The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 13, 1888, Image 6

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JONE$& CHANCEY, Publishers.
A ix)w estimate puts tho number of
jtnwaoB supported by nil the forme of
-employBicnt furnished by electricity
at 5,OW,000.
THkue aro forty-three log school
1j?jbbob in Iown. This '.8 tho number
given in the report of tho State Sup
oriBtendent for 1,887.
Epitome of the Principal EtcdU
Attracting Peblic Interest
Venu8, the morning slur, is brighter
tlinn it ever appeared to any man now
livinir. and nearer tho earth than it
will be again for 340 years.
Onk hundred and twenty bull lights
were given in tho City of Mexico dur
ing tho past year. Seventeen bull
fighters were wounded, and one pro
fessional and two amateur lighters
In Mexico it u tho custom to ad
dress Italics by fair given names,
even when thoy arc almost strangers.
Neglect to comply with this custom
-will give oironco to many women.
It has been, calculated according to
Professor Proctor, Unit a man of 70
has consumed twenty wagon loads, or
eighty tons, of food, solid and liquid.
An elephant has been sent by Lord
l)uffbrin to tho Shah of Persia as a
gift. It is a very line one, gorgeously
caparisoned and attended by thirty
A rATCinvoKK quilt made by chil
dren in the United States, and an In
dian shawl, tho gift of Queon Victoria,
wero buried with Jenny Lind at her
A ckktain Philadelphia family
Booms to bo of very fragile material.
There are 10 persons in it, and thoy
Tiavo experienced 32 fractures of bones
during tho past few years.
Two Protestant citizens of Madrid
were lately condemned to six months'
imprisonment for refusing to kneel bo
foro tho Viaticum. The liberal news
papers are indignant at this display of
MitH. Eliza Wn-cox is tho only per-
noil born in the White House. She
was tho only daughter of President
Jackson's adopted son, and was born
in tho presidential mansion during
tho administration of "Old Hickory."
Three men laying gas-pipes in
Thirty-second streot, New York, were
killed by the caving in of a b.tnk.
Three cases of sunstroke and num
erous prottr itions havo occurred in
New York city and Brook yn, owing
to iiitei.aa heat.
A man named Glass, residing at
Glassgo, Pa., killed his son-in-law and
mortally wounded himself. Domestic
trouble was tho cause.
Details of gales on tho coast of Ice
land hist month show that 400 French
fishermen wero drowned and thitty
vessels wrecked.
At San Diego, in the Stale of Neuvo
Leon, a railroad train plunged through
a bridgoand two Americans was killed.
The accident was due to washing out
the foundation of the biidgc.
A 1 bunder
had pa
house ot Jlurrison Voorhees was
Devoted to
tho Interests
and Stockmen.
of Fanners
Too much corn or cornmeal causes
chicken cholera.
Linseed meal should not be fed to
very young pigs except in small quan
titles, and not very often, as it is too
much of lnxativo for them.
To prevent the formation of long
lap roots and get n largo number of
small roots on plants raised in boxes
use h shallow seed-bed, not over two
inches of loam in tho boxes. This
dries out- quickly, and care should be
taken to ktep it moist.
There is more gain, in proportion to
its leed, during the lirst year of any
animal's life than there is any time
after. Acting on this hint, calves pre
destined for tho butcher including all
grade males, may be well fed until
they are a year old, and then turned
ir for beef. If killed thus early, the
male should not bo castrated.
Hinder storm accompanied by j Tho utility of windmills on tho
ssed over Princeton, N. J. The ( farm is now very generally recognized
and they tiro seen dotting hundreds of
struck by lightning, and both ho and
his wife were instantly killed.
John McCullooh, a broom maker, of
o'i-siitited habits, shot ami fatally
wounded his wife, and killed himself
at St. Louis. The woman had left
him because of his conduct.
An alarming rebellion has broken
out among the people made destitute
by Hoods in Hanoi) and I Inn-Tung,
China. It is reported Hint tho troons
have joined tho rebels and murdered
government officials.
