The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, July 06, 1888, Image 8

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Norwcgmii Plows,
Is the latest achievement of mechanical'?
genius. Enclosed
ple and durable.
side draft nor lost motion.
Call aiifl Examine it Before Purchasing.
F. M. SLQCUM, Agent,
North I'owdor, July :i, 1888.
Ennon f-VdiT:
"Iloino'' in his went attempt to en
lighten ns by quoting from the Ore
Ionian in justification of the free trade
doctrine, intimates that wo have been
digesting "Webster" and our verdancy
in reference to tarill'and factH are niin
ilar to an August persimmon. Wo
may have been nitilly of the first
charge, but ns to digesting; perversions
of history us elucidated by himself, we
could not attempt the feat without
many compunctions of conscience.
After Hlently passing by the fads pro
duced in topud to the vioious and
healthy couditionJof our country dur
ing the present urea of protective tarill'
us shown in our Inst, he does suddenly
remeniber that .Mr. Hnchanan's treas
ury was "busted" and admits it by ex
claiming "Why was it so? and answers
the question in his usual manner.
Hear him: "Indian wars, wars with
le.ico, pensions and buying public
domains." Now, my friend, every ef
fect is pit dticed by i-omo known cause
and your theory will not tally with
historsrul tacts. First, the .Mexican
war was an insignificant nll'uir in which
the "greasers" were knocked out in the
second round and by this little tran
saction our government came into val
uable possessions, (New Alexico and
California, a grand highway robbery
as admitted Ity historians) by paying
far more than triple all the Indian
war claims since or pensions paid vet
erans of that war, besides the govern-"
nurnt has been and is now paying
those pensions. Again the .Mexican
war occured some l.'i veins prior and
we doubt about Mr. Iluchanaus treas
ury sull'eiing to any gieatextent. An
other point Ik did take cognizance of
was ".Mr. Lincoln and Heciotary Stan
ton's greenback machine" as he terms
it. (!o back again, .Mr. Iloino, to the
exciting caiiM and you will readily no
tice your iniquitous, detestable and
humbling "machine," free trade, justja
Miort time prior necessitated those gen
tlumen to ivMirt to some means to save
a bankrupt! d government and that be
ing the only available means, was
brought into requisition. While it is
true the governments "promise to pay"
wont begging and brought only -10
cents on the dollar in the open market
at one time during .Mr. Lincoln's ad
ministration, it is again lamentably
true that this state of ad'airs was
brought about by that same old cause
of which you and every other intelli
gent ptitou is fully aware and need
not try to deny. We arc fully nrwarc
tnat our toicign American shipping
inloietK went at its hei th in the year
18(10 and that the 'Southern insurrec
tion, the llritish recoguitou of the
Southern states as belligerauts and the
duprcdations of Southern cruisers bear
with criifhing weight upon the sha
ping intciest of the 1'nited States."
All these things, my friend, together
with that lurking liend away back of
them have resulted in prostrating Am
erican commerce and many other in
dustries of this republic. We take in
to consideration our domestic (which
now outnumbers our foreign commerce)
in our last article. And again in the
statibtics quoted, foieigu shipping of
ovory natuie are enumerated in carry
ing away our products; not one indi
vidual nation alone but the combined
world. Mow in this? In the year 1S71,
29,8(51 vessels i.n),808,-I02 tons burthen
cleared from our ports, of which, 10,
288veM'!s of (l,l."l.f!17 tons were for
eign, leaxing a balance in our favor ot
lM,f7!i vescls flying the American tlag
and of American origin. Our oppon
ent wants us to build a ship and is
worried forsooth that thoto millionaires
of which one would suppose he des
pised, because they must pay too much
taritl'to the government tor the privil
ege Thu admiration for the welfare
ot thut clam i truly gushing. We
can't build a ship nor hiie one done
butnrc .vt-rngo at what you aio proli
otontnt.NU; "Huilding castles in the
air," Slick to your text my boy and
givo tib unit" inoro of your sophistry
n boldly announced in jour tirbt edi
tion, particularly about the poor farm
er being lobbed. Hois the chap wo
aro after and wo are patiently awaiting
your anuwvr to a singlo proposition set
forth bv us. You not only dodgo hut
compk'tuy ignore- us and put jortli j
new ideas iih advanced by the OrOgOu-
Peed Mills, Disc Harrows, Cultivators, Seeders and Drills, Hacks,
gear, front cut, sim
Absolutely no
inn and others.
