"Washington Loiter. Editor Oitnao.v Scout: St-pteinbor 7lb, 1888. Tlio Chinese question is uppermost this week. It is generally believed that the treaty lias been rejected, al though the Slate Department has just received a telegram from tho United States MininU'r to China, saying he has no positive information on the subject. The unofficial now was good enough for tho House; Ropro sensitive Scott prepared a Miort and sharp restnctlvo bill and promptly railroaded it through the House with out a division, and when it got over to the Senate some of tho Senators want cci to rusii it right througu in the same way, but fortunately for the good name ol the country, more conserva tive counsel prevailed and tho Senate contented itself bypassing a resolution introduced by Mr. Sherman requesting tho President to inform the Senate whether the recent treaty with China has been ratified by that government. This would have been tho proper course for tho House to have taken in the first place, but no member of either party seems to have had nerve enough to make tho suggestion. Wo can certainly ntlord to wait until wo get the official news of the rejection of tho treaty beforo passing a law which will nbroento a treaty now in existence. Senator Stewart continues to make war in the General Land Office. His latest move was to ofl'er a resolution in the Sonatc for the appointment of a select committee to investigate tho rejection of the laws relating to pub" lie lands and timber depredations. The members of tho House aro all anxious to get home,- thcreforo it was not surprising that tho resolution fix iug tho 20lh inst. for adjournment was received with general applauso by tho House. The members wanted to vote on the resolution at once, but tho speaker referred it to the committee on ways and means, whero it will probably remain until tho Senate bIiowb whether it is in earnest about passing the substituto for tho Mill's bill, which is to bo reported next week Tho democratic leaders of tho House, whilo anxious to get away, do not bo lievo it would bo good politics to tako tho initiation in tho matter of adjourn ment. They will leave that for tho republican Senate. This is prcsiden tial year, you know, and politics entoru into everything. Mr. Randall is greatly missed in tho House. Tho appropriations commit' tee, of which ho is chairman, bus papscd a resolution expressing regret athis enforced absenco and hoping for his speedy return. louse tho languago of tho street, tho republicans havo gol onto tho democratic racket of fighting tho trusts, and nro now trying to outdo them in introducing bills against those obnoxious concerns. Hut un fortunately for tho pcoplo at largo, there is little probability, if any, of tho bills becoming law until after tho olection. Trusts aro wealthy, and thoy aro also liberal contributors to the campaign funds. Tho debate in tho Hoiuo on the Canadian Retaliation bill shows that tho republicans are too smart to oppose tho granting to tho President of all tho authority ho wants, although thoy all took occasion to oxpress tho opinion that Mr. Cleveland would not mako utso of tho additional authority after tie got it. Senator Ingalls gave Senator Teller a rebuko for making jionjoiiul alhuionti to Representative Scott in his remarks on tho Chinese Restriction bill. Tho presiding officers of both Houses Bhonld do this oftonor. Thiro has been entirely too many porfonalities indulged in on the lloors of both Sen ate and House during this session. Senator Blair iiiiiukwI tho Senate by expressing Mympathy with Senator Jteagan because ho was almost us much of a crank us himself. Mr. Keagau said that the suggestion thul he was a crank was tho hardest thing over said about him. He did not care to bo in tho samo category as the Senator from Now Hampshire. Kfpresentativo Foran has intro duced a bill providing that tho Chief and Assistant-Chief of tho Bureuu of Engraving and Printing whall bo either practical engravers or plate-printers. Both parties havo opened offices in this city to receive contributions