PER-SONAl. AND IMPERSONAL. Miss Mary Garrett, of llultlmoro, manages a twenty million dollar es tate. Frances McNeill Potter, a niece of President 0Franklin Pierce, draws a pension of twenty dollars a month. Jay (iould receives an average of ten begging letters per day, and seven of t are certain to end with: "And I will always pray (od to bless you." Jonathan Chace, the Quaker Sen ator from Rhode Island, husievor had a picture taken, and fifty dollars has been offered for a photograph of him, but there are are no takers. Ex-Governor Alger, of Michigan, was left an orphan at the age of eleven with a younger brother and iter to care for. He spent seven years on a farm and then read law in an Akron oflico, supporting himself by doing chores about hi employer's house and barn. J. J. Cromwell, of New York, who clniinsto be a direct descendant of Oll- T sllll Cromwell, has in his possession' a inner worn by a niece- of C romwell at the coronation of Charles I., of tfnghiud. in KilVi. The slipper shows 'hat the lady who wore it had a dainty and well shaped foot. Dr. J. W. Porter, of Kansas City, claim's to be be the originator of the standard time system. He says the subject was first brought to his mind in IS?, when he was in the Coast Sur vey, by noting the variation of clocks and watches. He finally marked oil' a standard time map, and his theory was unanimously adopted. The man who has just become the Karl of Sealiold was hard pushed to earn a livelihood a few years ago and was acting as a baililT in the Xoweul and town of Oamarti in 1881, when his father became Karl and he thereby the Viscount Koidhaven. Ho was "in pos se Jon" of a house in 'his ollicial ca nity when the news of his rise in life Imc, but he refused the ofl'er of a sub- ituto and stuck to his post for two Kiuy s longer. Mrs. Walter Q. Gresham is a slight, delicate woman, but full of rervo and fire. Whon she wont to Washington to live she regarded of ficial soeiety there with mingled as tonishment and amusement. "Five hundred calls on New Year's Day." she said tf a friend; "I am thankful they were gentlemen. Fancy having to re turn that 11111111301'.'' Hut she soon found the Indies' calls about as numer ous and finally exclaimed in comical despair: "I am going into social bank ruptcy and shall pay only one call c the hundred." An Englishwoman who married an American says: "The proudest act of my life was the marrying of an American gentleman. 1 never could have married one of my countrymen. The wonxgi of my country 1 love and i ue i kj i'mire, lt:ed tl but tho men faugh! 1 never them. They are too conceited for any thing, and they are so domi neering. When 1 came to America I was told that I should see how Ameri cans made queens of their wives, and 1 have found it so. A husband in England never tells his wife what he is doing. He thinks she has no busi ness interesting herself abyit his af Jrs. I do not see so much of that in this country. You don't know how 1 like that." "A LITTLE NONSENSE," Customs change, they're dimming over; Snlfs nro I'l.niifjIiiK nil tho whllo; Hut omt custom uhiuiguth never Kissing always is in style. Oil (Jit ii Derntck. Lady (at Sunday school "And what do you understand by the pomps i f 1 1 1 1 fill anu. vanities oi mis wickou worm. The head of the class "The llowers in ' yfur bonnet, ma am. i.l r Brown "What makes you look so 1 1.1. M. St .1 ..'P.. ...11 Iuiue, jworueyr moruoy --ju iuii 4(e truth, old man, 1 feel so woll I'm afraid something s going to Happen. This is a tough, tough world, Brown." I'tO'i ohst rver. "What makes you jam everybody up in this corner?" yelled a man in a crowd to a policeman. "1 want to pro-sevv-e order, ronliod tho linlicomun as jje proceeded to pound a man into jol ly. ii asmnijwn untie. " A Wise-Youth. --Hig sister "Hob by, you are wanted to do an orrand." Bobby "Tell ma 1 haven't got time to do it now." Big sister "Father says vou must do it at onco." Bobby "Oh, it's for iui. is it. Then 1 guess I had better find time." Kpovh. "Mamma," said littlo Mamio, "what makes our old auntio black?" Why, because she is a colored woman" "Is she colored, iiininmur Y'ortaiiily. Didn't you