The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 21, 1888, Image 6

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tracts received my cordial support in
(ho senate, and such amendments ns
may bo found necessary effectively to
deliver our workingmcn and women
from this most inequitable form of
competition will have my sincere ad
vocacy. Tho legislation prohibiting
the importation of laborers under con
tract to serve hero will, however, af
ford very inadequate relief to our wor
king pcoplo if tho system of protective
duties is broken down. If the product
of American shops must compete
tho American market without favoring
duties with tho products of cheap for
cigu labor, tho effect will bo a differ
ence, if at all, only in degree. ,Whe tl
er cheap labor is across the street
over tlio sea. Mich competition wi
soon reduce wages liero to the level
those abroad, and when that condition
is reached, wo will not need any law
forbidding the importation of labor tin
dcr contract. They will have no in
ducoinont to come and the employers
no inducement to send for them.
U.VlJKfitlt.MlM: IMMiaUATIO.V.
In tho earlier years of our history
public agencies to promote immigra
tion were common. J no pioneers
wanted neighbors with more friendly
instincts than tho Indian; labor was
Bcaree and fully employed, hut tho day
of the immigration bureau has gone
by. Whilo our doors will continue
open to proper immigration, we do not
need to issuo special invitations to tho
inhabitants ot other countries, to our
shores, or to share our citizenship. In
deed, tho necessity of some inspection
and limitation is obvious. Wo should
resolutely rcfuso to permit foreign gov
ernments to send their paupers and
criminals to our ports. Wo, aro also
clearly under a duty to defend our
civil position by excluding alien races
whoso ultimate assimilation witli our
people is neither possible nor desirable
Tho family has been tho nucleus of
our liest immigration, and tho home
tho most potent assimilating forco in
our civilization,
Tho objections to Chincso immigra
tion aro distinctive and concluslvo and
are now so generally accepted as such
that tho question has paBsed entirely
beyond the stago of argument. Tho
laws rolating to this subject should by
those charged with their enforcement
ho faithfully executed. Such amend
ments or further legislation as may bo
neccsaary and propor to prevent evas
ions of tho laws and to slop further
Chinesu immigration would also meet
with my approval. Tho expressions of
tho convention upon this subject is in
entire harmony with my views. Our
civil compact is a govornment by tho
majority, and law loses its sanction
and the magistrate our respect when
this compact is broken.
hai'kty or run iiai.lot-iiox.
Tho evil results of election frauds do
not expand thenutClves upon tho voters
who aro robbed of their rightful inllu
oneo in public all'airrf. Tho individual,
or rjnimunity, or party, that practices
or eonnivGs at election frauds has mi ti
ered irropurablo injury, and will soon
er or later roalizo that -to exchange tho
American system of majority rule for
minority contiol is not only unlawful
and unpatriotii;., but very uusafo for
those who promote it. Tho disfran
chUonjont of a siuo legal elector by
fraud or intimidation is. a crime too
great to bo regarded ligjitly. Tho
right of every qualified oloctor to cast
ono freo ballot and to have it honestly
counted, must nut bo questioned.
Every constitutional power should bo
used to mako this right secure, and
punish frauds upon tho ballot. Our,-1
colored people do not Hsk special legis
lation in their intorcst, but only tQ, bo
made socuro in tho common, rights of
American citizciiBhip. They will,
however, naturally mistrust tho Sincer
ity of these party lcudorB, who appeal
to their raco for support only in thojiq
localities whero suflrajo is free and
elections doubtful, and compass their
disfranchisement where their votes
would bo controlling.
Tho nation not Icsh than tho Btato
is dependent for prosperity and secur
ity upon tho intelligence and morality
of the people. This common interest
very easily suggested nntionul aid in
thu establishment and endowment of
schuols and colleges in tho now States.