to the campaign funds of their respect ive parties. By tho way it is said that Clevelandb's $10,000 contribution was a "falco." If all tho democrats wore as confi dent of success as Mr. Cleveland is, there would bo no doubt about tho result. J. H. C. County Court Proceed lugs. The ollicial undertaking of II. I). Hubor, coroner elect, approved by tlio court, Final tcttleiueut mado with Mrs. A. Ii. . uitiulurs, administratrix uf tho en- twin ( ,v, iv, hammers, deceased ox- fiift'iir, in all matters pertaining to his t'olb-otioii of taxes. (Yittriiut nwurded to W. T. llarti nii'n In fill tho cribs under (wo bridged over (Ir.inilo Jfondu river on tlio Fon. U'r mil, for if lOO. Tho'propcrty belonging to 8. A. Pur- sell, south of union, was purchased by tho court to be used as n county poor farm. Consideration, itl,70U. .7. Q. A. Richardson, J. M. Jones and Jackson Wright having filed claims for damages on tho proposed road petitioned for by C. W. Hamilton and others, llios. Wade, T. 1. Glenn and Llias Jvuhn were uppomtcd at- nraisefs to appraiso the damages and report at the next term. The appraisers heretofore appointed to appraiso the damages that would accrue to G. W. and M. P. Ames an W. H. Porter on account of construct' ion of proposed roads petitioned for by Nathan ImcIsoii and others, Aos.1 and 2 having reported that said parties would not bo damaged at all, their re port in each instance was approved by the court and both roads were declared public highways and ordered opened Various complaints having been made to tho court of the obstruction of various highways in different parts of tho county, it was ordered by the court that the various road supervisors bo instructed to clear all roads, m their respective districts, of all fences and other obstructions for tho whole legal width thereof. That they pre vent tho running of water for irriga tion or other purpose, whenever the same will bo in any manner detriment al to the public county road. Liquor license granted to B. F. Pot ter, of Pino valley, for one year. The court settled with G. W. Thorn- son for building a bridge over Grande Rondo river at tho Morelock crossing and approaches to the samo, paying him therefor .' 1,370 $150 having been heretofore paid. Contract awarded to O. Lcsage to deliver 30 cords of good, sound wood in the court hoiieo yard, for .$3.-13 per cord Tho court settled with Nelson Schoonovcr for superintending the work on Pino creek road. Boad petitioned for by F. M. Bart- mcss and others, declared a public highway and ordered opened. T ho ollicial undertaking of 12. C. Brainard, county treasurer, approved by tho court. J ho filienfl having collected certain delinquent taxes for school district No. f, made his report to the court, and was instructed to turn the samo over to thu clerk of the district. Contract awarded to J)r. C. II. Dav for medicine and medical attendance on tho county poor at the poor farm, and tho prisoners m tho county iail, for tho ensuing year, for .f 5R0. On account of a doublo assessment against Thos. MeConnell, $42.2-1 was ordorcd refunded. It appearing that Sam'l. Perrv. liv ing in Pino valley, a county charge is very low with pulmonury diseaso and his family in a very destitute condi tion, it was ordered that his allowance bo increased to $30 per month. Boad petitioned for by G. M. Bich and others, ordered surveyed. .Nelson bchoonovcr wus appointed superintendent and manager of the county poor farm at a salary of $G0O per year. A scholarship to the State Universi ty was granted to Miss Molho Shaw. A contract was lot to G. W. Thorn son to build two bridges over Grando Bondo river on tho roads petitioned for by M. F. Honan, et ids, and M. L. Carter, ot ids, for tho sum of $1,800. O. N. U. Notes. IIkadquahthkh Tntiti) Rkoiment oi Infantry, The Dalmh, Okk KdON.f- 588. ) . Sept. 7, 1888 OKNKttAI. 01tI)KIt8 NO. If). I. Lieut. W. II. Shark is hereby re lieved from duty as Acting Adjutant, Lieut. J. 1. I'ltz Gerald havinir return ed and resumed his duties ns Adjutant. J I. 