The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 21, 1888, Image 3

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A Useful Study Tlmt In Well Worthy ol Attention.
Xnturo seems to forbid these in th?
vegetable world, us distinctly
reason, experienco and sacred law join
with her to forbid them in our own
world. Dr. Asa Gray, during his life,
poured light on the many singular con
trivances by which cross-fertilization
is provided for among plants, and he
does not hide his light under u bushel,
but gives illustrations and explana
tions so clear as to bo plainly under
standable with the aid of the ver.
slightest acquaintance with botany.
This useful study is well worthy of at
tention, if only to afford a better ap
preciation of tho mysteries and wonders
of plant life, which are really as inter
esting as an Arabian Nights' tale. It
is obviously an intent of tho Creator
that tho plants that meet, us every
where, and as to which wo are continu
ally asking, "What aro they for?1'
should not merely be trampled under
foot, but should bo mado subject to ex
amination. Thoy are, liko the rain
bow, tokens of promise, of hope, 01
resurrection and of a brighter, happier
Among tho expositions which Dr.
Gray gives of Jlr. Darwin's deductions
from his wonderful stores of observed
facts and test experiments, tho com
parisons ingeniously mado between
tho seedling plants of exactly equal
vigor and age, set in tho same pot and
sumo soil; one self or close-fertili.ed,
and thp other fertilized by pollen from
a distant plant aro especially notable.
Tho dilTerenco In growth was always
in favor of tho latter; and, in many
cases so great, that it seems to prom
iso wonders in tho way of improving
varieties. All of us who aro dwellers
in tho country, know that wheat does
not sport into varieties or mix so free
as Indian corn. Tho blossom of wheat
has been said by experienced hybrid
ists to bo fertilized beforo it leaves
tho sheath, so that, in tho caso of this
valuable grain, man's aid seems to bo
wanted, not only through all tho many
perils and risks of its growth in tho
fields, but for tho infusion of vigor in
to tho seed through a selection and
conveyance of a select and non-related
pollen. Wo hear ot but few cross
breeders who havo mado wheat a suc
cessful subject of their useful skill.
Yet It is perhaps the plant, abovo all
others in tcmpcrato climes, which
promises tho greatest results and tho
most widespread advantages from ef
forts in this Rural Xcu Yorker.
A l'cw Hints for TIiomi Who Contemplate
l'lirrliusiiiir u I'Viv Colonies.
Tho farmer, abovo all others, ought
to keep a few bees. Ho need not keop
enough of them to make It a burden
or part of his business to care for
them, but enough to supply his own
table with honey the purest sweet
thoro is. It is always handy to have
in tho house. If one has never kept
bees, ho will bo unwise to go into bee
keeping rashly or extensively. A few
hints that may help some who art
thinking of getting beea are given by
Mrs. L. Harrison:
It is poor policy for beginners to
purchase bpes In boxes and barrels, as
transferring Is not tho best kind ol
work for a novlco. Better buy a good
colony or two, not more, of Italians in
a movable-frame hive. Every hive In
an apiary should bo exactly alike, so
that every cover, frame etc., can bo
mixed up and all lit when put together.
Hotter chooso a hivo first, and not get
half a dozen different ones to see
which is preferablo
Success in bee-culturo Is attained
only by tho faithful performance of
many little itoms. Somo persons
nover havo any "luck" with bees.
Why? One year tho moths destroyed
them and another season tho swarms
left while tho hives woro boing
mado ready, washed with applo-tree
leaves and salt. A person who expects
to make a success in bee culture must
study their lessons well, learn the
habits of these Industrious insects and
their wants, and supply them. Last
year the honey crop was an almost com
ploto failure, owing to tho severe
drought, and many colonies this spring
"had not a day's ration ahead. Lot
there bo a long continued cold storm,
and bees in this condition must starve.
Thoir owner must know their condi
tion, and this is ono of tho good things
of tho movablo-framo hivo. Hees con
sume storos very fast in tho spring,
becauso of tho roaring so much brood.
