The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 12, 1888, Image 6

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JOHES & CHANCEY, Publishers.
vxios. oi!w;ox.
Thcro arc twenty-two crematories in
"Europe, in which over fourteen hur.
drcd incinerations -have taken place
during the putt your. 4
Tho latest Arkansas sensation is 11
negro b;iby with two heads and faces,
one ami and Ihrco legs, upon which
It standi! tripod fashion.
A lifo-sizo mnrblo bust of Garibaldi,
with a niat-Jlo pedestal of about four
feet high, hns been received at Wash
ington and placed in a hall of the
upper lobby of the senate. It was
presented oy American citizens oj
Italian birth.
i n
Xnrrnw K.srnpe From Htnivat Ion.
Trill 11 In tli II ml, Siicci'mhI'iiI
Hwlinllei. Iliu I:.iI(im1oii.
Mr. Nansen, a well known Norwe
gian athlete, h about to make tho at
tempt of crossing tho vast snow Holds
of Greenland on snowshoos. A
wealthy Danish ineichit has sup-
IMieij tiro mcyioy lor tho unique en
I'cr.jRrJio. t
To oxiyio) gold, silver or nYass
paioL ovor I ho ?yje to bo oxidized
Wk.1i a Slu(i.cDi of ithlorido of plati
num ; (ileD !ct it drj To nufko tho
itItioij of cldjrndj) of platinum dis
sol?b eliC draui in two ounces of
lfttfJ YiWJS'.
T?HS3i & rifles nro tlip latast. In
etr&ll of f;,te odivasTj1 p'Oraussion tir
ing elevfeo, ta dry chloride v silver
ba'LtnrY' niffil a pirJtaT.! coil will, Jso it
wasd'.UT'.'ity stiiitfMiafo'sp tho American
limrlCiuv, firo tl:e rife M-O'V) CuKTs
Itlcli liold Strike.
Thomas Mnegher, who is engaged in
mining on tho Swank, cleaned up
$1,-100 in liuggots and fine gold.
'Among the nuggets was one weighiig
$01. Ho informed the correspondent
that he hud traced tho float and had
dicoveied a lino ledge, in connection
with Mr. Black, which was tegnnlcd
by them as tho long-sought mother
ledge. They lirst di-covi-rtd decom
posed quartz, which ehowed from 200
to -100 colors tow tlfo pan, and after go
ing through this they struck what
they regard as tho main ledge. This
is free milling, and will assay about
ISO to tho ton. This gold discovery
is within twenty-five miles of Ellens
burg, and almost within sight of the
railroad. It is Raided as a most im
portant discovery.
'iTrnlg Stuck lJ trjc .lljjd.
Tho Berkeley train met with an ac
cident near Shell Mound paik, Gal.,
which delayed tralfio loti considerable
extent. Worknieniad been engaged
in repairing a piece of side track
switching oil' from the main tracj;,aud
the entire passenger train bound to
Berkeley ran into the mud, sinking
iboiiL three feat. The rea car, how
ever, remained on the track in such a
position that the Sacramento train
could not pass, and freight and pas
sengers wero transferred to other cars
sent from Oakland. An extra boat
was sent over from San Francisco to
bring over tho delayed passengers.
of Columbus', Ga., in 1850,
notes weic accepted at many places,
and in the course cf business wero
passed from ono concern to another.
that they wcio genuine was not
doubted until a day or two since, when
an inquiry h iving been made at he
sub-tieasiiry, .nn whs rejected. At
the Bank of Calif- r ia ihe paying
teller stand that the note os genuine,
hut gave it as hisopiuii n that probably
tho Bank of Columbus nad long since
closed its door., as hundreds of local
banks had done since 1850. As it was
the note wa no commercial value in
this city. The two sbarjieis have dis
Hppoand They have been successful,
and it is thought they realized several
thousand dollars by their soljjnio.
Tho-o hurt, but
furniture I'actorj- Humeri.
Bos man it Boeder's large furnituro
factory at Taconia, W. T., was discov
ered on lire, and the dimes gained
such headway before the tiro depart
ment gut into service, that they could
not bo stayed ind tho faetoip was to
tftly destroyed. Tho loss is about
$25000; insurance, $8,000. The
watchman discovered the tire in the
ollice. Its origin is unknown.
