The Oregon scout. (Union, Union County, Or.) 188?-1918, June 29, 1888, Image 5

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gatr.?ca.KJK.Ttraru vmi Kiuyj r tmjj jtjjwi luilu
THE OREGON SGOiiT. ( warry ( ritoCEEDlXGS. I Personal mid Social.
The Oregon Scout has an large a circu
lation on any three papers in thin sec
Hon of the State, combined, and in cor
respondingly valuable an an advertising
Friday, Juno 20th, 1SSS.
Union and Vicinity.
Sunshine and showers.
Will you celebrate at the Cove?
Mr. Daugherty, of the Cove, was in
town, Saturday,
Several letters unavoidably crowded
out of this issue.
The city of Salem had a SfTfi.OOO
blaze last week.
The cemetery is to be greatly im
proved this summer.
Mrs. Mallory, of Heppner, is visiting
friends and relatives in this city.
Horn. In this city, ThurMlay June
28th, to the wife of Orin Skin", a ton.
Mrs. Dr. Diggers and Miss Hallio
McClurc, of La Grande, visited Union
Mrs. Hubo Smith, of Goose creek, has
been visiting in this city for several
days past.
If you want painting, graining, or
paper hanging done, call on George
Don't be ashamed to speak a good
word for the town you live in, to
Thomas Brasliier has enclosed his
residence property in west Union with
a neat wire fence.
Mr. Jacob Connor called on us yes
terday, lie is an old rc-ident of Cove,
and is taking life easy. samw-a!
New water mains are being placed
across the street between the City hotel
and the court house block. ,
Landreth, the Polk county murder
er, under sentence of death, will pay
the penalty of his crime July (5th.
Mr. John Bloom and daughter, of
Pine valley, oame down this week and
will remain at the Cove till after the
Remember the grand celebration
and dance on the Fourth at Medical
Springs. Preparations are being made
been Hying
a few davs.
Jxoks like he might he alter some
thing, or somebody, or something else.
If you wish to enter tflclTooTmg
match at the Cove, the Fourth, you
can obtain guns and cartridges at the
Cove drug store, where all those con
testing must leave their names by 1
o'clock, v. M.
An infantile cyclone swept through
the Palouse country one day last week.
The damage done, however, was slight,
but convinced the people, of that sect
ion that one full grown would not do
to fool with.
The soothing and restorative effects
"tjf-Aycr's Cherry Pectoral are realized
in all cases of colds, coughs, throat or
lung troubles, while its powerful heal
ing qualities are shown in the most
serious pulmonary disorders.
We are requested by the county
' court to state that after tho July set
tlement the delinquent tax list for
1S87 will lie published. It would bo
well for those who are delinquent to
settle before that time.
Many a young girl shuts herself out
from society because her face is cov
ered with pimples and blotches. All
disfiguring humors are removed by
purifying the blood with' Aycr's Sar
saparilla. This remedy is the safest
and most reliable that can be used.
... .. A
A sudden and severe squall came mi
one day last week on tho Columha
river bar. Quite a fleet of fishing boats.
from the different Astoria canneries
were out on the bar with their nets,
four of which capsized, and the sup
position i6 that some four or live men
mot a watery grave.
A letter to this office authorizes us
to say that thero will be no-lth of July
celebration at Telocasct this year as it
was found that proper and necessary
arrangements could not bo perfected
in time to make it the success that
was desired. People who intended
spending the -1th there will take notice.
Judgo Boise has decided that the
prohibition candidates for city offices
in Silverton, Oregon, were elected, ajul
made an order ousting the four coun
cilmen who were holding down their
places in tho council, and seating tho
four prohibitionists. Crooked work in
conducting the elections and in mak
ing the rotums don't pan out every
If you don't want strangers to come
and sottle in your vicinity, tell him
the disadvantages of it, speak ill of
your neighbors, treat him as though
you suspected him of being a thief,
and tell him so if ho don't cach on.
Charge him as long as you can hold
your breath, and toll him h'j should be
thankful you didn't askr,l0re; it will
have a good effect, and no will likely
settle about as far as n0 fIOm you.
