The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, September 07, 1888, Image 8

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    "Unearthing Old ItelicB."
E. Snotrr:
Last week the E. 0. it. endeavors
to set nright eomo old-timo mistakes,
only by making them ten fold worse,
for the adherents of he own party.
Here is the way it figures: "A wri
ter who it id proHiimcd knows, gives
thi' people a bit of complaint under
the above caption, and makes strong
insinuations that tsotnebody lias been
going back to other days and bringing
up the ghost of the past, and making
him do duty under the present circum
stances." Well, the "insinuation" was meant
for an accusation, and if putting up
the old-time relics, euch as "blood
hound," "shot-guns" and "masked
men," of war times' and tiding thctn
to bulldoze some of its faltering voters
into the ranks, is not bringing up the
"ghost of tho past and making him do
duty," wo respectfully ask, what in the
name of common sense is it? If the
people of America are not free, and at
liberty to vote as they pleato, now,
they do not know what true freedom
is, nor never will.
Thero are laws governing elections,
and every citizen gf this republic has
recourse to those laws, if ho thinkB the
election unfair. No voting precinct is
so remote nor isolated but what tho
laws of tho Statu and United Btatos,
are fully and amply known by the
men who arc at tho head of tho county
in which tho remote precinct is. How
then can the people of such prcciuct
bo driven to tho polls like cattle, and
the ones who drove them thero go un
punished? It is an utter impossibility.
A person who thinks so is certainly
very fur behind tho time.
Hero is still another: "Now if that
gentleman really means to say that
the slaves arc all free, the gun hung
on tin1 rack, and the blood-hound dead
and gone, then he must ho one of those
poor, blind, bigoted kind of democrats,
who scnrcloy read anything, nave just
what suits them."
Well, I do say tho slaves arc all free,
.save a few "poor, blind, bigoted" slaves
to a corrupt party, who proposes to let
us havo freo whisky and tobacco, in
htead of free necessities of life. If the
slaves aro not all frco, why don't the
editor of tho E. 0. If. issuof another
emancipation proclamation, or tell tho
world just where tho slaves aroY Tho
followers of honest old Abo do not r
gard the examplo ho set. If thero is
negro oppression among uh to-day,
why don't tho negro lovers of old war
times ferit tho oilbndors out, and free
tho remaining slaves? Only "boast."
Onlyu little campaign talk.
Htill another: "Wo need only re
fer tho gentleman to tho ease of tho
lato louisana election for a clear proof
of the case in hand. A mass of evi
dence can bo produced to show that
thero was no such thing as a frco bal
lot, unless one wanted to voto tho
democrat io ticket, and it was boldly
declared by a journal of tho south that
tho negro must bo kept away from tho
polls, unless ho comes as a democrat."
Well, tho same "mass of evidence"
that can bo produced to provo tho
ahovo assertion, will provo clearly and
conclusively that tho representative
men of tho republican party, present
at the election named, were "poor,
blind" ignorant, brainless, know-nothing
men as some of them are if they
didn't complain of tho unjust actions.
Didn't they know that men wero un
der tho jurisdiction of tho law at elec
tions, as well as at other places? Didn't
they know that if tho election was un
fair, they could appeal to tho law for
n just, impartial triul? God pity thom
if they didn't. They should bo in
formed, by all means, for that kind of
ignorance is worao than bodily rluvory.
Am to the "journal of tho i-outh," wo
need only to touch a "vital spot nearer
home. Does tho E. 0. It. regret tho
hiblo becauso of tho actions of Lot?
No, and it would cay a man was n
"poor, blind, bigoted" kind of a man
that would. And tbeu will it imagino
tho slaves in bondngo again, tho blood
hound on tho track of humnn gou,
and the bkxxlicst of crimes being per
jictratod on tho defenseless ncgros, be
came tome paltry country paper makes
homo foolish statement, not sanctioned
by man, (!od or dovil. Tho editor of
tho I). 0. It. must ho one of those
poor, blind, bigoted" kind of republi
cans who never reads anything savo
just what suits him. If otherwise, ho
cannot icniemlK-r tho good pari of
fStill inoro: "Thero is an amount
of evidence that will provo this spirit
of the outh,und then wo uro told wo
tiro bringing- tip old rulics."
If (litiieU an amount of evidence to
provo this, it is evidonco hatched by
some iiiirruwi'lKhted republican jour
nnl, hi' tin) i.xprci imrjRWo of ruining
old find to lifu UKiu.