Scientists toll us that an insect in its
lame stnto consumes moro food than
during tho remainder of its lifo. If a
colony is short of honey, tho best way
to supply it is to remove as quietly as
possible to an empty frame, and insert
a full ono in its place. Where no
frames of honoy aro obtainable, feed
syrup mado of any kind of sugar when
bees aro Hying. Little wooden butter
dishes make good feeders, as bees
cling to their sldos and never drown as
thoy do In glass or earthenware, unless
filled with out straw or shavings.
Fann, Field ami Stockman.
Hoswoll l Flower, wjioso barrel
of money is famous, began hU life
work at the ago of sovontoon, when
Ills brothor-ln-law agreed to pay him
f.1 a month and hU board for "tending
btortt" la a country town In Xortlmrn
Now York. Tho bulk of hU fortune
hit lraon made In rtillrtmil stock ami
lumU iiud by InvitolinwliU tit ihw! utul
iron inxrtyj
On MUMty farttw Ur r vm-aitl
Arm mnv mil lot uuMVenluM In
(HtlUvdlx that wiuhl li mMM 4mu
111 Ifl'MM ltll l MMl li ''"fll'l
(Ul) I'll! I UM lit fuilM ll !
flvH H
How It llcj;ln, Develop and Goes Ont In
Misery nnil Sin.
A city missionary givo his conversa
tion with ono of these outcasts:
"Well, my boy, what do you wantP"
"A home, please, sir."
"What Is your name?"
"Hain't got no nnmo, sir; tho boys
call mo Pickety."
"Well, Pickety, whero do you live."
"Don't live nowhere, sir."
"But whero do you stay?"
"I don't stay nowheroa in tho day
time, but I sleep In hay-barges, sir, and
sometimes in dry-goods boxes, and
down on tho steam-gratings in winter,
till tho M. P.'s came along, and just
now a cove has taken mo in at tho iron
bridgo at Harlem."
"lypa bridgol What do you mean?"
"Why, them holler iron things what
holds tho bridgo up. He got it first,
and ho lets mo In."
"Pickety, who is your father?"
"Hain't got no father, sir; ho died
aforo I know, and mo mlther shedrlnk
ed and bato me, and wo was put out by
tho landlord, and sho died and the city
hall burled horl" And something liko
a shadow camo ovor tho cunning bluo
"Picket j, did you ever hear of
"Yes, sir; I havo heard tho fellers
swear about him. and I know it's lucky
to say something to him when you sleep
out in bad nights."
"Did you over go to school, Pickety,
or to church?"
"Xo, sir; I nover went to no church
nor school. I should kind o' liko to
learn somethin,"
2Iy hearers, theso unfortunatesQtiro
all about us.
When they got up from their hands
and knees to walk their first step was
on tho rood to ruin, and every day
sinco they have been plunging down to
lower depths, and wilder despair, and
deeper darkness.
There are many about us in boyhood
and girlhood in comfortable circles that
aro going to bo something very good or
very bad, very bright or very ignorant,
and they will yet mako their parents
glad with an Infinite gladness or pain
thorn with infinite sorrow. Thoy go
bounding through tho hall; thoy shout
in tho yard; they sing in tho school.
This activity that now strikes tho ball,
and runs tho race, and rolls tho hoop,
and flies tho kite, will soon bo ready for
tho higher game of life, whero fortunes
aro to bo mado, and reputations
achieved, and temptations combatted,
and immortal souls jeopardized, and
kingdoms of glory won.
Call up that child; push back his hair.
Shall this faco bo ever brightening up
wfth bonovolence, or scarred, and
pinched, and blasted with low excesses?
Shall thoso eyes become more and more
intelligent, or shall they acquire the
dishonest glance and tho servilo down
cast? Put your hand on that child's
heart. Shall It always beat with noblo
impulses, or will it bo a thief's heart, a
coward's heart, a traitor's heart? Tal
mage's Sermon.
m m -
Elder Willis Warren, a noted
colored Baptist preacher of Georgia, is
a remarkable man. He is very largo,
fat, jolly and bald. Ho can not read or
write, but ho has gained complete
authority ovor thousands of his peoplo
in Lee, Dougherty and Baker Counties.
Each of his followers is assessed ono dol
lar a year, which is religiously paid, and
"Papa Willis' " income is very largo.