Crushed tii IJi ulli.
Patrick Kelly, an employe of Sells
Bros.' circus, waficrushed to deatli at
Sun Francisco by having a large tank
of gasoline thtown upon him from a
rufjroad car while- switching.
iall Service for imterfjrlse.
Senator Dolph has been notified by
tho second ussistant postmaster gen
eral that Enterprise, Or., will here
afcr bo supplied by tho mail route to
t liT rii-ii nil, uiwl Ml Tntjni-Oi
suffers from the nervous i
four Children Humeri to Dentil.
The 11 year-old daughter of By id
Smith, of Divine Station, Tex., tried
to kindle a lire with kero-cne. Tlie
can exploded and burned her and
three younger children to death. Mrs.
Smith was seriously burned in trying
to save them.
A Desperado Killed.
John N. Wogan, nged (50, the most
notorious desperado in Southern Illi
nois, who for ten year has figured in
tho criminal courts of Wabash county,
was shot and kilted by Constable Had
of Belmont. Hall hod arrested Wo
gan on a charge of attempting to kill
his own son and dan.: liter, and Wogan
making a suspicious move which in
dicated violence to Hall, the latter
drew a revolver and shot him thruugh
the head.
DnvoiEn to the Intkiiests of F.vtiMEna
Zftfiidfaidizi, tim iitow tamoinagSnt,
foob.tiiftu'Xfy Iy con! tar with
CfiUife s(Qi iu'j a- LrsiAl, :v?id noutraliz-iiTg-
t'lwj fiftltyy Ifriwo v?ith hydro
tdlltevK iussM. TIM' inventor o!iiins it
iawsn-'.y l!Wf an i,h tlya Uuk pro-
ejfoa'iaMrewi Sto !)0 par cent, chopper
Wwn t'-'c: iiltion procitsa.
rlo JSiiewtaical IJItVaow &arns man-
ufSiKtOTKii iio'j to ro ucin as a remedy
fur. s 'liieing lolte. ft yill produce
itUrueTliato juIhaio";r. of tho bolt to-the
rjujly, hut tr.Q rusin will soon bo ground
isut) tli IanMfar, b'lauening the mater
iS'.'iosrl laaico to las!tto of tho belt
Iti'sfteiCl tilitit ccfajly cvory kind
of g&s) ojccoiully that containing
maijSMrfchT, is lialo'n to a cliango of
colon by tli,u iruition of Hiinlight, but
tho ghfts oiwi bo restored to its origi
nal color- by heat. Stained glass in
windows that has changed tin.ts
through solur tiotiyn can thus bo re
uti.ired by
According to Mr. E. G. Itavenstoin,
tho English foot is used as tho stand
ard of lungth by countries having
471,000.000 inhabitants, the metro of
3-17,091',000 iieoplo. and tho Castilian
foot by f),U0f),000. Denmark mid Rus
sia are tho only countries in Contin
ental Europe which have not adopted
tho metre.
ftrank Senion, formerly a policeman
at Ljgi Angeles, Cab, says about threo
Ceeks ago, near Hock Springs, San
Bornardino county, a band of Mojuvo
Indians tied a young npiaw Who was
tepoited bewit'ehtd to a stako and
burned her alive. It was two hours
before tho terriblo deed wan completed
aiKtho girl's screams silenced. The
Indians told Semonthat it Inidbeen
several yearn since tlioy bad burnd a
witch, though sovonil Jiad been con
demned since then, but managed to
'&Q f Cj 3iiiruv.i8,
A magazine on Two Brothers island,
Esquiinalt, exploded, sending up a
douse volume of smoko, and demolish
ing tho wooilen building. Stored in
the niagaziuo was 1100 pimnds of pow
der in cartridges, twenty-two homb
bhells charged, and eight not charged,
together v?ith a quantity of fuse and
gun taeklo. A tiro was caused through
the keeper burning brush on the
island, and this communicate.l to the
magazine. No one was injured. The
firo brigade on tho man-of-war, Ksqui
malt, proceeded to tho ishfnd and ex-
tinguished the flames, Tho magazine
was under charge of C battery.
A Jewelry Thief .lrretet.