TJw Miml) m mio jrapjd fyidV-ito
war, and is to-day throbbing with all
tho eloquence of mutual cxistenco
with the north. She has built up her
schools and colleges, and erected her
living monuments of literary fame. A
man that talks about the old war trou
bles still existing, talks foolishness,
for tho spirit 5b dying out fast, and
her people nro warmly united in the
bonds of national aU'eclion. Then let
tho "dead past bury its dead." and
strive to improve tho living protein.
Only in localities, a bitterness of feel
ing 1 exists, and these localities arc
scarce. All t ic spouting of senatorial
vagabonds, is of no avail. Is is naught
but political foolishness and fully. Let
the people who "live and lovo and la
bor" speak for themselves. Do we hear
any old feuds stirring in the air? Do
the opposite parties complain about
tlieir neighbors being unfair and cold?
No, it is as peaceful as if the war had
never occurred. Tho sunny skies, the
fields and forests, the winds that waft
their perfume through tho hind all
speak of peace. Her authors, the
land marks of all countries, are silent
on the old troubles, save a few politi
cal cranks. I'oor Whitman's "Leaves
of Grass," will wave in tho memory of
mankind forever, unsullied by the talcs
of blood and butchery. Prof. Hnt-
ton's "Beryl" will glow on tho brow of
the GoddcsB of literature forever, un
strained by the crimson tongue of tho
old, old times. Then if bringing up
tho old story, of all tho horrors of
warfare, is political valor, political
valor is very low. If rehearsing the
instruments of iniquity will help to
heal the wound, what will open it?.
"Why, such breaks only dcstioy tho
mutual afi'ection of American citizens.
They only retard the fustly growing
flowers of her united glory.
" If a political paper cannot bo car
ried on without insulting tho very peo
ple it claims to bo defending, it had
better lock up, and paste the sign,
'doted for lack of discrimination" on
its door. B. W. HUFFMAN.
Sept. -Ith, 1888.
En, Scout:
The feeble and sickly effort on tho
part of "Homo" to answer our argu
ment would indicate that lie is out of
"soap" and Hearing the termination of
his brilliant career in a "campaign of
explanations" on behalf of his party.
Wo must confess wo aro blind, so far
as his arguments go to dispol tho dark
ness, and must, remain thus until some
moro logical reasoning than that ho
has produced shall strike us moro forci
bly ere wo can bo convinced that his
theory is tho correct one.
Ho remarks, "Strango indeed a
blind scribbler can not see thoso things
as they already exist in full forco and
tho republican party is now seeking to
chargo it up to freo trade policy."
Itemarkablo, indeed. His wonderful
imagination is indicative of a diseased
brain and his mutterings aro necessa
rily meaningless. A strango and un
accountable hallucination prevades tho
mind of our friend and ho hardly re
alizes, wo presume, "which one of the
boys ho is." To show the utter ab
surdity of the everlasting tax ho -loves
so well to dwell upon wo will refer him
to a few figures giving tho prico of
various articles under freo trade in
18G0 and then under protection in
1881 showing conclusively, without
any contradiction, that wo pay less for
goodB under protection than under freo
trade and this tax we havo on homo
productions is a myth and untrue.
Vo copy as follows :
lbtiO. lfcSl. Itrd.
I pr e.
as i 07 M
asji ooj; 22
oo u oo ni
ai.oo 1!0.00 n
03 2fi
CO fX) 23
i.fto i.oo as
BOO :t.7.r 28
2.50 2,i7 Ui
03.30 07.MI 38
Coin, sheeting V 'd
Drills V yd
Prints yd
l'ltf lion V ton
Iron, retlned, y lb . .