He owns a largo plantation, which is
worked by members of his congrega
tion in turn without any expense to
him. Ho drives iato Albany, Ga.,
where ho lias recently built a large
church, seated in a handsome carriago
behind a high-stepping black horse.
It is said that ho uses his great powor
with his congregation for good and
that his advice to them is excellent.
The Rothschilds nro said to bo en
gaged in an effort to control the dia
mond products of tho world. Tho
Rothschilds aro n powerful family, but
when thoy deliberately rush into a com
petitive fight with our native hotel
clerks their nnmo is no longer Roths
child but Dennis. Front! Show Sir.
Rothschild to No. 4,1-19, twelfth story,
rear. Binahamton Republican.
la responsible for many of tho moro nerlous a!!
merits with which you are alllictrd. Hum
lnrtr KIrm aro n specific for the euro of Ha
bitual Constipation, I.lver Complaints, Indi
gestion, I)ysepiia. Headache and Piles. To
travelers by sea and lund they will lie found in
valuable; tliey are positively unfailing In their
action, and this is the only medicine ever of
fered to the public lhat is ar-ceptablo to the
taste, and so pleasant that children will cat the
Kill as eagerly as candy.
Price, 23 ccnU a box. Dose, one Fig,
In any caso where the system requires build
ing up. Dujardm'i Llje Euence never falls. It
will succeed where everything eUe has failed
in bracing up organic function. Price, 1.50
a bottle. All druggists.
COTicbr ih knows to pcikkck at
all comparable to tho Cl'Tlcuiu Itb-MKIUhtf
In their marvellous properties of clt-aiulng,
purifying and beautifying the kkin ami in
curing torturing, dlmlguring, itching, scaly and
pimply dlxsates of Ilia skin, lp aud blood,
wllh Ium of hair,
CuTlol'KA. the great fiKirf t'fHK.nd (linr
UUlu 'Oil' an iiniuUUu hklu limullrler. pro
rrd f rum It. niloiiially, kiwi (Vtiui'HA lUi
wn.vi4.Nr i ho no Mood PuriiW. inivrnally,
t'lirv t or) fi.roi of tklit ami blood dUwwo from
I rMldotofw lui, Prtim; ( enc I'll. io , (He I
runM w - iww i wain timtut
til, ll I'M'!
! 1 lie woman who shows her love
of admira'ion has not been spoiled by
flattery. O lv tho spoiled girls take
it as a mtulur f course. l'hllattetjthia
The man who borrows ono dollar
from you and nuglec s to return it U
of en I bought to have a poor niomory,
when, in fact, the man is poor, and
not the mi'UMrr.
There -inco was a lover nam"d Ttogg,
With n volco lllto that of a frogj,
'Neuth her window Iw'd ling
Er of cv'nlngs nnd slug
Till his trousers were chawed by the dosg.
The discovery by tho inhabitants of a locality
IdUicrto uuvlslted by the pestilent scourjro of
favcr and ague, that It elet In their very
tnldst. Is decidedly startling. Such discoveries
are made at every season, in every part of tho
Union. Subsequently, when It Is aseertalne.1,
ask invariably Is at such times, through tho
valunblu experience of somo one who ha been
lienentted and cured, that Hostettor's Stomach
Hitters is u thoroughly cUicacious cradl.-ator
of the malarial )olm, and a means of fortify
ing the system tigalust It, a feeling of more
security and tranquility reigns throughout tho
w hole neighborhood. Hestdes tho febrllo forms
of malarial disease, dumb ague nnd ague cake
are removed by th potent action of tho lilt
tern, to which science alio gives Its sanction us
a remedy foe rheumatism, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, liver complaint, debility, kidney troubles,
and all discuses Impildng tho organs of di
gestion nnd assimilation.
A Georgia man is reported to have ruado
$.-0,000 during the pist tw cnty-ll vo years grow
ing wool.
White Elephant of Sinn, Lion of Eng
land, Dt agon of China, Cross of Sw itzer
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egvpt,
Double Eagle of Russia, Starof Chili, The
Circle of Japan, Harp of Erin.