During a severe storm at Manitou,
Out., a brick echool house in Osgood
township was blown down, and twenty ! moved.
children were buried in tl o ruin-. I It certainly does not pay to keep a
Some of them wero fatally wounded. I low made of sheen and then Inf. ilii-m
' . i - - - - -
take care of themselves. The small
amount of wool secured, as well as the
poor quality, is such that no margin of
profit will bo left to tho farmer over
and above the cost. Even with poor
sheep a much better growth of wool
can bo secured if they bo icasonably
well cared for than if they bo left to
iarins wnere live yoers ago none were
to be found. A Western farmer
writes that with his windmill he grinds
all kinds of feed, makes a good article
of corn-meal and graham Hour, shells
corn, runs a feed-cutter and a 21) inch
wood saw.
When the farmers aro advised to
give warm wator to stock, it should al
ways be understood that if above
blood heat it should have fed of seme
kind stirred in it to make it palatable;
brim or corn meal will do. If given
to them clear it should be, for tho
best results, only a little warmer than
spring water, tho icy chill entirely re
Tiik infant daughter of Princo
.Beatrice and Prince Honry of Button-
borg was christened with wator fiom
tho Jordan river, a bottle having been
scoured for that purposo by Rev. CM.
Owen, of Birmingham.
Tint Captain of the British ship
City of Madrid, which arrived lately
at San Francisco, reported that whon
off the Patagonian coast, during
strong westerly winds, buttoriliea wore
blown aboard tho vessel at a distance
of liH) miles from land.
Thkkk is a man in tho Kansas peni
tentiary who, beginning with n term
at Sing Sing years ago, has served his
time in regular succession in tho peni
tentiaries of Now York, Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois and
Muh. 1 1 kit v OitKK.s i:, tho richcat
"woman in America, was born in Nan
tuckot, Mass., and her father wits a
Bea captain. She is a queer character
and has been more written about than
almost any othor woman in America
She is worth $40,000,000.
and none escaped painful injuries.
C. II. Hemstcad, whilo engaged
a game of baseball at Oakland,
was struck in the stomach by the knee
of a baserunnor and fatally injured.
He was an employee of tho Chicago,
St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha nut
road. August Michaclson nnd Hans Tidgo
wro drowned on the Loup river, Neb.
Miohaelson wishing to frighten Tidge,
who could not swim, lipped tho boat
until it filially capsized. In trying to
savo Tidgo tho latter clung to Michael
son, and both wore drowned.
It is learned that the boarding-house
at tho Banner mine, about thirty
-miles north of Idaho City, I. T., was
burned, and two men, Alike McCul
lough and Con Uummirtner, wore
burned in it. Several men in tho
second story savod their lives by jump
ing out of a window.
Reliable Quotations Carefully Revised
Every Week.
WHEAT Valley, $1 25H 20
Walla Walla, $1 18$.
BARLEY Whole, $1 101 12$;
ground, per ton, .'$25 0027 150.
OATS Milling, 42$45c; feed, 44
HAY Baled, $15 0017 00.
SEED Blue Grass, 14$lGc. ; Tim
othy, 9$10c; lied Clover, 1415c.
FLOUR Patent Roller,
Country Brand, $3 75.
EGGS Per doz, 25c.
BUTTER Fancy roll, per
50c; pickled, 15A20c;
grade, 1522j.
CHEESE Eastern, lG20c; Ore
gon, 14lGc; California, 14$c.
VEGETABLES Beets. pr sack,
$1 50 ; cabbage, per lb., 2?c ; carrots,
persk., $1 25; lettuce, per doz. 20c;
onions, $1 00; potatoes, per 100 lbs.,
90c.$l ; radishes, per doz., 1520c. ;
rhubarb, per lb., Gc.
HONEY In comb, per lb.. 18c:
Devoted Principally to Washington
Territory and California.
$4 00;
A loose engine while bucking around
a curve at Boaz, Ivy., ran over two
children of Mrs. Helen Harper, who
wore lying asleep on tho (rack. Tho
eldest child escaped uninjured, but the
youngest, aged four years, had its arm
and leg broken and skull fractured,
from tho eflects of which it died.
Geo. Rickard, a miner well known
in Novada, and lately from Eureka,
was drowned in Wood river, Idaho.
A wagon loaded with miners was com
ing to town, and whilo fording the
river tho wagon was ovortumed. The
other men hail a narrow escape. The
body of Rickard has not been found.
For a period of twenty yearn thore
has been carried on a systematic plan
of embezzling geiods from ono of tho
largest printing concerns in Boston, jThas ilmddo ti o fee ,g o o
and a thorough investigation bv do-1 1 mi., m. , S ,
teotivos is now in progress, which
The very best timo wo believe to
make plant cuttings of grape vine
cunos is just as Be on as frost destroys
tho loaves. Make two-joint cuttings,
leaving an inch of wood beyond each.