Fancy ciissiiucres, V yd
Common woolens, V yd
Medium blankets, V vd
Mens' pegged boots V lr
Crockery y crate
Tho above showing will present to
tho causual observer that thero is all
tho way from 11 to 38 per cent, re
duction in tho articles quoted in favor
of protective tarifl and instead of any
tariff or tax to tho consumer, he pays
none but is benefited as stated. His
boasted theory of taxation disappears
like thin vapor when exposed to tho
rays of a mid-day sun. While it is
truo that foreign importations brought
into tho United States for tho purposo
of lialo aro subject to an import duty
which is necessarily added to tho price,
it is but just, and tho consumers must
pay it, by which equilibrium trade is
adjusted and wo aro protected aguiust
higher prices us under freo trado do
main. Again, England with her
cheftp labor can produce cheaper, con
cqucnlly can pay iuiKrt duties and
ooi i pe to with American ntnmifuctutoN
yet their Mall market U higher on an
immgo than in IhU country. Hhould
n vpfyUs fO'.q iryiln b-o rtttvi) M
7iWttu (but ciknAVy, tlA M
bilities arc it can be produced at say
$4.00 a dozen or cents each, im
ported here, tho duty and freight paid,
and be told hero at 75 cents still, and
then a handsome profit be realized.
Our own manufacturer, paying moro
for his plant, higher insurance and
higher wages, cannot produce the
same article at $-1.00 a dozen, but costs
him say $1.00 per dozen more or $5.00
per dozen. Tho Britisher has the ad
vantage of $1.00 on each dozen by
which he can pay his freight and im
port duty and still be on an oven
footing with our American producer.
Now could you expect our produce to
sell less than the English retail price
of 75 cents, yet he docs it, and why?
simply becauso ho is compelled to by
active competition and Dun's Mercan
tile Agency shows hundreds of failures
monthly. Not on account of this 100
per cent tariff you would have him
taking from tho people unjustly, but
by competition as stated, so wo fail
entirely to comprehend where this tax
on home productions comes in when
wo can buy our goods as cheap or
cheaper at retail than in England, a
freo trado country, where labor and
manufacturing is cheaper. Wo pause
for a reply, but it docs not come.
One can purchase as cheaply in Buffa
lo, N. Y., as Montreal, Canada, or Fort
Townsend as compared with British
Columbia at Victoria, most all the
leading commodities, with some ex
ceptions, yet Americans aro paying,
according to your logic, a tat iff or tax
upon everything ho consumes. That
English-nan with his $100,000 worth
of woolen goods is just the gentleman
wo are after and we wish him to un
derstand that ho must pay into our
treasury a just amount for doing busi
ness in this country, for as "Moses
lifted up tho serpent in tho wilder
ness," even so shall wo lift tho import
duty out of his pockets, needed by us
to help defray tho running expenses of
this government, and lighten Homo's
as well as everybody's taxation. In
tho first place we do not desire to sec
any Englisnman with cheap pauper
mado woolen goods in tho port of
New York or any other port in tho
United States so long as wo can pro
duce woolen or any other goods by
our own industries at homo and at as
reasonable prices as prevail here.
"Then if ho had no tariff to pay he
could (would ho do it?) sell his cargo
of goods for say $101,000 and make
about tho usual average wholesale
profit." By simply referring to tho
little table of prices given under frco
trado and protection ono can readily
sco about what perccntago that greedy
Englishman would demand, and fur
thermore with his cheap labor and
cheap facilities for producing his
goods, that natural order of conditions
would bo in a few years our workshops
and manufactures would bo closed,
our laborers all idle, and that English
man have a monopoly in this country
by which ho could demand and re
ceive about any prico ho might ask.
"Homo" loses sight, entirely, of the
difference in cost of production, in his
argument. Could our manufacturers
havo their work shops and machinery
produced by labor at $1.00 per day, in
stead of paying $-1.00, insurance uh
cheap, and cheap labor to run their
factories, (for in Germany men aro
paid, on an avorage, 37 cents per day,
and women 20 cents, and for fourteen
hours work, whilo in tho United States
$1.75 per day is paid to men, and wo
men receive $1.00 per day, and for on
ly ten hours labor.) It only proves
that the Englishman's facilities for
production aro cheaper and that ho
can pay tho tariff duties and still bo
ahlo to compete in our markets, tho
differenco in tho cost of production
going into tho pockets of our work
men. Wo never cau bo able to pro
duce as cheaply as foreign countries
unless with tho same surroundings,
tho same cheap servilo and pauper
labor, and any party or polh y tending
to trample down tho prico of Ameri
can labor is no friend to our work
men and is very presumptuous in ask
ing him to put a halter about his own
neck whereby ho may ho hanged.
The Editor's Critic.
Ho stands in tho stores with his back
to tho stove and tells how he could run
a newspaper how ho could bo as idepen
don as a hog on ice, and ct.ll things by
their right names; how he could expose
corruption in high places, how ho could
write good common sense, and none of
your frivolous, trying-to bo funny stuff.