To get thce buy a box of the genuine
Dn. C. McLanes Ci:i.ehatkd LtVKlt
Pills, price ti'i ccnls, ami mail us tho out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, and 4 cent in stamps. We will
then mail jou the above list with an ele
gant package of olographic and yhro
matic enrds.
Elemino Buos., Pirrsnuito, Pa.
Dr. ltnndnll puts tho ago of lambs nt which
dockltigcan bo most eufily performed at two
to three weeks.
All that taste and wealth can provide are
enjoyed by the guests of tho famous Bald
win Hotel, San Francisco. The house has
recently been refurnihhed, and is now one
of the finest, in all its atiiointnionta, to be
found in the world. There is no section
that all'ords such a market for good things
to eat, as does California, and the Baldwin
table is furnished with everything. Of all
the San Eranchco hotels it is the niobt
A Kliodo Island former recently sold ninety
three lambs for yl.uUO.
"Do you know, Mary, I once actually con
templated suicide" "You horrify me, .Mrs. II.
Tell mo about it." "I was sulterlng from
chronic weakness. I believed myBclf the most
unhappy woman In tho world. I looked ten
yenrs older than I really w as, and I felt twenty.
Life seemed to have nothing m it worth living
for." "1 havo experienced nil thoso Bymptoms
yi w-.n-i u. 11 I tvna uftvo.1 Ht. tltn
eleventh hour from tho commission of a deed
WHICH 1 Buuuuer 10 mum ui. .i menu
vised me to take Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescrip
tion. I did so. In an incredibly short tlmo I
felt liko a J13W being. Tho 'Prescription' cured
me, and I owe Dr. fierce a debt of grutltude
which 1 cau never repny."
Fifty HoMxin linns sell mutually eight million
Oi-liility. WiiMtliiB iMHtsiiwt'N of Chil
dren, Chronlo Coughs and Hronchiti. can bo
cured by tho use ot Neott'H KuuiImIoii of
nent physicians uso it und lestuy to 1U grav
value, i lease renu inu iiiiiunms. uf 1
Scott's Hmulslon for an obstinate tough vvlth
Hemorrhage, Loss of Appetite, hmuointion,
tlcepUssnesF. etc. All of theso have now left,
and 1 beliovo your Kmulsion lias saved a case
of well developed Consumption.' T. J. Find
ley, M. !., Lone Star, Texas.
An Knglbh paper reports that 2.8IG owes in
twenty-six llocks have produced 1,102 lambs
a return of 155 per cent.
Dr. I'lei-cu'a Pleasant Purgative Pellets are
preventive as w ell as curative. A few of these
'Llttio tliants," taken at tho right tlmo. w ith
little (.xpenso and no Inconvenience, will ac
complish what many dollars and much sacit
II,.,. Ar timn will fall la do after Dlscnso once
I holds you with his lrongmsp. Constipation io-
lloveu, tne J.ivor rcguiuiuu. mo u puna,
wiUtortlfy ugalust loveiM and all contagious
disease. Persons intending travel, changing
diet, water and .climate, w ill Ilnd invaluublti.
Dr. Picrco's Pleasant Purgativo Ptllots. In
vials convenient to carry.
Sand and coil ashes w ill mako any clammy
soil loose and friable. '
Lyndonville, Ouleans Co., N. Y.,
April 12, 1885.
Abont a year ng, I imprudently stepped
oil the Hudson River cars while they wero
in motion. In trying to save myself from a
fearful fall I wrenched my back terribly.
The next day I could not walk, and 1 suf
fered lwiin from my neck to my heels.
Various applications were made, but noth
ing which was done abated my sullering.
Being anxious to get up and attend to busi
ness,! determined to place threo Allcocic 8
Poitocs Blasters, one alxive the other, on
my back. In alxmt an hour and a half
they caused considerable itching. The
pain and soreness bensibly decreased, nnd I
rested pretty well that night, 'the next
miming the itching began to bo tmito
severe under tho plasters. To get some re
lief, I had my back well rubbed crossways
over the Planters. I was surprised within
two hours afterwards to Hud the pain and
soreness almost gone. I stayed in IhmI that
day; and tho morning afterwards I got up
and attended U buslnens.