Tho continuancr, of ,reqnent show
ors has insured nr tIlt. funnurs 0f this
county an abr,n(lillU t.r0j, f Kr.4in luy
and all fan,, products. The fear that
tho long dryjU had k injured the
crol,s chat a larso. acreage of both
Samuel rfiade a county charge
with allowai $4 per week, from
June 1st.
The clcrtucteu to procure tt
suitable boi he platting of coun
ty roads, ai -e all the roads in
the county 1 opened since July
1st, 1SS(5' J therein, and index
the same. properly index all
the roads o unity, and procure
such books may deem advisable
to complete vork.
Oredred t o boundary of road
district No. ;o changed as to in
clude Sees. 7 of Tp. (5 S, R. -11
E. W. M. an the above Sees, be
left out of iCtriet No. 22.
An approjn of ijCiOO was made,
to W cxiuim the Pine Creek-
road betweil'cr and Pine alley
N. SchoonJppointed to expend
said amoun
Bills ami to $.1,000.82. were
allowed am lints ordered drawn.
Sheep slufiias been leduced to
quite a j?ci6i this country, anil
many of ouife men have become
quite proficjn the use of the
shears, and c the sheep shearing
season have! a bonanza. They
generally fohnselves into "crews'
work togctb
most notahlA
young menft
business :
Huff, J. B
D. Johnson,
Coriull, L
man, Geo.
ten men each, and
hug the season, j no
in this county is
following named
an expert in the
Johnson. Granville
P. A. Cornell, Gus.
Johnson, Win. P.
(licardin, Win. Gor-
lohnson and 1" rank
Huff. This has recently made
several very records. Last week,
on Mr. I)r:innohe. thev sheared
pfu-lT sheep hours.
Owing to jot that there will be
grand celeni at Portland on the
Fourth, endioth a most magnifi
cent display works, and celebra
tions at olheij's on the line of the
(). K. & N. Cr railroad company
has made a etc rate for the round
trip from Jul! to July -Jth inclus
ive, good fujirn until July (5th.
This icductutood to any place on
e .1
ior a giaim unit.-. iwiiiniL. ... ,i . . .,, .
, , Tipvii' hnc w!fl celebration will be
Oonstahlo Catcs has been ilvinc iVJi i V i i :n
around quite lively for
hcjlil this lthSs reduced rate will
em hie those tiesire to attend the
nd eelebr.fut Portland or other
half fare for the
r the cheapest rate
torn pa ny.
.places, to do It
round trij
ever made by
The Newt$in and spring wag
ons, Standanlvers and rakes and
all kinds oft implements con
stantly arrivifeid on hand, at the
above namedjl. Farmers and in
tending piucfc should call and ex
amine the saqfore purchasing else
where. Price, and all goods war
ranted. ForSlars address F. M.
Sloeum, maniBox 113, Union, Or.
ine, one bolting
machine, onojlding machine, one
drag saw, als lifting, pulleys, belt
ing, etc., neai w, will be sold very
cheap for c: or approved note.
Also for sale ie new and second
hand furnitt Inquire of Samuel
G. White, (it Union county, Ore
Mr. J. M. I of the Cove, has
trio of Guinejds, and hereafter the
speckled, bijoisy, beauties ' will
make their pi:o known around his
Miss MathjHl be in Cove until
further noticd-r Monday afternoon,
and will rem; tQout two days. All
those wishin es-making, etc., will
piease trovemieives accordingly.
The ladies ,&a will set ice cream
tables during! eclebration on the
1th of July, t&i there will likely be
a number of nK who will wish to
remain to tlfoworks, supper will
be served in Hiring loom of Ascen
sion hull, fio to S o'clock' p. M,
Proceeds of
lor tho purp
who fence art
Mr. Wm. T
week horn Ci
ty, where he
time, lie hai
stock ranch t
with the couj
severe cold of
and that thei
that kind rai
of grapes, sw
hay. A nun,
about as well
ical climates.
nd gunner will bo
)f putting a woven
ho Ascension hall
Mr. B. F. Wilson now sports 'brand
now buggy.
Mr. John Phy was on our streets,
Mr. James Wilson, of Wallowa, was
in town this week.
Mr. S. B. Borroughs, of the Cove,
visited us, Monday.
C. II. Prescott.of Antelope, was in
the city, Saturday.
