The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, October 05, 1888, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has as large a circii
Jation as any three papers in this sec
tton of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
Friday, October , 18SS.
Fink Okr Caiii.vkt. Mr. W. L. Bcv
nolus, of Cornucopia, has :i very largo
and fino selection of ores from the va
rious mine in Union county, and es
pecially of llii! 1'iuc creek district, and
has placed them in a cabinet at his
placo of business in Cornucopia, where
it may be teen. It is without doubt
k the finest mineral cabinet in the State.
Ir. Reynolds was in town yesterday,
interviewing our citizens and trying to
raise money to pay the expense of
taking the cabinet to the Mechanic's
fair. The cabinet weighs about 2000
pounds, and thcro would ho eonsddera-
bio trouble and expenso in placing it
on exhibition. Mr. Beynolds savs ho
is willing to lose his time, but doe's not
feel like bearing all the expenses of the
undertaking and we think our citi
zens should contribute liberally, and
hate the cabinet placed on exhibition,
as it will do more to advertise our
mines than anything elac that could
be done.
JlAii.noAi) Accidknt. Frcicht train
No 51 L on theOOregon Short Line,
bound cast, ran into a herd of cattle at
Onyx station on Friday between I'oea
tello and McCiimmon,' killing Engin
eer Dan Hill, Fireman Leonard and
Brakeman Chas. Walton' besides two
, r i . i .
inuu)o luumi in a oox car, wno wore J
uiiKown. adoui tnirty cars were de
railed. The damage is estimated at
$15,000. The train men wore all
found in the engine. Conductor Long
and the rear brakeman weio the only
persons on the train escaping. Baker
City Roveillie.
NoStoppaok ok Wokk. A number
of mine owners from the Cracker
Creek section have hfcn in Baker City
the past few days one and all .inform
the reporter that the Shows of ' winter
TOll not deter them in the least from
prosecuting work on their properties.
They arc now building comfortable
cabins and laying in supplies and ma
king many other preparations for win
ter. With steady work on these prop
erties from this time on until spring a
number of valuable mines will have
reached that state of a flairs which will
warrant the consideration of capital
ists. Democrat.
O Hand Hurt. Mr. Thomp. Carroll,
of this city, had the misfortune to re
ceive a sovere fracture of his left hand
this week while at his ranchc below
tottn. It seems that while driving a
team, Que of tho horses got the bridle
rein caught under the tongue
and Mi. Carroll in trying to release tho
rein got his lingers caught between it
and tho tongue, when tho horse pulled
back, tearing tho ilesh oil" the third fin
ger to tho bone up to tho second joint
and otherwise injuring his little and
second linger. Dr. Day dresssed the
Ax Ancient Volcano. In the Po
cohcQitas range of mountains west of
this cityPthero is apcak which from
appearances was some day cither a
volcano or that its pecular shape is duo
to volcanic (Qrruptions. Its top is the
same shape of that of Alt. Hood. Scver
.al times parties claim that smoke was
HceUfjssuing from il. A party is be
ing organized to thoroughly examine
and explore the mountain within tho
next week. Tho Beveillo will give an
-account of tho trip. Keveillio.
before a court or
summing up a caso
jury, lawyers somc-
timo niuuigo m vulgar abuse of wit
nesses, but such men arc on a very low
plane themselves, but would hardly ex
pect a divine like Rev. G. M. Irwin to
call respectable ladies ''liars," as ho
did in summing up a case before tho
M. E. Conference, merely because he
did not lik'o the testimony. It is an
argument which any dirty mouthed
man can use, and that is all there is
of it. Boise Statesman.
Mujidkii in Fmsr DrcciitKi:. Tho
grand jury for Baker county yesterday
afternoon leturned to the circuit court
a true bill of indictment for murdor. in
tho first degree against Arthur Helm
for tho killing of Bud Duglas at Crack
er Crook last Sunday morning. The
defendant is a fine looking fellow of u
bout 28 years of ago, and as the indiql
nicnt was read to him his face ooloied
and ho seemed to feel keenly tho po
sition he was in.
Lost Shki:i Woaro informed that a
few days ago Mr. Wesley Parker an ex
tensive sheep owner residing at North
Powder, lost 2200 head of sheep by
making their cscapo from the herder.
Search has been instituted for them,
but strange as it may seem no traco of
(heir whereabouts has been obtained.
