9 I KINDNESS THAT PAYS. ThB rropr War or UottinR Morse trotn tho Pasture Flrl.l. It would no doubt bo a very amusing sccno wore it possible to take n bird's oyo viow of some of tho uii.iiost fut-iuing districts ono of tbeso fluo mornings about daylight, mid suo the different j? . ways of getting horses up out of tho f pasture and into tho stable ready for work. Tho pleading echoes of the "hoap! lump! ho-ap!" from ono farm would bo answered by tho savage bark of tho (logon another farinas ho chased tho poor animals as if they were so many wild boasts that wore being drove out of the neighborhood. (Jotting up tho horses on homo farms is regarded as ono of tho hardest tasks of tho day, and it is frequently mndo ono of tho most wearisome performances both for tho horses and thoso who attend to it. It oomes at a time when neither man nor boast can afford to got excited or wor ried, for tho wholo day's work is still before thorn, aud with a bad start there is liable to bo trouble and worry all the day. This may soem to bo u matter of llttlo importance but there is more in it than is generally supposed. HOrses which aro brought quietly from tho a Qiold will oat their morning feed of grain with a better relish nand get moreOfood from it than if cfitised around utull speed for a half-hour before ho can bo captured. The excite ment caused by thisQiasingis more ex hausting than tho lrgdcst kind of labor, to say nothing about tho tinioiost in do ing it- If treated properly horses will not bo hard to got up in tho morning or nnyo other time. Treat them kindly when they como in, and thov will so learn to como without coaxing or driv- ing. Ilavo a treat in tho shape of a ' good food of grain or chop that they will relish when the get into tho stable, and all you will have to do is to open tho gates and doors and let them to it. If they have acquired tho habit of run ning, and are hard to drive, it will tako q somo more tempting than usual to break off this habit. Have their feed in tho trough for them when they enter tho stable, and they will learn to hurry V to it instead of running in tho opposite O direction. It may tako a little time and some pationO to break 'q-1 offenders, but it can 'O done, and wnen once ac complished tho pleasure it will afford and the timo saved will more thanOpay jr tho trouble. If you treat and train your horses right they will bo awaiting your appcaram at tho accustomed gjir instead of skulking away and try ing) to' avoid you. National Stockman. J Gould's Wardrobe. C)Ir. Gould considers his timo more valuablo than money, and it is his habit to visit his tailor and tell him to make so many suits of elothos. "I guess you'd bolter make mo about four suits of c&Uies this timo," Mr. Gould 1 ould say. Then he will stroke IiIsq hlskors, look thoughtful and add: 1 "Possibly you'd bettor mako mo half a i iloxeh btiits this timo; have them done j as soon as you can, and if they don t prove what I liko 1 will givo them to my brother." Mr. Gould leaves every thing to his tailor's judgment; that per m also selects Mr. Gojild's neckties 3hd underwear. Tho millionaire pays himself that ho hasn't time to bother with such small dotails. His tailor ex plained to mo that Mr. Gould's brother, whom ho had rofog-ed to, is rather an erratic individual. IIo is tho opposite Df his hrotl&r Jay, for lie caves nothing for money, neither does he know how to mako it. Tho