E. P. Mc Daniel, of the Cove, was on
our streets, Tuesday.
Mr. Joshua Bradford, of Telocasct,
called on us, Fiiday.
Mr. Jos. Nodine returned from his
tour to Idaho, Tuesday.
Mr. G. E. Owen, of the La Grande
Journal, was over, Saturday.
Mrs. Jasper, of the Cove, is quite
sick with the ervsipclas.
Mrs. P. M. Collin has returned home
from a trip to Dayton, W. T.
Mrs. Robt. Lloyd, of North Powder,
was visiting in Union this week.
Mr. J. W. Lytic, of Island, made us
a pleasant Visit a few days ago.
Mr. John Wilson, of Medical springs,
paid Union a visit during the week.
Miss Nellie Stevens and sister, of
the Cove, were in the city, Saturday.
Mr. Fordyce, an old resident of
Suinmerville, was in the city this
Frank E. Ilodgkin, of Salem, was
registered at the Centennial hotel last
Mr. Horace Eaton and Mr. Newton
o came down this
creek, Baker coun-
icon located for some
excellent fruit and
and is highly pleased
He savs that the
Winter injured tho
peach and api trees to some extent
1be but little fruit of
f hero will bo plenty
potatoes, and alfalfa
pf almond trees aro
growing thea'nd seem to yield
wy do in more trop-
B. W. Grijhas been here this
week, arrancftiiattcrs to start his
stage ever thiiion and Cornucopia
bin- the first Univ. That tho lino
will be u remttuivo one in tho fu
ture there islloubt. It is by fur
the shortest Ite. and ono of tho
pkubaute.t can bo made from
pra,,.i and hay would not be hurvcfcttxl, ; any o'her j 3'ueing well protected
B passed awav, and at present larm- I Iioin the ludtk rays of the sun in
Vrs are buoyant with good cheer from
tho favorable condition of their eiojw.
Crops are not likely to be a failure in
this country and ovorj farmer knowo
I it, but when things look as gloomy as
they did awhilo it is no wondor tho
l i i e . . .
ikani working iiirinura imgui iu iiwu
Ktli in the adage that "crops never
. iii ureeon.
D '
bummer, i.ndli tho btorms iu win
ter. Wo havtboundod faith in its
beinc kept 0 during tho winter
a Mr. unllln, who
that he en n't travel
winter. Mr. Griffin
Niil knows what ho
propota to do it.
months, and
IrumIid at the
over 't during
is an old &U
can do, andi
Jones came down from "Half way"
this week.
Mr. A. T. Neill now rides in a new
phaeton which he purchased a few
days ago.
Mr. J. W. Kennedy and wife have
been visiting friends and relatives at
the Cove.
W. 11. Ilullinan was navigating his
ponderous bulk along our sidewalks
this week.
Mr. Corwin Coffinberry left, Monday,
to look after his mining interests in
Mr. Sam'l. Vanorder, of the Park,
accompanied by his father, visited
Union this week.
Mr. Louie Davis, now attending the
University at Eugene, is expected
home in a few days.
D. A. McAllister, of La Grande, was
in Union, Tuesday, looking just as well
as before election.
Mr. J. D. Carroll, of North Union,
has been quite unwell for several days,
but is improving.
Mr. John Blize, who has been so
journing at Lookout mountain, re
turned homo, Wednesday.
Miss Jessie Looney, of Jefferson,
Marion county, is visiting her cousin,
Miss Fannie Wright of this city.
Miss Libbie Ebcrstine and Miss
Robison, two popular young ladies of
the Cove, visited Union lecently.
Mrs. L. B. Rinehart took her depar
ture, yesterday, for Vale, Malheur
county, on a visit. She will be gone
about a month.
Miss Laura Walker, who has been
staying with Mrs. Eakin for the past
three months, returns to her home at
Eugene, to-morrow.
Miss Minnie Buzzell's lecture at the
M. E. church last Sunday, on Chinese
Missionary work, was very interesting
and was well received.
Mrs. F. W. Baltes, of Portland, ar
rived heie, yesterday, on a visit to her
relatives. Her sister, Miss Maggie
Bell, has been quite sick for several
Mr. Kirsey Lccp and Mr. If. W. B.