Ho criticises other people's nietlu dsof
conducting newspapers, and just with
cs some one would give him a chance
to t-how hi jourualUtis ability. The
way to cure ono of theo chap U to
got him to ugieo to write a aontiblo ar
tielo every tiny for a week. Hoforo tho
wok U nut bo i ro to bo mimpcd
dry, and will gap wuro (or mi idea than
u vhfcb'u doc with. tl jiij-v.
Frank Bro's. Implement Co., of J
Island City, aro now prepared to sell
wagons, buggies, hacks, or nny other'
article of farm implements and machin
ery at lower rates than ever before sold i
in eastern uregon. iney guarantee
all goods they sell. Try them. G
J-l the Hoard of Kmialiation for Union
county will meet in thoofliee of tlie county
clerk, in the court house nt Union, Union
county. Oregon, on Monday. October 1st,
18X8, nt Jt o'clock a. H. and continue in ses
sion six days, to examine the assessment
roll forthe'ycar ISfi-, ns returned by the ns
scor, and correct all mistakes therein;
and nil persons who ore dissatisfied with
their assessment ns made by the assessor,
or who wish nny correction made in the
same, nro hereby notified to appear at tho
time nnd nlacc above nmued. nud show
eaiie whv such corrections should lie made,
or in failing so to appear, they will he re
l.y t
qmrcu to pay tax
tic assessment as
Union. Oreiron. September 1st. 1S83.
County Assessor.
The County Court of Union" county, de
sires to add to tho above, a notice to all
person-) knowing themselves as not being
asrscd for the year 1888, to nppear before
said Hoard of K(unlization nnd make an as
sessment uf tlieir property, or send a list of
their taxable property to the assessor at
said time, and save expenses of sheriff mak
ing said assessment, nnd we wish it distinct
ly understood hy nil persons interested,
that no cancellations of assessment will lie
made on the assessment roll after the same
is passed upon hy the Hoard of )iializ.i
tion. O. V. fjOODALJj.
County Judge.
Land Omen
at Lx Oieakdi:, Our.ooN, 1
Aug. a., 1888. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion tomnkn linnl proof hi support of his
claim, and thnt mid proof will lie made he
fore the register and receiver nt La (5rnnde,
Oregon, on Oct. 11th. lSbS. viz. OKOHCiK
W. COKFMAN. 1). S. No. 7-V7, for the W
lilf. W qr. Sec 2t! and W hlf. SW qr. fee.
23, Tp OS, II 41 U. lie names the following
witnesses to prove hif continuous residence
upon and cultivation of, said land, viz:
Cyrus Barnes, Justus Wright and Nathan
iel Parker, of Medical Knrings, and Ocorge
Wright, of Keating, Orrgon.
8-31-wO Register.
Land Officii at La Ghan'db, Onrc.o.v. I
Aug. 2.r(, 18S8. J
Notice is hereby civen that the following-
named settler lias filed notice of his intcn
tlnii tn mnkit llnfil Hi-oof in sunnort of his
claim, and that said proof will tie made be
fore tho register and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on October 11. 18S8, viz: SKIOLB
COFF.UAJI, lid. No. 337. lortlieW lilt.
SK or. nnd K hlf. SW qr. See 20, Tp (5 S, It.
11 K. He names the followingwitncsses to
prove Ins continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: Cyrus Uarnes.
.Tustiis wriirht and Nathaniel Parker, of
Medical Springs, nnd George Wriyht, of
Keating, Oregon.
8-31-w'i. Register.
LandOfkioeat La Gkanhk, Okeoon,),
Aug. 27. 188S. I
Notice is herein- eiveu that the following-
named settlers have filed notice of their in
tcntion to make final proof in support of
their claims, nnd that saitl prool will lie
made before the register and receiver at La
Grande. Oregon, on October lfith, lSS viz:
OEOItaH llKXKOXII. D. S. No. 7701.
fortheShlf SWr. 8sc7Tp8.S, lt lli L.
JAMKSlt. 1'TLP, U.S. No. 7(J28. for
the W hlf. NUqr. and K hlf. NW qr, Sec
18 Tp 8S, K -lli li.
nicy name too louowing witnesses io
ii rove their continuous residence upon, and
cultivation of, said land, viz: James II.
Chandler, M. A. Scott. William Hart, Jas.