Thero is, I believe, at present an exi
gency that calls for still moro liberal
and direct appropriation in aid of
common-school education in tho
States, Tho Territorial form of gov
ernment is a '. temporary expedient,
not a jtonntinimt civil condition, It is
adapted to tho exigency that suggested
it, hut becomes inadequate uml even
oppiv.mivo when applied to fixed and
populous communities.
able to bear tho burdens and discharge
tho duties of freo commonwealths in
tho American Union. To exclude
them is to deny the just rights of their
people, and may well excite their in
dignant protest. No question of po
litical preferences of tho people in the
Territory should close against them
the hospitable door which has been
opened to two thirds of the existing
States, Hut admission should be reso
lutely refused to any Territory a ma
jority of whose people eherish inetitu
tions that arc repugnant to our civil!
zation or inconsistent with a republi
can form of government.
The declaration of tho convention
against all combinations of capital or
tfnnized in "trusts" or otherwise, to
control arbitrarily the conditions of
trade among our citizens, is in harmo
ny with tho views entertained and
publicly expressed by me long before
the assembling of the convention
Ordinarily capital shares the losses of
idleness witli labor, but under the op
eration of tho "trust" in somo of its
forms the wage-workers alono suffer
loss, whilo idlo capital receives its
dividends from tho tru3t fund. Pro
ducers who refuso to join such combi
nations aro destroyed and competition
as an clement of tho regulation of
prices is eliminated. It cannot bo
doubted that tho legislative authority
should and will find a method of deal
ing fairly and effectively witli these
and other abuses connected witli this
It can hardly bo necessary for mo to
say that I am heartily in sympathy
with the declaration of tho convention
upon tho subject of pensions to our
soldiers and sailors. What they gave,
and what I had somo opportunity to
observe and in a small measuro to ex
perience, they gave ungrudgingly. It
was not a trade, but an offering. The
measure was heaped up to running
over. What they achieved only i
distant generation can adequately tell
Without attempting to discuss tho
particular propositions, I may add that
measures in behalf of tho surviving
veterans of tho war and of tho families
of their dead comrades should bo con
Reived and executed in tho spit it of
justico and of the most grateful liber
ality, and that in tho competition for
civil appointments, honorable militaiy
eorvico should have appropriate recog
Tho law regulating appointments to
tho classified civil sorvico received my
support in tho senato, in tho belief
that it opened tho way to much need
ed reform. 1 still think so, and there
fore cordially approved tho clear and
forciblo expressions of tho convention
upon this subject. The law should
iavo tho aid of a friendly intcrpretu-
ion and bo faithfully and vigorously
nforced. All appointments under it
should bo absolutely freo from partisan
consideration and influences. Homo
xtoiiHons of tho classified list are
practicable and desirable, and further
legislation o.xlondine; tho reform to
ther branches of tho sorvico to which
ipplieablo, woujjl rcceivo my ap
proval. In appointments to every
grade and department fitness and not
party sorvico should bo tho essential
nd discriminating test, and fidelity
and efficiency tho only sure tenuro of
office. Only tho interests of public ser-
ico should suggest removals from
office. I know tho practical difficul
ties attending an attempt to apply
tho spirit of tho civil service rules to
all appointments and removals. It
ill, however, bo my 6iucoro purposo if
ootid to advanco tho regrm.
I notice with pleasuro that tho con-
vontion did not omit to express its so
licitudo for tho promotion of virfAio
and temperance among our people
Tho republican party has always been
friendly to everything that tended to
mako tho homo lifo of our pcoplo free,
pure and! prosperous, and will in fu
ture bo true to itH history in this rc
Our relations with foreign powers
should bo characterized by friendli
ness and respect. Tho right of our
people and of our ships to hospi'.ablo
treatment should bo insisted upon with
dignity and firmness. Our nation is
too groat both in material strength
and in moral power to indulge in blus
ter or to bo BUHpectcd of timorousness.
Vacillation and inconsistency mo as
incompatible with successful diploma
cy as they aro with tho national digni
ty. Wo should especially cultivate and
extend our diplomatic and commercial
relations with tho Central and South
American States.