Tho mulatto J. Kelly, who broke
into Catliu Bros.' store at Freeport,
W. T., was arrested at Winlock, and
brought back and given a preliminary
examination. -Justice Unison bound
him over in the sum of $ 1,000 and
not being nolo to give bail he was
taken to jail at Kahuna, iljost of tho
jewelry w&s recovered.
Ay JJCcail lliirKlRiJCftiiliirctj.
Henry Cohen, ono of the four bur
glars ho committed a daring robbery
in Gross Bros.' thy goodf, store at Ta
conia, W. T., and fcho escaped by a
run and a jump over the high board
fence surrounding the jail yaid, was
captured in a recicless attempt to
"tap" tho jail and release 'his confed
erates. Ho returned shortfy .after
daik and circled round the jail build
ing to a point immediately beneath
tho window of the prisoners' cell.
Evidently Iy a preconcerted arrango
niont a string had boon dropped out
of this window, ami to thiii ho wns
tying a package containing aehisel,
whetstone and a kt.ifo, when Dennty
bhorill Dufheld, who suspected the
plot and was in hiding near by, or
dered him to surrender Ho sprang
for tho fence, and Dulliold fired on
him when he fell back ami was cap
tured. Ho is only 20 j ears of age,
and conies of a good family in
Terrific 3:-Yilosiiii.
A terrific explosion occuned at the
mills of the Rational Milling Company
of Cleveland, Ohio. The mill took
firo and was deatroved entirely. Loss,
.150,000;, $75;0OO. There
were eigh'cen nirii in the' null at tho
time. Peter Giernian perished in t tic
Humes, and four others aio seriously
bumcd. VSix e-caped without injury.
Tho others arc unaccounted for. It
is thought that at least tlneo of them
are dead in the ruins.
I'looil in (ieorgiu.
The flood in the Savannah has cov
ered the rice plantations near Savan
nah, and the rjee crop is nearly, ifnol
quite, a total loss. Itepoita from
country district's state that tho low
lands aio all under water, and roads
and bridges have been carritd away,
so that travel is almost impossible.
While there is great damage to prop
erty, no deaths nave yet beon reported.
m' "Wife O0l Killed Himself.
Juhn Spilinek, a Bohemian tailor,
of Omaha, in a lit of temporary in
sanity, shot his wife. Ho discharged
four chambers of a revolver at her,
each bullet taking ell'ect. Ho then
placed the muzzle m bis mouth and
ftilled himself.
t't't'1 lfM(r i:AiIAsijt$.
The boiler of F. W. Brown's saw
mill at Axe Point, W. Va., exploded,
killing William Brown, manager and
son of the ofhier, and William Knab
ensliuo, a mill hand.
An lU-lgr Tried for Stealing.
Chailes 0. Fair, an actor, was ar
rested on complaint of Louise Pauline,
who claims that in May 1SS0, she
fainted after a matinee at Philadel
phia, and that her thess was loosened
and a purse containing jewelry and
5jfl,!)00 fell from her bosom that was
given to Fair, who never returned the
money anil tried to make her believe
ono of tho ladies too); it ; and that he
afterwards confessed tho tin ft and
bcggi-d her not to disgrace hi.n. She
was unable to get nor money and
therefore had him arrested.
I'Oder Contract to marry.
Two dozen young Swedish girls,
first-class passengers on the steamer
Keka, landed at Now York. It is ad
mitted that they wero imported under
contract by an agency in this city to
marry young man they had never
seon except by photograph. They
Empress Victoria, of Germany, has
turned inventor. She drew plans
from which a writing dok has been
manufactured, which enables tho em
peror to write whether lying in bed or
standing up. It is available in any
position, and the mechanism em
ployed is said to bo intricate and re
markably clleotivo.
A now candle has boon brought out
which extinguishes itself in an hour.
This it does by moans of a tiny ex
tinguisher of tin which is fastened in
tho wax by wires, and which efl'eiu
ually performs its task. " It is only
necessary to remove this diminutive
A Marrow INcaiie.
