The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 12, 1888, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has ax large a drew
httiou an anil three papers in this see
tlon of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Friday, October 1SSS.
SMAMii'ox. It scums that Yamhill
county is not the only place in which
tlmt dreaded ditoase, smallpox, has
showed itself and caused the immedi
ate community to become terrified.
It has developed over on the Smind in
scattering cases and although it is not
likely to become very widespread, it
stands every town, hamlet, and com
munity in hand to adopt at once the
most strict sanitary methods to pre
vent it. It is true that the dis
ease is not so fatal as in earlier times
before its treatment was well under
stood, and deaths from it are quite a
low per cent, yet none of us desire to
tamper with it. See that everything
about your premises is free from all
accumulations that are likely to en
gender disease of any kind, and we
will feel safer and enjoy life the better
for it.
Ix Tltori:u:.(?) Mr. ."Jacob 1 Blooh
hjft for Portland, Sunday. Jake (to
liis sorrow) is a member of qompany
"II," O. N. C!., of La Grande, and at a
recent inspection of the members of
the company he failed to show up,
and was considerably wornj-d as to
what they were going to do with him
in consequence. Upon his arrival at
La Grande he was met, by the captain
and several members of the e.oiupany
and was marched down to hcamjunr
teis, where, no doubt, the boys had
considerable fun at his expense. .Jake
swears if be gets out of this company
alive he will never jeiir another.
Fun: at Moscow. A tire broke out
at Moscow, I. T., Tuesday morning
and destroyed the followi property:
T. 11. liccdor's building and household
effects, loss iROuO; M. J. Shields it Co.
hardware and implement store, lo.-s
$00,000; Mrs. M. A. Pahey's notion
stojy, lots $:H)0; Dully 's saddle estab
lishment, loss $"i,000; Dr. Utor's den
tist shop, loss -i'l ,S00 ; Barton ITou.-e,
damaged, loss $300; total loss over
.$70,000 ; total insurance $3:1,000. The
the is supposed to lie the work of tin
horn gambler, pimps, etc., as the city
council recently passed an ordinance
excluding them from the town.
Dn. Jxo. 15. Pjucinotox. This sur
geon, oculist and medical expert, of
Portland, will be at the Centennial ho
tel, Union, (on .westward train) from
.'$ :.'10 p. m. Sunday Oct. 11 to 2 v. M.
Monday Oct. lo, 1SSS, and will give
special examination, free, to all cases
of eye, ear, Uuuj, chronic, nervous or
rectal diseases. Those cases which
have becio'onsidered "incurable" are
the ones specially invited. Refers
to S. D. Cowles, Esq, the Cove, Mr. P.
15. Wilson, Mr. S. A. Pursel, Mr. Win.
Dobbs and many other prominent citi
zens of Union county.
No Aitointmknt. At the opening
of the Idaho Conference charges of
immorality were preferred against Rev.
G. M. Irwin under the heads of dis
honesty, lying and slander, with sev
eral specification under eacli charge.
As 1& was unable to meet the charges
on account, as ho alleged, of inability
to procure witnesses, they were re
ferred to the Presiding Elder for trial
during the year, lie is thus virtually
deprived from the ministry until he
gots a hearing, no appointment being
given him. Poise StateKinan.
To Tin: Faik. Mr. W. L. Reynolds
came down from Cornucopia, Wed
nesday, on his way to the Mechanics'
fair, bringing with him his mineral
cabinet, which ho will place on exhi
bition. We were shown one of the
samples from the "Red .Jacket" which
was simply immense, showing free
gold all over the rock. Mr. Reynolds,
said it was only a fair sample of his
cabinet, he having some smaller speci
mens much richer. The cabinet will
no doubt attract much attention at
the fair.
Com'j:i!K.vci: Api-oi.ntme.n :th. The
following are the appointments of the
Idaho Conference for tlie current year,
of La Grande district : Ira AVakelicld,
Presiding Elder; Haker City, S M.