know that?" ''No. ma'am. I thought sho was horn that way. What is sho colorud with?" Merchant Traveler. VHo (American) "Darling Am Ibolla. I love you." She (Anglonmnluu) I ,t i. i., w.. "Have vou ovnw uuuj. gland?" He-"Yos dftrllng. I lived there even years." fane "Aw. to us hnuii Vim miiv iiamn a little closiiw, ImIhww bmlth. and aw-what did you -aw -woinaw:?' ' jojhc: u..,iih..V,.n it nrutlv eay, lone.; you muni have a youd wslaryr lon-"II-m! Ye-e! PrettV lair. I Imw twelve hundred a yr, save say I M L. ....... i. lun7.rHl. and run id am undid that's to.UUU-Mid W b'b' i . i.n'1 livn on thai h oiurhl ui m s . be.v. friend, "said a farmer ... n.i. Uwyii lyl' I . i u.ut unt) lor Mvwr llrt-- 1 1 w. '," rnU 1. .,'4 '4 ' . l.l) 1 . II 'I.' ' 1 iwuuiim.u.ta wm AMERICAN CANGlES. Thr.v Arr Siiltl to Up Murh llrltrr Tl.i.H thi liuportril Article. "Yes, there are fashions in confec tionery just as in every thing else, and the trade is progressive," said a well known confectioner in response to a query: '"I presume there are new stvlos al- jvays coming up." "Oh, yes. Since 1 have been in tho business, which is more than thirty years, there have been many changes and great improvements made. And some new fad is continually taking hold of the customers. When 1 first started in the business there was noth ing like the vrtMety of goods kept on hand in the best establishments that are now seen in0the ordinary retail store. We use to have plain stick, lemon, mint, wintergrcen and the like, i lemon and mint drops, and then the i square sugar kisses with a verse of two or four lines done up in the wrap- per were a sort of fancy goods. Then there w-er$ -burnt almonds, jujubo paste, rock and cocoanut candy, pea nut sticks and molasses tally. It was good, too; pure and wholesome. It is a question in my mind whether the change to fancy goods has been any real improvement, but the public de mand change and we have to meet their desires. All the fancy goods used to come from France, and there was comparatively few sold. About twenty years ago butter scotch came l into the market and at once had a ' great run. All the irirls had to have butter scotch. Then marshmallows , put in an appearance, caramels came i next and chocolate creams and other chocolate goods followed in quick suc cession. The French combinations of sugar and flavoring that molt in the ; nuuiMi have been imitated in this ' country until there is scarcely ' a production from the other side that is not reproduced, and I think I may safely say made ati well. here. The so-called French bon bon seems to take the lead, but the. American innnufaetiror has improned on his foreign competitor and in "reased the variety of combination's. The chocolate creams are made with raspberry, lemon and a variety of flavor.-.. Cream mints made with many flavors and walnut creams seoi.i to be having a special run now. In fact, the chocolate goods appear to be taking the lead at present, tho sale of these goods having doubled in the past live jftars. Every season brings out some new chocolate combination. There iffn great variety of jolly choco lates and nut chocolates. Soft creams which are made of nuts or jollies coated with highly-flavored creams, delicious confections which melt in the mouth, are having a great run. There used to be an idea that all fine goods wore French. The truth is that most of the line good sold by our con fectioners are American. The French are principally onfincd to fruits. ' glacca. chocolates, almonds and orys ! tallized goods, made more for display i than to please thoopalato, but on real attractive goods, pleasing to tho taste, j the Americans lead the world. Look at this nut bar. It has held its own j for several years and is still popular. I and now the now fadis nougat. It is ' nothing but honey, eggs and nuts, but, i though comparatively now, it is im j nieiisoly popular everywhere. Every j manufacturer has his own specialties in counter goods which have to be made fresh every few days, and the styh of which are always changing, but they are not on general sale. Oh, yes, the stylos of confectionery nro changing evory year, but it is really more in form than substance." X. J'. Mail and Express. Snake-Bite Victims in India. Tho returns for lK.yij show that 22, 1!11 human beings perished from snake bite in India. Tho number of cattle killed by snakes is returned at ti,fll4. It i stated that H7,o9fJ snakes wore destroyed, and that i.'