Capt. Saxo. oit tho schooner Addio
C. Hasseltine, and his crew, had a re
markablo experience on thoir last voy
ago. Slio arrived at San Francisco
fifty-seven days out from the Marshall had not oven courted by mail. Twenty-
jsianus, wan ntu a single tiling eitihto threo girlH go to .Wesiern Stales, whero
in the store house. Uant. haxo did hov will find husbands., The nthi.r
not consider when he started tnat tho remained here. The authorities will
voyage would last longer than thirty inquire into tho society's methods.
uajs, out no iook provisions sutlioient
fnr fnrlv rPlin littln unlirMini.i' iv.u Iwi.
ea n 'for daVs . n . tlnX An c..drr
tho provisions gave out, although Two mon, Steoloand .Maokabie, both
toward tho last everything was care- drunk, boarded tho train at Mt. Slerl
tuny hnntiteil. Luckily iho stownrd ing, Ky., and fought all tho way
mn umn n u imuui in iiuans aim some
lard, and for several weeks tho cat)
tain and his six men lived on beans
and lard cako, lelioved by cocoanut.
'they grew so tired of this that they
could eat but little.
An Oily Prisoner.
Tho jury in tho case of W. A.
Strong, ex -secretary of Stato of Louis
iana, charged with embezzlement, an
nounced that an agreement had been
reached. Tho sheriff went out to call
tho attorney-genoial and Strong fol
lowed without attracting attention,
and has not since been seen. The
jury had fmind him guilty.
Condenjcd milk is boing shipped
from Lansing, Mich., to Buenos
A new greou bugns musing a steady
and increasing decline of cofl'eo pro
duction in (Jfivlon.
Une of the henehts of Statehood to
Dakota is a donation of 9,000 acres of
government land for the Agricultural
Semfior Lcland Stanford's vineyard,
near Cliico, GuJ., comprises D,G00
acres, and is the largest in the world.
Last year 1,0'JO,000 gallons of wine
were mude.
Matthew Crawford, of Ohio, recom
mends shallow culture for black
berries. Some very successful planta
tions are never,9ultivated, but receive
special mulchings.
For niulchiifg gooseberries and cwr
rants no material is better than the
short clip-iings from tho lawn. It lies
closely, keep.-i down weeds and pro
motes needed coolness to the soil.
The grapo rarely fails when allowed
to climb on trees. It matters no
wmit xinu ot trees, whether they are
living or dead, if they only have
branches that tho tendrils take hold of.
Currant and gooseberry hushes
should be pruned every year. If they
aie pruned in tree form they will bear
larger and liner fruit, and the latter
wiW not bo so apt to mildew.
The damage done to fruit trees by
t rabbits, borers and insects, may be
prevented by applying pine tar to the
bodies of the trees. Warm tho tar
and apply with a brush.
Onc-'fourth of the cows in the
United States do not pay the cost of
their keep, the cause being the failure
of funnels and dairymen to properly
grade up their stock.
The nshes of very old wood do not
contain st much potash as ashes of
od of younger growth. Aslus gen
erally pay well on all ordinary crops,
but arc specially adapted to the wants
of fruit tries, grapo vinuj and all kinds
of vines, clowr and peas.
Salt should bo placed where all kind!,
of stock can get it. At this season,
when green foijd is plentiful, P)lt will
be found excellent, ast will often pre
vent bowel diseases and stave oPi in
jury from the young grass.
I?nt.iAin.E Quotations
visrjn Evhky Whek.
WHEAT Vallev, H 30.fl 31
Walla Walla, $ 1 20i 22J.
BAB LEY Whole, $1 101 12:
ground, per ton, 025 0027 50.
-Milling, 3G3Sc. ; feed, i-i
HAY Baled, $10? 13.
SEED Blue Grass, M4lfic. ; Tim
othy, 9i10c; Bed Clover, ld15c.
FLOUft Patent Holler,
Country Brand, $3 75.
EGGS Per doz, Soc.
$4 AO ;
BUTTE II Fancy roll, per pound,
2jc. ; pickled, 2025c.; inferior
grade, 1525j.
CHEESE Eastern, lG20c; Ore
gon, l'ilGc. ; California, 14c.
VEGETABLES Beets, pvr Park,
$1 50; cabbige, per lb., 2f c. ; cairots,
per sk $1 25 ; lettuce, per doz. 20c :
onions, $1 00; potatoes, per 100; h?.,
iucssouc; raitisiies, per doz., Lo'Mc;
rhubarb, per lb., Go.
HOXEY In comb, per lb., ISc.;
strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8c.