Driver; Hums, to be supplied; Can
yon City, A. Eaiis; KnUrprisc, .J. M.
Donnison; La Grande, J. II. Wood;
Long Creek, W. Bartholomew; North
Powder, to bo supplied; Pine valley,
W. M. McCart; Sununcrville, , A.
Thompson; Unidn, to Ihj supplied;
Willow Clock, W. Fauchcr.
lIoitimH.'i: Acciijkxt. A pa.ongor,
name unknown, while attempting to
botml the Cast bound exprcg. No. 1. at
Umatilla, Tuesday niht, Ml between
the ohm and was instantly killed, In
body being cut, in twain at, tho waist,
aud fearfullv crui-hed and manglfed.
The conductor sUUss that it was a
tramp mieuiptiug to steal a rido, in
stead of a lejfitim te passenger. N
additional particular, nut evn the
tutnie of the uu(urtu.n.t uun could
he learned.
X am. hit Tmuk Our ffllolMo n-
inao. J. M. CarroU, lis bwn admit t l
to tlie iMT -c luu occn hbi"" '
Uie bar Uvforw an'', is now full t
U0d to wrii "Km " ,u,r, uit ai'"'
He U a Uitruu U tolkvrr u a tA
tiott of latilf, and in aiiponUww wiu
Uii nU'MUid4 U4tl, l I
imwtu4y w rwliMt Uuif eftfct
u. il. i""
Union ami Vicinity.
The city ha loen very quiet since
the adjournment of court.
Quite a number of Coviten nn? at
tending tlie Mechanic's fair.
Wo were blest with a nice shower of
rain Monday, which laid tne dust.
The city hall is to lc fitted up in
good shape for the use of the city coun
cil and oflleers.
A special school meeting will be
held Oct 20th at 2 o'clock p. M. Ev
erybody shoulfl attend.
City warrants are worth " cents on
the dollar now, and in less than a week
they will be wortli So cents.
County court is in session this week.
We understand the tax levy for 1SSS
will ln about the same as last year.
.Jones Bros, have made several chan
ges in their store this week, which adds
greatly to tho appearance of tilings.
Clean up yournlleys and yards, right
away oil", now, or the city marshal will
lie after you with that sharp stick he
The grammar department of the
Union school has been furnisbodQntli
n fine regulator clock, an article long
We notice a marked dillerence for
the better in the conduct, of the school
children on the street, this year, from
what it Was last.
The falling leaves of gold, russet and
brown jjfe silent reminder that
autumn is here, anil that winter is fol
lowing closely upon his track.
.J. W. Minniek will be in Union next
week with his- steam saw, and will be
prepared to saw all tlio wood in town
on short notice. Those desiring wood
sawed please take notice.
The city marshal has posted notices
informing the tax-payers that the tax
es for the year 1S8S are now due anil
payable to him at his office, for thirty
days, after which lime J hoy will be
come delinquent.
The poor farm for IJnSii county,
under the supervision of Nels. Scliooiu
over, is being put in proper conditioi"
and everything about the place is be
ing made comfortable for tlie unfortu
nates, under his care.
Many forget that the hair and seal)
need cleansing. Extensive use of
Aver's Hair Vigor has proven that it
is the best cleansing agent for the hair
that it prevents dandruff and stimu
lates the hair to renewed giuwth.
Winter is fast approaching, and the
ladiis will, of course, all want a now
cloak or jacket of some kind. Now is
the time to make youuj selection at
A. Levy's, before they are i.ll gone,
lie lias a line stock to select from.
Liveryman Bootho's omnibus had
the top torn oil' in an upset jiibt below
Cornucopia a few days ago. It got
dumped into I'ine creek, driver and
all. One of the horses was consider
ably bruised up a(?d was left to 'recu
perate. A. N. Gardner, the jeweler, received
this week a line large safe, from the
Diebold Safe Co., Cincinnati, Ohio,
and lias the same properly mounted in
his shop. Ilcghas also made several
convenient changes in the arrange
ment of his store.