.JiM) rupoos wore paid by tho Government as rewards for their destruction. Tho mortality from snake bite in Bengal is much larger among womog than men. They are usually bitten irP the early morn ing, when thoy go out unseen before daylight, either to foteh wood from the I fagot slack or some other domestic j purpose. During tho rainy season, when nearly all the rice Holds are un ' dor water, tho snakes take refuge on I tho higher plots of ground on which j tho villages are built, and they hide themselves in tho little wood-btacks i and granaries in the court yards of the houses; while, not unfroquontly. thoy ; take tip their abode in tho house itsolf, where thoy are allowed to dwell with 1 impunity, and are somos fed with milk ! until, on some unlucky day, the wife i treads accidentally on the snako in tho j dark, and It turns upon hor and bltos i hor. From tho blto of a full-grown j cobra death ensues in a vory few mln- ues. A', i'. I'ott. ' Soma of the handsomest old man sions in the country may bo oen In 1 Annapolis. Md., where they have tod : with but little alteration iuee tho - early colonial day. A few of the 1 boujMM daUt back to the Mronieenth oontury. but the mora lmpinir of ! them were built jual prior to the H. vo ! lutloa. when Aunitpolla h H.e Mutof jarwtinud ftnd wealthy r..imi,,itu! i - The ttoli.H) iiMuM-i- i n -turn FaJU ha vi! ho a Intti'iM't"' t rr t uii p. r j um who may !"' "M' 1 " '"' UMr- MMft " 1 HUMBLE BEGINNINoo. Imv ii l'riprrou mid .sirr.fitl Amer ican l'rcnn Ills C.trrrr. Cp in Phillips about fifty years ago he scholars in a Sunday school en raged in a contest to see who could ommit to memory the most verses rum the Biblo. Among the pupils ' s ii thirteen-year-old boy. One Sun- lay a young lady school teacher beat ' the previous record" by reciting iW). t The next Sunday this bov had .V.'S. i School closed for the season soon af ter, but on the first Sunday of the next , summer it was rumored that a boy from another partof the town was to I 'iirprise everybody by the number he had committed. The boy previously I mentioned thtfs forewarned was fore ( armed. lle0was ready for any of them ! I ho next Sunday. He was able to re cite the whole Hook of Luke. After that no one tried to dispute the cham pionship with him. As might have been expected, this ' boy was not willing to stay at the foot , of the ladder when ho started out to I earn his own living. He began this I task when but eight years old, and was I earning his living by taking care of ' horses and cutting wood when he 1 learned the Sunday school lesson ' above mentioned. When 9 was four ' teen years old, his father having moved from Weld to Searsinont, this boy, Joseph H. Stearns by limine, started to wa'k to his father's new home, a dis tance of uiuety miles, with but two dol j lars in his pocket. Thotrip"eosthinjust two cents, that sum being spent for crackers, and tho peddler of whom he bought them carried him twelve miles 1 on his cart, and gave him a sheet of gingerbread. He says no one seemed ! to want to take money from htm. When seventeen years old he again started oil' to seek his fortune, with nil his goods tied up in a piece of ' cloth, which ho afterward had made up into a garment. He went to Xew uuryport and hired out in a cotton I mill, and at the end of a year and a ! half had been sick eight months, and was so heavily in debt that it took him eight years to get out. Hathor a discouraging beginning! I Hut the boy is now lion. Joseph B. j Stearns the inventor of the duplex ' system of tolography and the owner of ' tho beautiful villa "Noriynbega," at Camden. When nineteen years old ho went into a telegraph office, and four years later was earning three thousand dollars a ?ar. In LSI!" he was oleiiled p'residont of the Franklin Telegraph Company, with headquarters at Bos 'ton. and while there invented the sys