Plant these at an angle of 80 deg. in
mellow soil, a foot apart. Firm the
soil, especially about tho lower joints ;
and then cover three inches deep after
the first freeze with straw or litter.
Ton tons of superior Texas cotton
seed wero shipped from Galveston.
Tex , consigned to tho German East
African Colonization Soeiotv. Zanzi
bar, Africa. An experienced planter
accompanied the seed for tho purpose
of instructing tho nativeB of Zanzibar
in tho cultivation of the cotton plant.
This event marks tho introduction of
cotton on the eatt coast of Africa.
A method for protecting trees
against rabbits and ground mice,
practiced by Missouri farmers and in
dorsed by tho Missouri State Horti
cultural Society, consists in covering
the trunk of tho treo around with
wire cloth. If this bo inserted an
inch or two into the ground, it is
claimed that it proves nn equal pro
tection to giound mice, which often
girdle trees at and below tho surface
during tho winter.
Exporiinonts in pig feeding, insti
tuted under tho Danish Agricultural
Society, go to show that skimmed
strained, 5 gal. tins, per lb. 8Jc
POULTRY Chickens, per doz..
.$5 50G 00; ducks, per doz., .$5 00
6 00; geese, $G 008 00; turkeys,
per lb., lG18c.
PROVISIONS Oregon bonis, 13c
per ll. ; Eastern, I313c; Eastern
breakfast bacon, 12.1c per lb.; Oregon
1213c; Eastern hud, 10llc. per
lb. ; Oregon, 10.$c.
GREEN FRUITS Apples, $2 00
2 50; Sicily lemons, $0 000 50;
California, $3 505 00 ; Naval oranges
$G 00; Riverside, $1 00; Mediterra
nean, $4 25.
.LMWi'ii; iMtuns sun dried ap
ples, 7c per lb. ; machine dried, 10
11c; pitless plums, 13c,; Italian
prunes, 1014c; peaches, 12$14c. ;
raibins, $2 252 50.
WOOL Valloy, 12lGc; Eastern
Oregon. 17lSc
HIDES Dry beef hidoe, 810c;
culls, G7c; kip and calf, 8 10c;
Murrain, 10 12c; tallow, 33$c.
LUMBER Rough, per M, .$10 00;
edged, per M, $12 00; T. and G
sheathing, per M, $13 00; No. 2 lloor-
ing, per ai, uu; iNo. '1 ceiling, per
iU.tS UL; jo. 2 rustic, perM,$18 00;
clour rough, per M, $20 00; clear P. 4
a, per i, ou; iNo. I tfoonng, per
M, $22 50; No. 1 ceiling, per M,
$22 50; No. 1 rustic, per M, $22 50;
stopping, per M, $25 00; over 12
inches wide, extra, $1 00; lengths 40
to 50, extra, $2 00; lengths 50 to GO,
extra, $4 00; lj lath, per M, $2 25;
1 lath, per M, $2 50.
MEAT Beef, wholesale, 33Ac,
dressed, c; sheen, ahc ; drcsed, be
hogs, dressed, 77Ac. ; veal, 78c,
BEANS Quote small whitcs,$2 25;
pinks, $24;; bayos, $2; butter, $2 50;
Linias, $3 00 per cental.
COFFEE Quote Salvador, lGc;
Costa Rica, 18020c ; Rio, 1820c
Java, 25Ac. : Arbuckle's's rastetl.21ic
SALT Liverpool grades of fine 01y. 1 'L',lr8 old) escorted by
quoted $18, $19 and $20 for tho three 0.' ll0ut ,,u "'"ed Henry
Walla Walla, W. T., will hav elec
tric lights in a tew weeks.
A brakemiin named A. A. Martin
was crushed to death by a Santa. Fe
train near San Anita, Cal.
The 13-year-old boy of W. K. White
was run over by the cars at Gold Run,
Cal. One leg was cut oil and the
other badly broken. Ho will die.
Peter Wlntniore, the 19 year-old
son of Captain Whitmore, fell from
the top-mast of r, vesel at Los An
geles, Cal., and was instantly killed.