The farmers of Union county should
look to their best interests and buy
tlicir farm implements where they can
do the best. Frank Pros. Implement
Co., 19a nd City carry in stock a largo
assortment of everything in this line,
and can undersell all competitors. 2
Softc of the boys who are using
what are called pebble dippers are
likely to be called up before the record
er and fined. There is an ordinance
against even having them in your pos
session, and a penalty of not more
than '2 attached. So look out boys.
A letter wna received hero this week
from a largo soap factory wanting to
make a contract with tlio Union wool
en manufacturing company to furnish
the mills with the cleansing article.
The epistle was referred to the com
mittee on soft soap, with instructions
to rgj'ort at the next annual meeting
of the company.
Mr. C. Vincent, our popular boot
and shoo dealer, has now in stock, for
the fall trade, a lurge and line lino of
goods, and a he makes a specialty of
this class of goods, he can give you
better bargains for your money than
you can get elsewhere. If you are in
need of anything in this line it will be
to your interest to give hinifli call.
Four families from the Choctaw na
tion, passed through here Wednesday,
with the old-tiino emigrant wagons,
bound for Seattle, W. 'J'. They have
been on the road sinco the first
of May. Omi of tho party said they
had started we$t and were going as
long as- there was any land to travel
on, and then tie up and cast about
them for winter quarter.
It will be seen by tho city council
proceedings, Saturday night, that the
idcwulk uro to lie put in better con
dition. They should have beta re
paired long ago. Nothing adds more
ft the convenience- of a town than
g od,and tho citizen should
take a pride in keeping thtm in repair.
Tho city will alo put the cross walks
in hotter trim, having recently ordered
(1000 feet f lumber for that purpose..
Street CtJinrnii'siom r E.iton U doing
some good work on the road to the
Cove. Hi' will ue threv-fourthts of the
city U if iucessry, upon this
road, in accordance with an .order,
made In' the city cuuued some tune
ato. This was an ceell nt move on
the part of our niv
lhne-ouiih oi tin
d.ids. List year
I'll load t.ix wa
Kl! nil 111' ' 1" I HH
hi to. id, and
ruull ho U a uit '-ii. U:iu ti Ml l
the UV, but urlin ly lall( ilttf to
our inherit ni-'thlur, a llu-y pi-
li'illlle, the I 'hid llfl ' l'i- "lie II
N , ,j , I .i ill .11 llail f I 11 1 lll'lihi'l
i iii in li . 1 k ' ' ' "' '' ''"
.1 ' 1
Personal and Social.
W. T. Can oil still carries his hand
in a sling.
Henry Striker is down from his
Sparln ranch.
Tli Stuttr. dramatic company are
headed' this way.
Fred Foster, of Cove, came up to
Union this week.
Assessor Tljomlinson was in town
during the we,ek.
Matt. Mitchell, of tho Cove, was in
tho city, Saturday.
Ion Davis was down from Powder
river the other day.
A. Iv. Jones and wife returned from
Portland, yesterday.
Sam. Bloom, of tho Cove, was in
the city Wednesday.
A. N. Parker was over from La
Grande, Wednesday.
J. J. Turner, of Big creek, was in
tho city, Wednesday.
.J.V. Kimbrell, of North Powder,
was m the city this week.
Dr.J)eeiing returned from tho Wal
la Walla fair, Wednesday.
E. . E. Gates has been over to La
Grande, djiing assessing thcrQ
Mr. .1.1). Guild, assessor-elect, was
in our city during the week.
Mr. .Jaycox and wife made a
trip to the Cove, Wednesday.
Arba llolhrook came over from La
Grande, Wednesday afternoon.
T. 11. Crawford was (Juito ill Tues
my, being confined to his loom.
.1. T. WUliainson islmsy making up
the tax rolnn the asswsor's ollice.
O All Timlin Hlivn fiil.-infY in tin Mn-
chimin's fair at Portland, this week.
