The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 12, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. V. .
NO: 1G.
The -Oregon Scout.
An Independent weekly journal, i-ri'd i
cry Fiiday m'oruimr bv
Publishers and Proprietor.
A. K. .Tonus, ) 15. Cn.wci ,
Editor. )" '( Foreman.
One copy, one year . . ijfl.W)
" " Sixteenths . 1.00
" ' Three inon. 7."i
Invariably Cash In Ait.uici-.
If hi dinner suhtrriptimi are not paid till
iml of year, tnv dollars will he chanted.
Kntes of advertising made known on ap
plication. JSTCorrespondcnce from all parts of the
country solicited.
A dress nil communications tkthcOi:r.(io.N
Scout, Union Oregon. O
J. Eakin,
.1. A. EK1N,
Notary Public.
Attorneys at Law,
O Union, Oregon.
JSf Prompt Attention l'aid to Collect. 011s.
A&i?Kaey at Law.
O Collecting and probate practice special
a... .n.,.7 r.. ...... ..... n. ,,r ,n;..
Union, Oregon.
lies. v.rmcL'i 1 11 .luitui n .u.ii-uiih.l,
N. CROMWELL, m. n.f.
$Bfimtzi mi Surgeon.
Otllce. omPdoor south of .1. 15. "jQton's
store, Union, Oregon.
II. DAY, M. 1).,
iclsnrs ami Qurge&h.
Oilicc adjoining Jones llro's store. Can
he found nights at the Centennial hotel,
room No. 2!5.
M. 15aki:r. .1. W. Sihiltox. J. F. 15.Ki:n.
Attorn J at? Law.
OFFICES Union and La (irande, Ore
gon, Special Attention given allj business
entrusted to us.
cq n.'cKAWOi.n, co
Attorney at LavP,
Union, Oregon.
Otlice, one door south of Centennial ho
tel O
Notary Public.
1!. F. WILSON.
Ex-Co, Clerk.
Conveyancers and Abstracters.
Abstracts to Heal and Mining property
furnished on short notice, at reasonable
Sales of Ileal and Mining property nego
tiated. Collection business promptly at
tended to.
Ollice next door south of Post-olllce. Un
ion, Oregon.
Physician ami Surgeon,
North Powder. Oregon.
lias permanently located and will attend
all professional calls day or night.
Ollice: Drug storo building; residence,
one door west of Hodgera' hotel.
Ln Gnimle, Oregon.
Will visit Union regularly on tho
first Monday of each month.
$500,000.00 to Loan on
First Class Security,
From One to Five Years Time, at a Lou
Hate of Interest. AI-i Ituy, S.1N
and Rents Property for
J Non-rcMd.-nt-. y
To be Invtstcilnn fiuuraiiteed Security.
All Collections I-omptly
AttoiukMl (o Willnuil Dolny.
Obtnineib and all Patent lluninesn attended
to Promptly and for Moderate F.
Ouroitkc U opjM.iU' the I' Patent
Otlico, and we eun obtuin Pt in lu U-
time, than tiling reiuoU' ir-iii ,iunimoii.
SeiHl MODELor DH WIN We lvi
W rffrr," lirf, to HlJ l'oijimier. iim ;
Supt. of Uuiwy HtAvt Dlv UIM Ui orttc UU
of 111 I' . Paula omr. r-.r tirtular. ,
udviev li nn ullil ralffrrlirra lJ ui lul i ll- II
B 9 .. ...-nm.
unU lit ui own uu to t .uii iili lo
(, A, KNOW it Co,,
Oppfwll. I', t".' .-I I', I .I, J
Trains . i lit ii " frmn I'ninii
d. u . 'i" fiiuows:
. n
r-, I'.iM'. .-t i;ei ni.
as-senior. No. 4, lve Paveitfier. .No. .!, 1 vc
at a. in.
Freight, No. s,
nt li:.Vi a. 111.
it -1 :;C p. in
Freight No. 7, Ivc
at 0:.'U) p. 111.
