The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, August 10, 1888, Image 5

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The Oregon Scout has as large a eircu
lation as any three pape rs in this see
Iton of the State, combined, and is cor
respondingly valuable as an advertising
i Friday, August 10, 18SS.
Tin-: Crackku Ckkkk Minks. Mr.
J. H. Thomson ami Mr. Chancy Clark
returned from the Cracker oieek niuics
' Wednesday. From Mr. Thomson we
learn that they went through by way
of the Anthony creek lakes, and Camp
Cnon, and from there took the road
to John Day river, thence up to the
summit betwcpn it and Upper 1'owder
river, and came to the Cable Cove min
ing district. Considerable work is be
ing done on the "California" at this
place, which bids fair to bo an exceed
ingly good mine. A mine south of
there 1. J miles, owned by Cavil Hros.,
gives indications of being the best mine
in that district. They have ordered
machinery for this mine and a mill
will be put in shortly. From there a
good road leads down o miles to Fruit
creek, a tributary to Silver creek. Here
is situated the 'Columbia" ledge, dis
covered by Cable Hros., and which, it
is said, has been told by them for $75,
000. A little town is being started at
this place. One-half mile below here
at the mouth of Cracker creek, anoth
er tributary of Silver creek, is situated
the town of Hourne, containing hotel,
saloon and an.assay oflice in course of
construction. From here, up Cracker
two miles is situated the "Excelsior"
quart, ledge, which, rumor has it, was
sold this summer for one million dol
lars. It is without doubt an extensive
and rich mine. The town of Cracker,
hero, is quite a lively place. The mine
owners are expecting their machinery
soon and arc leveling their grounds
preparatory to its arrival. They alrea
dy have a water motor at work, pump
ing air into tho tunnel, which is now
in .'100 feet on tho east anil 200 feet on
the west side of the creek. They were
shown by Col. Gleason the prospects
of the "Charles Dickens" and "Lady
Allen" quartz ledges, recently discov
ered. 2.1 miles above Uourne, on Fruit
creek. The last assay of these mines
show $10'l.ff in gold and s'i) in silver
to tho ton. They were also shown by
Col. Gleason the ''Great Eastern" one
mile east of Bourne, which assays very
favorable. Mr. Thomson thinks this
district bids fair to be as good as any
on the coast. A good wagon road
leads to this district from Maker City.
They returned over the line of the
North l'owder and Cable Cove road,
which has been finished about half the
distance. The building of this road
was taken in hand by tho North l'ow
der people last summer, and when fin
ished will be a good road. The dis
tance from Union to Cracker creek by
this route will be about ! f miles.
Dkath ok Shkkida.n. A dispatch
dated, Nonquit Mars, Aug. (5th., says:
Gen. Sheridan died at 10:20 last
night. Previous to !):'!(), there had
been no premonitions recently of an
unfavorable change. Yesterday he
seemed generally bright and cheerful.
His pulse was strong, and he took a
full supply of nourishment. The doc
tors and tho family were in hopeful
spirits. At S):!i0 symptoms of hear
failuro suddenly appeared. Kcnicdies
which had proved successful in all pre
vious attacks wero applied, but this
time without effect, and despite all
that could be done, the General grad
ually sank into a condition of complete
unconsciousness, and at 10:20 breathed
his last. Tho immediate cause of
death was heart failure. Tho remote
cause was disease of tho mitral valve,
the existence of which was known to
his physicians, tho family and himself
last November.
LijiKitAi, LiXTUitK. Next Thursday
evening, tho lGth. inst., tho celebrated
author, poet and orator, Mr. Samuel
P. l'utnam, will speak at tho court
liouso in this city in support of free
thought and tho intellectual liberty of
mankind. It will bo remembered that
Mr. rutman gave two lectures in Huh
city about a year ago. Mr. Putnam
while vehement, cloquont and earnest,
is always kind and courteous to thoso
who differ from him in opinion. No
one can take ofl'enco at what ho says
or tho manner in which ho says it. t
All should attend and enjoy this intel
lectual treat. No admission is charged
as Mr. Putnam's expanses aro paid by
tho American Secular Union and its
Arm Broken. 'Lust Monday as Mi.
King Spain, of the Sand Ridge, was
Coming to town m a wagon, accom- t J(( i,ut no soonor had lie dono so than
panicd by his nine year old ton, the Splawn vioiously attackod him, cut
boy accidentally fell out of tho wagon, ting him severely about tho face and
broaking his arm just abovo tho olbow. . arms. Splawn wag arrested and
He was brought on to town and Dr. bound over in tho Mini of $1,000 to
Cromwell reduced tho fracture. ' apiwttr bvforo tlio iranU jury.