POULTRY Chickens, ner d z..
$1 00&G 00; duck-, per doz., 6 00
00; geese, ifO 00S 00; turkevs,
per lb., 12c.
PBO VISIONS Oregon hams, 12 le
per lb.; .Eastern, 13I3c. ; Eastern
breakfast bacon, 12Ac. per lb. ; Oregon
iule.; Eastern lard, localise, ner
lb. ; Oiegon, lOJc.
GREEN FRUITS An'ples, .? 50 '
85c; Sicily lemons. -IG 00(G 50
California, $3 505 00 ; Nav;4t oranges
6 00; Rtwrside, $1 00; Mediterra
nean, .$1 2o.
DRIED FRUITS-Sun dried an-
ples, 7c. per lb. ; machine dried, 10
11c; pitiess plums, 13c,; Italian
prunes, 10 He; peaches, 12i14c;
raisins, $2 402 50.
WOOL Valley, 1718c.
Oregon. 915c.
No Drag to Cure Insomnia.
A Suicide' Heath.
Daniel Hans, a farm laborer em
ployed on Henry Stover's ranch, on
Birch creek, Or., committed suicido
by hanging, while in a fit of tempor
ary insanity. Ho hud been acting
extinguisher when itu work is done, 1 ahangcly for several days, and a razor
and tho ciinulo is again ready to burn i om u taxcu away irom turn
another hour.
Sieepstone, where conductor, for
tho safety of tho pat-ssngors put the
men otl and let them tight it out
They drew pistols and exchanged tlv
shots each. The lift li shot from
Steele's pistol passed through Mae
1 I t 1 ! ....
kiioios urain, Killing nun. They wero
cousins. Afror tho killing Steelo
boarded tho train and proceedni
homeward, tho train having waitoi
until tho duel was over.
Death of a Wealthy Woman.
People at Portland, Me., aro fooling
deeply tho sudden death of Mrs. Anas-
Ho took a ropo from tho barn, wont to tasia Batten, a well known society
a bridge over a small creek, fustunod huly of Washington, 1). C. Mrs. Pat-
i no iu m iei I uei uriuge, 111 UlO a SI - ten wnn mm nf I in r nlu.iit .,,.,, ;..
. ... ". ..." :. .... i i ... i. . "" in
A iiojton genius has been estimat. I i1".""' i' annum ins huck ami America, and is said to havo been
ing tho candle power of tho moon.
Uy comparison with an olectrio lamn
of four hundred power at a certain
distance bo finds tho bghtof tho moon
to bo 131,000.000,000,000,000. This,
lie calculates, ts about the number of
candles, placed one-half inch apart, it
would take to cover one-half tho sur
face of tho moon.
Seven piratott four Aniunitos and
threo Ohlncse worn captured by a
French gun-boat tiiu other day at
lluloug lUy, ami wont tibv;iuiutly
oxoouted at Haiphong. To euoli man
HMiMiiitu cxiiuuUunur m iipKjniud.
Of iliu van niily uiih suuautHlud in
MrlkliiK nil' Iliu liujitl Ht III flret hluw.
wll (liu iilhiUK Intvliiu lu liugk (hum ulf
I' (I hihhh tlf ulUW(.
iiieii jiiiiipiu on. an wai strangled worth fft.OOO 000. She was a bold
luiieaui. wecoaseu was years old, speculator, and d urine tho past few jiiuumo mu wi. 01. josopn, years added largely to her wealth bv
Sliccekkf lit Swindlers.
Two men, registering as A. Black
fort! of Texas, and F. A. Johnson of
Washington territory, have victimized
dillbrent saloons at San Fnuiawco, by
a somewhat unusual method. The
would visit saloons dressed as eountrv
yotulm who wero In the oity for the
first time. Having given mauv small
orders for various drinks and. iofrirh
hum!, and paying for Iho satuu they
woulil iMiistna a nuln. whiuh, nftur
(kiroful exuniiuuttiiii by t liw trt'priuiur,
wutihl Ut atwifitwJ ami tilungn r
luriiwl. Th liiU Miwu wttr hivur
tbbj'f iUd twiiii) dulUi ihii.iiniimt
(lull, and WM0 iwumI (tutu Um IUmI.
real esUto investments. Eighteen
months ago ono of hor daughters was
married in Washington to Congress
man Glover, of Missouri. Tho wed
ding was the notable society event of
l lie season. .Mrs. Patten sigualuod
tho occasion by presenting the bud
wttii mui a minion in l per cent. U.