'l no resignation of First Lieut. N. U. Harris, of IT company, this re giment, has been accopted by tho gov ernor. III. E. J. Forsytho has boen elec ted and commissioned captain of I company, this regiment. Hu will bo respected and obeyed accordingly. iv. warrant lias been imied to Ira W. Bird iib corporal, this reciment. subject to report of regimental exam ining board, and ho will bo resncetcd and obeyed ne ordingly. V. Honorable discharges' havo been granted to tho following enlisted men from tho service of tho 0. N. G : Cor poral Cass Cannon, and privates E. P. Post. M. A. Hounds, T. M. Hush nnd W. M. Motrgcr, ofG company: nrivato F. Waldeek, of 11 company; privates F.Il. Klein, 1). L. Newman. John Law- ler and F. W. Wilson of the regimen tal drum corps. VI, Company commanders will see Unit all guns and uniforms aro kept at nil times in their armories. By order of C11AS. E. MORGAN, (ofhcial.) Colonel. JOS. 1. FITZ GERALD, 1st. Lieut, and Adjt. There aro now twenty-sovon com panies ol militia in the state, which is nindo up oi between l.oOO and 1,000 men. In the Firot Regiment tboro aro eight companies, in tho Sec ond niuo and in tho Third eiehl. lles-ides this there is ono company of artillery und ono of cavalry. Ono of these comp.uues,'F1"2nd regiment, will givu n grand ball on Sept. 11. l'utyour bayonet on the fact. 'IJioUndltegiment Hand, of Salem, is eomowhat in a pickle, llccently their leader I'rol, Coomor resigned anil went to Portland, and tho bovs concluded to quit uUo; but Adjutant M. W. Hunt, of tho 2nd Infantry, O.N. ., declare mat tlio regimental laud enlisted last Juno for throo years nnd had ulrewdv received JiOOfrom tho state, und could not disband it It won d. when told to play they will huvo to play. This makes tho ming mnu rather norvoun. and thoy are riMliniiu: what it U to wdrk Mr (ho KdWrnmViit. SCROFULA I do not bclioro that Ayer's Sarsaparilla has an equal as a euro tor Scrofulous Hu mors. It Is pleasant to take, gives strength to tho body, and pro duces a more perma nent result than any mcdiclnn I overused. E. Haines, lortu Llndalc, Ohio. I havo used Ayer's Sursaparilla, In my family, for Scrofula, and know, If it is takonfaithfullyitwill thoroughly eradlcato this torriblo dlncnse. W.F.Fowler.M.D., Grccuvlllo, Tcnn. For forty years I havo suffered with Erysipelas. I havo tried various rcmcdlos Humors, Erysipela Canker, and for my complaint, but found no relief until I commenced using Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After taking ten bot tles of this mcdicino I am completely cured. M. O. Amcsbury, Catarrh, Itockport, lie. I havo suffered, for years, from Catarrh, which was so sovero that it destroyed my appotlto and weak ened my system. Aftor trying other remedies, without re lief, I began to tako Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and, in a few months, was cured. Susan It. Cook. 000 Albany st.. Can be cured by purifying the blood with Boston, Mass. Aver's Sarsanarllla is suporior to any blood purlQcr that I over tried. I havo taken it for Scrofula, uanKcr. nnu nait- Ithoum, and received much benoflt from it. It is good, also, for weak stomach. Mllllo Jane 1'elrce, S. Bradford, Mass. ft Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mum. Frlco 81 ; six bottles, 85. NOTICE KQR PUBLICATION. Q Land Omen at La Gisande, Okeoon,) Notice is hereby idventhat the foliowinir- named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make finnl proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the register and receiver ut La Grande. Oregon, on Oct. 23. viz: THOMAS II. FOnTKK. I). S. No. 707(1. for the N hlf.' SV qr SWqr SV or. Sec 20. nnd NYVqr. NW nr. Sec 20. Tp 0 S. It II H. lie names tho following witnesses to prove his contin uous resiueucc upon nnu cultivation or, dd land, viz: John K. Phillips, of Telo upot, Oregon, nud Daniel Haird, A. N. Hamilton nnd V. It. IU-cves, of Union, Or. lln.Nnv Kikuiiart, P-lI-wO. o Register. lJXECUTOK'S NOTICE. All persons hnThc claims against the cs tato of W. W. Ito3, (IcceaKed. are hereby notitied to present thu same, duly verllicd according to law, to the undersigned, ct inoexeetitnrof the last will and testament of Hidd V W. Itoss, within six months from tho date hereof, at bin reMdenco in the town of Cove, Union countv, Oregon. Dated this 10th day of September. 