It is scarcely proablo that thoy have
been stolen and most likely they aro
hid away in tho mountain. Baker
Punur Si'KAKiNO. Hon. W. R. Bil
yeu, of Albany Oregon, democratic can
didate for presidential elector, ox-senator
and one of the ablost speakers in
tho state, y;ill address tho people of
a Union ond vicinity, t the court house,
11 UYrtni luv ovenine: Uel.. Kill. 111)011
tho Hilitical issues of the day. Other
speakers will probably be in attend
ance. Kvwybody u invited, regardless
of politics.
& IK AyVs, proprietor. Manufac
turer of butler bamU Mild Uk A
good SUpt'l.v ilt4y 'U bund Klmp
MUUl of h''l b""'' . 1'iikiu, On-ui.
Union and Vicinity.
A good office on Main St. for rent.
Enquire of C. M. Jones.
. Fine line of field and opera glasses
received at Al Gardners this week.
Travelers will always find first class
accomodations at the' Depot hotel.
The Mechanics Fair is in session at
lortland and is being largely attended
The Board of Equilization for Union
county has been in session during the
Soattlc has raised $250,000 to build
a grand hotel, on the highest point in
me city.
The special veniro caught some of
our busy citizeus just when thev least
expected it.
A $5,000 bond has been given by Ba
ker it Burleigh, for abstiacting in Un
ion county.
The bowling alley, and the shooting
gallery seems to be well patronized du
ring the week.
Good safe for sale nearly new. Will
be sold on easy terms. For particulars
call on Al Gardner.
Mr Shannon Marshall of Big Creek
sold at auction last Saturday 2.1 head
of horses at fair prices.
J. W. Davis was up before the re
corder Tuesday charged with beinc
drunk and disorderly.
Jaycox it Foster are doing an im-
menese business on accaiint of their
line goods and low prices, q
Regular Council meeting tomorrow
night. Important business will be he
fore tho council at that time.
iirgo invoice ot all kinds ot guns
just received at Al Gardners, this week
Will be sold at bottom prices.
Preserve yourself from urgent dun
ning y calling at once anil setlleiug
your overdue Cove drug store account.
liaKer uity is to Have a creamery
and chicse factory, $7000 alieatly hav
ing been subsciibed for the enterprise
The town of McMinville has sutlerod
from another disastious fire, nearlv
the whole of a biiuk block having been
We are a little late with the paper
this week, on account of sickness, and
it was impossible to get the paper out
on tune.
This being court week all those who
can conviently remain out of town do
to, lest some kind of a snap order
catches tbjun on the jury.
The usual amount of divorces have
been ground out at this term of court.
People will marry and then when they
want a divorco they will have one.
Go to Caroll it Wilson for abstracts
to real and mining property. They
are reliable. They also havo county
and city property to sell at special bar
gains. Wheat in Chicago last Monday
was worth $1 a bushel casli for tho
first timo in five years. The price of
llcjyr has advanced $1.25 a barrel there
in three weeks.
For sale cheap. One sitting room
stove, one kitchen stove, one good bug
gy, also the thoroughbred Jersey bull,
volume, No. 17,105. Enquire of H.
B. Drake, Union, Oregon.
Mr. A. W. Gowan tho postmaster at
Joseph, Wallowa county, has had his
official head lopped oil', and Mrs. M. M.
Kider, an estimable lady of that place
has been appointed to fill the vacancy .
Two Chinese mandarins and a Jap
anese interperter were traveling over
tho C. P. B. They were mistaken for
coolies and put in a box cars. Now
the authorities aro busy explaining
how such a thing occurred.
Sullcrers from tho effects of quinine
used as a remedy for chills and fever,
should try Ayer's Aguo Cure. This
preparation is a powerful tonic, wholly
vegetable, and without a particlo of
any noxious drug. Warranted a suro
Some man, name unknown, was
thrown from his horse last Monday in
North Union. Ho lay so still for a
whilo it was thought ho was seriously
injured, but before parties were able to
reach the spot he quietly got up and
proceeded on his way.
Tho smallpox scare at McMinville
has somewhat subsided and although
there are several cases in the city and
vicinity, they are under control. The
business houses have reopened for busi
ness and everything is moving right
Walla Walla citizens raised $100,000
for Hunts K. B. to that point and $30,
000 for depot purposes and now prop
erly has increased 50 pr. ct. by reason
of it. Thats about the way enterpris
ing people of a town work for them
Tho county court desires to anounco
that Union county now has in charge
a bright littlo boy a little over a year
old which they would like to havo
some responsible family to adopt. For
further particulars call on or address
the court.