TlPlv 'W to and tioin principal points
in the I'nitcd States. Canada
aifd Kurope.
Elegant P$n" Cars.
Emigrant Slicing Cars Run Through
on Express Trains to
anc&ST. PAUL
Free of Charge ami Without Change.
Close connections at Portland lorSa'i Fran
cisco and l'uget .Sound noints.
For furtlicr particulars inquire of any
Agent of the Company or of A. L. Maxwell,
0. P. AT. A., Portland, Oregon.
FltOJt l'OKTl.A?;i. I I'llllM S VNgyiA.NCtM O.
Leaving at 12 Midn't.,lv'ns Spear st.wh'
as follows: at 10a. 111. as follows :
Columbia Slit.
Oregon, Weil.
State, Tues. Sept. I
Columbia. Sat. 8
Oregon, Wed. l'J
State, Sunday ,, 10
Elder. Thursday 20
Oregon. Monday ,, 21
StOo, Friday 2S
State, Sunday
Columbia. Thnr
Oregon. Men.
State. Friday
Elder, Tuesday
Orai'on, S it'd'y.
The company reserves (fio right to change
steamer' or sninne; nays.
(ien'l Manager. I 0. 1 AT. A,
II. L. DEACON. Agent, Union.
a a
A Hare Opjiortuiiltv to Secure an Elegant
1'rcsent !
From this time until the 2,rith of Decem
ber, any one purchasing a hat of any kind
at'our millinery establishment, will" be en
titled to a ticket willed will give them a
chance in the drawing of the following
beautiful presents :
1 Satin Toilet Set, liviQiieces,
2 Enibrrtlcred Table Scarf,
:i Hand Painted Tidy. 0
4 Embroidered Lambrequin,
Linen Toilet Set, live pic-es.
Drawing to take place Dec. 25.
-uiu-. iiii'iir.ijw, Pmiirietors
MItS. ItENSON.I HOI'""'""'
Stages leave Union every Monday, Wed
nesday anil Friday,
Leave Cornucopia on return trip every
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday.
Passengers and
Cornucopia Saloon,
Wm. Wilson, Vnov.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and be sociable
Kentucky Lianor Store
Cor. Main and II Sts. - Union. Oregon,
Manufacturers and dealers In Soda Wa
ter, SarfUparllln, (linger Ale, Cream Soda
and ChiuiiiHguc Cider, Syrups, etc. Or
ders promptly tilled.
Will do Wll to Givo tho Far-fitil
Tobacco a Trial, Which Will Convinco
Them of ita Superiority Ovor
Othor llmiulH.
Manufactured by Mytw, Rron. it Co.
Curmtruptu, I'iiUjii wtunly, Or.
C. WAMINNKH, I'roji'r.
'flu uiiii lliol e'
S" i.tlll i I I'
. h. aim in Hid Uiinp.
ImmU gun-in ininfgitrt-
W 4
(.'oiinoil Profouiliiijrs.
Al the nicHiuK f tho oonimoti
ooiuu'l S.ittinlny foiGn tho follow
ing htisinos was tr.msaotoil :
Jlitiutc-of of tho nioetiiii; of Sopt.
l.t mid and approved. Hills to tho
j amount of ?r2.'20 woro allowed tind
warrnutfjonlorod drawQ. Tho follow
ing ootivnuiiiicatioti from tho mayor
Was road and ordered placed on lilt :
lo the Hon. Common Council oj the
city of Union:
Ck.vti.k.mkx : It being tho preroga
tive as well its duty of the mayor of a
oity to make from timo to time such
recommendations to the common
council as to him seem of general in
rust and to tho welfare of tho people
of the city, and to suggest such action
on tho part of tho common council as
would remedy existing o5ils. As may
or of your city, 1 desire by this means
to direct your attention to sone mat
ters woi thy of your special attention.