Mr. Tom Benson, of Cointieoi,
lias been in town during tlie week.
Several of the High valley people
paid their respects to the city this
week. o
Mrs. .1. B. Thomson and her son,
Rotcoe, have bcenQpiite ill for several
days past.
Mrs, Eva Benson of this city, left
for Portland, Sunday, to attend the
Mechanics' fair.
Mr. A. N. Hamilton and family are
attending the Mechanics' fair at Port
land this week. Q
Mr. .lolin Welling, of lligh valley,
added his name to our subscription
list this week.
Mrs. M. M? Hall gave a very pleas
ant tea partjjjMonday evening at her
residence in gyjrth Union.
A gentleman from tho milling camp
of Cornucopia will open 9 skating
fink in the city, soon.
II. W. Lee, of Lower Powder, passed
through town, Monday, on his way
home from Sunuuerville.
Mr. N. S. Blank, of North Powder,
called on us this week and renewed his
subscription to Tun Scout.
A. E. Eaton and wife Returned from
the east, Saturday, where they have
been visiting for the past few mouths.
.1. 1). Smith, deputy sheriff of Baker
county, came down Wednesday night.
It is very likely some one doesn't care
to s-cQhim.
Geo. Souner camo down from Cor
nucopia, Monday, lie reports the
camp in a prosperous condition. Ho
will return O' '''1)'-
A. T. Neill left for Portland, Monday,
on a. sight-seeing tour. Ho will attend
the grand lodge of K. of P. now in
session (that place.
Mr. .L O. JCuhn and Frank Middle
toji, of the Jlepuhliran, attended the
ball given by company "II" O. N. G.,
at La Grande, Saturday evening;
Shannon Marshal, of Thorn creek,
9an in the city this week looking for a
vacant house to rent, as lie is desirous
of moving to town this winter.
Mr. Guy Becker, of Tclocaset, made
us a pleasant visit, lecently. He fol
lowed the example of tlio great major
ity and subscribed for Tin-: SiQi'T.
Mr. Azariah Jones, the gardener,
was exhibiting some very lin'e onions
in town this week. Ho riad four
which ho said would weigh thirteen
Mr. llelllin has rented and moved
into Mr. Downey's icsidcnQu in North
Union. We under.-tand Mr. Downey
and family will move to their farm for
the winter. 0
Mr Geo. Stafibrd brought into our
office, Tuesday, four potatoes raised on
Win. Roth's place south of town.
They are of the "Pride of the field",
variety and weighed eleven pottnib-. 1
Mr. R. J. Cochran came down from
Salmon Meadow, Idaho, last Wednes- j
day. Ho will return thereafter a brief
visit to Portland. .Mr. Cochran called ,
and subscribed for Tin: Si oi t while
here. d
Mr. Chas. Schicdhauor, of North
Powder, called on us, Monday, and ,
addeil his name to our already large
list ilf hubacribers. Mr. S. will engage
in the saloon business at North Pow-
tier for awhile.
Mr. II. C. Emery and wife, of Baker
City, have been visiting friends and
relatives in this city during the work.
They left for home, Wednesday morn
ing, accompanied by .Mrs. Hd. Ueinil-'
lard and two children who will upend
a few days vuiting in that city. ,
Mr. F. B. Collins, who has been con- j
nected with the Farmers' Mortgage j
aud Savings Bauk for the past thruo
Vfuiii, will ojiru hii ollteu in Boise City
for loaning money 011 real estate. He
will bring hi family here soon. Boise
City Sluh nut t. t
A. F. smith, of Geiu4u, ljl who
bus lx 11 lu re d 1 sttvcral weeks past,
left for his home in Illinois, Sunday.
A kiii sa Mr. Hniitli can dispute of
itia pr-ipt 1 1 v in llhttoia hn will make1
I uiiiii 1M11111U In Inluie home, lie -
i.i. i- iM" ni ibe lx t farms in the
. i.t ,1 ill in - Ml all'l Will II v 1 at HI 1
I "
II VI M. tl i.'