1RSS. JAMKS H UN 0 U US 1 1 OTT. !M 1-wC Kxcuutor. NOTICK TO TAX l'AYKHS. ATOTICU IS HURUBY GIVF.N THAT Ji thu Hoard of Equalization for Union county will meet in the ollleo of the county clerk, in thu court bouse at Union, Union county, Oregon, on Monday, October 1st, 1S88, ntt o'clock a. m. and continue in ses sion six days, to examine, the nsses.stuent roll forjtho year 1883, as returned by tlio as sessor, and correct all mistakes therein; nnd nil persons who aro dissatisfied witli their assessment as mado by the assessor, or who wish any corrections made in the snnio, are hereby notified to appear at the tinio nnd place above named, and show cause why such corrections should be made, or in failing so to appear, they will be re quired to pay tax by the assessment as made. Union, Oregon, September 1st, 18S8. 0. D. TIIOMLINSON, County Assessor. The County Court of Union county, de frires to add to the above, a notice to idl persons knowing themselves as not being assessed for the year lfiisS, to appear before sain noarn oi i-.qnaimuion ana iikiko an as sessment of their property, or send n list of their taxablo properly to the ns-sessor at said time, nud save expenses of sheritl'inak' lug said assessment, mid we wish it distinct ly understood by all persons interested, that no cancellations ot assessment will be made on tho assessment roll nfter the same is passed upon by tho Hoard of Uqunliza- tlon. O. 1. GOODALL. County Judge. NOTICE FOR FUULICATION. Lajiu Officii at LaOkasdi:. OitnnoN, ) Aug. 2.1. 1S83. f Noticu U hereby given that the following- named saner nas iueii notice ot nu inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made be foro the register nnd receiver st L-i Cnmde. Oregon, on Oct. 11th. 1KSS. vir. OUOROU W. COFI'MAN. I). S. No. 7.V.", for the W hlf. NN'nr. Sec LX1 and V hlf. SWar, See. '.'Jl . Tp C S, R 11 K. Ho names the following witnesses to prove hU continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Cyrus Ilarnes, Justus Wright and Nathan iel Parker, of .Medlc.il Springs, and (leorge rluht, of Keating, Oregon. lir.NKY KINIIIIAIIT, 8-3t-w Register. NOTICI-: FOlt I'UULlATION. I.anh Oitick at La Ouanph, Ommion.I Aug. 27. 1S8. f Notice Is hereby idvcn that the followins- nnnied tetllers have filed notice ot their Intention tn make tinal proof in sup port of their oUims, ami that k.iul proof will be made before the register and receiver nt La Grande. Oreeon. on October 17th, ISS8, vli: Kll'llAitl) I , I.AMiUUI,. lid. NP.2.V11, for the IC hlf. NKqr. and SW or. NUqr. See. 2. Tp. 8S. and tho SUqr. SK. or. Sec Tp. 7 S, R 15 K MOSE8 A. SCOri'. Hd. No. X2Xt. Gfor tho X hlf. SW qr. nnd S hlf. X W qr. Sec 17, Tp p n, it -hi r.. JAM ICS R. SCOrr. lid. No. 3.MI, for the S hlf SW qr. und SW qr. SU qr. Sec 5, nnd the NUqr. NW qr.SecS.Tp8 S. IU0K. WILLIAM HART, Hd. No. XV, for the X hlf. N K nr. und N hlf. X W qr, Sec 21, Tp 8S. R. Ill K. i t JAMUS II. CHANDLKR, Hd, No. 3110 for thSW qr. Sec. 1, I n 8S. It 45 IS. and, FRKSMAN ST BULK, Hd. No XSSI, or the K hlf. SUqr. SUqr NKqr, So 3ft in Tp S. It 13 and SW qr. X W qr, Soc M in Tp 7 S, R Ifl K. ' 1 . They naiuo tho following wiUioo (o their continuous rrwidiuwo uihiii, aiideulil vutlon f. 11,1 Und, vli: It. T Ungrt-ll, Jimim li riiHiullor. Jhiiimi ILKuutt, Wil liam Hart. lcowun tfturte, Jt. A. SetH nnd Jnuuv Land, nil f hut Ytllty. 