'vhu fact has become notorious that
the t-uW walks upon our principal
f-tieets are in such a worn and dilapi-
dated condition, and have boon in
sueh condition for so long n time that
they are now a public mwsanee and
deserve to bo treated as such. Not
only are they in such condition as to
put our city in a contemptuous posi
tion unbecoming a civilized commu
nity, but they are positively danger
ous and at any time accidents arc
liable to occur which would tender tho
city liable in greater or less damages,
beside too deplorable laot ot tlie in
juring or maiming of persona which
may haujicn by snob accidents. If
our street commissioner has not suffi
cient authority to cause repairs and
renewals, when necessary, of our side
walks, ho certainly ouglQto bo vested
with such authority.
Another matter which I deem of
vorv niueh importance to u.s is to have
our iillevs and back wavs clean
destitute of all rubbish and unclean
matter which it must bo rogfttted is
not the condition of our alleys, back
yards and even streets. Filth and
rubbish and nearly sill manner of ac
etfinulations niaf bo found in those
places to the great detriment of the
welfare ;ul healthtul condition of our
Theffnattcrs, as I view them, are
of particular importance at this time
and should receive your piompt and
consideiato attention.
Your most obedient servant,
J. W. Ki:.vxi:i)V,
O Mayor.
The street committee instructed to
examine into tho eonditjn of the side
walks and report tho condition to the
street commUsiom-r who shall notify
property owners adjacent such defect
ive side walks to immediately repair
the same.
The city marshal instructed to noti
fv property owners to immediately
clean the alloys and yards of any un
liealtliful aecuni illations.
The levy for city taxes for tho year
1888 was made o mills.
The council accepted the tax roll
for the year 1888, as corrected and ap
proved by tho board of equalization,
and tho recorder instructed to turn
the said roll over lo the marshal for
The street eomniitteoliistructed to
have tho middle room of the city hall
fitted up for use, procure a suitable
stove and pipe, and to have a terra
cotta Hue built, and have the same
ready for use by November 1st., 1888.
Tin: Rivkk ok Fihi:. Hurnt river
received tho appellation of "tho river
of fire" at tho timo g tlj l'roscott
convictions for eattlo stealing several
years ago, and sfScx1 that time among
the residents of that section it has
boon known by that name. Tho "riv
er of fire" again conies to tho front
with revelations that promise to keep
up its well earned reputation. Last
week warrants were issued for tho ar
rest of John Olson and John Cobbs,
charged with cattle butchering, and
their examination took place this week
before Justice Thomas Smith, who
bound them over to appear before tho
next grand jury, tho former in the
sum of iffiOO. and tho latter in .f-100.
Oben gavo his bonds, and Cobbs is
boarding at the expense of the county.
Their examination brought out tho
fact, ni)on tho ovidenco of Cobbs, who
was inclined to turn State's evidence,
thru other parties on the river are im
plicated in tho same lino of business,
and upon the showing made wo
understand warrants of arrest have
been issued. From pretent indica
tions it looks as though the whole bus
iness will bo given away, and there
will be a wholesale gathering in of
the clans. linker Democrat,
Mr. W, II. MorwaUi inurchaiit, Lake City,
I 'la., w:is taken with a severe Cold, attend
ed with a dUtrosiii; iwugh and running
into Consumption in IN llrl stage. lie
tried ninny ho-oullcd popular cough ruino
dliw mid ttmlily uruw worse. Wilfred need
In lloxh. IiemI dlllleulty In broatbliig and
wait uiinUi lo kep. Finally tried Dr.
Kim;' New DUcovcry fur Coiuuinptlnii
and found IminiHllaie idllnf, and af'or ii'lng
uIkjiiI a half iIiupii botlle loillid liluurlf
Wll and liii Imd no return uf the dUwue.
No other riHiiwt) ran thow mi jjruad u no
urd of iur. lr. KIiih Now Dutwiy
of l'0llUlllpUlill lillHIMIlltH-il in do Jnl
Wliul umIjIiuoJ ir It.
ui npbl i tlri ')(i
TMuI llllllll flTU I
I Ill-ill, Oiv,,
Grand fluvv Koporl.