I.i tu t
Ijoci-I Notes.
Remember tho dance to-night, at 1
Davis' hall. ;
We are to have a new sidewalk in j
front of our ollice.
Rev. Thus. MacGuire will preach at
the Presbyterian church every Sunday '
at 3 o'clock, i'. m. j
There will bo another social dance
at Davis' hall to-niuht. Evervbodv in
vited. Tickets."? 1.00
The thriving city of Albany, accord
ing to the Albany prints, has about as
bad sidewalks as Union.
Strange to say, it requires money to
run a drug store even, so go at once
and settle your Cove drug store ac
count. Dan. Beidlenian has had a new sign
placed on the front of his place of bus
iness, the artistic work of James Bell,
the painter.
The Daily Hotel and- Commercial I
Advertiser is the latest publication in
Portland. We are in lcceipt of thiQ
first number. 1
For sale cheap. One sitting room I
stove, one kitchen stove, one good bug
gy, also the thoroughbred Jersey bull,
volume, No. 17,10. Enquire of H.
B. Drake, Union, Oregon. 2t
Many Indians hi the Athabaska j
country in British Columbia aie in a
starving condiimn and unless succor
reaches them "cry soon their sudei
ingtrirom lack of food and clothing
will be intense. O
The Pendleton Stars and WillamoMoi I
played two games at East Portland last 1
Satunlay anil Mintlay, resulting 111 a
victory in both games for the Willa
mettes. Score, first game, l-l to ;;
second gatfe1, five innings, 1 1 to (i.
Step hae been taken by the mem
bers of the Bakx-r Citv bar to have
Atty. M. J. Maclnahou disbarred from
further practice in the courts of this
state, as serious charges of crooked
ness are likely to be bio .glit against
him. O
While J. W. Minnick's thresher was
at, work at Win. Hutchinson's, Wed
nesday, a shaft broke, causing a delay
01 several hours. In about three hours,
more he would hac,o finished tho sea
son's run. This is the first, mishap to
his machine this season.
"For years 1 have sull'ered from loss
of appetite and indigestion, but failed
to nil relief until I began taking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This medicine
entirely cured me. My appetite and
digestion are now perfect." Kred G.
Bower, I(J( Seventh St, South Boston,
Mass. K
The Pirniington lieiintcr, published
at Farniington, Whitman county, W.
T.,6ias presented its claims to the
reading public of Washington territo
ry, E. S. Crane, editor. Politically he
sjts on top of the fence and cuts his
swatli on each side, indicting wounds
on republicans and democrats alike, if
An iniineine block of granite fri
Gold Hill, Southern Oregon, weighing
about four tons, was taken to Lafay
ette a week ago on a fiat ear and un
loaded just south of the lime works on
tlie O. it 0. track. It is intended to
form the base of tho monument of
Senator Nesmith. A stonemason is at
work dressing the block and preparing
it for shipment to Dixie, Polk county,
whero the remains of Senator Nesmith
are interred.
Tho sheriir of Asotin county was
shot by a young desperado named
Williams last week. Tlie sherill had
arrested Williams without any trouble
and had taken him to the house wltjjro
Williams was working to get his cdRt.
The ollicer allowjjd him to enter a
bedroom alone to get tlie coat and
whenJie came out he was heelifl, and
opencn lite o the sherill'. After the
shooting, Williams made his escape.
The wounded man was resting easy at
last accounts.
The supremo court turned out twenty-four
full-ik'dged lawyers last week.
Tho list of applicants is as follows:
II. H. I'hninons, O. K. Rupcl, J. I'
Booth, J. S. Beall, A. O. Williams, J.
II. Cannon, J. M. Carroll, John Ditcli
burn, L. F. Conn. J. N. Brown, Samu
el Hayden, M.CW. Hunt, F. D. lias
buck.'C. R. Fonton, (iilbei McGinn,
A. O. Smith, J. E. KerJaue, Sanderson
Reed. Harrv W. Hogue, A. W. Cow
an, T. J. McClary, (i. W. Rowan, I lur-Cf
old Pilkiugton and J. F. Hamilton.