Now, please halt, and go back- and
explain away the Oregon election.
Why your solid democratic county
don't maintain your argument? How
about our business failures? How
about the wool interests just now?
Why every poor man wants to get in
to this poverty stricken "protected"
country, where agiiculture is crushed,
liberty dying and tlio whangdoodle
inourncth for its first born, oh ! give us
a little more light on some of these lit
tle items and don't bite oil' more than
you can chew at once, then having set
tled all things satisfactory, we will
build n ship and cross the big pond
with a free trade banner Hying at the
mast head. We will land in Turkey
enquire of the sultan why his govern
ment is bankrupt; her domestic com
merce Iiiih disappeared and foreign
powers are about to hold an inquest
on the remains. His answer cannot
otherwise than that the llritish free
trade policy did it as it did it unto us.
We will sail for India and propound
till! same qcstions, thence to South
America and make inquiry of the
Spanish American states about the
beneficient and wise measures of the
Uritish'governmcnt in kindly assisting
them to destruction by its enactment.
If wo aro not requested to pull down
our banner and hoist one of '"protec
tion," our imagination is very vivid
and we will "cave" and von "niav take
the cake." " ..M 10 1) ICO.
Cornucopia Ja1A tor.
Cornucopia, Or., .June 2(5, 1SSS.
ICniTOit Scour:
In your issue of the 8lh inst., refer
ring to the unfortunate atl'air that cost
.1. II. Hooker his life, 1 think you have
done an injustice to both Wobert ICcllj
and (ieorge Neweonib, and, as 1 be
lieve Tin: Scot T has no desire to pub
lish other than facts, 1 herewith send
statements of the facts as 1 got them
from personal knowledge, and from
those who witnessed the sad end of
.loo Hooker's life.
I hoard the evidence before the
committing magistrate, which, with
other facts above alluded to, 1 think 1
am familiar with all the facts of the
case. ICelly and Hooker have been
intimately friendly for three years
past, anil at no time have they been
enemies. In fact it is known gen
erally, that ICelly alonejcould do any
thing with Hooker, when be, Hooker,
was on one of his lighting drunks.
On the night of tlio killing, Hooker,
who believed, as he said, that a num
ber of the cili.ons of this place had
not ticated him right. .Mr. Ccorge
Newcomb being one of his supposed
enemies, anil on the evening of the
killing, Hooker, Kelly, Newcomb and
others were in Shea's saloon, when
without, any provocation, Hooker bo-,
camo very angry and demonstrative
against Newcomb and used very viol
ent lai.guage; ICelly requested Mr.
Newcomb to go away and pay no at
tention to Hooker, as he was drunk.
Newcomb d'd as ICelly requested and
as I believe, went home. In a short
time after Newcomb left, Hooker went
out on the street, pulled his knife and
pistol and became much more threat
ening anil abusive of Newcomb than
before. ICelly hearing Hooker, and
being afraid Newcomb had returned,
wont out on the porch and icquested
bystanders to got Nowcomb away and
he would try and reconcile Hooker.
Newcomb, however, hud not returned
nor had he in any way irritated Hook
er. IColly went towards Hooker in the
street, but Hooker stopped him and
threatened to shoot any person who
came near him. ICelly tried to pacify
him but ho seemed wild with passion,
and brandishing his weapons, said that
he would kill any person that came
near him, and that he would tight the
town, Kelly then, as ho tmys, con
cluded to leave Hooker and twice Mar
todjlo go home, but, fearing HookCr
would either kill some one or get killed
he returned, as ho knew the feeling in
Cornucopia was very much against
Hooker, and ho concluded to try once
more to save hid friend from trouble as
ho know ho had mote jHwer over
Hooker than any other person, so he
remained, and again and again, at the
risk of hid life, tried to pacify and con
trol him. After repeated dibits on
wio pari oj ieny to rmmuie i looker,
and timound uguin asking Hooker to
' s.
Thimble and Steel Skein, Tubular. Channel bar and Iron Axles.
(itinrantoed to be tho Libtrst Kumiiiif: and Most Durable wnpm nianu
factuicd. A Warranty Acconi)anit Kaeb Wagon Su!d.
Fov Printed JlntW. Descriptive of tho above Machinery, etc, Address:
put up his weapons and go home with
him, Hooker said" "D n you, I will
kill you," and he took aim at K"lly,
ICelly then said: ".loo, whit good
would it do you to shout your Inend?