S, bonds.
Lawless dlilrnu".
Mrs. Pnulrlok, of California, on a
vUit to frlomU In Ohlmgo, was
kruMikutl liuwu In thy liatut ol tin
btisiiiMii dUri0l, lu Uii HfliUtiwm. m
Ui iirwMtmv rf hundteils .4 p..
'U. Tla thief tutttnd litu
IhhU'I U..i imI miptU. Mi
'mltWk (ttiiw uui mm tu Iw UmII
I havo recently mot with sovonil
easels of insomnia duo to over-taxation
of tho American nervous system, anil
havo boon requested to proseribo some
drug that should bo otToetivo to pro
dueo sleep and bo at tho satno timo
I No such drug exists!
There is not one medicine capable of
quieting to sloop voluntary lifo that
has boon working ton hours nt,hbh
pressure, oxeept it be more or loss
poisonous. Consumption of chloral.
bromide in some tfonn, or opium has
ineroiwod in this country to an in
credible extent, is still growing, and a
largo number- of Americans go to bod
every night more or less under tho in-
tliioneo of poison. Sloop thus obtained
U not restful nor roetorntivo, ami nat
ure sternly exaet hor poudfcios for
violated law, uioro -sovoro in theo
cane Uinn hi most others.
Digestion suffers first one is rarolv
hungry for breakfast, ami loss of nioru-
ing appetite is a certain sign of ill
health. I nor ous in if nervousness fol
lows until days booomo burdens and
poisoned nights the only comfortable
parts of lifo.-;r. F. W. MuUhinsm,
in American Mtimuine.
. w
All inquisltivo physician has dis
covered tlt the dust, oil and wator
which aceimiulato In a hair brush
makes a fertile soil for tho accumula
tion of living germs, and ho ohargud.
that the public hair brush, so accom
modatingly placed In boatd. oara and
barber bhops, may oaslly bo tho means
of sprtMulhitf such dUttiisoti as soahl
haul, tutttfr and even iiiMislod ami the
ii ..
Auiotuf Uio nrMMnU that havti
lftl l) !.. ii ifiviii t tho I'oimi ni0 hun-
JitHl.i.f m u ot Iwb) iliiih.m ittilur
Mil .l.l ,. lft llll.lur I In' i ll 'lIUlili.'
hut II l In h,. .ii, . I.. I .1.1. II... i II t
in.. i iii.. i i in ii i ii i . i in
A cow in Findlay, Ohio, has de
veloped a strange appetite; it catches
and devours every atra feline that
conies in its reach.
When efheks aro droopy or weak
care is nceiftd to recuperate them. A
litllo more green food and onions
should be given them, qj, if tlioy aro
too niiioh purged, a little powdered
chalk and bono flour in their soft food
one teaspoonful of each to a pint of
food is sufficient.
An oblong form is better than a
squaro one for the honto garden. Seeds
sown oit planted in rows instead of
little beds simplifies the whole mat tor,
aim nunnisot the use of tho plow and
eullivafor ins'eaci of tho spano. the
boo and tho rake, and makes its cul
tivation a pleasure instead of a dreaded
HIDES Dry beef hides. SffllOr.:
culls, G(LE7c; kip and calf, 8wl0c;
Murrain, 10 12o. ; tallow, 33ic.
LUMBER Rough, per M. $10 00:
edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G.
sheathing, per M, $13 00; No. 2 Uoor-
ing, per M, $1S 00; No. 2 ceiling, per
M,$1S 00; No. 2 rustic, per M, $18 00;
clear rough, per AI, $20 00; clear P. 4
S, per M, $22 50; No. 1 flooring, per
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, .$22 50;
stepping, per M, $25 00; overs 12
inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to GO,
extra, $4 00; lj lath, per M, $2 25;
U lath, fbr M, $2 50.
B E ANS Quote small whites, $ 1 50
pinks, $:i ; b.iyos, $!1 ; butter, $4 50 ;
Limns, $1 50 per cental.