Robinson, two prominent young men
of Pine valley, visited Union the foro
part of tho week. We acknowledge a
pleasant call.
Mr. B. W. Huffman is now visiting
in Wallowa county. We hope to re
ceive a description of that magnificent
section from him. He is a writer of
extraoidinary ability.
Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Tyler, of
Forest Grove, who are interested in
sonic of tho Union county mines, were
in town, Tuesday, and left, Wednes
day, for their mining camp.
Mrs. Lou Remillard ami her sister,
Miss Emma Jones, of. Butte City,
Montana, arrived here, Saturday, ott a
visit to their parents and-sister. They
will remain in the county about two
Mr. B. F, Wilson hflrs been sojourn
ing the mostof thi week at the Cove
in attendance upon his sister, Miss
Mary Wilson who has been lying dan
gerously ill for several days, but is
tomo lwttcr.
Mr. W. F. Blanchett, of tho Leigh
ton Academy, Cove, called on us last
week and ordered Tub Scotrr sent to
San Mateo, Cal., where he goes in a
week or two to take a position in St.
Matthew's Military Academy.,.,. --o
Mr. L. B. Haggcrty and wife, of
the Cove, were in Union, Wednesday,
Mr. Haggcrty is one of tho solid farm i
i r ii.. r 1 1
erfi anu iruu raisers oi iiiu auu
an old resident. Ho was ono of our
first subscribers, and says we xan
count on him during his lifetime,
Again, like the preacher's "old old
story," we present for the readers of
Tiik ScotT, and into whose hands it
may chance to fall in other lands, a
claim to your indulgence. We will
state thai this article is written in and
for the interest of Union and her en
terprising citizens. We know there
are some who will dissent from us in
our views, but they arc u class in which
the elements of dissent, distrust and
wilful contrariness are so deeply en
grafted into their natures that it is al
most a necessity to their existence to
dissent nevertheless we have a class
of citizens here who are anxious to see
the prosperity of our city increase, and
who, when an enterprise is on foot
which is likelv to be of benefit to the
place, are readv to lend a helping hand,
and by so doing increase their store of
usefulness and wealth.
It is well known, and every person
in this valley, who, when he takes an
impartial iew of the matter admits
that for natural advantages Union is
in the lead of any other town in the
valley. True it is we have not solidly
built blocks of brick, stone or Italian
marble, but we have the elements i f
success hero and we propose to suc
ceed. We have a large country tribu
tary to us and as the country settles
up with the inpouring tide of immi
gration, we will undoubtedly will have
our streets on either side studed with
a better class of buildings, just as fast
as the ligitimate urowlh of Union and
her prosperous surroundings call for
them. The evil effects of building a
town or trying to build a town in ad
vance of its ligitimate wants have been
sadly felt in several other towns in
this state, and file citizens of Union,
while they will use all means in their
power to build up the town, propose
to profit by the too rapid growth of
other towns, and ask for increased fa
cilities as fast as we really require
them. We have staled often befoie
that we have certain objects which we
not only hoped to obtain but which we
intend to have, and we say now that
we are securing as fast, perhaps, as it
is mete for us so to have. Our under
current is sufficiently strong to carry
us through, and it is only a matter of
time that the tide of prosperity will be
sweeping into this quiet city, and then
our outside neighbors will wonder how
and by what means we have accom
plished so much. Patience and perse
verence have been the nioito of our
citizens, and now soon our hopes may
be realized, and Union attain to the
sphere she lias so long and anxiously
been looking forward to.
What Have we Done?
Cornucopia, Or, June 20, ISSS.