0ii. u.4, . IIiWMV Jlmiliuur, NOTICi: Ol' FORFEITURE. Countv of Union, State of Oregon, To W. II. Creed, Thomas Fitch, L. ftiu mnuer, J.Harley nud T. N. Snow : You and eceh of von aro here by notified that we havo expended one hundred dollar in labor anil improvement- upon the "Laura Johnon'' quariz mining claim. This claim Is situa ted In Oramte mining' ditr ct in I'tibm county. Oregon, about otic half mile above the araitra of Win. Horper, on the right l):iiik of K!k neck, and is u .o culled the '(. It. it N" claim, an will unpen r by certiti catc 'it locution nud amended loi-uii'-n tied Angus 2tt ami September 1st. lsr in the c fhi-o of the diitru t recorder of said dis trict, in order to hold said prcmics under the provisions of Section 2321, revised tnt iiti"i of the United .states, being the amount required to hold the same for tho year en ding Dec. Slut, 1SS7, nnd if within ninety days after this notice you fail or refuse to contribute your proportion of the expendi ture as n co-owner, your interest in said claim will become the property of the sub scribers, under said section. Dated this lL'ih dav of April, 18e8. Mil?. ALICK KAST0N, J. K. MALONKY, V. T. WItlGHT, J. W. SH ELTON. WOOD WAXTKD. NOTICE IS IIKRKHY GIVEN THAT scaled bids will be received by the county court of Union county, Oregon, up to noon, Thursday, September (ith, 18-fci, for the delivery in the court house yard, of thirty cords of good wood, four feet long, payable in coin. The county court reserves the right to reject any or ah bids. Union, Oregon, August 14, 18-'8. . O. 1. GOODALL, 8-17 County Judge. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court of the State of Ore gon, for union county. J), x. JJftker, l'lalntitt, M vs ,1 Mary linker. Defendant To Mary Baker, the above named defen dant: TN THI? NAMU OF TIIK STATU OF V Oregon, you are hereby retiuired to ap pear nnd answer the complaint filed against you in tue anove entitled suit, on or beiore the (irt dav of the next regular term of the Circuit cutirt of tho State of Oregon, for Union county, after tho publication of this summons lor six wccks, to wit: on tne L'l, day of September. 1888. or in default there of plalntilf will take judgment against vou for the relief prayed for in thij complaint. in this suit, to wit: for a deeree dissolving tne bonds ot matrimony lieref&fore and now existing between plalntiir and defend ant, and for gencrul relief. This summons is published in Tun Onn oox Scout, by order of the Hon. Jay. A. Fee. judge of .said court, mado nt chambers at Pendleton, this 1 ttli dav of August 188S. DAICl'lIt. SHULTON it HAKUU. Attorneys for Flaillff. SUMMONS. In tho Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Union county. .Mary U. Paird, Plaintiff, vs Charles Ilalrd. Defendant. To Charles llaird, tho above named de fendant: In the nan, e of the State of Orc- Pgon, you are hereby required to appear nnd answer tne complaint tiled against you in thPabovc entitled suit on or before thoofirst day i f the next term of the Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for Union county, af ter the publication of this summons for six consecutive weeks, to wit: on or beforo the 21th day of September, J8SS. or in default thereof plaintiff, Mnry U Haird will take judgment against you for the relief prayed for in tho complaint In this suit, to wit-: for a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony heietofore and now existing between plain till' and defendant', and for general relief. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Luther II Ison, judge of said court, mado and dutcd at chambers this 2Gita dav of July, 1883. H'AKER, SHULTON &. HAICUU 7-27 Attorncvs for I'laintill", SUMMONS. In the Circuit court for the State of Ore gon, for the countv of Union. Alice Enston, Plaintiff,) vs F. S. Easton, Defendant.! To F. S. Easton, the above named defen dant: TN THE NAM P. OF THE STATE OF i Oregon, you are hereby required to ap pear and answer tho comp'laint tiled against you in the above entitled suit, on or before the first day of the next regular term of tho above entitled court, to wit: on .Mon day, the 21th day nt September, 1hs8. and if you fail so to answer, the plaintiff will ap ply to tlio court for tlio relief prayed for in tho complaint, vix: adecreoof divorce dis solving the bonds of matrimony now exis ting between the plaintiff and yourself, and lor tue costs ami disbursements ol tins suit. Service of this summons is made by pub lication thereof in The Oi:i:on Pcoct, by order of Hon. Luther H. Isc a, judge of the (ith Judicial District of the State ol Oregon. Order bearing date, August 8th, 18sR, C. W. MAN VILL, 8-10 Attorney for Plaintiff. Timber l.nnil, Art Juno :t, 187S---Xotlce fur 1'iilillratliin. U. S.La.nii Omen, La Qua nrc. Okkoon,) - July 10. 