Our flblieriis should ho featured ami
protected. Thu hanUhipa and risks
that iiru nectary incidents of tho
Uukliu'M rforaU) nut bo incrutu'd by an
inhospitablo exclusion from tho near
lying ports. The resources of .a firm,
dignified and consistent diplomacy are
undoubtedly equal to the prompt and
peaceful solution of tho difficulties
that now exist. Our neighbors will
surely not expect in our ports a . com
mercial hospitality they deny to us in
I cannot extend this letter by a
special reference to other subjects up
on which the convention gave an ex
pression. In respect to them as well
as to those I have noticed X am in en
tiro agreement with the declarations
of tho convention.
Tho resolutions relating to tho coin
ago, of tho rebuilding of tho navy, the
coast defenses and tho public lands
express conclusions to all of which I
gave my support in the senate.
Inviting a calm and thoughtful con
side-ration of these public questions, wc
submit them to tho people. Their in
telligent patriotism ami tho good
Providence that made and has kept us
u nation will lead them to wiso and
safo conclusions.
Very respectfully, your obedient
, 1'llN.TAMlN IlAniUSON.
Von are feeling depressed, your appetite
1 poor, you aro bothered with Headache,
you are tlgetty, ncrvouf, and generally out
of sorts, and want to ijuack up. Hrace up,
but not with stimulcnts, spring medicines,
or Litters, which have for their hauls very
cheap, had whiskey, and which stimulate
you for au hour, and then leave you in
worse condition than hefore. What you
want is an alternative that will purify your
blood, ttart healthy action of Liver and
KklncyH, rcstoTb your vitality, and give re
newed health and strength. .Such a medi
cine you will find In Electric Hitters, and
only 50 cents a bottle nt Wright's drugstore,
Union, Oregon.
Hew Tho JlacGuirc will preach at
tho Presbyterian church every .Sunday
at 3 o'clock, i. sr.
I m m i
Tun Best Kai.vk in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcer., Salt Hhcuui, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains
Corns, and nil Skin Eruptions, nnd positive
ly cures Piles, ou no pay required. It is
guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded, Price 25 cents per box.
For Sale at Wright's drugstore.
i:xi:cuTOjt's notici:.
All persons having claims against tho cs
tnto of W. W. Boss, deceased, aro hereby
notified to present the same, duly verilie'd
according to law, to the undersigned, act
ing executor of the Inst will nnd testament
of said W W. Boss, within six months from
tho date hereof, at his residence in the
town of Cove, Union county, Oregon.
Dated this 10th day of September. 1888.
!M t-wfi Executor.
tho Hoard of Equalization, for Union
county will meet in the olllco of tho county
clerk, in the court house nt Union, Union
county, Oregon, on Monday, October 1st,
JHSH, at ! o'clock a. m. nnd continuu in ses
sion six days, to examine tho assessment
roll for the year ISSM, as returned by the as
sessor, and correct ml mistakes therein:
and nil persons who nre dissatisfied with
their assfssiuiMit as mado bv tho assessor.
or who wish any corrections made in the
sanio, are hereby notified to appear n't the
tuno and piacu above named, and show
came why such corrections should bo made,
or in failing so to appear, thev will bo re
quired to pay tax by the assessment as
Union. Oregon, September 1st, 18SS.
County Assessor.
Thl (''niinK- CViiirt nf TTtifnn inmiK iln-
Qre.s to add to tl! above, a notice mall
es.scd for thovenr IHSS. to nppear before
said Hoard of Kmitdization and mako im as
sessment of their pi-Qpcrtyi or send a list of
wieir (axaoio proptv&y to tne assessor at
said time, and save expenses of shorilVinairs
lug said assessment, and wo wbj it distinct
ly understood by all persons interested,
that nooeancellations of assessment will be
made on tho assessment roll after tho samo
is passed upon by tho Hoard of Equaliza
tion. O. I', GOODALL.
County Judge.