tem of telegraphy that has made him famous. Since then he has lived much I in London and has been engaged in j many important works, llo is a con I noissionr in art, and has a libravy of j ten thousand volumes, and his farm of live hundred acres in Camden claims much of his attention. He is but one of many instances whore industry and perseverance have won success in this country. . ii'iston (Mc.) Journal. BONE FOR "POULTRY. Tin' Ili iH'Sci'iil i;il'i'fts or lliu. mill O.vsli'C slirlls. Poultry raisers should not neglect to Use sulliciont raw bone, either crushed or in the form of meal. It contains lime, as do also oyster shells, but it contains animal matter which is of great value. Bone when burnt is of comparatively little value over oys ter shells, but when crushed or ground raw. supplies value peculiar to itself. All clashes of poultry are extremely fond of it. Care should bo taken to have it pure and sweet. It is good for all classes and ifgos of poultry. For young chickens it "should bo used in tho form of meal, mixing a small quan tity two or thsoo times a week with the'!' ft food, say. one quart to a bushel of corn meal. For young tur keys it is almost indisponsiblo to pre vent leg weakness. At about the time of their "shooting the red," when their health becomes established and thoy grow apace, the development of their frames and logs requires a more liberal assimilation of material than can be afforded by tho usual articles of food. It i well to begin to mix a littlo bono meal witli tho food of young turkeys, and from tho time thoy are four weeks old it can be used freely. No injurious ofl'eots will follow, for it is nutritious, and strengthens tho bones and logs. All raisers of young turkeys know that log weakness Is one of tho ovils to which thoy are ex posed, and this is a natural and excel lent preventive; and hero is ono of tho many cases whore prevention is hotter than cure. Brahma and other Asiatic chickens, for tho same reason, nro greatly benefited by Its use. Haw bono has been proved by analysis to contain every part of an egg white, yolk, and of course shell. It should bo constantly kept in a special plneoin tho fon or apartment of laying lions, as thoy will consume largo quantities of it, and It goes chlolly to egg pro duction. Granulated Is tho host form In which to pluco It before adult fowls, and in this shape it keeps fresh much longer than when ground into ineaj Bone is one of the' principal iurro dients in the composition of most of tl i-jn food" in the market. K. .s. - Half a jMiuiid of dynamite placed u.oii the tup of a large "liurd-fiettd" . Miller Meij.'hlUjf III.) M I. el'e fl'lilll ' I. I" !. llOllllllll lulls Mill I.Ukf 14 ... I', . I 11, U 1 1 I i i I v uii. leC t' I ' , 1. 1 I I.. .1- '.I ., II . Ill, mill Hh iviiittltnlur broken thai II . u Mr!) In iti.iiivii. ttitliiiliui or i, Hoi i in 1 1 1 i .i iii i i i i ul ii u I i , I !.,,,,, ,j . I ' ' I I, I i. ii T3i.:R UAKBOR. A Wild, Weird Tale of Love and Adventure. I3-V AtOS LEE. Published nv Srnct.u. AaiiAXOBMiiXT with Tin: At'Tiu Covyrigltftl, by 0. H. DtUtngkam At' W Highlt HffMl q To Lythn ft'7u"".ie Marquis this secmctt im possible. But Umvnit (insured tlicm that if they wmild place the matter entirely in his lmn,ls ho would guarantee that the story would Boon die a natural death. With his usual cleverness and ituserupti loi'sucss lu distorting the tngh. lie Imme diately circulated a report which, on the i.ioo of it, np'.ieurod so plausible and proba ble, r.o satisfactory an explanation of the oxt inordinary disappearance of the Prin cess that nil who had heard about it r once accepted it at truth, laughed at themselves for their unnecessary interest ami horror, and under the supposition that the Princess wir with h.-r family at Lake Mag;rio e, dropped their talk and sooa forgot entirely about the supposed ::bdtictkm. Nutalie'n ftir.iily.0 with rare god sense, ictr.iy miller the iV.lvieo of tho d.'tective and of Lydiii, kept the secret so well Hint no one outvie of the palace knew any thin at all of Uie Princess' disappearance. And soon to those win had he.ird of it, at i'l. tho a'nltu'tion of the Princess Natalie Itadrvill was a thing of the past. Thin v. w just wh.'