Look sit Levy's new goods,
liny yous harness of JJcidleman.
Eleeant turnout:! at Elliott's livory !
Our public school will cotnoncc Sep
tember Urd.
Excellent accommodations at the
c hotel
Grant county
pays !fiu bounty on i
cougar scalps.
Vale, Malheur county, has a barber
shop owned and run by a lady.
The city Hag was placed at half
mast this week in honor of General
A mail wagon has been put on be
tween this place and Cornucopia and
i passengers will be carried, hereafter.
Lou Rcmillard. who has been in the
city this week, will ship a car load of
draft horses to Untie city in a few
G. G. Cullen was up before Kecorder
Tuttle for violation of ordinance No.
1, and contributed $5 to the city funds
for the pleasure.
John Elliott and Hilly Wilson have
made some substantial improvements
on the sidewalk in front of their es
tablismeuts. A large crowd will no doubt be in
attendance at the baseball tournament
on the 27th. The grounds aro being
put in excellent condition.
We stated last week that the real
name of our correspondent "Luna
'lick" was J. L. Carter, which was a
mistake. We should have said M. L.
Our popular boot and shoe dealer,
Mr. C. Vincent, lias tho outside of his
store much improved by having it
niolv painted and a new awning
The deciding game of baseball be
tween tho North Powder and Grande
Hondo clubs will be played in this
city to-morrow. An interesting time
is expected.
A fresh supply of Winchester rilles
and shot guns, belt pistols, cartridces,
reloading implements, etc., etc., to be
received at the Covo drug store in a
few days.
The Ontario Atlas says: "Another
paper is to bo started at Union, which
is a good deal like a tail on both ends
of a cow. The Scout pretty well keeps
the Hies oil now."
Died. In Joseph, July 29th, 1SS8,
of typhoid-pneumonia, Claire. Ethel,
one of the twin children of Rev. and
Airs. C. R. Shields,
months and G days.
years, o
The location of the paper mill at
Walla Walla has been settled. The
mill will employ about 20 men and
spend $20,000 among the farmers for
material. It will be completed this
Correspondents, writing on other
subjects than matters of news, are re
quested to be as brief as possible, as
our space is limited. Several commu
nications were crowded out of this
For removing dandruil', Ayer's I fair
Vigor has no equal. It restores faded
and gray hair to its original color,
stimulates the growth of tho hair, anil
gives it a beautiful, glossy snd silken
In order to obtain more space we
have discarded tho largo heading of
the paper and replaced it with the one
formerly in use. In a few weeks we
will have an attractive and finely exe
cuted heading that will be altogether
Pendleton is to have a go-as-you-
please walking match, to come oil
September 20th, for a purse of $250.
The man covering tho greatest num
ber of miles in 2-1 hours to receive
$150; the next $75. and tho third $25.
Professionals barred.
In a few days Hon. L.I). Rinchart
and others will ship east a train load
of horses, from Huntington. These
horses have been raised jOu Baker
county bunch grass, and it is expect
ed that they will bring a fair pi ice in
the eastern markets.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla is designed for
those who need a medicine to purify
their blood. No other preparation so
well meets this want. It increases tho
appetite and rejuvinates tho whole sys
tem. Its record, for forty years, is ono
of constant triumph over disease.
Air. O. P. Jaycox,of tho firm of Jay
cox it Foster, will start cast in a day
or two for the purposo of purchasing
fall and winter goods. This is tho
secret of the firm's great success.
Their goods aro bought in tho east un
der their own personal supervision,
and this enables them to sell at aston
ishingly low prices.
The Scout is evidently here to stay.
Tho organizers of tho Jlcpublican tried
to buy them out, offoring them a largo
premium for tho business. They
wouldn't sell out, and say they won't
be run out. Tho only conclusion is
that they arc hero to stay. Iienubli-
can. The abovo is eminently correct
with tho exception that "largo premi
um" should read "about half price."
Tho fcoliugs of tho gang would have
becu expressed by the addition of tho
words "which is not what wo expect
ed." A Ht rious stabbing affray occurred
at Long Creek, Grant county, last
Wednesday. Ike Splawn and Newt.
Leslie got into a quarrel over politics,
whon Splawn drew u knife on Leslie.
Loslio at once grabbed him and throw
him to the ground,, holding the hand
that had tho knife so that no damage
could bo done, at tho same timo pun- j
ishing Splawn so badly that ho cried
for quartor. Leslie then lot Splawn
Personal mid Social.
