r The Oregon OUT. a VOL. V. UNION, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER .', 1888. NO. 15. 8c The Oregon Scout, An liid'pciiclcnf wprkly Journal, lsued cv c.v Friday inornlm; hv JOXES & CHAIN C'EY, I'uhlNhcrs nnd Proprietors. A.K. .Tonus, Editor. j 15. CitAKC nv, ( Foreman. KATKS OK SIHlSCKirTION: One cojv, ntif year $1.M) " " 2l.v months l.M " ' Three montos 75 lnvnrlnbly Cnsh in Advance. If by chance subtcriptions arc not paid till ttul of Jifir, two dollars a-ill be charged. Hates of advertising made known on ap plication. EaTCorrenpondcnce from all parts of th countrv solicited. Adress all comuninicationsio the OrtEOOX BcoUT, Union Oregon. IMtOFESSlONAL.. It. Eakix, J. A. Kakin. Notary Public. J EAKIN, & BROTHER, Attorneys at Law, Union, Oregon. JJfProtnpt Attention Paid to Collect. ons JOHN It. CKITES, . Attorney at Lav. Collecting and probate practice special tics. Olliee, two doom south of post-ollicc Union, Oregon. J N. CROMWELL, M. D. , Physician and Surgeon, Office, one .door south of J. H. Katon's store, Union, Oregon. Q II. DAY, M. D., IIOMEPATHIC Physician and Surgeon. ALL CALLS PltOMl'TLY ATTKNnnn TO. Ofllce adjoining Jones Hro's store. Can be faund nights at the Centennial hotel, room .No. M. Baker. J. W.Siiei.ton. .1. P. Baker. AKEIl, SUMTON & BAKER, Attorneys at Law. OFFICES Union and La Grande, Ore gon. Special Attention given allj business entrusteti to us f II. CRAWFORD, Attorney at Law, Union, Oregon. Olllce, one door south of Centennial ho tel. J.M. CAKKOLIi, I B.P.WILSON. Notary Public. Ex-Co. Clerk. URROLL Ss WILSON, Conveyancers and Abstracters. Abstracts to Ileal and Mining property furnished on short notice, at reasonable rates. Sales of tteal and Mining property nego tiated. Collection business promptly at tended to. Oliice next door south of Post-office. Un ion, Oregon. A. L. SAY LOR, M. D Physician and Surgeon, North Powder, Oregon. Has permanently located nnd will attend all professional calls day or night. Office: Drug store building: residence, one door west of llodgers' hotel. W. STRANGE, DENTIST, La Grando, Oregon. Will visit Union regularly on the first Monday of each month. ALL WORK WARRANTED FIRST CLASS UNION, OREGON. $500,000.00to Loan on First Class Security, From One to Five Years Time, at a aw Bate of Interest. Also Buys, Sell and Bents Property for MNon-reMdents. T ONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOS1 To be Invested on Guaranteed Security. All Collections Promptly Attended to WitlioutDehiv. PATENTS Obtainerl atul all Patent Business attended to Promptly and for Moderate Feei. Our ' Ih -e it opposite the U. K. Patent Oflice. aail we cm obtain Patenii In les time than lUmo remote from Watoingtoii. Send MODKhor DRV WING Wo advUe as to pauUntiiliililv freo of charge; and we innku NO i lIAUOK UNl.Esrf PATENT 18 8KITREI) V refer, here, to the I'ostniaMer. the Runt of Minit-v Order Dlv , and to oiliviaU ol tho 1' h i'aiunt Olllce. For circular. uiIvim 'riimtiul roih'rt'n to urinal clt-i-ntiwi , i-ur otvn tuto or Coutit)', wrlli u V, A i .SNTOW Co, Mortgage Rank, Trains arrive and depart from Union daily, as follows: i:ST IiniNP. Passenger. No. 4, L'vc at -IM a. m. WKBT 110UKU. Passenger, No. 3, LVe at 4:35 p. m. Freight, No. 7, L've at 0:30 p.m. Freight. No. 8, L'vc at U'tSOa. in. Tiri;TCto and trom principal points 11rk-1" 10 in tlic United States, Canada and httropc. Elegant PjffiST Cars. Emigrant Sleeping Cars Run Through on Express Trains to OMAHA, COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Free of Charge and Without Change. Close connections at Portland for San Fran eisco and Puget Sound points. For fnrtlinr linrticiilnrs inonire of anv Agent of the Company or of A. L. Maxwell, U. 1'. ifcT. A., i'ortianu.uregon. SAN FRANCISCO LINE. from roirrxAKii. Leaving at 12Midn't., as follows: FROM HAN FRANCISCO L'v'ng Spear st. wh' at 10 a.m. as follows: Columbia Sat. Sept 1 Oregon, Wed. ., f State. Sunday ,, 0 Columbia. Thur .,, 13 Oregon, lion. ,, 17 State. Friday ,, 21 Elder, Tuesday ,. 