.t .Ic.a Louvait wanted. Not a 8injieiiewqiiprr even referred to thowiyp-md false repo-t which died shortly ;ifter its birth L r.ivait rojofc'od. Tho sound advice of the Fivnehinnu and of L'uly Lydi.i,thc receiptor the bulletins, whose place of mailing it w.vs impossible to even guess at bulletins that bore tho most com forting news, told in a most chntty and con fidential style, which was simply impudent together with a dainty 410(0 from Natalie herself - all those united to produce a wait-ng-pMicy. . Natalie's missive was short. "J am (fl lowed." s'.i? wrote, "to say that l am well and treated quite like a Princess; although why 1 aia a prisoner is more than 1 can toll." Lydia, after recovering from the excite ment naturally occasioned by hoj- friend's disuppcaramv, suddenly became very absent-minded and 1!. trait. A very unwel come ouspkioa hr.d flashed across her mind and deeply burned iisolf thereon. She held with Louvuit r.iuKlier consultation so skillful!,'.- manured ivi not to uwakcu the clever detective's aunpiciuns. Tho result of this interview was the .unwilling, yet almost iii iaovitable formation of a theory upon hor part a theory her whole heart was set upon rejecting, y p.wsiblo. Still she was forced t 1 recognizo it us so probable ns woll as plr.iiMi'olo that peace of mind could never 1k hori, until it wore disproved. Accordingly, one day she went to hor chaperon i.ud constant companion, a wid owed relative, and abruptly proposed a trip to Ai::or:cu. The Countess stared in surprise. "My dear, want can you bo thinking of? NTobody bat the Princess Louise, and tho fjUlfiUfOLMV run cot' sT.uiKi) in smtritisB. wives of uueh oflleuls as are abllged to go to Canada, ever set foot in that benighted land." "Well, my dear aunt, 1 am sorry to dis agree vith you, hut I am going there, and as you surely can't lot me go filono, you, too, are going," said this spoiled young woman. . Tho Countess looked aghast and groaned feebly. Sho knovf well the manifold whims f her nieco and the utter futility of opjKis ing them. That young woman having taken Into lier head the extraordinary notion of going to Anioricn, there was really nothing to do but go. Her uunt inquired tho timo of departure, iiipposi:i.' llu:l. as a matter of course, it was so distant that there might bo a remote pj3!iit:!i'.y of hor nieco altering hor mind aicanwiille. ".Ia elrrt fault," answored Lydia, in a quiet, decisive tone, "I huvo engaged pas sago for our party- ourselves, minds and couriers in tho Sorvin.' That vosho sails from Liverpool day aftor to-morrow at throe p. m. U'o must leavo hero earl to-morrow for Craiio Castle, and the nex; morning for LiverjKKil." Tho Countess sat down on tho noaros couch and giucd at her niece as if sho con aidcrod tho latter bereft of her senses But that iniperiouH, yot shrewd nisinouvei' ,:r sailed magnificently out of tho room Mil soon her clear, firm voice was hour.' issuing orders as to the disposal of her b ;onging. There was no mistaking it all. Tho Countess was in straltcnod ei renin stances, and depended solely on Lydia't warm heart for the necessaries of life, uiid, moreover, sho simply adored the girl After a quiet und comforting cry, all h, herself, sho dried her eyes and resolved ti ,mt the bust face sue could on U10 iiiattci In superintending the packing of thei Toods and chattels sho soon forgot !: ;rkf, and actually begun to take an fate sal in tho doming voyage - nil of whjuh II jbsorvant Lydia took noti'-e of with . iausfivrtlon, as sh onuvrd the iwm .ri im t time. Next they toft tli village, lin.'t 'lie steuinrr at Kt. Mil. for Boutluiuipton, u.ii . t-ix o'- lock ili.ii ovenlng were in raiirie r.utie Hen 11. -v hastily sat about j ixiliuciiatr ail tue uueessarM for a trip of v ..... 