You will not do so, nut up your weap
ons and go home with nie like a good
man." I looker replied : "I will show
you what sort of a good man I am,"
and then advaneod on Kelly with .
raised pistol ami knife. At this time
they were only eight or ten feet apart. I
ICeily then saw that he bad lost all!
control of Hookcr.and that Hooker no
longer recognized him, but lcg.irdcd
him as an enemy. Kelly then com
menced to naci; away and i ing more
afraid of Hooker's knife than bis pistol
took bis own pistol from his pocket to
ward oil' the knife, but still backing
awav from bis then insane friend, when
bis foot unfortunately caught on soinoj
obstacle and be fell backward to the
ground. In bis endeavor to keep his
feet bis pistol which was a double ac-1
tion Hull Dog, exploded, and ICelly as
sures me that ho was unconcious of
the fact that he had bred the pistol
which fact, the evidence proves. There I
was sullicient provocation to justify
self defense but ICelly regaided Hooker!
as his f liend and no provocation'
would have induced him to injure j
Hooker, much less, kill him. Imme
diately after the pistol exploded and
before Kelly had regained his feet Mr. i
(ieorgo told Kelly he hud killed Hook
er. Said ICelly: "Then I have killed i
my best friend."
ICelly struggled with Hooker for
more than an hour, and took chances
of loosing his life, which, it is safe to
say, no other man in the camp would
havo taken. during which time, Hooker
told Kelly, time and again, that he
would kill him. and held bis pistol on
Kelly a good portion of the time. And
no woul did ICelly utter, except those
that were most friendly, using all per
suasive language that he was master
of, to reconcile Hooker.
It is a most unfortunate a Hair, and
you will leadily understand the feel
ings of the man who is now held to
bail in the sum of iffi.OOO, for aeciilent
ly killing his friend. The most prom
inent citizens of this place and l'ine
valley volunteered to become Kelly's !
bail, and two days after the bond was1
tiled, citizens of I'iiK valley came and)
oll'eied nioie bail if it was required. I
will heie make the prediction, and 1
may say it is the general opinion, that
no jury will be tound in Oregon to
convict ICelly of any crime. ,
Trusting that I have not taken tool
much of vour valuable space, and ho-!
ping, as a matter of justice to lr. Kel
ly, and, also, that the public may learn
the facts of the case, that you will find
room for Ibis communication, I am,
Hespcctfullv, etc.,
W. "!. F.SllKl!.
A distressing accident happened be
tween (llcen's Ferry and Shoshone
Tuesday morning. As a train load of
sheep from Oregon were bound east
ward a spark from the engine tot lire
to one of the eats and befoio it could
be e.tinguishcd several of the sheep
were literally roasted alive. Tlio sheep
in the car adjoining crowded to one
end, which broke the tipper deck, let
ting them drop to the lower lloor,
smothering several. They wore un
loaded at Pocatello. Kxchange.
.Mr. .1!?, Wilkinson, who has been
superintending Hall Hro's. warehouse
at tlio Union depot for several months,
guvo us the following as the bhipmeut
fioin there since October KSS7:
lbtrlev, T.Tl.lO.'Tlbs; oats, 11:1,170 lbs;
hops.'S.IHX) lbs; wool, (1.S.T7 lbs. In
addition to the abovo there has been
about .100 tons of hay shipped and
thoro aro aro about 10,000 lbs. of wool
in the waieliotieo awaiting shipment.
One shingle machine, one kilting
machine, one moulding machine, one
drag saw, aUo shafting, pulleys, belt
ing, etc., nearly new, will bo sold very
cheap for cash, or approved note.
AUo for sale, some new and second
hand furniture. Inquire of Samuel
(1. White, Hove, I'niou county. Oro-
. A.
Train-, arrive and dipai't fnuu I nnm
ilnilv , a" Inllow s
i im i.i ii n. u , vr mii m.
I'usxeiijr,.!' No. Ii, IvrM'lloM'li;. r. Ni'.,r, I.'ve
it 1 n in. nt .'! J!' !' III.
Freight. Nil in. L'vc'Fmriii. '. l". b've
,it 'J : In ii m. i .ii :: ' (I p. in.
TI( M' I.TC tn noil trorn prim tpiil pnintx
l lUiviv l o i,itln" I'niteit .Status, Canada
and Kuni".
Elegant Cars.
l.'iiiifO'anr Sli'cpint: ':: Hun Tlinaili
mi Hvpiv-1- Traiin t i
Fret! of Charge ami Without dnuine.