It. I ulp nnd James it. bcott, an ot rine
Valley, Oregon.
8-31-vG Register.
Lanh Okfice at L.v (Jkandi:,,)
Aug. 27, 1SS6. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named .settlers have filed notico of their
intention to make tinnl proof in sup
uort of tlieir claims, and that said
proof will bo made before the register
and receiver at La Grande, Oregon, on
October 17th, 18S8, viz:
HICIIAHI) T. LANGICKL. lid. No. 2531,
for the Klilf. NKqr. and SW nr. NHqr.
Sec. 2. Tp. 8 S, and the SKqr. SK. qr. i?ec
:tv Tn. 7 S. t 4 a 1-.
MOSKSA. ssCOi l, lid. vo. .IJo-i, lor tlie
N hlf. KW.qr. and S hlf. NW qr. .See 17, Tp
8H, IMH K.
JAMKS it. SCOTT, lid. No. 2.1U, for
the S hlf. RW qr. and SW qr. Sli qr. Sec S.
and the NIC qr. NW qr. See 8. To 8 K, It 4d H.
WILLIAM HART. Ild. No." 3200, for tho
N hlf. NK qr, and N hlf. NW qr, fc'ce 21, Tp
KS. It. Id 15.
JAMKS ll CHANDLKU, Hd, No. 2110.
for thoSW qr.Scc. 1, Tp 8S. R ISK, and,
FREEMAN STKKL1S, lid. No. :S,lo7, for
the Khlf.snqr.. SK qr NKqr. Sec 25 in
Tp S. R 45 and SW qr. NW qr, Soc 3d in Tp
7 S, it 4fi K.
They name the following wi!ncses to
their continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of, said land, viz: It. T. Langrell,
James Ii. Chandler, James H, Scott, Wil
liam Hurt, Freeman Steele, M. A. Scott
and James Land, all of l'ine Valley. Ogn.
' Husky Rim'.iiaht.
8-31.W0 Register.
In the Circuit court for the State of Ore
gon, for the county ot union.
Lucinda K. McDonald, Plaintiff,
Tl. ....., 11 M,. !.,.. 1,1 lnf,.,i,lint
To Thomas I). McDonald, the above named
l.Oregon. you are hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled ngainst
you in tlie above entitled suit, on or before
tho first day of the noxt regular term of
tlie above entitled court, to wit: Monday,
tho 2lth day of September, KSS, and If you
fail so to answer, the plniutiu", for want
thereof, will apply to the court for tho re
lief prayed for in tho complaint, viz: a de
cree ot divorce, dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now existing between the plain
tln'and yoursell. ami (or the costs and ills
bursements of this suit.
Service of this Minimons Is made hy pub
lication thereof in Thk Ohegu Scvut. hy
order of Hon. Luther I). Ison, judg- ot the
tith. Judicial District of Oregon. Order
bearing date, August 7th, $A.
8-10 Attorney for Plni ititf.
Cornucopia, Oregon. March 2S. ISsS.
To George Uenson and John Hullet:
You are hereby untitled lhat we. you' co
owners in thcrlnlm or mum ku'-wn a the
"111 iu- Hot" claim, ituahxt u. th.- R.Imhi.
cxtontion of the Queen ot the Wmi.' and
have expended one hundred dolltii in tn
ouient work for die yer li7, on uld
claim, its required by law, and It you lull to
esiiitributo your portion oi IJ amount
wtihln ninety duv mun duto of mrvlcc by
publication of t hit notion, your iiitwrott In
Mid uUiin will hcMiiie iho proH-rjy of the
underfilled ro-ownur) un (vovultnl in o-
iiun ran reusni tuiiinw i
O. ? ALIXh.
MITICi: OI- FOUl'LiTl'lli:.
Cotintv of Union, State of Oregon,
ToW. II. Creed. Thomas Fitch, L.
mnuer, J.IInrley and T. N. Snow :
You and each of you arc here
by notified that wc Lavs expended
ono hundred dollars in labor and
improvements upon the ' Laura Johnjon'
quartz mining claim. This claim Is situa
ted in Granite mining dlstr et in I nion
eountv, Orecon. about one half mile above
the nrustra of Win. Horpc, on the right
bank of Elk creek, and is a so called the -O.