A Siiootiko ScitAi'i:. We are in
formed that a shooting scrape occurred
in the mountains in the vicinity of
Camas a few days ago. The story,
hh told tho reporter, iSQthat teveral
sheep belonging to Campbell Bros., of
Butter creek, weie separated froju the
plain Hock and were taken up and
cared for by a herder of S. (!. Light-
foot's. When Campbell came to get U
the sheep tho herder refused to gie
them up unless paid for his trouble.
This led to words and the lie was
passed. Tho herder took a couple of
shots at Leu Campbell, one taking
effect in the thigh tho other taking oil'
a linger. A brother of Campbell's,
then shot at tho border, tho ball tak
ing ell'ect in the hip. The parties
caim.'. to Pilot Roek and several war
runtu were Hworn out. Neither of the
wounded men is nuppoKcd to bo fatally
injured. Pendleton Triliune.
l.liTTint LIST.
ItciiinliiiiiK iiiicmIUmI for at the Union pout-
ollln-. tin- month emlhiK Sop. JW. itto.
Allen KiIh-ii Ariiutroiw J It
II line mm ( Ha i. nerry u v
('uttion ) may
lUrr Ml- Altu II
lreic" lhv ilr
l)aUi Frank
lluwurd H V
Iwiiulliw JiiMph.
mam- Win M
Kmlih Mm X
Titinun Knri
W-nl J II
WII.iiii .liiiiii'.
(luruer r.ll
Haiti Mm Agifi"
MrUuglilui A A
tilUllli Win A
T.ilir .- M
I nf(l Mi. ; V
WliiU.i.l.' W II
prl.lllta rlllllt' Ull) III' uti
,,- ,1 ,,, , . I llM ,
... I il ui I M l in
I. n r
B. M. LOMBARD, -:-
Low Rates, CommissBOa09
52fThose who consult their own interests will call on me before borrowing.
Wlie.i vaA ;s i.n,l l..wu .it tlino of -ule,
i 111 1
v. PI u- ni.ul
1-., i- tut .licr n.ii-tii iiliirs. cull mi
At 11$ Store of Adolpli Levy.
Overcoats, from the Smallest to the Largest,
BOOTS, S5IOI3S ami SLIIUIIS, in Endless Varieties,
Ladies' Misses and Chililrens'
Too Numerous to Describe,
All tlio Sjiitesft aiidteft Semite in Dress
Goods, SSostery idiid Furaiisliing Gouds,
Misses and Children's Only Genuine Chicago School Shoes.
gln order to gui first choice, como early and secure bargains for your mon
ey, as 1 will give you your money's worth, and will not be undersold.
I keep the best, only, and warrant every
thing as represented.
Just Received, Direct from the lOast, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN HI 10 ICS, the Best Ever brought to thi Market.
Also a Fine Assortment of o
IIy JA-iecs will suit the l imes. Drop in and sou me.
C. VINCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
mmi T.IWR7 anil M
S- ELLIOTT, - Proprietor.
KverylliliiL' First Class. Tiirnii Very Keaxomibli'.
Buss to and Fiom the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Wilson &
-Mmiufiteliiri rs of
M Doors and I
K i). i miMaiiih "i
Bedding, Desks, Office Furniture, etc.
AM klliii ut I'uiuttui AlaOi. (Uul tlt!lHlKl!lM di Hi lr,
Sheep Men-.
1 liao for snlr at myilace
near TeluiM-i't,
250 Spanish
to per cut, discount from tin- riruliir price
or atltllTss. .1, N. M I I t'lILIjl.,
'IVIouihc , riimii I omit' or .w.
W Kinds.
.uul Deulers In-- - -
Parlor a! Bad-
lunula lmi' Mippl. m
room m