Costa Rica, 1820e.
Salvador, 17c ;
Bio, lS(320c;
no a
Tho future pig must havo
flesh and less fat. It must not
mere lard keg. It must bo fel
tle'bli-fonning foods until grown, ami
then fattened. It moans that more
eluver, peas, oa's, milk and such ar-
. ! ..1 . t i ; i .i
iie-its. oi iiiei miii-i no used, and less
com. Wo will then have healthier
ami moro palatable pork, and hog
cholera will bo a tiling of tho past.
Should a wagon or buggy tiro bo
oomo a little loose from shrinkage of
tho folloes instead of taking tho wheel
to the shop to havo the tire cut and
replaced got half a gallon of linsocd
oil, and after heating it pretty well
pour tho same in a shalloiv dish and
give the rim of the wheel a fow -low
turns around through it. The oil pom-
iraung tno loitoos will so swell tlnni
Java, 27c. ; Arbucklo's's rwitsted, i
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 23c. -r
dressed, Gc; sheep, 3c; drc-sed, Gc. ;
hogs, dressed, S9c; veal, 57c.
SALT Liverpool grades of line
quoted $18, $10 and $20 for the three
sizes ; stock salt, $10.
PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at
$1 35.
SUGAR Prices for barrels; Golden
C.fljc. ; extra .C, Gfc. ; dry granulated,
7o. ; crushed, line crushed, cube and
powdered, 7;c. ; extra C, Gjjc; halves
and boxes, c. higher.
Delicious Frozen CofTne.
Take two quarts of fresh filtered, or
spring water, if obtainable, bring it to
tho boil, then add half a pound of tho
best Old Government .Java coffee,
roasted andtrouud; stir well together,
cover and sot asido on tho rango to in
fuse. Stir occasionally for tho first
ton minutes, thou lot it stand in a
warm place till woll settled. Now
strain tho eotl'eo clear through a lino
muslin cloth, and add wator to make
two quarts, dissolve ono pound of pul
verized sugar in it and sot aside to cool:
then pour it into tho frenzm- mill
the whites of two oggs, and freeze the
mixture to a softish texture. 'Phi
frappe is generally served in liiirh
glasses. On the continent of Europe
this ice is called "cafe mousseux,"
also, "cafe frappe a la arlace." The
fourth part of a vanilla bean is nlsn
soinotlrft Infiued in tho colfee whoa
making it, and tends to heighten the
aroma or tffe colfee. Soma
that the tire will beoonie as tight as " d ,a V" "
over. u , . ... ,-""' """" lu
" UD,U' ireoaiiig. -j no atiillUoii of
these, however, aro matters of tasto
and tmoy.OoHcJioHrtt Journal.
As the prinolplo of love is the main
principle lu Uie heart of the real Chris
tian, o the labor of lore Is the main
businees of thiChriatlanllfo. JowAon
'It U proved by Agent Out mui
iuhIk .pi.-i.iiu.iad, Una in New Voile
an. t p. mik luin.n, the IIUurMto unui's
literal uy ui rrliue is svvoa Unm that
uf ll. ihIh.-uUhI n ruii
M. t.ii.U... i ,,
ti - i. , I , .,
a, - 'i in.. i in.. i in ti
wtf4.'.iii.i.iiai i.,i.ii.,u i..t iu.
tttttiUfii wf llumu
No kind of grain is so woll adapted
to feeding young stock of any kind as
oats. Thoir largo proportion of husk
keeps thorn from clogging tho stom
ach, oven of stock that has too poor
digestion for thriving on corn. Pigs
will prefer tho latter gruin, if both are
given together, but the nig is not tho
bet judge of what is ailsptrd to hi 1
urn ds The uaU slmiihl, lu wewr, Im'
jI Ut full wt-ighl lu giv the lictt r-
lllt. ilueb u( Ibf WiUfii .lt .,,
l fcl-llt lulls llubl, III. Ill III,, Mil,. I,
ill) , h"t H...llu 1 I In .1 ,1 , ,
H 1 j. Ill . I 1 Ml In 1 1 .mi 1 , Ii 1 1 M 1, . 1
l llilli) j. 11 .l . i 1,1 I ,
"' .!-! 4 Utt il 18l... - . . . 1
Is ihe
.in 1