millionaire seldom trusts him with vory much money, but ho has carte h andle to go to any of his broth er's tradespeople and get whatever ho may need. He's exactly fho samo size as his brother, and a suit of clothes that Its ono is equally suitable for tho othor. Sometimes when Mr. Gould or ders a half dozen suits of clothes, and thoy are sent homo to him, there lmiy riot bo ono suit that ho likes, and ho immediately gives an order for another half dozen suits. IIo does not oven think to ask tho price, and finds no fault with his tailor. His tailor says thoro aro few mon in New York that dress bettor than Mr.Gould. Washing' ton Star. Ho Was Disappointed. A Llttlo Hook negro went up to th general delivery window of tho post olllco and asked if there woro any let ters for Mr. l'hil Potter. "No," replied tho clerk. "Look yaro, aj' you sorter wrnung 'bout dat?" "I toll you thoro is nothing for you." "I know yon told mo dat, but I's got reasons fur bTebin' dat you's wrntuu. "I don't euro whnt you've got. Got away from hero." "I ken do dt, sail, wid do grace o' do poesuls, but iU mighty uuU dat dur ain' no letter yaro fur me, I ken toll you dat right now." IIo turned away, nnd, muttering to himself, wild: "Mighty strange whut como o' dut lottor, fur I put it in dar las' night nioiWf. Fotoh or lot or nig j;ors down yaro tor wo mo git dat lottor out. an' it ain't ou do promUo. Mobby dat wltlto man did't put my liatno ou it right. Folks kid' bjiock mo tor bo n iiuidwunip of da treats mo liko dls, (Iwlno lore my 'ihiwico uf or ohaugo uln't tuuk pretty toon. Gwlno git vomsbtidy tar fcond mo ouo chizo yaro tllly.graun." Arhinutw 'ftuveitr, Ho Wat a Native. "J think," ankl k vUlUir to liur )io 'HitMt Mr. ukiy U mi iuuiHiUrH JimWmI Iim tMi'l." iiiMal b )uMf (i itM-UMt), "lu Ui itiw Kilt H't tint Iwm ulth " A Unt4l alulti ttliti lt4' flM' lUu Ml(llli4Mi IMlUl MWM tll'm(. It is the struggle and' not tho attain ment that measures character. I milt. im;.7lllu c;M,tl ilulL'L. ' J uacher Hans, name three boasts' f !i..., 'i .' i: ... . 1 . I v ... , unv miv ill iijr VOU UOU I need because it's cheap. r,. This includes Deer. ruck: The easiest and best way to expand tho client is to have a good'large heart in iU It saves the cotof gymnastics. an orri:Nsivi: iu:i:.vtii Is the most tllslrep9ini?. ant only to tho person httlicteil it he have nny prlilo. but to tlto.se with whom lie cono.'s In contact. It is a tli-llnttc nidtlcr to opt k of, but 1' Iirs pitted not only friends but lovers. Hml liiviitliiiiil entiirrltiire ItipeimrHble. l)r. Suite's Cuturrli Iti'in ily cures tlio worst c-uses as thousands ( an testify. NothliiR Is more e?pentll to one's future Imp' plne.os and sneers In llils life than 'liuutsecm ploynnnlof s(miu moment?. coxsrairTios, sokoki.'i.a. op-nkual, Ilolillit.v. A'nlliiu llNtn'N ol' ('till dreii. Chronic CoukIis mid Hionehltl", can b. cured by tho use or Heolt's Kniitlnlun of Cod Liver Oil with Ilypouhospliitc-". I'ruml. nent physicians tise It anil lest ly to lis kiuvo value. 1'lea-e read the following: "I used Scott a Kmuhjlnu for an obstinate CuurIi with IWniorlirnce, Iaiss of Appetite. Kiuaciatlon, frlteplessne-s. etcQ All of thesti liavo luiw left, ihjpJ I believe your Kmulsion lias saved a case ol vell developed Consumption."''