It. & N" claim. a will appear by certili
catc of location artd amended location lied
August 21st mill September 1st. 1883 In the
office of the distriit recorder of said dis
trict, in order to hold said premises under
the provisions .r Set-ion 2321, revised t:it
utes of the United suites, bcii g the amount
required to hold the same for the year en
ding Die. 31st, 1-SS7, and if within ninety
(lavs after this notice you fail or refuse to
contribute vour proportion oi tuc expendi
ture ns a co-owner, your interest in said
niiilm will lipf-oiiu' the nroncrtv of the sub
scribers, under said section.
Dated this 12ili day ot April, iss.
sealed bids will be received by the
county court of Union county. Oregon, up
to noon, inursdiiy, Dcpiemncr um, joo.
for the delivcrv in the court house yard, of
thirty cords o'f good wood, four feet long,
payalile in coin. Tho comity court reserves
tlie right to reject anv or nil bids.
Union, Oregon, August 14, 1S.U8.
- 0. 1 GOODALL,
8-17 County Judge.
Ill tho Circuit court of tho State of Ore
gon, for Union county.
r . f . tinner, l-iauuiu, i
vs f
Jfnrv Raker. Defendant.)
To JIary linker, "the above named defen-
L Oreeon. vou nro hereby required to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed against
you in the nnovc entitled sun. on or oeioru
the first dav of the next regular term of tho
Circuit court of the State of Oregon, for
Union county, after the publication ot this
summons for six weeks, to wit: on tlie 21,
dav of September. 1883. or in default there
of plaintiff will take judgment ncainst you
for the relief prayed for in this complaint,
in this suit, to wit: for a decree dislviug
the bonds of matrimony heretofore, and
now existing between pl.untiir nnd defend
ant, and for general relief.
TliW summons is puiui-neu m niKuan
ooh Scout, by order of the Hon. Jas. A.
Fee. judge of said conn, made at chambers
at Pendleton, this Mth dav of August 18S8.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In tho Circuit court of the State of Oregon,
for Union county.
Mary E. Daird, Plaintiff,
Charles Raird. Defendant. .
To Charles Raird, the above uaiiTcd de
fendant: In the naihC 6f the State of Oie
gon, you an hereby requir d to appear and
answer the complaint fi'el ag.iiust you in
the above entitled suit on or In fon- the first
dav i f tlie ii' xt term of tin- Circuit court of
the Siate of Oicgon, for Ui.ion coun y, af
ter the publication of this -u-iimo is t r six
eomecutive weeks, to wit : cut or lie 'ore the
2i!ii ilav of Scf.tcm cr, ss.s. or in dtfau't
thereof pluintifr, Mary B B.ii d wi.l take
judgment against you for th" relief prayed
for in the complaint in this suit, to win for
a decree disso.vii'gtlie bonds of ni.itrimnuy
hc-etofoi-e and now existing between plain
titraud defendant, and relief.
This sumtn ins is published by order of
the Hon. Luther R Imhi, judge of said
court, made and dated at chambers this
25th dav of July, 1838.
7-27 Attorneys for Plaintiff,
Ill the Circuit court for tlie State of Ore
gon, for the county of Union.
Alice Easton.Plaiiitiin
. H. Boston, Defendant.)
fo F. S. Easton, the above named defen
J-Orcgon. you are hereby required to np
pear and answer tho complaint tiled against
you in the above entitled suit, on or before
tho first day of the next regular term of
the nbovo entitled court, to wit: on Mon
day, the 24th day nt September, 1S88. and if
you full mi to answer, tlie plaintiff will ap
ply to the court for the relief prayed for m
the complaint, viz: a decree of divorce dis
solving the bondj of matrimony now exis
ting between the plaintiff and yourself, and
for the costs and dir-lnirsenients of this suit.
Service of this summons is made by nub
lication thereof in Tiif. OimooN Scout, liy
order of Hon. Luther R. Ison, bulge of the
(itli Judicial District of tho State ot Oregon.
Order bearing- date, August Mh. 18s,s,
8-10 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Timber Lnml, Act Juno n, 187S Notice
lor 1'iibiicaliuu.
U. S. Land Offici:. L Gkaxde. Oreoon,)
July lfi, 18S8. ;
Notico is hereby given that in coniplinnec
...Itli tlm nrm-ldhinu .,f tllunr-l. nf CnillTPSS
of June 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale
of timber lands ill tlio States of California,
Oregon. Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry. HARLOW R. DRAKE, of Union,
County of Union, State ot Oregon, has this
dav filed m this otllce his sworn statement
No', 40, for the purchase of the NB qr.