M. Bow, a wealthy farmer living
near Kent, W. T., was caught under a
falling tree and crushed to death. He
was 70 years old and well known.
William Higgins, aged 22 years, was
run over and fatally injuied at Luth
rop, Cal., by walking off the end of a
car while the train was in motion.
At Oceanside, Cal., Frank Martin, a
freight conductor, slipped from a
brakcbeain while making up a train
and several cars passi d over his legs.
He died in a few moments.
E. C. Allison was shot at San Mateo,
Cal., by a shoemaker, who asserts that
Allison entered his shop and attacked
him first with a stick. Allison sajs
he struck tho cobbler after he was
shot. The wounded man is not dan
gerously hurt.
Tho body of O. H. Peterson was
found on a bank of the Russian rivt r
near Cloverdale, Cal., with a gash in
his left wrist severing the artery. He
tiau uied only a snore lime previous.
O" his right wrist was a similar cut
whi ,h was almost healed.
A boy 18 years old was killed at
Dixon, Cal., while attempting to boaid
a freight tiain bound for Sacramento.
No one here knows him, but Louis
Carson says that ho called himselt
"Dtitchy" and that his mother is a
widow and lives on Thirteenth struct,
between G and H, Sacramento.
A shocking attempt at murder was
made at the larmhouiseof R. W.Craig,
two miles north of Stockton, Cal.
Andy Hoeilich, a farm laborer, entered
tho bedroom of the two Craig girls,
with tho intention of killing Julia,
aged 18. He entered tho room, struck
a match, and at once attacked Julia,
cutting her throat from ear to ear.
L. M. Hudson, a well-known florist
of Sumner, Piorco county, W. T., was
accidentally killed while on a pros
pecting tour, near the foot of tho
glaciers of Mt. Tacoma. A revolver
fell out of his pocket and was dis
charged, the bullet passing through
his neck. His companions buried him
forty miles from any settlement.
Louis Riva was found murdered at
Guerneville, near Santa Rosa, Cal., in
a cabin. A few days before a woman
who went to see him on business, dis
covered that he was lying a few feet
from the door, dead. He had shortly
returned from a hunt, and hud his
powder-horn on when found. Tho
bullet entered his body near the hip
and ranged upward. Suspicion points
strongly to a well-known man.
Miss Nettie McClanehan. who is
a man
Everything of General Interest in a.
Condensed Form.
has been
D dies, and
shawl strap
up on the
TiiKin: is a curious law in vogue in
Switzerland compels every newly
murriud couple to plant trees shortly
afUir tho ceremony. Tho trees or
dered to bo planted on wedding days
are tho pine and weeping willow. On
natal days the suggestiro birch treo is
A ykau ago Miss Clara Moore, of
Cincinnati, went to visit friends In
Ijou Angeles, Cal. Sho had a few hun
dred dollars with her, which sho in
vented in Southern California hinds,
and in the boom that followed she
Bold out her proinirty at a mit gain of
threatens to result in tho arrest of
many of its oldest employes. Tho
lowest estimate of tho valuo of the
goods stolen is $100,000.
Mrs. Josephine Marck. of Allegany
City, Pa., administered strichnino to
hor three children, aged 7. 3 and 4.
and thou swallowed poison herself, hi
less than three hours tho mother and
children wore dead. The motive for
tho deed is supposed to bo anger bo
cause lier husband had ordmed bin
brother from tho house, whom ho sus
pected of criminal intinncy with bin
ouiieriniiK unit ryo mid uariev are
of about equal value, with a slight
perceiitaga in favor of rye, and that
six pounds of skimmed milk have the
same feeding value as ono pound of
I rye or barley, and twelve pounds of
I buttorinilk aro required to obtain the
samo result of feeding value.
1 rut .
l noro is no popular erazo just now
for growing sunllowers. It is quite as
won, since uio oid-iasluoned reasons
for planting them are as strong as
I ihoy ever wero. 1 hey made excellent
i winter food for hens, and if protected
! while yjung, the sunflower will rap
, idly tower up and make a splendid
shade for them in hot weather, in the
sizes; stock salt, 11).
PICKLES Kegs quoted steady at
$1 35.
SUGAR Prices for barrols; Goldon
C,5c. ; extra C, Gc. ; dry granulated,
b?c; crushed, lino crushed, cube and
powdered, 74c. ; extra C, 5&c; halves
and boxes, 4c. higher.