O. Y. Pettman.
Apply a thin dressing of lime around your
grape vines, und then work it into tho soil well.
If all so-called remedies have failed, Dr.
Sage's Catarrh Itemed)' cures.
A Kew England fanner concludes that a far
mer can keep a sheep with every cow without
any additional
J. II. KIHR.Aruycr unci Analytlrnl
C'lu-mlHt, laboratory. 1CI First st,, Portland,
Or. Analyst made of all iubstancea.
For I.onm of Appetite toUn AUi'ii'm
Iron Ton'.o Pilfers. All genuine bear the sig
nature of J. P. Allen, DniggUt, St. Paul, Minn.
A i'oiicli. (.'old. or Horn Tlirout re
fill I res lmmedlato attention, ni neglect result
in some incurable hung DUcuse. "Jlruwn
Jlroiiehlal Trockti" will Invariably glvo rullef.
Hold only ( bozt.
Our renders, when visiting Sun Fraiit-lsco,
should, by all means, stop at the famous
11.. 1.1... I.. II. ...1 t.. rl-..t ,
Ijmiiiwiii ...... ,..., ...a. j
Powell ktrceU. All ruble and In.twt ear
.. . I . .1... .1 -
lines rroui icrry huh wuiii ! niu wmc.
I'lider the uriM-nt iiiaiinufini'iit It has be
(''ino the mot popular ltouto In hull 1'ruit
TliV Okiimka for lirmkfmt.
ol LiriVrn T K.iru, u&Linr. famu
t,t 4 M,at Ju sv.4 .WvM. . U l !
Itliiuinntlm, Ncurulgli. Sciatica,
hnmbngo, llnrUmlir, Tootlinclin, Sore
Throat, Swellltigf, Snrnlut, Itrutie,
Uurnt, Synldt, Frot-blte.
DrajtlHj si THhUn Ettrtwturt. riftjCjjtJ
fhf Chnrien A. Voiolrrto., Unlto., Bid.
Solected with great enre from the choicest to
bacco regions of North Carolina.
Smokes Cool -Lr bib Long-Dooa not
blow out tho Pipe.
It Is tho undisputed leader of Plug Cu
mokiug Tobucco throughout tho world.
Sold on Trial !
'tincnt Mnall. proflti
tro. St-nd soo for rualllntt
iro llluitrattH) Cataloirue
wltli full partlculanu Man
ufactured by
1C7 A lOO I.uko St.,
Wo are oirerlnR tlio followIiiR In 20, 10, 80 or
1C0 acre Farms:
ItoHi-ntliiil Colony. TcnnmaColony W.tMIW
Monte VlHta " Shasta " 1.500
-litMin " " " 1,-tan
l.iitliernii " " " O.OOO
XhliiKll-lown " " ',' 1H.OOO
And.iHoii " " ' l.OtfO
.llli union to " Kern " Ji.M-IO
; ri'f n m ouil " San I.uls Obispo fiOO
Wntllii'tiu " Tularo ll.O(M
I'olut JtejM " Jlartln l-i.OOO
Other lands for Keneral farming, fruit grow
ing or Htook rnlslnir.
a homo on easy terms In tho country,
whlloretnlultw vour iircsent re-idence, iiosltloji
nnd Hilary; 10. 20 or moro acres of lind, with
or without a house, on tho lustallmuut lilnn in
ono of our colonies; wo will plant tho sumo to
your order with fruit trt es or rulsln era pen and
will keep it Inroad condition until full boailmr,
with or without l'rltratlon; theso lunda llo
north or south of Sun Francisco, in tho coast
or inUiiior counties, near or distant from mil
road or town and vary in price. O. II. STUKK P
& CO., successors to the Immigration Asoo
iation of California, 415 Montiromery street.
Send for particulars and full dcscilptlons.
Jodiclo of PotOMH.