18SS. ) Notice is hereby given thnt In compliance with the provisions of the act of Congress of June 3, 1S7S, entitled "An act for the sale oPtimber lands in tho States of California, Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territo ry. IIAKI.OW P. DRAKE, of Union, County of Union, State of Oregon, has this day hied in this office his sworn statement No, 40, for the purchaso of the NE qr. SKor. Section 3,'t, nnd NW ir. SWqr. of Section No, 31, in Township No. I South ltango No. SO Ent, and uill oiler proof to j how that the land sought is more viduablejor its timber or stone than for ag ricultural purposes nnd to cstnblish bis claim to said land beforo the register and receiver of this olllce ut l.a Orande. Ore gon, on Monday the Sth day of Oct., 18SS. He names as witnesscM: Robert Yerkes, W. II. Stailord. O. L. lllakcslee and A. O. Crnlg, nil of Union, Oregon. Airy and all pcrsoii-i claiming adversely the abovc-do-scrlbed lands an requested to tile their claims In this ofliee ou or beforo sifnl Sth day of October, IS83. IIC.MIV P.1HK1IIIT,0 7-27-wlO iiegister. Tlmtior IjuiiI, Act .In no .1, 1KT8. Noticu I'nr I'lililli-ntlnn. U.S. Imnd Orricn lu Ouaspk. OnnooK.i July 2:1. ItW. ( Notice Is hereby given that in compliance with the provisions of thOactof Cnnuress of June 3. Is78. entitled ' An tu t for tho sale of timber lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada and Washington Territo rvr ir.rrpn m rfiwtrw nt iT.,irm county of Union, State of Oregon, bus this day tiled in this olllce his sworn statement o. -in, tortne purchase tn tne sv rtrcy, and NWk NKS of Section No. 31. in Town vltt. tv1.. JC.,,1. ...... V.-. Wl .....I , ..... -1 .jvii ,ji , tiMiigv m. ..iirii nnu will otlerpriH f tosbow that the hind sought is more valuable for Us timber or stone than 1,1k pluitu ... ..1.1 .1... .....Li... I and rtcrlver of IhU dill, e at l.-t Orande. Oregon on Saturdav tho jiiih day of Oc tober. NM He tiMiiit-K hu itlii-.i : m. II. Muffoid, K. Sniub.. K. K SMiliiand Iliad hr.11.. .11 . II...... t I .'wi, an w, 'iiiuii, vriranii. ,ini nun mil iiumuih. . 1. 1. .1.. .1. ..... , w.. win. . imiiiiiiui niiigrwiT iiiff Hijti .li...il,.l .. . .. .I . . At.. iimimpii iHinaif ivqiiwiiw ti mm rlrkllllri III ilO.w ..p la..H.. IPOll. day y 0obr, IcSS. , JIBMir HIWBllAliT, 7tl Wfttur, SUMMONS, In the circuit court of the State of Ore- tn- 11 fr .-mint -. Nelson Sch'HinoVer. Plaintiff, vs Alexander La Huff, Sar.il u La Buff. J. B. baton and Mi- To Alexander Laliufl .nul Sarah L. La Buff, two of the ab-'ve nnm. d IV'.r1,i'?Iit.V'7; ,, TN THE NAME OK THE bi ATE OF lOregon, ou anil each of yu nrc hi-reuy required to appear mid nn-ne-r ihe com plaint filed agamst vou in the above entitled ;-.,urt nnd sn.t, mur before the 2-1 Hi day of Sci tember, l-8, the same bti. g the first rinyof n regular term of said court, com mencing next, nfter the expiration of six weeks from the date of the llrU publication nf this summons, to wit: the September term, 188.01 said court, and if you tail so to appiar or answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will apply to the court for the re lic! demanded In said complaint, to wit: a decree foreclo-lng all of the right, title and interest of all of the said defendants, i of, in and to certain mortgaged property set forth in the complaint, to wit: The Whlf. of NW-qr. and NEqr. of MV qr. 1 Sec. 22, and E hlf. of SE qr, nnd SE qr. of NU nr. Sec 21, all in Townhip 4 S, K. 40 E. W. M., in Uniou cunty. State of Oregon, and ordering said property to be sold to satisfy the sum of ?1 000.00 ind interest thereon from January 1st, 18S7 at the rate of ten per cent, per annum; the further sum of ?1&0.C0 ns attorneys fees, and the further sum of ?:i9.02 nnd l.