The Willatnettes and Pondleton
Stars crossed bats on Saturday and
Sunday, at Pendloton resulting in a
victory in both games, for the Willani
ettes. As usual their strong point's lie
in taking tho advantugc of errors of
the opponents.
F. 11. Sawtelle a resident of Pendle
ton committed suicido about a mile be
low that place Sunday c.ening. Ho
went to the railroad bridge below town
shot himself in the right temple and
fell into the river bolow. Financial
trouble is Mipxcd to bo the cause.
He left a wife uud live childieu.
A difference having aruon between
the government and the railroad peo
ple over the amount of mail mutter be
ing carried over the O. it O. railroad,
it i all being weigh ml now (ivory trip
lMtwitii Ashland mihI Portland, fur a
I liod of thirty days, uue wnghu rpp
r outing lii koi iiini. ni and i' Uin
Personal and Social.
Jno. Dobins returned from the cast
last week.
A. Sonuncr of La Grande is over
W. T. Carroll's injured hand is heal
ing nicely.
tins Aiurcluson ot bununcrvillo was
in town this week.
J. M, Carroll made a flying trip to
Portland this week.
Mrs T. H. Crawford has been quite
sick tor several days.
Col. S. M. Gilniorc, of Cornucopia
came uowu I ucsuay evening.
I hos Buckman and Win. Spencer of
i uk- valley called on us this week.
Mr. F. M. Slocum of the Bepublican
force visited La Grande last Sunday.
W. H. Grgigs orders his paper from
Elgin to Enterprise Wallowa county.
John Clark of farm machinery famo
was over from Island City Wednesday.
Mr. Joe Gilbert and wife of Island
city were in the city during tho week
Mr. D. B. Hiltz is ablo to bo on the
streets again, much improved in health,
O. F. Bell will leave Sunday for Port
lane to atteifu" the Grand Lodge, K of
Vincc Beeves who has Iwcn quite
low for several days is slowlv rccover-inS-
p f
Miss Laura Coggan, of Tacoina is in
the city, looking after her mining in
terests. Q
Big George of Cornucopia was crv-
ing the other day for reasons hard to
MrOWm. Rinchurt and Mr Wm.
Martin, of Sumniervslle visited Union
Rev. Thos. MacGuirc will preach at
the Presbyterian church every Sunday
at 3 o'clock, p. ji.
Marion Carroll was admitted to the
bar this week, by supremo court. Ho
will arrive home today.
B. M. Lombard, of the Lombard In
vestment Co. La Grande, was in tho
city Tuesday on business.
Mr. M. E. Walker leaves tt-day for
Portland to spend a few months visit
ing friends and relatives.
Miss Maggie Bell left Tuesday for a
few months visit to friends and relativ
es in the Willamette valley.
E. P. McDaniel the Covo merchant,
was in town this week, on his return
from Portland, on a business trip.
Mr. D. II. Leo of Keating, was in
town Tuesday. He reports ovory thing
pretty dry in his section of country.
Mrs. A. W. Gowan, of"Josoph Wal
lowa county, has been visiting in this
city the guest of Mrs II. F. Burleigh,
Mrs Joe Wilkinson is recovering
from the fever which has so completely
prostrated her for the past few weeks.
Mr. Bobt Shaw brought into our
office yesterday a squash weighing 50
pounds, raised on his place below town.
Mr. A. B. Bobinson of the Covo ad
ded the name of C. Twilligcr Hillsdale,
Mich., to our subscription list this
Mr. A. Valdcz, of Los Angeles,
nephew of tho Jones Bros, arrivod
Monday. Ho will remain some time
in the city.
Mr. A. K. Jones and wifo left Sun
day for Portland where they will
spend a few days combining business
with pleasure.
There will bo service at the St. Johns
Episcopal church next Sunday, Oct. 7
at J p. m. A cordial invitation ex
tended to all.
Wo are under many obligations to
Mr. Jacob P. Bloch for valuable ser
vices rendered this week, in getting
out Tin: Scout.
Mr. C. J. DuflV of Cornucopia, has
been in town during tho week attend
ing court. Ho added his namoto our
list of subscribers while here.
Geo. O. Ncwcomb, C. J. Duffy and
the invincible John L. Sullivan came
in on the stago from Cornucopia Sat
urday evening, to attend court.
Mr. Andy Shoemaker rccntly from
Iowa, visited his cousin, Mrs Florinda
Lynch, of Antelope valley, this week.