Sergoant Nolan and Privatn 'IVvW J'" where fowls inn. The plant is a
of Fort Madison, Neb., got into aquar-' u;r0sft Potior, and oven tho honyard is
rei over a woman named Carr o Ueet . : w "
during which both drew revolvers and
began firing. Nolan was fatally
wounded and died shortly after. Tho
woman was also shot and is in a oriti
Twenty years ago the value of fruit
imported to ureal, itritain w.i given
at about !rlt),UUD,UOU Iroin all points.
Now it has increased to $37,000,000
cal condition. Taylor gave himself; of tho api lea from North America
nn n .!. .... i ...i I . I i . . . .....
up, claiming that ho noted in self-do
fonse, but a coroner's jury decided i
that ho shot with felonious intent. '
A devil-fish, or ocean vampiro, was j
accidentally caught near Vampico,
Mexico, in a fishing-seino recently.
Hopes wero thrown around tho mon-,
wter, and by tho aid of horses it was
drawn to tho shore. It weighed two I
tons, and when spread out on the
beach dead presented everv annear
V . f - - -
-f -
l "e ui an enormous vat or vampire'.
I It measured fifteen feet wide from the
enlgo of tho pectoral fins, and its mouth
was five feet across.
one-third reach British porls from
Canada. Judging by tho quantity
shipped, tho yellow Hellohour must be
nninoiiHoly grown for American ix
pun, wuiie i no iiaiuwiu aiso reaeuos
Britain in immense numbers. The
Nowlown Pippin brings the highest
i no oni-iasnioned open ditch is in
our climate an ewponsivo nuisance
Every spring it is partly filled with
Mits. has been studying
French, under the tutelage of u
French woman who lives near tho
'.Executive Mansion, and haa, made
such good progress that she can now,
it is stated, read and write quite
fluently in tho "court" language, and
thus prove charming in an additional
Court etiquette, is said to be n
branch of instruction in the fashionable
Jadles schools in this city. Since tho
Immigration of so many suoluty poopjo
to London during "the season'' luu ut
in, the knowledge of "How to t o pro
honied at court U indispensable to
very auibitioiu bollc X 1'. Urapliu
sediment, "eaveis of trees and soil
washed down from its banks. There
is, beside, a waste of time in plowing,
cultivating, and every other teamwork
A collision occurred on tho Cbnv. 1 ' " "l thus divided. Mho sooner
eiino k Northern braneh of tin. ilnin,, ! tho open ditch is made into an under-
Pacific, near Bordeaux, Wyo .between I ,,rum t,iw l,otter will bo for the
a woik train and a pussongor onirino ' funnor's purse. It nniy cost at first,
which resulted in the death of Pas-, 1)1,1,1 w, W ovory
songor Conductor Under, Ftieinaii Except for beets and mangels, which
hem and Brakemtin Mayliold, and tho thrive in hot weather, no heating ma
probably fatal injury of Engineers nuio should bo i bsiI for root crops.
UixKiks and Mursden, ami the serious Turnips, carrots and parsnips are bet
injury of four other employes. A ter manured the year before with sta
washout occasioned sending out the , bio manure and sonio mineral fortili
work train. On thn nrriviil nf tint utuiili (imn rlYki itttii.1i lin.ii
norin-lottnd passenger train at Hoi
deaux, (he conductor run with the
empty engine to the scene of the
washout to learn the situation. While
milking tho run the collision occurred
with the work tniin, which was run
ning lo Ih.ideaux at full speed.
mid nitrogenous manure) makes the
' toots grow faster, besides causing
greater injuries from insects. Hog
maniro is especially lieh uud heating,
and is therefore especially exception
able on any ground intended fur plutit-
ing in root crop.
11! 1 t r y-.
niMiop ueniwr, oi ejiieensiaml, is
described bv a leading paper of the
colony as a tallisli. well-nourNlied,
.t i i . ...
miner awKwarti sore oi a mail, Willi a
foxy beard and au oeeintit inclined to
be bald ; no sort of ligure and doesn't
wear stays or improver; beard and
forehead hold at an angle of forty-live
degrees to the horizon ; expressionless
eyes; restless demeanor; takes twentv-
live seeonus oi preliminary prayer
always; pn.e-iiglitor s nose ; tlieocrat
ie, mythical and oracular.