In the Circuit court of the State of
OtfirT.ifi fm liiin hi 1 1 t ' ill flw.
r tiiattorof tlw tiinil ii'iiiu t if tlu iri'iiiiil
- - - " - I n
jury, with Hon. James A. Fee, cir
cuit judge.
We, your grand jury, in and for the
county of Union and State of Oregon,
respectfully submit tho following re
port :
Wo have been in session, in all, twelve
days and h;G2b found and returned in
to open court cloven true bills and two
not true bills of indictment.
We have examined into the oflicoof
the sherill'of our county and tind it
neat and well kept. Wo find tho shor
ill"s books in a good and neat condition
and wo find that the amount of delin
quent taxes to bo approximately four
thousand dollars, about one-half of
which is nou-eolloetablo, which in our
opinion ought to bo stricken from the
tax roll. 'o consider this to be an
unusually good showing for our sher
iil'. i .
We have examined into tho eottntv
jail and find it neat cjul clean and the
prisoners tlierej, tnree in number,
are securely una properly taken care
of. Wo find tho stove in the jail to bo
entirely worn out and unsafe, and we
are informed that, the throe last grand
juries huvJrecoinmonded its removal.
Wo desire to recommend for immedi
ate action bv the eountv court that
this stove bo removed and replaced by
one suitable for use. Wo also lvcont
mond that the eountv court provide I
on shutters .for the windows of the i
jail. j
We have examined into the poor
hou.-o and (hid it neat and well taken
euro of, and its inmates, six in number,
We have examined into the books of
f ! the county treasurer and find Ihoni in
business like condition, neat ami well
kept, and that thev correspond with
tho books of tho clerk.
Wo have examined into the ollico of j
the county clerk and Ave find it in per-'
feet condition and well arranged, and j
we find the booAs theiein in every ro-1
spec) all that could be desired.
From the cleik we have received tho
following statement
iNi)i:itTi:i)Ki:ss op r.vio.s' coiwty.
Outstanding Cnp'd Co.
warranth on llie.'U-'t
day of Sept., IKSS. . ?.M.:Kh;.a!J
E-tiinated interest ac
crued thereon J.'Jir). 15
.Outstanding unpaid con
tiugent warrants... '',;n;i.-l7
TodH amount of unpaid
county warrant.s. . . $,".(;,W7..10
Total expenditures by (lie comity
for the si months ending
Sept. :i0. 18S.S $I7,40'5,f!9
lly funds in hands of county trean
urer apiilicable to the pay
ment of coi$ty warrants and
hCllOOl Illllll
estimated unpaid current
taxes applicabk! to the pay
ment of county warrants. .
amount, duu from Wallowa
$ (!,1.02
nublie nionertv.
poor farm, jail,
Total resources Ifill.llO.S'J
Thefkrearer has furnished us with
the following statement:
4j)-oi;.'T.s ui:ckivi:i.
To amount on hand from 1-int
To amounts received from all
lty amount paid out on county
Hy amount paid out on school
supoiiutcudunt'H warrants.
Total paid out on warrants . .
lty balance (ien'l fund on hand
Hy balance school fund on hand
. . . .WII.(
And now having concluded our la
bors to tbt! best of our ability in ac
cordance with the oath wo have taken,
and tho instructions of tho court, and
no further business coming before us,
we beg to be discharged.
Permit us to return thanks (o tho
Hon. James A. Fee, Judge of tho
above entitled court, to J. L, Rand,
Dist. Ally., to O. II. Finn, Deputy
Dist. Ally., to J. N. .Mooro our Imilifi',
to A. N. Hamilton, our fcherifi', (o A.
T. Neill, our county clerk, and to llm
other officers of the court for their
kind, courteous and valuable assiht
anco during the lime we have been in
Done and dated at Union in sniil
county and Stuta this 15th day of Octo
ber, 1888.