It cure ItllKUMATlKH, Nr.inuLUlA, Holla, I'lmpW
Hcrofula, (lout, Uatarrb. Tumors, rUlt Kbeuui, and
Mercurial iialni. It I'uritlua tha llluod, UeUire the
Mri r and Kldueya to lieftUhy action, and luakts the
Complexion liriidii and Clear,
J. R. CATES &. CO., Proprietors.
417 WmiHomn Ht.. Han KrunclHCU.
- - --
Tho Van Xonciscax
Yojiw. uildlle-Ofed and
Id. atogle or rnomed men
ana alKirhoniflor irtth
Nerroua DebUitr, Bpenna
torrbeo, Bemlnol Lomc
nr. Weak
! Energy, olao lilood fond
- Hkln IXaeaM, Hrphllllt
Eruptloua. Ilolr raiuni
Ilooe Iolni, 8 wellloz i
Bore Throat, TJloen.
fecU of Merourr, Kldneyi
&nA llladdiff Trouble
ICeikBaai, Uaraug TJrloe. Oonorrhe. Qleet Btriot
uni-pruiupt relief and care :orU.
Both Hexen 4JeuHalt CoafldeatUUr
OPtOB-l8a 6i 184 THIRD HT.
iisued March and Oept.,
oocb year. It U an oncy.
olopodia of useful infor.
mation for all who pur
otiose the luxuries or tbo
necessities of life. Wo
can olotbo you and furnish you with
all the nocosiary and unnecessary
nppliancos to rldo, walk, danoo, aloep,
oat, flsb, hunt, work, uo to church,
or stay at homo, and In various sUos,
styUs and auantltles. Just flituro out
what is refjulrod to do all thoaA'thlngs
COMFORTABLY, nd you oan mako a fair
ntlmate of tho valuo of tbo I1U YKUU'
QVlVli, which will bo seut upon
receipt of 10 cants to pay postage,
1U-1U Mttblgsu Avenu, Obloo,Ilt
Htthu !KmIUOiiI
VviHin, Ordi,s.
ii I,, ,ii Ituti n .1
,i , ,.iiuii -i Amimh
,.IW4Mll if" 'I
4l, 1 , ; I 'II I 4
r . ,., ., ,i i . , i i .
l I 'ill I till All . I
in i i liliiLWMP liivt
c5lt 14--"
1 1 1 I I ' I . '
' 4 ..J. I
UfEilS Ul. 4 bl'Jbei) Ul. l, 1000.
Half Karo Rates over the O. B. & X. Co.,
O. &C. It. It and Oregniiau B.illwav Co.
Onua'done-llfthovcr X. l B. B. Unci;.
Special excursions over the O. It. & X. i
lines at less than half rate, Oct. 8, 15, ft!.
Olllcc, 118 Klrtt Street Portland.
ntg n tits given ontw
sal satlstsctlon In th
cure of Gonorrhooa and
Ulcct. I prescribe It and
feci ante In recommend-
nsM Birwur.
Inc It to all suffer ers.
flit Chikil Co
,i.j.sTm:n. ii.d
Decatur, lib
riUCE 91.00. .
Bold by DrucsUta.
(Jcrninii At It mil Cure ni
I nnltattntufm the woretcn'iJniurr ooir.fort-1
...... .
i. . . . . r 1 1 1 . it
8 1 .(Kl.ol l)nwirlt or bv mall. Buut'la Kit K li I
formnmp. DrtTlt.8)IHFKMAN,Ht.l'iinl,Mlnn I
SW ssV I SLaf m M
Bo sure, that there is a picture of a Cow pn your pacliarjo nnd you will havn
tho best Soda maCo. xV. COW DIJAJfl),
To llotuelcrcpcrsantt
Fa rnters. It Is impor
tant that tho Soda or
Baleratusyou uso should
be White and l'ure sums
as all similar substances
nsedforfood. To insure
obtaining only tho "Arm
& Hammer" brand Bod
or Salorat is, by it in
"pound or half round"
cartoons. which bearour
camo and trade-mark, as
Inferior (joodi are semo
ttmessubstltuted fiVetha
"Arm & Hammer" brand
when bought in bulk.