. J. Find LliV, 11. D., 13110 Star, Texas. o Truo happiness can only be attained through Ihu love ot God. INVENTIONS Ol'Tlli: lllTIl kntciiy. Tlif steamboat, tnc miner, the sewing iiiachiue Cars ruiinini by night aud by day. Houses llhtt d by Kin and healed by steam. And bright electricity's ray. The telctfiaph's click bpeeds liko li'Khtninu re liacd. Then the telephonn ,-nies to excel It: .ii lo put on the M Is'-i. the liiji but not least, Ihu famed little 1 u (.tiiviQellet. Last but not least Is Dr. l'icrco's I'len ant lnrgativ IN llet. bi cause It rel eves human tuU'eiing. adds lo the mm of huiiiim conilott. uml enables the relieved sullVrcr to enjoy all tho blejsliiKsand luxinlesof the ago w e live in. Characler Is thciireat desideratutn of liuman life. i J. II. l'ISH,(N'nyi'riuiil Analytical Clu-in iHt. laboratory, 101 Klr-il st Cortland. Or. Aimljscs made of all jubstances. . Itrnncliltis. For lloarseii'ss and Sore Tin oat, " Urown's "llronchial 7Voc7im " aro a bpccitlc. 11 CHINA MLES. Svmitomm MoUture; li to i Itching anil ttiuicluR. moft at ultiht; worse hy scii.UliinK. If allowed to ttia tinue tuiuorj finn, whlcli often tilted and ulcnate, liecuiiiltffc ery Roro. Swavne'h Ol.STJIKM' toi the lichiui anil hli-edlnK, laiU ulceration, and In nuny cases removes the tumors. It U equally elhcaclous iu eiuinir all sVin Dlseafes. U. SWAYNB S SOIi. J Proprietors, l'liiisdelidda. bWAVNE'H OINTMBNT cuj ve obtainou or iiiubkiw. Rent u man air w -aum. If atllicted with Soro Kyes, use Dr. Ihmo Tlioinpaon's Kye Water. Uniiojiala sell It. 25c. Thy Oekmka for iircaltfast. BEES VERSUS INDIANS. A TouCiliiK trir.v Told by it Veracious Culifonihi I'iiuu'iT. Many readers are familial' with Wall's extraordinary feat, in 181'J, in driving, according to his statement, a swarm of bees across tho plains. A day or two since, as ono of our business mon was coming down town, ho hap pen' to discover a largo beo quietly resting on Wall's shoulder, as prepara tions woro being made for sprinkling tho court-house lawn. "Say, Wall, what aro you doing with that beo on your shoulder?" Wall was startled for a moment, but, recovering his usual composure, spoko with grav ity, carrying conviction of untar nishablo truth. 4 Til tell you, and it's the solomn truth, if over I spoke it in my lifo. That boo is tho queen of thJ-swarm I drovo across tho plains. Sho has boon hunting mo for years, and know mo tho moment I called her name. You soo, sho is get ting a llttlo gray, but I know hoi on sight. Sho piloted tho swarm, and I used to feed her from my own molasses can. That bee is tho last of her race, and I shall tako care of her in lior old age. 1 toll you, John, that beo brings up many reminiscences of that niomora blotrip. Several times that swarm stood by mo in an hour of peril. Thoy could 6cent an Indian several miles away, and they got to really onjoy an Indian attack. Tlie fact is thoy understood tactics as well as tho boat-traineu soldiers. Whon tho queen sounded an alarm, every boo was uv' or arms ready for fight. First a skirmish lino was thrown out, and you could seo moro or less uneasiness among tho red-skins as ono and another would claw at his cars, oyos or nose, but when tho order to 4chargo' was sounded, und tho beo bat tallions began to raovo in 4douhlo quick,' a route and stampedo always followed. It is a fact, John, if over I told tho truth in my lifo. What I am saying is truo. Thoso boos fought all my battlos across the plains, and this is my old 'quoon. " "Non-oxploslvo ilynnmlto?" Well indeed, Ilonry, wo novor hoard