I he manager of the Hotel del
Monte, at Monterey, Cal., recently con
traded for a lot of ehoap swallow
lail coats, winch ho otlered to
supply to his waiters for eight
dollars apiece, at the same time pro
mulgating an order that all waiters
In his hotel must wear dress coats.
This was too much for the free and in
dependent hash slingers of the Pacific
slope, and they struck in a body. As
in many another strike of recent dato
the only effect was that the waiters lost
a job.
At Hartford City, Intl.. a girl who
had been confined to her bed for nearly
three years, and given up by her physl
cians ami ineiais as a Hopeless para
lytic, got up and walked about the
room on being told that the man who
had promised to marry her years ago
was betrothed to another. She rapidly
recovered ami her recreant lover, hear
ing of her wonderful restoration to
health again, returned to his lirst love.
All was forgiven and forgotten, and
they stood before tho altar and the
postponed nuptials wore celebrated.
There is often wonder expressed
how Chaiincoy M. Depow can stand the
strain of attendance night after night
ou dinner parties, public and private.
The mere task of eating and drinking,
let alone making speeches, would use
up ordinary men in a short time His
secret is to eat sparingly and to drink
only one kind of wine. If he starts in
with edaret, ho drinks nothing else. If
It is sauterno, thou sauteruo becomes
the favorite for the night, and so with
champagne. He likes champagne tho
better, but ebiiet likes him ami agrees
with him better than ait) other.
..i l r ni. ; . ....
uiupeu troin enico, uai. i ne pair
were taken to tho police station, whore
Nelson was discharged on his own re
cognizance to appear when wanted.
The girl is detained, pending instruc
tions from her family. Nelson told
the officers that he and the girl were
on tla ir way to Mexico, where they
would have been married.
Savage, Son it Co., proprietor of
the Empiro foundry, one of the old
est foundries on tho coast, madoan as
signment for the benefit of their cred
itors at San Francisco to Jtunes H.
Graham, chief olerk. Tho liabilities
in e from $75,000 to $90,000. The as
sets aro t stimated at $150,000. Tho
failure is reported to bo duo to under
bidding on tho part of the firm. About
10U men are thrown out of employ
Frank Sparks, of San Jose. Cal.. a
man about 45 years of age, wishing to
avoid the noise made by democrats
who wero ratifying in his vicinity,
took a walk toward Normal s chord.
He entered the square and had gone
l short distance when three men
rushed up behind him and knocked
him sonseless with a sandbag. When
he regained consciousness he made the
discovery that $200 ho had in his
jtocKet was gone. There is no cluo to
the identity of the robbers.
Jesus Lrrada was arrested at the
old town of Teniecuhi, Cal.. chartred
with stealing a mare and a colt in San
Bernardino county. Tho officer
started overland with (lie prisoner.
un the way uio pnscuer got slightly
in tho lead of tho officer, and whipped
up his horso at full soeed, thinking ho
would escape. His horso stumbled
and fell, throwim; him from tho sad
dle with ono foot hanging in tho sad
die. Ho was dragged sonio distance
and fearfully mangled, dying shortly
irom his injuries.
Samuel Robertson, of San Francis-
The postoflice at Acton, Morrow
county, Oregon, has been discontinued
The machinery for the new roller
mills at Milton is on the ground.
Charles Gaiion, aged 8, of Pendlo
ton, fell from stilts and broke his left
W. B. Cunningham killed a lynx
near Heppner. He measured 3 feet
4 inches from tip of noso to tip of tail.
Jeihn Corkish, of the Pugct Sound
Pipe Ctmp.uiy has been awarded a
contract for the construction of water
works at Milton, Umatilla county.
Roland McPherson has been ap
pointed postmaster at Mountain Dale,.
Washington county, Oregon, vico
Niithan A. Barret, resigned.
Representative Hermann has se
cured an extension of mail service to
Looking Glass from Oakland, in Doug
las county, Oregon.
Charlie, 13-ynvr-old son of L. S.
Winters, a groceryman, foil oil' the
trestle work near the Salem Mills ami
broke his right leg.
An increase of mail service has
been ordered from six to seven trips a
week from Linkvtlle to Lakeview,
The following patent
granted : Joseph Leole,
John Hacton, Portland ;
and lire escape.
A salmon was hauled
Cutting Packing Company's dock that
weighed seventy-four pounds. A.