SB or. Section 33. and NW qr. SW qr. of
Section No. ai. In Township No. i South
Range No. an East, and will otier prooi
to show that the land sought is more
valuable for its timber orMono than for ag
ricultural purpose, and to establish Ins
claim to said land before the register and
nif-nivnr f.ftllld nlllpi. nt I .ft (Intnil, Orft-
gon, on Monday tlie 8th day of Oct.. 18S8
Ho names as witncrses: Robert Yerkes,
W. II. Station!. C. L. RIakeslee and A. C.
Craig, allot union, uregon. Any ana an
ersons claiming adversely tlie above-de
scribed land a'e requested to file tbrlr
claims in this otllce on or before said 8th
day of October, isss.
HlWltY ItlXKltAKT,
7-27-wlO Heghter
Timber Lund, Act Jimr 3, 187."Niti)-x
l or l-iiiincn tiuu.
U.S. LAXiiOrncELi Gbandi:. oitrcoN.)
lulv 23 thS8. i
Notice is heroliy given that in con pliatice
with the provisions ot the ne. of Con-ri of
Juno 3. 178. entitle cl ' An ni I fortlie raU
of limber hinds in the States ol CoMfortim,
Oi'ccun, Nevn la nun Wushliinton lerrito
rv .'p PETER M. COFl'IN. of Union
eountv of Union. State of Ore-n, hi h
da filed in tills orli. e his sworn unnuiit
No. 4o, Kir tin- pu-ibii-f of the s'j Nl3'
nnl NW-, KB', of Serl.n K.. :U hi limo
hll No, 4 fc..u.h, Range No SO But. und
will otlt-rpriH f to slum ilmt ihelmol MHifhi
is mure v.ilnah lor its timber o, stone ll a'i
for nBrtcultuial pun)-"., a -d io rtti''i-It
Illx-Mim io riui imui i-siurt) wio rrn-ivi
and rti-olvrr ul tin i HI c 1 (iraiwlr
Or. uon un hatartluy Um Kh Uy f "
t.ibr. lsKS Hi- Muiiirs uitimMM WlU
II utturd, Ii NnuU.K. K. lplu nnd Ikmi
Drpr, b of I'ui.'ii. Orwirm. Any nud
ail purwuia ciaiminic in wnr
iluM-ribtl iMIlda un rtMIUMI! io AW tlit-i-
rlahut in ( bU oium imi wr bWtwe mM 0li
day of OMtMHr. 1M.
JlUMfY liViM,
In the circuit court of the State of Ore
con, for Union county.
Nelson schoonorer. I'laintill',
Alexander La Hun", Sarah L.
La l)ufl". J. R. Eaton nnd Mi
nerva Eaton. Defendants.
To Alexander LaHufl'ftiid Sarah L. Lu Buff,
two ot tlie ao'ive named deitnuuiits:
LOregon, you and each of ym are hereby
required to appear mid answer the com
plaint fl cd against you in the above entitled
court and sti t, on - r before the 24th dnv of
September, 1 8, tlie same being the first
day of a regular term of said court, com
mencing next, after the expiration of six:
weeks from the date of the hrst publication
i f this summons, to wit: the September
term, 188, of said court, and if you fail so
to appfar or answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
bel dem.-Vided in said complaint, to wit:
a decree foreclolng nil of the right, title
and interest of all of the said defendants,
of, i'l and to certain mortgaged property
KCt forth In the complaint, to wit: The
Whlf. of NWqr. and NKqr. of NW qr.
Sec. 22, and E hlf. of SE qr. nnd SB qr. of
NE qr. See 21, all in Township IK, It. 40 E.