of such a thing und consequently can't toll where to find it. Ilut wo have no doubt that should tho Government tul vertiso for 60,000 pounds of nigh proof, double forco dynamite for tor pedoes, somo patriotic contractor would find a way of furnishing at double price a kind of dynamite with about one-tenth the explosive forco of wot sand. llur.'atl IIA.MItl'ltli rios Are Ihi sovert-lsn rouudy lu all cnee where etoemi vu orlntutllclcnl nourishment, Mxttuinry liublts. Hleeplcnnes. iruvnlltiK or jiretfuuiiuy produce u unUency to C'uttliiitliiii, Tlmt bane of thu Aim iliun pooie. A iiei(l(et lo it iinily ll'U cnmtillon limy itmlt nedoutl)'. Ilumliui'ir I-'ltfx are a fruit lllvo Iwteiik'K. tomijtd of fruits and vruelubUit. Altlmiih inllil, they aru vury rll.llye. ami Ihelr eoiitliaasl u kioi4 tho boMt-U lu a l.elthy ud nuturul cuiullilou, MlllmuiioM I llm rrull at un Inaullvo l,lvr, ami iliiptoiutf no mm lfliM h) Irtfcdttuiio. fuuvd IfillKIIV. liM uf (al(iMltit Willi n )ufiliW kWlll. llMiiiUiii if I'Ik Mlu U'Uiiiily uriutlvu llml uill iiiWiut.lU rllsto IliU ixuU'lliuu ami ru iwiv I he luiiiurtiiiM ihu it KUttt ttUI U twill lliiinliiiiL- rii nr' (tinuiM If lliwr uw MMiliUi-iiJ Viil-Jti..tl).iiii4.i It lvM f MU Vu U ibli4iW. 11ij AfSuUl I A n recent meeting of tho Acad emy of Sciences, in Paris, M. Chovroul , . , , r -t I nnmntnninntiiil 111 flirt li'lllrt ilf Al . i , ., . Arnaud, Curator at tho Museum of I Natural IIt3tory, a very interesting noto on tho toxic substanco which tho Comalis employ to poison their arrows. This substanco is the "Onabajo" wood, and from this wood M. Arnaud has ex tracted a crystallino matter ondowod with terrible venomous proportios. In subcutaneous and intravenous injec tions three ono-hundrodths of n grain of tho poison itjillleos to kill a dog. Death rapidly occurs by an arrest of tho hear! action. IU niorlor ncellcnce vruTrn In million! of home for more Umn A quarter of n ciuitiiry. It U used by tjia Vnlted Statu Uomimient Kndorif il by the Iieaita of the (Irtat Unlveralllo) i the Stronseft, Turent and niont Healthful. l)r rrtce Cream lUking Towder dov not contain Animonl , Ijime or Atom Sold only lu e-una, rituiK HAKiMi l'ownun co. NEW VOKK. C1IKUIIO. KT. I.OUM. Tiik Loo Caiiins f Ameri n have been birth places of some of the grainiest men. Lincoln. Grain, Sheridan, first biiw the light ofy day through the chinks of a T.ni? I.iililn. AVnriierV Loir Cthin Sftap:irilla nlso originated in a Log Cabin and stands j re-einiiient among the hi od purifiers of tOMlay as Warner's "Tippecanoe" does us a stomach tonic. Hnt wlmlebono emi he restored ntul used HKuin by dimply FonkliiK In water a few hours, then drj Iiik them. a STAKTI.ING DISCOVIIISV. Tho discovery by tin- Inhnbitnnts trt a looiillty littheno unvisited by the pestilent BOtmrKO of f.verundtti;ui tlmt it exists in their very midst, in dt'eldoilly uturtllnij. fuuh discoveries ure made ut every seiison. in every part of the Union. Subsequently, when it in aseoitnlne 1, ns it invuriubly is ut tuch time!', ti-rounh the vulunble expei lei.ee of homo one who bus been benell ted und eurerl. Hint Hosteller's btniimch Hitters is ii thoroughly etlleiicloiis eniill utor of t' u malarial foUon, ami it means of fortify Intf the bystem iiK'diiit It. u feeling of ninro seeuiity uml trtinqullity leiirns IhrniiKhoiit the wholu.ueiKhborluiod. Jles-ides the febtilelorms of niu'irlitl ilNeuse, dumb tu;m