1 1... . Ldia Iml pn mul t4'Ugrplmd liar fri lulu for leilei'aof i.iVrijdiiciiuii l inllu oiitml Ar.i'i i. ' . h'M imI ul U.iimi fUu I I ll llW . U.k' Ii I ', ., . ' i i .i. id k iliey I. .., Midi i tin 01 .iii.ii i. (la "t u foil iinnM , 1,11.1 l,). I III. I. it. U W4l' '' ,i , . I i I i i II i . .. TirnTr 1 r . iii (Nwv " i 1 1 1 1 And the truthful answer came fearlessly b.ick: , , "No! Hut because, in addition, I do not wish my fears n alized ; 1 do not wmnt to believe," or even susiiecl of him being guilty." For the tlrst time she began to appreciate the true nature of her unprecedented er rand. Had she been any one else but Lady Lvdla, sho would have indulged in a tit of cvying and even begged the captain to hail tho'llrst returning steamer. ft ut she cast asiile this momentary weak ness. pluclOl tip her courage and fcunkly cxmfcsscd to he 'self: "llo is the only man toward whom I ever felt even an attraction. But how can I bring tnvself to tell my suspicious to that French detective! And yet 1 feel that I must satisfy myself they are groundless. And, if 1 do' not find Natalie. 1 may, at least, prove his innocence to my satisfaction: Almost ut the same moment a yacht was .iluntly gliding over the waters of tho At lantic' olT the coast of Maine. An hour or two after midnight, it came to anchor in Frenchman's lm'y that washes the eastern ftiores of the island of Mt. Desert. It was tho "Nutnovna." GHAl'TElt VI. AM 1 mtr.AMINll. Perhaps throe-quarters of an hour after ie "Numovna" had capttiretl her prie. while ;ho shores of Uri'tuny were fast recedng a the distance, the Princess ivgalned her coiiseiousness. She did not seem to rea lUe her .sit nut mii immediately; but soon uiomosy rclurned. and she sprang to her foot, her cheeks scarlet with indignation and her whole betug quivering with anger. She saw. sealed oin the adjoining room, busily omipied with some duty or other, nUmche, the maid whom tho steward had secured in Puns. To her sho appealed in a perfect torrent of hasty words: "Why am 1 treated thus? Where am II Who are you t Do you know who 1 am I I am the Princess Natalie." "He quiet, my dear lady. You can do nothing. You lire comfortably settled. I ntn your maid. Pray, calm yourself," com placently said the woman, a strong, hearty, ivU-chceked widow of about forty. r.veryone on the "Nninovnn" wis cans tullv informed that this young girl was Fairfax's relative, whose mind had become a littlo unsettled by a recent illness, and that, for the suko of greater privacy, ho wan conveying her to her American homo ju Mr. Nebbitfs yacht. fsho glanced around. This was, clenrly, tho cabin of a steamer. Sho could feel tho throbbing of the screw and tho rolling of the boat on the waves. Yet, only ten min utes ago -a: least, so it seemed to her -she had been riding among her beloved hills of Brittany, several miles from the sea-coast. Sho remembered the old peasunt-woinait and tho rude grasp from behind, the horrible s.'iisation of choMng. and then -all was blackness and n blank. She looked again. 'I'liero was the pleas ant and comeiy-faced mald.with her honfist, motherly face, bonding over the table iu tho adjoining saloon. Hero was here own cabin, adorned with all sorts of Aovoly pict ures, many of them familiar. Some repre sented scenes in Brittany, others in Switz erland, or Italy, and --could she believe hor eyes (-there was a photograph of hor own father's palace. P.lcctric lumps lighted tho vessel. Ele gant oil paintings hung on the Avails. Shelves, filled with books, attracted the eye. An easel, with c.invas stretched ready for use, stood in the corner, and close by wero paints, a palette and brushes. A fine piano stood opposite. A song lay on the rack. Natalio started in surprise, h was, of course, again tho "Addlo," and -hero she sprang forward and gavo a cry of jonuinodollpht. .Suspended, by a silk rib Kin and resting against the song was hor ost palette knife. A note was attached to it. Tho envelope bore the words : "For tho Princess Natalie." She opened it and read: V "Do not ha afraid. You can not under stand. Only trust and all will bo well. Vou will bo'treated as becomes a Princess. Your family has boon communicated with ind informed of your safety. In a few lays you mav expect to hear from them." Sho' turned to look at the wall bohitid hor. lor surprise was complete when she rco-i-jnized Lydia in tiio elegant iwrtrtiit hung tig over her head. (Lydia was a noted joautvof tho English peerage, and Fairfax and found this