Parties using Baking
Powdor should remem
ber that its sole rising
property consists of bi
carbonate of soda. Ona
teaspoon ful of the "Arm
ft Hammer" brand of
Soda or Salerstus mixed
with sour milk equals
Packed in Card
A Hinged cat dreads Uio Are. I plead guilty. I am boIIIhk a "now-fangled" machine
I iniurantco tho l'v-Knnli'd Ailvnuce Mi'iiHrntor to be the best Kraln-savintc. fast
est 'niresber ond moot durablii Hepnrutor ever made. Hut, rfWfHilier, It is not an experi
mental machine, as tho Old Pott)' muchlncs are. You aro well aware of tho time lout (that
ou have to pay 'for) In eterlincntlnr with
riircHlier IcikIm tho way. Tho Krowllnir and
by tho amount of irraln kicked out In tho straw
wlsli a cheap machine, Old r'oides will supply jou tit your own price; but their machines aro
dear at any price. You cunnot all'ord to buy a thrtsltcr without eiamlniiiK Iho Al VAIMCK.
Do not lie talked 'nto buylnK a machino because it is ihouii and Old Fotcj IhIi. Ask the Old
Koicy niet'iilH If they will set Inialdo the in; w-lunjrleil inachlno and let you Beo which is tho
ejperiiiuntal machine, and sold on Its iihtI In. 1 havo never yet had to call on any court to
help decide the merits of Iho iicv-fniiltlod machine, l'lcuso eiat..tno the court records in ref
erence to the Old Fotflf'M plan. Manv years ago a man built a iinw-fhimleU machine,
called a steam eniclne. Old FiikIch then, bm now, stoml liock and said they would rsln tke
rouiitry. Iso you not tvnnt to li ruined In tho huuiu wuy T lU-meiiiber, the ufiW
ruiiclfil machine is past all rxiifiiuifiitliiir, while Old sVokj-'h machines aro belnif m
perlincnted with all the lime, and at your ex pen we. Do not fool with them any longer, while
youriirnln isuoitiK to nte. ... .. . t.
jr-merubiT tli iirw-fitMiilfd niHcliliin 1st nold on ItM worltn entlrnly. Ro-
. .1. I. t. ,. n,n iihu.,..,!. un,l llvnl, ullnu, illJ a,-A.M.&'ma.
it tli lifiv-rntijtli'il 111110111111" l noiu on um mt-rnn eiiureiy. iw
whole 1 itcinlciiort is upon your crop proceeds, and If you allow Old If'osty ma
In your itrulii, you aro Just that much out of pocket. To pruvmit tills, seo
that does your thrcsliliiK procures a iic.m -nuiicli'd AI)VAMCHTkrl-Mkr,
ineinoer, your i
chliiew to wiiHti
ll,Mt ll.A iMriv I
as tliey aro conslruclwl so as to save your Kraln, and have a better record Ihati any old-fopy
niHehlne. Write lor further partlcuUrs. I am tirepareil to prove ull my ttatemuiiU-l, c, Tbs)
AOVA.Vt'K uiuclifiii" lll do mi ore and linllnr work than any other.
I lirreli' linllrnirii any nld tuny UKtint to iiuhim ANA rus where Ihe
AIVAX'I iiiueliluo Iium fullril to ilu um i'presii"tHl uvo lim luttodmilUai
on IIiIm 'oal. Hhow up or hliut up. ....... .
Ilemember that old tour sweuts saying the contrary does not make It so. It will pay you w
liivcutlUHte, 1 run prove nil I Hiiy.
IttliuaelltheMtlfkiiowii IM.VtaKK lVOIIIIIIIY l'U K.K, A number of HtHU-
facturvrs make llitm on a nil ally but I do nul know of suy Imitation, butuw always iu
iJliiedoliMjkoutortliiellistUlkur imllut on, 1 also deal i lMMd;y uhA MiirlM
Machinery, Kami, t'hurcli and Bthixil Hull. Oenrral Maclilnery.' rltHtlHk', OrwiW4
si mi' r
VMIVtm, lli nr rump, iisniiivH iiisi'iruiiiis, i-uia, n. rvniiirii iiji'iiin, f V " .T
Wrsiiclit. Illftcksinllli Drills, Ml llelliu llalli Tubs, Um WmiIukIiouw KsHfwff. -i.riVus:
lodorwim wliitU. tUiij Tradloii. l074i Uliorw I'raiilloi.. tlm , oi-l dUcwwt fr iii.iioial-tutiiiforlioiLuins Di whhiiih and Utin4 (or Klirlrln LlaHllmt- M
YtwrtillsusisiiniiiHu.Hiil.uuiiii'' Vo-jinuii,aiMi)iri!ruuriwlU, Voumirt mii kt
ulll.wiii a ihisll ut In )i-r lixMMi rui t-
Cullor r Cninnou A f!n lS3First8t
nddrcssur. opinney a uo.x'orUand. or
rjpRVOHR I'tollitr, Loss of Vigor, IVmlnal
It L.KVUU3 Weak ilcmorr, Despon-
of nT. Jtc.. une to execs ses or abuse, cnreJ,
YOUNC MEN "Offering from the effect
T v V. m of ynutlifn I follies or Indis
rrctlon rnoalit btU thernFClven of. onr trentrnent.