unit ukuo cuke are removed by the potent action uf tin) H.t lers. to which hcIuiicu iUo wives its sanction ns H remi'il for rheumatism, ilytpcpsdu, conslipii tioii, liver complain', debility, kidney troiihh t, and nil dlseiiKes imp iiiim; the orumiB ot Hi Kestion und usslmilulion. Will to and pule similes of paint may be beau tifully cleaned by using wlillliiB in the water. "White Klephnntor Sinn, Lion of Eng land, Diagouof China, Cro'-s of Swiizer Jand, H.miierof Persia, Cresfcnl ol Kvpt, DquIiIo Knglo of ltiiHsih, Stxrof Until, Tho Circle of Japan, Harp of Hrhi. To get thco buy a box of the genuine Dn. C. McLanu's Ci:i.i:iiiiatki) Livku Pills, price 2S cents, ami inull us the out side wrapper with your uddress, plainly written, and -1 cents in stamps. Wo will tVteii mail jou the above list witli an ele gant package of olographic and chro matic cards. Flkmino linos., Pittsiujiio, Pa. Lightning cun bo Been by taucu of two hundred miles. rctlectlon a dis- Yea, ho loves you now, 'Us true. Lass with eyes of violet blue, Lips as sweet as houey-duw, Ilonny ll tlo bible! Will hu lovo you as to-dny, When your bloom has Ho i away. When louruolden locks uro Kiey, Will his love abldei Yes, if It Is thu trim kind U will ftirvlvo all (lie Inevitable wastes und changes of life. Hut, It Is every woman's desire und duty to retain, is Ioiik as bhu can, tho attractions that made I er ( lutrinliiK und beloved In youth. No ouo i an keep her youthful bionm or Mpuihln tem I er If wcIkIicU down nnd Bii'fcniiK tiom female weakness and dleoidfis. Dr. I rice's KavmlP' l'r kcilpllon Is a remedy for llieao troubles, fcold b druKuists. lx't us nnd hnpplnoHs lu brimjlnic Joy and V liulness to thoeu iiround us. COXCKNTIMTK VOUIl VITAMTV, One of the secrets of health In the con centration of vitality. Tim recruiting of the vital principle is done efi'ectually by I'ltANiiKKTii's J u.ia. "Health finds hap piness In the mero sense of existence." 15nANnitirruH Pills help nature to reas sert her own when "-lie bus been forod to va:ate her strontihold in thu body. When mi enemy Htiackx a fort all the torces are concentrated at thu point of attack to re sist the onslaught. So with he body. BitANimirrn's Pii.ijs concentrate all one's vitality to throw oil' the encroaching di sease. Gel rillANDIIKTIl'S PlI.I.H, Ho buro to take no oilier. Neifthtiorly love biul Intere! In tho welfare f nthers tire produutlvo of inueh Biinshiuu ever) whre. INFANTILE SkirvScalp DISEASES ;-curod by.V CUTIcUf POIl Ol.KANHINO, PintlPYINq AND I bouulU)li)M Uiuikluo dilliiriii una lufmiU udcuniiK loiiurlnu. ilUruiirluif, ifhlii,cj; am pllniJy iIImjuhM cif tl.u kklu, culp ltd tltMkl, Willi loxuf hull. lieuiinUncy IgwUUo. thodinii i iu lli,u.nii.4ro jiiUllMu. Oi'-iim iu lliwiti.iit riUii iUir, nutl Ciii ilMU tiU4f, lilt ii(liiiln UWiu lltiaiillllwr l (fiuilli niid rii('Ht llMnlVm i, lhi itn Uh I iiillUi lutbiill niiomti) fuini kin iii HiJ iiltiU, imui idiui'M (u I I;m iyl(W luU il nimnii) fu kin '( Mu4 &Uk, imui iiiiui iw , .... . UVk.Hiui' smut PURE I psW " H. T. HUDSON, CHHl' M VL& Mt f 'Jit First Street. I'OltTh.lM), Oil ME AM- , Iffi Jl ftB 111 n TJiohinir IHnnWn ill Bi For Sciivtica. New, Strong, Strnl ght Facta. Cure Complete. Scurry. Txi, Jan. 1$J. Wt compItlj- nni tw j-ri if o of icUUcft T tt ait of St. Jcob Oil, wi on cnttchit ill fwlof ill Uu Um. Ha rttun of tiln. TH0UA3 J0NE3. ,w . . . Dr'rrln Sprlngi, Tim, Ilelpless 