25 Oregon. Sit'd'y. ., 2S) State, Tues. Sept. Columbia. Sat. .. Oregon. Wed. 12 State, Sunday Hi Elder, Thursday 20 Orecon. Monday ,, 'M State, Friday 28 The company reserves the right to change Hieainers or suiting unvs. W. If. HOLCOMB. I A. L. MAXWELL. Gen'l Manager. I G. P. Jt T. A, H. L. DEACON. Agent, Union. gRIZE DRAWING! BRIZE RAWING! A Hare Opportunity to Secure an Elegant rrescni I From this time until the 25th of Decem ber, any one purchasing a hat of any kind at our lnillinciy establishment will be en titled to a ticket which will cive them a chance in the drawing of the following bcaututil presents: 1 Satin Toilet Set, five pieces, 2 Embroidered Table Scarf, 3 Hand Painted Tidy. 1 Embroidered Lambrequin. 5 Linen Toilet Set, five pieces. Drawing to take place Dec. 25 MRS. Bl DWELL,) PronrietorJ MRS. BENSON.f 1 PrlorK- CORNUCOPIA STAGE LinSTE Stages leave Union every Monday, Wed nesday and Friday, Leave Cornucopia on return trip every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Passengers and Fast Freight tamed. 7,. KELSON, - - - Proprietor, R-31-tf Cornucopia Saloon, Wit. Wilson, I'hop. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always in stock, FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLE Drop in and bo sociable Kentucky Liauor Store AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and B Sts. - Onion. Oregon, 8IIKKMAN Si ICAIjKV, Prop. Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wa ter, Sarsaparilla, Ginger Ale. Cream Soda and Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or ders promptly lilted. IN THE Banker's Mutual Relief Associat'n of the Northwest nsure Against Accident, Sickness AND Funeral Expenses From tf.M to ?2fl.00 weekly indemnity in cue of accident. From $6 00 to $12.60 weekly indemnity in cate of f Ickm-AK. $100.00 for Funeral expenses. J NO. E. TUTTLE, Agent, Union, Oregon. ALPINE H0TEL, Cornucopia, Unjon county, Or. H.O. WAHINNKII, rrop'r. 'I tin wily lit I rim hou; In the rawp, onubji tyaml 0 U3l(t; JfUmH i'OWoMS' Views of a Wool Grower. Editor Okkgon Scot:T: As a wool grower of Union county I have given tho (piostion of turifT on wool confidorablo thought antl inves ligation since the introduction of tho Jlills bill in congress, .which puts wool on the free list. In reaching my con clusions I have investigated certain proposition!, which, if no intrusion, I should like to place before my brother wool growers ofj Union county. If he will give these propositions his can did consideration and follow up tho conclusions he certainly will gain val uable information. The discussion of the question as to whether or not tho tariil'on wool en hances the price of the home product, ha brought out a great many facts and figures tending to prove that it docs not. There aro phases of tho case which, it seems, haTc not been pointed out afl prominently as they deserve, that would indicate that the home producer not only docs not receive any protection from the tarili by way of enhanced prices, but is positively injured by sucn tantl. wo will pre sent certain propositions which wo think argues for this conclusion, and, Iirsf The manulacturer by j-ea- son of the tariff on imported wools, is compelled to pay from 25 to 30 per cent, more for them. If he buys these wools he has nothing to say in fixing the price on them, that being done by the London market and the tariff. lliatne is compelled to nave some grades of the foreign article in tho pro duction ot certain Kinds ot clotii is proven by the fact that he does buy it, and did buy in the year 1887 over 111,000,000 pounds of foreign wools. On the other hand the manufactur cr is in such a position that he con trols the fixing of prices on the homo product. The Boston markets govern the other markets of the Unitod States in prices for wool, and who fixes the Boston standard? Undoubtedly tho manufacturer and wool merchant. The wool agents visit the wool grower and tells him the market is so and so, and ho can give him a 'certain price for his wool. If the wool grower objects to the price