Airs. Ed. Cates has been quite sick
several days this week.
Air. S. H, Burroughs, of the Cove,
called on us yesterday.
County clerk Neill and family are
rusticating in the mountains.
Air. and Airs. Foster have returned
from their visit to Sanger.
Born. In this city, Sunday, August
5th, to the wife of C. AI. Joties, a son.
Airs. A. N. Gardner has been visit
ing friends in Baker county this week.
Air. J. W. Kimbrell, county survey
or, called on us the fore part of the
Airs. Fay, of the Sand Ridge, was
visiting friends in the city during the
J. W. Shelton of this citv has been
appointed chairman of the Democratic j
State Executive Committee.
Aliss Alaggie Smith, of Suminerville
was visiting in Union the foro part of
the week.
Air. Dan. Heidleman made a (lying
trip to the North Powder country this
week. He reports everything nourish
ing up there.
Airs. Eva. Newberry writes to have
her Scoi'T changed as she. has moved
from Cornucopia and is now living at
The Aleadows.
Dr. Strange, the dentist, visited Un
ion this week, and repaired the molars
of a number of our citizens. The doc
tor is first class in his professfon.
A party composed of Arthur Aliller,
James Galoway, Jennie AIcGillis, Alary
and Kiltie Aliller, and Belle Spray,
made a trip to tho mountains this
week, in search of huckleberries.
Air. John Eaton, who has been en
gaged in the AI. & AI. Co's. store at
Enterprise for some time past, is now
in Uuior. interviewing old friends. He
will return to Enterprise in a few days.
Air. E. F. Springer has the thanks
of this oilico for a pitcher of excellent
eider. The resemblance in this respect
of Gen. Harrison's campaign to that
of his grandfather, is a very pleasant
Aliss Ida Johnson arrived hero from
Iowa last Sunday. She is the guest of
Air. and Airs. O. P. Jaycox. Aliss
Johnson will have charge of the first
intermediate department of our pub
lic school.
Air. E. P. AfcDanicl of the Cove, was
in town Alonday. In lieu of the regu
lation tile he wore a scarf around his
helmet hat inscribed with the names
of Cleveland and Tlmnnan. Alac is a
democrat from way back.
A grand prize ball will bo given at
Dolby's hall on Big creek, Aug. 15th.
A $110 music-box will bo raffled oil" by
holders of tickets to tho ball. Prizes
will be awarded to tho best and poor
est waltzers. Good music will be in
attendance, and a most enjoyable time
is anticipated.
Turner Oliver, deputy county clerk,
returned on Alonday morning from a
flying trip through the Willamette
Valley whore he went to examine the
method of keeping county road mat
ters in the Valley counties, lie s.iys
that our clerk's oilico is as neat and
systematic as any in the state; that
none of the counties have a perfect
system of county road records, but he
says that in a short time Union coun
ty will have a system that will do
credit to any county.
Ki:ai This, All those knowing
themselves indebted to me aro hereby
notified that all accounts must be set
tled immediately as I am going away
and must have what is duo me before
I go. Alits. J. H. Coitm.v.
Attkntio.v, Faumkiss. Finding our
selves somewhat overstocked with bin
ders and headers, we will offer you a
special reduction in juices. You can
save from $50 to JflOO by purchasing
now. Stavkk it Wai.kkh, La Grande.
Good farm for sale, on easy terms,
atAIortgage Bank.
Exchange sold on I'ortland, Oregon,
and San Francisco, Cal., at the Alort
gage Bank.
Alonoy loaned on Heal Estate at the
Mortgage Bank, on long or short time,
at a low rate of interest.
The Alortgage Bank guarantees all
losses by fire promptly paid in full on
all policies procured by them.
juiaci: ui.
You arc feeling depressed, your appetito
N poor, you are bothered with Headache,
you arc ligutty, nervous, and generally out
of hortn, nnd want to iihaci: up. Uraeo up,
hut not with htlniulentN, spring medicines,
or bitten,, which have for their basis very
cheap, bad whiskey, and which xtlnnilatu
you for an hour, ami then leave you in !
... 1 1 i ii i. tin i I
want is an alternative that will purify your
blood, start healthy action of Liver and
Kidticvr, restore your vitality, and give, re
newed health and strength. Such medi
cine you will find In Electric Hitters, and
only M cents a bottloat Wright's drugntoro,
Union, Oregon.
Fanncrs anil others will save mon
ey hy purchasing their farm machin
ery, wagons, buggies, etc., of Slaver it
Walker, La Grande, Oregon, or from
their agents, E. H. Alorelock, Summer
villo: Joseph Wriuht. Union: F. I).