8 MontliK. Jna, ItSs. Wi t W monthi; could not wli for 3 with eltu; iuffrtd nturlx ont yur in all: wai enrd by St. Jacob Cll. Wo rtlipn. J, JOHNSOM. Given Up. Kun, Ohio, Jnnt JO. lilt. BoSired wt; conitant pain In hip; nird emtchu; tln np by iocten: irai cnrnl by CI. Jacob! Oil. WM. AVEKT TASKUIIX. AT DRU0OTRT8 AND T1EAI.ER8, THE CHARLES A. VOCELER CO., Baltimore, Md. i; uuiiu. niiimiimiiuii. inn lilt id AND SPORTSMEN'S CAMPAIGN 3AD6E: Xn. 1 Lapel Button, either Democratic or Republican, sample by mall, lllcls. No. 2 Hurt Won Hiitton, silk embroidered, Nntional colois. by mail, 10 rN. No. a Kniimelcil UuttoiiK "C.&T." or "H. & M." stamped ou each, gold plated, very nice, 25 els. No. I Ueinocratlc or Pcpuhliran modnl likenesses of nominees clearly cut ni each, silver finished, with pin, mall, 2."c. Scud for new Gnu Catalogue Oct, 1st SARSAPARILLA DOCK -ANII- Joclitlo of X- Itcun-a IllIKUMA7IMM.NKeHAl.oiA, Ilolli, rimplen, Borotulu, limit, I'atiirili, Tiirnum, Hnt Itlmiim, ami Mur-url.il iwlna. It I'lirillm I lu ltloo4, lU'Ctniea tlo I.tvi'r ai il Khln-yh to litaltliy itctiou, and U'.uUia thu OoinplfiU n I Irt kill unci Clear J. R. CATES & CO., F'roprlotors 117 SaiiHoiiK' St.. Kan Ki-aiiclHco. im rrutniutns. in no, U yOUIH J'.HinilllhllC I. , ilUH D Hitiiiitnl Stvul Tail ML- Do- Ww, In u4ti In ii'Mitucr'l'iniiii, liy wliltli mir 1'lamm Ktiiiul In luno -l) fars, kikiiI f. t I'll) ; nnt nlTi-cteil I iy iHumtu. No wixjd tu fpllt, liruk, Hwell, shrink, crock, tleray, or wt-or out; o iniranlw) it. Klu Viint Hofcwooil Camsi, 3 strlni'!., ilonlilu ri-t-ntiriy action; nnust ivory l;oy; tl.o 1'ainonH AfJTISUI.Ij. I'allorwrlto for IMtaloKUf, frco. T. SI. , NTJrf lll.l I'lAS'OCO , Miuiilfai-tnivra, Oilii Fittlowa' Hull, Mar livt anil S'jvi'iitn htri'cln, San rrain'Im n. nig n Tina uiven anlvto sal entlsfoctlon In 111 euro ot Gonorrhoea ard Olcrt. Iprt'scrltieltand loci sato In recommend' Onrciln 't 10 I DATS. FTOutriatMd doi ut eiu Biriouira. tin; It to all nurTcrcr. SnaiChtcUalCt. .i.J.STONKU, ll.D CinotnnaU.H Decilur, III. rmcis tji.uo. . Ohio. 4 trd Bold liy OrucsUUk 1 CI CIMiAA V KKAXICII, I'I'.AHK A v (.in ii n i . n,v('il. Onbler, nnonUI. Pianos! lliirdtitt Ora-una. baud lustntuicnui. LaiKtist .IKUSI wlat stock ot HheJt Music snd ll.ioks lluods surplltHl Kistern Prices. MATT1IIAI1 tlllAA' 1X1., Foal fltroet, Hau KrancUur Tho J3UYEI18' GUIDE Is IsBuod Murch and tieDt.. I oach yoar. It Is an ouoy. jclopodia of uaoful infor niatloa for all vho pur. chaso tbo luxuries or tho noeossltioa ot lifo. Wo can clotho you and furnlHh you with all tho nooossnry and unnoconaary appliances to rldo, valk, danco, nleop, cat, fish, liunt, work, ro to church, or stay at homo, and in varlouu sizos, stylos and auantltion. Just flguro out what in rotiulrod to do all thoticVthingii COMFORTASLY, and you can mako a lair estimate of tho valuo of tho BUYERS' GUIDE, which will bo nont upon rocoipt of 10 cents to pay postago, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111111 Michigan Avonuo, Chicago, 111. flVeim hk'coiik'liH Hit oroct nnd in flate tho luntftj fully. Tlion, rutuinlnff tho breath, bond forward nlovly until tho tihofit moota tho knoos. Aftor slow ly rising- iij,'Hln to tho oroct jiOHition, slowly oxhnlo tho breath. Ko)oat this procoss a souond timo, nnd tho uurvos will ho found to huvo rocolvcd un oxcesa of onorgy that will onnblo thorn to per form thulr natural functions. -liy