he can then consign his wool to tho wool merchant, who is in collusion with the manufacturer, and get such a price for his wool as the manufacturer and wool merchant may agree on. That the home producer must sell at homo is proven by the fact that no foreign agents come to him to buy. Then, upon the hypothesis that the home producer is forced to sell at home and that tho manufacturer; fixes the price, is not the conclusion warranted, that if he is compelled to pay a very high price for his foreign wools he will place a correspondingly low price uji on tho home product7 Docs not tho quotation at Boston prove this conclu sion? ' Second : The consumption of wool en goods in the United StatcH requires about 650,000,000 pounds of wool year' ly. We produce about 300,000,000 pounds and import now about 11 1, 000,000 pounds. If tho other 135,000,- 000 pounds of wool were imported free of duty into the United States, would there not be a deficit in the foreign supply as a coneequence, and an ad vance there in prices? If prices did advance there would not prices ndvanco correspondingly here? Granting that foreign wools of simi lar character to homo grown should be admitted duty free, would tho price of the homo product necessarily decline until moro than tho (150,000,000 pounds had been put upon the home market? Would the price decline no long as the demand equalled or exceeded tho sup- ply? Third : Statistics show a rapidly in- creating population in tho United States an increasing factor of con sumption. Docs the tariff stimulate sheep husbandry to meet tho domund for wool which such factor of consump tion brings about? Let us see. Ac cording to tho report on agriculture for 1885, there were at that timo -18,-322,321 fchecp iu the United States, nnd in the year 1887 there were 43,5-14,755, as shown by tho report for that year, a falling cu in two years in thu num ber of sheep of nearly 6,000,000 houd, What, thu vlioep industry actually do- dining with a protcctivo tarili' und thu wbol mcchunUin of thu nipiibllcun party combined lo niutulit ltV Vc, ami tho mily mIvhUoii (or Hid woo) Krowtr )n;fu jo t bU Pruyir fa can party,) for tho creation of new worlds to which to transfer his bleat ing "little lambs." The barren hills of the west are a sad memento of the fact that sheep men atone time con trolled nearly all tho profits arising from pasturing the same, but compe tition for the ranges between wool growers drove nearly 5,000,000 sheep out of existence in two years, despite the protective tariff, if such it be. Fourth: In tho classification of foreign wools in the tariff law of 1807, for the purpose of levying an import duty, combing wools of a staple of four and one-half inches were selected as one grado upon which a tariff should bo laid. The other grades upon which a tariff was placed being a carpet wool. A tarilf of 12 cents per pound was laid upon the long combing wwl. Why? Because but little oi that grado wan grown in t lie United States, and man ufacturers had to have it in tho manu facture of a certain kind of clolh. and consequently a tariff on such wools would necessarily bring into tho treas ury a largo revenue. At tho present time wools of one and one-half inches staple aro combed and used very large ly in tho manufacture of the same kind of goods that' in 1117 required the long staple wools, because of tho perfection reached in combing wools. Tho Jtariff clafsification is the same now as in 18(7, and if then tho tarilf was intended to afford protection to the wool grower, now it does not, be cause combing wool of shorter staple than four and one-half inches comes in duty free. Tho tariff laws of 1807 were enacted solely for tho purposes of revenue. No idea of protection induced tho fr.iineirt of these laws to place a ta.iifi'of J 2 cts. per pound upon four and onu-half inch combing wools. They so placed tho tariff on wools as to dcrivo a large rev enue and this was tho only considera tion had in putting an import duty on these wools. Tho protective feature of these laws has