W. M., in Union county, State of Oregon,
nnd ordering said property to be sold to
sntisfv tlie sum of $1 000,00 md Interest
thereon from January 1st, 1837 nt the rate
of ten per cent, per annum; tlie furtlior
sum of $ir0.G0 as attorneys fees, and tho
further sum of foO.02 anil ligal interest
thereon from Jan, 1st, 1S3, taxes paid on
said mortgage and for which said mortgage
was given to secure, to satisfy the further
sum of $S2.U1 nnd interest thereon from
August 25, 18S5 at the rate often per cent,
per annum, the further sum ot 525 ns attor
ney fees, also the further sum of $050.00 and
interest thereon nt the rate of ten per cc t.
per milium, from Aug. 0, 1S87, and tho fur
ther sum of ?75.O0 ns attorneys fees, nnd
also the costs, charges and expenses of this
foreclosure and of making sale, said vari
ous sums being due upon four several
proinisarv notes," given by the said defen
dants, of which tho plaintiff is now tlie
owner, and for taxes paid upon said mort
gages, which were given to secure saiu
notes, as provided therein nnd for whicli
, tliis suit is brought to foreclose: al.-o that
j said defendants, and each and all of them
, and all persons claiming by or through
them, be forever barred and foreclosed of
' all right, title, interest, claim and equity of
i redemption of, in or to said land and every
! nnrt thereof, and for ceueral relief.
This summons is published by order of
the lion. Jas. A. Fee. Judge of tlie above
entitled court, made at chambers and da
rl the 4th dav of August, A. 1). 1S88.
Datedf-at Union, Oregon, this 7th day of
August, 1S6S. 8-10.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
To whom it may concern:
Notico is hereby given that the under
signed was on the'sth day of may, 1888 du
ly appointed administratrix of the estate
of Janice S. Drayton, deceased, and all
puroo.s uaviiiK ciauus itimisL nam tauuu
are hereby notified to present the same, du
lvvoiilied. to me ut mv silaec of resldenco
near Elgin, Oregon, within six (0) months
from this date.
D.ited at Klein. Oregon, this July 21. 1SS8.
7-27 Administratrix.
in t UK
Banker's Mutual
of the
Expenses Northwest
From ?5.00 to $25.00 weekly indemnity in
ease of accident.
Prom ?5.00 to $12.50 weekly indemnity in
case of sickness.
f 100.CO for Funeral expenses.
J NO. E. TUTTLH, Agent,
Union, Oregon.
On farmlands in Umatilla. Ralccr. Union,
Gilliam ami Wallowa counties, nt rt, , 10
and 11 pur cent, on live year's time.
Call on J. H. RINEHART, at the Farm
ers' Mortgage nnd Savings name, &umnier
ville, Oregon, if you want money on farm
The 8 percent is on improved larni lana
ear the railroad iu Grande Ronde Valley.
Cornucopia, Union count, Qr.
R. G. WA1UNNER, Prop'r.
The only first class house In tlie curap.
No pains spared to make guests comforta
ble. Thomson fc Pursel nro nirentB for
tho colcbrated Cvclonc "WindMill, nnd
ns tho prices on them havo been great
ly reduced they nro now within tho
reach of all. Sample mill to bo Been
at their phtnerin North Union. Call
and examine it.
The West Phire U the only 1 Jut tratrd ma
ilne pnbltfhcsj on the PaclOc coast anj MKla
Jroni its crct-Ilcnt literary ftatnrcs. It object M
to convey inforrastion, by loth pen aud pencil,
y tho treat reorcet of tbli reglou, and toe
proc-ej of tbelr development.
Secial lllBstnitwl ardcles appe-ir In each
litue; alw.teveml page of totci n?P
re tieing matte In every secUon, Orecon,
WM'in.lan, Idaho. Jd-ntana, AlaWa, Uub.
Calir.iriiu, llriiih Columbia, and tlio Pacific
Nri1et in Kieil, are belnj tllavtrated.
The mhrfripijon V ' on,.T '!-v', " u Dot r
olr llw rhept illnttralrd n-.-jrajine In the
I'nu xl Sum. hot eonulna ankle and en
o( gntt interet iu tvrry l-ldent of
Ii i -'-Hi, wlucb aa set bo fuaul la uiy
other btibiirauoa.
SutMrritxri for ftQ rerelre Urf raijd.
tMBi e.-ery moeih. Tl ftit eie ! a beauti
ful niejMnpti of tha ' b'utranre la Uh- Colom
bia III. pii In live clam, aul each
at Ike Mkor rej.fiiU tarn fcan-re of out
iTHtM KMirry. Ttw MipiiUiinnu are alorxJ
Mdli awte Uum IW prtc vt the pwuialne.
Try It for ism. nd afn-r iadif'. ;) It w
your fUtkU tiMMbni Yuu W Cul U koU)
kutettluni( ao4 tm4i.
U HAMUUU 1-ubHtWr.
trl-'irt bui fcc, rortijoj. ow-