Wm. Hjiaw, Jr., Pommim,
J. T. JuW'HI.b,
T. IfuonuN,
V. K. Davixkx,
J. S. Vandkvantku,
Wm. N. Pahk,
im.s'T is.vpiciu3ii'.Nr.
You e-Hlinot aiTnrd tow u- liiiw ic t-x j . -rluiwiilhiK
wIm'H yoir lun :9 in d.mui i
Coiiuiuptioii ulwuyk -ui, -a' ini,iih ,i
cold. Do not permit un liuU l n , t i i
ilu you iib Milne i heap iinltitibm of Dr.
KilkK' Di'overv lir 'mi -inuplKiii,
t'0UHi) and iiidJ, I, ill be -on 1 1 t(i I lln
gniiiiMi. P'h u, i-i bi' , tin in.ikr linn', i r tit
tlt ll)M t. M N "M lll hua 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ) Jl II-
iHM, ur jui ii, i .1.1, I-,,,, i i,, i . i
1411 lltlt UMiiigtiUlU !'! V c- v S' " ''
eiivif) liliii ftiurdi,!- , In flvi! iflli
III airjl'4l uil i.uu4Hi I I,' 1 Utli Uki.,
J., I. Ii,, .1 , - , tU'H
North Powder XoU'S.
October Dth, 1SSS.
Mr. Wm. lb-vn trd has gone to Spo
kane Falls, W. T.
The CrackeiO'teek und via (inrd
ner's mill i completed.
Mr. .h e Cat roll teturued from Mal
heur county on Monday.
Horn. October 1), 1SSS, to tho w
of Cyrus IJ', a daughter.
Mr. Chas. Sehiedhauer willion up
the Occidental saloon this week.
Mr. Oeo. Vetiiiblo returned homo on1
Satuiday fn(j tho Willamette valley.
Mr. .Ins. York and family are at
tending the Mechanic's fair in Port
land. Mrs. Amos Field, f Island oity,
came tip on Monday. Amos is on tins
sick list.
lk-v. .1. T. Walsh, of linker, held for
viee? at the CVolf creek school house
on Sundav.
Mrs. Ricirdson and daughter are
residing on her homestead claim near
Anthony crook.
A ease of Oermnn measles
in town
more in
with fair prospects of manv
consequence of exposure.
Mr. Kinueston, a herder, was thrown
from liii horse on Monday without
any serious damage to himself.
Tho grain crop is not as prolific Q:
was expect iflj, many crops in this Id
eality falling below tho average yield.
Mr. Hozaith, father of as. Hozarth
of this place, and a former resident,
came ovor from lUtrut river, lately, on
' 11 visit
l'orch, a vor a1atnble lisff, o'
plentiful in the Soflth l'owdor. Small
boys are reaping a harvest, by selling
their catch toVftesident Chinamen.
Orderly Soargont llardm roiOutO O
number of "K" company absent from
the last quarterly inspection and liable
to bo lined tor non-atlei. dance.
Daily accessions are made to tho
piles of lumber at Stoddard s lunilB'9
yard. Depression in the IuiuIqt mar
ket accounts for non-shipment.
Mr. Jlartttny, of I5ulger Flal.Oas in
town on Sunday. He reports harvest
about completed in that locality and
the yield less than was anticipated.
Mr. Dauie?Starhird, lately superin
tendent at S. H. it II's. nulls on &n-
lliony effiok, is reported lo hnvo ob
tained n position in Molilalia aifti ill
leave shortly.
Threshing will bo 0)ut comp&sl!
in this section wi?tiin the next ten
dnys. The Shaw Hro's. have about
25,000 buehols eiagctl yet to thresb
the present reason.
Rome vandal stole 7.") now grain
sacks fiom Mr. Wesley Parker last
week. lie is leqtiested to call and
Mr. 1 will furnish twine, free of
charge, lo sow them up.