Editor Scour:
Great Jove! What unpardonable sin
have the people of Union county com
mitted, that thy bitterest vial of wrath
should be poured out among them,
like scorching streams of love issuing
from Pvle canyon? I would ask thee,
Great Jove, if he is unable to hold his
disappointed contents to get Vulcan
to assist and bar down t lie crater, lest
poor weak humanity should lose their
fastning and wander en masse to thy
rocky fastness, and set up such a howl
of supplication at thy greatness that
your ponderous sides might give way
and a worse plague follow than visited
Egypt in her most lousy times. Do
we not live in a progressive age, that
means change? Ever since the first
covered wagon loaded in Pike county,
Missouri, and basked its red sides in
the setting sun of Grande Rondo Val
ley, Union county has gono democrat
ic, and for ages before, for it was then
wild. Then because tho right dog did
not howl at the right, time, a volcano
must burst in our midst, sending out
dense volumes of smoke, having, how
ever, ono redeeming quality itbrought
rain beinir more beneficial to the
county than tho entire wrath of the
democratic party, for tho next two
years at least. Would it not be better
to lay aside all animosities and local
party issues aud look forward with a
spirit of fairness to the first great prin
ciples that have made us in so short a
time the greatest nation on the earth,
believing that they alone have tho
right to govern who are governed and
tliut the voice of the people is right?
The expression of Eastern Oregon was
not so much the result oi panics,
but of an issue. While all candid
thinking people must know that there
is corruption and fraud in both par
ties, and right here he that is not
guilty let him cast the first stone.
Perfection may surround some people,
but I have an idea they are dead. It
would seem the nearer the two parlies
aro equal, tho closer tho balanco and
tho better tho adjustment, acting like
two streams of water pouring into a
basin from opposite diiections, ming
ling together below and finding their
lovol. Then speak not bitterly of man
kind, unsay what thou has said,
mind cannot mind despise, it is itsilf.
The great and good aro friends and ho
is but half great who is not good.
Yours Truly,
W.T. B.
H"" Rev. Thos. Maefhriro will preach at
couuv on nun uiujiiK iiia uivuivt i , , . , , ,
1T , , , i' 1 thn.-1'ienbvtcrian church every Sunday
Mr. Ilughey Lynch, of Antelope 8 , -k
valley, was in town this week. Ho " '
WW t Ml
Latest Announcement to the Public:
Having just received a large and finely selected stock of General Merchandise
. from Eastern Markets, bought for cash, we can ard will give our customers
The Public is Respectfully Invited to Inspect our Splendid Line of
says tho crops will bo very light iu
that section. Ho and Mr. Jasper
Mitchell will start in a few days for
Long valloy, Idaho, to look out for
some suitable place to take (heir shcyr
and cattle to.
J. L. Alboreon and wife, of Cornu
copia, have been in Union sovoral days
this wook. Mr. Albcrson is ono of tho
enterprising morchunts of tho city of
flue oras. lie alsothus a branch store
at Sanger under tho snpervision of Mr.
12. H. Clingan, Mr. Alberson report
timos itnprovoing in tho mines, -and
tho outlook for futuro prosperity of
that mineral boli vfcry fluttering.
Smith's walking gang plow, tomo-
tliiilg now and just tho thing. For
fjAlc by Frank Bros. Imploment Co.,
Mand OAtv. 4
Treasurer's Notice.
Gent's Furnishing Goods, Mats and caps,
Hoots and Shoes, etc.
A Magnificent line of all shades and qualities. Latest styles of
-And an-
Endless Variety of BEADED TRIMMINGS,
Also a Complete Stock of
and a full line of
Groceries, Cutlery and Notions.
jglSTWE WANT IT UNDERSTOOD that no other store in Union county
can undersell us, and a visit to our establishment will convince any one of the
fact. All are invited to come and see us and we promise to do you good.
Main St., Union, Or.
To the Public of Union and Vicinity,
for the
H i i
I have en route from the East, West,
North and South, the Largest, Eest and
Cheapest line of Clothing, dry goods, ladies'
and gents' goods, all of the Latest Styles.
Summer Hats, 3oots and Shoes, which will
be sold for the
of the general public, at the very lowest
Prices, for Cash.
Union, Or.
All Kinds..
Latest Styles.
Juut Rcoived, Direct from tho East, u Largo Invoice of INDIES' and
MISSES' CALFSKIN SHOES, tho Host Ever brought to this Market.
-Also u Fine Assortment of-
All county warranty pro
son tod and not paid will bo
redeemed up to sopioinnor
25, 1881. Interest ceases LT . ,
OUI. 1 LUO Lilt,
Treasurer Union County, Oregon.
vr - -
MvPrluas will suit tho times. Drop fh and,oo iu
' i .
C. VINCENT, Main StVoot, Union, Or.