Lamp Officii at La Ouandi:,
Oreoon, )
ul'. 2,". 1888. I
Notice Is hereby given that the following-
named sit tier bus filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of bis
claim, nnd that said proof will be mado be
fore tho register and receiver at Ln Grande,
Oregon, on Oct. 11th. 1W8. viz. GEORGE
W. COFF4MAN. I). H. No. 7557, for tho W
hlf. NWqr, Sec 2ti and W hlf. SWqr- 'c
23, Tp 0 h, H it E. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said hind, viz:
Cyrus Harut's, Justus Wright and Mtthan
Icl I'urker. of .Med'oal Springs, and George
wrigut, ot Keating, urrgon.
O HUSKY i;iNt:iiAi!T,
8-31-wft v Register.
Lanii Okfice at La Guamu:, Onnoox.)
Aug. 27. 1S8. (
Notice Is hereby idvcn that tho followinc-
named puttiers have llled notice of their
intention to mnko final proof in sup
port of their claims, and that said
proof will bo mado before the register
and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on
October 17th, 18S8, viz:
RICHARD T. LANORUL. lid. No. 2531,
for thu E hlf. NEqr. and SWqr. NEqr.
Sec. 2. Tp. 8 S, nnd tho SE qr. SE. qr. Sec
tti. Tp. 7 S, R 15 V..
MOSES A. SCOTT, lid. No. 3253. for the
N hlf. SW qr. uml S hit. NW qr. Sco 17. Tp
8 8, R-UIE.
JAMES R. SCOTT, Hd. No. 25U. for
tho S hlf SW qr. and SW qr. SE qr. Soo 5,
and theNEiir.NWqr.SeoH.TpSS. IMOE.
WILLIAM HART. Hd. No. 3200, tor tho
N hlf. NE or. and N hlf. NW or, Sec 21, Tp
88. U. tflK.
tluir conthmoiu roiilente upon, uudvulll
lorwichw qr. sec. 1, rna. kk. niui,
FREMMAN STEELE, Hd. No. 3357, for
tho E hlf. HE nr.. SEqr NEqr, Seo 25 in
TnS. It t5nniIHWir. NW nr.Soo M in T11
7 H, R ttl E.
'1 hev name flio followlnc witnejcit to
vatlouof. tud Isinl.vli. II. T Ungrll,
Janii II. ClmndtiT. James it, h'oott, Wtl
lioin Hurt, Fu'tf.iian Stitle, M. A. Scott
ami Julius Lund, all of linn Yullcy. Oku
8 01-wU KTflKT.
NOTlCi: Ol' I'OKI'hlTLIU;,
County of Union, State of Oregon.
ToYv.ll. Creed, I Momas lMtcli, L.U.u
ninucr, J.Harley nnd T. N. Snow:
You and each of you nre here
by uotillcd Hint wo liavn expended
one hundred dollars in labor ami
Improvements upon the 'Laura Johnson"
quartz mining claim. This claim is situa
ted In Granite mining district in Union
county, Oregon, about one half mile nbove
thenrnitra of Wm. Horpcr, on the right
bank of Elk creek, nnd is a'so calb-d tho "O.
It. t N" claim, as will appear by certifi
cate of location ami amended location ll'cd
August 21st and September 1st. 18 In the
iitilce of the district recorder of said dis
trict, In order to hold said premises under
the provisions of Scciion 2321, revised tat
utcs of the United States, bcing'the amount
required to hold the same for the year en
ding Dec. 31st, 183", nnd if within ninety
days after this notice you fail or refuse to
contribute your proportion of the expendi
ture us a co-onncr, your interest in said
claim will become the property of thu sub
scribers, under said section.
Dated this 12ih dnv of April, 1SF8.
Lani Orncr. at La Gkanui:, Oreoon,)
Sept. II. 1S8.1. J
Notice is hereby iriven that hcfoliowing
uamcd settlor has tiled notice of his inten
tion to maJc xunnlenicntal final proof In
support of his claim, and thaf.said proof '
...ill' I .. I.. !.-.. il, .,.,.1 ,.!!