Tho militia boys anticipate giving a
military ball at their rmory soon after
the arrival of tho company's uniform
which is expected (his mouth. The
proceeds are to go into tjeir depleted
oxcheequc 0
Some thirty bushels of grain veru
burnt on a farm near town last week.
Tho 11 ro originated fiom the steam
thresher nt woi fft tho time. Tho
grain was in sack and tho own1 of
tho machine is responsible for -damages.
Six hundred head of Mr. Wesley
riser's band of sheep, lecently lost,
have been recovered and a largo band
without a heider has been teen some
bixteen niilesoiu the range vfrS'oh is
supposed to belong to Air. Parker.
lie, in company Willi ins son, lelt on
Sunday for tlie locality.
A. I AX.
A Rich Find. Several years since
an old woman named Ooodchild died
near l.ugono, leaving a considerable
amount of property. A Air. Sovern
was appointed administrator of her
estate, mid the place was sold to a man
named Yoran. One day Yoran's boy
and a playmute were digging about in
tho barn, and they discovered two cans
full of money, nearly all gold, one con
taining 1,001) and the other $!)".&.
Thoy turned (heir find over lo Air.
Yoiun, who advertised it in tho papers
a lost properly, for tho timo inquired
by statute. No claimant appearing
within the timo prescribed, he turned
over one-half the money to tho county,
as required by statute, and gave the
other to the boys. After tho transact
ion was completed, Sovern, tho admin
istrator, heard of it and begun suit for
tho recovery of the money. 1 To was
buuteii in tlie circuit court, and then
ho appealed to tho supreme court,
where a decision against him was also
rendered. Then he got a rehearing,
! and I he caae hua aguih boon decided
against him, Judge Lord rendering
the decicion,
HlH.'Ki.K.Vrf itlt.MUA SAI.Vi:.
Tiik litcirr Mai. vis In the world for Cuts,
UmiImim, HorfM, I'leir, Holt Ilheuiu, Fever
N ,i . , Tnttr, ( hupped I laud, Chilblain
i oi , nud nil (Skin Ernptluiu, anil polllvi
ly cnrmi J1li, or no puy mpilrwl. It in
yiiuritiiuml to j.Me periwt M4t!fui)tlnii, or
iim. le v rt'luii'lisl Pi leu V ClUlU pur box,
1 ni S.ilr.,1 i llslll'a drUN UltU.
i;viLi; ( ooi'Hlt tfiiop,
I A..., ttfojirieUir. MtuillfiiP'
llll, I uf liUtU'f lMUH$ Hint ItllgH. A
IP iippl tlw(ya on IiiiipI. tfliup
Miiili .f .. ,I liMit.ti, Ifiuoii, Urnygij,
Cove Cii11iii.s.
October 11, 1SSS.
The most profound research Ibis
week fails to unearth any startling
Lou. Child eaino over from Walla
Walla Tuesday. He has been attend
ing tho various fairs and race meetings,
and reports a goort time.
Pete Rlooin, who has been acquiring
experience and seeing tho sights in tho
Willamette valley, has returned homo
J)to feast on the fatted calf.
There is considerable sickness in tho
community nt present. Air. lOugeno
Holmes' infant and a young son of
Wm. KTclloy are dangerously ill.
n)ouglas Rlooin, a locomotive engi
neer of Sacramento, is visiting relatives
in town, aftei a ulDenoo of fourteen
years. Air. Rlooin is accompanied by
his wife.
The. big lake on the sa($bridgo near
Conley's has gone entirely dry, the
first time for many years. There will
be no use for geese to come in till u
heavy rain.
Farmers have no trouble in getting
their chopping done this year. Sain.
Hurroughs and (!eo.Whito are both
prepared lo do that Qind ofSwork on
short notice.
Among (lioS1 )JSio have f)one to
Portland thi)Lek tp visit the Aleohun
ies' fair, are J3r. and JJirjel. Camp
lQ'll. Air. and .YJrs. Lamb, Alatt Afitoh
ell, John Alarin, Sain'l. and Hrttco
Dr. J. J. XIeIn8ld S.tOovcr Thurs
day from Intend City. He is oloQing
up his buSinoSi nisi in a fc$days ?ill
elorler a car and move to KugeiDj
Cily, fthero 1& ?ill hssto for the prac
tice of hio profession.