AlcOully, Josophj J. II. AlcCubbiu,
Lostino; W. F. locko. Huntington;
H. Siilo t Co., Baker City: Idaho
Commercial Co., Welter, Idaho,
AgoncicH will bo opened at Enterprise,
J-.lgin, Cove, una isorlli Powder at
onco, and. customers will kindly hold
thoir orders until callod on by our
If the- Liver be- nil I O
comes torpid, It tho I LhImb
bowels arc constipated, or it tho stomach
fails topcrforru its functions properly, uso
Ayer's Pills. They aro invaluable.
For sonio years I was a victim to Liver
Complaint, m consequence of which I
sulTored from General Dehilityantl Indi
gestion. A few boxes of Ayer's Pills
restored mo to perfect health. W. T.
Urlghtncy, Henderson, W. Va.
For years I havo relied moro upon
Ayer's Pills than anything else, to
my bowels. These Pills nro mild in ac
tion, and do their work thoroughly, r
havo used them, with gooil effect, in
cases of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia.
G. F. Miller, Attleboroush, Mass.
Ayer's Tills cured mo of Stomach and
Liver troubles, from which I had suffered
for years. 1 consider them tho best pills
made, and would not bo without tliom.
Morris Gates, Downsvillo, 2L V.
was attacked with IHlious Fever,
vliich was followed by Jaundice, anil
was so danj-ecously ill that my friends
despaired of my recovery. I commenced
taking Ayer's Tills, and soon regained
my customary strenpth nnd vigor.
John O. I'attisou, Lowell, Nebraska.
List spring I suffered greatly from a
troublesomo humor on my side. In spit d
of every effort to euro this eruption, it In
creased until tho llcsh became entirely
raw. I was troubled, at tho samo time,
witli Indigestion, and distressing pains in
The Bowels.
Hy Jho advico of a friend I began taking
Ayer's Tills. In a short timo I was freo
from pain, my food digested properly, tho
sores on my body commenced healing,
and, in loss than one mouth, I was cured.
Samuel D "White, Atlanta, Ga.
I have long used Ayer's Pills, in my
family, and beliovo them to bo tho best
pills made. S. U. Darden, Dardcn, Aliss.
My wifo and littlogirl wero taken witli
Dysentery a fow days nso, and I at onco
began giving them small doses of Ayer's
Tills, thinking I would call a doctor if tho
disease Oceania any worse In a short
timo tho bloody discharges stooped, all
pain went, away, and health was restored.
'.Theodore Esling, Uichmond, Va. tt
Ayer's Pills,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., I.owcll, Masts.
SJoIil by nil Denlciu in JUedlilne.
In the oiivuit court of the
State of Oic-
gon, for I 'iiiim county.
rsel.-oii t-cliotmoNcr,
Plaintiir, '
Alexander La Hull, Sarah L.
La Hull-. .1. II. Katon and Mi
nerva Katou. Defendant. I
To Alexander Lal'.ull'and L. La Huff,
two of the above named defendant :-
A()ree;ou, you and each of you are hereby
required to appear and answer the couf
plaintllled against you in the above entitled
court and suit, on or before tho L'ltlidny of
September, IS'SH, the same bring the ilrst
day of a regular term of .aid eotut, com
mencing next after the expiration of six
weeks front the date of the l'rl publication
of this summons to wit: the September
tonn, lS.-y, of .said court, and if you lail so
to appear or answer, for want thereof the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the re
bel demanded fn'said complaint, to wit :
a decree foreclosing all of the right, title
and interest of all of the said defendants,
of, In and to certain mortgaged property
set forth in the complaint, to wit: The
XV hlf. of XWqr. and NKqr, of SW qr.
Sec. ', and H hlf. ot SK qr. and SI qr. of
XK qr. Sec L'l, all in Township 4 S, 1!. Hi K.