Aljo.ltlTocnreiriiarBnwrt In every case. Syphilis,
Urlnnrr nnil Vpn.rrnl fti.t ...... .ft ,,nn,t,..l HI.
chtrges, protnptiy and afeif cured.
c?8 f KMnrys or Uladder, Weak Puck, Nervom
DchlUts, anting ol Hexnut Btrcngth, etc., cured
and rrotorrd to henlihr vigor,
. .t,'1!- .I'"0"" unablo to rlult ns mar bo treated
attriclrhome. by corrrnondence. Urdlrlnea nncV
Instruction rent br mailorexpre". Conraltatloa
irre. tJcnd 4 cents In ftamp.xor Ihe Youog Man'l
b'rtend or Uuldu to udloclc.
lt ITeniluina. 25,000 In use,
TO viuvtn KnlaMi.hpil. KuW
?J mtented Mcl Tun.nir De
vice, in us In n totlivr l'lano. bv which our l'lanus
stand In tune ) ) cars, (rood fur 100 ; not affected
by cllniiito. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink,
crack, decay, or wear out; o guarantee it. I3e
pnt KwewiKxl Cases, S stilnps, ilouble rej eating
action; finest Ivorv ke)i; tho rnmou ANT1-EI.U
Cull or rlto for Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTISEU,
I'lANOCO., M.mutacturcni, Odd Felloas' Hall, Mar.
ket and Seventh Streets, San Francisco.
a mux mm.
Celery and Coca, tho prominent iu
crcdlcnw, nro tho best and safest
Nerve Tonic, It HreiiRthena nnd
quiets the i.ervous system, eurlDg
Jcreus Woiiknecs, Hysteria, Slccp
lessnees, Ac
Itdrivesout the poljonous hutnorsof
tho blood purlfylnR and enriching it,
nnd so ocrcomlni; thoso diseases
rofiiltlns from Impure cr Impover
ished blood.
itcurci hablluiil constipation, nnd
proinolesarcRUlar hnblt. Itstrencth
ens tho itoraach, and aids dlgcftlon.
In its composition tho best and most
nro combined scientifically with other
cfleclivo remedies for diseases of tha
kidneys. It can bo relied on to glvo
quick relief nnd speedy cure.
Handrediof tsllmnnlal!ihaoboenrpcelTed
f rum jermii who hayw nil this rrrnodj with
remtrtahle benoHt. Mond lor circulars, frirlnc
lull partioularii,
rrtre $1.00. Soli Yj Drotjtiti.
four oon nils of tha
beatllaking l'owdcr.saY
ln twouty times its,
cost, besides being
much hoalthler, because
It does not con tain any
Injurious substances,
such an alum, terra alba
etc., of which many Mak
ing Fowders are mads.
Dairymen and Farmers
& Hammer" brand for
cleaning and keoping
Milk l'ans Sweet and
Cactioh. Bee that
every pound package of
"Arm and Hammer
Brand" contains fall
10 ounces net, sad tha
U pound packages fiM
11 ounwi net, Ooda or
Boleratus samo aa speol
fled on each package.
a in u
Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
Old Kokty inachlncs. Tha Jiw FuuicleU
kicking of the Old KoKy axentn la only equaled
by the O il Foiry niachl'ies. Of course. IX you
l UI4IK, a'1'Mv-
N I' N I hUt IT Mw -