Invitations are out for the woddinQ
of Air. II. W. Stevens mid Al?ciNimeO
uitB Sanl8rn, a'iPlio reOideneo of tlrj3
bride's pacents, Wenlneidfty noxt, Oc
tolftr J7, at hiijh w&m. A luooh will
le ,'S'i'ved after tb c5icinonj, Qnd tljTi
happy pair Sill lefla on tlnu oftornooa
train fod their futa) lannein Umatilla
A. W liggt, Ucd tCinper(Mn:(5
lecturer, dolivijwd bTOo oddwuies bad)
iJriday aisl 5fafiunly evenings to lorfio
oudiencos o' Tho IClorriCDn ehuueh.
Sho niQdo u, af ehorte mal shcaced
the physilogieol olfucls cf iilcairjil
dsinfein'g on tho Gyfrtaifi. Tl bjcturCi'
Was sidy aWieU'd by StrS. Tlwraoa,
ho graphically piatuted, ?itli the aid
(d'g:ries of draiginge, tla' oila of in
tenilOiraneo. I'cal voaialists and tlrjo
brass baud furnishcsl inuaic for tlai
Cool nighlc.
ToimvtoiG ore only orth ono cent
1EiSmiio1 Icuio.
Isoao SjCoC left) for his homo in
I'rineville, WedneQlap.
A splendid dunce ' was gixSn at Jo.
lQilby's last Alonday night.
Small girl at Jo I arson's, small boy
at (ico Oorpe's Sid yet another "kid'
at grandma Hriggs'.
We notice the shining cotintenanco
of Hob Blacker at Shell-rock this week,
and Jim Creen bathed his face in Bea
gle creel;.
Tho saffron man is in mourning
mourning for his little dog. Oh, tho
milk-loving pup! It had not lived out
its days of usefulness, and could only
lap milk with its tongue and run away
with its master's breeches in tho morn
ing. We aro called to note another fatali
ty. A son of "poor lo," while passing
away an idle hour, collided with a sun
beam immediately after eating too
many watermelons, and death was tho
result. No casket, no hearse, nothing
like a priest only Fred Duncan with
the "patience of Job" and Charlie
Duncan will) pick und shovel, and
Dunham Wright with a willow branch
made a gravo both wide and deep and
rolled tho "Injun" in.
And so it is, wo strugglo on,
Alny bright hopes ero olato us;
Anil if wo do forget our gall,
Then may tho poor farm tako u.s.
Wlmt Ih this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to bo stlllieted?
If you will remember a tpw years ago tha.
word Malaria was comparatively unknown,
to-day it Ih us common as any word in the
English language, yet this word covers on
ly the moaning of another word used by
our forefathers lu times past. Holt Is with
nervous diseases, as they and Malaria nro
Intended to cover what our grandfathers
called biliousness, and all are caused by
troubles that arise from a diseased condi
tion of the Liver which In performing Its
functions finding It cannot dispose of tho
bile through the. ordinary channel is com
pelled to pun-! It olf through the nyntom,
canning nervous trcubles, Malaria, llfiloui
Fever, ulo. You who uro suffering can well
appreciate a euro. Wo rwToiiuueml (Irwm'i
Auuiut Flower. IUcuro nrn luurvulotu,
liny of Frank Hro'n Iinplimeul Co,,
uf Inland oity who carry Out fint
tdoolc uf Nliiiiduid liiipliiiioutx found III
KumIiuii Ortigoib Tliolr tornm hh1
iiriucrt will mill anyone, Thoy nlwrty
Iiuvu on hand extra "ml dhIm for
good ihoywlli wliloli U h HWHf i(
liMpMitHHPa 1 (Ho jHJIiMOr.