It has been twenty years since thoy
Mrs. Corbin and son Elisha roturncd
last week from Kansas, where they
havo been visiting relatives. Her
father accompanied and will remain
some time looking at the country.
Maj. F. S. Ivanhoo, of "I" Co., O. N.
G. of Joseph, was in the city the fore
part of tho week. Ho shipped all the
guns stored at tho court house here to
tho headquarters of the O. N. G. at
Tho Dalles.
Everybody pronounced the dance at
Davis' hall last Friday evening a de
cided success, and manager Marion F.
Davis has decided to give another
danco this evening. Get in and have
a good time.
James C. Clayhurn, of La Grande,
who recently sold out or was sold out
as the case may bo, called at the Scout
offico and subocribed for tho Scout for
one year and ask that we give notico
that ho would have religous services at
Union next Sabbath at tho usual
Mrs. Nelso Darrah, who went to
Union countv, Oregon, several weeks
: ago, in very poor health, is now im
proving rapidly. She went under tho
advice of Dr. Ziph. who expressed a
; belief that a change of climate would
provo beneficial. Thodooter was light,
j Mrs. Darrah has been an invalid tho
I past few years, but her chances now
j for complete recovery aro good. She
will remain in Oregon tho coming
winter. Idaho World.
Intuit titylusuf ladies dnihri braids,
and lk) of Jcuwy Junkets uud other
newgoodMU MiMduniu Jiidwell uml
Serious ChnrRpR M.nlr. Apnlnt Kev. G
31. Ir in, nf tlm City.
It seems that brother Irwin of this
city has got himself into trouble. The
following communication from a mem
ber m attendance at the conference
will explain the matter:
Boise City, I. T., Sept 29, 1SSS.
En. Oregon Scorr:
Enclosed you will find a copy of the
charges brought up against Rev. G. M.
Irwin, at this session of tho M. E. con
ference. Yours Trulv.
To the bishop and members of the
Idaho Annual Conference of tho Meth
odist Episcopal church: Dear father
and brethren :
Rev. G. M. Irwin, a member of your
body, is hereby charged with immoral
Spec. 1st. In fraudulently using tl?o
missionary appropriation of North
Powder charge, Idaho Conference, for
the year 18S7.
Spec. 1st. In saying to Rev. L. N.
B. Anderson in the year 1SS7 that he
(G. M. Irwin) had paid tho interest on
tho church exUmsson loan at North
Powder, knowing the same to be false.
Spec. 1st. Ill saying oft the confer
ence floor, at Baker Citv. Oregon, in
September, 1887, that he, meaning L.
N. B. Anderson, in making certain as
sertions, stated what was false, or words
to that etfect. ,
Spec. 2nd. In saying during the
preliminary trial of Bev. J. D. Flenner.
in Boiao City, I. T. in November, 1SS7,
that they, meaning Mrs. N. M. Hriden-
stein and Mrs. Mary Straight, tam
pered with certain papers introduced
as evidence, in tho case to which their
names were signed as witnesses.
Signed :
Tho above we give as a matter of
news, as wo undertake to give notico
through our columns, of anvthiug or
things which may interest our readers.
Not knowing tho exact facts, we re
frain from any comment, and allow
tho readers to judge for themselves,
for the time being, although if it should
appear that the reverend gentleman
has violated any q( tho legal or moral
laws, ho shall have a full and free ad
vertisement at our hands.
Go to the mortgage bank and Baker
it Burleigh will make your abstracts
cheap. No clerk, fees attached to our.
abstracts. o
"I have taken within tho paBt year,
several bottles Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
and find it admirbly adapted to tho
needs of an impoverished system. 1
am convinced that this preparation, as
a blood purifier, is unequaled." C. C.
Dame, Pastor Congrctional church,
Andover, Me.
Buy of Frank Bro's Impliment Co.,
of Island city who carry the finest
stock of standard Intplinionts found in
Eastern Oregon. Their terms and
prices will suit anyone. They always
havo on hand extras nnd repairs for
goods they sell, which is a matter of
importance to tho purchaser.
It would seem that it is hard for
criminals to escape tho vigilonco of our
sheriff. Chas. Broockins the pious
young man who robbed the house of
Mr. Charnes, near North Powder,
wherohc was staying a couplo of wcoks
ago, has been traced and captured in
Sciota county, N. Y. Tho sheriff of
that county telegraphs that he has tho
man in tow.
Jas Bcwley of McMinville where the
smallpox has been raging, started to go
to the town of Sheridan, but the citi
zens Shcridcn had stationed a Mr. Mc
Kunc and son on tDc road, with orders
to allow no one to enter the town from
McMinville. When Bcwley camo up
a few hot words passed between them
and Bowley knocked MoKunc down.