Will IJU muui; uuiu v iivj itpisii;! .iiiii
ver at La Grande, Oregon, on October 80th.
1S83. viz; JOSEPH AKCIIEB. D. S. No.
C071, for the SE qr. SE qr. Sec 3, and E hlf.
NEqr. and W qr. M-J qr, M:c in, rp o b,
K40E. lie names the following witnesses
to nrovc his continuous residence upon,
and cultivation of, said land, viz: Kufus
Holbrook an-! George Iloibrook, nil of Un
ion, Oregon.
n-21-wfi. Register.
Land Officii at La Gkandk, Onniox,)
Kept. 7. 1SS8. I
Notice is hercbv given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final nroof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore the rcgifter and receiver at La Grande.
Oregon, on Oct. 23. I83S. viz: VlIOMAS
II. FOSTER, D. S. No. 7070. for the N hlf
SW qr SWqr SW qr. icc 20. and NWqr.
NW or. Sec 21). Tp 0 S. it II E. Ho names
the following witus.-es to prove bis contin
uous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz: John E. Phillip, of Telo-
easct, Oregon, nnd D.uuel lliii'd. A. N
Hamilton am,, V. Keeves, of Union, Or
0-lt-wG. Register.
In the Circuit court of thcStaBsof OrcriSn,
for Union county.
Mary E. Uaird, Plaintiff,
Chnrles liaird. Defendant.
T.'i Charles Ilaird, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State nf Ore
gon, you nre hereby required to appear and
answer the complaint filed against you in
the nbotfUj entitled suit on or before the first
day tf the next term of the Circuit court of
f TY..I,... ...... ...r
QijUU UL UIUUH, 1111 UH1UII IJUUIIlj , 11)-
tcr thu publicatioiif this Munitions for six
consecutive weeks, to wit: on or before the
21tli day of September, 18S8. or in default
thereof plaintiff. Mary E ltuird will take
judgment against you for the relief prayed
ror in tno complaint m tins suit, to wu: tor
a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony
heretofore and now existing between plain
tiir.aud defendant, and for general relief.
This summons is published by order of
the Hon. Luther H. Imjh, judge of said
court, inndo and dated at cffiimbers this
25th day of July, 1833.
7-27 Attorneys for Plaintiff, '
In tho Circuit court for the Stat$of Ore
gon, for the county of Union.
Alice Easton, Plalntiu",)
vs V
F. S, Easton, Defendant.)
To F S. Easton, thu nbovu named defendant:-
I Oregon, you nre hereby required to ap
pear and answerthe complaint filed againot
j'ou in the above entitled suit, on or before
tho first day of the next regular term of
thonbovo entitled court, to wit: on Mon
day, the 2 tth day at Septnbcr, 18S8, and if
you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will ap
ply to tho court for th3 relief prayed for 111
tho compliant, viz: n decree of divorce dis
solving the bonds of matrimony now e.vfni
ting between the plaintiff and yourself, and
for tho costs and disbursements of this suit.
Service of tills summons is made by pub
licatiou thereof in Tub OnuooN Scour, by
order of Hon. Lttthor 11. Ison, judge of the
tith Judicial District of the State ot Oregon.
Order bearing date, August Mh. gtf,
8-10 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Tlmliur l.miil, At .Iimo It, 187S Notice
tor I'ubllc.itlon.
U. S. Las i) Okfici:, LGitNtu:, Oiu:(iox,l
J Jttlv 1(1, 1S-J8.
Notice is hereby giveicthat in complianco
with the provisions of thu act of Congress
of Juno 3, 1878, entitled '"An act for tho sale
of timber lands in tho states of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and
Washington la
rv." 11AKLOW B. DllAKE, of Union,v
County of Lnion, Statu of Oregon, lias tills
dny tiled 111 this olllcu his sworn statement
No, 40. for the tjurchu'e of the NE nr.