Urtlnj,' tho following proparatlon for olwinlng kld-glovod, ribbons und lacorf, ihiwo urtlolou may hu Icojit In tho 'pink of poi-footlon'" with llttlo troublo. Two tjiiuru of doodorUud buiiilno, und two druuu of biilphnrlo other, two drum ol ohloroform und four driuim of bloolml. Tour thu Ituld In u howl nnd wtuh (ho urtloluu nu If In wntor, rliibliig lu n filt mipiiVy. iirnr ttmr. - Tu uIuimi imlnHhut In nnt vurnUliml nit upon u ilutu Miiiiu iif (Uu mi wlilU uu, liiivlntf i wily noinu I'li'tiu wtiim mm LAf( . YELLOW W9IXV waiur, und w i1mim ol lliuinul, wlilull dip lulu ihu vuUui und muitM nmirly dm IIim ukH u iiiutilMvlilUiitf i will ).d limn lw II, Hpjdy il lu llm itttlttl, wbun h Ilii4w ruUUwii ihiuuvh Hy illrl in1 J,'ltH'i HU Mull nil Willi mui, Hl)t Jt.UU. MHU H Mlulb I'tttid llitK WMsH I! -lr,l H ltf A PROMINENT "WOOL" GROWER,' H CAROllNlJ P1LUG GUT SMOKING TO6W0 Tho above will-known "vix1" grower has figured prominently in politics for tho past year?, anil his opinion is that "Seal of North Caro lina" Plug Cut is the boss smoke, and don't you foiget it. The Van Monciscar DISPENSARY OBJLAND. OK, Yojtar. ,nldtl(vceJ and Id, tingle or rnnrrnxl meo na ll whosuUcr with 1X331' MANHOOD Ncrrons IVbilltr, Sperma torrbea, Hmlnal lMe Sexual Door.KlUnfl Mom ory, Wck Eyes. Look ol Skin JIaoaa. Hrpbltlta anil ttlatider Troublo VfikHaac, Uiimns Urlno, Oononhou, Qloet Birio' ii" -imuipt ri'ltcf anil cn for laa. Bath S4ive itriMnlt ('onfldnntlaMT r-rtfjr) IH'J 'Rt THIBP 4 WELL DRILLS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Sold on Trial ! liiTvliiitnt mnall. nnni liuirt'. Si'iiil !0j fur niHllliikC Inriro llliitttraltHl Catal.iuuu wllli full imitlculurii. Man ufucturiil hy GOULDS & AUSTIN", 1(17 .V: Hill Lake St., CHICAGO, ILL. Rather than tho Chcjprtl P0.1TIAND BUSINESS COLLEGE, Portland, Ori'iion. I'f.l- rl iiiiiiin-iii, Im . .iill IIIMI1K tlon, ,-slnli. Ilslicil lcinil illnn.tjiiiwlnu iMiiuiliiilty. Busnets, Shorthand, Common School ami rennnnahlp Depnrt nwnii. Students nilniiiti'il til any time, t al.i Inanti ami suoriini-iis of iicriii'instilp si-nt free. J. A. "t KSl'O. Wj. . P. IttllSTItOMl.Prln. $5 To 88 n Day. Samplc worth SI .CO, KIIKIL l.lni's not timler tint lioraortfcct. Write IlliK.W. htkh'h SAi'rTvUviN,llnu)KuC'o.tIollv,llri. NORTH CAROUNA u txV I I .V I -f Knirnont nir FHiinif A Hone laln, 8 wpUlna ;fl Bora Throat, tHoon, 15 fNtfl Mi.nlirv. ICIilmiv I A rs , i Diamond Dyco excel nil otheriQn Strength, Purity, nntl Fastness. NonOother uro just ns gocxl. Ilewnre of imitntiorus, because tliey are matliOif chenp nnd inferiy nuittriab nnd give ocr, weak, crocky color0 To he sure of success use only the Diamond Dyks for coloring Dresses, Stockings, Vitnis, Carpets, Feathers, Ribbons, &c., &c. We warraat them to color more goods, package for pnekag?, than nny other dyes ever made, nnd to give more brilliant and d limbic colors. Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. Send postal for iJye Hook, Sample Card, directions lor coloring Photos., making the finest Ink or Dlulsg (ro cents a quart), etc. Sold by DniRKUts, Address WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burliacton, Vt. For Qlldlnc or nronrlnc J" i Q -s. isi ps Fancy Artlclrn t'. M f'.l if W P fs.UVVIGHT'S l "S O PAX rmscowmiAKD. TQ MAKE DELICIOUS BISCUITS or WHOLESOME BREAD USE Iwfrps Cow-Brand SodaSjueratu ABSOLUTELY PURE. ALWAYS UNIFORM AND FULL WEIGHT. lln sum