OIom! connections at Portland lor San Fran
cico and I'up'i Siiuiul imin.
For turthcT particular-) initiire of unv
Ajjcut of the C'liiipanv or of A. b. M.i.xwull,
i. P. ttT. A., Poitlaiiil.Ure-ii!!.
I'KO.M CIlliTI.VMl. ! H'iiilM -V N 11! VNel-l'O.
Leaving at 12 Miiln't.,1. v"iif Spear -t. vvh'
ax follows : at ill a.m. .is follow :
Oregon, Mon May ..SjCol'a. Sun., May
Columbia Fri. .Mine lState, Tnesilav ,.
State. Tuesday ,. ""Orcsroii, Mon. .Mine
Oregon. Sit
n'Coiiunbia. M'l.
Columbia. Wed
state, iucs. ,,
'ire 'on. Sat.
State, .Sunday
Oregon, Thurs. ,, 21
Columbia. Wed. ,,
Columbia. Mon.
tide. Minilav ,,
State, ! inlay
.. 2!Ore.'oit Thur.
Oregon, Tue. July .'l('olitinbia Mon.luly 2
The conipanv reserves the right to change
steamers or sailinir davs.
Ucn'l Manager. I i. P. it 'I'. A,
II I.. DF.ACON. A .cut. I'liion.
Tlio Wont Slioro 1 thu only Ultittratril mapa
xiiio imlilUheil on tlio Pnclllc coast, anil ueulo
from Its excellent llternry features, its object la
to convey information, bv both ix-n anil iencll,
of the croat reeotircca of this region, and tho
jiroi;reis of their development.
8ioc!al illiistratod articles appear In each
issue ; also, paRca of notes of th? pro.
press being niailo in every pection. Oregon,
Vv'iislitiyton, Idaho, Jlont-nna, Alaska, Utah.
California, llritish Columbia, and tho Pacific
NorCiHi-ft in general, aro being illustrated.
Tlio subscription prlco is only $2.S0. It Is not
onlv tho cheapest illuttratcd macazine In the
United States, but contains articles and en
gravings of great Interest to every resident of
nils region, which can not bo found in any
other publication.
Subscribers for 18SS rccclvo a large fupple
meut every month. Tho tlrst ono is a beauti
ful oleograph of tho ' Kntranco to tho Colum
bia Kiver," printoil In nlno colors, and each
of tho others represents somo feature of our
ubilmo scenery. Tho supplements arc alone
worth moru than the prico of the magazine.
Try It for ls8, anil after reading, senil It to
jour friends elsewhere. You will find it boUj
entertaining and instructive.
U 8AMUEU Publisher,
tn-173 Second St., Portland, Oregon.
Nttriri: or roitrKiTriti:.
Countv of 1'iilon, state of Ongon,
TnW. II. Creed, Thomas Fitch, L. Itilt
iiuoier. J. Hurley and T. N. Snow
You and each of vou are licrv
uy notithsl thut wo hav-' expcmled
oiie hundred dolluts m nny: and
Improvement upon the "I.uiua Johnson"
iptartz inlnliig claim. I bis cl;iiin U situa
ted In Ur.oi.te uiiulug district in I nton
countv, Origon. about one half milt) above
thearutra of Win. Horper, on the right
Iwuk of Hlk creek, and is u'so calletl tin1 "O.
It. iV. X" I'lidni, us will unpear by ceriill
cute of location and aiuciiiled loc ttlun (IIihI
AugiiNt 'ilst ami Sepleniber 1st. 1Sa in the
ollice of the ilistricl reconler of said dl
tnut, In ouler to hold s-.d-l ptvmWos unUr
thu piMvUioiisof Si'i-iion 'ifcN, reviwd tnt
lite ot the I'llitwl Stut. l eli'g'lhe alinmnt
rcipihcd to hold the same for tin year ti
ding Pec. Ut, l.vST. and if within ninety
day jiti r thl notice vou inil or refuse to
contribute your proportion oi the cxpendi
ture as n i'o-oHiur, yt tir interest hi all
claim will Im'coi.iu the projml.v of the sub
bcrlhuro. under id wetlon.
Uatwl this l.ih day of April, lsj-s.