engraving, among others, In a Paris art store.) Slio began to experience a desire to ex plore her prison. Blanche made no objec tion when sho proposed going out on deck and around the vessel. As she was passing toward tho bow, she heard a joyous neigh, and looking towards lll'IIIIIXO HIS NOaK .UI.UNBT (IIS MISTIIKSS' 1'Atli. the soiiico, horself gave a glad cry and rushed toward a ttall whore stood her own Mudji. NaUlfo was overcome with delight, and wopt tours of happiness over the neck of her beautiful horsn, whllo Mudji, in turn, evinced liiafTectioii by gently neighing and rubbing his uoso against his mistress' face. A vory pretty picture indeed, thought uihuI Blanche ui.d all the sailors who saw it. Forthwith tho sweet lady " ("iworsoul' hey bay her mind s not right,") anil liar rs became objoots for the devoted udmi .u'U'U ah I nttontioii of ull the urow. ClIAl'TBIt XVII. i win. iih youii, Murium, i.irri.n maid! Itro Uie Pruioesa retired for Uis ovoiilng the notunl what she had not prevluuHly bt't iti.J Ihi huk" it had ueoa hldilen by a iMige ncn'i'ii h Miuull, ... I Ui it Um w.'i't.'tt ii lull. .M in,. .if a girt. J...C-I i'.iiik kU' i. i .. r tl- ' 'ilid'S n . , ,.i .t tl. . .1 -I il., .1. i. ' ..- "Uo II, 1 1 i .i ii ! . 1 1 . I. i I. .1 .... I i I . i..-. I .! "' l" t 'lite l.llle .' I tllil-e Wu I ' ' !' H ! B ,i'i ..'.In' I Ii n. I 1.4' I ll .1 I I N ,i 1 I, ! I . ill ll 1 I .' I ' i ull. I I I t 1 ..... , I I II . I I I , .. .. .' ' ' ' r. .ik.:" "No one knows, my lady. It wa3 found in nu asylum iu Paris. Tho matron says sho has preserved its clothes and a littlo locket that accompanied them ever since tho child was brought there." Here she displayed to tho gazo of tho now thoroughly-interested Natollc, a set of baby clothes, marked by great costliness of ma terial. A womau's handkerchief, on which was interwoven an M. and a smnll note la delicate hand-writing, were tho only other artWlos in the bundle besides the locket. The note read as follows: "This is my daughter Dolores. Sho is well born. I inn forced to part with her. All that she must learn of her niotlmr is that my name Is Marie. May tho gixxl Jesus watch her and forgive those who separate us!" ()a the lix'kct wero engraved tho simple words " Murir f. om V.c or;" and interwoven together, wero a lock of soft line hair and one of black, rather coarse hair. So this little Dolores was without father or mother; without a local habitation, or even a correct surname ; for the matron had called her, as she lay so sweetly sleeping fli the basket in which they found lift", Dolo res, the Angel. Blanche explained the presence of tho lit tlo angel with them. Fairfax had decided to tell tho truth In this case, and. according ly, hud instructed hor to say t lint those who caused the Princess to be placed upon the y.u-ht had put thereon this little found ling, "who hud come under their notice and excl'cd their sympathy, with the hope that It might also arouse the interest of tho Pnce -.s nnd Induce her to give the littlo creature the protection and caie it needed." Was it surprising that this appeal should be effectual: Natalie's mother had died when tho girl was very young. Hetweea her father and herself there existed no love; their sym (mthies were never the same. She always feurcd and disliked him, and, when ho married again, the two became more than ever estranged in affection, if possible. - With the death of hor brother hud been suvered the bond of the only really great love nhe hail for any being on earth. A pretty sccno was witnessed tho follow ing morning whon little Dolores waked HP and caught sight of the lovely faco of Natalie, who lay sleeping in an adjoining state-room. Involuntarily the child gazed in admiring awo upon the slumbering stranger. Softly she murmured, " pretty lady," and, steal ing Iu on tiptoo to the Princess, kissed her gently. This was quite enough to waken Natalie, who naturally was startled at seeing tho little fairy -like apparition by her bcd-sldo. In a moment she seised Dolores in her arms, and in her turn kissed the wondering, yet pleased child, exclaiming as she did so: "You dear littlo creature. No one shall take you from me." Dolores' triumph was now complete. Sho. hud ensnared the heart of Natalie, whllo sho 1'Crneir immediately seemed to fool instinct ively that, in this woman, she had found a irotcclor. Th'.m the lives of Natalio and Dolores .K'uded. the one with tho other, and tho two .