W. M., in Union county. State of Oregon,
and ordering said property to lie sold to
sutisfy the sum of $1 OOO.'oO md interest
tnercon irom January 1st, UiS7 at the rate
of ten per cent, per' annum; tho fuithcr
sum of jflfiO.UO as attorneys fees, and tho
further sum of f.'iil.Oj an'd I -gal interest
thereon from Jan, lt, 1SSII, taxes paid on
said mortgage and for winch said mortgage
was given to secure, to satisfy the further
sum of ISlMl'l and interest thereon from
August 'St. ISs.'i at the rate of ten percent,
per annum, the further sum of $'Si as attor
ney fees also the further sum of .flWUK) and
interest thereon at the rate of ten per ee t.
per annum, from Aug. tl, 1S87, and the fur
ther sum ot :jw.-.0') as attorneys lees, and
also the costs, charges and expenses of this
foreclosure anil of making sale, said vari
ous sums being due upon four several
promi.sary notes, given by the said defen
dants, ot which the plahitlH' is now the
owner, and for ta.cs paid upon said mort
gages, which wero given to scenic said
notes, as provided therein and for which
this suit is brought to foreclose: abo that
said defendants, and each and all of them
and all persons claiming hy or through
them, be forever barred ant! 'foreclosed of
all right, title. Interest, claim and equity of
redemption of, in or to said laud ami every
part thereof, and for general relief.
This, summons is published by order of
the Hon. .las. A. Kcc, judge of the abovo
entitled court, made nl chambers and (la
nd the tth dav of Auimsl. A. D. ISSS.
Dated at I'liion, Oregon, this 7th dav of
August, IH3S. 8-10.' '
Attorney forPhdntbr.
In the Circuit court for tho State of Ore
gon, for tho couutv of Union.
Luciuda K. McDonald, Plaintiff, )
Thomas 1). McDonald, Defendant, J
To Thomas D. McDonald, tlieahovo named
defendant :
JL Oregon, you are hereby required to tip
near and answer the complaint tiled ai::iinst
you in the abovo entitled suit, on or beforo
tne nrst day ol tlio next regular term ot
the above entitled court, to wit; Alonday,
tho LMth day of September, IK,S, and If you
fail so to answer, tho plaintill', for want
thereof, will apply to the court lor tho re
lief nraved for in the ronuilaint. viz: a de
cree of divorce, dissolving the bonds of
matrimony now cxl'iigiictweeii the plain
tiff and ypni'sclf, and for the costs and (lis
burseiuiiiits of this Milt.
Service of this summons is inudo hv nub-
lieatlon thereof in Tin: Okuoon Scoct, by
onier oi jioii. i. tuner n. isou. tinigo oi tne
bearing date, August 7th, lXflv
0 " .....
(Ith. Judicial District of Oregon. Order
Attorney for I'laiiitiif.
Ill tbo Circuit court for the State of Ore
gon, for Hie county of Union.
Alice Katon, l'lalntlir,)
V, K. Katon, Dcfcndunt.l
To V. 8. Katon, the ahovo named defendant-
.1 Oregon, you aro hereby rwptlrcd to ap
pear and answer the complaint filed aiadiiHt
yon hi the above rntitlod Miit, on or before
the first day of the next regular term of
the above entitled court, to wit: on Mon
day, tho L'l tb ilny at Hepteuilior. 14. and if
you full so to answer, the plaiutlit' will im
ply to the court for the relief prayed for in
tho rouipluint, viz : u decree of divorce din
xolving tlio bonds of matrimony now ex I.
tin between the plain tif;uul yourself, and
for the e; and dinburif incut of this suit,
liervlee of thlt biiiimxMi! is inudu hy pub
iieauon inoreot in J iik uukuon ncoiT, uy
order of Hon. Lutlier II. Ion. iudiro
OI 1110
fli Judicial DUtrlct of tint Mute of Oregon.
",m'r uoarl,, u.,ta'- r (vvji'l
w AtWifuy for l'hliilk
Latest Announcement to the Public:
Having just received a largo and finely selected stock of General .Merchandiso
from Eastern Alarkots, bought fo.r cash, we can at-d will give our customers
The Public is Hespectfully Invited to Inspect our Splendid Line of
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Hats and caps,
Fine Boots and Shoes, etc.
A Alugnifteent line of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of
Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS,
Also a Complete Stock of
and a full line of
Groceries, Cutlery and Notions.
arVU WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county
can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any one of the
fact. All are invited to come and see us and we promise to do you good.
To the Public of Union and Vicinity,
for the
I have en route from the East, West,
North and South, the
Cheapest line of Clothing, dry goods, ladies'
and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles.
Summer Hats, Boots
he sold for the
of the general public,
Prices, for Cash.
A. LEVY, - - - Union, Or.
Latest Styles. SHOES,
.lust Received, Direct from tho East, a Largo Invoice of LADIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Hest Ever brought to this Market.
-Also a Fine Assortment of-
Myl'ricoH will suit tlio times. .Drop in nnd mo inc.
C. VINCENT, Main Stroot", Union, Or.
H I N G,
Alain St., Union, Or.
Largest, Best and
and Shoes, which will
at the very lowest
All Kinds.