Booth, of Chicago, sent it on ice to
Win. O'Neil, of Pendleton, was
tried, convicted anil sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary for the crime
of mayhem on the pertion of John
Johnny Lonon, of Pendleton, while
blowing a lire-cracker to see if it had
gone out, had his face dreadfully
burned by the explosion that followed.
His eyes were not much injured.
Whilo a woodchoppei at Mcacham,
named Henry Winderman, was lying
in his tent a tree about ten inches in
diameter was blown down across his
body at tho hips, injuring him severely.
Ho was taken to La Grande for medi
cal troatmont.
A man named Cummins, of Cor
vullis, while in a somnambulistic state
the other night, walked out of a room
on tho second lloor of the Murray
hotel and fell out of a dtor to the
ground, eighteen feet below. He es
caped with only slight injuries.
Tho Alaska Gold Company, tho
Oregon Bituminous Rock Company,
and ih i Pacific Iron works have filed
artic es of incoiporution with tho
secretary of state; also tho Masonic
Building Association ; incorporators,
George F. Sanson, Georgo W. Maston
Chas. E. Wolverton; capital stock
$8,000; location, Albany.
Frank Marshall, Pete Ross and Dode
Savage becamo involved in a row in
North Salem, in which Savage was
knocked down by Marshall, and iit
falling his leg was broken. Marshall
also broke the noso of Ross with his
list. Marshall was arrested but was
discharged, no one appearing against
Arthur Burton, a mulatto, was ar
rested at Brownsvillo for tho rape of
Miss Eliza Harrington, and was lodged
in jail, having been bound over by
Justice Avery of Brownsville. His
victim who is aged about 1G, states
ihut her ruvisher entered her bedroom
and administered chloroform and out
raged her, leaving her unconscious.
Much indignation is expressed at
Brownsville', and Burton only escaped
being lynched by the stienuous exer
tions e f his guard.
John McDonald, known as "Van
couver Jack," met with what might
havo proved a fata) accident. Ho
rooms at a lodging hom-o on Fifth and
Washington streets, Portland, and was
sitting near a rear window skylarking
with some young men in tho court be
low. In attempting to throw a basin
of water on thorn he lost his balance
and fell out of tho window on a fenco
below, a distance of about twenty
feet. A supeilicial examination
showed that no bones were broken,
but ho was pretty badly shaken up,
and may bo internally hurl.
Word comes from Sand island of tho
I drowning of two men, Chailes Gus
tinson and Alfred Blank, boat-puller,
fibbing for tho Astoria Packing Com
pany, The men had their boat an
chored off" tho Groat Republic spit. At
tho him of the tido the water always
gets rough. Tho waves rolling in, tho
men concluded to leave the boat and
swim ashore. Both wero overwhelmed
a ml drowned. Tho boat was recov
ired and brought to tho cannery.
Gustinson was a lino young man
aged 23, and is deeply regretted. Tho
boat-puller was a 6tranger in tho
. i
ce, ageii iz years, was snot and in
stantly killed by Albert Bean, another
young man. .burly m tho dnv Beau,
with his friend George Golden, wont
on a beating excursion on tho bay, ac
companied by two girls. When the
party returned from S.uuiohto in the
evening they wont to a down-town ros-
taurunt for dinner, and thou prome
naded in Columbia square, near their
homos. tVhilo there thoy got into a
quarrel with some hoodlums and
bean finally sent a bullet through
Robertson's heart. Ho then ran awav
but returned and stirrended himself.
Golden and llio two girls wero arrested
em tho spot, but later the gills were
released. Been stated that he linnl
in telf
"No meat for dinnor, eh?" quiered
Jacob Wall as ho sat down to his din
ner in Troy. "Very woll I'll go after
some. I hat was ono day eight yours
ago, and he has not returned yet. Ho
is probably hunting for something ex
tra. A Vormont man who movod out to
Illinois several years ago took a trip
back lat month just to get anold-fash-ionod
doughnut made by his niothor.
When ho got it ho found ft just like any
other, and a llttlo poorer than his own
wife inudo.
A justico of the poaco nt Pent
water, Mich., recently sontoneod a
man to uinety-nlno years' imprison,
mont for shooting another man's hog.
Ho said ho would have lisngod tho mis
creant if tho laws of Michigan hail in
cluded hllli'itlir niiii.ii.) tli.i i,.ll.
iiients to be used in extreme cases.