SEor. Section 33, and NW qr. SW qr, of
Section No, IM, in Township No. lrSouth
Uaugo tjo, East, and will otler prool
to show that the did sought Is muro
valuable for its timburor.stono than for ag
ricultural mtriiosc. and to establish his
claim to said land before the register and
receiver of this olllco at Lit Grande. O10-
gon, on Monday tho 8th day of Oct., isss.
Ho names as witnesses: itobert Yerkcs,
W. II. Statlord, C. L. Blakeslco and A.f.
Craig, all of Union, Oregon, Any and all
persons claiming adversely thu above-described
lands aro ruiuestrd to tile their
claims In this olllcu on or before said 8th
day of October, 1SSS.
7-27-wlO Kegitcr
Timber Land, At June 3, lS7H.--Nutico
Tor 1 ulillcutlun.
U.S. Land Oifici: La Gkamik, Oukc.on,!
July 2.1. tfcS8. f
Notice Is hereby given thiit In compliance
with the provisions of tho act of Cotu:risof
Juno 1S78. ontitlcd "An act for the mlo
of tiiulior lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada and Wwhliutton Territo
ry.'' PETE It M. COFFIN, of Union.
county of Union, State of Oregon, has this
day filed m this ottico his sworn tt.Uimeut
r uicu in tins oiucu ais sworn iiaitmeiu
. 4h, for thu intrchaso of tho 84 NEW,
1 .NW), NEW of Section No. 31. in Town
t No, I South, Itaugo No. 80 East, and
will oiler prot f to show that thu laud sought
is moro valuable for its timber or Mono than
for ugriculturid jiurpon's. uml to etblih
hU claim to ld land before tho register
uml receiver of thU oilb o at La Grande.
Oregon ou baturday. the 20th day of Oc
tober. 1MW. HiMiumes an witiukisi' Wm.
11. rtuCfiird, E. SauiU, K. ICySpiillluud Chad
Draper, nil of Union, Oregon. Any ami
all pcrkous claiming advcrnlv tho ulmvo
dcecribiHl lamU aru rcnueitod to liltt their
cUliii in thU olllro nil ur before .iid 20lh
dayuf October. IWJ.
In tho circuit court of tho State of Orc-
1 nn. fnr Union rountv.
Nelson Schoonover. rinlntiif,
Alexander La Buff, Sarah L.
La Huff. J. H. Eaton and Mi
Tiprvn Eaton. Defendants.
To Alexander Lalluff and Sarah L. La Huff,
two of the above named defendants:
XOrcgon, you nnd each of you arc hereby
required to sppcar and nnsvrer the com- ,
plaint filed asninstyou in the above entitled !
court and nut, on or before tho 24th day of
September, lk83, the same being tho first
day of a regular term 01 yam court, com
mencing next, after the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the lirst publication
of this Munition, to wit: the September
term, 18S8; of. snid court, nnd if you lull so
to nppear 6r answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
lict demnnded fn said complaint, to wit:
a decree foreclosing nil of the right, title
nnd interest of nil of tho said defendants.
of, in and to certain niortgnged property
set forth in- the complaint, to wit: Tho
Whlf. of NWqr. and NEqr. of NW qr.
Sec. 22, and E hlf. of SE qr. and SE qr. of
NE qr. Sec 21, all in Township 4S, 11.40 E.
W. M.. in Union county. State of Orceon.
and ordering said property to bo sold to
satisfy the sum of $1 OOO.OO md interest
tnereon lrom January 1st, lbsi at the rate
of ten per cent, per annum; the further
sum of $150.00 as attorneys fees, and the
further sum of $39.02 and legal interest
thereon from Jan, 1st, 1850, taxes paid on
said mortgage and for which said mortgage
was given to secure, to satisfy the further
sum of $82.03 and interest thereon from
August 25. 1SS5 at thu rate of ten y7cr cent,
per annum, the further sum f $25 as attor
ney feus, also the further sum of $050.00 and
int rest thereon at the rate of ten per co t.