been hatched by tho political incubators of tho republican party since 1807 for the purpose, if possible, of obtaining the support of wool growers in perpetuating them selves in power, and no doubt some wool growers are being led into tho trap laid for thorn, without sufficiently investigating the subject to discover tho fallacies of tho republican assertions. A Wooi, GitowKi:. Copp's Land Itoviuw. Editor Orkcon Scout: Tho Chinese Question is just at present tho all-absorbing topic, of pub lic and political discussion, anc a bill prohibiting tho immigration into this country of Chinese persons lias been passed by Congress, and is now before the President, who will probably sign it now that official information of the rejection by tho Chinese government of tho treaty recently proposed, has been received. Quito a flutter of excitement was created a few days ago by thu an nouncement iu the public prints that Assistant Conuniscionor Anderson, of thu General Land (Jilice, luid rendered a decision to the effect that a China man who in 1887 declined his inton tion to becomo a citizen of tho united States could legally initiate a home stead entry. It is quito certain, however, that, whatovcr may have been thu founda tion upon which tho rumor was based, and whatever may havo been tho opin ion of tho Assistant Commissioner up on the subject at tho timo of publica tion, no such decision was piomulgat cd'and that officer is now firmly of, the opinion that unless a Chinaman can conclusively show that lie had de clared his intention to become a citizen of the United States prior to the a mendment of tho Naturalization Laws in 1875, ho can never becomo quali fied to mako an entry of public lauds under any of the law whuro citizenship is a prcrcqusite. It appears that the district land offi cers iu one of tho Territories permitted thrcu Chinamen, who had iiilcd there declaration of citizenship in 1883, to mako a mineral land entry, and tho case camo beforo the Assistant Com missioner for consideration. His judgment was imnhatically recorded against the legality of such an entry, and an order of cancelation was made at once; no holding for cancelation with privilege of appeal, was made, but tho entry was canceled outright, with out a word iu tho decision about tho right of appeal, on tho ground that only citizens of the United States, and those who had legally declared their intentions to becomo such, can mako an cnUy for mineral lands, and that thu Revised Statues as amended by tho act of 1875 excluded Mongolians from tho privilege of becoming citizen, thu entry was illegal and utterly void. Wry few Chiiiainou havu ovei be como ciiUoiih of tho United Status. I am informed (hut out of tliu UmiiNtinU that have come hnr only kixtven worn ever natiirulutul. If thu ha trim, uiul no cliutigo omuir in our inttiuulUuiluii lawn, tho iublii) iloimtiii will nut bo ub (ofbiMj to miy (trim l pyimit by Clilim Kiwi! lli)en Hiihmi MXluun pruvu imtil lyrrelWieMniK; . iiivniir n run- Cove Cullinirs. Oct. -I, 1888. Mrs. N ine Payne went to Walla Wal la Monday. She will visit friends and al.-o attend the fair. A number of Cove people will attend the Mechanic's fair this year. Eugene Foster and wife will start to-day. Mr. Joseph Kclley, formerly of tho Cou but late of Idaho, is the father of a fine boy weighing ten pounds. Tho flouring mill is purchasing a good supply of wheat for fall grinding. Price paid at the mill, iifty-threo cents. Wild parsnip is getting in its deadly work. II. II. French and B. B. "San born havo each lost valuable cows late ly. M. P. Uccs and L. R. Holmes are hauling material and will soon com mence building largo barns on their places. A greater pint of tho band of horses which were missing on the Milium, and wero supposed to havo boon driv en off, havo been found. William Meachain, fireman on a Short Line freight train, is enjoying a law off, and is amusing himself hunt ing wild fowl in tho vicinity of town. The Cove Dairy Co. will havo a sam ple ot its products on exhibition at tho Mechanic's