho same, duly verified
according to law, to the undersigned, not
ing executor of the last will and testament
of said W W. ltoss. within six months from
tho date hereof, at Ids residence in tho
town of Cove, Union eountv, Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of So'pteuibor. 1SSH.
!t-l l-w." Kxeeutor.
Land Omen at h (iaAxni: Wi:mx,i
Sept. S). 1SSS. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has Hied notice of his inten
tion to make final proof iu support of his
claim, and that said proof will unmade be
fore the register and leceiver atI,a tirando.
Oregon, on Xov. old, 1SSS, yiz: DAVIS
1IOSWKLL, lid. No, ICMI, lor theWr.
SWip. S'cc. 27, W hlf, NWqr. and SKip.
X Wijr. See, Tp. - H, li ID 13. lie names
the following witnesses to prove ids eiui
tiuuous nisiiienco upon, and cultivation of,
said laud, vis; Vivian Kennedy, Otlio
Kekorslcy, John T Jewell and James IJiis
sell, all of Cove, Oregon.
!) !W-w(t Itiigistor,
Timber I.anil, Act .film. tl. t8TS,--Notieo
I'm- I'ulil lent Ion.
U.S. Ii.Ni)Ori tci: La Chanim:. oiikhon.)
.Inly ,.,:t. iSfcS.
Xotico is hereby given that in couipliaiiee
with the provisions of the nut of Congress f
June .'I. 1S78, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo
ry,'5 PKTKK M. COKKIX, of Union,
eountv of Union, State of Oregon, lias this
ilay filed in this olllce Ids sworn Maictmmt
Xo. IT), tor the purchase of the S'.j XK!,
and SW'H NK1-, of Section I. in Town
ship Xo, I fwuitli, liango No. .'!! Kast. and
will oiler proof tosliowthat the land sought
is more valuable for its timber or stone than
for agricultural purposes, and to establish
llis claim to said hind before the register
and receiver of thU olli 'i ut La (irunile,
Oregon on Saturday, the SUli day of Oc
tober, 1W. He names as witnesses : Win.
11. Stafford, 13. Snmis, 13. K. Smin and Thud
Draper, all of Union, (Jregon. Any and
all persons claiming ndvor-olv tho above
described lands ure rciiitated to tile their
claims iu this otliiui on or Tniforo aid 'Mih
dav of October, 1WS.
Hn.NUV Itl.VKllAItT,
7-'J7-u(i Uegistor.
"gggygyggggsr; ,i..n m L Z?lmm'
Iaxi) Onici: at La Ui!axdk, Okki.on,(
Spt. 3S, 1HS.S. i
Xotico Is hereby given that the follow! un
named settlor has lllwl notioe of bin inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will lw luude be
fore the register anil receiver ut I (irmide.
Orctfon. on Xov. Kith ISHS, JOSliPH
II HUDSOX. D.S. Xo. sM5, for the X hlf.
SWor. and W hlf. S15 qr. S-. li.Tp. ti S, U.
41 13. W M. He home, the following wit
noes to prove his poniinuou r.iilt iice
upon, Miid'cnllivition of, ui u.
John Hanson, ti. W 1 raster. O'lver Me
Kit'ter and Irwin l'r,iiei, ul! oi I'iUiwi
Any poron who ilt sin tiijirni t Htruint
llw flo a Uie oi Ui h pri of oi Ii i kimwii
el nut iiltuiiiiM iciiiii. uiul. rill. ln
mui ilie it(jiiUiiiiii i'i iln li ti'l i li....i:
tie in Mbk mii h pr.Hii lii.iild ii I Ih rt'luw
nl, Ml I Ii, pit i It .in uppi" I ii oil i in lilt .il. i i
IIP III I III. 1 1 1 1 III I J III jll It . Ill . I I . k.lllli 1.
lUi' Ml! M 4 l.l i U 111 Oil .in I l i "ill I
.Uln. Ut UUHlll "I Hi ll -'.I'ltl'l'' I I )
Iliki l(iiiiiii
10 ft .U It S' l
3043, 5-GoS. Quarto or SGoL FoSio? S72o.
the Factory iu all cn, ,
Pacific coast, who can furnish many testimonials of its fine working qualities, from the
I'est Country Press made at such low prices
Land '.rrici: at Lv finAxni:, Oitwmx,)
q r-epi. i i, j w. i (
Notice isTiereliy civon that the following-1
named secr has tiled notice of itis intcn-'
tion to make supplemental final proof in j
support ofhisclauji. and that said proof!
will bo made ljcfo,H tho register and recei
ver at La (irande, Oregon. iyi October iMtli.