Young McKuno then shot Buwloy in
tho head from which ho died in a few
hours. Young MeKuue was arrested,
but owing to the email pox scare tho
citizens of Shcrrdan would not allow
tho sheriff to take him away.
This remedy is becoming so well known
and so popular as to need no special men
tlonf All who havo used Klcctrlu Hitters
Hlng the sanio soiij of pruiKK. A purer
medidiu! does not oxixt. and it H guaran
teed to do all that it, claimed. Electric Hit
ters will cure ull diseases of tho Liver nnd
Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Ilolls, Sslt
Hhcum and other aflVctions caused by im
pure blood. Will drive Miliaria from the
system ami prevent as well us cure nil Ma
larial fevers. For euro of Ileuducbe, Con
stipation nnd Indigeotlou try Klcctrlc Hit
ters Kntire sutibfnctiou guugmiU.Ttl, or
money refunded, Price Mots, and II.00 per
bottle nt Wright's drug ntore, Union. Or.
CIIHNAULT- HQt'IHIW.-At the res!
deneo of Mrs Sullivan, in this city. Tues
day cveniutf, Oct. 'i, 1H88. by Kev Mac
(ftiire.Mr. B. Cbt-iiault.of Lu(irunde,und
Miss Maggie Squires, of tbla city.
is coNsuairxiOK incukaiilw
Head tho following: Mr, C ll. Morrin.
Newark, Ark., suya : " Was down with Ab
cei of Lungs, and friendu and pbybiulmis
pronounced mo un Incurable Con. unaptly!.
Began taking I)r, King' New Discovery for
Consumption, uin now on my third bottle,
and uble to oversee tho work of my furm.
1 1 1m the finest medicine ever inndo."
,Iese Miildlewurt, Decuutcr, Ohio, suya :
"Had it not been for Dr. King's Kuw I)is
oovi ry for Coiuuinptlon I would liuvo died
of Lung Troubles. Whs given up by doo
tors. Am now in lt of hmilih Try It
rimnplw Imltlw free ut Wright' drug HUiru,
H upferlko (or TTiT faMoThvur.
Low Rates, No Commission,.
ST"TJiose wo consult their own interest will call on me before borrowing.
Vyn oasli in paid down at (inn- ef -will
be niiuli?, 1- Di Itirtltf r panic r'ai-i, t
At t3io Stop ofl 2s6Wp levy.
Overcoats, from the Smallest to tho Largest,
DCtOJrS, S1I012S and SJvlPJIMflJ&S, i0 .H?D8S&.ss Varieties,
Ladies' Misses and Childrcns'
Too Numerous to Describe,
Mis the Jsjtits ifend B$sC KswMiBffl in Dress
GgsdcIs, Hosiery mid liamiMiiiag Glaods,
Mtsses and Children's Only Genuine Chicago School Shoes.
jfJEfln order to get Srst choice, eomo oarly nnd secure bargains for your mon
ey, as I will give you your money'sVorth, and will not bo iy,ulersold.
I keep tfie kest, only aiaid wnsrant every-
HI ling as repis&nted.
-DlOALl'ilt IN-
Latest Styles.
Just Heceived, Direct from tho Kast, a Largo Invoice of LADIKS' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, the Best Ever brought to this Market.
Also u Fino Assortment of
My Prices will suit lite times. Drop in and see me.
C. VTNCENT, Main Street, Union, Or.
J. S. ELLIOTT, . - Proprietor.
Everything First I'luss. Terina Wry Reuoonalile.
Buss to and from the Depot Making Connection with all Trains.
Wilson & Miller,
Mantifaelurers of
Sash, Doors and
Tir i i
Keep (.'oiihUiitlv en hand. i Larr, bupply of 1
Desks, Office Furniture, etc.
All kinds uf lurnlturo Mudo, uud Ujiholtfturliu; done to ordnr,
WyjfJ.S' MlliljIiJI, ...... Main Bt., Uiilow, Or.
Sheep Men.
hav for :!( at my
ni-ar Ti-li't-n.-et)
250 Spanish
Mcnno Bucks.
- , 111 per cut, tuciiui.t lniiii the ncular p: ii
on or rnl.lie.!., .1 V Ml f( Mill. I ,
'1'eli-i.asct, I iiiuii ( ountv Oiv,-m
All Kinds.
i d
and Dealer., in -