fair, nnd aro confident of winning favorable notice and awards. Mrs Anna Ellsworth, accompanied by two sisters, Misses Swartz, came from Montana a tow days since and expect to mako their homo in Cove this win ter. A peculiar malady overtook a fine milch eow owned by James Payne, last week. She went stono blind in one day, though thoio was apparently no cause for her sudden loss ol sight. Mrs, Kouinson ami daughter, .Miss Kosetta, have leturned from an uxten- ded visit among relatives in Michigan They experienced a very enjoyable time, hut say they piefer a country for a home, not quite so Hat as parts of Michigan. A guild haH been formed by tho la dies of this place, whoso aid will bo principally Jor tho Episcopal church, They hold meetings every Wednesday afternoon at present and expect this winter to avrango a series of dime so ciables. Miss Morrison, of New Jersey, has arrived and is filling tho position of music teacher of tho Ascension school. Tho lady understands niusio perfectly and is a very thorough teacher. Mr. Powell is to bo congratulated on hav ing secured her valuable services. un l'liday and haturday evenings of this week at 7:30 o'clock, Mrs. A. I. Higgs of Portland, will deliver at the Morrison church, two very interes ting lectures on tho subject of tomper- ancn, wlncli will ho illustrated by col ored charts. Tho music for tho occtt' sion will ho rendered by home talent, with an opening by the hand. Admis sion free. Tho ball given by tho Cbvo band, Friday night was ii success iu every way. Forty couples wero present, ono and all voting themselves well enter tained. Through thu kindness of lady citizens a good lunch was served at 12. A large cake, nicely trimmed and orna mented with t ho word "Band" was presented by .Mrs. L. li. Thomas. Tho baud boys are highly appreciative and expect to partake of tho said evidence of culinary skill at their regular meet ing this week. 1 cannot danco with you for I hav n't my best clothes on. Miss M. I would havo enjoyed myself splendidly at tho danco if a wasp hadn't utung mo on tho vertebrae. D. None of my fa vorites were thore, so how could I hope for a very good time. M. I hardly over attend a ball without making an impression, J. J I. My part nor was wituoi'.t exception tho cutest girl on tho floor. T. Doesn't Mr. C pluy a lovely waltz on tho cornet? Miss A. "Twasonau autumn day, lakeward riding with Miss "J. A WARNING. Tho modes of death's approach are various, and statistics show conclusive ly that more people die from diseases of tho throat and lungs than any other. It is probable that everyono without exception, receives vast numbers of tuberclo germs into tho HVBlem antl whore those germs fall upon suitablo soil they start into life and develop, at ftm slowly and is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the throat and if allowed to continue their ravages thoy oxlend to tho lungs producing con sumption and to the head, causing ca tarrh. Now all this is daugerotiH and if allowed to proceed will in timo cause death. At tho onset you must act with promptness; allowing a cold to go without attention is dangerous and may low you your life. Ah toon as you fool that something is wrong with your throat, lungs or nostrils, obtain a bottle of DoHeheo' Gorman Syrup. It will givo you ImmitdittUi relief. IIIMJUMlS'rtTuiNMU WAI.Vi;, Til k llT NAi.vr. lii tint world for ( uln, lhuUtx, ttiru, Phtiro, Halt llliuum. Kuwr Hurw, TUr, l lmiu uml, ('ilulni Uoriii. and nil WVlit J'.nipllwiu, ui)(iilvu lyniiiM lllw, ur, no puy ruiulrrd It In t!urtibil to tflvn jiwltwl nuiUMi'lkm nr iiMiucy ruiidml J'jta rwila PVrl'vli l ibr Hewitt WrinfiH irH '('in Xoi'th Powder XoteM. North Powder, Oct, 3rd, 18S8. Grain comes rolling in. Miss Maud Bobier has been on tho sick list. Broockin the "bilk" line been arres ted in New York. Prof. Nerval, of Summcrvillo, paid this place a visit on Saturday. Judge Dolau has leased his farm and will remove his family to town shortly. Mr. Rothchild will erect two cotta ges, on hiB lots near the depot, for