per annum, from Aug. 9, 1887, and the fur
ther sum of $75.00 as attorneys fees, ami
also theco-ts. charges and expenses of this
foreclosure and of making sale, said vnri
011s sums beintr dm. ntion four several
iromisarv notes, givcu by the said defen
dants, of wtiiru tiic planum is now tho
owner, and for taxes paid upon said mort
gages, which wcru given to secure said
notes, ns provided therein and for which
this suit is brought to foreclose: also that
said defendants, and each and ail of them
and all persons claiming by or through
them, bS forever barred uud "foreclosed of
all right, title. Interest, claim and equity of
redemption of, in or to said land and every
part thereof, and for general relief.
This suTiunonr.) is published by order of
thu Hon. J as. A. Fee, Judge of' the above
entitled court, made at chambers and du
ff d tho4tb day of .August, A. D. 1888.
Dated at Union, Orcj-on, this 7th day of.
August, 18S8. ' 8-10.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To whom it may concrn:
Notice in hereby givun that the under
signed was on tbe'Stb day of may, I8.1S du
ly annotated iidnunistratr x of the ewta'e
of jGVnei! H. Dr.vton, dei-enscd, and nil
persons having claims aiyinst said estate
are hercbv notlfud to present the same, du
ly verllicd, to 1110 at my place of resilience
near Elgin, Oregon, within six (0) months
from this date. 0
Dated at Elgin. Oregon, thisJu'v21. 13S8.
7-27 Administratrix.
County of Union. State of Oregon.
To John Hepburn and Samuel Merchant:
1 oil and eucii ol you are hereby notified
that I have expend hI ono hundred dollars
in labor amf improvements uiOn the
Luckv Boy'' ouartz mininr claim for the
year endiiiK December. 18S7. This claim is
.situated in the Granite Mining District in
Union county, Oregon, adjoining thu ''For
est Queen" nnd "Combination'' ouartz
mining claims, and if within ninety ditvs
after this notice you fail or refiiM' to con
tribute your proportion of the expenditure
as a co-owner, yoiff interest in said claim
willj)cconio tho prop&rty of the subscriber,
ta. w. uuiinss.
Dated July 2, 18S8.
Cornncoiiia, Oregon, March 28. 1888.
To George Benson and John Hallct:
You are hereby notified that we. yoif co
owners in tho claim or mino known as thu
"Bfiie Host" claim, situated in the liaison.
extention often "Queen of the West,'1 and
have expended ono hundred dollars in as
sessment work Sir tho year 1837, on said
claim, as required by law, and if you fail to
contribute your portion of said amount
within niif.ty day A from date of service by
publication of this notice, your interest in
said claim will become tho property of tho
undersigned co-owners as provided in sec
tion 2324JrevIscd statutes U.S.
1-0. O. S. ALLENV
In thCircuit court for tho State of Ore
gon, lor tne county ot union.
LucindaE. McDonald, Plaintiff,
- vs
Thomas D. McDonald. Defendant,
To Thomas D. McDonald, the above named
LOrcon, you aro hercbv required to ap
pear and answer tho complaint tiled against
you in thu above entitled suit0Jn or before
tho lirst day of tho next regular term of
the above entitled court, to wit: Monday,
tho 21th day of September, 1888. and if you
fail so to answer, lo plaintiff", for want
thereof, rjll apply to tho court for tho re
lief prayed for 111 thu complaint, viz: a de
cree of dnffrcc. diusolvini: the bonds of
I matrimony now existing between the plain-
1111 uiiii jiiiiikcii. nun luriou cos is uuu uis
bursement" of this suit.
Service of this summons is mado bv pub
lication thereof in Tub Oiieoon Scout, by
order of Hon. Luther B. Uon, judgu ottho
Oth. Judicial District of Oregon. lUler
bearing date, August 7th, 1SS.