-gal interest thereon from Jan, 1st, 18siJ, taxes paid on said mortgage nnd for which said mortgage was given to secure, to satisfy the further , sum of $82.G1 and interest thereon from August 20, 18t6 at the rate of ten per cent, nop tmlium. t)p fnrtlinr Mint of J25as attor ney fees, also the further sum of $Go0.00 and interest thereon nt the rate of ten per cc L per annum, from Aug. 9. 1SS7, and tho fur ther sum of ?7.".00 as attorneys ices, and also the costs, charges and expenses of this foreclosure und of making sale, said vari ous sums being due upon four several promisary notes, given by the said defen dants, of which the plnlntlff is now the owner, and for taxes paid upon said mort gages, which were given to secure said notes, ns provided therein and for which this suit is brought to foreclo-ie: abo that said defendants, and each and all of them and all persons claiming by or through them, be forever barred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest, claim and equity of redemption of, in or to said land and every part thereof, and for general relief. This summons is published by order of the Hon. Jas. A. Fee. judge of the above entitled court, made at chambers and da d the 4th day of August, A. D. 1883. Dated at Union, Oregon, this 7th day of August, 1838. 8-10. 0 JOHN R. CRITES, O Attorney for Plaintiff. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. To whom it may concern : Notice is hereby given that the under signed was on the 8th day of may, ISSS du ly appointed administratrix of the estate of JanieB S. llravton, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tho same, du ly verified, to me nt my ytnee of residence near Elgin. Oregon, within six (G) months &om this date. T i 1 I ' I 1 11. ! T..I..O, 19CO jjiucu ut J-.ii.-in, uncoil, unsjinv i. isoo. BAKllAKA UKAYTON. 7-27 Administratrix. NOTICK OP FORFEITURE. Countv of Union. State of Orecon. To John Hepburn and Samuel Merchant: i ou anu ciicn oi you are nereuv untitled that I have expended one hundred dodars in labor and improvements upon tne I.uckv liov'' ouartz minln r claim for the year ending December, 18S7. This claim is i situated In the Uranite Mining Ihstrlct in Union coun'y, Oregon, adjoining tho '-For est Queen" and "Combination'' quartr. mining claim", und if wiihin ninety days after 'tills noticu you fail or refuse to eon tribute your proportion of tho expenditure as a co-owner, vour Interest In said claim will become the property of the subscriber, w. uuuxiss. Dated July 2, 188S. NOTICE OF FORFEITURE. Cornucopia. Oregon. March 23. 1838. To Oeorge Benson nnd John Hallct: You arc hereby notified thnt we. your co owners in the claim or mine known as the "Blue Hose" claim, situated 111 the Buion, extention of tho ''Queen of the West,'1 and have expended one hundred dollars in as sessment work for the year 18.S7, on said claim, as nquircij by law, and If vou fail to contribute your' portion of said amount within ninety days from date of service by publication of this notice, your interest in said claim will become the property of the undersigned co-owners as provided in sec tion 23L'l revised statutes U.S. O. 11. SCIIICKKAM, -f-0. O. S. ALI.EN. SUMMONS. In the Circuit court for the State of Ore gon, for the countv of UnioA. , I.ucinda K. McDonald, Plalntilf, ) vs Thomas D. McDonald. Defendant, J To Thomas D. McDonald, the above named defendant: TN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF JLOrcgon. you areQicreby required to ap pear and answer tlio complaint tiled against you in tho above entitletl suit, on or before the'lirst day of the next regular term of the above entitled court, to wit: Monday, the 21th day of September, ISSS, nnd if you fad so to answer, the plaintiff, for want thereof, will apply to the court for the re lief prayed for in the complaint, viz: n de cree of divorce, dissolving tho bonds of matrimony now oxistirvg between the plain tiff and yourself, and fur tho costs and oik bursements of this suit. Service of this summoiOis made by pub lication thoreof in Tun Oreuon Scout, by order of Hon. Luther II. Ison. judge