Mils. A LIC I : KsTO,
J K M loi:y,
W T ItKilir,
Itruniuiiwm iluuii J
Buggies and carriages
Has iron wheels. The teeth are made of
the finest quality of steel, tempered in
oil, and each one thoroughly tested
before leaving the shop. s)
Easy to Operate. To
The Frederick
Mitchell Kanche ,
The alxn e ram-he. Mttuiteil in the Cove,
in tliis futility, is hereby oUVml to the
highest liiil'ie'r for a term emlin March
1st, l.Ssii. Tlcrc is at least -JO.) acres of
fine meadow Kr,,whigon the place, at the
present lime with ahotil 100 ucrcs of nuoil
pasture, with Rood liuildiiij;-'. st.thlcs, water
and otlnr natural and modern convenien
ces The lncser will he reiitiired to give mile
wich approved security, payable March 1st,, for the rent thircof. 1 will receive
bids adilres-eil 'o me at Joseph, Oregon,
iniiil .lulv Sfli, isss. at no m, wlien all i-idx
will lie opened Mock raisers and others
interfiled in h.iiidliinr hav, vi old consult
their interest by examining tin proieity.
No less than three humlie I tousol line hav
is grown on this r.inchc annually, The
phu e has mil fewe ai.d well watered pas
ture for stock.
The rent will iibo include the fruit glow
ing on flic place.
' Adiuiniti':itor the estate of Frederick
Mitchell, dceca-eil. i
, Timber
.ami, .let .liine :i, 1K7U Xotleit
fur I'lllillral bill.
I. S. I.ANii Oftii r I.v (iitvM)i:. Oiu:nox,l
April!!. lSsv ."
Notice is hereby given that ill compliance
with the provisions if the net of Congress
of .luue ;:, 1MTS, entitled ""An wl for the s de
of timber lands in the States of California,
Oregon, Nevada, and Washington Territo
ry." Wll.I.IAM HCCI. K. of Telocaset,
('oiuity of I ninn. Muteot Oiegon. lias this
day filed in tilts ollice Ids sworn statement
Nii, II), for the purchase of the SF.qr. of
NWqr. ami F, hlf. sW p-. and SW ipr.
sK p-. of Siction No. 7. in Township No.
US, Kange No. ."S W. M, and will oiler
iioof to show; that the land sought is more
v aluable tor its timber or stone than for ag
ricultural purposes, and to establish bis
claim to said laud before tin register and
receiver o'tliis otfliv ,it I.a (Irailile. Oie
gon, on .Moiiilay the Ptli day of .lulv, l.sss.
lie names as witness). ,: Adam S'cl-on,
laeob Stanbaugh. Win. I.. I'urrows and
.lolin Sloilard, all of Telee.tsct, Oregon.
Any and all persons elalniing adversely the
above-described lands ale requested to (ile
their claim! in tills ollice on or before said
!)th day of July, l.vSs.
Hkxi-.v litxcit VIST,
l-i:j-vvli) llegister.
L.vxn oi'Tti i: at Lv liiiANim, Ouniiox,)
j June isns.
Notice is hereby given that the following,
named settler lias filed notice of his inten
tion to unike final proof m support of his
! claim, and that said proof will tic lmcle be
! fore the register and reei iverat La (irande.
1 Oregon, on Aug. (i, SOLOMON
V. O'SICK, Ji. S, :. 7:i0!l, for the X'.:
NWH, NWi, XK', and SHi,' XW1, Sei"
23, Tp. .'1 S, It, :u V.. He ntiinus the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon, and cultivation of, said land,
viz: II. Stafford, Joshua Bradford.
Carl Hewitt and Win. II. Huffman, all of
I'niou, Oregon.
iii:m:y isini:uvkt,
I honison ic rurel aro agents for
the celebrated Cyclone WiniLMill, and
as the prices on them have been great-
ly reduced they are now within the
, reach of all. Sample mill to be seen
at their planer in North Tnion. fall
and examine it.
1 Obtained, and all Patent Ilusiness attended
I to Promptly and for Moderate Fees.
' Our ollice is opposite the 1'. S. Patent
Ollice, and we can obtain Pntenis In less
time than those remote from Wasoington.
I Send MODULor Hit VWINO. Wo advise
as to piiiitentubilily five of charge; and we
luiako NO I'll A HOE 1'NLKsS PATENT LS
I sl-.Cl UED.
We refer, here, to the Postmaster, the
Nipt, of Monev Order Hiv., ami U otllcials
ot the I . S. l'an-nt Oiliic. For circular,
advice, terms ami reffi rcnces to actual cli
ents In your own state or County, write to
('. A. KXOW& ('..