S-10 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Lanu Ornci: at
La Gkandk, Oiutio.n.I
Aug. 27. HSU. I
Notice Is hereby given that tho following
named cottiers huvu tiled notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of
their claims, and that said proof will bo
made bef ro tlu regi-t.-r and ricvivcr at La
Grundu O-egon.on October Kith, 1P8S viz:
for th. S hlf SW q-. Sao 7 Tp 8 S, U til E.
JAMES it. Fl LP, U.S. N. 70:'8. for
thoV hlf. NEqr. and E hlf. NWqr. Sec
18Tp8S, IUU E.
They name the following witnesses to
prove their continuous resideneo upon, and
cultivation of, taid land, viz: James II.
Chand or, M. A. Scott. Wi II 1111 Hart, Jas.
it. Fulp tiiid Janus H. Scott, all of Pino
Vulley, Oregon.
8-3l-w(l Hegis'cr.
Land OrncK at I.a Guanok. Orkoon, I
Aug. 25. 1S8.
NotJcr is hereby given that tho following
named kettli r has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make rinnl proof in support of his
i lulm.and that tald proof will lA mndo be
fore the regUter and receiver nt La Grande,
Orcgm on October tl, 18v, viit; KKIGLE
COFFMAM. Hd No. 32S7 for tho W hlf.
SB nr. and E hlf. KW qr. t-Vo 2il.Tp 0 S, it.
-tl h, lie name tho following witnpits to
prove his continuous reldineo uh 11, and
f'iiltlvatli)ii.of, uid luml.tx, Cynu llarno,
.hum wiight and Natluninl I'urker, of
Medicul urlnjrs, and t)iotvo Wrijjht. of
Kiallng, Ori'uu.
JUuv JtihntAitr,
$500,000.00 to Loan on
First Class Security,
From Ono to Five Years Time, at a Low
Itatc of Interest, Also Buys, Sells ,
and ncnts property for
Non-residents. T
To bo Invested on Guaranteed Security.
All Collections Promptly
Attended to Without Delay.
'of the
From $5.00 to $ili.00 weekly indemnity in
case of accident.
From $5.00 to $12.50 weekly indemnity in
case of sickness.
$100.00 for Ftuiural expenses.
J NO. E. TUTTLE. Agent,
Union, Oregon.
Cor. Main and B Sts. - Union. Oregon,
SIIKltMAK It A LKV, I'rops.
Manufacturers and dealers In Soda Wa
ter, Sar-aparilla, Ginger Ale, Cream Soda
mid Champagne Cider. Syruns. etc. Or
ders promptly till -il.
M&ln Street. Unfen. Oregon,
q Keep constantly on hand
Cornucopia Saloon,
War. Wilson, Pctp.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors
and Cigars always in stock.
Drop in and lie sociable
Cornucopia, Union county, Or.
R. C. WARINNER, Prop'r.
Tho only first class house In the camp.
No pains spared to make guests rumforta
blc. TL&mson & Ptirsel tiro agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WinilMHl, nnd
as thC prices 011 them have been 'great
ly reduced they arc now within the
reach of all. Satuplo mill to bo scon
at their planer in North Union. Call
and examine it.
Obtained, and all Patent Business attended
to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
Otirotlico"C opposite the U. S. Patent
Olllco, and wc can obtain Patenis In less
time than thoso remote from Wasoington.
Send MODEL or DBA WING. Wc advise
as to 1
to nantcntabiiilv free of charge: and we
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
Supt. of Money Ordur Div., and to otllclals
of tho I J S, Patent Olllcu. For circular,
ndvice, terms and refferences to actual cli
ents in your own State or County, write to
C. A. SNOW & Co.,
Opposlto Patt-ni Olllco. Washington, 1). O.
ANSWKU TO ixqriKrs, lJll.00
BEP01T Cil SUTBIES, C01TTSSTS, ki, $3.00
Procuring Land Patents, rillnj ArnuratnU,
and Conducting Conusts, eu Hdiral
Terms, Sand tor circular to
Fiti Ktlkrliuul4 ki (wiiji'i Mllir1! 6Mt
1 Kentucky Liauor Store