-ere rarely separate, while tho hold that u.i original pair acquired upon tho sailors as wonderful. It may well bo believed flint if tho voyago :d lasted a day longer tho entire crew -.mid have deserted, captain alid all, mid I'lVred to go into voluntary serfdom to their cloved "lady and tho littlo gal." CIIAPTKlt XVI II. coon Biiic, wi; must! Fairfax, meanwhile, kept hniself con-i-euled so carefully that very few, even of '.he sailors, caug t so much as a glimpse of Una; whllo Natalie and Dolores had not tho ilightest suspicion of his presence. Ho was iu a continual agony of mind lest they should discover him, or lest the voyage should. b. interrupted by some catastrophe. How ever, tho passage proved exceptionally' pleasant, and thov came hi sight of Oritutl M:inun Inland, off the eastern coast of .'hilne, two or three hoars before sundown on the tenth day. Prom ( I rand Milium to Mount Desert tho un Is generally accomplished la seven or eight hours, Shortly after mid-night on tho 7th day of September, IbM-just ten days after leav ing Franco- the "Nninovnn" came tounchor olf tho shore of a littlo inlet,. opposite llald Porcupin ) Island in Frenchman'.! bay. This liiVt is known us Cromwell's Harbor. Word was scut to lllaucho mid Natalia that they must prepare to land. Warned by a telegram from Mr. Porto, the butlor had made preparations for th) guesty whom h was expecting by every train or steamer. Ho was greatly aston ished at their untimely arrival. The sailors were inconsolable at tho thought of parting from tholr favorites. Many a furtive wipe of tho eye was Indulged in, and the brawny, largo-chested follows stolo iqi to tho little Dolores and insisted on kissing the dimpled hands of tho sleeping child. Fairfax and tho captain parted, tli6 latter receiving a hearty grasp of tho hand a largo roll of money and a caution to keep tho entire afTiilrqulot-ospeciiilly to prevent It from getting into tho newspapers. The boat loft the shore, the regulur dip of tho oat s was heard dying away la tho dis tance, and the Namovua lu a few minutes departed as quietly as she hud come, no ono hrtho sleeping village of liar Harbor having oven been aware o. her presence. Hho steamed directly to Now York. To make a digression, oro closing this chapter, .oun Louvait resolved to put forth one more effort to discover and soUo tho culprits. Ho cabled a brother detective in Now York, asking him to watch for tho "Nauiovna's" arrival and seurch thut ves sel when she npisrarcd. Hut Fairfax suspecting that this would bo ono of the plans of his pursuers, told thu captain to clear away every vestigo of a woinun's prosoiicoon tho yacht, and to warn all the crew to keep close-mouthed when uiqirouehed on thu topic of their passengers. This last injunction was quite unneces sary. When the dotoctivo lioariled tho "Niimovna" at Now York ho could not olioit tho hiust information, nor detect any traces of a female passenger. Tho yacht, appar ently, had conio direct from HrcsttoNow York, where it now lay awaiting Mr. Nob bltt's orders. Louvait was silenced, but not convinced. Ho only was biding his time. Immediately aftor his arrival, Fairfax shaved off from his face every trace of tho i thlok Ismrd und the inustacho thut had long ouiiooaled Ids lips und uhlii. His upicurunc was mi ouuipltfloly ultorod that his dearest filund would luivo passed hlin on tho street us, a stranger ills face was soniBWliat elortcal In appear, nuee, uud yL wtUuU, hud uvory stern look. The fluM'ly shut tlp, the nuriow but linn Jaw, betokened au aiHUtUuti llmt the iippo MH f the oouuuiimtie hud hitlmrto ion ctmUt u.i i.e. , uming he had found a mnnhor SiwV .w ii uwaiUuif liliu In each lu i-miwr tan" ll" ....( '..! lb mul UtfNii Hill Uimi .. ..i itotMUtliM) Uiu ftrtlfjw , .!..' i..?luif,M IhjItlMiJl'f ii . i. . i vtf u msww ti9wm e4W Mm? Uwul fflub Ml- I ' tti ti uitnlfi