Opposite Patent OilUe. W.isiiiugton. I). C
ii v 1 1 tv w$ wWs'iMim
Or,r!i ik J. " 'StHhim
FR0M $50 TO $ 1 00 sa vm
On the pur ht:se f an lns'rum -nt. hy
huyuig turouph W T WliloliT,
j;tn, I'niou Orttfon,
uul SW&: w cm
aro lv1,1 ' Vlf
Unexcelled Jt" 1 ' n , jciSP$-
of all descriptions.
See it is to Buy it.
Union, Oregon.
notice for juih,ication
Laxii Okvi' i: at La (Iuaniik, Oiikoo.v.i
May L'l. 18x8. ;
Notice is hereby given that the Pillowing
naiiu djsettler has tiled notice of his Inten
tion to unike final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will he made he
fore tiie rcgter and receiver at li (Srandc.
Oregon, on .lulv ICth. 1SSS. viz: JOHN
CbAKK, I). S. No. SPJO, for the NF. ir. Sec. i
l.Tp.SS, 1J. I.") V.. He mimes the follow-
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi- j
deuce upon, ami cultivation of, said land,
viz: .1. V. Chandler. II. W. Fowler. A.
W. Motlev and J.S. Currv, nil of Fine Val
ley, Or.
.r)-2."i w(S ltegisicr.
Lvxii Ori P i: vt J.v (iUA.vnr, Ouroo.v )
June 2, 18SS. I
Notice is hereby given that thu following
named settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will lie made be
fore thu register and receiver at La (Iranile,
O.egon .lulv l.'t. I WW. viz: FUAKCIS
FAVKF, lid. No. for the IJ'i NWK,
and W'ii NK'-f. See.TJTp. .IS K40 R, WM.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and culti
vation of. said land, viz: Jasper X. Mitchell,
W. H. IluHmaii. T. H. Johnson and Wal
lace (!. Hinckley, all of Telocaset, Oregon.
(i-S-vvfl l'egister.
Land Orncf. at La (tievNin:, Oiu:ion,1
June l.'t. ms. I
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler lias tiled notice of his inten
tion to make Una! proof in support of his
claim, ami that said proof will be made, he
fore the legister and receiver at La Grande,
Oregon, on Aug, !, 1HSH, viz: JOSHl'A
HISADFOUI). ltd, No. 2!t'2. fortlie SK',
XW',.s;a XK.'i and X HI, SKH Sec. 15,
Tp. ." s, It. .'Ml K. He names the following
witnesses to pr ivc his continuous residence
upon, anil cultivation of, said laud, viz:
W. II. Slatl'ord. Solomon F. Cusick, Carl
llewitand Win. II. ItiiU'man, all of I'niiiii,
lll'.XUV KlXKllMlT,
(i-22-v(i Kegister.
Lvxn Okkici: at L (iitANin:, Oiu:uon,
June 12. 1SSS. 1'
Notice is hereby given that the follovving
liaiued settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make tinal proof in support of his
claim, ami tluit saitl proof .vill lie made be
fore the register and receiver at La (iramlu.
Oregon, on .lulv 27th. ISsS, viz: JOHN
HANSON, D. S. Xo.ViKi. for the X. SWK
SIP , SW', andSW', SIP, See. ."M'Tp. ft
S, H. II F, W. M. lie i anies the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence T
upon, ami cultivation of, said land, viz:
Isaac liallcr, Cyuis II. Prescott. W. II. -i
llutimau and i ieorge W. Frasier, all of
Telocaset, Oregon.
Hu.MtY Hi.imKT,
it-in-wii Hegisti-r.
notici: ok ronri:iTUUK.
Coriiucopia. Oregon. March 2S. 18SS.
To (ieorge Uelisou and John llallet:
You are hereby notitied that we. your -owners
in the claim or mine known as the
"Pine Hose" claim, situated in the liaison,
extention of the "(Jueeii of the West," and
have expended one hundred dollars in as
sessment work for the year 1K87, on said
claim, as required hy law, and if you fail to
contribute your portion of said amount
within ninety days from date of service by
publication of this notice, your interest in
said claim will become the property of the
undersigned co-owners as provided In sec
tion 2:121 revised statutes I'.S.
axswku to iNqunurs, $1.00
rracuring Und Patents, Filing Argumenti
and Conductlno Contests, on Moderate
Terms. Send for circular lo
Trnvrntr vr nnrri attoiinkt
ETrr SfttUr klioubl Iiito Copp'n Scttltr'i CnUa
Hi pgNi prlro only ii renin (pontage eUapifc