rent. Mr. W. I). Nolan will supply a "long felt want" here, by engaging in tho boot and shoe bussness. Business is looming up. A new .shoemaker, another saloon will open up shortly and who will be the next to aid business in the town. Misrepresentation of facts by a cor respondent of this placo to a neighbor ing paper is inexcusable, and may ter minate in trouble should any moro news of like character ho liuulo public. "A ward ect." Mr. Charles Schiedliauer. the gen tlemanly and urbane book-keeper and clerk for Spencer, Ramsey Hall, at this place for tho past three and n, half years, has decided to retiro from his position during this month. Char ley has served long, well and faithfully thereby establishing a reputation for himself as a thorough book-keeper, clerk and business man. Many friends will miss, with regret, tho smiling countenance of Charley hereafter in his old accustomed position. Died. At tho Rodgers' house on Saturday morning, September 2t)th, Mr. James Gates, of valvular disease of tho heart, after a lingering illness of fivo months. Mr. Gates was born in Cauandaigua, Ontario county, New York, in 1830. IIo emigrated to Jef ferson Wisconsin while yet a young man and was appointed foreman of a largo furnituro factory which position ho held for a period of ten years. Ho afterwards removed to Blue Hill, Nc barska, where ho conducted a grocery business for upwards of thrco years, fi nally disposing of his stock ho received tho appointment of deputy sheriff and special detective and served two years. Hu came to Oregon last spring and has since resided here, not being enabled to cngago in any permanent employ ment on account of ill health. Tho deceased has received tho untiring care and attention of his son Elmer, together with that of Miss and Mrs. Richardsoi. and family during his long confinement. Many kind and sympa thizing friends havo acted tho part of good Samaritans in rendering unto do ceased many acts of kindness and char ity in his closing days on earth and fi nally followed his remains to tho gravo oven though comparitively a stranger. Ho was buried on Sunday afternoon in tho coinotory, Rev. J. Newman officia ting clergyman. IIo leaves two grown sons, E. E, and M. M. Gates and many relatives and friends to mourn his loss. Ajas. Island City Items. Oct. 3rd 1888. G. 1 Frank of Portland visited this placo recntly. Miss Carrie Lindsay returned to Se attle last week. Mrs Jas. Mason has been quito sick thu past week but is now improving. Mrs Wm Moss is visiting her sister at Walla Walla. Mr John McNoaley has sold his in terest in tho saloon busincsw to James Lasloy. Win Sterling and R. D. Cooper will attend thu Machanics Fair at Portland. Geo Quimby and Joe Gilbert are go ing to movo with their families to tho Big Bond country. The party at the Barnhart liouso Saturday ovoning was well attended, immensely enjoyed especially by those who participated in tho grand finalo. Thomas Martin met with an acci dent last week whilo out hunting his revolver was discharged, tho bullet lodging in his shoulder. Dr McDon ald after locating tho ball decided to let it remain. Thrco robber tcntored tho building occupied by tho 'chineso garduero on last Wednesday evening and induced tho johnies to deliver about four hun dred dollars over to them, thrco men wero arrested on suspicion hut wero afterwardH discharged for want of evi dence. Johny Couch a youth of about 8 yra. of ago whilo coming down tho Fox hill with his brothers last Saturday, slipped and fell beforo thu hind wheel of a wagon loaded with wood, tho wheel passed over his hips but as tho wugou was on sideling ground and Johny was on upper sido ho received no nor monant injury. Luna Tick, Why buy from ImiKrutlng agent of whom you know nothing, ultherof their roHpoiuibUity or thu churecler of tliftlr KOOiIh, when Huiro HrertniKmnlblo ltil or loomed near yon, who ourry iiui anil comploU) line of ul) furMiul mill tiiuehlnery uml imiiUwwtt, ami wkow miiu'cm t fin.' you)- 141 nUmUt Ui Mipiioit with ymr mUmwl Prtutk llf. Iwj4wwH t4, 1