of the Oth. Judicial District of Oregon. Order bearing date, August 7th, 18S3. C W. MANVILL, 8-K Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION? Land Office at La ffaANDKPOntooN,) v. . . . . A"g. 27. ISSiS. f hotice is hereby given that the following- !inmed settlers havetilcd notion nf il,lrin. tentloni make final nroof In Minnnrt. nf their clitfms, and that sold proof will be made beforo tho register and receiver at La (irande. Oregon, on October lfith, 188 vit: GEOllGE JlKXItOTH n H 'v.. T7on for the S hlf SW qr. S2C 7 Tp 8 s It tit E. ' JAMES 15. FULP, D.s: No. 7ffl8. for tt10 , hlf; Or. and E hlf. NWqr, Sec ISTpSS, H-tti E. 1 t'll.ll' ll,,,lk f..l I n .nl ,1 , "r""" iiiiu"iu Hiinescua w prove their continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: James II. "ainpr. it. A. Scott Wi. Il.nu Hart, .Ins. .Idp and James H. Scott, all of Pine alley, Oregon. IlKNKY Itt.N CHART, 8-3 1-0 Uec'S-er. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at La Grande. Orcoo.v. I , . , Aug 16. K-A Notice Is hereby given thnt the following named settler has tiled notice of hit inten tion to mako final pronf in support of his claim, and that ald proof will bo made bo fore the regi-ter and rutlver at la (Iran Ic, Oreg n on October 11. 18, vU: SEIOLK I'Or FM AM. Il.l So.3i7. forth. V hlf. Shiir.and It hlf. SW oSccW.Tp li H, It. II E. Ilf nuiliei Uv'h'wiiw Winc-s to prove Un contluuou rriiibiuv up 11, and cullivalloiiof, kul luad vlx Cyru lt.-jriie. Jiuitu wrlghi ami Satlun el l'urkr, ot Medljwl Sprint?, and (Siwruu Vriht, of hculliijr, Oregon, ... . IltBV HlKMUHr, 1! T I ORTGAGE HANK UNION, OREGON. $500,000.00 to Loan on First Class Security, Prom One to Five Year? Time, at a Low Rate of Interest, Alo Buys Sells and Be its Property for rH0ii-rc..nient.s. "y O I ONLY IM-X'EIVED ON DEP0S1 I To be Invetdedon Guaranteed Security. All Collections Promptly Attended to Without Delay Insure IN TIIE- Bankers Against Accident, Mutual ANDess! Associate Funeral Expenses of the Northwest, From $5.00 to ?25.0O weekly indemnity in case of accident. From ?.r).00 to f 12.50 weekly indemnity in case of sickness. $100.00 for Funeral expenses. J NO. E. TUTTLE, Agent, Union, Oregon. AND SODA FACTORY, Cor. Main and B Sts. - - Union. Oregon, SHERMAN & KA1KV, 1'rops. Manufacturers and dealers in Soda Wa ter, Sarsaparilla, Oinger Ale, Cream Soda nnd Champagne Cider, Syrups, etc. Or ders pjomptly tilled. t-Met Main Street, Union, Oregon, BENSON BROS. - PROPRIETORS. Keep constantly on band BEEF, PORK- VEA'L, MUTTON, SAUSAGE, HAMS, LARD. Etc. Cornucopia Saloon, Wsi. Wileon, Prop. The Finest of Wines, Liquors and Cigars always in stock. FIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLE. Drop in and be sociable ALPINE H0TEU Cornucopia, Union county, Or. R. Q, WARINNER, - - -a - - Prop'r, Tho only first class house in tho cam No pains i-parcd to make guests comforta ble. 0 Thomson & Pnrscl aro agente for (bo celebrated Cyclone Wind Mill, and ns tlio prices on them have been great ly reduced thoy nro now witnin the reach of all. Sample mill to be Been at their planer in North Union. Call and examine it. PATENTS Obtained, and all Patent Business attended to Promptly and for Moderate Fees. Ourotlicu is opposite the U. S. Patent Ofliee, and wc can obtain Patents in less time than those remote from Wasoington. (3end MODEL or DRAWING. Wc advise as to pantentabililv free of charge; and wo mako NO CH AKGE UNLESS PATENT IS SECURED. We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the Supt. of Money Order Div., and to otlicials of the U. S. l'atcnt Olllce. For circular, advice, terms nnd rellcrcnccs to actual cli ents in your own State or County, write to 00 G. A. SNOW & Co., Opposite Patent Ofliee. WoshiiiKtorpjD. C. AMDS MINES KentucKy Lipor Store City lea ANSWMl TO INQUUt 'S, $1.00 BEPsnr o:i nirstss, contests, ic,$3.oo Procuring Und Plttnti, Film 3 ArgumnU, nd Conducting Conum. on MsJerals Trms Sonil for ciraulir la HENRY N. COPP, AICTvf WASMIUQTOIJ, O O. Cri filler IiumU kin (ri.' bttihr! QtU tit r y't w nmiifvti