1S8S, viz : JOSKPIl AKClfKl.'. 1). S. Xo.
.".071, for tli? SK qr. SK p Sec ii, nod 13 hlf.
X13 (jr. and NW .jr. XI3 ip Sec 10, Tp ,- S,
it 10 13. Qle names the following witnesses
to prove liis continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said laud, viz: ltufus
Hollirook and (ieorgo Holbrook, all of I'n
h, Oregon.
Hkxky Ki.i:itAi:.t,
!)-121-(i. Kegistcr.
Land Oitici
at La filtANDi:, Oiu:i:o.n,I
' ; Sept. 7, 1SSS. t
Xotice is licreby given that the fi illo wing
named settler lias tiled notice of his intcn
tion to make linal proof in support of ids
claim, and that said proof tvill lie made be
fore the register and receiver at La (irande
Oiegon.on Oct. 2 ISSS. iz: THOMAS
II. FOmTKI!, D. srXo. 707(i. for the X hlf
SWlip-.. SWti SW qr. Sec S), and XW .jr.
Xft4jr. See I'll, Tiili S. It 1113. Ho names
the following witnesses to prove ids contin
uous resideneo upon anil cultivation of,
said land, vis: John 13. Phillips, of Telo
eitcot. ()gon. and Daniel llaird. A. X.
Hamilton and V. 1!. lteeves, of Union, Or.
lIiiNKY ItixnnviiT,
0-1 t-w0. ltcfister.
Land Ornci: at La (iitvNni:, Oukc.on.I
Aug. 7. IHSS. I
Xotico is hereby given that tho following
named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention to make linal proof in support of
their claims, and that said proot will lie
made before tho register and receiver at La
(irande. Oregon, on October Kith, IS.sS vi. :
OKOKtiK ItKXltOTH. D.S. Xo, 77UO,
for the S hlf SW qr. Slh; 7 Tp S S, li -Hi 13.
JAM US It. PULP, D.S. No. tOl'S. for
tbe W hlf. NKqr. and 13 hlf. XWqr, Sec
IS Tp S S, It l(i 13.
They natuo the following witnesses to
prove their continuous resideneo ujton. and
cultivation of, said land, viz; .lumen II.
Cluind'er. M. A. Scott. William Hart, Jas.
It. Fulp ami James U. Scott, ull of Pino
Valley, Oregon.
81-wO Itogistcr.
Land Okkick at La Guanhe. Obeuo.v. )
Aug. 2f. lss. f
Nut ice is hereby jivon Umi the following
nauii'd M-titcr mt tilml notice of bis inten
tion to make rh:nl PiiMf in kiipiMirt of his
vl0m,uiiti that Miiii proof will le ma le be
fore tlie renter and rn-elvcr t La (irande,
orojfiiit. on October 11. lS-oi, viz: M:i(il.K
UOPFMAM. Ild No. 32K7. for the W hlf. iJhlf. SW qr. SWio.Tp li S, It.
11 I'. He names ihe following witnesses to
ii ove lil eiitiiinuous reviilt'iioo Uhiu. mid
i ulti alioti, if, mid land. vi: Cynu Itnriifs,
iliisius urijrlu ua. I Vatliuiiiel Parker, of
Medical Sitrings, .md (iioro Wrljjht, of
Kt i.tiiir, dri J.- H.
lIlU UlMlllUT,
-HIi. Itiifistrr
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.indt'itv, i.uiv the l.iigint tii'k of lllil. UK 1 1 1 tti be Poind III
I...-I1 1 , i u l'i.ii I lii .i 1. 1 iu 1 1. pri-
. ' i. . mi. I till II I III t .tiWlilB
ha l. lit li..,t.l t 4lt ntpi l.Mll b'l
jJimhU tins mII, Mhi.h l u Ui. ill. . oi
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