lint thoro Is jilotura uf a Cum cm your iioslnjo and you will laavo tliu ben. CocU liiafiu. TJE cov diujjt A WORD TO If you are in nood of a GOOD FIRST CLASS JOB PRESS, we aak you to oxnmlnolnto tho morlta of our 4,OLD RELIABLE," with our PATENTED THROW-OFF and our PATENTED FOUN TAIN. TIioho preuHGH tiro rrrnrto by ourBoivoH, JVom the hent ran-. toriitls ftiul by flrut-olnHH worlcmon, Road Iwlow whtit one of our Iftj-gowt printing oonoornu H&yu ubout puv prtjsweH, Rlor havlnjc them oxuinluotl hy tin oxpurt. Ollltm Mir, I'nliiHtr .V Uy, Hun lNuiistikHii. (Jul. niiilHiii i Our iiutililuiiry nsninl. . ,1 1. .I . . . . i .. 111 HWV" J UIHH (U "' fWllll'lt', mill llml yi ur Hull Mi' tmtM i . h li . sii II II I lyin ii iiupr nvnuu$ur ii niiniiy. To introduce it into A MILLION FAMILIES wo offer tho LADIES' HOME JOURNAL AND PRACTICAL HOUSEKEEPER From NOW to JAN'K 1889 Four months- balance of this ycar,l ON KFCMIT OH GENTS Silver or Stamps. ST li ;Lun h--j mm n nr. tx n UreakTast and Dinner Parties HomeH Cooking, Dalnlics nnd DcvicTti, leas, Sup pers, Luncheon and Uccrptlon. (jives ex illicitly .ill the Utile drtaiU uomen want to knciw Tell how to entertain quests, how to ero rtfreshmenn, what to have ami how lo make It I ervtlilPK new and original, practi cal and well tued hyexperln. Accompanylnc the recipes will he rem.iTksupoit pretty tablcad luncls, methods of eriin; and waitiii);, gar nlUmi, table manners anil etiquette Children's Pace- Illustrated Stories. Flowers and Itnusc Plants finely Illus trated articles, dited by Kbiin lf llrxniHU, with "Answeri tu l.orrcspondrnts." Mother's Corner- raw deserted to the care of infanls and yuun i lnUlnii Ir.lerrsilnR letters f uin sa'iv riluM HiMt -t slews antl meth. ods of manai.cinent Ori-u' I ailnl sfrom the best writers. Illustrated .irtii leson Qnmes and Momc-made Toys. AmuscmentuforSlcl: Children, lllustnitrd Kindergarten. Il lustrated articles by Anna W. IIahnakii. CUR TIS PUBLISHING CO., Philadelphia. Hn.SPINNEY: Dr. Spinney ACo.pSM NERVOUQ I)onlllty,.I.oof VlBor.rsemlnnl la E.n V WUO i.ohscn. raic ilomory, Weapon dency, Ac., dno to oxccm! or ahuno, curci. YOIJNC IWSFM "nlfarlnir from tbo effect IT , . , t J-ont Mil IXolUca or Indls. crctlon Rhould tivall theninrlvr ot onr treatment. Aposalvueuroiritarnntcvl lu every t-nno. Hyphllln,, ItrlnnVV and Venetvnl DIboas-b nil unnatural dls-1 charKPR, promptly unit sntcly Ourod. I II. I'ersoim nunlilo to visit ns may bo treated httnelr homes, by i-orrrsiiondenra. ilndlcliu-H nnc. Instructions nont by mnllorcirprcHS. Consultation roo. Hendl vuuta In stnmpofur Iho VotiiU! iiaa'l ti'rleudorUiiIilut'oudlock. PORTLAND 0 MECHANICS FA1JI Ocens 031. 4 Closes 01 27, 1888. Hnlf Faro Rates nviir tlu O. R. & f. Co., O. &C. R. R anil Onaiilan RiUlwav Co. Ono a il tiiitt-llfth over N. V. R. R. liiavi. Sia-clal oxenrsioim over tlio O. It. & N. liucH at Iuhh I linn half ralo, Oct. 8, 15, 22. A H. U HITIVIJ. Hunt. Ulllce, IIS Kirst Htrcvt, I'ortlant). V. N. tJ. No. 24!) l. K. N. U. No S?0 mum Brilliant! o Durable ! 0 Economical ! f5n C"trC Qoll,i Sliver, Drome, tA 1 (l li O Topper. Only IO Cents. NDWfaHT'S' PRINTERS. a of Dm IIANOHOI'T OOMI'AWY. IVIiiifi Mini HlUonrt, Hjii I'rdiiiilwto. Jliuo M. lliA. lSAI-ERATU. Mr. Hurtnii, lir i xhimIuiI your OU J i i ..... 1 1. . i i.i. . r. i ' , HIM iWUI U My MNI lr IVWl W iuuli Mmi Imih limn (hu OMi'r M04 (iti. 1 . il , .. . k... It ... hum iiwhh imv w